#a f ette of & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Number 1374.] THURSDAT EVENING, FEBRUART 2, 1797. [VCLVUE XI. SJLE Br AUCTION. Schooner ORI O N ~j WILL be fold to the highell bidder, on Tharfday, £e- j hmary 2, at 7 o'clock in the evening, at the Mer chants' Coffee-Houfe, in Second Street, 011 two and four - months' credit, for approved notes with an indorfer. The Orion it fix teen months eld, btr frame is of the -j bet of Whits Oak; fce i» a faithful.built veff:l, ibmely Smlked, and "well found in 'every particular. If ready to receive a cargo, and can be feut to lea without any cxpenfo on her hull fails «r rigging. She (lows fix hundred barrels, has a handsome cabin and steerage, and a half deck which will flow feventy-five or eighty barrels. _ She is a fact-failing vessel, and has been rwwly caulked, j graved, painted, aud put in thorough r -pair in every re- Her Inventory may be seen by applying to mr. Sa muelSmitu, Shi-'-broker, No. 86 south Frout-fireet, or te the captain, on board said schooner, laying oppolite tteff. Wills & wharf, adjoining Chefnut-flreet wharf --where file at any time may be thoroughly exam, iaed by those who wifli to purchal'e. January 30 § ' FOR SALE, ( 7 HE SHIP MARY, JSAMUEL PARKER, Masts*, hundred tons bnrthen. Apply to j JOSEPH ANTHONY, k Co. -\ If the MARY is not fold in a few days, (he will Kik s freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. 3 Odlober 31. ' <1 For Sligo and Killibeg#, The American Ship Nanct, ] *3®' Cuthbert Riggs, matter. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflsjre apply to William Bell; ' Who has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well assorted 3 Bales Irish Flannels, and 2 box«a Linens »5 Pipes Brandy Madeira Wine ; Indigo. RnfTia Mitts, Also, A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November 11, 1796, mwftf For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, Samusl, Pile, Master,' ©JmEcSSLßurthen 105 47-95 tons register, built in 3fcSS=2oPhiladelphia in the year 1794, of live oak and red cedar, and was ftieathed 13 months ago, she has just had a compleat ont-fit, awl may be feat to fca at a very trifling expence. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin & Co. JVho have for sale on beard said vrjet, %•) calks of fiae yellow paint. 9 boxes and 12 bundles of writing flatus. I box ink stands and note presses. 14 bales of fail oanvafs. Imperial ~) Hyson, and, TEAS. Souchong J 40,0*0 paces Nankeen* of tht frrft qa»lky. 19 tpbs Quicksilver. t chefU Bandanno handkerchiefs. A few ch:.fts Manchester goodswell alTorted 111 C«r duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinete, Dimities, &c. 3 boxes black sewing silk.' liSo crates Queens ware well alTor&ed. 10 tons Sheet lead. Nai'.s afl'orted, flat and (harp points. London Particular, 1 Madeira Wine in pipe* London Market, > and l«,glh,ad 3 . New-York Market, ) ' • > \ 40 pipes and 10 h'iglheads Tenerifle wine. 8 tierces Snake Root. 33s lags Mahogany. Nov 1 " A CARD. If Monjieur G H. SShls, Who left Bordeaux the 20th June lafl, and arrived 1 at Bofien tbuiit the middle of Aaguft, in the schooner Jane, is in Phibdelphia, he is requelied to call on Joseph Anthony & Co. No. 5, Chefnut-ftreet, who will give hiin some information tf importance' December 24, irqfi- V 6 A L i' PE T R L. A large quantity of Double-Refined Salt Petre for sale at No. 25, South Third-street. November 5. Washington Canal Lottery, NO. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand two hundred, and fifty dollar*, for the pur pole of cutting a Canal through the City of Walhington, fro.i th I'o to mac to theEaltern'Branch Harbour.* The following i» the SCHEME of No. I. Viz -x Prize of ao,oco dollars, 20,000 I ditto 10,000 10,000 7 lad drawn 7 ' , ooo 10 ditto 100 2,000 55. ditto SO 2,750 3750 ditto 12 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, . 26,25® 5850 Prizes, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 £5" The Cemmiffioners have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid a(sl for the pun&ual payment ol the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delay, as soon as thr Tickets are fold, of which timelj notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th* drawing is finilhod, (ball be considered as relinquilhed for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed j NOTLEY YOONG, DANIEL CARROLL, o/D LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. Cit of Ws&iogton, Feb. It- i Red Clover Seed. Fresh red Clover Seed'of the bell quality, in bags of J 5 buihcls cach Madeira wine in pipes, fit for immediate life £ Teperifie wine in pipes, hojfheads and quarter calks Ditto do. of firft qnblity, for the u£c of private families Cofleain hogsheads Jamaica fpiriti CoaneAicnt fo»p in small boxe» Window glait and Spaniih ftgari, an-i j Two tmnks of best patent, plain ana ribbed fiik and cotton hofierv, for sale bv [. JOHN CRAIG. Ffbruarv T" wffSmtf 1 i 1 c Frejh Garden, Grass and. Flower-Seeds, Roots, Is'c. &c. t This day landing from the (hip Eagle, captain Fofdick, / from London, 8 And FOR SALE by GOLDTHWAIT & MOORE» Comer of Walnut and ?ccond-ftreets, j A msfi capital and xxtenfive AJfortmcnt tf r GARDEN, GRASS and FLOWER-SEEDS, 1 ROOTS, &c. &c. t Among which are, Five kinds Afpa.-agnsl|Threc kind* Cresses < Four Berecole'Twelve Onion t Twenty-five Beans) Thirteen Radish 1 Six Beetsj Fifteea Tarnip • Eleven Brocolij Fifteen Peas Twenty-fix Cabbage Six Savoy 1 Six Carrot! Four Parsnip 1 Three Cauliflower! Twenty-tLree Melon 1 Five Celery, Twenty-one Lettuce 1 Ten Cucumber Common and lemon Thyme Curled leaf and sprigged Parsley Pot Marygold Pot Mnrjorum Balm Thyme Mangel Wurtzel Leek Kail Shallots Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerne Red and white Clover Timothy, icc. See. With a curious colled ion of the mot elteemed FLOWER-SEEDS and ROOTS, Being the moll extensive ever imported into this city. The above are frMu a capital Seedfenan in London, and are warranted frc-ih and good. t Printed catalogues itiay be had by applying as above. Dec. 17 Women's Cloaks. GEORGE DOIiSON, No. #5, South Third-street, Has just reeeived, per Eagle, Capt. Fofdick, via Lon don, an assortment of Scarlet Drab (Cloaks trimmed with iur and Purple and ( crawie. J Decembet* 15. 5 " ' x? NOTICE. THE Sales of LANDS of the United States, in the North-Western Teriitory, heretofore adverrifed in tjie several p«b!ie papers, will commence this even ing, at the City Tave*i to be continued from day to day, 'till the tenth of February next, if not fooncr January 4 $ In order to comply with contrath, I toili fell, fur approved bonds, on 3 equal annua, payments, A Square of LO„TS, At the upper end of Fiedericklburg, beginning op-' polite to the lewer corner of Dodlor Wellfard's, 011 Caroiine-flrerr, and mailing up 10 the cress (lreet leading to Fitzhugh's ferry, and from thence back to Sophia-street. This fquarelhave laid oft" into 24 Ut3, 27 and an half feet front, and 122 back, 12 On Caro line-ttreet, and 12 011 Sophia-street. Nine of those on CaroHne-ftreet I have leafed on an annual ground rant-os 8 and 10 pounds, to the amount of 74 pounds, and the vacant lots a purchafet voald enhanee the value of by bnilding small houses, which will as readily procure tenants as pols or goards will Martins in the spring, and yiel-c a greater profit in proportion to their colt than large buildings. Thofs who incllnc to porchafe may know the terms by applying to HENRY FITZHUGH. , Beli-Air, Dec. 8, 1796. 7thJ.d 4 w r Treasury Department, September 28, 1796. 3 XTOTICE is hereby given, that proposal* will be re- JL > ccived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury _ until tfic expiration of the firft day of March next en fuitig, for thefupply of all rations which may he required for the ul'e of the United States, from the firft day of r June, 1797, to the thirty-firtl day of May, 1798, both days inclusive, at the placcs and within the diftriils h(.re after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara ; at Paefque Ifte; at Sandufky Lake, and 011 candulky River ; at Detroitat Michiliinackinac; at Fort-Frank lin, at Piitfburgh ; at Cineinnati; at Fort-Harailton ; at Fort St. Clair; at Fdrt-Jcfferfon; at Grenville; at d Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at 4 Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ;at any pkee below Fort Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort SUuben ; at Fort MalTac ; at any place from Fort MalTae to the south boundary of the United States on the river Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon. If supplies shall be required for any polls or places not Mentioned in this notice, all such supplies (hall be fur uiflied at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the posts before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on between the United States atnd the Contractor. The rations to be fupplicd are to confill of the fol lowing articles, viz. One pound two ounces of bread or flour. One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of pork or bacon. Half a gill of rum, brandy or whiskey. One quart and half a pint of falt.~) Two quarts of Vinegar, / . , , Two pounds of Soap, ( P cr hun<3red ratlons One pound of Candles, j The rations are to be furniflsed in Inch quantities, as that Acre lhall at all times during thel"aid term, be fufiioient for the consumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, far the term of fix month# in ' advance, and at each of the other posts, for the term of ! at lead three months in advance, i* good a«tf wholesome provisions, if the fame (hall be required. It is to be unj " (ierflo-jd, that the Contra&or isto beat the expence and r rilk of iffuirgthe fapplits to the troops atewch pod, and that all losses l'ultained by the depredations of an enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, (hall be yaid for at the price of „ e articles captured or destroyed, on the depositions of two or naore persons of creditable cha railers, and the certitioate of a commiflioncd ofiicer, as certaining the circumllances of the loss, and the amonnt of the aiticUs foi which compenfaoion shall be claimed OLIVER WOLCOTT, toetretary oi the i reafury. PROPOSALS, Pgr carrying the Mails of rhe United Statbs, e On tit following Pofi Roads, "will it ratived until tbcfirft day.of March next inclujivt ' 1. Frum Chjrleftun, S. C. hy Jackfonb.ro' and Coofa hatchy, to Susannah, twice a week. Receive tfce Mail at CharUfton errery Tue4day and Friday by 6, P. M. and > iV* tie Mail atSavahoak ev _ Samrday, by 6, P. M. and Wetinefday by 6, A. M. and deliver it at Charlcilea the next Tuesday and Friday by noon. Fy.tr/,1, for tbit route will In rcMi'ttd by the p*ji-maj!er a! Savannah. a( 2. From Coofahatchy to Beaufort onee a week— ft Receive the mail at Co.fahatchy eyery Thofrfday by 6, p. m. and deliver it at Beaufort by noon on Friday. Jit turiJjig, leave Beaufjrt every Friday by 3, r. m. and arrive at Coofakatchy on Saturday by 8, a. m. Proposals for carrying the mail on this route will be r«- oeived by the poft-maftcr at Beaufort. Note I. The Poll-master General may alter the times for the arrival and departure of the mailt at any time du- el ring tht continuance of the contract, he previously ftipu- £ lating an adequate cempeafation for any extaa expeace in that may be octafioned thereby. cl Note 2. For every hours delay (unavoidable accidents v. excepted) in arriving after the times prescribed by con traA, the coatra&or (hall forfeit one dollar, aid if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail an additional forfeiture of five dollars shall be incurred. Note 3. Should any person making proposals desire an alteratioa of the tiaics of arrival and departure above fpe- f ready made . Linen, Senticmen's Shirts, ruffled or plain, Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, &c. &c. HoufhoM Linen, &c. ixc. A plain ftirt, made and iriark'd, 3 1-2 dollars. A full l ufßrd ditto, 4 dollars. A plain shirt, made and mark'd, 5 dollars. A fuil ruffled oitto 6 dollars A plain ftiirt, made and marked, 5 1-2 dollars. A till ruffled ditto 7 dollars. A plain shirt, made and mark'd, 6 dollars. A full ruffled ditto 7 1-2. A plain Ihirt, made and mark'd, 6 1-1 dollars. A very fine ruffled ditto 8 dollars. Linen included. January 13. 5 Cheap French China. THE lVoferibers finding it ianpoffible to fiipply their * (lore with any more China from France, the prices being too immoderate in the manufafleries, give n«- tice that they will fell at prime eolt the regaining deck on hand, coufifting of DelTcrt Setts, Tea-Table Setts ! Separate Cups and Saucers Groupes and Figures 1 Alabafler Vases Looking aiaffes, is gilt frames, Betides India Japin'd Toilet Desks, Chairs, Tables ' nad Quadrille Boxew PASQUIEII & Co. N®. 91, South Seeond-ftrest. December sth. [ The Elephant, 1 Now exhibited, was bought for Ten 1 houfand 1 Dollars. : He is 3 years old, 6 feet high, growing to 18 feet. r Me eats 150 weight a-day, and drinks a barrel of water ; he has drank fame days forty bottles of porter, 1 drawing the corks with his trunk. * He is perfe&ly inoffenfive; travels loose, at the rate of five nailes an hour, and is the grcateft curiosity ever broaglit to this Continent. He is to be seen 'till the 15th 0/ Janiary, in Market-street between Third and Fourth-streets, at a qiarter of a dollar, that every one may fee him— f after which time the former price of half a dollar wHI be resumed. He will leave Philadelphia as soon as the weather will permit.' December s—■ . * Brokers Ottice, and r COMMISSION STORE. 1 No. 63 South Third street, opposite the nalipnal new Bank' ■ QAMUEL M FROUNCES and JOHN VAN REED, ' O have entered into co-partnership, under the firm of ' FRAUNCES & VAN REED, in the business of Brokers, E Conveyancers and Commiflion merchants. They buy and » fell on commiflion every lpecies of llock, notes of hand, * bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c. Money procured #n deposits, &c. &c. r all kinds of r writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsand dispatch -, accounts udjufted, and books fettled, in the 1 most correfl manfter. Conflant attendance will be given. " They solicit a share of the public favor ; tliey are detsr - mined to endeavour to deserve it. 1 N. B. The utmost feerecy observed. S AMUEL M. FRAUNCES, JOtlN VAN REED. I'hil;.i. "iuguft 27, 1796. m&wtf Hibernian Society. Such of the Member." ol this society as are entitled to Diplopias, are requefUd to as ply for tliehi to Mr. fiugh M<,lntel, Vice- trsfidmt; Mr. David Af't-orrijci, Treefer er / Mr. Robert H< Lounjeihr ; Mr\ y»lepb Brown ; Mr. EiwariT Fox j Or to MATHEW CAKEY, fin. PMlirt. Jwi. it, t7ff. - mmi't FOR SALE, About i,600 acres of Land, WELL situated, laying on and between Marfii and Beech .Creeks, Mifflin county, Penpfylvanu, in four separate Patent!. For tei rns ot file apply to i, Wm. Blackburn* Ne. 64, South Sfcond-lirset tariuary 16. • mwW Waftiington Lottery. TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purchased or exchanged for prires, at the Office, No. 14), Chrfout- w>here a correA Numerical Book is kept for public infpe&ion. Also Canal LottaryTickets for sale or ex changed for prizes diawn n the Washington Lottery, of which the 54th a fid 55th days returns afe received The Business of a Broker carried an as usual. January 13. All Persons having Demands Against the Estate of the late '1 hornas Franklin, deeeafed, ate deflred to bring in their account* for settlement; and thote indebted to make immediate payment, to ISRAEL PLEASANTS, E WALTER FRANK' !N,or [ J, ' xec,, * SAMUEL R. FRANKLIN, 3 to '*' January 14th, 1796. eozw Wants a Situation, I As a Housekeeper, an Enylith worewa, completely I qualified in every relpefl to keep a Gentleman's Houle. I Euquirc of the Printer. I January 26 *ct I , Davis's Law Book Store, I No. 313, HIGH-STREET, I GEORGE DAVIS announces to his protefiional friends, I and the Gentlemen the iSrft makers in London and Paris ; a Time-Piece Iby Arnold ; plain gold by Mudge ts" Dutton; feveiwl ie diamond a»d diamond & pearl Ucket', tings, ear-ri»g„, y &c; about to lb. of Scotch thread j doublo-barrel'd guns, in cafe, by Mantan ; quantity of plated table, tea, and Ji night plated eandleltieks, branches, &c 46 volumes of it I Law-Bosks, ia one lot, meftly reports, folio, scarce and - valuable boots ; books of Prints ; —amongft which are II Martyn on Shells, Statue da Rofli, Calmet's Di