Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 13, 1797, Image 4

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    Porcupine's Gazette.
Propofali by WILLIAM COB3ETT, opposite Christ
Church, Philadelphia, for publishing 1 , new»-paper, (
to be entitled
Porcupine's Gazette, £5° Daily Advertiser.
Methinks 1 hear the reader exclaim ; " What! ha»e
wt not Gazettes enough already ?" Yes, and far tao
many: but those that "we have, are, in general, con
dueled in ftich a manner that their great number, m
ftead of rendering mine unneeeflary, it the only cause
that cdle for its eUab!Hhment.
The gazettes in this country have done it more real in- £
,jufy tli.w ell itsopeu enemies ever did They p
miiicud the people at home and iiiifreprefent them a- q
broad. It was these vehicles of (edition and discord f (
that encouraged the counties in the Well to rebel ; it t,
was they that gave riie to the depredations of Britain,
by exciting the people to fu;U a<Sj oi- violence against y
that nation, as left no room to doVn that v«e were,de- 4
termintd on war ; an>l it was they, when an accorn- n
modation had been happily effei£led,_that stirred up an t
opposition to it luck as has seldom bicn witnefied, and a
which was overcome by mere chance. These gazettes
it was, "that, jy misrepresenting the dispositions of the
people, encouraged the French to proieed from one
degree of ijifsience to pother, 'till at last their Minis- _
terj braves the i'refideht in his chair, and a bullying
commander comes and tells us that his only bulinefs is<
to seize our vefiels, in violation of a treaty, in virtue E
•t which ajone he claims aright to cater our ports: and ''
it Is these gazettes thJt now have the impudence to pe- '
fend what their falfehood and malice have produced
I lhall be told that the people are to blame; that
they are not obliged to read these abominable publiea- '
tions. But they do redd them; and thonfands who
*e»d them, read nothing else. To suppress them is im- v
pofliljle ; they will vomit forth their poison ; itisapri- j
vilege of their natures, that no law can abridge ; and
therefore the only mode left is, to countermft its effects.
This must be done, too, in theirown way. Books, 5
or periodic2l publications jn the form of books, may
be of force service, but are by no means a match for -
their flying folios. A falfehood that remains uncontra
dicted for a month, begins to hi looked upon as a truth,
and when the detection at last makes its appearance, it
is often as useless as that of the dodtor who finds his
patient expired. The only method of opposition, then,
is to meet them on their own ground ; to set foot to a
foot ; difpnte every inch and every hair's breadth ; '
jiglit them at thoir own weapons, and return them two
blows for one-
A gazette of this (lamp is what I have long wished to
Tee, but I have wished and axpecled it in vain. Indig
nation at the fupinenefs of others has at last got the
better of ajl diffidence in my own capacity, andhasdc- 1
termined me to encounter the talk. People Have heard ,
one fide long enough ; they now hear the other.
I. Porcupine's Gazette (hall be of the usual size,
and the ftlbfcription Eight Dollars a year, to be paid at I
"■ tie expiration ef ea.-h half year.
1. Advertisements wjll be inferted'at half the ufiial
• price, which will always be required in ready money.
3. The Censor, containing those pieces from the
.gazette that"may appear w-orth preferring in a more
portable form, with such amplifications and amend
ments as time njay give rife -to, lhall be publilhed
monthly, and each fubferiber (ball be entitled to a copy,'
delivered with bis paper at the end of the month,
4. If a fuffitient number of fubferibers be obtained
*the firft number of the Gazette lhall appear on, or be
fore the sth of March.
N. B. A subscription book is now open at my shop,
appoGte C'nrift-church, whither gentlemcnin the coun
try, who wilh to are requested te fend their
SobfcMptions are taken at B off on by Mr. James White, '
bookseller ; at Salem, by Mr. Debeny, poll-master ;
at New-Haven by Mr. Beers, bookseller ; at Newbu
ry.port, by Mr. E. Bluat, bookseller; at Ne.v-York,
by Mr. S. Campbell, bookseller ;at Baltimore,hy Mr.
G. Hill, bookseller; at Chester-town, Maryland, by
Mr. James Arthur, poft-rnafter ; at Eafton, do. by
Vr. Greenbury Neal; at Frederck-town, do. by.
Meflrs. Ifeac and John Mentz; at Richmond, Virg.
by Meflrs. Pritchard and B'avidfon j at Norfolk, by
Meflrs. Rainbow and Hannah; and at Charleflon, by
Mr. Young, bookseller.
Jan. 28. mwftot.
:Lancajler, Harrijiurgh, Carli/le, Ship
penjburg and Sunbury
The pttblic are requested to take notice, that the part
ner ft) ip which has for some betweou Mathi
as Slougbof and William Gce>, is now diffel
ved -. bat, not as M. Slough insinuates to the public
without jttft cause ; a 6 will more fully appear by a letter
on the fu!>j:ist from M. Slough to W. Geer, dated the
49th DetemW last a recital of whiih is not now deemed
necessary. Any gentleman who withes to be more dr
cumflantially informed of the merits of this business, by
applying to W. Geer may have the pervfal of M. Slough's
letter, and tl'.en can lie at full liberty to-detenmne whe
ther or not W. Geer is not perfe<sly joftifiible in attach
ing himfelf to any other person in the profecation of the
Stage conveyance from Philadelphia to Sbippen&urg, '
or any other place.
Now from tbeliberaland p-eterous support the public ]
were pleased to confer on the fc : effort in this buunefs,
William Geer, in conjunction v. ith ivleffrs. Reily, Weed 1
and Witmer, is determined to prosecute, and carry it on,
.■with every eare, attention aaddifpatch that a zeal to «-
blige the publit can possibly exert.
The above company, who are amply provided with
carriages, horf.s, and every appurtenance to render the
passage fafe and commodious, inlorm, those wifb to
patronize and encourage the undertaking, tjiat they r;'.n
take their feats at George Weed's, the sign of the White
Horse, Market Street, Philadelphia, on every Monday
and Fri tay, to .proceed to I.ancaftt r, Harri!burg, Carlisle
*nd Shipjienfburg. The fare as hitherto ellublifhed.
For the further accommodation <jf the nuhlic, a Stage
will ftoi t every Wednesday from the house of Samuel
Elder, in Harriibnrg, arrive at Sunbur;' in Northumber
-1 land county, every Thurlday. am! return from the"ce aud
arrive at ,Tlamfburg every Saturday, te tliat passengers
ieftined for Laucafter or Philadelphia, may procecd -<m
Lancaller, Jan. 47, 1797-
N. B Thjs Line ef Stages starts front the houft: of >
William Ferree, in Lancaftcr, on every T-acfday qud Sa
turday morning at 6 o'clock, proceeding to the v. dtward;
and fvom the houle of Mr. Samuel Elder in Harrifburg
every Wednesday morning, on the fitme evening arrives
at Patrick Cechrar's in Skippenfburg, and returns from
thence ou every Thwrfday : performing the far.i. routine
daily as in its touv from Philadelphia. mwf
~ IN THE i-iiSS,
And fpeedil) will be publ Ihed,
By William Caiiett and 'John Ormrod,
Prspcials for
P E <1 C E ,
The Regicide Directory
Sy the Kigbt Honorable Lomvms Buhkk, Esquire.
For Sale,
By the Subscribers —In PENN-STRF.ET,
65 Pipes Exoellent Madeira Y/ine,
Imported by the Eagle. ,
Nov. 30 .
Brokers Office, and
Na. 63 South Third'ftr«et, uppofite the nation;,! new EanhJ
hare entered into co-partnerflfip, under the firm ol
FRAUNCES & VAN RF.KD, in the bufmefsof Broker",
Conveyancers apd Commiflion merchants. 'Piey buy and r
fell on commiflion every l'pecies of ftoek, noies of hand,
bills of exchange, houf.-s and lands, &c. • e j
Money procured on depolits, &c. &c. -11 kinds r f
writings hi the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsand ti
dispatch; accounts adjufled, and hooks fettled, in the v
• mod; corrcft msnner. Confttmt -itteridancc will be given. a |
They solicit a lharc of the p'lblic,/aver ; they are ileter y
mined to endeavour to deserve it. jj
N. B. The utmost secrecy observed.
Philad. AUgnft 27, 170*. m&WJf |
' Will be j>ubli/bed, on Wednejilay next,
i, BY MclT' Doblon, Carey, Campbell, Rice, and the «ther T
Book 'ellers, price One Dollar and twenty-five cents, elcpnt- ci
1 ly printed on woye paper, and hot-pressed, by John Thorap
foo, d;
The CONSTITUTIONS of tbe fcvtral States, r.
With each other, and with «I;at of the United Statet ai
exhibiting in Tables, the prominent features of eaehCon
' ftitution, and cialEng together their most important pro- 01
vinous, under the several heads of administration ; with -a
! Notes and Observations. By Wit.Li.iM Smith, ps South-
Carolina, LL. D. pnd member of the Congrcfs of the tl
1 United States. Dedicated to tha people of the United a]
1 States.
N. B. A few Copies printed on sn inferior pappr, at p
' 3-4ths of a dollar. February 6 mwt
; FOR bALE, h
About 1,600 acres of Land, j*
WELL situated, laying on and between Marsh
| and flrecb Creeks, Mifflin county, Eeniifylvania, in t !
four leparate Patents. For teni:s of laie apply 10 r
i Wra. Biackbarn,
No. 64,' South Sfcond-f i tet j '
) Jannary 16. mwtV j*
By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
South SiconA-flteet.
t For raifißg Sixty Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an Aft J
the LegiHature of Peanfylvaaia, puffed dining the last j fl
1 fefiion, for building a Stone Bridge over the River c
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Heading) in the County ol j t ]
, Berks. Dollars.
i Prixe of 20,000 Dollars •- ao,ooo
1 do. of ie,oco do. • - fo,ooo
. 3 do. of , 5,000 do. 15.000 J 1
j 4 do. of . 2,000 do. . - 8,000
> 20 do. of 1,000 do. - fto,ooo *
39 do. of 500 do. . . 19,500
1 80 do. of 200 do; * lb,000•
aoo do. of 100 do. - 20,000
300 do. of 50 do. - . 15,000 I
1 do. of 500 do. to be paid the pofTef- >
' , for f the firft ylra»"n no. $
< do» of 3,®00 do. to be paid polfeffors )
.of the five lall drawn nos | 1 6»° ®
9,400 do. o 15 do. - 141,000 ,
: : — -— 1 — \
» 10,054 Prises 300,000 ; (
19,946 Blanks 1 (
■9 m ' | t
30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000 i •
y All Prizes (hall be paid fifteen days after the drawing u
y finifhed, upon the demand of a polTeflor of a fortunate
v ncket, fubjtft to a deduction of twenty per cent. The [
' t Drawing will commence as foonpas the Tickets are disposed {
s " of, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be given. *
Philip Miller * Peter Kerjbncr, William lVitman> j
>/** Hiejler, James Diemer, Thomas Dundee*
Jama May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Graejf y »|
Sebajlian Miller, Commission ers. 1
Reading, May the 9th, 1796. ;
Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. a, to be had at the
above office, where the earliest information of the draw- ]
ingof )the Washington No. 2, and PatteTfon
are received, and Check books for examination and regif
J" tering are kept.
Tickets in the above Lottery tehe had at Mr, Sheri
c danVßace-ftreet, x John Hay, North Third-fireet and )
- r Henry Swoyer's, German Town. j
January a6_ aawtf
Lottery and Broker's Office,
7 No. 64, South SscOUD STXSIr.
' I 'ICKF.TS in the Canal Lottery, No. j, for faU—a
ie JL Chetk Book for examinution—and prizes paid in
the late lottery.
Check Bootki kept for examination and rejiflerin?, for
the City of Washington, No. a, and Pattefon Lotteries, 1
■ S) both of which are now drawing—infcirmation wher< '
tickets are to be had, and prices exchanged for undrawr 1
, tickets. A complete lift of all theprizes in the late New- '
Port Lang-Wharf, Hotci and Public icheolLottery, foj 1
j, The fubferiber folicks the application of the pnSlii :
le and his friends, who wife to purchase or fell Bank Stock '
„ Certificates, Bills of Exchange oi* Notes, Houses, Lands,
n &c. or to obtain money oiydepoficbf property.
:e Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
sale «' Tea Dsllers each, whiah will be drawn early ii 1
l e the Spring.
Wm. Rlflckburn.
je Philadelphia, January x 6, 1797. mtb
cl . -
r i Houses and Lots for Talc,
rs U Y Ae iubferiber, in the town of Weft-ChefUr, Chef
« JJ ter county, 15 miles from Philadelphia, on the great
ftatc-road, leading Westward Viz. No. 1. A two-ft.ry
Stone House, tie corner of High and Gay streets, 40 fcrt
front by 34 feet deep, iflcliding a very convenient llorc
»f . .ioufe : the House contains ten w«U-finiflied rooms, a kit
a- chen and cntiy : the Lot is 144 feet front on Gay-street,
1; —equal to any fund in Wefl-Chefter. No. a. A two-fto
-1-g ry ft one house adjoining, 3? fee; fpnt, containing elsven
es well-finifhed rooms, "h€th being c=i'ed in tlw gairets, house
m and lot fame depth as the other, a kitchen, & c »elhrs
ie ufcder both houses, with good stables on the lots. These
_ Houses are almost new, done by good workmen, in a
maiterly manner. No. 3. a Lot 42 feet front. No. 4,
34 feet. No- 5, 44 ficet. No. 6,119 feet, all of them
ten rods deep. Op two of the above are erecled three log
and frame houses, two ftorici high, cellars under the
whole, and a smalt liable to each-
The above Lots are situated near the Court-Hoofe. The
whole wHI be exposed to,PUBLIC SALE, on the Uftand
12ddaysof Febrnary next, V two o'clock, when the cen
ditioHs win be mais known Poffefiion mav be hai the
6rft of April next. The Title is indisputable.
Bank of Pennsylvania, r-,
v January 4, 1797- J
At a meeting of the Directors thU day, a dividend of in
f'xteen dollars on each Ih-re v. as '[rclaredforth-. Un
6 months, which «ill ke paid to the Stockholder, as- to
ter the inft. „ ...
. J dtf.
J* n - 3-
i taught a *
MRS. B r R N,
1 • • Of the Net* Theatre, To Ltd,is only.
i a great advantage for them to, have a Be
. 1 Female Tutor in ta .t art, pledges herfelf' t® __
ents and sri :nds to take aH poffiblc care 111 tlieir mftrflftion. r
' In addition to the Dances taught in Philadelphia, meanj
to teach the Minuet, Minuet de la Cour, Allcmand, Ga
e vot, QuaJrrllcs, Strathspeys, aryi all Scotch-Dances ; and
- above all to pay particular attention to that very neceflary
part Polite Addrcfs. For particulars enquire of Mrs. Bvan,
No- 7 c north Eighth, street. Februry6 mwf "
Samuel Richardet
RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
Merchants, .that he has this any opened the CITY -
- city of Philadelphia. . tw
The Subscription Room will be furiuJhed with all the a
dailv papers pubHftf-d in Philadelphia, N«w-York, Bos- tQ
tor, Baltimore, together with thofc of the pnncip-! coaS
. mercial »tis» of Europe—They wili be regularly
and nonep'-rmittt d to be taken away on any accotu
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams and a variety
)- of French Liquors; together with the usual rclrefhrneuts,
h will at all times be procured at the bar.
i- Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated Wl '»
e thechoiceft of W mes, Spirituous Liquors, «nd the most
d approved Malt Liquors fromLcndon and other breweries.
The Larder Will befupplipd with the prime and carheft
it productions of the Season.
1 * Targe and fmaU Parties, or fingleGentlemen, may be
~ accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hours molt convenient to themfolves—a cold Collation is
tegslarly kspt for th« Billof Fare to be had
1 at tho bar- , ,
The Lodging Rooms will b-; completely fnrr.itnj"!, and
the utmost attention paid to de&nlitiefa, and cvefy other
0 ■ requiCtc. . t h
0- B*muel Ricuarukt will behappy to receive,,an«
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Peblic at
I large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
j himfelf that nothing or his part {hall be wanting to pre
fervethat patronage with which he has been so diflinguMh-
ingly honored.
Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
Dr. Perkins
In»o*ms the Citizens of Philadelphia, that he has taken
lodgingifor a few days, at the Indian Queen, in 4th
1 i street. He will be happy to wait on any ptrfons in this
r city, between the hours of 9 and 1, who wife to latisfy
i themselves ol the efficacy of his
'• patent metallic points,
0 Alnd will operate gratis for the relief of the poer : the
0 instruments, and the right of using them, are for sale at 3
his lodgings.
0 'Subjoined, are Extra&s from a Pamphlet, containing raa-
O ny remarkable cases, attested by charaAers of the high
c. efl refpeiftability.
o Eitracis from. Letters to ike Author of the Metallic Difcevtry. *i CJ
0 Piesjont Edwards, Esq. Diftria Attorney for the liate
of Cotmedticut.
0 New-Haven, OSober 7, I"y6.
.Dear Sir,
I fhouldhave written you last week, had I then brsn ; r
0 able to ascertain certain fids, the rumour of which I scad y
~ heard. A Mrs. Beers, a near neighbour to me, the wife
10 | of Eben Beers, an,d <hugh«cr of captain Samuel Hnggins, ( j
~ | of this town, had been, for !ourtee« weeks, exceedingly
i diftrelled with the Rbeuniatilin, to such a degree th»c for
J0 fourteen weeks previous to the 29th of lall month, fee f(
j' had not keen able to walk across the room even with crut
e ches, five only once, when fee made out with the slii.l
---j auee of crutches to hobblepart of the way acroisher room.
n On the »9th of September last, fee procured a set of your 11
metallic fubftauces, and in less than an hour after fee had C
bef;un to ule them, in the manner directed by you, fee ft
' ' role from her chair, and walked ajiout her house, and 011
ft ' the next day fee went abroad to her ntfighbours, having
thrown aside her a utches. I have this day plaid her a visit
in company with her father, and Timothy Jones, Esq.
tie who lives in the street where fee resides and dire&ly op- ?
v- posit-; tft her residence, and with Capt. Abel Barrett, who
's, is her next neighbor, and lives within eight yards of her
if door. I reqnetled her to relate ht:r cafe over in their
prefeace, which the did, and these gciitUmen all with one
i- voice, fuppo-ted, froai their own knowledge, her story.- v
id It i. a duty which you owe yocrfelf and the world to pro
mulge this event. / I am, very refpeCh'ully, jr
Your obedient f»rvant,
N. B. She lays her fever has left her, her appetite hat „
returned, and she is in a fair way le be relieved to perl tit f (
_ a Rev. Mr. Spalding, of Salem. ai
]n This may certify, that the fubferiber, in his visits among t<
his people, has used Dr. Perkins's metallic peints, to re- ii
x lieve paici, and inflammations of various kinds, and has f'
fuceeedcd to his ailomlhmtnt. They have seldom failed c
' to relieve the head-acb, t«eth-ach, ague in the face, in- *
flanimation in the eyes, cramp, cholic, rhemnatifm, pains c
of the breatt and fide, biles, scalds and burns—Sometimes
there has been a perfect cure from one operation. A lad '
' who had been confined three days with high fymptenis of *
lie a fever, very hot and full of pain, by an operation of the I
y points, dw'figned to relieve his head, his face -turned pa4e
and cold, his fever and pain immediately left him, and in
a few days he wuseut of doors % tiie year bdore, at the
fame tfeitfon, he was taken with the lame symptoms, and
lay extremely sick Jorty days. The efficacy of the metal
lic points has gained grejit credit in this town.
D«crf*ber 5, 1796.
ReV. EtHANAP. Winchester *
- J certify, th,U; on the aill of March, 1796, I saw Dr.
Perkins's method of cure by pointed metallic inftritmentb, j
tried with iucceij.'in the poor-houfeor bettering-houfe in c
?f- Philadelphia ; eipccially npoa a man who was unable to c
►at lift his hand to his head, as was tried beforehand, but c
ry who after a few minuter operation, was able to remove it a
;et at pleasure ; and in my light, put it wicheafe on the top j
■c- of his head and back of his neck, and in all directions. £
it- Nearly -the lame took place upon a woman ; and
et, a-ll that I saw treated, profeffed that their pains t
:o- after being treated a fliort time : and several came volun-
en tarily, and in my .Hearing thanked the Dr. for cures he
xfe hud performed on them about eight weeks befere, in re- J
ars moving pains from them, which they deefcred had not *
efe lince returned *. —lo that fisom what I saw with my own (
a eyes, and what I have heard, I have great hope» that this
4, methed will greatly tend to alleviate tha nriferies of man- (
:m kind. slhanan wiKchester.
og Philadelphia, April 4, 1796.
■he from a Providence Papar.
he Dr. Perkins's invention for removing pains from "the
Hid human body, begins to obtain reputation in proportion
&n» to its utility and efficacy. The simplicity of the operati
thc on was at firft an obfiack to its credit; but the flood of c
vidence in its favor, from a&mal -xpcrimcut, is at length
too powerful to be relisted.
' February?. 4»we«tf
* 1
*v ' ' jajg k - V, -
T HE LANDS of. the Uw'.ed Sta-,. :.,
North-Wcftern Territory, heretofore advern: ; *
in the several public papers, wii! commence this even
ing, M*he City i Tava n to be coqtijiued, from day
to day, 'till the tenth of MARCH next, if not foeiir
lan'iiry 4 £
mr. Pickering's Letter.
This Day Publiflied,
Pricc three eights of.a Dollar.
THE Letter of the Secretary of State, to Mr. Pinek
ney, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, to
the French Republic. February 4. 6t
Particular Peneriilt; WTnT.
50 Quarter-Caiks Tarticuli-r Toieriffe WINE,
Of a superior Quality,
For lale by A. MARPLB IS. W. MO !?*'-_
69 Dqck.-:*: eej
February 8 wf&trl u
wafkington Canal Lot:o>v,
NO. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has ».-horiftd
the underwritten, to raise twenty.fti thousand
two hundred, and fifty dollar*, for the purpose of CiUpv ?
a Cana! through the City of Washington, fro. i th I'oj
tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz -I Prist: of »o,oos dollars, ao,ooo
I ditto 10,000 10,000
7 la ft drawn ■>
Tickets, each { s ' oao «<°oo
6 ditto I,oo« 6,000
lo ditto 400 4,00®
10 ditto 100 4,003
SS ditto so 1,759
5750 ditto li 69,00?
To be raised for tha Canal, 16,15*
j8?0 Prizes, »7J.000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
I7JCO Tickctf. itTctt Bojlirs, - 175,000
The Commiffionei-i have tskill th- Securities re
quired by the aforjfaid aft for payment of
tn'e prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will cotjimence, without
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely '
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not dfipahd'i in fix months after tha
drawing is finifhed, shall be confioercd as relxcuifKd for
die benefit«f the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
/ Stgned j NOT LEY YOyNG,
wm M.mwcANSdw;
City as Feb. if $
This Day is PubliJhed,
By BIOREN & MADAN, at their Printing Office,
No. 77, Docfe-ftreet, and fold by the principal
Bookseller* in this City.
'(The American Annual Regifier ;
; Or historical Memoirs of tTie United States, for the
Year 179#.
No. 167. v
D'tflriS of Ptnnfylviwia, lo wit :
Be it remembered, that on the 19th diy of January
j in the Vwenty-firit year of the Independence of the
L United Stages of America, Bioren & Madan of the fair!
diftriiYhawe depofifed itfthis OBlce tile title of a Book
' the Right whereof they claim as Froprietors in the
words following to wit:
" The American. Annual Register, or Hiflorical *
' " Memoirs of the United States, for the yestr 1
* In conformity to the act of the Congress of the
United States entitukd " An ail for the encourage
r ment of learning by fectiring the copies of Maps,
1 Charts and 3ooks, to the authors and proprietors of
; fuck copies during-the time therein mentioned."
r Clerk Pennsylvania Diftriil.
t Janaary 15. iaw4
. PURSUANT to a Rrlolve of the Board of Trufteei of
3 Washinbton Acaoeui, in Somerlct County, and
State of Maryland, -
That the office of Principal TeacWer in the laid school (is
A GENTLEMAN qualified to teach the higher Greek and
Latin Clallics, Ceography, and the Mathematics, vuh
such other branches ot literature as nfo*l!y taught in iach
schools, would meet with libci-1 encouragement, and, it is
believed, would obtain a very eligible feitlement. For the
' prelent, the Truflees would be witling to contract with a pc.r*
lon capable ort taking charge of a Grammar S.hoel.
Aithis Institution is provided wi;h buildings fufficient to*
accommodate the principal and his tamily, and from seventy
£ t« eighty bovs t ; a library, an excellent pinloibpnicd a
- ihematical apparatui, globes, maps, $ccr~ '
s funds, and is fiuiated in a plentiful and agreeable - part of the
d country ; nothing seems wanting to 1 nk- it rack among the
. ftiotl ulefu! seminaries in thi* part of the Union, but a iuitable
1S character to ptefide in it.
s Propofats mav be addressed to the fubferiber, in Princefs
-1 Anne, in the. neighborhood of the Academy, or to DoCtjr
Martin L Hayme, No 8j» north Third-ftrcet, Pliila
' delphia, or to the Punter hereof.
e January 10. y. tnfc'Rw
'- A very Valuable Eltate,
Called ru r it -te nh am, situate in th«
town (hip of Upper Derby, sndcOuntypf Delaware,
7 1-1 miles from Philadelphia, itnd half a mile from the
new Wefltrn road containing 230 a»re« of excellent land,
■ 45 of which art good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood
s - land, and tWe reft arable of thu firft quality. There arc
II on the premifesa good two story brick houff, witii 4 tqoHns
0 on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a ptjntp-wdl
of excellent water in front; a frame barn, ftabl'.a 1
and other convenient buildings ; a fn\okc-hcufe and ttone,
P l'priug-lioufe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
es. The ate allin clover, except tltofe immesliafely
- undir tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
of water in each of them, which t suders itpvtuiiarly ™ n "
" veiiient for grazing.
LC Th* situation i< pleasant and healthy, and froai »he
eultivjitioii of the land, the good neighbourhood, and tho
K vicMiity to the city, it is very luitabie for a gentleciaM*
n country feat.
• s The foregeing is part of the eilatc of Jacob Hartitat%
a ~ deceased and offered for sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
o<sl c 31. taw Surviving Executor
•h , —No. 119—
C H E S N V T-S T S. E E T.
(Prit* Eight Dollars P*l AADillo.)