CONGRESS or the UNITED STATES. HOUSE OF REPRSS E'HTATtVE-S. Monday, January 16. Mr. Dwight Foster, from the committee of I C '.ims, made reports on the petiiions of Frederick and Andten Dunftan, which w-ete against 1 the petitioners. Tfre (irfl was concurred In by the honfc ; the lad was ordered to lie on the table. .Mr, New moved that the petition of James Gar net, !• gatee and administrator of James Mercer, should be referred to the committee on the laud-of lic.e bulinefs. Agreed, Mr. Ames moved a refoiution to the following rtirCl, viz. " That the committee of commeice Hpd manufaftutes be direfied to enquire whether it v. ould r.ot be expedient for the better fecuiitv of i nsvigation, to place, a number of Buoys within and ' the harbour of Bollon, and report b) bill or ot her wife." Agreed to. Mr. Havens prefenteu a petition from the c»llec tor of cufloms and revenue for Sag-Harbour ( Island) praying for an increase of salary. Mr. Mierborne presented also a petition from Je remiah Libby, Poftmaftci of Portsmouth (N. H.) 'o the fartie effcA ; both of which wererefeired to the committee of commerce and cianufa&ures. / Mr. Milledge presented a petition from -William Matthews, clerk to the corr.miiTary of The state of Georgia, for compensation. Referred to the com mittee of claims. Mr. W. Smith, from the committee of ways and means, made a report on the fubjeA of appropriati ons, which was twice read and committed to a com mittee of the whole. Mr. Harper laid a refoiution on the table, direc- ■ ting the secretary of the treasury to lay at stated periods certain statements of duties and drawbacks, ! before the lioufe. * Mr. W. Smith said the attorney-general had ; been directed to makea report tocongrefsin March ' ' 795« relative to a claita-ofLthe n f Crurpiii ' to certain lands, which had never been made to that ' houle, but to the Senate only. He'fa'd the land . in question was of gieat extent and value, and [ some measure ought to betaken on the fubieift. He j therefore proposed that a meffaga ihould be sent to 1 the attorney-general for a copy ef that report. A greed. , Mr. Malbone.faid he found it inconvenient to at- « tend both the committee of commerce and m«nu- e fattures and the committee of claims, and desired i to be excused from attending upon the committee f of claims. He was excyip), and his colleague Mr. ti Potter was appointed. f In eommittee of the whole, R,'r. Dent in the chair, e on the report of the committee of ways and means, \ on the fubie& of a land tax. Mr. Henderfon. Mr. Chairman, lam very sensible that our present revenue system is not fufficientlv pro- ? dutpVe, toanfwer the exigsncies of government, and that it isneceflary, during the present session, to adopt '' forme measures to improve it. This,, I believe, will be si admitted by all, and the only question is, as to the ti mode by which it lhall be ac&mplilhed. a iwo modes of obtaining an increase of revenue, are _ contemplated. Ihe one, by extending the present fy- , ft*m of muireA taxation, as far as prudence will ad ir.R—The other, by having recourse to direst taxation. t llfon taking a comparative view of the two differ- « ent modes, the advantages that appear to my mind, u to arise ont of, and flow from tne firft, have so much the preponde'rance, that 1 cannot give my aflent to the adoption of the other,- until the improvement of the 1 IvAem of individual taxation has bcentairly tried, and ihall prove infufficient to meet the necessary expendi- a tures of government. * .' 'v * tl Sir, I will take the liberty to enumerate » few of the «1 advantages lhat the present system poflefies, which can- h not be attached to the new one. This fyftiin harbeen 1 organized, for a eonfiderable length of time, and the citizens have got accuftcmed to, «ud are generally well with it. It can be extended without any •change in the- system, or perhaps the appointment of one new officer. It will occasion the least possible ex- •pcnce in thecolleaion. It is the molt easy aad agree- » able mode of raising revenue from our citizens, in the tl •power of government to adopt. They pay the tax a vbiuntarilv and imperceptibly; they have an option, to coniumc much, er little ; and in proportion to their r eonfumption, will bc their contribution to the revfnue. Sir, the revenue arising from this -fyliem, has been l ' 8 state progreflion ever since the system was Ic got into operation, and.l trust may be jireferved ia w that state. It has, I believe, answered l ' sanguine expectation of its promoters, and I have £ very little doubt on my miud, but that i» would have ff: met all the common exigencies of govermtient, if there had not, of late, atifen some very extraordina- 31 ry aad heavy greatly augmented ci our public debt. b Sir, with regard to the system of direst taxation, cl almost every member who has advocated themea- el sure, acknowledges that it will be attended with ? coufiderable and I belfeva the opi- 11 nion to be well founded. Great innovations upon G fyllems of taxation, are generally embariaffing. It r( isto tu unexplored giound. The drawing of reve- u cue, by coercion, trom our citizens, appear&to me " one of ttit mo ft delicate and difficult fuljeas p?__ w (have ageotf even in America, from w - | r ** she plots of the from ihe colonics a^d i the envoys from '!>e European courts." <« Tj." j is as it were an echo in Europe, and this echo r * peats to the committee every .political fyflem a J n—" ed in Europe." P" These confcfii®n» are very candid. The f A are perfc&ly in the charaAer of the nation. p er * haps no nation ob earth take the fame pains and equally fuccefsful, in worming out the secrets of other people. The following anecdotes are told in private circles. When the negoction of 1783 was pend.W ,h- Bntifh minister, Mr. Oswald, 1 0 * hi, papcrfco,,. tainißg hu inftruaions. They were taken out of , hrt bureau, the locked. Mr. Ofwaid told Mr lay his papers were gone, and asked him how he , trivea tofecure his papers. Mr. Jay replycd, he Pt tllem IXI a pocket within his coat, usder hU arm, and when he went to bed, he laid them un. .er him. But fays Mr. Jay, ye u need t ive y OUr . leit no uneabnefs about the papers; the French wimfter has them doubtless and is taking copies —ana when he has done this, the papers will b" returned to their place. Accordingly, a ft er two or three days, the papers were replaced in the bu reau, and the bureau locked aCufual. V\ hat led Mr. Jay to his conclusion, was, a knowledge of similar tricks before. During the war, and while Mr. Jay was in Spain, a certain pa. per r/as sent by him to thefecretary for foreign as. fairs in America. The paper arrived fafe. Mot long after, it was miffing for several days, k then refiored fafely to ltj piacc. A few months after, and the fir/t that Mr. Jay beared of it, the French minister in- Spain showed him a copy of it. A clerk in the office of foieigu affairs had been bribed, it was supposed, to obtain the paper for the French minis. ter in Philadelphia, who copied it, sent back the original, and a copy to France ; from whence is was sent to the French minister in Spain. , A 7. J'. Min. New Theatre. -~ — < ON WEDNESDAY-EVENING, February S, Will be presented, (for ch« fourth time) an Hiftoricil Flay, called ' Columbus; Or, A WORLD DISCOVERED. WITH NEW SCENERY, MACHINERY, DRESSES AND DECOJSATiONS. Tne raufic composed by Mt Reinagle. Tlie proceiEons and Pageant b,y Mr. Byrne. In this Play the manners and customs of Mexico and Peru characterize the tirft discovered njtions of America. Such deviation from Historical truth was deemed nece:L: • for drsmatic offed, and has enabled the author to imn* duce the pathetic Tale of CORA ,awj> ALONZO, irora Marmontel's Incas. The PROLOGUE.wiII be Ipoken by Mr. Wiciuii.) SPANISH PARTY. Columbus, Mr. Cooper Alonze, .Mr. Moretcn Harry Herbert, Mr. Wignell Dodtor Dolores, Mr. Banvoad Bribon, Mr. Francis lioldan, Mr. Fox Valverdo, Mr. Hurley Motcofo, Mitt — - " Mr. M"JJon*ld ill Spaniard, , Mr. Darlcy y \^ 3d Spaniard, Mr. Morgan INDIANS. \ i Orozimbo, Mr. Warren Solatco, ( Mr. VEJlranre Catalpo, Mr. Warrell Cuto, Mr. f.WarrM Cora, Mrs. Merry kelti, Mr«. Francis Pricftefles of the Sun, \ JJ™. range , , < Mrs. Mcchtlcr, Int. Indian Women,—Mrs Harvey, Mrs. poflor, Mifi Mil .bouf« AliUOJdfield. Mis. L Eltrange, Mis, Halo, Mil* Anderfon.apd M'clle Sophie. In a& t. A PROCESSION OF JNDJAN*, and the firft ' * Landing of Columbus. « ~ Q. . . AT lON OF A ST OHM AND £ARTHOVAKI?• VVKha Grand Eklftion fiom a Vowa.vJ. In aft A March of Saciuhci, and-Proceffion to the E*ecutio» of Cora. The whole to conclude with A GRAND PAGEANT Ihe fee tie of the Volcano dsfigned by J. Richards, Elq. a. A. principal Scent Painter to Covtnt-Gardcn i heatre. The reft of the-S« W r--ch.Cg n ed by Mr. Milbourne. and the whole executed by him and under his direc tion. Machinist, Mr. LentbalL The dresses dpfigned by Mr. Gibbons. To which wil! be added, A FARCE, called Love a-la-Mode; Or, THE HUMOURS OF THE TURF. [Written by Charles Macklin, Ef« ] Sir Calaghau O'Bralighau Mr. Warren * Sir Archy M'Sarcafm Mr. Bates - Squire Groom Mr . Harivood Beau Mordec*. Mr . p ra , uij \ bir I hcodore Goodchild Mr. Warrell * Servant , Mr. Mitchell Charlotte Mrs. Hartvy P^' lc are rcfpe<9ful]y informed, that the new comedy of "I lie Way to get married is in preparation. and wi" be speedily brought forward ; after Co- 9 iumbus will neccflariiy fee laid aside. Box OneDolbr twen V -fl ¥c cents. Pit Seven Eighth. a Dollar and Gallery, halt a dollar. te !l " at Hook-liore. Thea s tr l ' " th ' ° ffice the ladies aiid Gentlemen arc requested to fcrd their Jervants to Kceppbies a quarter before 5 o'clock, and as as cofnpany are feattd, to with'traw, is they cannot on any account be permit, ted to remain. r Ihe Doors of the Theatre will open at 5. a*d the Curtain rife precisely at 6 o'clock. Places for the Boxes to ue taken at the Office in the front of the theatre, from 10 tUI a o'clock, and from 10 till 4 on the days of performance. ' ; *VIP~AT RpSPUBf jr,/l' AL 1. f RSO N S TNDEETED to the Eflatc of the late David Kilwnidt, X Esquire, either by note, bill, bond, book account, or it f u 'l. Jre to make immediate t» the iubfenbers, without delay, and allpcrfon.havi„ ?a n r just demands aga.nft said hltate, are d,fired >• exhibit ihe lame for adjuftrucnt. ANN ICENNEDY > Adm'x. pv , .... c FRANCIS JOHNSTON j Mmr. Philadelphia, Fsbruary 8