of the t&tCSj in and fleer age, and a half deck which will flow from feventy-five to eigk.y barrels ; has been newly caulked, graved and painted. For terms apply to BENJAMIN RHODES, At No. 170, corner of Market and Fikk-ftreets, Or to the Captain en board laid fcheoner at MefTrs. Willie and Yardfley's wharf, adjoining Cheiaut-ftreci wharf; where there is for sale Excellent pickled Salmon in barrels, the be ft of American Mess Beef, and some very excellent Bolton manufa&ured Chocolate. December 26 JT3CV For Sligo and Kiliibegs, -American Ship btAXcr, Ctithbert Kiggs, master. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or pa'Tage apply to William Bell ; Who has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well afiorted 3 Bales Irish F.annels, a id 2 boxes Linen* 3j Pipes Brandy Madeira Wins ; Indigo. Russia Matts, Also, A feyv barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November 11, 1796, s mwftf FOR SALE, %iflß SHIP MARY, SAMUEL pa RKER„ Master, hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, lhe will Jake freight for Hamburg.•" Apply as above. October 31. d For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, Samuil Pile, Master,' *! Burthen 205 47-95 tens register, built in Philadelphia, in the year 1792, of live oak ind red'cedjr, and was sheathed 13 months ago, die Iks just had a compleat out-fit, and may be sent to sea at a very trilling expence. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin iff Co. If ho have for file on btard fend vejfel, j&7 calks of fine yellow paint. 9 boxes and 12 bundles of writing (late*. 1 box ink stands and note preffet. 14 bales of fail canvass. , And on hand, • \ Imperial } Hyson, and, > TEAS. Soucheng ) , 40,000 pieces Nankeens of the ftrft qaality. 19 tubs Quicksilver. t cherts Bandanno handkerchiefs. A few cherts Mancherter goodswell aflorted in Cor duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dimities, &c. 3 boxes black sewing silk. ito crates Q*en« ware well alTorted. 10 tons sheet lead. Nails alTorted, flat and fljarp points. London Particular, } Madeira Wine in pipes xt v , \ lnd Hogflieads. New-York Market, J 6 40 pipes and 10 hogflieads Tenerifle wine. 8 tierces Snake Root. locs Mahogany. Nov- 7. tth&ftf Wants a place, as Wet Nurse, A woman with a good bread of milk, who can be ~wrell recommended, for further particulars enquire of the Printer. ' Jam 17. FOR SALE, About 1,600 acres of -Land, WELL situated, laying and between Marfli aRd Beech Creeks, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in four fcparate Patents. Folr terms of sale apply to Win. Blackburn, No. 64, Sauth S>*cond~ftrtet O&ober 31. mwftf , CNO TICE. • « Sales of LANDS of the United States, ii*the 1 Norrk-Weftern Territory, heretofore advertised in the several public pipers, will commence this even ing* at the City Tavera —to be continued from day t« day, 'till the tenth of February nexU if not sooner fold. January 4 Washington Lottery. TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purchased ( or exchatig,d for prizes, at the Office, No. 147, Chrfh'ut *reet s where a corre advantageouiTy divided as to as. ford an opportunity of making a large quantity oflndian corn annually, without bringing the fleldiinto fcnilar cul ture oftner than once in fnur years ; confequentiy the lands may be improved by keeping up the inclol'ures during the intermediate years, or may be beneficially fallowed for wheat and other grain at tne option of the proprietor. On the prcmifes there is also a merchant mill with one pair ot best French burr 1 tones, and one pair of Cologne ; furnilhed with modern machinery, and now leafed for the unexpired terpi oi four years, at 1501 per annum, and all ■grain for the ul'e of the farm, hopper free, which is near ly tool. more, r'h* null and miiler'shoufe are built of free stone, within a very small distance of navigation, near to which are two or more valuable lilheries, and a well accustomed ferry over the Rappahannock to the town of Frederickfburg. ld« land tontains mexhauftible qua'rrie s . of free l tone near to the river, is plentifully supplied with remarkable fine water and pofl'effes a due proportion of meadow, which by having the command of water may be confideraoly increal'ed. The roads are good, and the neighbourhood genteel and sociable. In fath—lawjm. Particular TenerifFe Wine. SO Quarter-calkj Particular TenerifFe WINE, Of x iuperior quality, For Sale by A. Mar pie lfrael IV. Morris, No. 60, Dock-Ilreet. January jj tt»6 Elegant Brussels & Turkey Carpeting, For lale by George Dobfon, No. 25, South Third-street. December I?. dtf Boarding and Lodging May be had at No. 62, Penn-ftreet, in a creditablc family January 9 SALT PETRE. A large quantity of Double-Refined Salt Pet re for sale at No. 25, SoWh Third-street. November j. Philadelphia and Lancaster I'urnpikc Company, January 6, 1797. At a meeting of the Prefitlent and Managers, a di vidend of five dollars per {hare, was declared for the last half year, which will be paid to the 'Stockholders, or thiir representatives any time after the 21ft of this month. , TENCH FRANCIS, Treasurer. Jan, fl. 1 n\r4w. Frejh Garden, Grass and Flower-Seeds, Roots, &c. &c. TkU day landing from the fiiip Eagle, captain Fofdick, from London, And FOR SALE by GOLDTHWAIT & MOORE, Corner of Walnut and Sccond-ftreets, A muji capital and .'xterfive Affortnient of GARDEN, GRASS and FLOWER-SEEDS, ROOTS, &c. See. Among which arc, Five kinds .Asparagus Three kind# Creflca Four Bcrecole Twelve Onion Twenty-five Bean# Thirteen Radiih •Six Fifteen Turnip Eleven Brocoli; Fiftecja Peas Twenty-fix Cabbage; Six Savoy Six Carret Four Parsnip Three ; Fwenty-thrfce Melon Five Celery! Fwu-ty-one. Lett-uee lan Cucumber! Common and lemon Thyme leaf and sprigged Parsley Pot Marygold /■' Pot Marjorum Balm Thyme "•Mangel Wurtzel > Leek Kail Shallots Rape Sefci Rye Gra/s Saint Fein Lucerne Red and white Clover' Timothy, &c. &c. With a curious tolled ion of the mo(l efteemcd FLOWER-SEEDS a*d ROO L'S, Being the iuoftextenfive ever imported into this city. The above are from a capital Scedlrnan in London, and are warranted treih and good. Pointed catalogue® may be had by applying as above. . l>ec. 17 *5 '} In order to comply iui:h, contratts, 1 will fcU y for dfy/KVcd bonds, on $ equal annual payments, A Square ol LOTS, At the upper end of l'rederickiburg, beginning op pofue to the lower corner of Doilor VYciiford's, on Caroline-ftrert, and running tip to the crof\ street leading to Fitziiugh's ferry. Jnd from thence back to Sopliia-ftreet. This fqaare I have laid off into 24 lets, 27 and an half feet froat, and 122 back, 12 on Caro- Upe-flreet, and 12 on Sophia-fireet. Nine of those oh Caroline-ftrect I have leafed on an annual ground rent of 8 and 10 pounds, to the amount of 74 pounds, i and the vicmt lots a purchal'er could enhance the value of by building small haufes, which will a3 readily procure tenants as pots or goards will Martins in the spring, and yiel-o a greater profit in proportion to their cost tkan large buildings. • Thof* who incline to purchase may know the terms by applying to HENRY FITZHUGH. Reli-Air, Dec. 8, 1796. 7thJ,d4W THE SUBSCRIBER J WISHES to ascertain, whether a certain EDWARD NEVILL, by trade a Stone-Cutter, or Brick-Layer, ; who quitted Ireland ii 1783, or 1784, and came into : this Country, ('tis supposed to Philadelphia) about : four years since, be living or dead. As this intelli ! gence is of the highest importance, it will be thankful ly received, by 1 GEO. DAVIS, No. 313, Higli-ftreet December 31. w & sim Bank of Pennsylvania, January 4, 1797. At a meeting of the Directors th ; s day, a dividend of fixtcen dollars on each fill re was declared' for the last 6 months, which will be paid to the Stockholders as* ;er the 14th inft. JONATHAN SMITH, Cashier. J'"- 3- dtf. The v Elephant," Now exhibited, was bought for Ten Thousand Dollars. He is 3 years old, 6 feet high, growing to 18 feet. He eats 150 weight a-day, and drinks a barrel of water ; he has drank feme days forty bottles of porter, drawing the corks with hu tru»k. He is perfectly inoflenfive; travels leofe, at the rate of five nailes an hour, and is the greatest curiosity ever brought to this Continent. He is to be, seen 'till the 15th of January, in Market-street between Third and Fourth-llreets, at a quarter of a dollar, that every one ?4ay fee him— after which time the former price of half a dollar will be relumed. He will leave Philadelphia asToon as the weather will permit. December 31 j Wanted on hire, A Cook, male cr female—alio a man servant to at tend in a private family and perform the duties be longing to the,dining room. None need apply who do not understand and have not been stectiftomed to the refpcijtive fervicesand who are not well recommended for honesty and good behavior. Apply at No. 12 1, Mulberry-ftrrrt, er to the printer. January j. tawiw Mas. G RA TTA N Refpeilfully informs her friends, and the public in general, that on Tuesday the lot'n day of January, Ihe proposes opening, at No. 39, North Sixth -1 street, A Linen and Muslin Warehouse. Book Muslins, from 6/3 to 12/11 per yard Jaconet ditto, from 8/8 to $/8 per yard Striped ditto, from 7/10 to 10/io per yard Fine Coffees Tambour'd Book Muslins, from 13/9 to 21/* per yard India Muslin, from 11/3 to 15/ per yard Sheeting Muslin Jaconet muslin Handkerchiefs, from 4/3 to 6/ per hdkf. Book muslin Handkerthiefs from 5/3 to io/*6 per hdkf. Muslin color'd and border'd Handkerchiefs Dacca Handkerchiefs Tambour*d Cravats from iq/3 to Itftl Pocket Handkerchiefs Cambric, from 11/3 to 16A per yard Table Cloth* 1 Huckabu'ck Towelling Women's Cotton Hose, from 6J& to isfper pair Dimity from sflo to 6/ii MenS Silk Hose i ambour'd mailin Handkerchiefs from 11/ ii to\jf% Irish linens for •entlenr.ea's Shirts, from jj/5 to 9/7 And a variety of other articles. N. B. Orders received for all kinds of ready made Linen, Gentlemen's Shirts, riffled or plain, Cravat*, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Ac. &c. Houfhold Linen, &c. &c. A plain fiiirt, made and mark'd, 3 M dollars. A lull ruffled ditto, 4 dollars. A plain shirt, made ar>d mark'd, 5 dollars. A full ruffled ditto 6 dollars. A plain fliirt, made and marked, 5 i-a dollar*. A IWII ruffled ditto 7 dfcllars. A plain shirt, made and mark'd, 6 dollars. A full ruffled ditto 7 i-a. A plain fliirt, made and mark'd, 6 i-a dollars. A very fine rulHcd ditto 8 dollars. Linen included. Tanuarr 1.1. $ A Quantity of Brandv, FIRST & id proof, Gin, of 4th proof, in pipe* Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, in Hhd» Old Hock, in cases of 40 dozen eaeft Olafs Tumblers, in pints and half-pint* Window Glass, in boxes, of different iizM Kazlenuts, in sacks. Whiting Copperas ( . .. . White Lead f tri J-.hds & Spanilh Brown J For Sale by PETER BLIGHT. January 4 £ tor bale, By George Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels 'and half barrels Ditto.Herring and Mackarel. Smoaked Hwring in barrels and kegs Diao Salmon, by the dozen or single one , Diy Codiilh, from one to .fifty kentals Fine and coarse Salt Nova-Scotia and French Plaster of Paris, in the ftene and ground, for inamirSond ftueco-work December I. Jtf Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGU-ST&EET, Has received by the late arrivals, A IVttt Selected Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, on the very I oweft terms ; Amongji tubicb are Some elegant 4*4 Snd 7-8 Chinties and Cottons, new patterns Ditto Farniturc ditto , Ditto Dimity Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslin* Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantuas of the firft quality iSilk and Cotton Hosiery Umbrellas of the fir ft quality, afTorted lriih Linens, very fine, and Table Linens Marfcillss and Cotton Counterpanes Rose Blankets afTorted—Jcc. &c. O&ober 26. d Clocks LESLIE and PRICE, t/o. 79, Market street, Philadelphia, HAVE IMPORTEp, fey the late arrivals from London, » large afTortment of WARRANTED WA /CH ES, eenfiftiug of horizontal, capp'd and jewel 7 d Gold Watches, with seconds, of iiiperior workmanlhip and elegance ; also capp'd 1 and jewel'd and plain Gold Watches j capp'd & jewell'd, capp'd, seconds, day of the month, and plain Silver Watches ; eight day & chamber Clocks; elegant French Clocks with marble frames ; eight day and thirty hoar, brass ■ works, &c. Decembet 7,1, 1796. dzm WM. HAY DON, Drawing-Master, from London, Where he has lludied several years under one of the most eminent maflers in that science, attends young Ladies and Gentlemen at their relpeilive homes. His terras are 6 dollars per month for attendance three times per week. Likewise all kinds of ornamental Painting, Flowers, Fruit, &c. taught on the above terms. A line dire&ed to W. H. left with tl?e Editor of this Gazette, will be immediately attended td. eo2w James M'Alpin, Taylor, Nt. 3, South Fourth Jlrcet, RETURNS his grateful acknowledgments so his Friends and the Public for their liberal encouragement, and begs leave to solicit a continuance of their favors. He has on hand an extensive affoVtmcnt of the Most Fajhionable GOODS, And of the belt quality, suitable for the l'eafon. At this thop Gentlemen can be furnithed withthe bed material , and have theai made up in the neatefl and molt Fafhlonable manner, and 6n the fhortcft notice. He will Vthankfully receive any orders, andpay a prompt and panilual attention; to them. November 10. w>