;S^etteof \he ilHltetiStates,& PhiladelpMa BaUy JMertiser^' *' * « By John Fznno, at N°" 119 Chejnut Street. NuMBSJt 1463. J For Charter, Pcnnf y N°e«!^ J onN Tsrgis, Ma/ler, following TOW lying at Albertfon's wharf, Sauth- 1 N wa'k—burthen 3300 barrels, in cnmpleat 1 Jcr to uke in a cargo. 1 tor terms apply to 1 Gurney Iff Smith. Which May I, $. Cl reroftl J r — : No. 53 n< For madeira, t"t CI • informed The Sll fame as at ■J." Edward, 1 ■<* 7*>ncs It iclt'bam, Majlrr. TILT, fttil in about Eight days, having V J three-fourths of her cargo engaged. For j^ 3v j fre.,;ht or palfage, apply to the captain on ■ „ board, at Stamper's wharf, or the Subscriber. J John Donnaldfon. An May J!. sßt ' ? . B. Th* Edward is intended to return di- OITUA rtil to this port, and will take in freight at O of Bu Madeira. pied by F For St. Croix;' w _ .... . j four conv To fail in eight days, ca THK BRIG fltuation i Twins, Matthew Kseleß, Mailer, thepurch I'or passage apply to ' ! J,re ' James Tard, '"Mount on Walnut-street wharf. ot Burlul ' ' av ; Burlinj ■tor falc, Allpei The fajl failing Schponer Againl Ydtpm 7\Tl are ret l u I aieillcj.il, lyatteftel White-oak frame —built in the an( j those ila eof Virginia in the year 1796 —37 s ect 3 quested t< inthes keel, 17 feet 10 inches beam, 8 feet 3 c he Subfc ixheshold—burthen 90 tons —is said to carry ROBIiR 630 barrels—-completely fitted and ready to re- JOHN 3 ee sea cargo : For further particulars enquire of April P. >fs and Simfon, No. 121, "South Front-street. r^ o , At the J Now Landing, At Pratt's wharf, falc, FROM on board the ship Thomas Chilkley, Q . C-'apt. Rafer, from Bourdeaux, t" . p r> LARETincaiks wa ersol Ditto in cases abVfcm White Wine Vinegar " ™ Red Skins in bpxes mifeß For Sale by payment Rundle <3 Leech. a bi« cred May li § ofthepr JOHN CRAIG "irT AS just imported from Rotterdam, via St. rl. Jho mas, and for sale on reasonable terms The V thepaekage, . Thirteen Fiatiilas Royal y ears t0 I'aerlem and German linens 2 ette. Uouens A P ril Post and Pr o Patri 4 Paper Wafers Ruling Qti.lls Aij, Oziers for Hoops, in Bundles Coffee Bags He has also for Sale, Best Red Clover Seed . wh R o^ Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate use this Cit Teneriffe Wine of firft and second Quality efforts, i Coffee in Bags and Hqgfoeads eaf< » in ; Jamaica Spirits ' Retherw Conneilicut Turpentine Soap future ta Window Glass • . , e " c Two Trunks of best Patent, Silk and Cotten Hosiery ,h e rece] April 18. iiiflrutte A pair of Good Black Carriage Horses, ful | y alll Wiiich may be seen by application at No. ri4, made ol Spruee Street, between Second and Third. powers ,\Wll. b V art > c — to that TO BE S.O LD, provide A valuable three story Brick House ; SI rUATE in Lodge alley, next to the bank of co[ Pennsylvania, the lot qn which it stands, to- Thc , eethcr with the vacant lot adjoining, which ex- qnertioi tends to Goforth-ftreet. The houi'e is about 50 eV erij g feet mfront on Lodgf .alley, aud about 41 feet as the si in depth, the adjoining lot is about 96 teet relies u front on Lodge alley, and 41 feet on Gotorth- ever ,0 street,, being a street which leads from Chcfnut- r street and Carter's alley into Dock-street at the prol horse market. The haiife consists ot teh lodg- f cr ing rooms, with fix fire places, two dining p 4r t mc ooms, one of them forty feet in length, the it at ed other about thirty-four feet, each containing peol ar two fire plac»s, two parlours and a large kit- already chen, with exrenlive cellars under, and garrets and fui over Jhe wholes privilege of a vacant lot >1" ho, of ground to the eastward between this houle t ' ui h and the bark, a pump of excellent water in the « vc.rd, a handsome piazza fronting the vacant c ,J n lot, and a frame stable and dwelling house on Nov Goforth-ftreet. The premises now rent for £.318 per annum. To be fold clear ot nil in cumbrances. , Ath For terms apply to y&bn Clement Stoeker. April so 3* wtf OIT TEAS, 5at si A FEW cfcefls of Imperial, Ilyfon Skin and pump Souchong Teas ot a superior quality for derne sale at the Itore of the fubferiber, the north- up, tl weft corner of Market an nf , Being the t>ATt st Period to whiih an account *Jt 1 c.'» be made up. 1 • 99' irehrnar) it. $• | A I L PHILADELPHI A: WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAT 17, 1.797. Pennsylvania Population Com pany. \X "VT° tic P '» hereby given to the Sharehold- J lN ers, that a further affelTment of fifteen <- dollars u levied each fhare> payable in the ,ic 1 following instalments —viz. ' lc One quarter immediately. One quarter on the ift of June. One quarter ou the ift September. * nt - One quarter on the ill Dec. next. | or Which they are requested to pay to the Trea- ,n ' surer of the Company at the Company's Office, No. 5.1 north Fourth street, agreeably to the 13 2 times above mentioned ; and they are further am< informed that on their negledling to pay the » fame as above the several forfeitures ro,> direfted by the Constitution, willl be exadled. By order of the Board, SOL. MARACHE, and , - Treasurer. Mav 15 • * •* __ lor TO BE SpLD, bar And pofleffion given immediately, ] A Lot of Land ; mu (SITUATED in Mount-Holly, in th; county ie " 0 of Burlington, in New-Jersey, lately occu- w , pied by Francis Bullus, Esquire, upon which ara an ext;eVent brjck house, two (toties high, with ,c four convenient rooms on each floor, also a good frahie, carriage house and other buildings. The fftuation is valuable for business of any kind, and '' u at least equal to any other in the town. ' "ljie terms of payment will be made eaiy to the purchaser. Apply to William Roflell, Esq. uire, John Perry, or Richard Coxe, merchants, in Mount-Holly or to the Subfcnber, in the city of Burlington. "]\ JOSEPH M'ILVAINE. .j_\ Burlington, 27th April May s—s3W5 —$3W gli All persons who have any demands Against the estate of John Finlay, deceased, an are requested to exhibit their accounts proper ly attelted on or before the 20th of May next — th and those who are indebted to faideftate are re- a tl quested to make immediate payment to either of q\ the Subfcrtbers. ™™i E^ DERS ° N, l AimMHrators *?> JOHN M'CARA, j tic April 26. *3 aw 3«r. t ; t To be Sold at Public Vendue, u * At the Merchants' Coffee house, in Philadelphia, J ' on the 15th day of June, at 8 o'clock in the evening, if not before disposed of at private falc, 40,931 1-2 acres of land, on the j. waters of Wheeling and Fishing creeks, in Wash- fe ington county, Pennsylvania. The foil is .remark- j u ably fertile ; andbefides a large body of meadow, w there are considerable improvements on the pre cr mifea. These lands were patented in 1787. On j a payment of part of the purchase money, a reason- a[ able credit will be given for the residue. Enquire ti] of the printer. Ma Y IJ- 1 $ tS v; TO BE SOLD, 1 The time of a likely NEGRO 801 , p Thirteen years of and has about fourteen years to ftrvc. Enquire at the cvf this ga zette. April 27* - 'ifr $ SWAN N'S J Riding School, Horse Academy & Infirmary, Adjoining the Public Square, Market Street. T, SWANN R ETURNS his finccte thanks to those gentlemen by whom he has been employed, during his residence in this City, and flatters himfelfthat the success ot his efforts, in the numerous, obflinate and dangerous dif- j cases in Horses, in which he has been cnnfulted, to • getherwith his moderate chsrges, will secure their future favors andrecßmmendatton. He now begs leave to inform them ar.dthe public n at large that his spacious and commodious premises, ereflcd for the purpoles above described are open for the reception of pupils of either sex, who with 10 be iiiflru£ted in the Art of Riding, and the right method of governing their hoifes, io as to ride them with . tafe elegance, and fafety—their horses will be care fully and expeditioully broke, forevery purpofe,and t, made obedienfto he will of the riders; the natural 1 powers which are Ihut up in them, will be unfolded by art, calling forth uniformity of motion, and giving to that noble animal ail those beauties of adtion which providence has so bountifully bellowed on them. Also, at his hospital, every diforoer to which the 1 horse is liable will be treated according to the rules of art, confirmed by long and repeated experience. t The utility of the above inftitotion has never been • x " "qneftioned, that it has long been wanted in this city, I i° e verij gentleman's stud willmanileft, and T. Swann ! et asthe fiilleitahlilher of theveterenaryatt, foliciti and et relies upon the fuppoitof that public (which he is h- ever anxious in fetving) to enable him to bring it to • t . perfeftion. The idea of a fubfeription for that pur pose has beeu hinted by feveial gentleman, who wilh to promote the inflitution —the amount of each sub- fcription to be returned by services in any of the de pjrtmeiits-.he profeffes, agreeable to the rate of charges ' ie Hated in his hand bill. . Sucr. now o ng peo, and the figuatures of many refpeftable gentlemen it- already obtained. He the'etore injorms hie friends Cts and fut h Ladies and gentlemen to whom he has not | ot the honor of being known, that he shall io a few jf e days ukcthe liberty of waiting upon them and folici he tm S their fopport and protection. N. B. Horses are properly prepared for those La diesaod Gentlenienwho wilh to be inftrufted. on Nov- y • nh&f. ' To be Sold, A three Jlory brick House, with suitable back er - buildings ; SITUATE in Viue-ftr;et, No. 83, completely finifhed, and free ol ground-rent: It has a neat back yard, in which is a cillcrn, aud new md pump for rain water—commodious cellars are un for derneath the whole, in which i< a dry well bricked th- up, that will hold ice. This property is well cal culated for a boarding house. For particulars ap ply at the premises. Immediate poffefiion will be given, or so as to . n t. suit a purchaser. L [{ May 15. 3 awt^ — For Sale, The time of »n indented Negro Man Servant, Who h?.« nine years to fcrve , t-'a be well recom mendcdlcr houeily and fohriety. Enquire at N». I»7, Chefnut-ftreet. May if- ( Ut the To be Let, A genteel furnifhed Bed Uoom, No. 113, Chef nut-ftreet. Mav n ' &"»' A FhW BOXlin OF Bologna Saufo^es, :unt Of 4 superior qmlity, to be geld at No. 199, Smith Fiofttjj3treet.j 4 April so, eotf ... v- f 500 Dollars Reward. WHEREAS a certain ChriftopherF-Parnell, J failed from Boston, on or about the 27th of Oelober lak, in the Hoop Union, with a valua ble cargo, bound to Baltimore, bin went off to FI the Weft-Indies where he fold the veflel and llior cargo. On or about the firft inft. he was appre- M hended (as a fufpicionscharadler) irilhistown, and examined before several magistrates, but for the want of fufficient proof to deteil bim TN in his villany he was ditcharged. A 1 The fadl is, the said Parnell is a villain, and er, is attempting to defraud sundry perfoiu to the Pini amount of 20,000 dollars. He left this town about the loth inft. he rode in a chair (painted green) drawn by a grey mare, and went on the Newbein road, but on this fide Trenton, took the toad of Fayetteville, and mod probably is pasting through the back 'pjrt of the state into the wsf.ern c Kintries. He had when he left this town, upwards of 2000 dollars in gold, and about 7000 dollars in , bank notes. Parnallis a small man, about 30 years of age, j t much pock-marked, and has Ion.; black hair, remarkable Imall eyes, and has a down look , when fpokea to. : Whoever will secure the said Parnell, and '' the money he has with him, and give informa- i tion to Benj.Williams of Baltimore, John Hogg, Esq. at Hillfoorough, to Mr. A. Jocelin, of this town, or to the fubferiber, who is in pursuit of the villain, shall receive the above reward. ABfJEH CRAFT. > Wilmington, (N. C.) April 26* 179 J Translations. _j MEMORIALS, advertifemeuti, epistolary, | and Jothcr writings in French and En glish, undertaken by Samuel Chandler, M. translator of Le Moniteur, L'Obfervateur, Les T ' Quatre Fils Aymons, *L'Heroir.e Americain, y > and many other French authors. ' en , S. C. has been in the habit ef corjfpi'.ing for at ' the most approved publicationsjj & oecafionallv Jq " attending where the hurry of bufinels may re- p e f quire his immediate .attendance. p a Encouraged and affilled by gentlemen of tet abilities, he proposes publishing by fubferip tion, a work in French and English, by the title of The American Spe'dator. The profpeft us may be seen at his lodgings, No. 67, Arch- ,; c flreet. p U e ' A P ril 8 7- t tei To be fold at private sale, » A TWO story dwelling house and lat of ground XA- in the city of Burlington, state 0/ New-Jer- ' fey, in a healthy and pleasant fltuation. Th« house is of brick,containing four good sized rooms, ' with a convenient kitchen and cellar. The lot, on which is a stable, &c. contain, about an acre of n land of the best quality, with a £ ant fufficient to admit two 01 three large houses, 'udependent of e that part at present occupied by tlh house. For further particulars enquire iif joseph M'll _ vaine, Esq. in Burlington, or Jafipli Reed, No 214, High-street, Philadelphia. May 12. co2w n Philadelphia and Lancaltet Turn t pike Company. _ A meeting of the Stockholders of the Phila delphia and Lancaller Turnpike Company, will be held at the Company's Office, on Monday, "| " 10 o'clock, the I2thjune next. - J WILLIAM GOVET.T, Sec'ry. ■ g May 12. fr 4w. ti Iy Received by the Incloftan, ® in From Madras, b i* A SMALL invoice consisting 01 the following b Jfi. Coall Goods, viz. h 3 " Blue Cloths Long Cloths, 14 punjums 1 ; c Do. do. fi'ie ■ S) Madrafs Handkerchiefs, and ■ or Book Mullins se WILLING & TRANCIS. 'd . March 27.: saw. th S Georgetown Bridge Company. ral Extrafl of an a£l,paffed by the Legillature of { ed the state of Maryland on the 29th December, \ r 'S 4791, entitled, "An adl for'ereAing a bridge £ ch over Potowmac river. a «• And be it enaded, that the said direftors or j o f any two «f< them shall and may require aliy lum I or lums of money in equal proportion frdm each < :cn and every proprietor, as may from time to time t ty, be neeefiary for carrying on the building of said ' NN bridge; and after giving three months public 1 md notice, it {hall and may be lawful for the direct- ; i* ors to sue for and recover in the name of the ' to company such unpaid requisition, with all costs ' U I" and charges incidental thereto, and legal interest ' thereon from the time the fame (liould have "j"' heen paid: And the negleft or rcfufal to,pay any -g CS such requisition after public not:::e shall have ro- been given at least for three months in all the ncn newfpapershereiH before enumerated, shall have nds the effedt to forfeit all preceding payments made not on the (hare or shares so negjeiled or relufed to ' ew be paid ta the benefit of the company." lici- 7 j, e a bovc extraA is published for the infor mation of fuchcf the fteekholders as have not ' a " complied with the requisitions heretofore made —they are as follow: Oil the lit "November, dollars; an the aothjuly, 1796, 40dollars ; on >ack the ift September, I J96, 40 dollars, and on the ill November, 1796, 60 dollars. Caution is te ]y now gives that after the expiration of the time l 5 a limited for the continuance of this advertife ncw ment (three months) the law will be carried un- into rigid and cornpltte efTedl against all delin ked quents. caU By order of the Dire&srs, i ap- IVALTER SMITH, Treasurer. Georgetown, May 1, 1797. lawjm ,S tO Lottery and Broker's Office, No. 64* South Second-street. I3fi/ RICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No.», for sale ' This Lottery will positively commence "no~ drawing the 29th day of May next— CherJ; books for regifteritjg and examination in this, the City of Wafhingcon, No. 2, and Paterfon Lotteries now drawing, are kept—also information where Ticketsin Walhington, No. a, and Patterfon may :hef- be had—Tickets in th« Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for sale at ten dollars each, and as soon as issued, Ticketsin all the other Lotteries authorized ty the Legillature of this state will be for sale. The luWctiberfolicits the appli cation of the pub lic f»d his frjends who wish to fell bank flock, cer tificates, bills of exchange or note.*, houses, land. No. Sec. or to obtain money on deposit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN. f April 8. Jsw Printed Calicoes. I JOHN MILLER, Jun. & Co. No. 8 Cb*fnut'Sir*et t Have for Safe FIFTY TRUNKS neatly aflorted, very low on fliort credit. March 6. JttJi Imported, IN the (hip W uodrop Sims, Capt. Hodjrfon, from Canton, and far sale by the Siibkrib er, at Mrs. Ki; *fz, corner of Second and A P.ne-ftreet, Hvfon Hyson Skin (Teas all fielh Snd of _J Young Hyson and T excellent quality. Gunpowder J Alio, A few Nankeens. C. HaKHT. April 17 dif Wanted to hire, In the city of Philadelphia or neighborhood, Chi ~A Malt-house and Brewery. For further particulars please apply to the Printer hereof. May 5. Just received, And for sale by Ilaac Harvey, jun. No. 5, South rr Water-Ureet, A parcel of prime Rice; also, Trinidad and Cayenne Cotton Coffee in Barrels and Bags . Spanilh Hides and Beef. • 4th mo. 95, 1797. d4W William Hay don, Drawing Majler, from London ; WHERE he studied several years under one of the mod eminent mailers in that sci ence. He attends young ladies and gentlemen at their rtfpeflive houses. His terms are fix dollara per month for attendance three times per week; likewise all kind of ornamental painting, fruit, flowers, &c. taught on the above T terms. Pa A line direfled to W. Haydon, No. 16, Pear street, will be immediately attended to. By W. H. flatters himfelf his terms will be par ticularly advantageous, where there are several pupils in the fame family ; as he makes no al teration in his terms if there arc two or three to teach in one family. B1 May 9. diw Genteel Boarding and Lodging E In an airy part of the City. ■ Apply at No. 68, North Eighth-flreet. ; May ia. dlw ' Imported in the Jhip Pigou, And for fait by John Morton, No. 116, South l'ront-ftreet, Hyson ' } Hyson Skin Ctcac Young Hyson Tt AS > "J Imperial J April 20. eotf Maurice ivloynihan, l No. 81, North SecondJlreet, ] 1 A few doors above Arch-street, > TNFORMS his friends and the public,that he h; i s p, A for wholesale or retail, on the lowest terms, a general affortmeht of Queen's Ware, gilt and cut _ tumbflh's, plain and flowered quart, pint, half pint , ~ gill and half gill do. exaA measures, decanters and wine glasses ; gallon, half gallon, quart and pint bowls, and china in "sets and separate ; pocket j g bottles: Schuyikill and Jersey country quart and half gallon bottles ; Dry Goods, &c. &c, N. B. Crates put up with care at the no- a ticc- May 11 c'tf a ■ Lancaster, Harrijburgh, Carlijle, I Sstppcnfburg and Sunbury S T A G E' S. THE public are requested to take notice, that the partnership which has for some time ful - 'f fitted betwesa Mathias,Slough of Lancafttr, and _ William Geer, is now dissolved ; bat, not as M. p e Slough insinuates to the public without jull cauf.'; as will more fully appear by a letter on the fuh >r je(Sl from M. Slough t. W. Geer, dstted>_rhe n December last. a recital of which in not now deem h ed necessary. Any gentleman wh6 wilhes to be ie more cireumftantially inf.rmed of the merits of id this business, by applying to W. Geer may have ' i c the perusal of M. Slough'* letter, and'then can be t. at ftrll liberty to determine whether or not W. ' le Geer is not perfeiSlly juftifiable in attaching him- ' felf to any other person in the proft cution of the ' Stage conveyance from Philadcljihia to Shippenf- ' t . e urg, or any other place. Now from tbe liberal and generous support the 1 public were pleased to confer on th&firfl effort in ' C this business, V! illiam Geer, in cofljun&ion with Meifrs. Reily, Weed and Witmer, is determined ''f to prosecute and carry it on, with every care, at-, tcntion anddifpatch that a zeal to oblige the pub lie can poflibly exert. The above company, who are amply provided >r " with carriages, horses, and every appurtenance tu ot render the paflage fafe and commodious, inform those wnn wilb to patronize and encourage the :r, undertaking, that they can take their feats at 40 George Weed's, the figll of the White Horse, on Market Street, Philadelphia, on every Monday he and Friday, to proceed to Lancaster, Harrifburg, is Carlisle and Shippenfbihg. 'l'he fare as hitherto . me ellablilhed. ife- For the further ol the public, ied a Stage will start every Wednesday from the house in- of Samuel Elder, in Harrilburg, arrive at Sun bury in Northumberland county, every Thurlday, and return from theece aud arrive at Hatrifb.urg every Saturday, so that' passengers destined for Lancaller or Philadelphia, may proceed om Mon- S ' WILLIAM GEER. Laniafter, Jan. 27, 1797- N. B. This Line ef Stages ftartM from the house of William Fen «*e, in Lancaitcr, on every falc Tuesday and Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, pro ncc ceeding to the westward;- and from the house of I °ks Mr> Samuel Elder in HaYrrfburg every Wednef- Xty day morning, on the fame evening arrives at Pa r"-s trick Cochran's in Shippenlburg, and returns iere f rom thence en every Tharfday : performing the fame routine daily as ill its tour from Philadel tcr>' phia. mwf Lied, thr - For Sale, ml,. At th;s Cl r . ' No. 119 Ch/fnutftreet, and, A few copies of a late Report of a Committee of the Seriate, on the fubjc& of the /. GEORGIA LANDS. w yar',h ij $ ['VCL'JME XI. A Quantity of Brandy, FIRST « id pr<»f, Oin, of 4th: proof, in pi.' i Jamaica Spirit*, 4th proof, in Hhd« Ofd Hook, in cales of 40 dozen each Glass Tumblers, in pints and half-piius Window Glass, in boxes, of UilTerent l:z« Hazlrmits, in forks Whiting ~V C-oppcris ( . ... , White Lead hhd * & Spanilh Brown J l - 'cr Silt bv PETER BLIGHT. January 4 $. Just arrived, In the brigs Twins and Famr, A quantity of Havanna and St. Croix Sugars, Of the firft quality. —ON HAND, — Choice JAMAICA SPIRITS* St.Croix UUM James Yard, On Walnut-fireet Wtoarf. . May 3 r* lor & otice. April 3 II „ OF THE >a . Vintage of 1792, In cases of 24 and 30 bottles each, e > FOR SALE BY ly - BUNDLE y LEECH. March 29 mwftf c, COLD AND SILVER bullion. ly, r T"'HE highest price in ready money will be gi rg A. ven for gold or iilver bullion, old gold or or silver, or gold dust, at No. 29, North Seventh n- flreet. April 20 caw6w , he Delaware and Schuylkill Canal. r> Company i r ": Mayljl, 1797. °l THE STOCKHOLDERS , ~ T I7HO are in arrears for any fumsdueon their rnj V V refpedive fliares, are requested to pay the , fahie. ■ WILLIAM COVETT, Trcafurer. 10 1114W Mr. Pickering's Letter to Gen. Pinckney. tee A few copies of the above interesting paper, a iy be had at the office ol the Gazette of the U ftited States. J May 13 J . & ' or h-