/ New Ihe at re. The French Company's Night. THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, January 14, Will be preferred, by the French company, A COMIC OPERA called LA MRLOMANIE. Dans Lequel Mons. Fieron, n'ayaat jamais paru fur aucun Theatre, remplira le role du Melonianie. The mufie by M. Champein. Guronte, M. Fieron Chrjfante, M. V'tellard St. Real, M. Lavency Crispin, M. St Marc Elize, Mile Tejfeirt Lifette, v Mile. Sophie After which, A COMEDY in three adls, called The Married Man. Taken from Le Philofophie Mirie of M.. Deftauches, by the aut'norefs of Every one has his Fanlt, &c. and performing at the Hay-Market theatne, London, with considerable appl^ufe. Lord Lovemore, Mr. .Moreton Sir John Claffick, Mr. Wignell Mr. Clafiiek, Mr. Warren Mr. Tradewell Classic Mr. Bates Dorimont, Mr. Fox William, Mr. Warrell, jun. Lady Claffick, Miss L l EJfrange Emily, Mrs. Francis Lucy, Mrs. Harvey Ta which will he tdded, by the French Company, A Comic Opera, in one a and Chorus, Siege of * Belgrade, # Storace. J4ct 11. Concerto in Bb. Mrs. Grattan, Doflek. Ah non fai, Mrs. Grattan, Sarti. Quartett, V - Pleyel. Grand Chorus pirate, Storace .*'.[* 'jHie Concert to begin at hilf fix ; and at half past eight; the music will attend for the Bali. Mrs. Grattan begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that the fubfcriptfoH-took is at h United States. j Mint of the Unitfd States, November 29, 1796. Sir, I HAVE the honor of inclosing for the Prefi dent of the United States, my report on the State of the Mint, with the abttra&s referred to therein. With sentiments of esteem and refpeft, 1 remain, Sir, Your most obedient, and very humble servant, . ' ELIAS BOUBINOT. To the Secretary of State. * — The Director of the Mint of the United States, refpettfu'.ly reports to the President of the United Statfesori the (late of the Mint— THAT during the experience of twelve months, he has turned his attention (as far at has been i» hispowe ) to the inilitution under his care. He has seen, with regret, an opinion generally pre vailing, that the eftablilhment is Hu-neceflarily ex pensive, and less produ&ive than was rationally txpe&ed by its advocates and friends. The Director finding forne foundation for the charge, has endeavoured to discover the cause, as nothing appears in the general nature of the mfti tution, to warrant the idea. The ifTue of the enquiry is, that the extraordi nary expeaces attending the Mint, are, in a great meafnre, owing to its original plan and the prin ciples 01 \rhich it was etiablifhed. Among others, the whole coinage, including the refinement of the precious metals, was directed by law to be executed at the public expence, the depolitor being fully indemnified ftom all charges whatever : On this principle, not only the cliginal cost of the works, and the falariet of the stated officers, fall en the public ; birt also the whole amount of the work manship, with the alloy, waftagc and contingent sxpences. The want of experimental knowledge in the bufir.efs, at the Srft establishment of the Mint, prevented any tolerable precise estimate of the cx pences necefferily process; but soon after the commencement of the Kwfinefa, it was found impracticable to proceed with propriety, unless an addition was made to the elhblilhment by the appointment of a melter and refiner. This important and neceflary officer, is not krmwn in foreign Mints, as the p-ecious metals are . there gen«rally deposited of the proper ftaadard, or above it ; er they are purchased by the Mint, and ! become public property; there being profefiional refiners and independent of the Mint, vvhofe business it is to purify metals under standard ; but there being 110 such artiils in this city who follow the . business, it became indispensably neceflary to Exe cute this service in the Mint. This circumllance was not forefeen, or if fore feen, was considered as included in the duties of t the aflayer ; but the neceflKTy of so .essential aeheck j 1 on that officer, forbad this meaiure, had it been 1 othefwife practicable. This added eonfiderably to ' the annual expences of the Minr. Formerly the Director' could not make any ' charge .for this process, aefcinft depositors ; the ! whole expence therefore fell 09 the public. Thus on assaying one dopofit of about 96,000 oz. of lilver bullion, it turned out near 24,0010 oz. under stand ard; to refine which, it coli the United States . upwards of 5001. so that the depositor peally gained that sum, by bringing his bullion t