Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 01, 1797, Image 2

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List of Prizes an» Blanks.
66th Day's Drawing, February it.
* No. Dots. No. Dols. No. Dols No. 'Dols.
231 io 14494 16146 39637
1141 S9S ' 288 996
496 10 619 , 9XO 40037
849 15095 47001 la in -
119 5 131 on *J4
366 _ 186 145 10 336 10
914 * 3*5 10 191. 3 g 9 10
3047 10 410 28161 416
353 418 19541 10 49* 10
713 10 710 10 30055 io 577
4685 10 849 173 41183
5001 16850 IQ 563 19 1 10,
056 17109 963 469
761 401 31096 43°54
6817 954 8 33 232
7100 1818) 31414 10 439
141 *54 33059 731
8391 515 149 44027 10
718 803 116 161 10
9476 xo 19160 448 10 J,2
10261 180 596 6i>. 10
163 478 706 987 xo
897 10741 ,848 45101
11976 803 10 34000 10 994
11665 11144 35141 10 461U7
910 601 406 475
13105 10 n 634 538 10 614 10
197 10 11145 19 670 663 •
301 14a 10 886 10 973 io
461 23113 36074 47154
705 10 399 5° 3®7 48076
774 55-1 457 *3
839 10 !4t06 10 611 379 -
86j 106 657
908 10 15017 37156 .897
. 141x0 480 179 10 911 JO
i*s 798 9°9
475 9 20 39198
67th Day's Drawing, February 10.
No. Dols. fto. Dols. No Dels. JS T o. Dols.
96 11409 11899 34934
176 10 615 llioo 10 35008
"90 759 *39 i 69 10
(67 10 11503 10 673 964
3(369 990 23159 36138 10
311 13887 440 10 x 7*4
37x0 14131 xo 15154 7?3
7XB 10 15014., f 874 38059 !•
4030 951 ' 17019 39339
531 10 17144 10 185 680 xo
644 110 io *47 853
5166 10 846 547 10 40168 10
673 25 18061 18751 9*3 *0
679 28a 19089 10 941
995 10 400 10 955 10 41828
6111 10 739 v 987 415 75 »5
844 951 3C469 435*'/ 10
743S 10 19155 6 53 10 44138
8397 10 718 753 45*05 to.
716 10429 3*7*2 770
9601 21165 ,791 976
605 !• 461 10 31530 10 46811 .
749 544 10 569 9°9 10
789 587. 10 34543 10 47077
10446 7J4 sjj6 48693
0- The Stockholders
OF the Pennsylvania Population Company are requeu
ed to meet at the Company's Office, No. ?3 north
Fourth street, on Saturday, the 4th©f March next, at 12
o'clock, for the pu»pofc of taking into consideration th«
proceedings of the company and of making further affeiT
ments on the (hares, agreeably to the 20th article of the
Constitution. By order of the Board,
Feb. 27 M 4
New Theatre.
On WEDhESDAt EVENING, March ijl,
"Will be presented, an Historical Play, (performed but
once) written by Shakelpeare, called
Henry IV.
Or, the humours of Sir John Falftaff.
King Henry, Mr. L'Eftrange
Prinee of Wales, Moreton
P.John of L'aiicafter, Matter Warrell
Worcester, Mr. Fox
Northumberland, Darley
Hotspur, Cooper
Douglas, Darley, jun.
Sir Richard Vernon, Worrell, jua.
Weftmoreland, Warrell
Sir Walter Blunt, Prigmore
Sir J«hn Falltaff, . Warren
Poins, Harweod
Peto, Mitchell
Bardolph, Morgan
Francis, - B'liffett
{Messrs. Francis and
-Lady Percy, Mrs. M«*ris
Hostess Quickly, Mr 3. L'Eftrange
To which will be added,
(For the last time this Season—and with the original
Overture and French Music, composed by Monfr. Rochk
fort, never performed in America)
A Grand, Serious, PANTOMIME BALLET, called
The Death of Capt. Cook ;
£As performed in Covent-Garden Theatre, London, under
the dirt&ion of Mr. Byrnk, upwards of Five Hund
red Nichts, with universal applause.]
With New Scenery, Machinery, Drejfes and Deco
Describing an Exaft Representation of the Manners and Cuf
ftoms of the Natives of Owhyhee, in the Pacific Ocean. *
| MeiFrs. Byrne
J Francis
j Warren
ThcPrincipal Characters Darley
| Moreton
♦ I Fox
(_ Warrell
» «nd Mrs,Byrne. »
Indians,—Messrs. J.Dariey, J. Warrell, Mitchell, Sig. Doc
tor, Macdonald, Morgan, M. St. Marr, M. Laveney, &c.
Indian Women, —Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. MetcStler, Mrs. Dofl:-
or, Miss Melbourne, Mils L'Eftrange, Miss Bates, Miss
Oldfield, Miss Anderfon, M'lleSophie, &c.
The Scenery designed and executed by Mr. Mi lsourni.
On Friday, The Grecian Daughter, with a Farct,
{never performed) called THE ENCHANTED FLUTE.
Box, One Dollar twenly-five cents. pit Eigh.hs
of a Dollar, and Gallery, half a dollar.
Just Arrived,
In Brig Nancy, Kobert Tate, Mailer,.
A Cargo of SUGAR & COFFEE.,
No. 221; South Front-Street.
Malabar Pepper in Calks,
23,000 wt. Surat Cotton,
4,000 I'd. llle.of Frar_ce InluCO.
February 17. , I°t>
Tuesday, January 24.
The bill for enforcing the laws of the United.
States in the Hate of TenneflVeJ was read the third
time and paffcd.
Mr. Dwight Foster, from the committee of
Claims, made a report on the petitions of John
Kelly, Joseph Biggs-, Elifha Haley, and William
Smith, which were againlt the petitioners, were
twiee read and concurred in by the house,
Mr. FoUer also made report on Ihe petition of
Edward St. Law Livcrmore, whieli was in favor
of the petitioner. It was twice read, and ordered
to be committed to a committee of the whole.
Mr. R. Sprigg, jun. moved that the resolution
which he laid on the table some days ago, relative
to the aft for regulating grants of lands for military
fervicss, &c. be referred to the committee to whom
was referred a former resolution relative to the sale
;of lands north-weft of the river Qhia, Jt was're
ferred. "
•Mr. Page presented the petition of John Nellon,
major commandant in Virginia line during the war,
for compensation, Referred to the committee of
Mr. Malbone,prefented a petition from the in
fpeftors and gaugers, and another from the weigh
ers and measurers of the port of Providence, Rhode
_lfland, for compensation in addition to their sala
ries. Referred to the committee of Commerce and
Mr. Sitgreaves presented a petition from Oliver
Pollock, prying that the sum of 47*40 dollars,
which the committee of Claims had reported to be
due to him, might be paid to htm durin™ the pre
sent feffion,,exprefliag at the fame time a hope that
he should be allowed the liberty of fubdantiating
his other claims on a future day. Referred to the
committee of the whole, to whom was referred a
report upon a former petition of Mr. Pollock.'
Mr. Henderfon oifertd a resolution to the fol
lowing pjtrpcfe, viz. " That the fccretary of the
t r easury to lay before the hsufe, a lilt
of the number of fubferibing creditors to the U
nited States, upon the-books of the loan-officers,
in each refpedive Hate in the union,
»offices have been established."
Mr. Henderfon observed, thv the reasons why
he offered this resolution, were, that applications
had*of late been made, by several of the eommHfi
oners of loans of the United States, for an increase
of salary, and he thought it was proper before a
deciiion took place upon those applications, that
the house should be poflefl'ed of the bed information
relative to the duties of the officers that ceuld be
obtained. He was of opinion, that when the fata
riesof the commiflioners of loans were firfl: eftabiifh
ecf, Congrefscotild have had no other rule by which
to apportion them, than the size and population of
the ttates, or the fumsexpefted to be loaned there
in. He thought it could easily be made apgear,
that Vieither of these principles would produce an
equitable proportionment of the fulaiies ; thecom
miflioners in the larger dates, would have much the
highest salaries, when it is vety probable, they
might have the lead share of business tonranfaft,.
and on the other hand, the commissioners of the
smaller dates would have the lead salary, with per
haps the grcated proportion of duty. Ordered to
He on the table.
The house in committee took up the fubjeft of
the military cftablifhment, which after long debates
terminated in abolishing the troops of dragoons,
Saturday, February 25.
On motion of Mr. Dwight Foster, tfce future
time of meeting «*.s fixed at eleven o'clock.
. The bill for laying additional duties upon cer
tain articles of impod, was read the third time, and
upon thequeftion being put for its passing, it was
carried by yeas and nays as follow :
MefTrs. Ames, Bailey, Baldwin, Blount, Brad
bury, Buck, Burgess, Cabel, Christie, Claiborne,
Clopton, Coit, Cooper, Craik, Dana, Davenport,
Dent, Findlery, A. Foder, D. Foster, Franklin,
Freeman, Gillefpie, Gilman, Glenn, Greenup,
Grifwold, Hampton, Harper, Harrifon, Hirtley,
Havens, Heuderfoti, Hindroan, A. Jackson; Kit
chell, Kittera, Leonard, Livingdon, S. Lyman,
Milledge, Moore, New," Nicholas, Orr, Page, Pat
ter, Reed, Richards, Rutherford, Sherborne,
Skinner, Jer. Smith, N* Smith, israel Smith, lfaac
Smith, W. Smith, T. Sprigg, Strtidwick, Swift,
Thatcher, Thomas, Thorny Con, Van Cortlandr,
Wadfwortb, Williams.—67.
Meffts. Baird, Bryan, Coles, Egc, Gregg,
Hathorn, Heath, Holland, G. Jackson, W. Ly
man, Maclay, Malbone, Muhlenberg, Parker, Pat
ten, Sitgreaves, S. Smith, R. Sprigg, Swanwick,
Venable, W nn.— 21.
The order of the day on the bill for'mitigating
or remising the forfeitures, penalties and disabili
ties accruing in certain cases thereiu mentioned,
was entered upon, and, after some debate, the yeas
and nays ware taken upon its passing, as follow ;
MefTrs. Ames, Baldwin, Bradbury, Buck, Coit,
Craik, Dana, Davenport, Dent, E*e, A. Foder,
D. Foster, D. Foster, Freeman, Gilbtfrt, Gillefpie,
Glenn, Goodrich, Grilwold, Harper, Hartley,
Hathorn, derfon, Hindman, Kittera, Leonard,
S. Lyman, Macon, Malbone, Millcdge, Moore,
Muhlenberg, Mutray, Orr, Parker ; Potter, Reed,
Sitg-reaves, Jer. Smith, N. Smith, lfaac Smith, S.
Smith, W. Smith, T. Sprigg, Swift, Thatcher,
Thomas, Thompfen, Van Alpn, Wadfworth, Wil
liams.—sl. • «
MefTrs. Bailey, Baird, Blount, Bryan, Bnrgefs,
Cabel,Claiborne, Coles, Franklin, Gallatin, Gteeo
up, Havens, Heath, Holland, A. Jackson, G.
Jackson, Livingdon, Locke, W. Lyman, Maclay,
New, Nicholas, Page, Patten, Richards, Ruther
ford, Sherborne, Skinner, Israel Smith, R. Sprigg,
Strudwick, Van Cortland, Winn.—34.
Mr. Williams laid a resolution upon the table call
ing upon the secretary of the treasury', for infor
mation refpc&ing the expenditure of certain sums
of money mentioned in his late report tohavq been
drawn from the treaftjry, for defraying the ex
penses attending the with toreign na
tions.—Ordered .to lie.
On motion of Mr,. W. Smith, the house resolved
itfelf into a Committee of the whole cn she bill .making
an appropriation frr the profecutio'n of the claims as
certain citizens of the United States, for the property
csptured by the belligerent powers, Mr. Muhlenberg
in the chair j when, after a pretty long debate, and
alter an amendment by Mr.-Gallatin, authorit-ing the
expense, been agreed to, the Committee rose,
and the bill was ordered to be read a third time on
Monday, '
Mr. A. Foster, from the Committee of Enrolment,
reported the bi;lgranting certain lands to [. C. Symrnei
to be duly enrolled ; it received the signature of the
Speaker, accordingly. V
Mr. Nicholas reported a bill authorizing the re
ceipt of evidences of the Public Debt for lands of
the United States, It was twice commit
ted-to 3 committee of the whole. The house went
into a committee upon it, made a report, and it
was ordered to be tvad a third time on Monday.
Mr. Swanwick lepoited a bill for the relief of
John Blown, and another providing for the erefti
on of certain buoys in and near the harbour of Bos
ton, which were committed to a committee of the
whole on Monday.
Mr. Brent reported a bill for incorporating ehe
Cornmiffionetfi of the City cf Washington, in the
Diftrift of Columbia, which was difpofct! of in the
fame way.
On motion of Mr. Gallatin, the house resolved
itfelf into a committee of the whole on the bill to
accommodate the President of the United States,
Mr, Muhlenberg in the chair j when
Mr. Henderfon said, he wished. for information
on this fubjeft, as he haa not'fufficient to convince
him of the propriety of granting 14,000 dollars, in
addition to the furniture now in pofTeflion of the
President ; he therefore moved 1 to fluke out the
14,0C0, for the purpole of inferring SZOO. The
bill informing them that thisfum, in'addition to
what might aiifefiors the sale of fucjt of the pre
sent furniture as may be decayed, out of repair, or
unfit for use,"was to be laid out in furnifhing the
household of the President. It was very lately that
they had received a proportion from the Si-nate to
advance the salary of the President 5000 dollars ;
the bill was rejefted by that house. It appeared to
him that this bill went to effeffthe fame thing in a
different way. if the objeft was merely to
the household of the President, he thought a much
less film would be adequate to that purpose. He
thought 5000, with the proceeds of the sale
of the present furniture, as was unfit for service,
mighf be fufficient- He had no doubt that the
sum would make the furniture of the President for
four'years to come, equal to what it had bs®b £>c;
four years pa!i. '.-Jt'
Mr. Nicholas wifljed the gentleman wpsd leave
the fnm blank, indead of inserting 5,000,-,
Mr. Henderfon consented.
The queltion was takes and negatived 42 to 39.
The committee then roft, and the house having
taken up thefubjeft,
Mr. Nicholas said, as a majoiityof the house
was against drikingout this fun), he wilhed to have
some information why this sum was fixed upon_
aqd lor what purpose it was to be applied. No one
wished more than he did to place the President in a
ntuaiion conformable to his fiation ; bat, accord
ing to his information, this sum was more thawwas
given to the present President on his entering upon
tire office, though there-remained the whole of the
furnilute, molt of which was wotth as much at this
time as when fird purchased.
Mr. Sitgrcayes said, he would give to tho-gentle.
man all the information which he had on the fub
jeft. In the year 1778 or 1779, by a resolution
of the old Congress, an ltoufehold was effablifhed
for the president of Congress. This remained un
til the present government went into operation in
the ytar 1789. It was then resolved, that Mr.
Ofgood (houldbe requested to fit up the house in a
proper manner for the reception of the President N
of the United States. In that year the law pas
sed for compensating the President of the United
States, which enafted that a salary of 25,000 dol
lar* should be allowed him, together with the use of
the furniture then in his pofleffion, belonging to
<nc United States. This furniture coit the United
States 13,677 dollars, 83 cents. During the peri
od from 1779, when the household' was firft eltab
lllhcd, until 1789, when the President of the Uni
ted States entered upon bis office, the furniture
which had been purchased for the President of Con
gress, was so much decayed, that it required nearly
dollars to replenish it. It >vas the opinion
of the joint committee, thereffire, that in a lapse of
tight years, viz, from 1789 to the present lime, the
furniture theri purchased mud have experienced e
qual dilapidation and decay, and that a sum at lead
as la'tge as was then allowed (particularly when it
was considered that the price of goods was very
much advanced since that time) should now be al
lowed far putting the present household upon the
fame footing of refpeftabtlity and convenience wit-si
that at New-York,in 1789. Mr. S. did not know
that he could give jny further information on the
fubjeft. It was a matter of notoriety, that a great
par s t of the goods then /purchased were worn out
and deliroyed ; fuchas the household linen, crocke
ry-ware, Sic. and that the President had renewed
them at his own expehce ; insomuch that if he were
to takf out of "the house th« furniture which he
had supplied, there would little remain in it besides
tables, chairs, bedsteads, and a few fucrf articles :
lince all the carpets and ornamental furniture of the
house had been purchased by himfelf.
Whillt he was up, he would wifti to obviate the
only obieftion wfiich had been adduced to this bill.
The gentleman fronfiNew-Jerfey (Mr. Heuderfon)
had ftippoled that this allowance was meant to car
ry into effeft what had been rejefted in another
way, alluding to the proposed advance of salary.
That gentleman might fee a very obvious didinfti
.on between the two things. If J,coo dollars had
been added to the falaty of the President, he could
have disposed of it as be pleased ; but the money
now propped to be granted, was to be employed
in the purchase of futniture, &c. which would re
main the property of the United States, and would
devolve upon the ncsi Prefrient. Mr. S, said, he
would add, that in the joint committee there was
not a dissenting voice to the propoluion, and he ho
ped there would not be one in the house.
The question was put for ewgroffing the bill for
a third reading, and carried, there being 50 vote«
in favour of it. This day and Monday were men
tioned for the third reading, the queftiou was carri
ed for the more distant day, 40 to 35.
A raefiage was received from the Senate, inform,
ing the House, that they had refolvod that the bill
allowing a drawback on Domestic Spirits exported
by the Miffifippi in v,eflels of less than 30 tons bur
then, should be poflponed till next session ; that
they had pafled the bill for the benefit of the widow
de Neufville : the bill for allowing the Secretary
of.the Treafuiy to remit fines in certain- cases ; the
bill for continuing in force the laws against certain
crimes committed against the United States; and
the Poft-Office bill wiih amendments.
The amendments to the Poft-Office bill were
read and ordered to be printed. Adjourned.
Monday, February 27.
The bill authorizing evidences of the public
debt to be received in payment for lands ; and
The bill for suspending the aft for laying a
duty upon fnuff and refined sugar, were read the
third time.
The bill miking an appropriation for prosecu
ting the alaims of certain citizens of (he United
States for property captured by the belligerent pow
ers, was n4d die third time, and after a motion
made by Mr. Kitchell to recommit it in order to
have introduced into it a provision against • paying
the expence of the trials in cases where the property
was legally condemned from the veflels having had
contraband goods on board, which was negatived,
gifted 54 te 27, fhc yeas and nays are as follow :
r 'A s. •
MefTrs. Ames, Baldwin, Bradbury, Burgess,
Coit, Craik, Dana, Davenport, Dent, Ege, D,
Poller, Freeman, Gallatin, Cilbert, Glenn, Good
rich, Giifuol'.J, Hdiper, Hartley, Hathorn, Ha
vens, Healh, Henderfon, Hindman, Kittera, Leo
nard, S. Lyman, Malbone, Moore, Muhienherg,
Maclay, Nicholas, Orr, Parker, Patten, Potter,
Reed, Richards, St wall, Sberburn, Sitgreavet,
Skinner, Jer. Smith, N. .Smith, Isaac Smith,
W. Smith, R. Sprigg, T. Spngg, Swanwick,
Swift, Thatcher, Van Alen, Wadfwonh, Wil
liams— 54.
Meflrs Blount, Cabell, Claiborne, Clopton,
Coles, Dearborn, Franklin, Gillefpie,
Greenup, Gregg, Hampton, Harrifon, Holland,
A. Jackson, G. J ckfon, Kitchell, Locke, W.
Lyman, Maclay, Macon, Milledge, Ne«v, Ru»
the-rford, Stradwick, Venable, Winn—27.
* Mr. A- Foster came in frwm the committee of
ebrolnffint, just as the clerk was about to state the
vausa;id wifhecj to have been on the affirmative ;
biLjusfck: was not in the house to answer his name
! vfhen called, it was not allowed.
' Tiie bill to accommodate the Prjfident was ,reaj
the third time ; when Mr. Heath moved to have
the bill re-committed, for the pnrpofe of (Irikingj
out 14,000 dolla.s to insert Bpoo. The/fpotion
for lecommument was carried 45 to
house accordingly went into a committee of the
whole upon the fnbjcft, when Mr. Heath made
his motion. It was at length negatived 55 to 36,
The committee then rose, and the bill pafled by yea»
and nays, ps follow :
Messrs. Ames, Bailey, Baldwin, Bradbury)
Buck, -Burgefa, Claiborne, Coit, Cooper, Craik,
Dana, Davenport, Dent, £ge, A. Fofier, D,
Foster, Frelman, Gallatin, Gilbert, Gilmsn,
Glenn, Goodrich, Grihvold, Grove, Harper, Har.'
rifon, Hartley, Hindmai', Ki'.tera, Leunard, Li
vingfton, S. W. Lyman, Madison, Mai?
bone, Moore, Mti|ilenberg, Murray, Nicholas,
Page, Patten, Parser, Potter, Reed, Ri-hards,
Sevyall, Slie.bur. , Sitgreaves, Skinner, Jer. Smith,
N. Smith, 1. Smith, li'dzc Smith, W. Smith,
R- Sprigg, T. Spiigg, Swanwick, S»ift, That
cher, Van Allen, Van Cortlandt, Wadfwoith,
jv j r S.
M«Trs. Blount, Bryan, Cabell, Christie, Clop
ton, Coles, Franklin, Gillefpie, Greenup, Gregg,
Hampton, Hathorri, Havens, Heath, Henderfon,
Holland, A. Jackson, G. Jackson, Kitchell,
Locke, Macon, Milledge, New, Orr, Ruther
ford, Strudwick, Winn—27.
Mr. A* Foster, fiom the committee of enroll
ments, reported several bill as duly enrolled, which
received the signature of the speaker, and were
afterwards reported to have been laid before the
, Mr. W- Smith, from the committee to whom
was referred the memorial of Jud;je Turner, anjl
also that of some inhabitants of the Northwestern
territory, with the report thereon lalt feflion,
made a report. The committee recommended that
the business should come to a hearing before the
court of that territory, where the judge would have
an opportuuit'y of defending himfelf against th«v
charges brought against him.
The fecretaTy of state made a report on the me
morial of fun dry citizens of the United Stales, re
lative to lofles fullained by captures, fpelutions, &c,
committed upon their property by veifels of the
French Republic, referred to him on the Btfc of
May last. The report took an extensive view of
the grievances our merchants had sustained, from
the year 1793 to the present time, and dated what
mea/urcs had been taken towards obtaining redress,
Mr. W. Smith moved to haye the report prin
Mr. Nicholas wished to know what was to be
d6ne with it. He thought it very extraordinary
that this memorial should have been referred to 1 the
secretary of state so long ago as the Bth of May,
and that a report fhuuld not have beerr made till
within four days of their adjournment. He tho't
it unneceflary to swell their printers bill which he
fuppefed would be fufficientl.y large-by having it
printed, since it would not be afted upon this ses
Mr. W. Smith fajd his reason for wiihing it to
be printed was, becaafe he wished to read it.
Mr. Nicholas said that was not, a fufficient reafan
for incurring the expence } ficec, thongh the gen.