New Books. Robert Campbell & Co. No. 40, South StcundJireet, Arc just opening a large and extenfivc aflbrtmerit of the latell and best London editions, among which are the following new, valuable and scarce Books. 'Gollc&ion of State Papers, relative to the present wars between Englaad and France, containing authentic copie of all the treaties, manifeftoes, proclamations, &c. made by the different powers, 3 vols. 8 vo Stedman's History of the American Revolution, 2 vols* 4to, with elegant maps, plates, &c. Ferrufoii's history of the Roman republic, 3 vol. 4 to. Britiih Poets, 75 vols, with the lives by Dr. Johnson. Same book, 44 vols. King of Pruflia's works 10 vols. Bvo French. M with map-, pians, Sue. 4to. Forfeit's voyage to New. Guinea, with plates, 4to. Wright'* travels thro' France, 1 vols. Bv# Dougiafson the antiquity of the earth, 4(0 Clavigero'shiltory ot Mexico, translated by Culleu, a voh 4to» plates. Condorcet's life ofTurgot Maretti's travels thro' Cyprus, Syria, &c. a vols. Lavater's e flays on Physiognomy, 3 vols. Bvo. World Diiplay'd, ao vols, bound in 19. Memoirs de Dujnouriez. Foundling hospital for wit, a colle&ion of fugitive pieees, voib. 1 amo. Letters from Paris in 1791 and '92, with a representation of he capture of Louis XVI. at Varcnnes, a vols. 8 vo. / Moore's view of Society and manners in Italy, France, Switzerland and Germany, 4 vols. Bvo. Ruffel's modern* .burope, 5 vols. Gibbon's Roman Empire, a vols, abridged. Andrew's hiftoiy of the war with America, France, Spain and Holland, 4 vols. Bvo with portraits, maps, plans, &c. Ribeaut's history of the French Revolution* Ulloa's voyage to South America Burke on the sublime and beautiful M eckar on the airainiltration of the Freneh finance* Mdrcimer's complete dictionary of trade and commerce folio. Northern antiquities, a vols. Bvo, Dediley's coilu&ion of Potms. 6 vols. Bvo. RadciifFt's journey thro' Holland, 4to. Pennant's hiifory of Quadrupeds, with elegant engravings, a 4to. Phiioiophical Di&ionary, 4 vol. ia mo. Bolingbroke's Philoiophical works, j vol. Bvo. Antiquitel's memoirs ot the Co«.rt of Louis xvi. a vol. Bvo Children's friend, in Italian, 4 vol- Bvo. Home's element's of criticism, s vol. Bvo. ColliAioa of Prologues, See. 4 vo . nmo. Buchan's life of Fletcher and Thornton, Bv®. Gay's fables, with elegant engravings, 8 vo. K.enaecy on Gardening, a vol. Bvo, ' Abercrombie's Gardener's Di&ionary, 3 vol. 12 mo. Remarkable instances in ancient and modern hillory, ex emplified by biographical iketches. Biographieal Dictionary, containing the lives ms the raoft eminent petfons, Bvo. * Comparative display of different opinions on the French revolution, a vo) Complete art of Book-keeping. Biographical anecdotes oi W. Hogarth the Painter. Button's Natural history oi Birds, 9 vol. Bvo. Elegant extf aats, prole, verfc.cpiftle and lermons 4VOIBvo. Martinicre, le SrEHd D diohaire Gcograptiijuc et On tique, is vol. folio. New fyfl>*m ol Matural History, 3 vol. 8 vo. with plitoß - lor the- government of British India, published un der toe au pices of Mr. Dundasas Secretary, 4to.' Lord fciawkcibu.y on the conduA of Great-Britain, to Neutral cations. Hoyle's Dictionary, o* treasury of music, Bvo. Hiltory of France, from the fir ft cftab ifhment of that monarchy, to, and including a narration of the late revolution, 3 vol. Bvo. Hiitery of Spam, 3 Vol. <3oldfmtth'i experimental philosophy, % vols-Svo. Kippax's I'Aeory and Pracfice of Commrree. PurtLock's and ijixou's Voyages. Family Brewer. Travels 01 Anaicharfis. Thompson's Seasons, elegant edition Payne s Geographical Extrails of natural history, 2 vol. from the German of f rofelfor Raff Williams's letters from the 18th of July to the efta blilbment of the conlUtution of '95 Frend's Algebra Chalmers's colleiUon of treaties, 1 vol. Si* on the conlh u&ion and ufc of thermometers Ned Evans, 4 vel. Clarentine, 3 vol. Sullivan's view of nature, 6 vol. Bcloe!s translation of Herodotus, 4 vol. Pindar's works, with -a new volume King of Prufiia's work, zo vji. in French _ Marshal's rural ornaments, » vol. Hoole's translation of Arioflo, a vol. The kisses of Johannes Seeuodes Bslllham's memoirs of the reign of George 111. Letters ot mi dindoe- Rajah, 2 vol. dward's history of the Well-Indies, a. vol. Bells British theatre, Ml. elegant Jones's do lovd.- do. Ouvres dc Voltaire, ;o torn. tic. Works of the kingjor.iVjffia, ,3 yol. (Engl.fh) do. Abbe de-Lalonne 3 view.of the politiciliUte ps Europe. Swift's works 37 vol. Letters from 1 vol. Gibbon's mifcellaneeus works, 3 vol. Gibbon's Roman jjnpire, 6 vol. OKS_, &c. all in the neatest and some of them in the most splen did bindings. Public and private Libraries supplied on the most reasonable terms. December 24. WHEREAS very large and heavy debts are justly due and owing from mefirs. Blair M'Clenacban and Patrick Maere, of the city of Philadelphia, merchants, trading under the firm of Blair M'Glenachan and P. Moore, and frotn Blair M'Cleiackan in bis separate capacity j to which, by the laws of the land, all the joint as well as fcparate property of the said Gentle men, is, and ought to be, liable. And whereas it is cleavly and fatisfa&orily afccrtaincd, that mr. Blair M'denachxn, of the said firm, hjie conveyed away to mr. John H. Hujlon, his fon-in law, to his daughter, mills M'Clenacban, and to his son, George M'Clenacban, several large and valuable real estates, as well as coufiderable perfenal property, in the city and county of Philadelphia, in the county of Lancas ter, in the county of New-Cafll« on Delaware, and slfewhere, with a view, as it is apprehended, to de feat the Creditors in the recovery of their just debts.— This is, therefore, to forewarn all persons whemfo-\ ever, against the purchase from the said 'grantees, or eithe* as them, of any portion of the said real or per sonal property, as the most vigorous measures will without delay be taken to render the fame liable to i the just demands of the Creditors. By order of the Creditors. Thomas Fitvtjimons, Phihp Nicklin, / IJaac V.barton, V Committee. William M'Murtrie, I Samuel IV. Fi/her, J PViladelphia, December 17th, 1796. acth;s THE caution.introduced into the public prints, warning all pcrfons agaiwft purchasing from the' grantee«of Blair M'Clenachan, any portion of the large, real and personal eftatcs he conveyed away to his fofi-in law and to his children was the result of a deliberation had upon the fubjeft by a general and numerous meeting of the creditors as well of Blair M'Clenachan and P, Moore as of Blair M'Clena chan individually. It was no more than an execu tion of that trust confided in the subscribers by those creditors : a step which it would have been a breach of duty and honor in them to have omitted. The very statement of the fact therefore must dif pcl the imputation that it was either " precipitate or vindi&ive." It originated in a defile to secure the property of the debtor as a fund for the pay ment of his just debts. It was fantfioned by the advice itt council as a measure ncctJJarj to the fafety of the creditors. If the advettifement has been injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owet that injury to his own unjuftiliable conduct, not to the iub fcrib«r» who have merely pubHfhed the truth itr terms as mild as .(lie fatt would admit, and who mean to invelligite in a high court eif justice the validity of thole purchases of which Mr. M'Cle nachan so confidently speaks. The subscribers therefore are bound by a feiife of duty to the creditors in general to repeat their caution against ptirchafing of those grantees or either of them, and to extend the terms of it to a purchase from any other persons (if such there be) to whom Mr. M'Clenachan may have made similar conveyances. (Signed) T. FITZSIMONS, Philad. Dec. J I, 1796. These printers who hive been requested to publifli the firft Caution, are defirsil to publish this all®. Pennsylvania Population Company. THE Stockholders are hereby not ified, that an ele&ion for Officers for the ensuing year, will be held at the Com - pany's Office. No. 53, North Fourth-street, on Wednes day the nth January next, at 12 o'clock. By Order of the Board, SOL. MARACHE, Secretary. December 31, THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an election for twelve Dire&ors for the enfuir.g year will be held a-t the Bank on Monday the 9th of January at ten o'clock. Dec. 6. Waihmgton lottery, WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-fu thousand. two hundred, and fifty dollar«, for the purpoie of cutting a Canal through the pity of Waihingtpn, froxi th Po tomact-o theEaftern Branch Haruour. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz 'I Prize of 30,000 dollars, 10,000 I ditto 10,000 - 10,000 7 lad drawn ") Tickots, each f .6 ditto 1,000 10 ditto 400 10 ditto 100 S'S di«o jo S 7jo ditto ' 1 a To be raised for the Canal, 5850 Prizes, 11650 Slants, not two to a prize, 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 TheCommifiioners ha»» taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid adl for tic punctual payment oi the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delays as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will he given. % ■ j >f} 1 W .*r> * J I t 4 >.'lt i j" Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the drawing is finished, (hall be considered as relinquished for the benefit*f the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed ) NOTLEY YOUNG, DANTEL CARROLL, o/D LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, .-v\ >.'J CKjr df- Feb, xi. CAUTION. TO THE PUBLIC. P. NICKLIN, ISAAC WHARTON, WILLIAM M'MURTRIE, SAMUEL W. FISHER. Bank of North America. RICHARD WELLS, Cashier, N° . I Wm. m. duncanson, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BAURY.' 3 £ 'f r* Horfcs taken in, For the Winter Seafsn, And fed 60,008 *6,iso 17 j ,000 DANCING SCHOOL. Le Breton, 5 UR CEON-DENTIST, to be uferi forthe Samuel Richardet i reaiury Department, Secretary of the T re*fittj. Wafliington Lottery. TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may-be purchafc d©r Kchangtfd for prizes, at the Office, No. 147, Chefuut* fcreet, where a correnc flable and hay loft : a barn, a carriage house, milk ftoufe, &c. wild a well of as pute water as any on the conti nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter ol land, 2- Wounding with iruit, and particularly with peach trees, of tne very belt kind, brought irom Marylarni, anrt in full bear ing. There is, moreover, on the place.- a young, apple orchard beginihft to bear, and leveral old treesthat produce ibundantly, besides cherry and othei ornamental trees, jn preat numbers. The'larm consists of near fixtj acros of land, of good quality, and cle'ar of incumbrances, except raxe«, twentv ot which are now in excellent cfover and timothy, and ten will be ready tor lowing next spring. A re lidenae ot uearly 8 y<- jr a has convinced the fubferiber that situation is remarkably healthy, The great poll road from Philadelphia 10 the Southward runs within seventy yards of the house In a word, 1 the beauties and conveni ence of this situation cannot be enumerated in an advertile merit. and when examined, will probably command the at tention of any pei son who is desirous of living atone of"the most elegant country feats on the continent. The purehafer may enter on the pcemit s next spring, or pnhaDs, this-rall, it application be immediately made to Doctor NICHOLAS WAY, in Philadelphia, to Do&or WH R 1 ON, en th« premises, or, in hi# ablence, to Mr. GEO AGE IRUI i T,-t»i Wilmington* A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, fomc Stocky Sec, may be had by the purehafer at the time of Cale. Ffn v. 7 eodtf Cit) ct uVv'ainington. SCHEME of'the TOTTERY, No. If, FOR iHE IMPROVEMENT 0 I THS. FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ) 20,000 dollars, & } dwelling-houfa, ) cafe 30,000, are } '° 0# 1 ditto is,'ooo & calk 15,000 40,000 1 dittd 15,000 & cafb 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cefb 10,000 20,000 l ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,00® 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,0*0 10,000 x cath prize of 10,000 % do. 5,000 each, are * io,oo« 10 do. r,ooo - - ' 10,000 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 • - io,oo» ( ibo do. 50 - - 10,000 4co do. 2f- - - 10,000 / 1,000 do. ro - so,opn. 15,000 do. 10 • 150,000 16,739 Prizes. ' 32,2fi 1 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickcts, he prize of 40,000 dollars will be the l a stf drawn ticket, and the AO,coo the last but one : And approved nates, fecurin'g payment in either monsy ir prizes, in ten i}ays alter drawing, will be recehed for any number not less than 30 tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri vate buildings to be ere&ed in the City of Wafliington— Two beautiful designs are already fele