Treasury of the United States. OTICE is hereby given to all perfJns who are or TH' IN may b® Creditor* of the United States,for any sums eIe«M of the Fended Debt, or Stock, tearing a prefeni interejl of fx held 3- o clod tcr Oentvm per annum. • ift, That pursuant to an Ad of CoHfrrcfs palled on the aS.h day nf April, 1796, intitledan aa in addition to an Bet aft, intituled " An ad making futther provision tor the support of public credit, and tor the redemption of the yV public dekt," the said debt or stock will be reimhurfed and iaid m manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends " to be made on the last days of March, June and fieptem- VT! '« ber for the present year, and from the year one thousand V V " seven hundred and ninety-foven,to tht year one thou- twoh •' sand eight hundred & eighteen the rate of a Cai « one and one half per centum upon the original capital, toma " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day ot " December for the present year, and from the year one " thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year " one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, at « the rate of three and one half per centum npo:. the ori «• «inal capital; arid by a dividend to be ma e on the latt '■ day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then a.le " quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp " tion of the said flock." ad. All diftinaion between payments on account ot nterefi and Principal being thus abolished by the establish ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement above de has become necessary to vary accerdingly thi powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public reditors will therefore observe that the following form s eftablithed for all powers of attorney Which may be g granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, viz. quu KNOW ALL MEN Mr THESE PRESENTS, that the I °f 1 .. do make, conjlitute and appoint 0 j- my true and lawful At- n °t ttrneyyfor me , and in my name, to receive the d.vidcnds which are, J or (ball be payable according to law, on the (hers deicribmg the stock) Handing in my name in the books of (here defcnbing, the the books of the Treasury or the Commiflioncr of I,oans, ■where the stock is credited) from (here tnfert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power ot attorney is to continue) tilth power also an attorney or attor niu under him, for that purpose to maie andfubfitiete, and to do all Uwful alii requifttefor effeAing thepremfes, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney or bisfubjiitute,jball lawful ly do, by virtue hereof. ' In Wltnefs hereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal th> day if •" near Sealed and Delivered r in presence of, 1 BE IT KNO WN, that on the day of cel tfore me personally came within named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to be tit aCi and deed. In tejiimony -whereof I have hereunto set my Han Itnd affix ed Seal the day and year tap afcrtjaid. Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July 1796, parfuant to directions from the Secretary of the Treasury , c SAMtJEL MEREDITH, Treasurer of the United Statu. July** W tIJ - V CAUTION. _ 6. WHEREAS very large and heavy de">ts are juftty due and owing from ineffrs. Blair M'Clenachan and in Patrick Meore, of the city of Philadelphia, merchants, ei trading under the firm of Blair M'<nachan and P. \ « Moon, and from Blair M'Clenachan in his separaTe . K capacity ; to which, by the laws of the land, all the ( ir joint as well as separate property of the said Gentle- 1 men, ie, and ought to be, liable. And whereas | it is clearly and fatisfaftorily ascertained, that mr. | Bletir M'Clenachan, of the said firm, has conveyed ; f< sway to mr. John H. Huflon, h-is foil-in law, to his e daughter, miss M'Clenachan, and to his son, Gorge M'Clenachan, several large and valuable reai estates, as well as confiderab'.e personal property, in the city and county of Philadelphia, in the county of Lancas ter, in the eounty of New-Castle on Delawtre, and elsewhere, with a view, as it is apprehended, to de feat the Creditors in the recovery of their just debts. — This is, therefore, to forewarn all pcrfons whomfo •ver, against the purchase from the said grantees, or «ith«r of them, of any portion of the said real or per ' fonal property, as the moil vigorous measures will without delay be taken to render the fame liable to j(h« just demands of the Creditors. By order of the Creditors. Thomas F'tfzjlmons, Philip Nickltn, I Isaac Ybarton, > Committee. W'uliarn M'Murtrie, I Samuel IV■ Fifber, J Philadelphia, December 17th, 17961 20th.} TO THE PUBLIC. THE caution introduced into public prints, warning all pcrfons against purcbafing from the grantees of Blair M'Clenachan, any portion of the large, real and personal estates he conveyed away to fais fon-in law and to his children was the result of a deliberatioa had upon the fubjeft by a general and numerous meeting of the creditors as well of Blair M'Clenaehan and P Meore as of Blair M'Clena chan individually. It was no more than an execu tion of that trust confided in the fubferibers by those creditors: a step which it would have been a breach of .duty and honor in them to have omitterl. The very statement of the fadt therefore must dif pcl the imputation that it was either " precipitate or visdictive." It originated in a desire to secure the property of the debtor as a sand for the pay ment of his just debts. It was fanflioned by the •dvice of council as a measure necejfary to the fafety of the ceeditor3. If the advenil'ement has been injurious ta Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury to his (Twn unjuftiliable conduct, not to the fub feribers who have merely piibliflied the truth iB terms as mild as the fait would admit, and who mean to in*eftigate in a high court of justice the validity of thole purchases of which Mr. M'Cle nsehan so confidenily speaks. The fobicribsrs therefore are bound by a sense as duty to the creditors in general to repeat their caution against purchasing of those grantees or , either of them, and to extend 4 the terms of it to a purchase from any other persons (if such there be) * to whom Mr. M'Clenachan may have made finailar conveyances. (Signed) T. FITZSIMONS, P. NICKLIN, ISAAC WHARTON, WILLIAM M'MURTRIE, SAMUEL W. FISHER. Philad. Dec. 21, 1796. #3* Those printers who have been requested to puhlifli the firft Caution, are defirsd to -publilh this also- Bank of North America. y THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an eleilion for twelve Direaors for the ensuing year will be A(< held at the Bank on Monday the gt'n of January at ten re ilea o'clock. _ . vhlsH RICHARD WELLS, Calhter, v ' t)ea Dec. 6. _ , .. * — Nc Walhington Can-al Lottery, N°. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authored WIL the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, da two hundred, and fifty dollar*, for the purpofc of cutting a Canal through the City of Walhington, froxi th Po tomac to theEaftern Branch Haruour. In ■The following is the SCHEME of No. I. H Vis -I Prize of 10,000 dollars, ao.coo on! t ditto jo,ooo 10,000 y°ui 7 laftdrawr.-> Js>ooo the' Tickets, each $ . 111 6 ditto I.OOS 6,000 intr< IO ditto 400 4»°o® 20 ditto 100 a,OOO veni 55 ditto 50 »,75° Tue 5750 ditto u 69,008 1' To be r-aifed for the Canal, 16,150 lire' i 0 5850 Prizes, *75> 000 11650 Blanks, n-ot two to a prize. I 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - I7J>° 00 f ; &y- The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re ; n a quired by the aforefaid a& tor the punaual payment ol on ; t the prizes. . ma' The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without wh. delay, as soon as thf Tickets are fold, of which timely Sou . notice will be given. . Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after tht* e' drawing is finilhcd, fball be confiden das relinquished for 1 the benafit ef the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. a I rS.gned) NOTLEY YOUNG, old DANIEL CARROLL, c 0; )f LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, II Wm. m.duncanson, ms id THOMAS LAW, " /- JAMES BARRY. P g City of Wafhipgton, Feb. % Paterion Lottery. _ FOR raising fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents, by a dedudion of fifteen per cent'from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 li be j 1000 1000 t 500 J°° *- s 100 ioco K 10 100 1000 n - 09 jo, 4950 p ,ns »oo 1-5 i°°° 1000 16 10,000 5 Last drawn numbers of K3OO dollars each, 5000 1331 Prizes. 44>450 4018 Blanks. p 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44.41° _ lly By order of the Diredors of the Society for cftablifli nd mg Weful Manufaaures, the fuperintendants of the Pat its, erfon I.ottery have requested the Managers to offer the p i foregoing Saheme to the public, and have directed them a '( e 'to refund the money to those persons who have purehafed ; j t^e ' in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets , c ,i ! n this Lottery. ' j The lottery has anally commcnccd drawing, and will ! & ea ° continue until finilhed. A lift ol the Blanks and Prizes | . I1r ; 1 may be seen at the office o) William Blackburn, No. 64 r south Second ftrcet, who will give information where tick- a ets may hi procured. r £ e Dated this 17th day of June, 1796; c tes > J. iV CUMMING, 7 > -"T JACOB R.'HARDENBERG, > Managers, -as' JONATHAN RHEA, J t a d n e d _ STATE OF THE WHEEL. i, 1 Prize of 5000 ... 5000 nfo- 1 1000 - - - 1000 ,or I 500 - - » S°° j j per- J *°° - - • - ioco I , w iU 10 ico - a°°o 1 eto 9° -5° ~ 45°° ; 165 15 - - - - 4i25 , The five last drawn tickets, 1000 e-ch, 5000 1 Being all the valuable prizes, betides a full propor- . 1 tion of the 10 dollars. 1 C; As the Lottery is considerably more than one third drawn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great ly increased, and it is wofth the notice of those .4 who hold tickets in the old scheme, that they can ex- ! change their tickets for thole in the above, if they ap ly fodo, and at a moderate advance considering the now real value of an undrawn ticket. The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in j IBts future will be oftener, and the Lottery soon finilhed. November iz. mw< I the By Authority. iy to ll °| Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. Jla ' r Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, ' ena " South Second-Jlreet. .ecu- — » by SCHfiME of a LOTTERY, ren a p or raising Sixty Thousand Dollars, agrefably to an Aft o( tterl. the Leg (lature of Pennfylvaaia, passed during the last jjf ictfion, for building a Stone Bridge over the River . * Schuvlkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of Itate Berks. Dollars, ■cure 1 Prise of 10.000 Dollars - «0,000 pay. 1 do. of to,ooo do. - - 10,000 f 3 do. of fi,ooO do. ... 15,000 1 do, of b,ooo do. - - 8,000 atety ao do, of 1,000 do. - 90,000 been 39 do. of 500 do. . - »9is°® siurv MO ' ' of the five last drawn nos 'Cle- g t^oo o 15 do. ! - 141,000 sense 10,054 Priies 300, o®o j 10,046 Blanks — tneir 1 es or 30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000 : to a All Prizes (hall be paid fifteen days after the dra wing is e b e ) finilhed, upon the demand of a po (left or of a fortunate • J , ticket, fubjift to a deduction of. twenty per cent. The JRllar D raw i n g will commence as soon as the Tickets are disposed of, or perhups sooner. of which public notice will be given. Philip Milter, Peter Kcrjbner, William Witman, Joseph Hicfler, Jamts Diemer, Thomas I)undas, Jamer May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Graejf, lE, Sebajlian Miller, Commissioners. , Reading. May the 9th, 1796, Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. 1, to be had at the above office, where the information of the draw ing of the Walhington No. a, and Patterfon Lottery's, ed to arc reC eived, and ehfcek books for examination and regif h thii teringare kept. Odobsr 7. 4»wtf liorfes taken in, j For the Winter Sea/on, Tl A&d cm clover hay at the Suhfcribers place, I'i I • relies on the Bristol Road, where good stabling is pro- - Yided, and great care) will be taken of them I William Bell* I whic Nov. 23. mwfawmthtf. I 0 DANCING SCHOOL. J* WILLIAM M'DOUGALL will open his school on Mon- I day the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at hii I Elegant hew Ball Rooms, J R In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut streets. J Fr j e Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to 1 o cloek 1 an( j on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for young gc*tlernen from 6 to 9 o'clock on the eveniags © | the fame days. In addition to a number of new cotillio*s, he mean* too J introduce a variety of Scotch Reels. I Note. The fkft pra&ifirag ball to be on Tuesday e- mat vening, the firft of November, and to be continued every tail Tuesday, during the season. | 1 a ' 1 For terms, &c, enquire at his house, N«.134» Market- j p*n ft*cet. Pit. 17. tthl I ~ A Manufactory FOR SALE. J A A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufaaory, fihiate I in convenient part of the city ; the works almott n^ w * I ' on an entirely original confttudlion, and built of the belt j Siti materials, and may be set to work immediately. Persons I t who with to purchase, arc rcqucfted to apply No 273, jrl I South Second Street. September 13. tt I ti I 1 Twenty Guineas Reward. I*" r RANAWAY from the fubferiber on the 13d Oflobar, j g, ( a Dark MtILATTO BOY, named MOSES; 21 years .iv old ; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mked greeu a f coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttons; 1 Cfc a striped vest ; a pair of dark spotted puttaloons, and j tifi whole boots much worn. It is probable he may change jho his name and dress. He has been aceuftomed to driving «° a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will he 1" c paid for fccuring him so that the fubferiher may get him 1 " again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by j Robins Chamberlaine. or ' F. aft on, Maryland, Nov. 10. 14 imiawtf jah n Le Breton, ot ;r SURGEON-DENTIST, ,o Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the j ™ ;o King and Royal Family of France, member of the I[h 30 College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris, jf, :c Keeps a complete afTortment of everything necefTary j y. 50 to be used for*.he 1 er 5° Preservation of the Mouth and 1 eeth. 64 : mercial cities of Europe—They will be regwlarly filed ck- an( j none permitted to be taken away on any aecount. Tea, Coffee, Soupet, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. ■rs. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mofl approved Malt Liquors frgmLondon and other breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest 300 productions of the Season. 300 ! Large and small Farties, or Gngle Gentlemen, may be >°° ! accommodated with BroaVfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at 3co hours most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is 500 regularly kept for convenicncy, the Billof Fare to be had 500 at the b;ir. "5 The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and 300 | the utmost attention paid to clcaulinefs, and every other lor- ; requifitc. I gj" Samuel Richardet will behappyto receive, ana lird execute the commands of hi 6 Friends, and the Public at sat- large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges lose himfelf that nothing on his part shall be wanting to pre ex- i lerve that patronage with which he has diftinguilh ap- ; mgly honored. t )j e i Philadelphia April iq mwf ; Treaiury Department, ' j September 28, 1796. 1C ' ; -X TOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will he re ... j lN acivcel at the office of the Secretary of the Trcafury j until the expiration of the firft day of March next en suing, for the supply ofall. rations which may he required for the use of ehe Uniuf States, from the firlt day of June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both days inclusive, at the pia«es and within the diftri&s here g. after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at Piefque llle; at Sandufky Lake, and on Sanduiky River; at Detroit,; at Michiliitiackinac; at Fort-Frank lin; at Pittsburgh ;at Cincinnati; at Fo! t-Hanailton ; at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jsfferfon; at Orenville; at ■® of Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at '"ft Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place below Fort * iv " Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort 'Y of Suuben ; at Fort Maffac ; a: any place from Fort Maffac to the foutlt boundary of the United States on the river >,oco Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon. ),000 . lf fuppiiej (hall be required for any pods or places not j' 000 mentioned in. this notice, all fuoh supplies shall be fur niflied at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the 3 '°°° posts befpre recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on •p 00 between the United States and the Contraaor. s'ooo The rations, to be supplied are to con lift tof the (ol i,ooo lowing articles, viz. One pound two ounces of bread or flour. Sco5 co One pound two ounce* of beef, or fourteen ounces of pork or bacon. Half a gill of rum, brandy or whiskey. ,000 One quart and half a pint of fait.") Two quarts ®f Vmegar, (per hundred rations I >,o®o Two pounds of Soap, ( r ~ One pound of Candles, The rations are to be furnifhed infmch quantities, as that 3,000 there shall at all times during the said term, be fufficiem "g 15 f or t he coafumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, Dc una't tro ; ti Niagara, and Ofwego, fer the term of fix months in ,] advance, and at each of the other posts, for thej term of P 0 0 at lead three months ill advance, in good arid whoiefome P Ven ' rrovifisns, if the fame shall be required. It is to be un derstood, that the Contraaor is to be at the exj»ence and nd/it, ri(k of ijfuipgthe supplies to the troops at each post, and raejf, that all loffcs sustained by the depredations of an enemy, or by means of thetr»ops of the United States, fkall be paid for at the price of the articles captured or deftroyod, on it the the depositions of two or more persons of creditable eha- Jraw- racers, and the certificate of a commillioncd oSccr, af <'.rv's, the circunaftances Of the loss, and the amou&t reirif of ths ai tides foi which oompenfation shall be claimed OLIVER WOLCOTT, wt f • Secretary of the Trcafary. Waftiington Lottery. TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purchased or exchanged for prizes, at the Office, No. 147, Chefnut* £reet* where a corrc& Numerical Book is kept for public infpe&ien. Also Canal Lottery Tickets for sale or ex changed for prizes diawn in the Wafhingtoa Lottery, oi which the 50th and sill days returns ire received. £$• Th» Bufincfs of a Broker carried on a* ufaaU A SHARK in the NEW THEATRE to be fold en reafonable,terms. December 49 ttstf James M'Alpin, Taylor, Ne. 3, South Fourthfireet, RETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to hi* Friends and the Public for their liberal encouragement, and begs leave to solicit a continuance of their tavori. lie has on hand an extensive assortment of the Mojl Fajhienabte GOODS, And of the quality, suitable for the fe*fon. At this shop Gentlemen can be furnifhed withthe best materials, and have the*i made up is the neatest and most SP FaihiOnable manner, a*d on the shortest notice. He will thankfully receive any orders, pntl pay a prompt and punctual attention, to them. November 10. w * r O B E SOLD, A LEASE for /even \cars ,from the 2 $tk March next, in that capital and bermtijul FARM* called P R O S P E C T-H ILL, Situated within one quarter of a mile from the Brandywjne Mills, and hall a mile from the borough of Wilmington. dwelling house is built of (lone, two stories high, * genteflv firnfhed, and contains four handsome rooms 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & c&ih 10,000 20,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 io,oo» 1 cash prize of 10,000 » do. 5,000 each, are ~« 10,000 g j, c lo do. 1,000 - r 10,000 at ao do. 500 - - 10,000 ; s 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 / lad 100 do. 50 10,000 400 do. 25 - • IP>OOO md l,ooe do. 20 % - a«,ooo kcr 15,000 do. 10 - 150,000 ind 16,739 Prizet. , at 33»»5i Btanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. B. Tofavour those who may take a quantity of 1 1_ Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will'be tke la drawn t ticket, and the 30,000 the last but out : And approved notes, securing payment in either money or prizes, in ten days after drawing, will be received for r6 ~ any numbernot less than 30tickets. ur y This Lottery will afford an elegant fpeeimen of the pri cn* vate buildings to be erected in the City of Washington— red Two beautiful designs are already felefled for the entire fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawingt ot ' l it ispropofed tocrecl two centreand fourcorner bsildmgn, - re ' ms soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey at them, when complete, to the fortunate adventursrj, in ifcy thc manner described in the scheme for ''» Hotel Lottery. A nctt deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray on > tl:e necefiary cxpenfes of printing, the surplus at will be made a part of the fund intended for the National ■ at University, to be eie&ed within the city of Washington. •ort ih e Drawing will commence as soon as the tiekets are ' ort old off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty day. Ac after it is finiflied ; and any prizej for which fortunate IYer numbers aie not produced within twelve months after th« drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards not the fund for the University ; it being determined to fettle ■ ur " the whole blifinefs in a year from the ending of the draw t'le ing, and to take up the bonds given as fe^urity. on The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Diredltfrs of the Bank k*" of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a mount ot the lottery. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of j ol the late dommiflioners aHi (led in the managers (-nt of the 1 Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous tafic a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num 1 ber of these having kindly accepte<|, it Is hoped that the ions friends to a National University and the other federal ob» jeilsmay contisueto favor the design. By accounts received from the different parts of the Continent as weft as from Europe, where the ticket. ;1 5 m have been sent for sale, the public are aflurod that th« ." drawing will speedily commcme, and that the care and caution unavoidably nec.fiary to insure u fafe disposal of ™ 0 th« tickets, has rendered the Jtiort fufpetifion indifpeniabfe. ; nmc SAMUEL BLODGET. ""j «§« Tiekets may be had at the B«nk of Columbia ;of ail j James Weft & Co. Baltimore ;of Peter Gilman.'Bofton ; an of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard W«ll»f ]| Coo P er ' s Ferr y- eo i, on ~ , i , " " r,af- prinTED Bt JOHN FES NO, > ouat _No. 119— CH ESN UT-S TREE T. ry. (Prifcc Eigiit Do Hal's j»®r