Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 14, 1797, Image 4

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    For Sale
- contraß, a very vat-Julie EJlatt, Imwn by
the name »f
C H A T H A M,
MOST delightfully situated on the worth bank ofßap
r hanock river, opposite the town of Fredenckfburg, in
ihrflace of Virginia, confiiking of eleven or fifteen hun
dred aCrefe, as may -befl suit the purchaser. riiere is on i
tHi* eflate, a large and well built brick house containing
nine commodious rooms/ exclufiveot a spacious hall or en
try, a a feet fqtiare, two pair ot stairs, suitable and conven
ient, pafiagei, and excellent dry cellars. It is placed on a
fine healthy eminence, commanding beautiful views in
every direction over the towns of Fredcrickfburgh and
ifaliAoutfi, and an extensive cultivated country.—The
-grounds adjoining the house are neatly laid out in pleas
ure ifnd kitchen gardens interspersed with a variety of
lcarce trees, achoicc collection flowers aHd flowering
fnrubs, and enriched ity various forts of the following
fruits, viz apples, pears, walnuts, chefnuts, cherries,peach
es, j?!umbs, £e<Sannes, apricots, grapes, figs, rjfborries,
goofeberries,lirawberries,and currants; the whole admi
rably varied by turfed slopes which have been formed by
i*reat labour and cxpeac«. Bordering up®n these im
provements, are several lots, m a highitate of cultivation,
and well let with reft clover and orchard graf3, from
T. hicii t hreo heavy crops of hay are taken every year. Ad
jacent thereto are two large and flourifhing orchards ; one
of ivell chosen pcach trees, the orher of apple and pear
trees, fele&edfrom the belt nurseries in the state. Pro
perly detached from the mansion house are extensive
roomy office*, of every denomination, viz, a Kitchen and
Larder, houfe-keepe-r's room and Laundry., with a ccllar
underneath for a variety of purposes, a ftora-fcoufe and
' smoke house all of brick, a dairy and spring house of l'tone.
Stables for thirty hories, an .coaeh houses for four car
riages. /Alfoalarge and well planned farm yard, with
barn and granary, a cow house, wi#h feparatc stalls for
thirty-fix grow'n cattle; apartments for fattening veals,
muttons and lambs; exteniive jQaeds fat sheep, and other
arrangements for stock of uvery description, with a large
and convenient receptable for provender, from which they
can be furnifhed without bbing exposed to the inclemency
of the weather. An overfeer'h house, blackimith's shop,
and quarters fufiicient to accommodate in the best man
ner more than fifty labourers..
The'arable lands are f« advautageoufly divided as to af
ford an opportunity of making a large quantity of India®
•corn annually, without bringing the iield into fibular cul
ture oltner than once in four years ; consequently the
lands may be improved by keeping up the inclofures during
the intermediate years, or may be beneficially fallowed for
wheat and other grain at the option ol the proprietor.
On the prcmifes there is also a merchant mill with one
pair of best French burr stones, and one pair of Cologne ;
furnifhed with modern machinery, and now leafed for the
unexpired term ol four years, at 1501 per annum, and all
gram for the use of the farm, hopper free, which is near
ly 1001. more. The mill and milier'shoufe are built of
free stone, within a very small distance of navigation,neap
to which are two or more valuable iifhcries, and a well
accustomed ferry over the Rappahqjnnock to the town of
Frederickfburg. The lend contains inexhaustible quarries
of free stone near to the river, is plentifully supplied with
remarkable fine water and polTeffes a due proportion of
meadow, which by having the command of water may
be eonfiderably increased. The road* are good, and the
neighbourhood genteel and sociable. In fa&, exclufivc of
an improveabte and 'well conditioned farm, the value and
emolument inseparably conne&ed w|tn a mill, ferries,
fUheries and quarries eligibly iltuated ; the profits arising
from an ice-house inferior to none in the state, and a gar
deni of four acres so abundantly stocked with vegetables
of all lorts as to be fully equal to the demand in market,
might be detailed many other advantages, apper
taining to the fertility of tJj*fe lands, which the subscriber
conceives it unnecessary to mention, being fully convinced
that when examined, it will be found to he a complete,
"pleafaßt and healthy refidenqe, possessing, beauties and
convenience®Sufficient to attract the attention of any per
son defirousof becoming a purchaser.
The motive which induces the fubferiber to offer for
sale an eftatefo Angularly beautiful and advantageous, is
a dcfire to become au inhabitant of Alexandria, where he
can with more ease attend to his interests in the neigh
bcurheod of that city. ,
The purchaser may be accommodated with a few slaves
in families, either for plantation or donaeftic use. A part
of the purchafc money will be required and the balance
made easy, the debtbejng properly secured.
Chatham, (Virg.) Dec. 19, 1796. nth—2aw:m.
Elegant Bruflels & Turkey Carpetic
For sale by George Dobfon, N©. 25, South Third-
December 15. _ dtf
Paterion Lottery.
FOR raifmtj (lx thoufind fix hundred and Cxty-feTen
dollars and fifty cents, by a dedudion of fifteen per
cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a price, viz
I Prize of 5000 dollars i» 'dollars 5000
/ I ' 1000 JOOO
I 500 "•, 500
5 200 ioco
aa 100 aooc
- 99 5° A9SO
20© 2£ , 5000 '
1000 10 20,00 c i
5 Lalt drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, 5000
2332 Prizes. 44,4.50
'4018 Blinks.
63 jo Ticlysts at Seven Dollars each, 44i4^0
By order of the Directors of the Soeiety for establish
ing Weful Manufactures, the fupervnt>endants of the Pat.
erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the
luregoicg Sshemc to the public, and have directed them
to refund the money to those persons who nave purchased
in the forfner Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
n this Lottery. '
The lottery has aflually commenced drawing, and will
continue until finilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
nay be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 64
lou'lli Second street, who will give information where tick
ets may bs procured.
Dated this 17 th day of June, 1796;
i l Prize of 5000 - - - 5000
I JOOO ... 1000
I s©o ...
5 200 J . 1000
20 ico • - • - aooo
90 50 4500
165 is . * 412J
The five last drawn tickets, 1000 joco
Being all the valuable prizes, befuics a full propar
tion of the 10 dollars.
As the Lottery is confiderabfy more than one third
drawn, the value of the ptidrawn. tickets is great
ly increased, and it is worth the notice of those
who hold tickets ii> the old scheme, that they can ex
change >heir tickcts for thole .ill the above, if they ap
ly soon, and at a moderate advance eonfidcring the
now real value of an undrawn ticket.
The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in
future will»be oftener, and the Lottery soon finifhjsd.
November w. njws
Clocks and Watches.
No. 79, Market street, fju/sHfUM,
HWE IMPORTED, by the late arrivals from
London, a large allcrtment WA RRANT E D
IVA ICH ES, eenfifting of horizontal, capp'd and
jewel'd Gold Watches, with feco;,cls, of f iperior
workmanlhip ant' elegance ; also capp'd and jewel'd
and plain Gold Watches ; capp'd & jewell'd, capp'd,
seconds, day of the mouth, and plain Silver Wit lies ;
eight day & chamber Clocks; elegant French Clocks
with marble frames; eight day and thirty ho«r, brass
Decemfet 12, 1796. d2m
Bank of North-America,
< January 2, ,1797.
At a meeting of tfte Direfiors this diy, a Dividfnd of
Six per Cent, was declared for the la ft half year, which
will be paid to the Stockholders or their representatives,
at any time after the 10th
By order of the Board.
dtl6th JOHN NIXON, President
WHEREAS very hrge and heavy debts are j'iftly
doe and'owing from messrs. Bla '.r M'Clenachan, and
Patrick Mtore, of the city of PhihdfTphl2, merchants,
trading under the irm of Blair M'Clenachan and P.
Moore, and from Blqir M'Clenachan in his separate
capacity ; to which, by the laws of the land, all the
joint aj weli as separate property of the said Gentle
men, is, and ought to be, liable. And whereas
it ta clearly and fatisfa&orily afcertaifted, that mr.
Blair M'Clenachan, of the said firm,, ha? conveyed
away to mr. "John 11. Kujlon, His son-in-law, to his
daughter, miss M'Clenachan, and to his son, George
M'Clenachan, several large and valuable real estates,
as well as coufidcrable perfoual property, in the city
and county of Philadelphia, in theeounty of Lancas
ter, in the county of New-Castle on Delaware, and
elfewhwe, with a view, as it is appreTiended, to de
feat the Creditors in the recevery of their jufl debts.—
This is, therefore, to forewarn all whomso
ever, agaioft the purchase from the said grantees, or
either of them, of any portion of the said real or per
sonal preperty, as the most vigorous rneafures will
without delay be taken to rendsr the fame liable to
the jufl demands of the Creditors.
By order of the Creditors.
Thomas Fit*./imons,
PhUip Nicklin, I
Isaac Vharton, Committee.
William M'Mnrtrie, 1
Samuel ff r . Fijber, J
Philadelphia, December 17th, 1796. »oth.s
THE caution introduced into the puWic prints,
warning all perfonr. against purchafnig from the
grantees of Blair M'Clenachifi), any portion of the
large, real and personal estates he conveyed away to
hie Con-in law and to his children was the result of
a deliberation had upon tlie fubje£t by a general and
numerous meeting of the creditors as well cf Glair
M'Clenachan ami P. Moore as of Blair M'Clens
chan individually. It was no more than an execu
tion of that trust confidad in the fubk-ribere by
those creditor» : a step which it would Jiave been a
breach of duty and honor in them to have omitted.
The very ftatenacnt of the fatt therefore must dis
pel the imputation that it was either " precipitate
or vindi&ive." It originated in a desire to feeure
the property of the debtor as a sand for the pay
ment of his jaft debts. It was fanflioned by the
advice of council as a measure nccejfary to the fafety
of the creditors. If the advertisement ha« been
injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury
to his own unjuftiliable conduit, not to the sub
scribers .vho have merely puUithed the truth, in
terras as mild as the fact would admit, and who
mean to invefligate in a court of justice the
validity of those purchaseS of which Mr.. M'Cle
nachan so confidently speaks.
The fubfenbers therefore are bound by a sense
of duty to the creditors in general to repeat their
eaution against purchasing of those grautees or
either of them, and to extend the terms <jf it to a
pnrchafe from any other persons (if such there be)
tp wbem Mr. M'Clenachan may have made similar
Philad.' Dee. 21, 1796.
| fl3" Those printers whb hare been requefled to
publifli the firft Caution, are desired to pubWh this
also. ■
Wafhmgton Caiiai Lottery,
• N 0 . I. ,
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifct)
the underwritten,-"to raise twenty-fix thousand.
two hundred, and fifty dollar*, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the Oity of Washington, fro>i th l'o
tomacto theEaftern Branch Ilaruour.
**■ The following is the SCHEME of No.-I.
Vie .1 Prize of aoliars, lopoo
1 ditto 10,000 10,000
7 last drawn y
Tickets, each j V ",000
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,000
ZO ditto 100 »,000
SS ditto jo 1,750
5750 ditto 12 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, 26,25©
5850 Prizss, 175,00 c
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,000
¥j° The Commiflioners havs taken the Securities re
quired by the aferefaid a<s for the pun&ual payment o'
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, withcu*
delay, as soon as th<* Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes aB are not demanded in fix months after th»
drawing 16 finished, (hall be considered as relinqnifhed foi
the benefit l ef the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
Cit of Feb. 11. 5
A Manufactory ,FOIv SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE/ Maoufcȣlory, fitnate
vn t convenient part ot the city ; the works almost ne-v,
on an pntirt ]y original conftruftion, ail»d buili of the befl
materials, and m->y be set to work immedbtely. Persons
' who w'AliHo purchase, are to apply at No 273,
Saurh Second Street. / September 13. tt ft(
! WILLIAM M'DQUGALL wili open his fphbal on Mon
-5 day the 31ft in ft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at his
Elegant hew Ball Rooms,
In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets.
Hours of tuition for young ladies, from ic to 1 o'clock
on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for
young gentlemen from 6 to y o'clock on the evenings o
j the f ime days.
In addition to a namber of new cotillioKs,4ie means bo
introduce a variety of Scotch Reels.
NoU. The firft pra&ifing ball to be on Tuesday a*
vening, the firft of Noveinber, and to be continued every
Tuesday, during the fcafon.
I For terms, &c, enquire at his house, N0.134, Market
• (hvet.
0&. 17. / tthf
1 wenty Guineas Reward.
RAN AWAY from the fubferiber on the 23d OAober,/
4 a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES; 21 ytars
» old; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mked green
. coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttona ;
? a striped vest ; a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and
t whole boots much worn. It is probable he may change
- his name and dress. He has been aceuftomed to driving
s a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be
paid for.fecurir.g him so that the fubfcriW may get him
\ again, and if brought hojue all r«*ifonable charges paid by
9 Robins Chamberlaitie.
r Eafton, Maryland, Nov. 10. 14 §imiawtf
Le Breton,
1 Tupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the
King and Royal Family ps France, member of the
College and Academy of Stfrgeoiw at Paris,
- Keeps a complete aflbrtment of every thing neee'flary
s* 1 to be used for^he
; Preservation of the Mouth and Teeth.
Patent Minoral Teeth, and Human & Tvorv Teeth ;
Dentrifice is powder ; Opiate ; excellent Elixir for
fwcetening the mouth and pref-rving the teeth—he
also furnilhes Brofhes an<J foft Sponges.
*„* H« liyes in Chefnut-ftreet, No. 135, above
November »6. ys
Horses taken in,'
For the Winter Season,
And f<d.on clover hay at the Subscribers place, it
a i!cs on the Bristol Road, where goodttabling is pro
vided, and great will b« taken of them
William Bell.
Nov. 23. mwf2w*nt'htf.
Samuel Richardet
RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
* '.erchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia:
The bubferiprion Room will be furnithed with all the
daily papers publiflied in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial citiss of Europe—They will be rugularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away account
Tea* Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of Fruich l.iquors; together with the usual refrefnments,
will at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
approved Malt Liquors fr#mLondon and other breweries.
The Larder will befupplied with the prime and aarlieft
projuiliwns of the Season. j
Large aud small Patt.ics,%r single Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with BreakCafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
; hours most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is
regularly kupt for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had
at the bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniftipd, and
the utmost attention paid to cleanliliefs, and every other
gf Samuel Richardet wJll be happy to receive, and
execute the conimands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratifude'for their, favours, hp pledges
hiinfelf that nothing 011 his part fhaK be wanting to pre-
I serve that patronage with which he has been so diftinguifh
j ingly fionored. %
I ! Philadelphia, April T9 mwf
Treasury Department,
September 28, 1796.
NOTICE is hereby given, that propcfals will be re
ceived at the ofice of the Secretary of the Treasury
until the eipiration of,the firft day ol March next ta.
tuiilg, for the supply of all rations which may he required
for the use of the United States, from the firft day of
June, 179?, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both
3 days inclusive, at the plates and within the diflrifls htre
-4 after mentioned, vi*. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at
Pjcfque llle; at Sanduflcy Lake, and on Sandufky
- River; at Detroit; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Frank
lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ;
at Fort St. Clair; at Jort-Jsffcrfon; at Grenville; at
Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place below Fort
1 Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort
2 Steuben ;at FortMafiac ; at any pU.c frftm Fort Maluc
to the south boundary of the United States on the river
Milfifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon.
If supplies (hall be required lor any pofis or places not
mentioned in this notice, ill such supplies fliali be fur
uilhed at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
posts before'recked,'or as may be hereafter agreed on
between the United States and the Contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to coniilt of the fol
lowing Articles. viz.
One pouiui two ounces of bread «r flour.
One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of
porlt or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy rr whilkpy.
One qmart and half a pint ol fclt."^
Two quarts ef Vi ocgar, ( huu( ,. ed ratiens
Two pounds of Soap, (
One pound of Candles, y
The rations are to be furniihed in ioch quantities, astliat
there fliall at all times during the said term, be iufliaent
' for the cenfumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De
troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix months in
' advance, and at each of site other posts, for the term of
; at teaft months in advance, in good an d wholesome
provisions, If the fame lhall be required. 11 is to be un
» der'iood, that the Contrai2;or is to be at the exj ence and
1 j-ifk; of iffuirg the fupplifs to the troops attach poll, and
that all loffcs sustained by the depradations of an enemy, or
by means of the traops oTthe United States, (hall be paid
for at the price.of the articles taptured or destroyed, on
the depositions of two or more persons of creditable cha
racters, and the certificate of a comriiillioncd olficer, as
certaining the eircumftances of the loss, and the amount
of th" at tides for which oosnpenfation lhall be claimed
Sesreiary of the Treasury.
At the Stone Hoofe, Ni. 41, South StcanJJlreel,
A large and very general assortment of
Drawing and Writing Best and feoond Swan Quilla
Papers. Black and red Ink Powder
Antiquarian Ditto Liquid Ink
Double Elephant Penknives
Atlas, De(k knives
Elephant Superfine red 2nd black Seal*
Imperial ing wax,
Super Royal Befl vermilion and coloured
Royal wafers
Medium, Large and small office wa-*
I Demy fers
Thick Post folio Red tape broad, middling 8C
Thin ditto narrow
Extra thin ditto LLlaftic gum, in battle* gtf
Thick Post Letter pieces
Ditto plain Pounce
Ditto gilt ivory pounce bore*
Ditto lined Cocoa and bone ditto
Thin Post Ivory paper-knive«
Ditto gilt Black sand
Mourning boxes, japanned
Ditto plain, or lined Lignumvitas and common
Baftk Post Gutter's scales v
Small Post «ap size Brass dividers
Befl English and American Leaden preffers
Foolscap, various qualities Black lead pencils
Superfine Pot hiding ditto
S'ecor.d ditto card rarks
Blossom and g*ey Blotting Writing parchment
Paper Ditto vellum
Wrapping paper Morocco writing defies
Letter files and laccs Spanish tambour ditto
Paper cases, various sizes An plegant variety of ebony
Bonnet pafttboards ink-tfan*lifhes
— Large, middling and final!
Merchants' Account Books, pewter ink (landifhes
vir, Large, middling an 1 small
Ledgers, single or double, counting-house ink-pots
ruled for 1. s. d- or dolls. An elegant assortment of
& cents, ol Imperial or Su- chryftal and wedgewood
per Royal, with or with- phifyfophical ink pots
out cross lines Ink-glalle*, various sizes
Journals, Day Books, In- Leather & paper ink-pieces
voice Books, Account cur- for the pocket
rent Books, Sales' Books, Small gilt visiting car«is
Letter Books, and P ecord Blank meflags-cards, large
Books, of Imperial, Su- and small, gilt and pain
per-royal, Royal, Medi- Boxes of marking-types /or
um, Demy or Foolscap, linen.
cross ruled or plain. —-
Receipt Books Bills of lading, l;jrge & small
Bank Books Bills of exchange
Memorandum feeoks Elegant copperplate ditto
Bill of leading Books Cuitom-houie entrin
Bill Books, payable and re- Manifests
ceivable Seamen's article#
Bank-Check Books, of vari- Blank bonds
crus sizes and for different Judgment bonds
banks Judgment bills
Cyphering and Copy Books Mortgages
Common place Books Arbitration bonds
— Apprentice's indenture
Baft Dutch Quills, No. 1, a, Powers of attorney
3, 4 and 5 Bank checks, See. See,
December 17. 96
By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
South SecondJlreet.
For raifmg Sixty Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an A& of
the Legislature of Pennrylvania, p«fled daring the la t
fefnon, for Building a Stone Bridge over the River
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of
Berks. Dollars,
> Prize of 20,000 Dollars - s>o,ooo
1 do. of i©,ooo do. • - 10.000
3 do. of 5,000 do. ... 15.000
4 do. of 2,000 do. - - 8,000
20 do, of j,OOO do. - 20j0Gc>
39 do. of 500 do. - . 39.500
So do. of 200 do. * - 16,006
200 do. of 100 do. - 20,000
300 do. «f 50 do. - 15,00©
1 dd. of 560 do. to be paid the poflef- >
for ©f the firfl drawn no. { s°°
5 do. of 3,060 do. to be paid pofleffors /
of jthe five lali drawn nos $ ! s' cc<3l
9,400 do. o 15 do. : . 141,000
— » IJ
10,©54 Prizes 300,00 c*
10*046 Blanks —
30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars
AM Prizes fh2l! be paid fifteen days after the drawing
firrifhed, upon the demand of a poffeflor of a fortunate
picket, fubjeft to a deduction of twenty per cent. The
Drawing will oommence as soon as the Tickets are disposed
of, or perhaps so >ncr. of which public notice will be given.
Philip Miller, Peter Kirjhner, William IVitman,
Joseph Hiejlcr, James Diemer, Thomas Dundas,
Jamer May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Crarjf,
Sebajlian Miller, Commissioners.
Reading, May (he gth, i?g6
Tickets ia the Canal Lottery, No. 1, to be had at the
above office, where the earlieit iniormation of the draw
ing of the Walhington No. 2, and Patterfon l.ottery'«,
are received, and chec)t books for examination and regif
teringare kept.
oaoher 7. nwtf
Lottery and Broker's Office,
_ No. 64, South Second street.
v — I
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—3
Check Book for examination—and prizes paid ia
frbe late lottery. / |
Check Books kept for examination and rejjiftering, for
the City of Wafbington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries,
both of which are now drawing—information whore
tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
tickets. A complete lift of all theorizes in the late New
port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School' Lottery, for
the fubftriber solicits the application of tine public
and his friends, who with to purchase or fell Bank Sfock,
Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Land»,
&c. or to obtain money on deposit of property.
*.» Also 1 ickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
sale at Ten Dollars each, whiah will be drawn early ia
the Spring.
Wm. Blackburn.
Philadelphia, jiuguff tB. 1796. mth
■ ' ——
—No, 119 —
[Price Bight Dollars ptr Annan*]