Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 02, 1797, Image 4

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    rritory of the United States, N. IV. of the Ok'f
Tbxnek -)
C Foreign attachment.
Notice is hereby given,
To JOSEPH PARKER, late ot fUfkifkia in the (now)
{cii>ity of Randolph, ip the TeTfitory aforefaid, Mer
chant, that in pursuance of the laws of the 1 erritory in
that caf« provided, a foreign attachment hath issued out of
the county court of common plea* of the said county,
against the lands and teneir ents, goods, chattels and ef
fects, rights and credits of the said joseph Parker, at the
flit of <Jeorge Turner, Esquire; and that unless the said
Joseph Parker appear by himfclf, or Attorney, to give
special bail to such suit, judgment by default will be en
tered sgaimft him, at the court to be held in and for the
said county, next, after the expiration of twelve months
from this date ; and the estate or estates so attached, will
be fold for the fatitfa<ftion of all creditors, who shall ap
peitr to be jullly intitled to a demand thereon, and shall
apply for that purpofc. Dated at Kaflcafkia, aforefaid,
this twenty-ninth of March, 1796.
JOHN RICE JONES, Attorney for Plaintiff.
WHEREAS very large and heavy debts are juftfy
#lue, and owing from messrs. Blair M'Clenachan and
Patrick Maore, of the city of Philadelphia, merchants,
tradiae under the firm of Blair M'Slenaeban and P.
■Moore, and from Blair M'Clenachan in his separate
capacity ; to which, by the laws of the land, all the
joint as well as separate property of the said Gentle
men, is, and ought, liable. And whereas
it it clearly and tatisfa&orily ascertained, thai mr.
Blair M'Clenachan, of the {aid firm, has conveyed
away to mr. John H. Hujlon, his son-in-law, to his j
daughter, miss M'Clenachan, and to his fen, George
M'Clenachan, several large and valuable real estates,
as well at considerable perfocal property, in the eity
and county of Philadelphia, in the county of Lancaf
tef, i* the countv of New-Castle on Delaware, and
clfewhere, with a" view, as it is apprehended, to de
feat the Creditors in the recovery of their just debts. —
This is, therefore, to forewarn all peffons whomfo
«ver, against the purchase from the said grantees, or
either ef them, of any portion of the said real or per
ianal property, as the molt vigorous measures will
withsut delay be taken te render the fame liable to
the jvfit demands of the Creditors.
By order of the Creditors.
Thomas Fitzjimons, "J
PbHip Nickl 'm, I •
Isaac Vharton, f Committee.
William M'Murtrie, 1
Samuel W.PiJber, J
Philadelphia, December 17th, 1796. aeth.J
THE caution introduced into the public prints,
warning all petfons agaiafl purrhafwg from the
grantee* of Blair M'Clenachaii, any portion of the
large, real and personal estates he conveyed away to
his foil-in law and to hi* children was the result of
a deliberation had upon the fubjeift by a general and
numerous meeting of the creditors as well of Blair
M'Cleoachan and P Moore as 01 Blair M'Clsna
chan individually. It was no more than an execu
tion of that trust confidod in the fubferibers by
thofc creditors : a step which it would have been a
breach of dnty and honor in them to have omitterl.
The very ftalement of the fact therefore mart dis
pel the imputation that it was either " precipitate
or vindiflive." it originated in a desire to secure
the property of the debtor as a fund for the pay
went of his just debts. It was fan&ioned by the
adviee of council as a measure nccejary to the falety
of the creditors. If the advertilcment has been
injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury
to his own unjuftiliable conduct, not to the lub
fciibers who have merely publilhed the truth iB
terms as mild as the {*& would admit, and who
Siean ro invefligate in a high court of justice the
■validity of thole purchases of whieh Mr. M'Cle
aachan so confidently speaks.
The fobfcnbers therefore are bound by a sense
if duty to the erediiors in general to repeat their
laittion against purehafing of those grantees or
cither of them, and to extend the terms of it ta a
purchase from, any other perfous (;f fueli there be)
to whom Mr. M'Clenachan may have made similar
Philad. Dee. 21, 1796.
' (Signed)
(p?T TViofe printers who have been requested to
publilh the firll Caution, are desired to publish thi»
, s W A N N'S
Riding School, Horse Academy & Infirmary.
Adioining the Public Square, Market Street. _ (
RETURNS his ("metre thanlfs to thole gentlemen by whom
Ue has been employed, during his refiderice in this City, and
flatters himfelf that the foccefs ot his efforts, in the numerous,
obstinate and dangerous diseases in Hortes, in which he has
ieen conlulted, togetner with his moderate charges, will le-
Bre their future favors and recemmendation.
He now begs leave to inform Ibem and the public at large
that his spacious and commodious premises, erefited for the
purposes above described are open fbrthe reception of pupils
of either lex, who wilh 10 beinftwifted in the Art of Riding,
an& the tight method of governing their horses, so as to ride
them with ease, elegance, and lately—their horses will be
carefully and rxpeditiouHy broke, for every purpose, and
made obedient to the will ot the riders ; the natural powers
which, are fliut up in them, will be unfolded by art, calling
forthlmitormity ot motion, and giving y that noble animal
■ aH those beauties of atlion which ptovidence has so boifnn-
fully bellowed on them.
Also, at his taofpital, every difor er to which the horse is
liable wil! be treattd according to the rulei ol art, confirmed
by long and repeated experience.
The utility of the above inftiiution has never bc«i qnedion
ed, that it has long been wanted in this city, every gemteman's
stud willmaniftft, and T. Stvann as the fifft eftabHQier ot
the veterenary art/* iolicits a*d relics upon the fuppoit of thar
public (which he is ever anxious in to enable him to
b'ingit to perfection. The idta ot a iublcription for idiat
parpofe has beeu hinted by fevertil gentleman, who wifli to
promote the !nftitution - the amount of each fubfeription to
be returned by service« in any of the departments he profefles,
agreeable to the rate of charges stated in his hand bill. Such
fobfeription is now open, and the fignaturcs of many refpc6l
ablc gentlemen already obtained. He therefore injOrms his
friendk and such Ladies and gentlemen to whom he has rot
the honor of being known, that he (hall i« a few days take
the liberty of waiting upon them and folictiiug their support
and protc&kni.
N- B. Horfe# are properjy prepared for those Ladies and
Gentlcmbnwho wi(hto b« initructeci. J
Nov. 5.
Bank of North America.
THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an
#l«aion for twelve Direaors for the ensuing year will be
'held at the Bank on Monday the 9th of January at ten
) RICHARD WELLS, Cafliier.
Pec. «.
Washington Canal Lottery,
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix. thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Wa(hington, frosi th o
tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz 'I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 30,©00
I ditto 10,000
7 laa drawn •>
Tickets, each y
6 ditto
10 ditto
ao ditto
55 ditto
575° ditto
To be
5850 Prizes,
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, atTenDollars, -
45" The Cemmiffioners hava takep the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid a& lor the punctual payment ol
the prizes.
The drawing of tlm Lottery wilt-commence, without
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finiflied, fha.ll be considered as relinquilhed for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
Crty of Wa(hir|
FOR railing fix thoafand fix hundred and sixty-seven
dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per
centfromthe prizes, and not two blanks to aprizs. viz
I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000
r 1000 1000
1 500 s eo
5 aoo i° CG
20 100 1000
99 5° *W°
100 *S ' s°°°
4000 IO »0,000
5 Last draw-n numbors of 1000 dollars each, 5000
. ' 7
1331 Prizes.
4018 BUnl*»
635 0 Tickets at Seven Dollars each.
By order of the Directors of the Society for ellablilh
,ig Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperint-endants of the Pat
erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the
foregoing S»heme to the public, and have directed them
to refund the money to persons who have purchased
in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
n this Lottery.
The lottery hasa&uallyeommenced drawing, and will
continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
may be seen at thr office ol Wiiliam Blackburn, No. 64
south Second street, who will give information where tick
ets may be procured.
Dated this 17th day of June, 1796;
I Pri?c of 5000
1 1000
5 aoo
10 ioct - ' " - aooo
90 jo ... 4500
16s *5 * " 412 -5
The five lift drawn ticket#, 1000 e«ch, jooo
Beinp all the valuable prizes, besides a full propor
tion oi the 10 doljari.
As the Lottery is considerably more than one third
drawn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great
ly increased, and it is worth the notice of tjiofe
who hold tickets in the old scheme, that they can ex*-
change ttoeir tfckets for tho!e in the above, if thef ap
ly soon, and at a moderate advance sonfidering the
now real value of an undrawn tick;t.
The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in
future will be oftener, and the Lottery soon finifhed.
November iz. mws
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
South Second-Jlrtet.
for railing Sixty Thousand Dollars, agreeably l® an AQ of
the Legislature of Pennfylvaaia, passed during the lad
feflion, for building a Stone Bridge over the Rivet
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of
Berks. ' Dollars.
i Priae of 20,000 Dollar*
1 do. of iQjOoo do. • - 10,000
3 do. of 5,000 do. - • 15*000
4 do. of 2,000 do. • - B,coo
so do. of 1,000 do. - 20,000
39 do, of 500 do. - - *9>5 ofe
80 do. of 200 do. - • - t6,0c0
soo do. of 100 do. - ~ • - 20,000
300 do. of 50 do. - - i£j® oc ?
1 do< of s©o do. to be paid the posses- )
for of the firft drawn 110. >
c do. of 3, ©00 do. to be piaid poffeflbrs ) Q0
of the five last drawn nos 5
15 do,
9,400 do. o
30,00© Tickets at Ten Dollar® 3©®,0«0
All PrUes (hall be paid fifteen days after the drawing is
finiihed, upon tl»e d«mand of a poffeflor of a fortunate
ticket, fub)e& to a dedufiion of twenty per cent. The
Drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are difpofea
of, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be given.
Philip Miller, Peter Kerjbner, William Oilman,
Joseph Hiejler, James Diemer, Thomas Dundas,
James May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Graejf\
Sehajtian Miller, Commissionbrs.
Reading, May the 9th, 1796
Tickets in the £anal Lottery, No. I, to be had at the
above office, where the earliest. information of the draw
ing of the Washington No. a, and Patterfon Lottery's,
are receifcd, and chetk books for examination and regif
ten; ,; arc kept.
•Qftober 7.
•aifed Cor th« Caaal,
Wm. m.duncanson,
[ion, Fel>. 11.
Paterlon Lottery.
By Authority.
10,054' Prizes
10,046 Blanks
Horses taken In,
For the Winter Season,
And fed on clover hay at the Subscribers place, 11
iriles on the Bristol Road, where good stabling is pro
vided, and great care will be taken of them
William Bell.
WILLIAM M'DOtTGALL will open his school on Mon
day the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at his
Elegant hew Ball Rooms,
In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets.
Hours oi tuition for young ladies, from 10 to i o cjoek
on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for
young gentlemen frpm 6 to 9 o'clock on the eveniags ®
the fame days..
In Addition to a number of new cotillioas, he means t>o
introduce a variety of Scotch Reels.
Note. Th.* firft ball to be on Tuesday e
vening, the firft of November, and to be continued every
Tuesday, durmg fc .he season.
For terms, ice, enquire at his house, N*.134» Market-
3 j i°°°
2 poo
Oil. 17
A Manufadtory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE MBnufaflory, fixate
in a convenient part of the city ; the works almost
on an entirely original conftru&ion, and built of the b-elt
material*, and may be set to work immediately. Persons
whowilh'to purchase, a«e requeued to apply at No 273,
South Second Street. September 13. t t f it
Twenty Guineas Reward.
RAN AW AY from the fubferiber on the-23d O&ober,
a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES; 11 years
old ; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a muted green
coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttqna ;
a striped vest ; a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and
whole boots mu#h worn. It is probable Ik mas change
his name and dress. He has bee«i accustomed to driving
a carriage., and waitings The above reward will be
paid for fccuring him so that the fubftribet may get him
j again, and if brought home all reofonable charges paid by
Robihs Chamberlaine.,
Maryland, Nov. to. 14 §im*awtf
Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the
King and Royal Family of France, member of the
College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris,
Keeps a complete afibr'tm;nt,of every thing neoefliry
to be „
Preservation of the Mouth and Teeth.
Patent Minoral Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth ;
Dentrifiee in powder ; Opiate ; cxpellent Elixir for
sweetening the mouth and preserving the teeth he
also furnilhee Bruflies and foft Sponges.
*„* He lives in Chefnut-ftreet, No* 135, above
November 16
Respectfully inarms the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he h»» this day opened the CITY
city of Philadel; hi*:
The Subscription Room vrill be furaiftied with all the
daily papers ia Philadelphia, New-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety
of Frcnch Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments,
will at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mod
approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries.
! The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest
produ&ions of the Season.
Large and small Farties, or single Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppcr», at
i hours mod conv. nient to themfelve6 —a cold Collation is
' regularly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had
at the bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, aad
' the utmost attention paid to deanlinefs, and every other
j requisite. ,
j 0- Samuel Rjcharpet will behappyto receive, and
execute the commands of his Fricpds, and the Public at
laro-e; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
! himfelf that nothing on his part ihali be wanting to pre
fervcthat patronage with which he has been so diftinguiih
iugly i'lonored.
j' Philadelphia. April iq
Treaiury Department,
September 28, 1796.
NOTICE is hereby given, that propofaU wril lie re
ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Trcafury
until the expiration of the firft day of March next en
suing, for the supply of all rations which may he required
for tlie use of the United States, from the firft day of
June, 1797, to the. thirty "-Aril day of May, 1798, both
days inclusive, at the pla«es and within the diftrifts here
after mentioned, vie. At Ofwego; j.t Niagara ; at
Pjefque lfie; at Sandufky Lake, and on Sandtilky
River ; at Detroit; at Michiiimackinac; at Fort-Frank
lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ;
at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-jcfferfon ;'it Grenvillc; at
Pieque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place b«low Fort
Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Erie; at Fort
Steuben ; at Fort Mafiic ; at any place from Fort Maffac
to the south boundary of the United Statss on the river
Mifliftppi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon.
If supplies (hall be required lor any posts or places not
mentioned in this notice, all such supplies shall be fur
nifhed at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
polls before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on
.between the United States and the Contractor.
The rations to be fuppiicd are to consist of the fol
lowing articles, viz.
One pound two ounces of bread or flour.
One pound two ouncoe of beef, or fourteen ounces Qf
pork or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy rr U-hifkey.
One quart and half a pint of fait."}
Two quarts of Vinegar, ( , )cr hundred ration?
Two pounds of Soap, (
One pound of Candles, J
The rations are to be furnifhed inf«ch quantities, as that
there shall at all times during the said term, be fuffieient
for the conljumptionof the troops nt Michilimackinac, De
troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix months in
advance, and at each of the other posts, for the term of
at least three months in advance, in good and wholclome
provisions, if thefame shall be required. It is to be un
derstood, that the ContraSor is to be « the ex»ence and
rifle of ifluirg die fuppliss to the troops at each pod, and
that all lofies fuftaiued by the depredations of an enemy, or
by means of the traops of the United States, ftiall be paid
for at the price of the articles captured or destroyed, on
the depositions of two cr more persons of creditable cha
ra&ers, and the certificate of a commiffioncd officer, at
ccrtaining the circumstances of the loss, and the amount
of thS atticloa for which aompsnfation ft all be claimed
a 0,000
Le Breton,
Samuel Richardet
Se«r*tarjr «f the Treasury.
Washington Lottery.
TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purchifrd or
exchanged for prizes, at the Office, No. 147, ChiTmijr
street, where a corr»3; Numerical Bosk is kept for pubil:
infpe&ion. Also Canal Lottery Tickets for sale or ex- <
changed for prizes diaww in the Wafhingto* Lottery, of
which the 50th and 51ft days returns are received,
i-y- Th® Business of a Broker curried on as usual.
V A SHARK in the NEW THfiAIRE to be fold
on reasonable terms. December 29. ttstf
James M'Alpin, Taylor,
No. 3, South FourthJttert,
RETURNS hs grateful acknowledgments to his
Friends and the Public for their liberal encouragement,
and begs leave te solicit a continuance of their iavors.
He has on hand an extensive assortment of the
Moji Fajhionable GOODS,
And of the b<rft quality, suitable for the season.
At this ihop Gentlemen can be furnifhed withthe
materials, and have then made up in the nesteft and most
Fashionable manner, a»d on the fhortcG notice. He will , j
thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and f
pun Anal attention to them.
November 10. ws
A LEASE for /even \ears 9 from the 2 $tb March next, in that
• capital and beautiful FARAI % called
' Situated within one quarter of a milfc'from the Brandywine
5 Mills, and halt a mile from the borough of Wilmington.
> 'T'HE* dwelling house is built of stone, two (lories hi 1,
* gentefly finifhed, and contains four handfrme rooms, on
a floor, beftdes an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient
cellars It is geneially thought to command the most a*
> greeabje profpeft of the Delaware, from the source of that
9 livei to the Capes. This profpeft ia greatly en.billifhcd by
3 a full view of a vast body ol meadow, through which the -
; Omftiana and Brandy wine creeks are feed winding ir. beau
d tiful meanders. Near the house are a Kitchen, a fpacioui
e hone Aable and hay loft, a barn, a carriage house, mifk-
U ftoufe, &c. and a well of as puie water as any on the conti
,c nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, a
n bounding with fruit, and particularly with peach trees, of
the very befl kind, brought from Maryland, and in full bear
ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a you'.r, apple
orchard begining to bear, and several old tree« that produce
abundantly, besides cherry and other ornamental trees, in
great numbers. The farm consists of near sixty acres of land,,
of good quality, and clear of incumbrance*, except taxei,
twenty'of which are now in excellent clover and timothy,
[e and ten more will be ready for lowing next fpri»g. A re
fidenee of nearly 8 years has convinced the fubferiber that
IC the fnnation is remarkably healthy. The great post road
from Philadelphia to the Southward runs wjihin seventy
T yards of the house. In a word, the beauties and eonveni
, ence of this situation cannot be enumerated in an advertise
ment, and when examined, will probably command the at- I
tention of any person who isdefirous of living at one qntkc
1 ' most elegant country feats on the continent. The purehafer
3r may enter on the premif-S next spring, or perhaps, this fall,
if application be immediately made to Doctor NICHOL AS
WAY, in Philadelphia, to Do&or WH R I ON, otitic
or, in his absence, to Mr. GEORGE FRUIT T, in
A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, some j.
- Stock, See. may be had by the purehafer at the time of sale.
Nov. j eodtf
■y City ot Waihingtoa.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A magnificent ) 10,000 dollars, & }
'.dwelling-houfo, j "ft l 30,000, are ) '
• j ditto 15,000 & cafli 15,000 40,00®
ts ' I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000
. , 1 ditto 10,000 & c«fh 10,000 «0,000
1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 & cafe 5,000 10,000
1 cash prize of 10,000
a do. 5,000 each, are *■ 10,000
be to do. 1,000 - - 10,000
at ao do. 500 • - 10,000
1 i s 00 do. 100 • - 10,000
lad aoo do. 50 10,000
J4OO do. a 5 - 10,000
ind 1,000 do. ao - ao,oo»
tier 15,000 do. I* 150,000
'"d 16,739 Prizes. •
at Rlankj.
ges —
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000
llfl- ________ 1
N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of
__ Tickets,the prixe of 40,000 dollars will be tke last drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved notes, seCuring payment in either money
or prizes in ten days alter drawing, will be received for
7 s " any number not kfs than 30 tickets.
ur y This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of thepri
e!l7 vate buildings to be ere&ed in the City of Washington—
rc<* Two beautiful designs are already fele&ed for the entire
°l fronts on two of the public squares; from these Drawings
' it is proposed to ereel two centre and four corner buildings,
- re »s soon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
at them, when-complete, to the fortunate adventursrs, in
y the mannerdefcribed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery,
"k" A nett deduflion of five per cent, will be made to defray
on * the necessary exprnfes of printing, the furplu*
at will be made a part of the fund intended for the National
i at University, to be creeled within the city of Wafliington.
" ort The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
\S rt old off.—The money priics will .be payable in thirty days
c after ill is finifhed ; and any prize* for which foctunate
iver n*mbers aie not produced within twelve months after th«
drawing is closed, are to be confidercd as given toward*
s not the fund for the University ;it being determined to fettle
tu ' r " the whole business in a year from the ending of the dr&w
ing, and to take up the bonds given as security.
on The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes,
f : are held by the.President and two Dire<9ors of the Bank
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a
mount of the lottery.
, The twe»ty four gentlemen who by appointment o£
s the late CommiSioners aflifted in the management of the
Hotel Lottery are requefled to undertake this arduous tafh
a second time on behalf ef the public ; a fufficient nufn
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
ions friends to a National University and the other federal eb
jo&s may continue to favor the design.
By accounts received from the different parts of th«
Continent as well at from Europe, where the ticketi
have been sent for sale, the public are afTured that ths
drawing will speedily commsn«e, and that th« care and
in f ca»tion"unav»idably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of
" 0 tlw tickets, has rendered the fhorr fufpejificu indifpenfablc.
U ",i »§« Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of
:an , James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Feter Oilman, Boston -
1 r an of John Hopkins, Richmond : and of Richard Wells'
paid Cooper's Ferry. eo
i, on —r —~ I, n, ,1 in 1
! cha- ■■ f * —
f flt —No. 119—
ry. [Pricc Eight Dollafi p«r \EmirH.;