Women's Cloaks. GEORGE DOfeSON, No. 25, South Thirdrftreet, Has j.uft received, per Eagle, Capt. Fofdick, via Lon don, an aiTortment 01 Scarlet Drab / Cloalct trimmed with fur and Purple and C ermine. Pearl J December 15. § PROPOSALS, For carrying the Mails of the United States, On tie following Pojl Roads, will be rccit-ved until thefirjl day of March next inclufi-ve : I. From Charleston, S. C. ky Jackfonhoro' and C?oofa hatchy, ts Savannah, twice a week. Receive the Mail at CharUfton every Tuelday and Friday by 6, ~P. M. and deliver it at Savannah'the nest Friday an« Monday, by 8 A. M. Returning, receive the Mail at Savannah eve Saturday, by 6, P. M. and Wednefdiy by 6, A. M. and deliver it at Churlefton the /icxt Tuelday and Friday by noon. Prepnfals for this route will .he received by tit fojl-majlcr at" Savannah. ' 1. From Coofahatchy to Beaufort once a week— Receive the mail at Coofahatchy'ever.y Thursday by 6, T. M. and deliver it at Beaufort by noon on Friday. Re turning, leave'.Beaufort every Friday oy 3, p. m. and arrive at Coafahatchy on Saturday by 8, a. m. Proposals for carrying the mail on this route will be re ceived by the post-master at Beaufort. Note 1. The Post-master Genera 1 m*y alter the times for the arrival and departure of the mail, at any time du ring the continuance of the contra&s, he previously ftipu lati»g an adequate compe*fation for any extra expence that may be ocoafioried thereby. Note 2. For every_hours delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times prescribed by con tract, the contraitor (hall forfeit one dollar, and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail an additional forfeiture of five dollars lhall be incurred. Note Should any person making, proposals desire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpc eified, he must slate the alteration desired and the price he will carry the mail for with and without f«ch alte ration. Note 4. The contrails are to be in operation on the firft day of April next and to continue until the 30th of September i» the year 1800. ♦ > JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Pojl Miller General. General Pod Office, > Philadelphia, Jan. 13,1796.3 T " 1 - ' 6 - d6w. Davis's Law Book Store, No. 313, HIGH-STREET. GEORGE DAVIS announees to his protcftional frieads, and the Gentlemen of. the Law, generally, throftgh the Unioa, that his late importation of BOOKS is now arrang ed, and ready for Sale, from a single volume to an entire li brary, without any advance upon his former exceeding low prices, which for several years pail have in lo dtftinguilhed a manner recommended them/to notice. Printed Catalogues combining the most exteafive collec tion cf the latest EngliOi and iri(h Editions ever imported iato this country, are publilhedj and win be delivered gratis on application. Orders addrefTed to G. D. in writing from any diftanoc lhall be pun6tua!ly attended to* A number of TRUNKS for Sale. ALSO, TO BE LET, A convenient LOFT, near Market Street Wharf. 0 tiv&f3» City of Washington. SCHEME of the LOTERY, Mo. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT 0 t THE FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent > SOSOOO d»Hirs, & ) dwelling-houfo, 3 cafty 30,000, are J S°,ooo I ditto ij.ooo & cacti 15,000 40,000 I ditto ij,ooo & ca!h ij,ooo 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cadi 10,000 a 0,009 I ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,00p & calh 5,000 lo,ooe 1 cilh prize of 10,000 1 a do. 5,000 each, ire • 10,000 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 < 200 do. 50. - - 10,000 ( 400 do. 35 - 10,600 liooo do. 20 - 10,000 15,000 do. 10 - 150,000 , I 16,739 Prizes- c 33ji6i Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. 3. To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickets, the prise of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : And approved notes, securing payment in either money er prizes,, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for p any number not ltfs than 30 tickets. a This Lottery will afford an elegant fpecimeh of the pri- ~ vate buildings to be ere&edin the City of Walhington Two beautiful designs are already feleded for the entire fronts on two of the public lquares; from these prawings it ispropofed to erect two centre and four corner baildmgs,. as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in f1 the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. a A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray tc the necessary expenses of the Surplus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be ctecled within ths city of Walhington. The Drawing-will commence as soon as the tickets are old off.-—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed ; and any prize< for which fortunate numbers aie not produced within tiVelvc months after ths drawing is closed, are to be confidsrcdas given towards the fund for the University ; being determined to fettle, the whole business in a year from the e",Jing of the draw ing, and to take up the bonds given a 6 l'eeurity. The real securities given for the payment ot the Prizes are held'by the Prcfident and two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than seals the a mount ol the lottery. The tweaty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commifiioners alfifted in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requelted to undertake this arduous talk I 1 . second time on behalf of the public ; a fuflicient nirai jsr of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the ieiids to a National University and the othei federal ob- ''' jests may continueio favor the design. llc By accounts reeeived from the diilerent parts of the Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets c ' r have b«cn sent for sale, the public afe ajTiirea that the f '' : drawing will speedily coir.menae, ami that the care and caation unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe difoofal oi tlu tickets,Jias rendered the ltior- iufpyuiion rndifpuilablu. SAMUEL BLOIiGJiT. «§. Titkbts may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of James Welt & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Oilman, Boston : of Joh Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Walls Cooper's Furry. ca FOR SALE, At Whitefidcs" Tea Ware-Hoafe, No. 9-9, North Second Street. B . Imperial > r Hyson Skin. Hyson, C Frelh Teas. < Souchong, Young Hyson, )> CBohea Dec. 9. 3tar/.?m, Dancing scuool. WILLIAM M'DOUGALL will open hisfchool on Mon day the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock m the morning, at his D Elegant hew Ball Rooms, , In Fourth, bctWeen Chefoat and Walnut Strem. Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to t o'clock on Mondays, Wedtiefday, and Friday mornings; aad for young gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clock oil the evenings o a. the fsmedays. til In addition to a ntunber of new cotillioas, he means 00 ,d (introduce a variety of Scotch Reels. g Note. Tiie-firft' praiSifnag hall to be on TiwMay e vening, the firfl of November,tend to be corHHiiued every Tuesday, during the faafoii. 1 For terms, &c, enquire at liie house, N9.134, Market ftreet. at 0 '7- tthf CAUTION. t- WHEREAS very large and heavy debts are jullly •c due and owing from mefirs. Blair M'Clenachan and Patrick Msore, of the city of Philadelphia, merchants, i- trading under tie firm of Blair M'Clenachan arid P. and from Blair M'Clenachan in his separate :s capacity ; to which, by the laws of the land, all the joint as well as separate property of the' said Gen'le men, is, and ought to be, liable. And whereas e it is clearly And fatisfa&orily ascertained, that mr. Blair M'Clenachan, of the said firm, has conveyed. s away to mr. "John H. Hujlon, his ian-in law, to his ' daughter, naifs M'Clenachan, and to his son, George M'Clenachan, several large and valuable real 'estates, I as well eouliaerable personal property, in the city n and county of Philadelphia, in thecoantv of Lancas ter, in the county of NewCastle on Delaware, and e elsewhere, with a view, at it is apprehended, to de _ ieat the Greditors iu the recovery of their jult debts.— 1 his is, tltcrefore, to forewarn all perfone, whamfo e ever, jgainft the purs.hafe from the said grantees, or f either of [hem, of any portion of the said real or per fbjsal property, as the molt vigorous mea lures will without delay be taken to render the fame liable to the juA demands of the Greditors. By order of, the (Jreditors. Thomas rit%ftmons, Philip Nickhn, I J/aac barton, V Committee. William M'Murtrie, I Samuel PP. Fijher, ' J > Philadelphia, December 17th, 1796. aoth.s - TO THE PUBLIC. THE caation introduced into the public prints, , warning all perfonn againlt purchaliag from the granteetof Blair M'Cienachan, any portion of the • large, real and personal estates he conveyed away to | his fon-ia law and to hit children was tfce result of a deliberation had upon the fubjeft by a general aad ; numerous meeting of the creditors as well of Blair M'Clenachan and P Moore as of Blair ehan individually. It was no more than an ixecu tion of that trust confidad in the fubferibers by those crediturs : a step which it would have been a breach of duty and honor in them to have omitted. 1 he aery statement of the fact therefore must dis pel the imputation that it was either " precipitate or vindictive." It i»i iginated in a delire to feoure, the property of the debtor as a fund for the pay ment of his juit debts. It was faniSioned by tlie advice of council as a measure Ttecejfary to the fafety of the creditors. If the has been injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury to his own unjuftiliable condua, no; to the Yub fcribers «'no have merely puWiflied the truth in terms as mild as the fact would admit, and wl o mean to investigate in a high court of justice the validity of thole purchases of which Mr. M'Cle nachan so confidently speaks. The lubfiribers therefore are bound by a sense of duty to the creditors in general to repeat their eaaiion agaiaft purohafing of those grantees 01 either of them, and to extend the terms of it to a purehafe from any other persons (if fach there be) to whom Mr. M'Clenaehan may have made firililar conveyances. (Signed) T. FITZSIMONS, P. NICKLIN, , ISAAC WHARTON, WILLIAM M'MURTRIE, SAMUEL W. FISHER. Phifed. Dec. 21, 1796. 1 hose printers who have been requefled to J publish the firft Caution, are desired t piibiifh this alfo'. 1 , Washington Canal Lottery, ' N0 . i. ; "ITT HERE AS the State of Maryland has authorifott 5 t VV the underwritten, to raiife twenty-fix thousand. I , two hundred, arid fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting ' [ a Canal through the City of Washington, frovi th i*o i tomacto theEafkcrn Branch Haruour. The following ii, the SCHEME of No. I. Viz 'i Prize of ao,ooo dollars, »0,000 a r .ditto 10,000 / 10,000 I 7laftdrawn"> a Tickcts, each f s * 6o ° 35,000 f 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 1 10 ditto 400 4,000 , 20 ditto 100 2,000 3 55 ditto 50 a»7Jo 5750 ditto 12 69,008 • To be raised for th« Canal, 26,35© 5850 Prizes, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two-to a prize. 175°° 1 ickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 f $5* ihe CommiiTioners have taken the Securities re li quired by the aforefaid ad for tke pnqftual payment of P the prizes. v Ihe drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delay, asl soon as ttu* Tickets are fold, of which timclv V notice will be given. ' Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after ths v drawing is finiflied, lhall be confi'dered as relinquithed for ti the benefit ®f the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. ~ (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL,o/D LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, ' Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. £> Cit ot Walhipgton, Feb. Ij. t For Sale, By the Subftribers—ln PENN-STRF.ET, 65 Pipes .Excellent Madeira "Wine, Imported by the Eagle. WILLINGS & FRANCIS. Nov. 30 -vi'&f Le Breton-, S UR GEON-DENTIST, Pupil of ;he colebratad Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the >" King and Royal Family of France, meinbnr of the College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris, - Keeps a complete afiortment of every thing necefliry j. to be used forthe k Preservation of the Mouth and Teeth. >r Pater.t Mineral Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth ; 0 Dentrifice in powder ; Opiate ; excellent Elixir for /widening the mouth and p»eferving tiis teeth —he 10 1 also fnmimas Brushes atid foft Sponges. He liyes in Chefnut-ftreet, No. 135, ab.ve " Fdurth-ftrtct. November 26. tt» - Twenty Guineas Reward. RAN AW AY from th<( fubferiber on.the 13 d Oitober, _ a Dark MtfLATTO BOY, named MOSES ; aj years old; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mixed green coat, With a green velvet cape and oval,yellow buttons ; a {triped Vcft ;'a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and y whole boots much worn. It improbable he may change d his name and dress. He has been aceuflomed to driving i, a' carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be paid for securing him so that the fubferiber may get him e again, and if brought home all reafonab-le charges paid by e ■ Robins Chamberlaine. Eaflon., Maryland, Nov. io. T4 (imiawtf ' Horles taken in, jj For the Winter Season, f And fed on clover hay at the Subscribers place, iz lilies on the Bristol Itoad, (tabling is pro ' vided, and great care will be> taken of tneni William Bell. ' Nov. 23. mwfqwrntttf. Samuel Richardet " ■13 ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY - TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the -1 city of Philadelphia; ) The Snbfcription Room will be furmflied with all the daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, togather'with those of the principal com mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to-be taken away on any account. - Tea, Coffee, Souses, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the usual refreflmieiut, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with • the choicest of Wines,' Spirituous Liquors, and the moll approved Malt Liquors frorr.London and other breweries. The Larder will befupplicd with the prime,and earliest , productions ps the Season. Large and small Farties, op single Gentlemen, may be accommodated with BreaWafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at 1 hours most convenient to themie'lves—a cold Collation is : regularly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare t-o be had at the bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifeed, and the utrr.oil attention paid to cleanliness, and every other rcquilitc. x S\muel Richardet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himieU that nothing on his part ihallbe wanting to pre serve that patronage with which he has been so diffinguifh ingly honored. Philadelphia, mwf A Manufactory FOR SALE. A.Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, firuate in a convenient part of the city ; the works aimolt new, on an entirely original conftruflion, and built of the best material*, and may be set to work immediately. Persons whowifhto purchase, are requefled to apply at No 273, South Second Sireet. September 13. tt f tf I SWA N N'S ' Riding School, Horse Academy iff Infirmary, Adjoining the Public Square, Market Street T. SWANN RLTUHNS lii& finccre thanks tothofe.gentlemen by whom he has .been employed, duiing his refidetice in this JClty, and fkttershimfeif that the fuo.efs of hu> tifoits, in numerous, obflinatc and dangerous difeafcs in Horses, in which he has been consulted, together with hu moderate charges, will (e ---ure their future favors and rccoiumehdation. * He now begs leave to inform them and the public at large that his Ipacious ann commodious p«mi!cs, ere&cd for the 1 purposes above described are open for the reception of pupils of cither lex, who wifti to* br ir;flru6tcd in the Art us Riding and the light method ol governing their hoi les, so as to ride them with ease, elegaoce, and fafety—their horses will be carefully and expeditjouily broke, for every purpose, and made obedient tot he will of the riders ; the natural powers ] which are lbut up in them, will be unfolded by art, calling 1 forth uniformity of morion, and giving to that noble anirpal 1 att tho(e beauties of a&ion which providence has so bounfi- ] fully bedowed on them. Also, at his hospital, every disorder to which the horse is [ liable will be treated according to the rules of art, confirmed by song and repeated experience. Thf-utihty of the above institution has never beenqneftton ed, that it has long been wanted in this city, every gentleman's * c departments heprpreflTes, agreeable to rate of charges stated in lais band bill. Such fubfe'ripuoa is now open, and the ftgnatures of many refpeft able gentlemen already obrained. He -therefore injorms his friends and fuel* Ladies aua gentlemeM to wfiom he has not the honor of being known, that he dial) in a few days take the liberty of waiting upon tbem and lolicking their support r and proteftMo. N. B. Horses arc properly prepared for those Ladies and , feentleoaenwho wilh to be infiru&ed. N'v>Y. 5- . /tth&f. ; tl THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, t b ; jA new method of keeping Bill Books, t* Adapted forthe ease and copvenience of merchantE P in general j but particularly for those who are ex •tetifively concsrued in trade: exhibiting at one at view, Jill the bills which a merchant may have to C receive or pay, in the course of the whole year, & for each month feparatively. And thereby pre- f venting thi trouble and inconvenience attendant on t j. the mode now in use, of fele&ing the bills due in «ach month from the promiscuous entries of ftvcral moriih^. To which is prefixed, — A t able Ihtwing the number of days from any day any jronth, lo the fame day in any other month. P Philadelphia, printed for and fold by R. CAMP BELL & Co. January z tawtf • Trealury Department, SipUmicr 28, 1796. NOTICE is hereby given, that will b. re ceived at the oilice of the Secretary of liie Treaiury until the expiration of the firft day bf 'March next en suing, for tkcfupply of all ration* which may he required _ for the use of the United States, from the firft day of .June, 1797, to the thirty-ftrfl day'of May, 1798, both days inclusive, at the plates sad within the dlftriits here after mentioned, viz. At OfWego.; at Niagara-; at i£ Paefque lfte; at Sandiificy'Lake, and on Sandufky le Riv«r; at Detroit; at Mickilimackinac; at l'ort-Frank lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton; "V at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jefferfor,; at Grenviile; at Picque Town and Loramias Store; at Fort Adams ;at I Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place hilow Fort | Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort I » Steuben ; at Fort MalTac ; at any place from Fort M.iliac ' to the south boundary of the United States on, the river "* e MiffiAppi; at Fort Knox ;at Ouiatajion. ff Supplies (ball be req*ired for any ports or places not ,e mentioned in this notice, all such supplies Shall be fur liiftied at prices proportioned to thole to be paid at the __ before recited, ®r as may be hereafter agreed oa between the United States the' Contractor. The rations to be fuppiied are to conftft ef the lol r, lowing articles, viz. rs One pound twp ounces of bread »r flour. :n One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounce* of ' • pork or bacon. • d Half a gill of rum, krandy cr whiiixy. !® On* quart and half a pint of fclt."N K Two quarts of Vinegar, / ,e Two pounds of Soap, ( P er n ration* II One pound 'of Candles, J ) 1 he rations arc to be turnilhed infach quantities, as that these shall at all times during the said term, be fuiiicieat for the coafumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De - troit, Niagara, ,apd Ofwego, for the term of fix month* iu advance, and at each of the other polls, for the term of at lsait three months hi advance, in good and whole fame provisions.is the fame (hall be required. It is to bean* dorftoud, that the Contractor is to beat the exj-ence and * ri& of iffub'gthe fHfiplius to the troops at »ach, poll, aud ' that all lodes sustained by the depredations of an enemy, or by means of the troops of the Unifed States, fliaU be paid for at the pricc of the articles captured or destroyed, on the depositions of two or more persons of creditable cha racters, and the cercis«ate of a commiflioncd oflicar, af pertaining the eircumftances of the loss, and the amount oi ths ai tides for which oompenfaaoa {hall be claimed 1 '■ OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. e ——— 1 By Authority. 1 Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. [ Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, South Sicond-Jlreet. SCHEME of a LOTTERY, For raiftng Sixty Thcufand Dollars, agre'ably to an Aft of the Legiflatui-e of Pcnnfylvaaia, pasTed daring the laif klliOn, for building a Stode Bridge over the River ; Schuylkill, at the £o.*u g h of Reading, in the County of I i ■ t „ „ Dollar,. 1 Prnce of 20,000 Dollars . so OOQ 1 do. of *©,000 do. . . lo ; ooo 3 do. of 5,000 do. . . , - )000 4 do. ot 2,000 do. . . B>ooo so do. of ~000 do. - - . - ao.ooo 39 t lO - of 6 oe do. . . , 80 do. of aoo do. . . ' 400 Q * of 100 do. . ?°° d .°- 0 5° A °- _ - - i£,ooo ■ do. ,or 500 do. to be paid the poffcf- > for of the Hrit drawn no. { s°® 5 do. of 3,000 do. to be paid possessors ) of the five lafl drawn nos 9,400 do. o x S do. : . i 4 i,oop I 3c?o,c©o blanks . Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000 AM Prizes fnali be paid fifteen days after the drawing ts fun med, upon the demarfd of a poifcflor of a fortunate jicicet, fubjeel to a deduction of twemy per cent. The Drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are dlfpof.d of, or perhaps foouer. of which public notice be given. Philip VliHer, Peter Ktrjhncr, William Witman, J'ifi'ph liiejler, James £)iemer._ Thomas Dundas. Jw May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Cratf, Sebajkan Miller, Commissioners. Reading, May the gth, i7yS Tickets in the Canal Lotter'y, No. i, to be had at the above olhse, where the earlicft intormation of the draw ug of the Walhington No. a, and Patterfon Lottery's, are received) aud. dieck books for examination and iceif tering are kept. ' ® ' ° anber T- zawtf Brokers Office, and COMMISSION STORE. Na.6j South Third £!»reet,oppofite the national new Bank« SAMUEL M FR .UNGES andjoHN VAN REED^ have entered into co-paftnerfllip, under the firm of FRAUNCES & VAN RLED, in the business of Brokers. Conveyancers and Comniifiton merchants. They buy and fell on commission every lpe.es of ilock, notes of hand Dills of exchange, hoafes aiid lands, &c. -.Monev procured cn deposits, &c. &c. all kinds of writing, in the conveyancing line, done with neatness and dilpatch; Accounts a'djufted, and books fettled, in the mod correct manner. Coaftant attendance will be given Tjiey solicit a fiiare of the pnblk favor ; they are deter mined to endeavour to deserve it. N. B. The utmofl secrecy observed. SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES. JOHN VAN REED _J>hilad. Augufl 27, 1796. m&wtf Lottery and Broker'TOffice, No. 64, South Second street. TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 3, for fele 3 Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in Ishe late lottery. r Check Books kept for examination and reriftering for the City of Waihington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries both of which are now drawing—inferjnation v.h«H- a tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New. Port Long-Whajf, Hotel and Public School Lottery for examination. 1 ' The fu'ofcriber solicit, the application of the public and his friends, who wish tq purchase or fell Bank Stock Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Jioufes, Lands* c. or to obtain money oa deposit of property. ' t.« Also Tickets, ip the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery f«- sale at Tea Dallcrs each, which will be drawn early in the Spriog. 1 " Blackburn. Philadelphia, Au?ujl 18, 1796. mt^ PRINTED BY JOHN FENNQ •—No. 1x9 — Ci' P SNUT-STH E E i. [I'ricc* Eight Dollats p«r Annum.} *