of tbe & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser, Number 1368.] This Day is Publiflied, Porcupine'S POLITICAL CENSOR, Foii December, 1796, Remarks on the Debates in Congress, particularly fln the timidity discovered by the House of Reprefen tativM in their language towards the insolent French. A Letter to the infamous Tom Pains, In answer to his bruta! attack on the character and *ondu Drab / Cloak* trimmed with lur and Purple and ( ermine. Pearl J 1 • December 15. § NOTICE, Persons having Goods 011 board the Ship Persever ance, James Williamfon, matter, bound from Ham burg to this Port, and lately put into New-York} where the Veflel is difchargmg, will please apply to THOMAS and rOHN KETLANJ). Philadelphia, Jan. %i, 1797, tf A Pocket-Book. LEFT, yesterday morning, jt, or LOST coming from the lower ferry inn to Philadelphia, a Red Mo rocco Poeket-Book, containing one ten dollar bank note, sundry papers, letters, Instruments, and two promiflory n<*tes, drawn by C. Jackson & Go. dated ift Novembrr, 1796, -at 120 days, for 505 dollars each, and indorsed by the person in whose favor thev are drawn. Any one who will deliver the book with the papers, letters and notes, to the printer hereof, (hall have the mctney for their trouble, without any questions aflced. Ni B. The papers can be of no use to any one but the owner, the means of negotiating ihem being flop ped. Jannary 13 Cheap French China. THE fobferibers finding it impoffibleto fnpply their flore with any more China from Franpe, the prices being too immoderate in the manufaifleries, give no tice that they will fell at prime colt the remaining flock on hand, consisting of Deflect Setts, Tea-Table Setts Separate Cups and Saucers Gro Unes and Figures Alabaster Vases Looking Glasses, in gilt frames, Besides India Japan'd Toilet • .Iks, Chairs, Tables nad Quadrille Boxes. PASQUIEU & Cp. No. 91, South Second-street. rt-H NOTICE. THE S»Ws of LANDS of the United State?, in the North-Western Territory, heretofore adyertifed in .the several public papers, will commence this even ing, at the City Tavern to he continued from day to day, 'till tfce tenth of February ijext, if not sooner fold. January 4 Public Notice, IS HRRERY GIVEN, that I have applied to the judges of the Supreme Court of this fcitc, to supply the defe*ft in my Title to a lot of ground, fitunte on the Weft (ldc «f Fonrth-ftrtet, containing in breadth 20 feet, and in length 56f se t, bonnded Northward and Westward, by ground of the fubferiber, Southward by ground of Edward 3hippen, and F.af:ward by Fourth-street, occasioned by the loss of a deed from Tin-rat by Harrington, John Lewis and James Walton, by their attorney Robert Mollrnenx —All perfoms conoerned, are required to appear before two of the juftiefs of the said court, at the house of Thomas M'Kean, afq. thx Chief Jaftice of the Date, on the 30th inft. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to make their aniwer to the bill of the fubferiber, filed in the office of Edward Buret, esq. Prothonotary of the said caurt. WILLIAM SHIPPEN, jun. Philadelphia, January 6th, 1797. dt3oth YVafhington Lottery. TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purcbafed or exchanged for prizes, at the Offioe, No. 147, Chefaut ftreet, where a correA Numerical Book is kept for public infpeiUon. Also Canal Lottery Tickets for sale or ex changed for prizes diawn in the Washington Lottery, of which the 54th and 55th days returns are received, ' £3" The Business of a Broker carried on as usual. January 11. ttitf SALT PE.TRE, A large quantity of Donble-Refined Salt Petfe for faJe at No. 25, South Third-street. November 5. Loft or Mislaid, At the Bank of the United States, Jofcph Higbce's Note, dated 19th December lad, tor twelve hundred dollars, payable at 60 days to Nathaniel Lewis & Son. Whoever may find the fame will please return it to said Sank, or to the fubferibers, who will allow a reward. Payment being barred, it c?.nnot be of use to any other person. NATHANIEL LEWIS & SON. January 5. J. lt> For Sale, Two Convenient BRICK HOUSES, Three (lories high, 16 feet front, and 40 feet deep each, and adjoining; situated on the east fide of Front, between Race and Vme-ftreets; N05.161 jnd 16}. They will be fold on very reasonable terms, either Ceparately or together. Apply to JOHN MILLER, jun. CO. Jannary 13 A C A R D. If Monsieur G. H. Soelb, Who left Bordeaux the aoth June last, and arrived it Boston ..bout the middle of Aaguft, in the ichonner Jane, is in Philadelphia, he is reqnefted to call on Joseph Anthony & Co. No. 5, Chefnut-ftreet, who will give him fimr information of importance. December 24, 1796. $•" , JSNUA RT 26, 1797. Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, H i CM-STREET, Was received by the late arrivals, A IVell Selected Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholefile and retail, on the very loiteft tirms ; Amongjl ivhlch art Some elegant 4-4 ind 7-8 Chintaes and Cottons, new patterns Ditto Fnrniture ditto Ditto Diliwty Tamboured, Book, and Jar«net Muslins Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantuas of the firft quality Silk and Cotton Mofiery Umbrellas of tKe firft quality, afTorted lrifh Linens, very fins, and Table Linens MarfeiHes and Cotton Counterpanes Rofc Blankets aflorted—&c. &c. O&obffr d I or By the Subfcriberi—ln PENN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imoorted by the Eagle. WILLI NGS & FRANCIS. Nov. 30 FOR SALE, 7HE SHIP MARY, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, -j»£SS£fe3£?T wo hundred tons burthen. Applv to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, file will Cak freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. Odlober 31. d i t|>x For Sligo and Killibegs, - The American Ship Nancy, Cuthbert Riggs, raafter. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or pafTage apply to William Bell; Who his for Tale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well afTbrted 3 Bales Irish Flannels, and a boxes Linem 25 Pipes Brandy Madeira Wine ; Indigo A few barrel* P. ime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November n, 1796, For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DI AN A, ' ®"&j Samuel Pilf, Matter,' Burthen »oj 4 7*95 tons register, built in J&USsSf Philadelphia in the year 1791, of live oik and red cedar, and was (heathed 13 months ago, (he hasjufi had a compleat out-fit, and may be sent to sea at % vny trifling expence. For terms apply to Philip JSickiin & Co. Who have for fate on beard said vjfft, aalks of fine yellow paint. 9 i r:xe»and I i bundles of writing flate#, i box ink stands and note preiles. 14 bale# of fail canvass. And on hand, Imperial } Hyson, and, > TEAS. Souchong J 40,000 pieces Nankeens of the fir ft quality. 19 tnlis Quicksilver. * chert* Bandanno handkerchiefs. A few chests Mam'hefter goodswell aflorted in Cor duroys, thicksets, GUaghams, Muijinets, Dimities, &c. 3 bo*es black sewing silk. 180 crates Queens ware well aflorted. 10 tons (heet lead Nai'.s afPirted, fiat and (harp points. London Particular, ") London M.rkrt, £ Madeira W,nf m ptpes New-York Market, ) ho S flleads - 40 pipes and !o liogfheads Tenjriflfe wine, 8 tierces Snake Root. 130 logs Mahogany. Nov 7. PROPOSALS, For carrying the Mails of the United States, On the following Pofl Roads, •will ie recti Frefl» Teas, s Souchong, Young Hyson, J C. Bohea Dec. 9 n order to comply with contrails, I -will fell, for approved bonds, on 3 equal annual payments, A i T /\rnrt A Square of LOTS, At the upper end of Fredericklburg, beginning op pdfit* to the lower corner of Doilor WellfWd's, oij Caroline-street, and running up }o the cross ftreef leading to Fitzhugh's ferry, and from thence hj>ck to Sopiiia-ltreet. This square I have laid off into 24 lets, 27 and an half feet front, and iza back, 11 op Cam line-ftreet, and 12 ou Sophia-street. Nine of those Csroline-i'lreetl have leafed on an annual ground rent of 8 and Id pounds, ,to the amount of 74 pounds, and the vacant lots a purchaser could enhanne the value of by building houses, whiph w ill js readily proeure tenants as pots or guards will Martins in the spring, and yiel-o a greater p.rofit in proportion tq their cost than large buildings. Thof* who ijj.cluic 0 purchase may knew the terms by applying to HENRY FfTXMUGH. 7thJ.d4W BeK-Air, Dec. 8, 1796, THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES to ascertain, whether a certain EDWAEi> NEVILL, by trade a Stone-Cutter, or Brick-Layer, who quitted Ireland i* 1783, or 1784, and came i'r.tg tills Country, ('tis supposed to Philadelphia) abo;i-. four years since, be Uvinn each fliare was declared for the last 6 months, which will be paid to the Stockholders jf ter ihe 14th mil. JONATHAN SMITH, Cafcler. dtf. J""- 3 Hibernian Society. Such of the Members of this society as are entitled !o Diplomas, are requeued to apply for them to Mr. Hugh Holmes, Vice- Prejldtnt; Mr. David M'Csrmick, Treasurer g Mr. Robert H. Drinker, Counfcllar; Mr. Jojeph Briton ; Mr. Edward Fox ; Or to MATHEW CAREY, Sec. Philad. Jan. »i, 17917- taw6t JLe breton, SURGEON-DENTIST, Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the King and Royal Family of France, member of th.s College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris, Keeps a complete afiortment of every thitig neceflary to be used fort he Preferyatjon of the Mouth and Teeth. Patent Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth ; Dentrifice id powder ; Opiate ; excellent Elixir for fv/cetening the mouth and prefcrving the teeth—he alio furnilhes Brulhes and loft Sponges. * # * H* Jives in Chefnut-ftreet, No. 135, ahave Fourth-ilreet. November 16 The Elephant, Now exhibited, was bought for Ten Tioufand Dollars, He is 3 years old, 6 feet high, growing to 18 feet. lie eat» 150 weight and drinks a barrel of water ; be has drank some days forty bottles of perter, drawing the corks with his tru^k. He is perfe&ly inoffenfive; travels loose, at (