Why then flioulc our laws fnppofe the citizen to have the quality that he certainly has not ? Why shall they make it neceflary for him to be treasuring mo ney for months, who never cared for to morrow ? Ihe mod indolent or the most carelcfs citizen cannot possibly be incommoded by an excise ; If he {hould have no money during the year nor any thing to fell, he will buy nothing, and consequently will no tax. When he is able to buy foreign commodities W will pay his tax. The excise is fuppofqd chiefly to fall up on articles of foreign make, and prudence will diredt that articles which are lead neceflary and such as may /©oneft come to perfection in our own country, ftnll bear the greatest (hare in the excise. The natural ope ration of such taxes is favourable to the poor. No man pays the tax who is not able and willing to buy luxuries or foreign articles, therefore it is volun ary. The man who is diligent has less occasion for such ar ticles, therefore it is a spur to mduftry. In a word, all taxes on property are bur ens on the good citizen ; they difcourageinduftry. All raxes on consumption are taxes on difiipation and luxury; they puniih ldlenefs, and promote industry. Can we hefitatein making our choice ? The revenue of the Roman empire, in its prosper ous days, arose chiefly from an an excise and customs. That jealous and wife nation did not readily submit to a land tax. There was a wafteful trade carried on be tween Rome and the East Indies by way of the red sea. By that trade much fijver, near four millions of dollars, was annually exported from the Empire, and we have reason to conclude from the allegations of Pliny, chat East India goods were'forced to contribute, by an excise more than twenty millions per annum to the revenue. A land tax and poll tax were in early use through the Roman provinces, but do not ap pear to have been generally imposed on the Roman people before the reign of Galenius,the fucccftbr of Di oclefian. I'rora that period direr the payment of i-certain Sills of credit iflTut*. A. Jackson prefentcd a petition from George Ciltert, one of the chiefs of the Chicka saw Nation, cwmplarrtng- of a non-performance of stipulations, entered into in certain Talks held with, the. agents of the United States, in which they were promised afiiftance in cafe they were attacked by the red people, and praying fu payment on ac count qf the maintenance of a Colonel and 46 men for 60 days, who had marched to the'ir afiiftance when attacked by the Creeks, without orders from government Referred to-ihe committee of claims. The house, on motion, again refolded itfelf into a. committee of the whole on the report of'the fe jretary of war on the' petition of Hugh L-iwfon White, and, after corlidcrahlf difctiffion, on the f uggt flion that farther information was necessary to be obtained before a decifiou was come to, the committee rof! editi ons fr»m reve - tie officers for an increaf* of salary, of which had neeiv jyfened t® the committers of commerce and mjnufa&urrt, and otheri to the committee of compenfs'ioti. In order that the whole might-go into he fame hands, he proposed a resolution to the following cffeift : Resolved, that the committee of commerce and maiuifa&tires he i -firufted and required to report whether a'ty a-d what alterations are necefTary in the compensations allowed by liw to revenue offi cers, and that the . ommi'tee if c .mpenfation be discharged from the conlideration of such memori als as had relation to the officers of the revenue.— Agreed. Mr. W. Smith called for the order of the day on the report of the committee of ways and means, on the fuhjefl of certain bafances due from indivi dual Hates to the United States The house went into a tommitsee of the whole accordingly, when a very long debate took place ; at length the com mittee irofe, and ha'l leaye-to fit again. Adjourned till Monday, BOS I'ON, December 28 St.'te of the Mercury, im Friday, Saturday, See. which fas exposed to the open a'ir, under a Por tico the north fide of a honfe, but was shielded from the wind' by the liable and p irt of the Portico. Friday, at 8 morning, it ftoud at o at 2 r. M. 7 above at 1 1 evening 3 12 b«'ow o Satarday, at 8 morning 7 below o at 2 r. m 3 above o ai IC evening, 1 below o Sunday, at 8 morning, 9 above o ' at 2 p. m 10 ab.ive o at 9 evening, 16 above O Monday, at 8 morning, 8 above o A new Penal Code is e'lablifhed in Virginia, fimilat to that whi. .-h has lately governed is Penn fylv nta. Murder alone is to be pun (hed witlj d'.ath Other crimes are to be paniihed by hard labor, confinement, See.' REPRESENTATIVES. Mnjfctchajeits—correft. Hon. Thomplon J. Skinner, Samuel Lyman, Dwijjht .Forter, Nathaniel Freeman, jun. J hi. Read, Harrifon G. ,Oiis, Joseph B. Var'.ttm, Samuel Sewali, Theopilm Bradbury, Peleg Ws f wo(th, and George Thatcher, Esquires. z'j' 1" the 2d western, 3d southern and lit eafteiH dif-, trifts no choices have been mide. In the fecund wellern, the whole number of votes was 1777 — 889 making a choice, the hon. William rtliepard, had 823, Samuel Henlhaw 424, and hon, William Lyman, 381. —In the 3d {put Item, ihe votes were 952, 477 making a choice, the hon. Elifha May had 390, Stephen Bnllp.-k, 224, & Laban Wnea ton 227. —In the firlt Eattetn, the voies were 1198, 6o» making a choice, the lion, lfaac Par ker had 477, Henry Dearborn .373, and Jonathan Bowman, Efqrs, 328 votes. From WESTPCHNT, Dec. 12. ■' Four companies of artilleriits and engineers have been ordered from this place by the President, to take charge of, and put in rrpair the works in the fea-ports.—Capt. Frye to Governor'* island, in the'ftate «f New York, with a company ; capt; Mitchell at Fort William, below Philadelphia ; capt. Morris at Bahimore ; Capt. Blackburn, at Norfolk, Virginia ; and capt. Kalliefen, at Charles ton, S. C. On what account the arrangement is made, we ean only coi:je£ture ; but we are all decided -iriends to the present happy conllitution lberrj>-ftr«et, or to the printer. Jaflulry J. V ftw*w Philadelphia, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1797 A gentleman from New York informs, that a Telfe! has arrived there days from Hambvirgh. Tuesday last Thomas Willing, Esq. wa9 unani mously elected President of the Bank_of the United States, On Tuesday last the fallowing officers were ele&ed for the Schuylkill and Sufquehaanah Canal— Prefidenty Robert Morris, Managers, John NicholCon, Standifh Fnrde, Jeremiah Parker, Wm. Young, B. S. Samuel Bio Iget, Win. Siafom, Wm. Smith, D. D, Joseph Call, John Steinmet2, Francis Weft, Timothy Mstlack, Wm. Montgomery. Treasurer, v William Gorctt. For the Delaware and Schuylkill Canal. President, Robert Morris. Managers, , Wm. Smith, D. D. Joseph Ball, * Benjamin R. Morgan, Wm. Yuiing, B. S. John Miller, jun. James M'Crca. John Nichoifon, Standith Forde, Jeremiah Parker, John Steinmet*, Samuel Bladgct, Wm. Sanfom, Treasurer, William Govett, F.xtraS of a letter from $outh Carolina. " You will no doubt feel both pity and indigna tion, when you are i|ifo-med that that Charles Pinckney is ele&ed our Governor. Ab soon 33 he uai (worn into office, he began his speech by m.ikin ■ a most indecent attack on the perfoiis who did not vote for him (confuting of 53 of the most respectable perions-iu the country) and like wise upon the measures of the federal govern ment. H» is too cunning to have liis speech printed, as he delivered it, but his firft nbfer vation was, he was happy to find, as was proved hy his ele&ion, the tiitimph of republican principles (rifum'teneatis f) He then contrasted I the prefept (ituation of the country with its fitua tioo when he was formerly Governor. He said, that we were an ungratefwl and degraded people— (one would think so from his being eledted Goner nor) —that we had behaved most infamously to our allies, the French ; "Who, .we itOPED, WOULD SOON BRING US TO A SENSE OF OUR POLITICAL errors." These last words were taken down. It was, in (hort, a mojl abominable performance, an.l with the exception or his creatures, was reprobat ed by men of both parties. It is thought here, Jelfe-i son's ele&ion to the Presidency is certain ; ;;nd owr new Governor, who lias been long feekins; for a foreign appointment, thinks this jacobin speech will be a charming recommendation of him to Jefferfon's good graces : so that if he is Prili •lent, you may judge of what you are to expert front the French party." NEIV THEATRE. On Monday the Tragedy of Richard llhl. Mr. Warren gave great feeling the f harafter of Henry 6th. Mr. Fox told his tearful tale is Treflel, with a pathos quite in chara&er. This young gen'lenian, when he has added a little experience and ftndy to his performance ( which has already merited great praise) will nndaubtedlv be an ornament to the Theatre. Mr. Cooper's maflerly perfonification of Rich ard, was received with that applause that generally attends his'public exhibitions. He gave the link ing traits ot the chara£ier with an energetic bold ness, and fire, .that attends only the performance of native genius, and without which art can do iit ile. He gave great farce to the folilnquy of " Why, now ray golden dream is out." And indeed all of Them were malterly expressed. Mrs. Francis was corredl and fpitited in the cha racter ot* .Lady Anne, but was certainly deficient h pathos awd exprrfikm. In the tent scene, she was particularly faulty, and spoke, " ) hink on the wrongs of wretched Anne thy wife " E'en in the battles heat remember me. " And edgelel's fall thy sword—despair anddie." With the faiAe tone as (he did, ' But since you teaeh me how to flatter you " Imagine I have said farewell already." The address in the chat after of the Ghojl would have (hac. it been properly exprefled ) produced great effedt. However by what we hav» said it niufl not be thought, that we intend to rob her of all praise—her performance often merits it—and in spite of the dsfi;fls we have noticed, (he certainly is entitled t«< a (hare of otir approbation. Mrs. L'Eftrange was but' ill calculated to tx prefs the torrowsof the dutchcfs of York, tjie mo notony of her voice could not convey that spirit that Shakcfpcare intended (hould be given to her exccration of Richard. W. L. J3y this day's Mail. NO.RFOLK, December 22 Tuesday lad arrived hen.- the Medufi, French frigate as 50 guus, commanded by commodore Barney, and the lnfurgenteof 44. guns. BALTIMORE, January 3. We congratulate our reader? 011 the strikingly fplemlid appearance of our new city, the two preceeding evenings. The lamps with which o»r street* are lighted, appear to' be a considerable improvnaent on those we have gensraHy tee«—the refle&ors with which they are furnifhed, cast out great light. Although thcfe jiaKsling ornaments are not planted lo thick as in Philadelphia, yet it mull be con fsrffed, from th/ir evidently fuperi&r excellence, that our ttreets are much better lighted—ft that 'iti future we JhalJ hear of no more complaints of diityocated necks or broken bones, on the score of darknefc. Tlie birth of a nt.w year, a new eity, and new light, is a novelty indeed, ami cjunot, to our city, fall to be matter of much joy. •' Velterclay wars brought to town from One of th farms of William Smith, Eiq. a HOG, ;which, when cleaned, Veighed 473 U. NEW-YORK, January 4, ARRIVED. Days, Schooner Pomona, Gardner Bolton 27 Sl.iop Eliza, Nicholfon St. Croix Eagle, .Wood Richmond — The Tiow Pegfry, of New-York, was loft on Sandy Key, Turk'j Island. The sloop Betsey, Lyon, arrived at N-W| London from Anguilla—left there, brig Polly, ChceTe* broujh, to fail in three days for Wilmington—and f'iow Jnhn, of New York. Pantheon, •* ' AND RICKETTS's AMPHITHEATRE. . Corner of Chefnut and Sixth-street» For Equestrian and Stage Performances. THIS EVENING, Thursday, Januarys, Will be presented, the following f nteitainments, viz. HORSEMANSHIP, A Comic Bjllet Dance, called POOR JACK ; Or, Tfee Benevolent Crew. A DUE r, by Mr and Mrs. Chambers. The SIEGE OF TROY, Or, The World turn'd Upside Down, A S n|> by Miss 'mliy. Between the intervals of the Stage, EQ.T E S T R I 1 M EXERCISES. In the course of the evening, Mr. Rick'etts willgiv* in the Sailor's defcripnon nf a Fox Hunt. Proceeding the Panto Races with Rhl Po nies, the whole to conclude with a. Comic Panto mime. Doors to open at and the Performance to commence at 1-4 after 6 o'clock. Philadelphia, Jan. 4th, 1797. All persons indebted to the Estate of Joseph Paschall, deceased, ARE rcquefted to pay their refpe&ive debts without further delay, otherwise their accounts will be put into the hands of an Attorney to recover—*\nd ail those who have any demands against said Estate are deiired to bring in their accounts for settlement, to SAMUEL COATES, •) CHRIS I'R. MARSH ALL, jun £ ExVt. CHARLES MARSHALL. J eox Public Notice, (S HEREBY GIVEN, that I have applied to the judges of the Supreme Court of this state, to supply the defcit in my Title to a lot of grourtd, situate on rhe Weft fide of Fourth-itreet, containing in breadth 20 leet, and in length 56 feet, bounded Northward and Weft ward, by ground of the fubferiber, Southward by ground of Edward Shippen, and Eastward by Fourth-street, occasioned by the loss of a deed from J'ijnothy Harrington, John Lewis and James Walton, by their attorney Robert Mollyneux, —All persons concerned, required to appear before two ofN.the justices of the said court, at the house of Thomas M'Kean, esq. the Chief Justice of the state, on the jioth inft. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to make their answer to rhe bill of the fubferiber, filed in the oihee of Edward Burd,efq. Prothonotary of the said court. WILLIAM SHIPPEt , jun, Philadelphia, January 6th, 1797. dt3oth Loft, or Mislaid, At the Bjiik of the United States —Joseph Higbee'» note, dated aijth December lift, for twelve hun ed dollar#, payable at 60 d'ys to Nathaniel Lbwis & Son. Wiioever may si d the fame will pteair return it to faii Bank, or to the fuliferibei s who will allow a reward Payment being barred, it cannot be of use to any o* ther person. NATHANIEL I.EWIS & SON. 1 , it- Jan. s Territory of the United States, N. IV. of the Ohio* Turner } v, > Foreign attachment. Parker, j Notice is hereby given, To JOSEPH PARKER, late of Kaikafk a if. the (now) county of Randolph, in the Territory aforefsld, Mer cha:it, that in'purfuance of the laws of the Territory in that cafe provided, a foreign attachment hath iffuedoutof the county court ol common pleas of the said county., against the lands and tenen ents, goods, chattels and ef fects, lights and ctedits of the said Joseph Parker, at th« fu;t O. George Turner, Efqeire ;.and that unless the said Joseph Parker appear by himfclf, or Attorney, to give fpeciai bislto such suit, judgment by default will be en tered against him, at the court to f>e held in and for the said county, next, after the expiration of twelve months from this date ; and the estate or estates so attached, will be fold for the fatisfaition of all creditors, who lhall ap pear to be julUy iutitled to a demand hereon, and lhall apply for that purpose. Dated at Kalkafkia,- aforefaid, thi« twenty-ninth of March, 1796. JOHN RICE JONES, Attorney for Plaintiff. By Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, Snath Secondjlrect. SCHEME of a LOTTERY, For raising Sixty Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an .A& o£ the Leg'flature of Pennfylvaaia, pa (Ted during the lalt feflion, for building a Stone Bridge over \he River Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of Berks. Dollars, i rriie of 20 000 Dollars • 20,000 of <0 000 do. » - 10,000 of 5,000 do. • • » 15,000 of a,OOO do. • • 8,000 of *1,000 do. - 20,000 of 500 do. • • 19,500 of eoo do. • 16,000 of 100 do. - • to,ooo of 50 do. - 15,000 of 500 do to be Daid the posses- > for ®f thefiril drawn no. J , 5 do# of 3,000 do. to bq paid poiTeffors / of the five lalt drawn nos £ ifi do. ; - 141,000 1 do. 3 do. 4 do. so do, 39 do -80 do. soo do. 300 do. 1 do. do. o 9 ,4°< 10,054 Prizes 10,046 Blanks go,opo Tickets at Jen Dollars 500,000 All Prizes ftiall kJe paid fifteen days after the drawing is finifhod, upon the demand of a pofleflor of a fortunate ticket, fubjeel to a dedu&ion of twenty per cent. The Drawing will commence as foonas the Tickets are disposed of, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be giver;. Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William lVitman > Joseph Hiefler, J dmes Diemer y T/xjmas Dundas• Jame f May, John Otto y John Keim, Dcmiel Graejj\ Sebajlian Miller, Commissioners. Reading, May the 9th, *796. Tickets in the, Canal Lottery, No. a, to be had at the above office, where the earli«fl information of the drav< ing of the Walhington No. a, and lottery'#, are received, ami ch«ckkook» for examination and regif tcring are kept. O&ober 7 300,000 ; aswtf