Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 06, 1797, Image 4

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    New Books.
Robert Campbell & Co.
No. 40, Smith See on JJlreet,
Are just opening a large and extenlive aflortment of
the latest andbeftLasdon editions, among which
are the following new, valuable and fcirce Books.
ColleAian of State Papers, relative to the present wars
bttween England and Franec, containing authentic copie
of all the treaties, manifeitoes, prtciamatieHS, &c. made
bv the different powers, 3 vols. 8 v»<
Stedman's Hiilory ef the American Revolntion, 1 vols
4ts, with elejant naps, plates, Sec.
Ferguiun'j hiflcry of the Reman republic, 3 vol. 4 to.
.Britiih Poets, 75 rols. with the lives by or. Johnson.
Same h«ok, 44 vols.
King works 10 vols. Svo French.
Megnot's survey ef the Ottoman Empire, by Hawkins,
4 vols.
"Mrrabenu's fpecches in the Natietial allcmbly, tiauflited
by Wbite, i vols-
Pouglafs's travelling anecdotes.
Secret hiflory of Charles 11. i vols.
British Plutarch, 8 vols. 12 mo.
Ceuptreau's eonfefTions, 1 vols.
Venya's hillory of California, a vols, Bvo.
Anderfon's account of China, $ vo.
Beaumont and, Fletcher's works, 10 vols. Svo.-
Eft's journey thro' ptanders, Brabant and Germany to
Switzerland, ivo.
Wyndhams's travels jthro' Europe, 4 vlis, Svo.
Smyrnove's furvty of the Ruffian Empire.
ForHer's northern voyages, 8 vo.
Varieties of literature, z vol. 8 vo.
Grozier's description of China
Wefton'sifniverfal Botanist, 4 vols. 8 vo.
Elegant extracts in Natural History, 1 vols. Bva
Guthrie's hitlery ei the world, 12 vols
D'Anville's compendium ©f ancient geography,! vpls.
with maps, &e.
Blackftone's commentaries on the laws of England, by
Ckrittian, 4 vols. '
John Hall Stephenfon's works, 3 vols. Svo.
Langhorn's Plutarch, 6 vols, ix mu. >
Se.mties of the Drama, 4 vols.
IMuller's liiuitrau m of the Sexual fyflcnu, 1 vols. Svo.
with plates
ft ieitley's leftiyjes on hillory, s vols. Bvo.
Chambers's Diitionary of arts and iciences, by Dr. Ree6,
5 vols, folio.
Beawe's hi.Ltjry' civil, commercial, political and literary
of Spain and Portngal, 2 vols in one,- folio,
Manftein's memoirs of Rufiia, from 1717 with
maps, plans, &c. 4t0..
Ferreft's voyage to New Guinea, with plates, 4to.
Wright's travels thro' France, a vols. Svo
Uougiafs en the antiquity ot the earth, 4to
Clavigero'shiltory of Mexico, trauflated hy Cullcn, 1 vols
4to- plates.
Candorcet's life ofTurgot
Maretti's travels thro' Cyprus, Syria, Jcc. 1 vols.
Lavater's efiays on Physiognomy, j vols. Svo.
World Diiplay'd, 20 vols, borund in 10.
Memoirs d* Dumouriez.
Foundling hospital for wit, a colleflion of fugitive pieces,
10 vols. nmo.
Letters from Paris in 1751 and'9l, with a reprefantation
of the capture of Loois XVI. at Varennes, 1 vols.
S vo.
Moore's view of Society and manners in Italy, France,
Switzerland and Germany, 4 vols. Bvo.
Rufiel's modern Europe, 5 vols.
Gibbon's Roman Empire, 1 vols, abridged.
Andrew's hifto,y of the war with America, France, Spain
and Holland, 4 f els. Svo with portraits, maps, plans, &c.
Riheaut's hiltory of the French Revolution.
Clloa's voyage to South America
Burke on the fuhliine and beautiful
Neckar on the administration of the French finances
Mortimer's complete dictionary of trade and commerce
folio.j " ,
Northern antiquities, 1 vols. Bvo. .
Dodfley's colledion of Poems. 6 vols. Bvo.
Radchffe's journey thro' Holland, 4to.
Pennant's history of Quadrupeds, with elegant engravings,
1 vols. 4to.
Phdofophical DiAionary, 4 vol. 12 mo.
Bolingbroke's Philosophical works, 5 vol. Bvo,
Antiquitel's memoirs ef the Coart of Louis xvi. 1 vol. Bve
Children's friend, in Italian, 4 vol Bvo. .
Home's element's of criticism, a vol. Bvo.
Collection of prologues, &c. 4 vo . umo.
Suchan's life ol Fletcher and i hornton, Svo.
Gay's fables, with elegant engravings, S vo.
XenneQy on (gardening, z vol. Svo,
Abercrombie's Gardener's Dictionary, 3 vol. It mo.
Remarkable inkances in ancient and modern history, ex
eniplihed by biographical Iketches.
Biographical Didionary, containing the lives of the moil
eminent persons, Bvo.
Comparative display of different opinions on the French
revolntion, 2 vol. %
Complete art of Book-keeping. 1
Biographical anesdotesoi'W. Hogarth the Painter.
Bufton's Nataral hillory of Birds, 9 voj. Svo.
Elegant extracts, prose, verfe.cpiftle and sermons 4Volßvo.
Martiniere, le Grend Di&ionaire Geographiqve et Cri
tique, 13 vol. folio. j /
New fyftena of Natural History, 3 vol. S vo. with plates-
Plans for the government of Britilh India, publilheil un
der the auipiccs of Mr. Dundasas Secretary, 4to.
Lera Hawkeibury on the conduAof Great-Britain, to
Neutral nations.
Hoyle's Dictionary, or treasury of music, Bvo.
History of France, from the fir ft cftibiiihment of that
monatchy. to, and including a narration of the late
revolution, 3 vol. Bvo.
History of Spain, 3 vol.
Goldfinith's experimental philosophy, 1 vols. Sv®-.
Kippax's Tneory and PraAice of Commrrce.
Pmtlock'a and Dixon's Voyages.
Family Brewer. 1
Travels of Anaicharfis.
Thompson's Seasons, elegant edition
Payne's Geagraphical Extra&s
Syflem of natural history, 1 vol. from the German of
ProfefTor Raft"
Williams's Utters from the 28th of Jnly to the efta
blifhmeat of the c»nftitution of '95
Frend's Algebia
Chalwers's colle<slion of' treaties, 2 vol.
Six on the conftrudlion and use of thermometers
Evans, 4 v®l.
Clarentine, 3 vol.
Sullivan's view of nature, 6 vol.
Btloe's translation of Herodoti:s, 4 v»l.
Pindar's works, with a new volume
King of Prussia's work, to vol. in French
Marlhal's rural ornaments, 1 vol.
Hoole's tranflatiort of Arioflo, 2 vol.
The kifTes of Johannes Secundes
Belliham's memoirs of the reign of George lIL
Letters of an Hindoo Rajah, 2 vol.
dward's history ofthe Welt-Indies, 1 vol.
Bells Britilh theatre, 25 vol. elegant
Jones's do. Ie vol. do.
Ouvres de Vnltaire, 70 torn. do.
Works of the king of Prussia, 13 vol. (Irtglifti) do.
Abbe de Calonne's view of the political ftatc of Europe
Swift's works, 17 vol.
tetters from Scandinavia, 2 vol.
Gibbon's miscellaneous works, 3 vol.
Gibbon's Roman Empire, 6 vol.
Colleilion of Farces, 6 vol.
R. C. & Co. litvo received a;i immense cslleiStion o r .
Buokj ja every department of literature—London ami '
Dublin editiuns —arnongft which are a capital aliort
ment of L \W-BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, &c.
all in the neatest and l'ome of them in the molt splen
did binding*.
Public and private Libraries supplied on the raoft
reasonable terms.
December 24 oawjw
Clocks and Watches.
No. 79, Market-street, Pmladelphu,
HAVE IMPORTED, by the late arrivals from
London, 1 large aflnrtment «f WARRANTED
IVA'I CUES, eonfifting of horizontal, capp'd and
jewd'd Gold Watehes, with focoads, of fifperior
: workmanlhip and elegance i also capp'd and jewel d
and plain Gold Watches ; capp'd & jewell'd, capp'd,
fcconds, day of the memth, and plain Silver Watches;
eight day & chamber Clocks,; elegant French Clocks
with marble frames; eight day and thirty ho»r, brass
works, ice.
t Decembet 22, 1706. dim
C A u no N. ~
WHEREAS very large and lieary debts ?re juftlv
due and Owing from mefl'rs. Blair M'Clcnttchan an"d
Patrick Mtore, of the city of Philadelphia, merchants,
trading under the firm of Blair M'Slenaelxm ami P.
Moore, and from Blair irl'Clenachan in his feparat*
capacity ; to whisb, by the laws of the land, all the
joint as wejl as separate property of the said, Gentle
men, is, and ought to be, liable. And whereas
it is clearly and fetisfa&orily afcertaineu, that inr.
Blmr M'Clenacban, of the said firm, has conveyed
away to mr. "John H. Hujlon, his 'fon-in law, to J>is
daughter, aiifs M'Chnacban, and to his son, Setrge
M'Clenachnn, several large and valuable real estates,
as well as eonfiderable personal property, in the city
and county of Philadtlphia, in the county of Lancas
ter, in the eounty of New-Castle' on Dsrlaware, and
slfewhere, with a view, es it is apprehended, to de
feat the Creditors in the recovery of their just debts.—<
This is, therefore, to forewarn all perfoas whamfa
ever, against the pnrehefe from the f>id" grs&tees, or
either »f them, of any portion of the laid real or per
sonal property, as the most vigorous «iea fores will
withaut delay be taken ta render tie fame liable to
the just demands of the Creditors.
By order of the Creditors.
Thomas Fitafimoni,
Philip Nicklin, /
ljuac Vharton, J" Committee.
William M'Mnrtrit, 1
Samuel W. t'i/ker, -J ,
Philadelphia, December I7thj 1796. loth.J
THE caution introduced into the public prints,
warning all pe/foHS 'aqainft pun-hating from the
grantees »f Blair M'Gieuachan, any portion of the
large, r«al and personal estates he conveyed away to
hit fon-in law and to his children was the result of
a deliberation had upon the fubjeft by a general and
numerous meeting of the creditors as well of Blair
M'Cleaachan and P. Moore as ef Blair M'Clena
chan individually. It was 110 mere than an execu
tion of that trust confcd«d in the? fubferibers by
those creditors: a step which it would have been a
btaech of duty and honor in them to have emitter!.
The very ftatcment of the fat* therefore mall djf
pcl the imputation that it was either " precipitate
or vindictive." It originated in a dcfirc to feeure
the property of the debtor as a fund far the pay
ment of his just debts. It was fanAioned by the
advice otcoancil as a measure neeejary to the fafety
of the creditors. Jf the advertisement has been
injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury
to his own unjafliliable conduct, not to the fnb
fctibers who lujre merely published the truth in
terms as mild i?s the faSt would admit, and who
mean to investigate in a high court of justice the
validity of thole pnr'chafes of which Mr. M'Clc
■achan so confidently speaks.
The fubferibers therefore are bound by a sense
of dnty to the creditors in general to repeat their
eaution against puroJ>afing of those grantees or
either of them, and to extend the terms of it to a
pnrehafe from any other perfous (if such there be)
to whom Mr. M'Clcnachan may have made similar
Philad. Dee. 21, 1796.
fc-f" Those printers who have been requested to
publifii the firlt Caution, are defirsd to publiih this
also. .
Walhmgton Canal Lottery,
No. I.
WHEREAS the S®tate of Maryland has authorjfed
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thoufanu,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Walhington, froxi th Po
tomacto theEaftern Branch Harbour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. 1.
Viz .1 Prize of 10,000 dollars,
I ditto 10,000 , 10,000
f last drawn J
Tickets, each j OGO 3.?,000
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,c00
to ditto ICO j ,000
SS ditto jo 1.7.J0
57J0 ditto n,' . 69,008
To be raised for the Cassl, 26,150
ißjo Prizes, ' 175,000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175, oqp
£3" The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid aa for the pnn&ual payment o
the prizes.
I he drawing sf tins LotJery will eommence, without
delay, as soon as tlv* Tickets are fold, of which tiaielv
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finilhed, shall be considered as relinquilhed for
the benefit ef the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
City »f Feb. u. $
1 lories taken in,
For the Winter Sea/on,
And fed cm clover hay at the Subscribers pkee, 12
r»ile« on the Bristol Road, where good (tabling is pro
vided, and great eaie will be taken of them
William Bell.
Nov. 23. mwfawmtht-f.
WILLIAM M'DOUGALL will open his school on Mon
day the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at his
Elegant hew Ball Rooms,
Iq Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets.
Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to i o'eloek
on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for
young gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clsck on the evenings o
the fame days.
In addition to a number of new ocrtillions, he means bo
introduce a variety of Scotch Reels.
Ncte. The &rft pra&ifnag ball to be on Tuesday c
veiling, the firft of November-, and to be continued every
Tuesday, during the feafoii.
For terms, &c, enquire at his house, Nf.134, Market
oa. 17. tthf
A Manufactory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, fifuate
in a convenient part of'the cftv ; the works almoit new,
on an entirely original conduction, and built of the bfcft
materials, and may be set to work imVnedrately« Persons
who with to purchase, are requested to apply at No £73,
South Second Street. September 13. t t f t>t
Twenty Guineas Reward.
RAN AW AY from the fubferiber on the 23d October,
a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES ; %\ years
old ; about 5 feet 8 inches high; had on a inked green
coat, with a gre<# velvet cape and oval yellow buttons j
a striped vest ; a pair of dark spotted pantaloom, and
whole boots much worn. It h probable he may change
his name and dress. He ha» been aceuftomed to driving
3 carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be
paid for l'tcuring him so that the fubferiber may get hnr.
again, and if brought home all reafsiiable charges paid by
Robins Chamberiaine.
Eafton, Maryland, Nov. 10. 14 $imaawtf
Le Breton,
Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentlft to the
Ki»g and Royal Family of France, member of the
College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris,
Keeps a complete assortment of evety thing neoefiary
to be used fortljie
Prcfcryation of the Mouth and Teeth.
Patent Mineral Teeth, and Human & Tvory Teeth ;
Dentrifice in powder; Opiate; excellent Elixir for
sweetening the mouth and preferring the teeth—he
also furnifhes Brufhei and foft Sponges.
%.* He lives in Chefnut-ftreet, No. 135, abevf
November 16. ys
Samuel Richardet
]D ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia;
The SuWfcription Room will be furnffh«d with all the
daily papers publiffced in Philadelphia, New-York, Bof
| ton, Baltimore, together'with those of the principal com
mercial cities of Europe—They will be rctg&larly filed
and none permitted to be taken zeway on any account.
Tea* Coffee, Soupes„Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of Frcnch Liquors; together with the usual refreihments,
will at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend op being accommodated witk
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mod
approved Malt Liquors from London and other brewerie's.
The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest
produAiens of the Season.
Large and frnall Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hours most convenient to tliemfelves—a cold Collation is
regularly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had
at th# bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniftsd, and
the utmost attention paid to cleanlifiefs, and every other
Samuel Richardet will behappy to receive, and
the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledge®
himfctf that'nothing on his part fhallbe wanting to pre
serve that patronage with which he ha* been so diftinguHh
ingly honored.
Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
Treasury Department,
September 28, 1796.
NOTICE is hereby given, that pr<jpofals will be re
ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury
until the expiration of the firft day of March next en
iuing, for thefupply o£ all rations which may he required
so* tile use of ihe United States, from the firft day of
June, 1797, to the thirty-firlt day of May, 1798, both
days inclusive, at\he pl*«c» and within the diftri<sis here
after mentioned, viz. At Oiwego; at Niagara; at
Pjeique Ifte; at Sandulky Lake, and on .S«mdufky
River; at Detroit; at Mic^ilimackinac; at Fort-Frank
lin ; at Pittfbyrgh ; at'Cineinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ;
at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-JclTerfon; at Grenville; at ;
Picque Town and liOr&mies Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place Fort
Defiance on the Miami River to at Fort
Steuben ; at Fort Maffac ; at any place from Fort Maftac
to the south boundary of the United States on the river
Milfifippi ; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon.
If supplies (hall be required ior any pods or places not
mentioned in this notice, all such fupplrcs ibali be fur
niibed at prices proportioned to thole to be paid 'at the
posts before recked, or as mny be hereafter agreed an
between the United States and the Cor.irr.-iW.
The rations to be (applied are to confiit of the fol
lowing articles,' viz.
One. pound two ounces of bread »r flour.
One pound two ouncas of beef, or fourteen ounces of
pork or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy or whiftey.
One quart and half a pint of fait.")
Two quarts of Vinegar,. ( . ,
Two pounds of Soap,' ( P ar hun(ircd rat,on >
One pound of Candles, J
The rations are to be furniihad in ferfh quantities, asthar
tfiere shall at p.ll times during the laid term, be fufliojeut
for the coafunaption of the troops at Michilimackicac, De
troit, Niagara, audOfvvego, for the term of lix months in
advance, and at each of the other polls, for thq term of
at least three months in advance, in good and whole some
provisions, if the fame shall be required. It is ko be un
der ilood, that tlve Contru&or is to be at the and
risk of ilTuirgthe fupplias to the tr©op6 atoach post, and
thai all losses sustained by the depredations of an enemy, or j
by means of the troops of the United States, shall be paid !
for at the pricc of the articles captured or deUroyed, on
the depofitioHs of two or more persons of creditable cha
racters, and the certificate of a commiflioncd officer, as
certaining the circumstances of the loss, and the amount
of t)tt m for which oompiwfation shall be claimed
Secretary of the Treasury.
Wafliington Lottery.
ri.CK.fiTS, v/arranted uacirawn, may be pur chafed ar
oxcHangtfd for prizes, at the Office, No. 147, Cheftiut-
where a corr«<& Numerical book i& kept torpubii:
Also Canal Lottery Tickets for sale or ex
changed for prizes di jwr in the Wafhingtoti Lottery, of
which the 50th and 51ft days returns are received,
dpr The* Bufinefi of a Broker carried on as ufuaff
V A SHARE in the NEW THEATRE to be foM
on reafon&bh* terms. f December 49. ttstf
James M'Alpin, Taylor,
No. 3, Smith FourthJ}rcct %
RETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to his
Friends and the Public for their liberal cncouragem eot,
and begs leave to i'olicit a continuance of their favors.
He has on hand an extensive alFortruent of the
Most Fafoionable GOODS,
• :id of the bed .quality, suitable for the fesfon.
At this (hop Gentlemen call be furuiChed withthejk !t
materials, and have them made op i« the nested and m -ft
F.ifnionable manner, and an the shortest notice. lie iy.M
thankfully receive any orders, anil pay a prompt ami
panSual attention to them.
Nsvember 10. w ,
A L tASE far/e-vm year,,from the 2 sth March next, in I lot
capital and bawtiful F celled
Situated within one quarter of a mile from the Bra.idywine
Mills, andc.alf a mile from ihe borough of Wilmington,
dwelling house is built of (tone, two dories' high,
genteelv fini.'hed, and contain,four handfime rooms 00
a an entry, with capital garrets, znd convenient
cellara, It .is gen cully thought to command the mofta
grceable profpeS of the Delaware, from,the fomce of that
liver to the Capes. This profpeft ia greatly rmbclli.W by
a full view of a va(t body of meadow, through which the
Chnlliana and Brandywine creeks are feeri winding in beau
tiful meanders. Near ihe house are a Kiletten, a fpaeinua
hone liable and hay loft, a barn, a carriage house, rpiik
ftoufe, &c. and a well of as puifc water as any on the conti
nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, a
bounding with fruit, and particularly with peach trees, of
the very bed kind, brought from Maryland, and in full Hear,
ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a young, jpole
orchard begining to bear, and lcverai old ireesthat produce
abundantly, besides cherry and other ornamental trees, in
great numbers. The farm confills of near Gxty acres of land,
ot good quality, aud clear of incumbrances, except taxed,
twenty of which ire now in excellent clover and timothy,
and ten more will be ready tor lowing next fpriiig. A i«- of nearly 8 years has convinced the fubferiber that
the ftuation is remarkably healthy. The groat poll lond
from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within Seventy
yards of ihe house. In a word, the beamirs and conveni
ence of this situation cannot be enumerated in an advcrtile
ment, and when examined, will probably command the at
tention of any pei son who is desirous of living at one of the
most elegant country feats on the continent. The pur-ehafer
may enter on the prcmifts nestfpring, or perhaps, thin fall,
if application be immediately made to Diclor NICHOLAS
WAY, in Philadelphia, to Dodor WH RTON, un ll«
premifcs, or, in his abfenee, to Mr. GEORGE TRUII T, in
A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, fnme
Stock, See. may be bid by the purchaser at the time of sale.
Nov - 7 eodt'f
■■■ ■ .... , 1 - ■ —- — , 1'
City of Washington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A magnificent > ao,ooo dollars, & 1
fjdwelling-htnifo, 3 cjfh 30,000, are 3 sD ' aoß
I ditto 15,000 & calls is,ooo 4o,oo»
I ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 30,000
1 ditto 10,000 & csfh 10,000 so,ooo
I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,090 10,00 a
1 ditto 5,000 & eaih 5,000 ic,ooo
I cash prize oF 10,000
» do. 5,000 each, are • 10,000
/lo do. 1,000 - - 10,000
10 do. 500 - - **1,000
00 do. 100 - «. lOjOco
aoo do. 50 - - 10,000
400 do. 25 - . 10, coo
1,000 do. to - io,ioo
15,000 do. 10 - 150,000
16,739 Prizes.
33,161 Blanks.
50,000 Tickets, st Eight Dollars, 400,000
N. B. Tofavour those who mavi take » quantity of
Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dolWs will be the 1 st dr.iyva
ticket, and the 3a,ooothe last but on* 1
And approved notes, securing payment In either mousy
or prizes/in ten days alter drawing,, will be ,re«eived'for
any number not >cfs than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will afford an elegant fpeoimen of the pri
vate buildings to be ereftedin the City of Wafliington'
Two bea*tiful designs are already fcle&ed for the entire
fronts on two of the public (quart 3; from these prawings
•it ispropofed toereel two centre and four corner bailding.B,.
as soon as pofiible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
them, when complcfc, to the fortunate adventurers, in
the niaimerdefcribcd in the scheme for the Hot-el Lottery.
A nett deduction, of live p« cent, will be made to defray
the necessary e*ptnfes, of printing, the fnrplas
will be made a part of the fund intended for the National
UKiverGty, to be creeled within the city of Washington.
The Drawing will commctice as scon as the tickets are
old off.—The iKoney prizes will bepayaMe in thirty day*
afrer it is flnifhed ; and any prizes for which fortunate
numbers ate not produced within twelve months after ths
drawing is closed, are to be cpnfidcred as given towardu
the limj! for the University ;it :wing determined to f<jttl»
the whole bufmefs in a year from the eiding of thfcdraw
i»g, and to take up the bonds given as security.
The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes,
arc held by the President and two Direiftors of the Bank
of Columbia, and l are valued at more tpai) half the a
mount ol the lottery.
The twenty lour gentlemen who by appointment of
the late .Commifftdners assisted jn the managemc»s of th«
Hotdl'Lottery are rojudted to undertake this arduous talk
a Second tune 011 bdiaif ef the public ; a fafficietit num
ber of these having kindly acctpted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National,Univerfity arid the other f-.dcral ob.
jeiSsmajr contiKueto favor the defijn.
By accounts received from the.'di::etent parts of th»
Continent as well as from Europe, where "the tickctn
have been lent for sale, the public ar? aifured that tbi
drawing will speedily commence, and that the care ar.d
caution unavoidably ne-ellary to insure a fjfe disposal of
th« tickets, has rendered the ihivr- fufpeoOon indifpenlafcla.
.§. Tickets may be had at the E,u>k as Colsmbia ; of
James Wed & Co. Baltimore; of Fetcr Oilman, BcV.'tor ;
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of {tichard TVells*
Cooler's Ferry. ta
■—No. Ix 9 —
CHr S» U T-ST RS£ T.
[Pricc Eight Dollari p. r AnnuM.}