To->gorr«W miing again the fame performance. OLD THEATRE. Cedar-Street. TO-MOMLOW EVENING, Thursday, January J, Signior F A L CO NI Will continue his Philosophical Performances, when, by particular desire, will be exhibited, the so much «d- mired experiment, which was performed the last night, viz. The DOVE. The performer will request any person to write any ques tion they please on paper, who vrill be at liberty to put it into a loaded pistol, and discharge oat of the Theatre; the exhibitor will neither fee nor touch the paper; and to the aftoniihmen- of the fpe&ators, the dove will inftaatly appear with an answer in his bill. Sig. FALCON!, being ambitious to contribute as muck as is in his power to the amusement of the generous citi sens, takes this opportunity of improving his perform ance, by the lively representation of An Engagemsnt between two Frigates, Or, A SEA FIGHT. This exhibition, in fliades, will undoubtedly be very interesting to the fpc&ators. They will be able to dif tinguilh the manoeuvring of the two (hips, of the guns as they are firing, with the concomitant noise ; the rigging and fails made ragged hy the (hot; the continuation of the battle, with the one lofingher ntain-topm&ft, the roar ing of the fe», and the fmeke of the guns; the view of the boats, andwonnded men on the furfaceof the watei, will give to any perfsn who has not seen one, a pfrfeft idea of afea-fight; while the conclusion of it, together with the ingenuity of the performance, will be hi,hly pleasing to every American. With several othet Experiments, and Scenery, very en tertaining. T« conclude with the celebrated DANCING MAS TER. To begin preeifely at half pafl fix Tickets to b« had at Mr North's, neat door to tke Theatre. >J. B. Box three quarters of a dollar, Pit half a dol lar, Gallery one quarter of a dolla.-. To 'the Public. THE Exhibition of Elegant Prints of the Revolu tion of France, and Generals Buonaparte, Piche jrue, icc opened some days pad, at the south-east cor* nerof High and I hird streets, formerly Cook's houfc, hating given general fatisfadtion to all those who have seen it, the Proprietor takes the liberty of informing the Public that he has added to the fame, a large and beautiful Plan of Paris (the newest extant) containing a complete view of the city itfclf, its suburbs environs, villages, houses, heights, woods, vineyards, lands, meadows, 4cc geometrically drawn, by Mr. Rouflel, ehief of the Engineers ; real*locks' of the hair of the late Queen of France, Madame, and the Dauphin, may aljobefeen. In consequence of the House being fold, he will have but a (hort time to exhibit.the Prints, and, by the adviee of his friends, he means to open e ▼ery day in the week, from 9 'till duflc. Admilfion, one quarter of a Dollar. January 3 College-Hall. Readings and Recitations, Moral, Critical, and Entertaining. Mr. FENNEIL Refpeflfully informs the Public, that ©■(THURSDAY EVENlNG,January s ,u 7 o'clock, Will be delivered, (tirst part) PRgFAroar observations. ( ContinuedJ Including f«U£tion« from Dr. Young—on Mmh, Lift. PkOtRASTINATION. (second part) Idvrin % Ang«lim, Jtlegy written in a Country Church-yard, (third part) v Alexander's Feait, • With Qccafional Rtmarkj oh the Authors. Subferiptions ar« received by MPr.Zachariah Poulfon, jun. at the Library, where the Ladies and Gentlemen ■who may be inclined to honor the undertaking with their patronage, are refpeftfully requested to fend their names and receive their tickets. Orcafioi>al admi.Tion ticket! to be had of Mr. Poulfon, Jon. at the Library; atrar. M'Elwee'p looking-gWs-ftore, No. 70, Sonth fourth-flrect ; and at Mr. Carey's, Book seller, M»i ket-ftreet—Half a dollar each. The Philadelphia Lyceum, FOR FREE DEBATE, \T7"ILL be opened THIS EVENING, Wedn.fday, VV January 4, (and every future Wednesday 'till further notice) at the Mathematical Scliool-Room, in the Unjverfity ; when the following question will be fubmitttd for general *nd free discussion. " 1/ the Institution of a National Umverfity either necessary ot-*- Arable ?" The Chair will betaken precisely at y o'clock, and the debate immediately opened. Regulation have been formed for conducing the in ftitHtion according to the flriftelt principles of order and detoi um, and for concluding the debate at an ear ly hour. Any pei son present may open the question, and the spener (hall have the exelufive privilege of reply, and concluding the debate. The question (hall he decided fcy the affirmative or negative of the majority present. Qiieftjorn of importance may b« adjourned to a fu ture evening, upon motion, to be decided by a major ity. Any person present at a debate, propole a tor a future eveniag ; tfeequeftion Ihallbe de livered in writing to the chairman, and it» reception or rrjcdion (hall be decided by a majority. Th» Hall Dial! be lighted and provided with fires; to defray the expenfet of which* Admiflion for each, ptrfsn, oneeijhthof a dollar- January 4 it Pantheon, AND RICKETTS't AMPHITHEATRE. Corner of Chefnnt and Sixtli-ftreett. For Equestrian and Si*ag e Performances. To-morrow evening, Thursday, January 5, Will be prefeated, the following 1 nteitainmeats, vir HORSEMANSHIP, A Comic Ballet Dance, called • POOR JACK ; Or, The Benevolent Crew. A DUE T, by Mr. and Mn. Chamber!. The SIEGE OF TROY, Or, The World tnrn'd Upside Down, A Song by Mist Sully. Between the iritervali of the Stage, £ Q.CT EST ft. LAN EXE R CIS E;S. In the eeurfe of th> evening, Mr. Rickett» will give in charaho nefended it prisoners of war. General Hotge had pa fled the Rhine near Man. heim, with a detachment of ten or twelve thou sand turn. The proposed ohj A from thisfnanocu vre was fuppofrd to be a diverliuit, while the arch duke ftiould attack Kehl. Odtober jj. This morning the Hamburgh mail due an Sun day, reached town. Letters from Stutgard of the Bth, (late, that a detached column of Morgan's army having paljed the Danube, fell in with the corps of Ndrtciutorf in the environs of Hechingcn. The enemy was re pnlfed with loss ; and as general Petrafch was ad vancing with his corps to Ulligen, the fame column would be taken ill flank, and rilked being entirely cut off from Moreau's aimy, ftom which it wasfc parated by the Danube. A letter from Durlach, of the Bth inlt. Rates, that the head-quarters of the Archduke Charles were, on the following day, the 9th, cxpe&ed at Renchen. On the Bth a heavy canonade was heard on the fide •■{ Landau. Oil the 7th inft (he hereditary pn'n. e of Wir temburg left Stu'gard, on his routt for Loudon. A letter from Bremen of the 18th, ftom our correspondent there, dates Lamhui to be inverted by the AuArians. Thejrraife o>ifui!i>.)«u., Firm/bed Slpartmmt:, or Bodtd & LoJgfOgl vVANT£D by twe young gentlemen. Ai l". with particulars, to beaddceffed to S. F. a: tit , of this faper. J«y«iiary 4 y