of the BttlteU 6 s Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Number 1572.] TUESDAY EVENING, fANUART 31, 1797. ["VOLUME XI. SALE BY AUCTION. Schooner O R I O N WILL be fold to the highest bidder, on Thurfdiy, Fe bruary 2, at 7 o'clock ib the evening, at the mer chants' Coffee-Hcufe, in Second Street, on two and four months' credit, for approved notes with an indorfer. The Orion is sixteen months ©Id, her frame is of the bell of White Oak ; she is a faithfu ; /built vessel, hand somely finifhed, and well found in every particular, is ready to receive a cargo, and can be ft;nt to sea without any expense on her hull fails <>>r rigging. She (lows fix hundred barrels, has a handsome cabin and steerage, and a half deck which will flow feventy-five or eighty barrels. , "Site is a fact-failing vefPel, and has been ri«wly caulked, graved, painted, and put in thorough repair in every re fpe Tichstl, each j 35 '° 0 ° 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 ao ditto 100 1,000 55 ditto jo a,750 5750 ditto 11 69,008 To be raised for th« Canal, 16,15 a 5850 Prizss, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000' The Commissioners hav» taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid a ROOTS, See. &c. which are, Five kinds .AfparagusfiThrec kinds Crefles Four Berecole Twelve Onion Twenty-five Beans Thirteen Radish Six Beets Fifteen Turnip Eleven Brocoli Fifteen \_Peas TWenty-fix Cabbage Six Savoy Six Carrryf Four Parfriip Three Cauliflower Twenty-three M^lon Five Celery Twenty-one Lettuce Ten*" Cucumber! Common and lemon Thyme Curled leaf and sprigged Parsley Pot Marygold Pot Marjorum Balm Thyme Mangel Wurtzel Leek Kail Shallots Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerns Red and white Clover Timothy, &c. See. With a curious collection of the most esteemed FLOWER-SEEDS and ROOTS, Being the most extanfive ever imported into this city. The above are fr»m a capital Seedsman in London, and are warranted frefh and good. Printed catalogues may be had by applying as above. Dec, p § The Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Population Company Are requested to m*et at the Company's Office, No. 53, North Fourth-ftrect, on. Wednesday, the ift of February next, at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration the proceedings of the Company, and of making further assessments on the shares, in order to defray the expences of the Company agreeable to the loth, Article of the Constitution. By order of the Boart!. SOLOMON MARACHE, Secretary. January, 13d, 1797- dtFeb.i. Women's Cloaks. GEORGE DOB SON, No. aj, South Third-flreet, Has jnfl reeeived, per Eagle, Capt. Fofdick, via Lon don, an afTortment of Scarlet Drab /Cloaks trimmed with fur aad Purple and { ermine. Pearl J December 15. § Cheap French China. THE ftibferibers finding it impossible to supply their flore with any more China from France, the prices ; being top immoderate in the matiufa<£\«rie«, give oot tire that they will fell at prime cost the rtmainipg stack »n hand, consisting of Defiert Setts, Tea-Table Setts Separate Cups and Saucera Groupes and Figures Alabafler Vases Looking GlafTes, m gilt frames, Besides India Japan'd Toilet Desk?, Chairs. Tables nad Quadrille Boxe . PASQUIEK t< Co. No. 91, South Second-ftieet. December stl). tt c? NOTICE. '"P'HE Sales of LANDS of the United States, in the -L North-Western Territory, heretofore advertised in the several public pipers, will commence this even ing, at the City Tavern to be continued from day to day, 'till the tenth of February next, if hot sooner fold. January 4 $ Public Notice, IS HEREBY GIV£N, that I have applied to the judges of the Supreme Court of this state, to supply the defeat in my Title to a lot of ground, situate on the Wefl fide «f Fourth-flreet, containing in breadth 20 feet, and in length 56 feet, bounded Northward and Westward, by ground of the fubferiber, Southward by ground of Edward Shippen, and Eafrward by Fourth-flreet, occasioned by the loss of a deed from Timothy Harringtdn, John Lewis | and James Walton, by their attorney Robert Mollyneux ! -7— All perfoae concerned, are required to appear before two of the juflices of the said court, at the house of Thomas M'Kean, esq. the Chief Jaftice of the state, on ' the 30th inft. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to make their answer to the bill of the fuSfcriber, filed in the office of Edward Burd, esq. Prothonotary of the said court. WILLIAM SHIPPEN, jun. Philadelphia, January 6th, 1797. dt3oth In order to comply wits) contracts, I fell* for approved bonds, on 3 equal annuhl payments, A Square of LOTS, At the upper end of Frederickfburg, beginning op posite to the lower corner of Doflor Weltford's, on Caroline-flreet, and running up to the cress flreet leading to Fitzhugh's ferry, and from thence back to< Sophia-street. This square I have laid off into 14 lets, 17 and an half feet front, and 121 back, 12 on Caro line-street, and 12 oil Sophia-street. Nine of those ou Caroline-street I have leafed on an annual ground rent of 8 and 10 pounds, to the amount of 74 pounds, and the vacant lots a purchafet could enhance the value of by building small houses, which will as readily procure tenants as pots or goards will Martins in the spring, and yiel-o a greater profit in proportion to their cost than large buildings. Thof" whe incline to purchase may know the terms by applying to HENRY FITZHUGH. Bell-Air, Dec. 8, 1796. 7thJ.d4w The Elephant, Now exhibited, was bought for Ten Thousand Dollars. He is 3 years old, 6 feet high, growing to 18 feet. He eats 150 weight a-day, and drinks a barrel of water ; he has drank some days forty bottles of porter, drawing the corks with bis trunk. He is perfectly inoffenfive; travels loose, at the rate of five miles an Hour, and is the greatest curiosity ever hrought to this Contiment. He is to be seen 'till the 15th of January, in' Marllet-ftreet between Third and Fourth-streets, at a quarter of a dollar, that every one may fee him— after which time the former price of half a dollar wHI be resumed. He will leave Pljil+delphia as soon as the weather will fterflgit. December 3X 4 WM. HAT DON, Drawing-Master, from London, Where he has studied several years under one of the most eminent matters in that science, attends yotitfg Ladies and Gentlemen at their refpevfHvehomes. His terms are 6 dollars per month for attendance three times per week. L.ikewife all kinds of ornamental Painting, Flowers, Fruit, See. taught on the above terms. A line dire&ed to W. H. left with the Editor of this Gazette, will be immediately attended to, eozw SALT P E T R E. A lar;;et quantity of D<-uhle-Refined Salt Petre for sale at No. 25, South 'fhird-ftreet. November 5. A CARD. If Monfcur G H. S&HLE, Who left Bordeaux the 20th June last, and arrived 5t Boston ?.bout the middle of Aaguft, in the schooner Jane, is in Philadelphia, he is requested to call on Jo!Vph Anthony & Co. No. 5, Chefnut-ftreet, who will give him fount information of importance* December 14, 1796. $ Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGH-STREET, Has received by the late arrivals, A IVell Selecled Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, on. the very lpweft terms ; Amongji (which are Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new patterns Ditto Furniture ditto Ditto Dimity # Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslins Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantuas of the firft quality Silk and Cotton Hoficry Umbrellas of the firft quality, aflorted lrilh Linens, very fine, and Table Linens Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes Rose Blankets aflorted—&c. Ac. 03ofo«r 26. t d Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Company, January 6, 1797 At a meeting of the Prefideqt and Managers, a di vidend of five dollars per share, was declared for the aft half year, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their representatives any time after the 21ft ef this month. TENCH FRANCIS, Treasurer. PROPOSALS, For carrying the Mails of the United ' States, On the following PoJ} RoaJs, will be rectived until thefirjl day of March next inclufv.' -• fr. From Charleston, S. C. by .Jackfonboro? and Coofa hatchy, to Savannah, twice a week. Receive the Vlail at Charleftmi every Tueiday and Friday by 6, P. M. and deliver it at Savannah the next Friday and Monday, by 8 A. M. Returning, receive the Mail at Savannah evt, i Saturday, by 6, P.M. and Wednefdiy by 6, A. M. and I deliver it at Charleston the and Friday I by noon. Prop of its for this route "wilt he received by the pojl-majter at Savannah. 2. From Coofahatchy to Beaufort once a week- Receive the mail at Coofahatchy every Thursday by 6, p. m. and deliver it at Beaufort by no 3» on Friday. Re turning, leave Beaufort every Friday by p. M.and arrive at Coofahatchy on Saturday by 8, a. m. Proposals for carrying the mail on this route will be r«- ceived by the poft-nmftcr ?.t Beaufort. Note i. The Poft-mafler Genera! may alter the times for the arrival and departure of the ihails at any time du ring the continuance of the contrails, he previously stipu lating an adequate compensation for any extra expence chat may he ocoafioned thereby. Note 2. For every hours delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times prescribed by con tract, the contractor shall forfeit one dollar and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail an additional forfeiture of five dollars lhall be incurred. Note 3. Should any person making proposals desire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpe cified, he mufl state the alteration desired a»d the price he will carry the mail for with and without such alte- ■ ration Note 4. The contrails are to be in operation on the firft day of April next and to continue until the 30th of September in the year 1800. JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Pejl Majler General. General Post Office, V Philadelphia, Jan. 13,1796.) d6w. Mrs. Grattan Refpen his former exceeding low prices, which forfeveral years pa* have iu so d*ftingui?hed * manner recommended them'to notice Printed Catalogues combing ihe most extensive collec tion cf the lated English and Inlh Editions ever imported into thts country, are ptablilhcd, and will be delivered giati* on application. Orders addrclTed to G. D. in writing from any diftancc lhalj be pun&ualjy attended to. A number of TRUNKS for Sqle, ALSO, TO BE LET, A convenient LOFT, near Mat ket Street Wharf. ov - 8 - tn&f 3 H> FOR SALE, At Whltefides' Tea Ware-House, No. 99, North Second Street. Imperial "p f* Hyson Skin. Hyson, C Frelh Teas. < Souchong, Young Hyson, ) CBobea 9* Le Breton, 5 UR GEON-DENT IST, Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentil! to the King and Royal Family of France, member of the College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris, Keeps a complete assortment oi every thing neccflary to be used for'the Preservation of the Mouth and Teeth; Patent Minoral Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth j Dentrifice in powder ; Opiate ; excellent Elixir for sweetening (he mouth and preserving the teeth—he also furnifhes Bruflies and foft Sponges. *** He lives in Cheinut-llreet, No. 13.5, above Fourth flreet. November 26. tts For Sale, or Charter, JfXx The Ship DIANA, Sam us i. Pile, Matter,' Burthen 205 47-95 tons register, built in Philadelphia in the year 1792, of live oak j and red cedar, and was (heathed 13 months ago, (he has just had a compleat out-fit, and may be font to sea at a very trifling expence. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin & Co. Who hai>e for sale on board said vejftl, 27 calks of fine yellow paint. 9 boxes and 12 bundles of writing dates. 1 box ink stands and note prefles. 14 bales of fail aanvafs. And on handy Imperial Hyson, and, > TEAS. Souchong J 40,0c0 pieces Nankeens of the frrft qsajky. \t) tubs Quicksilver. t cKefti Bandantio handkerchiefs. 1 A few chests Manchester goodswell afiorted in Cor duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Mufiinets, Dimities, &c. 3 boxes black sewing silk. 180 crates Queens ware well aflbrted. 10 tons sheet lead. Nails aflbrted, flat and (harp points. London Particular, . . .... London Market, f Madetra W.ne ,n ptpa, New-York Market, ) #nd 40 pipes and 10 hogflieids Teneriflfc wine. 8 tierces Snake Root. 130 logs Mahogany. Nov 7. ttk&ftf Twenty Guineas Reward. RAN AW AY from the subscriber ©n the 23d O&ober, a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOS&S ; 21 year# old; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mixed green coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttom ; a striped vest ; a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and whole boots much worn. It is probable he may change his name and dress. He has been accustomed to driving a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will b« paid for fccuring him so that the fubferiker may get him again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by Robins Ch amber laine. Eafton, Maryland, Nov. je. 14 §jmiawt£