Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 03, 1797, Image 4

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    For. Sale,
At the Office of the Editor of the Gazette of the
United States, ««
" An account of the Receipts and w
Expenditures of the United States, for the yea* 1795'
Tanuary 28, 1797- _ — '
Who have insetted Advcrtiferaents at the request of the
Editor of this Paper, 11 e defired'to forward their accounts.
janmry y * 1
LOST, »n monday last, a silver stop Watch, makers
nan Yes, " Hscxhurft and Doult, New-York, 809 ,
on the face, hour-hand in a small circle ; th? imnuM-haiid
revolving in a larger. Whoever has found, and will re
turn the lame to James Edge*., comer of Second and
Catherine Streets, lhall raccivte 10 Dollars reward. 1. of
fered for sale it is requelted it may be stopped.
January 30 4t
Houses and Lots for sale, _
BY the Subscriber, ill the rown <if Wei!-Charter, Ches
ter county,'2s miles from Philadelphia, on the great t j
ftatc-road, leading Westward- Viz. No. I. A two-story
Stone Uoufe, the corner of Higlva'id Gay Jtreets, 40 feet g
front by 34 feet deep, including a very convenient (lore
touie : the House contains ten well finifhed rooms, a kit
chen and entry : the Lot is 144 feet front on Gay-street,
«_equal to any stand in West-Chester. No. i. A two-fto-
ry stone house adjoining. *1 feetfroftt, containing eleven
well-finilhed rooms, both being ceiled in the garrets, house
l tnd lot fame depth as the other, a kitchen, &c. cellars
under both houses, with good stables on the lots, 'l'hefe
Houses are alnroft new, done" by good workmen, in a
maiterly mann«r. No. 3* A -°' -* 1 f eet front. No. 4,
34 feet. No- 5, 44 fe«- No - "9 «" 6f t 1 " 111
ten reds deep. On two of the above are erected three log d
2nd frame houses, two stories high, cellars under the 1
whole, and a small liable to each- t
The above Lots are situated near the Court-Houfe. The t
whole will be exposed to PUBLIC SALE, on the 2ilt and i
aid days of February next, at two o'cloek, when the con- j
ditions will be made' known PoffeOion miy be had the 1
firft of April next. The Title is indisputable.
January »8 t" w 3 w f
Riding School, Horse Academy & Infirmary,
Adjoining the Public Square, Market Stiect.
RETURNS his sincere thanks totbofe gentlemen by whom
-fce has been employed, during his residence \n this City, and
Matters himfelf that the success of his efforts, in the numerous,
obllinate and dangerous diseases in Horses, iu which he ha»
bten consulted, together with his moderate charges, will fe
ure their futurefavors and receminendation.
He now begs leave to inform them and the public at large
that his fpaeious and commodious premises, eretbed for the
purposes above described are open for the reception of pupils (
of either sex, who wilhlo beinflrudtcd in the Art of Riding, i
and the light method of governing their horses, so as to ride
them with ease, elegance, and fafety—their horses will be
carefully and expeditioufly broke, for every purpose, and
made obedient tot he will of the riders ; the natural powers
which are Ihut up in them, will be unfolded by art, calling
forth uniformity of motion, and giving to that noble animal
all thole beauties of aaion which providence has so bounti
fully beflowed on them. .
Also, at hishofpital, every dtloHer to which the horle is
liable will be treated according to the rules of art, confirmed
by long and repeated experience.
The utility of thc*»JOve institution has never bcenqneltion
sd, that it has long been wanted id this city, every geHtl«man's
stud will manileft, and T. Swann as the Hiik eltai.lilher of
the veterinary art, fohcits and lelies upon the fuppoitofihat
public (which he is ever anxious in serving) to enable him to
bring it to perfe&ion. The idea of a fubfcnption for that
purpose has beeu himed by fevetal gentleman, who wilh to
■promote the inftitution —the amount of each fubfcnption to
be returned by services in any of the departments he profeffes,
agreeable to the rate of charges (laud in his hand bill. Such
fabfeription isnoW open, and the fignaturcsof many refpe£fc
able gentlemen already obraintd. He thereiore informs bis
friends and such Ladies and gentlemen to whom he has not
the honor of being known, that he (hall in a few days take
the liberty of waitiug upon them aitd folicking their support
and protection. :
N. B. Horses are properly prepared tor th®le Ladies and
•Gentlcmenwho wilh to be inllrudled.
Nov. 5; ___ » h&f -
James M'Alpin, Taylor,
No. 3, South FourthJircet,
RETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to his
Friends and the Public for their liberal encouragement,
and begs leave to solicit a continuance of their favors.
He has on hand an extenftve alTortment of the
Mod Fctfhionable GOODS,
And of the best quality, suitable for the season. t
At this shop Gentlemen can be furniftied withthe best
materials, and have them made up in the neatest and nWt
Falhionable manner, and «n the fhortcfl notice. He will
thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and
■punctual attention, to them.
November 10. ws
Bank of Pennfylvaiiia,
January 4, 1797-
At a meeting of thc Dirc&ors this day, a dividend of
lixteen dollars on each shire was declared tor the last
6 months, which will be paid to the Stockholders af
ter the l 4 th jq NATHAN SMITH, Calhisr.
3- !!iL_
Samuel Richardet (
RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CHTY
city of Phi'&Seljhia.
The Subscription Room will be furmlhed with all the
daily papers publiflied in Philadelphia, N:w-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial citi«s of Europe—Tkcy wili be regularly bled
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual reireiameßts,
-vrill at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated With
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
approved Malt Liquors from London and other brewerios.
The Larder Will befupplied wi& the prime and earliest
productions of the Scafon. ,
Larec and small Parties, 01 Ergle Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with BreaHalls Dinners, or Suppcfs, at
tours most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation -,s
regularly kspt for co'nveniency, the Billof Fare te be had
The^Ledging Koorns will be completely furniftied, and
the utrnoft attention paid to tleanlinefs, and every other
Rich ARDET will behappy to receive, and
execute the command* of his Fri- nds, and the Public at
i ar „e- abd with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
himfe'lf that nothing 011 his part fhallbe wanting to pre
fer ve that patronage with which he has been so diftinguifh
jnely iionored. i
April 19.
Canal No. 11. F
Scheme t)f a Lottery, authorized by an '
"An ads to enable the Prendent and i»lanageis of the
Schuylkill and Sulquehannah navigation, to rails, by
way of Lattery, the sum of Four Hundred Thoufaml
Dollars, for the purpose oji completing the works, in
their *c\s of incorporation mentioned."
1 Prize of twenty thousand dollars, so,ooo f
j of ten thousand dollars, 10,^00"
5 of four thousand dollars each, to
~be paid to the possessors of the five
numbers nrit out of the wheel on the lift
day's drawing, at which time there lball
not be less than 500 numbers undrawn, ao.aoo F
xo of two thousand dollars 20,000
jo of one thousand dollars each, ao,ooo
of live hundreddellars each, »i,Joo
100 of two hundred dollars each, 20,000
100 of one hundred dollars each, io,ooo
220 of fifty dollars eac'n, 11,000
29,500 of live dollars each, I47>s°°
(jo,ceo Tickets at ten dollars each. 300,000
Six dollars for each ticket will only be demanded at
the time offjle.
All prizes shall be paid ten days after the drawing is
finifhed, upon the demand of the polfefibr ol a fortunate
ticket, fubjecl to a deduction of fifteen per cent.
Such prizes as are not demanded within 12 months
after the Drawing is finifhed, of which public notice
will be given, shall be conlidercd as relinquillied lor
the use of the Canal and applied accordingly.
At a meeting of the Prelident and Managers of the
Schuylkill and Sufquehauna Cdnal Navigation—and
the Prelident and Managers oi the Delaware and
Schuylkill Canal,
Relnlved, That Joseph Ball, John Steinmctz, Stan- j
dish Forde, Francis Weft, Jaraes M'Crea, John Mil- £
ler, junr. and William Montgomery be a committee
to arrange and direst the mode of dnpoung of the
tickets ; which committee shall deposit the money in .
Bank, to be carried to the credit of an account to be o- .
pened for the Lottery. '
At a meeting of the Canal Board, held January 16,'97,
Rcfolved, That the committee tor conducing the
Lottery be dire<sldd to commence the, drawing on the ;
firft day of March next.
Extract from the minutes,
We. M. Smith, Secretary.
Joseph Ball, 1
John Stiinmetz,
Sttandijh Forde, |
Francis Wejl, Managers.
James M'Crea,
Johu Miller, jun.
1 IVilliam Montgomery,
Jan. 20. th&
Cicy of Walhington.
: SCHEME oft he LOTTERY, No. 11,
1 A magnificent ) 20,000 dollars, & / 9Q9
' dwelling-houfa, 5 cash 30,000, are >
' I ditto 15,000 & cafli 25,00 a <0,000
I ditto 15,q00 & calh 15,000 30,000
I ditto 10,000 & calh 10,000 20,000
l ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000
I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000
I cash prize of lo,oO»
» » do. 5,000 cach, are • 10,000
f 10 do. i,eoo - - 10,000
lt 20 do. 500 - 10,000
00 do. 100 - - 10,000
aoo do. 50 - - 10,000
0 400 do. »5 - 10,000
s> 1,000 do. 20 - 20,000
h 15,000 do. 10 - 150,000
ls *6,739 Prizes.
" 3Jj26i Blanks.
" 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000
N. B. To favour those *ho may take a quantity of
Tickcts, the prize of 40,000 dollars will bethe last draws ;
ticket, anjlthe 30,ooothe last but out :
And approved notes, securing payment m either monsy i
or prizes, in ten days after drawir>g, will be reseived foi
any number not less than 30 tickets.
is This Lottery will afford an elegant fpeeimen of the pri
t, vate buildings to be ertAed in the City of Walhington^—
Two beautiful designs are already ieleiled for the entire
fronts on two of the public squares; from tfaeie prawingi
it is proposed to erect two centre and four corner building- ,
as soon as pofTible after this lottery is fold, and to convey j
. theni, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in
X the manner described in the fcieme for the Hotel Lottery.
, A nett deduction of five per eent. will be made to defray
'' the necelTary expenses of printing, the fur-plus
will be made a part of the fundintended for the N«tianal
Umverfity, to be erecled within the city of Wafhii4gton.
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
old off.—The money prizes will bepayablffin thirty days
after it is finifhed ; and any prize; for which fortunate
numbers ate not produced within twelve months after the
f drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards
3 [! vhe fun J for the Univcrfity ;it being determined to fettle
the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw
ing, and to take up the bonds given as fccurity.
The real fecurit,es given for the payment of the Prizes,
are held by the Prefideut and two Direelors of the Bank
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a
~ mount of the lottery.
, The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
•n the late Commilfioners aflifled in the management of the
Y Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk
ic 1 feconc! time on behalf ©f the public ; a Sufficient num
tit of these having kindly is hoped that the
le iends to a National University and the other federal ob
,f. jeitsmaj continue to favor the delign.
n- By accounts received from the dulerent parti of the
id Continettt as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public are auured that the
ty drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and
ts, caation unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of
tlu tickets, has rendered the fnorr suspension indifpenfabU,
'ft «§• Tiekets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ;of
as. James Weft &Co. Baltimore iof Peter Oilman, Boiton ;
eft of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and 0/ Richard Wells
Cooper's Ferry. *0
at A Quantity of Brandy,
■? ' FIRST & 2d proof,
Gin, of 4th proof, in pipft
n{! Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, in Hhds
Old Hock, in cases -of 40 dozen each
Glass Tumblers, in |)ints and half-pints
ni j Window Glass, in boxes, of different sizes
at Hazlenuts, in faeks
S es' Whiting
i k Spanish Brown J
f For Sale by PETER BLIGHT.
Elegant Bruffsls & Turkey Carpeting,
For falc by George Dobfon, N6. 25, South Third-fircet.
Deseuiber 15. dtf in a
on ;
By Authority.
• a sou
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
Sold by WILLIAM BLACKB.XjRN, No. 64,
South SecondJireet. An
For railing Sixty Thousand Dollars, agieiably to an A3 ol
the Legiflaiure of Pennfylvaaia, paffcd during the tail
feifion, for bjilding a Stone Bridge o»er the River
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, iu the County of
Berks. Dollar!. 1
1 Prise of 20,000 Dollan .
, do. of 10,000 do. - - 10,000
3 do. of 5,000 do. ... 1,5,000 kjj,
4 do. of 2,000 da. - • 8,000 r j c
»o do. of do. ... 80,000
39 do. of 500 do. ... >9,500
80 do. of 200 do. . . . 10,000 ""
too ilo. of 100 do. . *0,000 tlx
300 do. of £0 db. - 15,000 pu
1 do. of 500 'o to be paid the Q ma
for f the firft drawn no. $ " a I
t do. of 3,000 do. to be paid polfeffors > aui
of the fi»e lall drawn no» > *' ra |
9,400 do. o 15 do. : - 141,000 oy
——— q U
10,054 Prizes 300,000 :»
.19,946 blanks ' "
30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars jjoo,ooo ™""
All Prirts shall be paid fifteen days after the drawing is
fiiri (bed, upon the demand of a pofleflor of a fortunate
jicket, fubjeft to a dedu&ion of twenty per sent. The Pr
Drawing will commence as soon as the Tickcts arc oifpofcd
of, cr perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be given.
Philip Miller, Peter, IVidiani IVitman, p
Joseph Hiejler, James Diemer, ' Thomas Dundat,
James May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Graeff, w ,
Selafiian Miller, Commissioners. m
Reading, May the 9th, 1796- til
Tickets 111 the Canal Lottery, No. 1, to be had at the
above office, where the eariitft information of the draw t |,
ing of th -Washington Np. a, an.i Patterfon Lottery s, -j
arc received, and check books for examina*. ion and regif J
tering are kept. . m
Tickets iu the above Lottery toba had at Mr, Sheri
dan's Raee-ftreet, John Hay, North Third-ftreot and £h
Henry Sw;yer'=, German Town. w
January 16 ' tawtf [,)
For Sale, th
By George Defchamps, No. 91,
: Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels w
and half barrels ]t
Ditto Herring and Mackarel.
SmOalied Herring in barrels and kegs J '
, Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or finglc one 1
Dry Codfifh, ftom one to fifty kentalt
Fine and coarse Salt c
No\.a-Scotiaand French Plaster of Paris, iu the Rone °
and ground, for manure and stucco-work *'
December i c
Or A Pidtyre of Youth. si
By the authoress of Evelina and Cecilia, to be com- r<
.prised in five volumes, at half a dollar each, payable P
on delivery —Printed at New-Yoik, l)y Mr. John *
Bull. ' -
I. Kandfome, neat type, perfectly new, is em- °
ploved. . . ,
11. A volume, stitched in blue paper, is intended ''
to be published every 2 weeks, till the five are com- «
pitted ; the firft and lecond are come to hand, and the a
third is hourly expected. Subscriptions are received, 1:
and Books may -be hid of }■ ORMROD, No. 41, 1|
Mrs. (late Miss Burney) the celebrated J;
authoress of this inimitable work, needs no eulogy
| to add to the laurels she has already acquires" in the
f : literary *'orld. The ilrength of imagination and ele
-8 i place of style, displayed in Evelina and Cecilia, will *
! Efficiently 11 eorpmend to every reader of taste and
[judgment, the perusal of Camilla.
' It r-iay not be improper to add, that of £
England, after having perused this intcrcftim; publi
cation, preltnted Mrs., D'Arblay with a tboufand
~ e pounds sterling, as a testimony of her approbation of :
, s the work.
! TanuoVv a ; co? f
I Lottery and Broker's Office, r
No. 64, -South Second strzst.
y — !
is JACKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for sale—a
'1 1. Check Book for examination—and prizes p»:d in '
the late lottery.
e Check Books kept for examination and registering, for
r5 the City of Wa&ington, No. 2, and PatteTon Lotteries,
:e both of which >are now drawing—information where
16 tickets are to he had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
ls tickets. A complete Id If of all the prizes in the late New- 1
i- e Port Loag-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for 1
'* examination.
The fubferiber solicits the application of the public
and his friends, who wi& to purchase or fell Bank Stock,
k Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands,
Sic. or to obtain money on deposit of property.
* t ' Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
ol falc at Ten Dollirs each, which will be drawn early in
ie the Spring.
k Wn. Blackburn.
, c Philadelphia, January 46, 1797. mth
Thifl is Published,
By Bip'REN & MADAN, at their Printing Office,
:ls No. 77, Dock-street, and fold by the principal
' r " Booksellers in this City.
of The American Annual Register j
1«, Or hiltorical Me.noirs »f the United States, for the
v Year 1796.
of No. 167.
n • DiJlriS of Pinnfylvatiia, to wit :
'I s Be it remembered, that on the 19th day of JaV.uarv
__ . fn the Twenty-firft year of the Independence of the
United States of America, Bioren & Madan of the said
diftrifl have deposited in this Office the title of a Bo6k
the Right whereof they claim as Proprietors in the j
words following to wit:
" The American Annual Regilter, or Historical
" Memoirs of the United States, for the year 1796.
In conformity to the aft of the Congress of the
United States entituled " An aifl for .the eneouuge
ment of learning Wy securing the copies of Maps,
Charts and Books, to the authors and pioprietor* of
such copies during the time thereia mentioned."
Samuel Caldwell,
I Clerk Ptfiini'yivauia DiflridL
January 35. iaw4
A Manufa&ory FOR SALE., *"
A valuable SOAP and CANDT.E Manufi&ors, (au&ie
in a convenient part ot Lhc tiiy ; ihc works slmott ncjv,
on an entirely iai cowTtr j&ina, and of the best ,
materials, ami miv be let to work immediately. Pec font
whowifhto purchale, arc requciied to appiy ai No 273,
vjuch Second Street. September 13. u i u
This Day is Published, .
Br 810 REN and MA DA N,
And to be Sold at their Printing-Ofnce, iu Dock
ftrcet ;■ by M. Carey, No. 118, Markct-ftrert ;
Thomas Bradford, No. 8, South Front-flrcet, and
George Doilglafs, No. i, South Third-street,
(Price, urally bound., tzuo dollars)
Concerning Political Justice,
And its Influence on Morals and Happiness,
By William Godwin.
THE .eputation oi this wwrk is already well esta
blished in Europe—lt is hardly necefTary for an Ame
rican editor to lay more than barely to mention, that
the Enquiry concerning Political Justice has ever
since its publication been a favorite performance with
the friends of republican government. The ltile is
pure, nervous, and classical; the ideas are strongly
marked by an original vein of thinking ; and, amongit
a-multitude of other just and striking paflages, the
author's delineation of the peculiar infelicities infepa
rabie from the condition ot a King, i»ay be pointed
out as a most masterly lpecimen of philol'ophical dif
quifition. The latest London edition of this work
fells in this city at four dollars and an half.
January 24 d3tawaw
Porcupine's Gazette.
Proposals by WILLIAM COBBETT, oppolite Christ
Church, Philadelphia, for publishing a news-paper,
to be entitled
Porcupine's Gazette, iff Daily Adveriifer.
Metlunks 1 hear the reader exclaim ; " What! have
we not Gazettes enough already »" Yes, and far tuo
many : hot those that we have, are, in general, con.
duifted in luch a manner that their great number, in.
«rdd of lendering mine unneceflary, i» the only cause
that cdls for.its eftablilhmentv ~—
The gazettes in this country have done it more real in
jury than all its open enemies ever did or can do. They
mislead the poopic-at home and milieprefent them a«<'
broad, 1 It was these vehicles of ledrtion and difccrd
that encouraged the counties in the Weil to rebel ; it
was they that gave rile to the depredation j of Britain,
by exciting the people to such aits of violence against
that nation, as left 110 room to doubt that we were de
termined on svar ; and it was they, when an accom
modation had been happily effedled, that ftirr<ad up an
opposition to it such as has seldom been witifoiTed, and
which was overcome by mere chance. These gazettes
it was, that, by misrepresenting the difpolitions o! the
people, encouraged the French to proceed from one
degree of infslence to another, 'till at last their Mmif
tdr braves. th« President in his chair, and a bullying
commander comes and tells us that his only bulinefs is
to fei*e our vellels, in violation of a treaty, 1(1 virtue
ot which alone he claims a right to enter our ports : and
it is tkel'e gazettes that now have the impudence to de
fend what their falfehood and malice have produced.
J (hall be told that the people are to blame; that
they air not obliged to read these abominable publica*
tions. But they do read them j and thousands who
read thero, read nothisg else. To fupprels them im<-
possible ; they will vomit forth their pdjfon ; it if >pti
-1 vilege of their natures, that no law can abridge ; and
therefore the only mode left is, to cuui,tcrSi£l its efficts.
Tiristnulk *e done, Too," IritKeirown way. Books,
. or periodical publications in the form of books, may
be of some service, but are by no means a match for
I their flying folios. A falfebood that remains uncontra
. difled for a month, begins to be looked upon as a truth,
; and when the dete&ion at last makes its appearance, it
t 1 is often as useless as that of the doilor who finds his
; patient expired. The only method of opposition, then,
is to meet them on their own ground ; to set foot to
foot ; dii'pHte every inch and every hair's breadth;
j fight them at their own weapons, and return them two
, blows for one
; A gazette of this stamp is what I have long wished to
fee, but'l have wiihed and cxpeifled it in vain. li.dig-
I nation at the fupinei)efs of others has at last got the
j better of all diffidence in my own capacity, and has de
termined me to encounter the task. People have h£ar(l
f one fide longeriough ; they (hill now hear the other,
j 1. Porcupine's Gazette (hall be of the usual size,
{ and the fublcription Eight Dollars a year, to be paid at
ihe expiration «f e.v-h half year.
a. Advcrtifements will be inserted at half the usual
- price, which will always be required in ready
3. The Censor, containing those pieces from the
gazette that may appear Worth prefer\r.g in a rr,ore
portable form, with such amplifications and amend
ments as time may give rife to, (hall be publiihcd
month'y, and each fubferiber (hall be entitled to a copy,
delivered with his paper at the end ot the month,
ir 4. If a fufficicnt number of fubfsj'ibcrs be obtained
s the firlt number of the Gazette (ha!! sppear on, or be
.c' fore the sth of March.
n N. B. A subscription book is now open at rriy (hop,
opposite Chrift-c'nurih, whither gentlemtn in the coun
>r try, who wi(h to subscribe, are requested to fend their
ic Sublcriptions are taken at Bo Hon by Mr. James White,
k, bookseller ; at Salem, by Mr. Debeny, peft-jnafter ;
Is, at New-Haven by Mr. Beers, bookseller ; at Newbu
ry.port, by Mr. £. Blunt, book! el lei ; at Ne..'-York,
or by Mr. S. Campbell, bookseller ; at Baltimore, by Mr.
G. Hill, bookseller j at Chester-town, Maryland, by
Mr. v James Arthur, post-master ; at Eafton, do. by
Mi. Greenbury Neal j at Freder ck town, do. by
MeflVs. Isaac and John Mentz; at Richmond, Yirg.
by Messrs. Pritchard and Bavidfon ; at Norfolk, by
Meilrs. Rainbow and Hannah ; and at Charlellon, by
Mr. Young, bookseller.
• e ! Jan. 18. eoiot.
>al _
Clocks and Watches.
No. 79, Market-street, Philadelphia}
HAVE IMPORTED, by the late arrivals from
London, 1 Urge aiTortmcut »f IVA RHANT li D
irv fVA-I'GHESt cenfilting of horizontal, capp'd and
he jewel'd Gold Watches, with feco»ds, of superior
aid workmanship ajid elegance ; a!fo capp'd and jewel'd
16k and plain Gold Watches ; capp'd & jcwell'd, capp'd,
the fuconds, day of the month, and plain Silver Watches ;
eight day & chamber Clocks; elegant French Clocks
cal with niirble frames ; eight day and thirty hoar, brafe
works, &c.
the Decemhet 22, 1796. dim
ge " ■ - 1
—No. 119 —
[PricQ Doli&ts