tttt of the WttttEfc 6 s Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. : r SATURDAY EVENING, XI. — " " -« r r 1 For Sale, £A By George Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Wi Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels w. and half barrels Ditte Herring and MSckarel. Smoaked Herring in barrels and kegs Dkto Salmon, by the dozen or single one Dry Codfifh, from one to fifty kentals Fine and csarfe Salt . „ . . i_n.Rn Nova-Scotia and French Plaster &f Paris, 111 the ftoae and ground, for manure and stucco-work December i. ' The Elephant, Ho Now exhibited, was bought for Ten Thousand An Dollars. $}. He is 3 years old, 6 feet high, growing to 18 feet. hill He eats i?o weight a-day, and drinks a barrel of Li, water ; he has drank some days forty bottles of porter, CJI drawinj the corks with his trunk. u He is perfectly inoffenfive; travels loose, at the rate of five nailes an hour, and is the greatest curiosity ever brought to this Conti*ent. . He is to be seen 'till the 15th of January, in" Market-street between Third and Fourth-streets, at - a quarter of a dollar, that every one may fee him— ri after which time the former price of half a dollar will be resumed. „ , , He will leave Philadelphia as soon as the weather a will permit. he ' December 31 ne - W A N'T ED; A MECHANIC, to erea Spinning and Weaving t^ry-App b ly oVv^POKTr" * tory Appiy No. 4 oi,North Front-street. N. B. None need apply but a complete mechanic, and a ma" of liability. r Globe Mill, December 29, THE SUBSCRIBER g WISHES to alccrtain, whether a certain EDVVARD NEVILL, by trade a Stone-Cutter, or Brick-Layer, whu quitted Ireland in i783,0n:54, and ' came into this Country, ('tis fuppafed to Philadelphia) about , v four years since, be living or oead. As this intdli- t l. gence is of the highest importance, itw.lie ni f y received, by ./ GE °" « ' t ' No. 313. ir December 31. w f■ n _ Fwlnt Bruflels & Turkey Carpeting, Fo?fale by George Dobfon, Ne. 15, South Third-f.rcct. _ f December IJ. ' FOR SALE, i - fuli-failing schooner ORION; Seventy tons burthen ; fifteen months . nM ; her frame is of the best of white oak : (be is a faithful built velTel, handsomely finithed off and well found in every particular ; is ready to receive a _ cargo on board, and can be put to sea without any ex pence on her hull, fails or rigging : she flows fix hundred ' barrels i has a handsome cabin and steerage. and a half deck which will flow from f venty-five to eigh y barrel*.; has been newly caulked, graved and painted. For terms Wy to . BENJ AMIN RHODES, At No. 170, corner of Market and Filth-streets, J Or to the Captain on board said schooner at Mcffrs. Willis and Yardfley's wharf, Cheinut-ftreet wharf; w)\sre there is for sale Excellent pickled Salmon in barrels, , the best of American Mess Beef, and iome very excellent Boftohl manufa street. TICKETS m the Canal Lottery, No. », for sale—a Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in _ I the late lottery. . , Check Books kept for examination and r filtering, tor ' the City of Washington, No. a, and Pattelon Lotteries, both of which are now drawing—information whore (j j tickets-are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn h f tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- J Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for q ' examination. The fuWcriber foliciti the application ot (he public and his friends, who wist. to purchase the SpriHg. , , it Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, 18, 1796. mth SALT P E T R E. A large quantity of Double-Refined Salt Petrc for sale at No. ifs, South f hird-ffreet. 3T November 5. A C A R D. If Monsieur G H. Somle, Who left Bordeaux the 20th June last, and arrived at Bolton .- bout the middle of Anguft, in the ichooner Jane, is in Philadelphia, he is requeued to call on Joseph Ailthony & Co. No. 5, Chefnut-ftreet, who will give him some information cf importance. December 14, ' _ "Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 2.5, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, ' Has received per the Diana, from London, t0 Clouded and striped Spanish Swanfdown Clouded Erminats and Molelkins lke Striped do. and dt». Figured Manillas ___ Scarlet figured Erminets Printed Florinetts Do. Caffineto and Caffimeres Superfine printed Quiltings, newest patjerifs Also, per different arrivals, in A large and general assortment of Dry jak Goods, die Suitable to the present and approaching season. sea November 5. 4^ FOR SALE, About 1,600 acres of Land, WELL situated, laying on and between Marsh and Beech Creeks, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in four separate Patents. For terms ot sale apply to Wm. Blackburn, No. 64, South Sfcond-llreet Qflober 3 t. mwftf FOR SALE, At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House, No. 99, North Second Street. Imperial f Hyson Skin. Hyson, > Fresh Teas. < Souchong, ' nr ~ Young Hyson, j C.Bohea &c - Dec, q. jtawjm. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. THE Stockholders are hereby notified, that an election ; 3 for thirteen Direflors to serve for one v ir, Will be held at the Company's Office, en Monday tli •< 1 January next at 11 o'clock. —And agreeably to the ail ui incorporation a statement of the affairs of the company, will then be laid before them. SAMUEL W. FISHJKR, Sec'y. Stftf FhihdelpMa, December 19, 1796. d t 9thJ»n. Frejh Garden, Grass and Flower-Seeds, Roots, &c. &c. This day landing from the (hip Eagle, captain Fofdick, q b from London, And FOR SALE by GOLD FHWAIT & MOORE, . " Corner of Walnut and Secotid-ftreets, u A mojl capital and txten/ive Ajfortment of GARDEN, GRASS and FLOWER-SEEDS, ROOTS, &c. &c. Among which are, and Five kinds Asparagus] Three kinds Cresses only Four Berecole Twelve Onion Twenty-five Beans| i'hirteen Radish X Six Beets Fifteen Turnip f aV o ikven Brocoli, Fifte«a Peas vir. Tw enty-fii Cabbage Six Savoy the 1 Bii Carrot Four Parlnip nagt Three Cauliflower Twenty-three Melon kno' Five Celery Twenty-one Lettuce p U bl Ton Cucumber A Common and lemon Thyme rem Curled leaf and sprigged Parsley I com Pot Mary gold ,Pot Marjorum ] feai Balm Thyme Mangel Wurtiiel T Leek Kail Shalloss exct Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerne the Red abd white Clover Timothy, &c, lee. p' ie ' With a curious collection of the most esteemed I FLOWER-SEEDS and ROOTS, J Being the most extenfi've ever imported into this city. | — The above are from a capital Seedsman in London, and I are warranted frefh and good. Al Printed catalogues may be had by applying avabove. j Dec. 17. Just Landing, J At South Jreet -wharf, from on board the ship Sedg- thc ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peter/burg, I hav The following Goods : l in ' Raffia Saii Dack, firft quality. Do. .Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. I " t — Do. Huckaback. j Do Crafli. Do. MouM Candles, 4, san 4 I Englilh fiate. Do. White Candle Tallow. I wi< Do* White Soap in small boxes. lof Do. Cordage of fine yarn. 1 Ravens Duck. Ifinglaf«, Ift and and f«rt. Horse Hair uncurlcd. » Rullia Bar Iron. I ju« Do. Hoop Iron. Ide l)o. Nail Rods. , I fid jo Tons and Junk. J I in St. Petersburg Clean Hemp: I gr For Sale by 1 $h Philips, Cramond, & C«. th oaebcr 11. L_ Cheap French China. v THE fnhfcribers finding it impoflible to supply their (h Itore with »ny more China from France, the prices j ' being too immoderate in the mauufadleries, give no- y ' tice that they will fell at prime cost the remaining ' flock on band, confiding of 1 Deflert Setts, Tea-Table Setts Separate Cups and Saucers ' Groupts and Figures J n r Alabafter'Vafes • j J Looking Glafles, in gilt frames, j \ Belides India' Japan'd Toilet Delks» Chairs, Tables j g nad Quadrille Boxei. PASQUIER & Co. No. 91, South becond-ftreet. It] December gth, I For Sale, . I ■ ,r By J. WARDER, PARKER Ssf Co. An Invoice of Cordag'c, Confiding of different sizes, from ' a inch cables down I to rope of i inches, of different lengths: Imported in | she (hip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. I Sept. a? dtl Women's Cloaks. To\ GEORGE DOBSON, No. 15, South Third-street, I Has just rewived, per Eagle, Capt. Fofdick, via Lon — I don, an assortment of Scarlet "\ J lDrab (Cloaks trimmed with fur and Purple and f ermine. Pearl V I December 15- § J Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGH-STREET, Has received by the late arrivals, A Well Selected Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdalhery Goods, I Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, on the Very lo\*eft terms ; fy I Amongjt which are I Some elegant 4 7 4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons new I patterns * I Ditto Furniture ditto I Ditto Dimity I Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslins I Ditto in Gold and Silver I Ditto Neckcloths, vefy fine f. Mantuas of the firft quality . Silk and Cotton Hosiery ln I Umbrellas; of the firft quality, affortcd to I lrifh Linens, very fine, and Table Linens Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanos I Rose Blankets afforted—&c. &c. I OAobsr 26. d ~ | Davis's Law Book Store, No. 313, HIGH-STREET. I — GEORGE DAVIS annouuoes to his profeflionsl friends, and the Gentlemen of the Law, generally, through the 1 Union, that his l»te importation of BOOKS is now arrang -1 ed, and ready for Sale, from a single volume to an entire li «. I brary, without any advance upon his former exceeding low f I prices, which for several yeais palt have 111 so dillinguifhed a I manner recommended ihcm.lo notice. Printed Catalogues combining the most extensive collec .. I tion of the latest Englilh and lrilh Editions ever imported into this country, are publilhed, and will Ue delivered giatis I on application. 3e . xt 'I Orders addrtffed to G. D. in wiiting from any distance ltion I Pj;a 1 j punctually attended to. Ihe I A number of 1 RUNKS for.Sale. ALSO, TO BE LET, y• 1 A convenient near MjtKct Street Wharf, [an. I owß. tu&f3»» Ths Lyceum > for free Debate, ; In the College-Hall. Ob Wednesday Evening next the nth January, 1797. tl- e fallowing queflion will bo debited. (The Chair to be taken at f'even o'clock.) " It the traffic in and holding of ilaves confident with " humanity, morality, liberty, or policy ; or diigraceful i' to any nation that f«nsions or tolerates it." 0- The quefllion ollaft Wednesday tm the eftabliibment •f a National Unfverfity, was dubateil by a numerous and refpeitable company, and decided in the negative ; only five in the affirmative. The Trnftees of the University have bees pleased to favor this inllitution with the ul'e ol the College-Hall; and Vlr. Fennixl in the fame liberal spirit, givmgthe ule at the acconimodatiopts provided for his Le&ures; the ma 4 nagersofthe Lyceum think it proper fhus publicly to ac» knowledge their retpeci-ive sense of this liberality thus publicly. Additional fires (hall be provided in the Hall during the remainder of the cold season, and ladies and gentlemen j coming early may be accommodated with comfortable feats The managers finding the receipts of the nrft evening exceed their expenditures, think it proper to notify, that the furplusof that and every future evening, will be ap* plied to. some uleful, public, or pur pose. Admittance for Ladies k Gentlemen i-Sch of a dollar. Jan. &. dtw - Philadelphia, Jan.\tb, 1797* All persons indebted to the Estate of Joseph Paschall, deceased, I ARE requsfled to pay their refpedive debts without I further delay, otherwile their accounts will be put into I the hands of an Attorney to recover—And all those wh# have any demands jgainfl said Ellate are defined to bring lin their accounts for Settlement, to • ' SAMUEL CO VTES, CHRISTR. MARSHALL, jun £ Ex'rs. ] CHARLES MARSHALL. J Furniihed Apartments; or Beard $3* Lodging. I WANTED by two young gentltmen. Answers, i j wi»h particulars, to be addreffetl to S. F. at the office 1 of this paper. , January 4. 9*_ Public Notice, I IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I have applied to the I judges of the Supreme Court of this state, to fuppty the I defea in my Title to a lot of ground, situate on the Weft I fide «f Fourth-street, containing in breadth 20 feet, and 1 in length 56 feet, bounded Northward and Weftwajd, by j ground of the fubferiber, Southward by ground of Edward I shippen, and Eafhvard by Fourth-flreet, occafioneij by . the loss of a deed from Timothy Harrington, John Lewis and James Walton, by their attorney-Robert MolWneui. • I All persons concerned, are required to appear before I two of the juflices of the said court, at the house ct Thomas M'Kean, esq. t"he Chief Jaftice of the slate, on r I the 30th in ft. at 10 o clock in the forenoon, te hiake the if s I asfwer to the bill of the foMcriber, filed in the office •£ ' Edward Burd , esq. Prothonotary of the said court". J WILLIAM SHIPPEN, jun. 1 Philadelphia, January 6th, 1797- dt;joth Lolt, or Mislaid, . At the Bank of the United States—Joseph Higbee'* j note, dated 19th December last, for twelve hundred ( j dollars, payable a; 60 days to Nathaniel Lewis & Son. I Whoever may find the fame will please return it to said :s 1 Bank, or to the fubferibsrs who will allow a reward « Payment being barred, it cannot be of use to any o- I ther person. _ ts * NATHANIEL LEWIS & SON. I J">- 5- —— — - For Sale, By the Ssbfcribers —In PENN-STREET, pn 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, in 1 Imported by the Eagle. WILLINGS & FRANCIS. Nov. 30 w&r . (£> NOTICE. r-pHE Sale 9 of LANDS of the United States, 111 the 1 North-Wcftern Territory, heretofore advertised )n . in the several public papers, will Commence this even ing, at the City Tavern to be continued from day to day, 'till the tenth of February hext, if not foanef fold. January 4 ? - Bank of PennsylVania, , • January 4, 1797. At a meeting of the Directors thT led a Insurance Company of North-America. THF STOCKHOLDERS in this company are desired >Ilec " to take notice that the second Tuesday in January, (beirg the 10th day of the month) is the day fixed by charter for s ' allJ the.eleition oTtwenty-five Dire&ors for the ensuing year.- 1 The el«