Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 06, 1797, Image 3

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Masriiß, ytfterday at Friends'meeting, Benja- ®f
m# Horner, senior, to Mrs. ,J>ne Williams, b(
both of this city. ta
. Uft evening, by Hilary Baker, Enquire, th
Sickquoinneyouhee, alias John Walker, one to
o? the Chiefs of the Cherokee nation of Indians, to ar
Miss Ann Jane Durant, of this city.
gjf The Members of the Society for Alleviating
the Mi eries of Public Prisons, are rcquefted to attend *
their slated meeting, at the German School House in
Cherry-alley, the 9th inft. at 6 o'clock in the evening.
CALEB LOWNES, Sec'ry. gi
January 6. 11l
MUSEUM, January sth. 1794.
Mr. F*nno,
FEELING myfelf happy in being the instrument
of relieving the diftrefTes of the. unfortunate, I with .
heirt felt pleasure inform the citizens of Philadelphia,
1 th* 1 have already received from the sale of tickets or. I m
Wc lnefday, the sum of one hundred and forty four of
dollars, which 1 have del verd to the poll master gen- r
eral, so tranl'mifiian \o the fufTerers by fire at Savan- j.
nah. .
By a little labour, I have bought fom.e knowledge
of human nature, in several inftanees, such as I shall ar
remember with pleasure.' To enumerite every trait of
liberality is unneceflary; fuffice it t# fav,, that many Oi
contributed in a very becoming manner—And here, I
present my grateful thanks to my fellow ci lzens j c!
whs have enabled me to become one of th- ir agents,
in an of humanity, and especially I am thankful
to tiiofe printers who have generously published my ad
▼eriifement on this occasion without charge. Sir, !l
your publishing this, with the annexed anecdote, will
oblige C. V. PEALE. if
A middle aged woman with modest address, ap- p
proached the mufeurn door ; her dress bespoke that her a|
wants we; e fuppiied by industry ; at that momenta
small company came forward presenting their tickets
for aitmiffion. The good woman wilhod to let them n
pafli, and then most courteoully demanded, what was ''
t the price of entrance ? only one quarter of a dollar— p
here said fte, holding out her hand, with twoquarters ; t<
Itismy mite, and was turning away. But, madam, j,
won't you vi k into the museum now, Ihe re- •
plyed, theit is company enough there without me and
I will find a quarter to pay for feeing it fame other •
day, and retired uttering pathetic benediAions, 11
One who saw Mr. Cooper s Penruddock on "
Wednesday evening, observes, lhat no adtor has gi- c
Ten him so great fatisfaftion or appears to po(Tefs 1
powers that encourage so fair a hope of his being F
pre-eminently the fii It in his art. This .opinion is
so jnded on his being very young and Hill far from r
perfect in his acting. 3
Hiepowtrof exprefiing paflion and its changes f
bv his face and the fl sibility nnd enetgy of his f
r tones are really hne. Let him bevrare both of cen- '■
sure and praise. Some blamed him because he flag'd '
and feli off in spirit after some time. The truth is, 1
«n the judgment of one at least, he rattled too much. s
Ovtr-aSiing is the fault of-this flage and probably 1
of molt others. 1
The estimation in which the Poney Races are held
is not unworthy of notice. It is truly wonderful to
■ observe- with what emulation these little crcatttres, as
well as their riders, firive to attain the pre-eminence ;
particularly the le»ft Poney Boxer (who generally
•wins the race) discovers a degree of fagacify and f ift- >
ness that are altogether uncommon —In (hort, to the 1
lovers of horfemanlhip this mull be a very agreeable
treat. The circle, in conjundlion with the tlage, is
I formed into a jace-courf in miniature, and is well ,
regulated. We trust that Mr Ricketts will ever enjoy
that degree of public patronage which he has hitherto
Thitaufttf Republicanism.
Democrats, if now you hear half as much as
you hl*e said on this fubje<3, you will be very wea
ry, and very angry. But be patient, you have
* had your day.
You swear to a man that France renounces forer
rer the unjust and abominable doßrine of meddling
with other governments. 1 his is not true, for j
Gfegoirc in hisreport fays the rights and duties of
rations (which he had made an enumeration of) re- j
late only to those nations which have made liberty
and equality the basis of their governments. The j
French of couife are the judges. f
' But if it were so, which it is not. how could the
taufe of Rcpablicanifm depend on the French I A
poor dependence if the wild, inconsistent and wick
ed a<3s of the French fattier,s could affect that
- good cause. They may iofult, they may disgrace
it. It is not tin it affair to save it, or to exemplify
it by their doings. No good Republican will pre
tend it.
This is one of the thouland and one Democratic
lies and inconsistencies.
But admit the fa<3, that the cause of republica
nism depends on the French. Then they serve it
badly. Are the people of Sardinia made republi
fcans, the Pftiffians, the Germans ? No, no, no,
tier the Spaniards. The French by treaty give a
fanßion to monarchy. Probably they agreed wi-h
i Fruffia that if he would quit the Coaliti»n he should
keep his share of plundered Poland.
, The world will be left just as monarchial as e
ver. Let them not boast of Holland. It is a
French province. But the Stadthol' was a mere
Shadow of the Executive power before he fled.
Let us be undeceived, though it will be a year ,
or two later than the reft of'the world. Their
victories may conduct their armies to galleries of
piilures and to rich cities. There they may load
mavy waggons with plunder. But as to princi
ples, Tippoo,Saib advances them as much, and
difgr,aces there less.
Let -fafls it lift open the eyes of those second
fightedj dupes who saw, and swore that they saw.
a new republican millenium beginning in Europe.
They Jaw "the Ba'a-tail'd mare" "go up. into
the air."
By this day's Mail. S
BOSTON, Decen/ber 29. th
Captain Cowetl arrived here yetlerday, in 60
days from Amfterdsnj, infsrtns, that a few days !' c
after he left Amsterdam, he was brought to, and j-J
boarded, by the Briiirti si igate Concord, the cap- eai
tain of which took away one of his seamen ; that wl
the captain of the Conctird told him,- he belonged i*
to a fleet of t8 fail of the line, several transports ,n
and flat bottomed boats, wi'h troops on board ; J ln '
that they were bound for the Texel, which placc , to
they were going to attack ; that a few hour's after- j m '
wards he fell in with a fleet aufwering tha defcrip- 1 an
tion given by the captain of the Concord. j o p
Captain Cowell's infoi malign from the armies, a
gr«es with the accounts already received and pub- !
lifhed in America.' ■
In the Commerce, captain Gowell, from Amfler- p
dam- came pafl'enger, Mr. Edward Blake, of Bos- w
LONDON, October 26. 1 j (
We are sorry to state, that on Saturday infor- q
maiion was received that the Malabar man of war,
of 54. guns, captain Parr, one »f the convoy of our
Jamaica fleet, foundered at sea on the nth inlt.
Happily, just as (he was going down, Martha, ne
merchH itm n, captain Sedmond, hove in fight, !
and was fortu; ale enough to save the whole of the i
cren-, wi'h whom file ariived fafe at Portsmouth
On Friday.
The Eurus frigate, lately taken from the Dutch,
captain Rofs, failed fr»m the Nore on Sa urday co
morning for Spithead, with 15c troops on
board, pan of the 87th and 911 regiments, des
tined, as is supposed, for Gibralt:^
Letters from Bruffelsof the Bth inft. state, that
:he greaieft ferment prevails throughout the Bulgic
provinces, especially in Biaban , where infurreftions
are every where app r ehended. The ecclrfiaftical
property is about to be seized by the French com
missioners ; but the people, strongly bjgotted to
their miniftein, and their religion, seem, in several
parts, disposed to refilt the confifcation by open
torce, in which they are encouiaged Jby the emi
grants and refia&ory nonjuing pnells. The ma
jor part of the people of propeity, iiy every part
us Belgium, are either fending, or have' already
sent, their effects to foreign countries.
Letters from Berlin of the nth inft. bring ad
vices, that his Prussian majesty has concluded an
uffeiifive and defenfive alliance with the ele&or of
Saxnny, and the landgrave of HefTe Caffel, in vir
tue »f which, both those princes reciprocal'y lli
puli'.ie to grant each other every affiilance that dial!
he required, to refill any'attacks made Upon their
rtfpeflive teilitories by the house «f N Au(tria( or
any other continental powei, that (hall attempt to
fouc them to relinquilh their neutrally during the
present war. This treaty was concluded about the
Ijtter end of August ; but we tinderllund, that it
has not as yet bepn finally ratified by the ele&oi of
Saxony. The dukes of Bmnfwuk, Mecklenhtirg
and Wirtemberg, the margrave of Baden, »nd
some other princes ill the noithern parts of Get
many, have been invited to join in thi treaty.
PORTSMOUTH, Gftober 24.
Arrive this day, the cutter, from
Gibraltar, with dispatches, said to be of a very
important nature; but the greatelt fectecy as to
particulars, is obfer\'ed on hoard.
NEW-YORK, January 5.
A friendly correspondent has fav.rred U3 with a
file of -he Gazelle National, printed a': Paris, to
the 20th of O&ober inclusive—received by the (i
Huntrefa, from Bourdeaux, arrived lafl week. ,f
This is fix days later than any printed Parilian in- e
via England.
We hafien to translate the ttioO importaHt arti
elcs from them, as follow— [Argus.] '
OSlober 15. j
The five ships of the line from Rochefort and ,
I'Oiient (which we msntioned the day before yes- i
terciiy) and which have failed for Bieft, hav e , as ,
well as those which are in the harbor, their crews
fully completed, alrd have fix months proviSon on
board. The Zealous and the Conflitu'.ion ar com
manded by two commodorcs, the last of which is '
the well known citizen L'Heritirr.—Be/ides those
men of war, there are several others, the greatest '
: part ef which are three deckers, whose crews are
; I now completed. The squadron of Berthanme, is
: i also at Bveft ; the bad weather having compelled !
| them to make that port, which they effe&ed on the
' sth complimentary day. There aie now on the
; j llocks in the port of l'Orient, several (hips of 74
! guns, one of this number is ready to be launched,
: | it was built bB the model of the ConftituiioH and
■ has the fineft appearance.
PAIRIS, O&eber 16.
' The following is 'extradled from Perlet's journal
: at the article Roederer.
f Shall we have peace, or fltall we continue the
" war? this is the general anxiery at present—Does
England ieally wish for peace ? Does Aurtria desire
■ it ? Such are the enquiries of fome-. Does the
French government wish for it themfelres !' are the
" enquiries of others—-for my part, 1 reduce a l! the
' above queftiona or enquiries to this single one ;
" Can the French government continue Ihe -war f If
» this queilion be answered in the affirmative, they
u *ri!l wilh. for peace, England also as well as »he
emperor. If they are unable to continue the war,
they will wish to continue it, England also as well
3s the emperor. C#e half at least, of what 1 just I
advanced, is I think very intelligent to every body
a What may not be fd, is, that it being in the pow
e. er of the Fr'ench government to carry on the war
m;:y wish for peace, and may not wish for peace if
it cannot carry on the war—l will therefore proceed
ir to explain myfelf. [The commentary is as explicit
'f as the text.] *
d S I RASBOURG, 17 Vendemaire. |
i- The Auffrijns flill continue their incursions on the
it! 1, ft bank of the Rhine. The large body of the ene
my who have marched towards Germefeeim have for
-1(] ted the country people in the environs of Hirxhem and
of all the neighbouring townships Jo deflroy ibe en-
' trenchrcents which the French had eftablifhei there be
fore. A detachment of ijo horse went afterwards to
to Lauterbourgh with a design to take pofTefTion of two
coufiderable magazines of grain and hay. They had
llready.begaa t« force the inkabitanti te fjpply them
with horses and waggons to tarry off their booty,
when the troops who had marched from here to meet
tliem arrived at Lautirb«urgh, and drove them frbm bo
ihence. The hay remained whole, but the enemy car- in;
ried oft three hundred quintals ps corn. They did not
lay the town under contribution but contented thctn- in]
salves with exaftng a certain quantity of brandy for bu
each of them. This party was commanded by a man fui
who spoke the French language very well, an' who
is said to be an emigrant from Mentz. La!l night, wi
another strong detachment from the enemy appeared ag
in. the neighbourhood of Wanzeneau, but they took
to flight the moment they discovered the republicans ro;
marching towards them.
The municipal adrmtiiftrators of Lauterburgl) till
and WifTemburgh, took to flight at the approach u>
of the enemy, and are fafely arrived in this town,
but the carriage which was transporting the papers
of tlie juflioe of the peace |f Wiflembutgh, tho'
escorted by the gendarmerie, was plundered of af
fignats ovd mand'ats, by the peaf<)nu, between
WilTemburgh and Ssltz.
P S. We at this moment have received the molt
pleasing i-itelligence 'from the army of Moreau.
O:/ the loth and I Ith, the enemy have been mod
completely beaten. It was on. Gen. Latour the
principal advantage was obtained. The firft tnef
fenger who was difpatch'ed with that important Be
news, wis afTaflloated on his way, which is the
cause that it-did not reach its sooner. ~
£PutliJh:J in tie United States l»ng Jinct.~\
— H<
BREST, Vendemaire 13.
Here follows a Hatement of our fleet, which is
completely manned and victualled.—
Guns. M
Ocean < 130
Invincible 110
Indomptable 74 p c
"Trajan , 74
Fougueux 74
W-atigny 74
. Redoutable 74
Nestor 74 mi
Patriot 74 -
Rights of Man 74 1
Cttfar 74
Convention 74
Pluto . - 74 w
Conftitntiotl 74
Zealous 74
"Mtufe 74 -
In the Inner Harbour, ready to join
the above in the Ou'.ei Harbour— J"
Mnjcftucux * HO ■ q,
Terrible , 110 in
Tourville 74 , < gi
Seduifant 74 81
Ships cut down.
Brutus \ 44 _
Scevola 44 ti
Frigates. T
Concorde > x
Sutveillante j
Syren e ii
L'lmmortaltte s*
Fidelle ?
Precjeufe c
Vengeance. - v
Two frigates not comprehended in the above t
ttatement, are just arrived from L'Orient, and be- ''
• fides several others, men of war, which are expect- |
edboth from that pott, and from Rochefort. t
— I
By a letter from the of the French
government in England, we learn, that boih go
vernments have at last agreed to the articles relating,
to a genera! exchange of prisoners on both fides,
which is to take place very (hortly.
NEW-YORK, January 5.
ARRIVED. Days. (
Ship Minerva, Ciowinfhield, Hamburg 56 :
. I Brig Fair American, M'Farlane, Wilmington 12
Sehr- Polly, Walker, Norfolk v lB
Jolly Robin, Prior, North Carolina 7 .
( We have been favoured with Hamburg papers, re
. ceived yesterday by the fbip Minerva, to the 7th Nov.
The. difficulty of obtaining immediate translations, and
: the later.cfs of the hour at. which the papers were re
: ceived, prevent our detailing the articles they contain
|. for this day's Advertiser. They will be furnifhed to
] In a cursory view, however, we have noted tht fol
lowing :
A letter of General Moreau, dated Odt.s.
After describing long marches, fays:
' "Thus, an army of which the enemy boasted he
would certainly make pfifoners, now threaten* him
e with an attack, ai:d returns to cover the frontiers, as
s ter a match of too leagues without >he least lofi; dtir- j
c ing which they took from the enemy 18 pieces of can--)
non, a pair of colours ind nearly 7000 prisoners,
amongst which there art 80 officers."
e FRANKFORT, Oa. »».-
> Under this date a confirmation is given, that Gen.
f Moreau on 'is retreat attacked the Imperial Gen. Pe
y trafch, and rtpulftd hifn with the loss of, from 1500 to
j- 2000 men, and that be had been confiderahly reinforc
r; ed ' -
[ ! . VIENNA, OA. 16.
Under this date mention is made of the arrival of a
I mefienger from the French Diredlory, with difpatch
v. es to that (court. The contents are not stated , but
ir they are particular ifi di ess, &c. of the j
jf messenger ; that he had been taken ill after his arrilval , I
and that in c»niequenci of which, corifiderable atten
tion was paid 10 hira--( this looks pacific.)
II An artii le dated Leipfic, OA. aa, fays—" Rum
ours of a peace between the Emperor and the French
Republic, grow daily stronger; and upon good
lie grounds it is supposed that the Cabinet of Berlin is ve
e- ry instrumental in the business."
t- The Armistice between the Pope and the French re
nd public was about being broken by the, former: He
n- had addrtfled letters to the different Powers of Europe
on the fubjeA. Tht cafe it not u'ated, but ftveral ar
to tieles from different parts of Italy confirm the expefla
■vo tion of an immediite'commencement of hofiiiitics be
-2d tween the Papal troops and those of the Republic.
M.VRTINSBURG, (Virginia) Dec. Vs.
Triday lift a fire brake out at the south part cf the
borough of Winchester, which costumed two dwell
Saturday morning the roof of the grift mill belanf
ing to Mr. Edward Bcefon, near this town caught fire,
but bring timely discovered, no mateiial damage was
Two dwelling-houses in this town have taken fire,
within a few days pift, but providentially, little dam
age done.
A free negro man was found dead and frozen in tfie
road near Shepherd's-tnwn, on Saturday making.
The night, a m|n w« burnt t« death, in a dif
till-houfe a few miles from town.
Corner •of Chefnut and Sixth-ftreeu
For Equestrian and Stage Performances.
TO-MORROW E\*NING, Saturday, January 7»
H O.R S E M A N S H I P.
Or, The World turn'd UpfVle Down,
Which has given so much fatisfaflion.
A Sung by Mr. Chambers.
Between the intervals ef the Stage, Mr. Ricketts will
in particular go through the following performances
in the Equestrian Department.
He will ride a single horse with a pair of Ikates oa hi*
feet, ard go through several attitudes. %
He will like wife ride two horses in fulffpeed, take a
leap, and dart through the r«prf fentation of a blaz
ing fun ten feet high, and recover his situation on
the other fide, in full fpced.
Mr. Rickets willride two Horses, csrry Mailer Hutch
ins, the young American, on his flioulders m the at
titude of a flying Mercury.
A Song, by Miss Sully-
Poney Races, with real Ponies.
The whole to eunckide with a new Pantomime, ,
Or, The Abfurdites of Mankind. "
Doors to open at 5, and the Performance to com
mence at 1-4 after 6 o'clock.
Furnifhpd Apartments; or
Board & Lodging.
WANTED by two young gentlemen. Answers,
wi'h particulars, to be addressed to S. F. at the offic«
of this paper.
January 4. ?•
Public Noticc,
f! HKR£BY GIVEN, that I have applied to the
judges of the Supreme Court of this slate, to supply the
deleft in my Title,to a lot of ground, situate en tne Weft
fide «f Fourth-flreet, containing in breadth 20 feet, and
in length 56 feet, bounded Northward and Wcftward, by
ground of the fubi'criber, Southward by ground of Edward
Bhippep, and Eaftr/ard by Fourth-ifrcet, occasioned by
the loss of a deed from Timothy Harrington, John Lewi*
and James Walton, by their attorney Robert Mollyneux*
—All persons concerned, are required to appear before
two of the justices of the feid court, at the house of
Thomas M'Kean, esq. the Chief Jaflice of the {late, on
the 30th infh at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to make their
answer to the bill of the fuhfcribtr, ffrd in the office of
Edward Burd, efq, Prothonotary of the said court.
Philadelphia, January 6th, 4797. , dtgoth
A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun»
tyof Glouceftcr, a»d ilateof New-Jeifey, contain
ing about one hundred and fifty acres ; a suitable propor
tion of which is woodland and improved meadovf. A
great part of the arable land is in a high state of cultiva*
tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover*
On {aid plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house,
with four room 9 on a floor, and a good dry cellar under
e the whole ; together with a'barn, corn-cribs and carriage
». house I'he garden is large, and contains a good coilec
, tion of the best kinds of grafted and iaoculat.'d fruit trees $ m
the orchard consists of about three hundred gnifted app'e
trees. Any person inclined to purchase said pr'emites, may
be informed ©£ the terms by applying to
h July 19 F
% Dancing.
s, MR. FRANCIS of the New-Theatre, in conjunAion
with Mr. BYRN, late Ballet-master, and principal dan
cer [of Covent-Oarden Theatre, London, now of the
New Theatre in this city, opened their Academy at Mr.
s Oellers Hotel, on Tuesday, December 13, where thsy
' propose to teach, iti the raoS new and approved methods,
Dancing in its various uieful and ornamental branches.
2 Ms". Byrn's recent attention to the dances of London
8 and Paris will eriahle him to ymplete this branch of
' education in his scholars in the moil finilhed style.
e- Favorite Scotch reels will also engage .their particular
v. attention. \
id The days of teaching for their ypung .pupils are Thurf
■ e . days and Saturdays, from three o'clock in the afternoon
; B till Ci—and onTueldays & Thursdays, from fix till nine,
0 . for those of a more advanced age.
For farther particulars enquire of Me£fr». Franeis
s ]_ and Byrn, No. 70, north Eighth-street.
*„* Private tuition as usual.
Philadelphia, December 16, 1796. oaw
he Pennsylvania Population Company.
im THE Stockholders arc hereby notified, that an elc&iof)
a s- | for Officers for the ensuing year, wdlbe held at the Corn
er- I pany's Office. No. 53, North Fourth-street, on Wednef
-11- -j jay th/nth January next, at ii o'clock,
rs, I By Order of the Board,
SOL. MARAGHE, Secritart.
December 31. « s.w. & w^
l n e _ F 0 R S A L E,
ito A very Valuable Eltate,
irC * /CALLED TIV IT TEN HA M, situate in the
township of -Upper Derby, andcountyof Delaware*
7 1-2 miles from Phiiad lphia, and half a mile from the
new Western road: containing 230 aeres of excellent land *
a 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime Wood**
land, and the reil arable of the firlt quality. There are
ut on thepremifesagood tw® story brick house, with grooms
the on a floor, and cellars under the whole, witli a pump-well
al » of excellent water in front; a large frame bain, ftabk-s,
en- and other oonvenient building*; a smoke-house and ltone#
spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of pcach
im- es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediate\y
nch under tillage, and are so laid oat as to have the advantage
oocl of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con*
ve- venient for grazing.
Tht situation is pleasant and healthy, and from thehiglj
1 re- sultivAtion of the land, the good neighbourhood, and t!i«
vicinity to the city, it is-very /uisable for a gentleman
-ope country\feat. ;
■ The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob,
ucccaicd, and offered for sale by
' l fc e ". Mordecai Lewis,
I OA' 31. taw v Surviving Executor.