Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 17, 1797, Image 4

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For carrying the Mails of the United
States, j
On the following Pojl Roads, will be reciived until
thefiljl day of March next inclajive : j n
1. From Charleston, S. C. by Jackfonboro' an 4 Coofa-
hatchy, to Savannah, twice a week. Receive the MaU
at Charleston every Tuelday and Friday by 6, V. M. and
deliver it at Savannah the *Ms Friday and Monday, by » [he
A.M. Jtiturning,',Tccc.h-c the ,Mail at Savannah ev ry j
Saturday, by 6, P. M. and Weinettay by 6, A. M. and jn| .
deliver it at Charleston the n«t Tuesday and Friday
bynoon. vci
Pi o' -[J.s for this route 'will bt retiived Jay tbipyt-majter st
2. Fi'omCoofahatcliy to Beahfort a week—
Receive the naaii at Coofahatchy every Thursday by 6,
p. m. aud deliver it at Beaufort by noon on Friday. R<- —
turning, leave Beaufort every Friday »y 3,- p. m. and .arrive
at. Coofahatchy on Saturday by 8, A. ia.
Proposals for carrying the mail on this route will be r«r
by the poft-maiter at Beaufort. gj :
Note 1. Tke Polt-mafter General may alter th« times
for the arrival aad departure of the mails at any rime du- aJ .
ring the continuance of the co*»tra&«, he ptevioufly llipu
la-tiaj»; an adequate compensation for apy extra expence
tiiat may be occasioned thereWy. ~
Note 2. For every delay (unavoidable a«cidents
excepted) ia arriving after the times prescribed by con
trad, the contraAor lhall forfeit one dollar, and if tnc
delay continue until the departmre of any depeiding 'mail
an additional forfeiture of fiye dollars lhall We iicurred.
Note 3. Shomld any person makin , proposals deiire aa
alteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpe
cified, he must state the alteration desired the price '
he will carry the mail for with and without such alte
Note 4. The contraAs are to be in operation on the «
firft day of April next and to continue until the 30th of »t
September in the year 1800. n
Pcjl Majler General. d
General Post Office, 7 -
Philadelphia, Jan. 13,1796. j" -s
]an. 16. d6w - a
AOVhR i ioiiMENT.
A 6 a Bill is now depending before the Legiflaiure of
Pennsylvania relative to unfatisfied warrants, a meet
iog of the holders of such claims is requested to be g
h«fd at Mr. Dunwoody's on Tuesday evening the 17th ;
inft. at fix o'clock, iu order that a memorial on the
occasion may be prepared and laid before the Houfc.
January 16 a t
A Pointer found.
Any person having loft a small POINTER PUP
PY about a fortnight since, may have hira again by
proving property a«d paying charges. Apply to the
January ro *
Clocks and Watches.
No. 79, Market-street, Philadelphia, ,
HAVE IMPORTED, by the late arrivals from
London, a large assortment «f WARRANTED !
WATCHES, consisting of horizontal, capp'd and
jewel'd Gold Watches, with fecouds, of superior
workman(hip and elegance ; also capp'd and jewel'd 1
and plain Gold Watches ; capp'd & jewell'd, capp d,
ftconds, day of the mottth, and plain Silver Watches ;
eight day 3c chamber Clocks; elegant French Clocks (
with marble frames ; eight day and tT.irty homr, brass
works, &c.
Decembet 22, 1796. dtm
City of Waihington.
SCHEME of the LOTERY, No. 11,
A magnificent > »0,000 dollars, & ? 000
dwelling-house, 5 ca lh 30>0°°> are 5 '
1 ditto 15,000 & calk 15,000 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000
1 ditto 10,000 & ca(h 10,000 10,000
x ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 & caih 5,000 10,000
1 cafli prize of 10,000
1 do. 5,000 each, are • 10,000
Ip do. 1,000 - - 10,000
10 do. 509 - - 10,000
00 do. 100. - . 10,000
400 do. 50 10,000
400 do. 45 - 10,000
1,000 do. io - 10,000
15,000 do. 10 * 150,000
16,739 Prizes.
33,161 Blanks.
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000
N. B. To favour those whp may take a quantity of
Tickets, the priae of 40,000 dollars will be the Last drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved'notes, securing payment in either monay
er prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for
any number not l'efc than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will afford an elegant fpecimsn of the pri
vate buildings to be erefled in the City of Wafliington—
Two bcauuiul designs are already fele&ed for the entire
fronts on two of the public l'quares; from these prawings
it ispropofed to et . rt two centre and four corner buildings,
as soon as poflible after this lottery, is.fold, and to convey
t£em, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in
the manner dcfcribed in the fchemc fur the Hotel Lottery.
A nett dedu&ion of five per cent, will be made to defray
the necessary expenses of printing, &Cw<and the surplus
will be madea part of the fund intended for the National
University, to be eredled within the city of Wafliington.
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
old off.— l'he money prizes will be payable in thirty days
ifterit is fun filed; and aliy prizei for which fortunate
r.B.uba'i> aie not produced within twelve months after the
drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards
the f»nd for the University ; it being determined to fettle
the whole bufmefs in a year from the ending of the draw
ing, and to take up the bonds given as security.
The real securities given for the payment of the Prises,
are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a
inount ol the lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commissioners a flitted in the management of the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk
fecondtime on behalf ef the public; a fuflicient num
j;r of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that rfie
r iends to a National University and the other federal ob
joAs may continue to favor the design.
By accounts received from the diflerent parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public are aiiured that the
drawing will fpeedily-commence, and that the care and
caution unavoidably ncceffary to insure a fafc disposal of
th« tickets, haa rendered the inorr fufpeufion indilpetilablv!.
Ti«kets may be had at the Bank of Colombia ; of
James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilman, B&£on :
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and ol Richard W«lls
Cooper's Ferry. *»
WILLIAM M'DOUCi ALL will open his school on Mon- ,
day the 3111 mil. at tin o'clock in the morning, at his L>
Elegant hew Ball Rooms,
In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets.
Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to 1 o clock —
on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for
young gentlomen from 6 to 9 o'clcck on the evenings o
the fame days. p u
In addition to a number of new cotillioas, he means to
introduce a variety of Scotch Reels.
Note. The firft pra&ifißg ball to be on Tuesday e
vening, the firft of November, and to be continued every
Tuesday, dnring the season. n
For terms, &c, enquire at his house, Nu.l34> Market- { ;
OA. 17 ■ tth ' D
Bank of North-America, iw
'January 2, 1797- . a "
At a miJting of the Dire&ors this day, a Dividend ot p
Six per Cent- was declared lor the la!l halt year, winch *'
will be paid to the Stockholders or their representatives, _
at any timr after the 10th inilant.
By srder of the Board.
dtl6t|i JOHN NIXON. President.
CAUTION. ~~ •»
' CO
WHEREAS vei*y hrge and heavy debts are justly
due and owing from messrs. Blair M'Clenachan and j..
Patrick Metre, of the city of Philadelphia, merchants, a
trading under the firm of Blair M'Clenachan and P. p
Moore, and from Blair M'Clenachan in his separate
capacity ;to which, by the laws of the land, the
toint to wtill as separate property of the fa:d Gentle
men, is. and ought to be, liable. And whereas
it is clearly and Satisfactorily ascertained, that mr.
Blair M'Clenachan, of the said firm, has conveyed
away to mr. Job:i H. Hujlon, his foil-in law, to his
daughter, miss M'Clenachan, and to his son, George
M'Clenachan, Several large and valuable real estates, n
as well ai oonfiderable personal property, in the city *
andtounly of Philadelphia, in the county of Lancas
ter, in the county of New-Castle on Delaware, and
. elsewhere!, with a view, as it is apprehended, to de
feat the Oreditors in the recovery of their just debts.
This is, therefore, to forewarn all persons whamfo- 1
ever, aga'mft the purchase from the laid grantees, or J
| either of th?m, of any portion of the said real or per-
: fonal property, as the moil vigorous measures will £
without d«lay be take* to render the fame liable to 1
the just demands of the Creditors. d
l'y order of the Creditors. t
Thomas Fitxjimons, ") r
Philip Nicklin, I a
Isaac Vharton, J- Committee.
William M'Murtrie, \ c
Samuel W. Fijher, -» >
Philadelphia, December 17th, 1796. 10th.$
THE caution introduced into the public prints,
warning all perfonfi against purchasing from the ]
™ grantees of Blair M'Clenachan, any portion of the _
large, real and personal estates he conveyed away to |
ir his fon-iii law and to hi* children was the result of ,
d a deliberation had upen the fubjeft by a general and ;
I, numerous meeting of the creditors as well of Blair
• M'Clenachan and P. Moore as of Blair M'Clena- j
chan individually. It was no more than an execu
tion of that trull confidod in the fubferibers by
those creditors : a step which it would have been a
— breach of <4uty and honor in them to have omitted.
The very statement of iWe'faft therefore must dif
pcl the imputation that it was either " precipitate
or vi»diftive." it originated in a deiire to secure
the property of the debtor as a fund for the pay
ment of his just debts. It was fandioned by the
advice ot council as a measure necejfary to the fafety
of the creditors. If the adverufement ha* been
injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury
to hii own unjuftitiable conduA, not to the lub
fciibers <vho have merely puWilhed the truth is
terms as mild as the fact would admit, and who
mean to investigate in a high court of justice the
validity of those purchases of which Mr. M'Cle
nachan so confidently speaks.
The fubferibers therefore arc bound by a sense
of duty to the creditors in general to repeat their
caution against purohafing of those grantees or
either of them, and to extend the terms of it to a
purchase from any pther persons (if such there be)
to wb»m Mr. M'Clenachan may have made similar
Philip- DM- 21, 1796.
i«y (J3" Thoft printers who have been requested to
for publilh the firft Caution, are defirod t publish this
Washington Canal Lottery,
ire NO. 1.
"TT THERE AS the State of Maryland has authorised
rey VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand.
• D two hundred, and fifty dollar*, for the puipofe of cutting
a Canal through the City of Wafliington, frov.i th Fo ;
. tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour.
j us The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz ~*i Prize of so,ooo dollars, ao,ooo
I ditto 10,000 10,000.
z Ti£, d sr}
J e 6 ditto r,ooo 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,000
r j s 20 ditto Ifflo 1,000
;tle Ji ditt ® i° 1.75°
w _ J 7 jo ditto 11 69,008
To be raised for th« Canal, 16,15s
ink 585° Prizes, J75,00a
a _ 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
.nf 17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,000
the T'lC Cemmiffionars have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforcfaid a<ft for the pun&ual payment ol
im the prizes. ■
B h e The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without
o b_ delay, as loon as thf Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
t (j c Such prizes as are not demanded in fixroonths after tht
4Ct!l drawing is finiihed, lhall be coafidered as relinquished for
the the benefit ®f the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
and (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG,
Cit ol Waflxington, Feb. 11. $
For Sale,
By die Subscribers —In PENN-STRF.ET,
65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, js
Imported by the Eagle. ur.t
Nov. 30 w&f for
Le Breton,
Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the i>j<
King and Royal Family of France, member of the Rn
College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris, lin
Keeps a complete afibrtmeht of every thing neceflary "
to be 11 fed forthe '
Preservation of the Mouth and Teeth. D °
Patent Miuoral Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth ; § tt
Dentrifice in powder ; Opiate ; excellent Elixir for to
sweetening the mouth and preserving the teeth—he M
also furailhes Brufhe# and loft Spunges,i
* # * He lives m Cliefnut-ftrcit, No. 13J, above m(
j Fourth-flreet. .
November if>. _ tt3
Twenty .Guineas Reward.
RAN AW AY from the fubferiber on the 23d OvStober, J O ,
a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES; it years
old • about 5 feet S inches high; had on a misted green
1 coat, wkh a green velvet cape and oval yellow button 3; pc
a ilriped veil; a pair of dark fpotu-d pantaloon-, and
whole boots much worn. It probable he may rhnnge
his name and dress. He has been accustomed te driving
a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be
paid for fccuring him so that the fubferiber may jet hint
again, and if brought home all rctifonable charges paid by
Robins Cbamberlaitie. th
Eafton. Maryland, Nov. IP- 14 f.lmi-.-.vtf
Horses taken in, *a
For the Winter Sea/on, " r
And fed on clover hay at the Subscribers place, 12
n_iles on the Bristol Road, where good (tabling is pro- r ;
vided, and great care will U« taken of them th
William Bell. j>:
Nov. 23. mwfawmthtf.
Samuel Richardet £
RESPECTFULLY informs the-Gentlemen 0|
Merchants-, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia:
The Subscription Room will be furnished with all the
daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with thole of the principal com
mercial citins of Europe—They will be regularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrcftrments, o
will at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the moll
approved Malt Liquors front London and other breweries.
, The Larder will befupplied with the prime and sarheft
productions of the Season.
; Large an* small Parties, on Angle Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
' hours most convenient to themfelves —a cold Collation :s
f regularly ktpt for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had
1 at tha bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furmmyd, and
the utmost attention paid to clcanlinefs, and every other
£5" Richardet will behappy to receive, and
r execute the commands of his Friends, the Public at
i large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
himfelf that nothing on his part (hall be wanting to pre
fcrve that patronage with which he has been so diflinguuh
iagly iiojiored.
" Philadelphia, April 19- mwt
' A Manufadory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufa&ory, fuuate
in a convenient part of the city,; the works almolt nevv,
1 on an entirely original conftru&ion, and built ol the belt
1 materials, and may be set to work immediately. Peilonk
_ i whowifhto purchafc, are requested to apply at No 273,
South Second Street. September 13. t t f tt
e Riding Scbiol, Horse Academy & Infirmary^
Adjoining the Public Square. Market iU«et.
e RETURNS his sincere thanks tott.ofe geotlemen by whom
ir he has been employed, during his refidencc in this {City, and
flatters himfelf that the success of his effoits, to the numerous,
obftiuaic and dangerous diseases in Korfct, in which he has
a been coofulted, together with his moderate charges, will fe
) ure their future favors and recommendation.
r He now begs leave to inloi ra them and the public at large
that his ipacious and commodious prrmifcs, eredkd for the
purposes abovedefcribed are opew for the recepiion ot pupils
of cither lex, who wtlhto brinilmitrd in the Art of Hiding
. and the right method of governing tbejr horses, so as to ride
| tlsem with cafe, elegance, and fafety—their horses will be
carefully and expeditioully broke, for every putpofe, and
made obedient tot he will of the riders ; the natural powers
which are shut up in them, will be unfolded by art, calling
forth uniformity of motion, and giving to that noble animal
t0 all those beauties of ailion which providence has so bounti
fully bellowed on them.
114 Also, at his hospital, every dtforder to which the horse is
_ liable will be treated according to the rules of art, confirmed
by long avl repeated experience.
The utility of the.above inllitutioo has never bean qneflion
ed, that it has long been wanted in this «ity, every gentleman's
. ttud will manifclt, and T. Sw ann as the hril eltablifher ol
e , thcvetcrenaryart, lolicits and relics upon the fuppoa of thai
public (which he is ever anxious in lerving) to enable hrtn to
bring it to perfection. The idea ol a fub'cription for that
0 purpose has beeu hinted by leveral gentleman, who with to
promote the institution— the amount of each fubfcrtpiion to
be returned by fcrvices in any ot the departments he pro'eges,
agreeable to the rate of charges dated in his hand bill. Such
fiibfcription is now open, and the signatures of many relp«6i
abic gentlemen- already obtained. He t her dor e injorms his
friends and such Ladies and gentlemtn to whom he has not
the honor of being known, that he lhall iu a lew days take
thciibcrtyof waiting upon them and folici-ting their support
and protcftion.
N B. Horses are properly prepared for those Ladieaamd
oentlemenwho wtlh to be inftru£ted.
Nov. 5. ' ' tth&f.
A new method of keeping Bill Books,
Adapted for the cafe and convenience of merchants
In general; but particularly for those who are ex
re 0 , tsnfively conccniad in trade: exhibiting at one
view, all the bills which a merchant may have to
>ut receive or pay> i n th® couvfe of the whole year,
el ? for each month feparitively. And thereby pre
venting the trouble and inconvenience attendant on
f or the mode now in use, of feledting the bills due in
y. aach month from the promiscuous entries of several
D To which t8 prefixed,
At able (hewing the number of days from any day
* any ir.onth, to the fatre day in any other month.
Philadelphia! printed for and fold by 11. CAMP
BELL & Co.
January 1.. tawtf
Treasury Depart merit,
Sept amber 28, 1796.,
NOTICE is hereby given, that proposal* will be re
ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury
until the expiration of the firfl day cf March next en
fuipg, for thefupply of all rations which may he required
for the use of the United States, from the firfl day of
June, 1797, to the thirty-firfl day of May, 1798, both
days inclusive, at the places and within the diflri&s here
after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at,
lfle; at Sandufky Lake, and on Sandufky
River; at Detroit; at Michiliniackinac; at Fort-Frank
lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ;
at St. Clair; at Fort-Jcfferfon ; at_ Grenville; at
Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; sfc&Fort.Defiance ;at any .place b«lo*r Fort .
Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort
Steuben ; at Fort Maflac ; at any place from Fort Maffac
to the south boundary of the United States on the rivet
Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon.
If supplies fhaU be required lor any posts 07 places not
! mentioned in this:notice, all such supplies ihall be fur*
niflied at prices proportioned to those to be paid at thtf
posts before recited,' or as may be hereafter agreed on
between the United States and the C6ntra«slor.
The rations to be supplied are to conftft of the fol
lowing articles, viz.
One pouvui two ounces of bread «r flour.
One pound two ounc©6 of beef, or fourteen ounces of
pork or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy or whifoey.
One quart and half a pint of £alt.~^
Two quarts ef Vinegar, ( hundrod ration.
Two pounds of Soap, (
One pound of Candles, J
The rations are to be furniftied in f#ch quantities, as that
there {hall at all times during thefaid term, be i'ulTicient
for the consumption of the troops at Michiliniackinac, De
troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix month, in
advance, and at each of the other posts, for the term of
at lead three months in advance, in good an d wholefomc
provisions, if the fame shall be required. If is to be unj
derfLOcd, that the Contra£or is to beat the extent* and
rifle of iffuirg the fupplitfs to the troops at each pofi, and
that all loffcs sustained 'by the depredations of an enemy, or
by means of the troops of the United States, fhaii be paid
for at the pricc of the articks captured or destroyed, on
the depositions of two or more persons of creditafcie cha
ra&crs, and the certificate of a commffiioncd oGiccr, as
certaining the eircumflances of the loss, and the amount
of ths at tides for whicl>-compenfation (hall be claimed
Secretary of the Treasury.
By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
South Second-Jlreet.
For raising Sixty Thousand Dollars, agretably Ho an A£l of
the Legislature of Penafylvawia, passed dttring the la'ii,
feflian, tor building a Stone Bridge over the Riv<jr
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of
Berks. Dollars.
1 Prrxc of 20,000 Dollari - 20,000
1 do. of t©,ooo do. - - 10,000
I 3 do. of* 5 >000 do. - 15,000
4 do. of 2,000 do. - - B,pco
20 do. of 1,000 do. - - - 20,000
1 3.9 do. of 500 do. - - 19,5©*
I 80 do. of 200 do. - - IbjOQO
s 200 do. of 100 do. - ' - ao,ooo
300 do. 50 do. - 15,000
1 do* of 500 do. to be paid the potTef-{
for ©f the firll drawn no. } *
5 do. of 3,000 do. to be paid poflcfTorj ?
of the five last drawn nos )
9,400 dow o 15 do. ; - 141,00^
10,054 frizes 300,001*
e 10*046 Planks -
30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,00 a
8 Prizes (hall be paid fifteen days alter the drawing it
finifhed, upon the demand of a pofTeflor of a fortunate,
qicket, fubjeel to a dedu&ion of twenty per cent. Ihe
Drawing will commence as loon as the Tickets arc difpol.d
of, or perhaps Conner, of which puolic notict will bo given.
Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner> William Witman %
Joseph Hiejler> J&mes Dicmer, 'Thomas l)undas %
James May, John Otto s John Kelm> Daniel Graejf^
II Zebajlian Milfer> Commissioners.
d Reading, May the 9th, 1796
Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. a, to be had at the
iS above office, where the earliclt inlormation of jhe draw~
r " ing of the Washington No-a, and Patterfon .Lottery's,
are received, and check books for examination and regif
| e tering are kept.
j s O&ober 7. caawtf
£ Brokers Office, and
rj No. 63 South Third llrtct, opposite the national new BankJ
al O have entered tnto co-partnerlhip, under the firm of
FR AUNCES & VAN RKED, in the bufmefs of Brokers,
Conveyancers and Commiflion merchants. They buy and
" fell on commiflion every species of flock, notes of hand,
L ' l bills of exchange, houfts and lands, &c.
.'Money procured on deposits, &c. &c. all kinds cf
writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsand
' ? dispatch; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the
°, most correit manner. Constant attendance will be given.
lo They solicit a share of the public favor; they are deter
12t mined to endeavour to deserve it.
to N. B. The utmost secrecy observed.
ch Philad. Aiiguft 17, 1796- m&wtf
Lottery and Broker's Office,
»ot Afo. 64, South Second street.
3rt np'ICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for feU—a
JL Check Book for examination.—and prizes paid in
n fche late lottery.
Check Books kept for examination and regjftering, for
the City of Waffiington, No. a, and Pattefon Lotteries,
both of which are now drawing—information whorq
tickets arc to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
j tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New
it s Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for
. x examination.
The fubferiber solicits the application of the public
ne And his friends, who wifti to purchafc or fell' Bank Stock,
Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands,
ar» &c. or to obtain money on depoftc of property.
r e- %* Alio Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
ofl sale at Ten Dollars each, whieh will be drawn early in
the Spring.
r ' g "j W/u. Blackburn.
Philadelphia, Augufl 18, 1796. mth
ip! —No. 119 —
CHESNV t-s tre et.
(Price Eight Dollars pfr Annum.}