Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 31, 1796, Image 1

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    of the & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Nvmbsh 1346.] SATURDAT EVENING, DECEMBER 31, 1796. ' [Volume X.
.■> M w n I > f * /I 1 -v T TT» T> \T T1 1 1 Tt O 1 Tk T
To the Public.
IT ha? been the wish of almost every class of citi
zens in America, that a Gazette might be published in
the Metropolis, once « week which would exclude ad
vertisements altogether. A Urge sheet, en this .plan
would contain all the intelligence, foreign and domes
tic ; —it Would come t« the fnbfcribers at a small ex
pence, compared with that ot the Daily paper.,* a
great proportion of which is necefTariiy filled with ad.
vertifemente ; —it would beeafily preferred and bound
in a volume at the end of each year, or be convenient
ly transmitted to correspondents in any part of the
The ftrft number of 3 paper on this plan to be entit
will be published in the city of Philadelphia on Thurs
day the sth day wf January, 1797. It will be printed
with an elegant type, on paper in size and
quality to that oh whieh the Philadelphia Gazette is
printed ; and it will eontain every article of foreign
and domeflic news, including the arrival of veflels —
price offtock&c. and a correct account of the pro
ceedings of Congress, with an authentic copy ®f the
laws ot the United States, from the begimng of the
prefeat session of the Federal Legislature.
The price of the Universal Gazette, exclusive of
postage, will be four dollars per annum, to be paid In
advance, in Philadelphia, yearly ; unless inftruflions
lhall be given by the subscribers to their eorrefpond
ents in'he city, who will engage to pay the lubfcrip
tion money as it becomes due
Orders for this paper, poll paid, are to bc addrefTed
to Andrew Brown, at the office of the Philadelphia
Gazette, No. ly.Chefsut-ftieet, who will be anfwer
ahle for all money advanced on account of the Univer
sal Gazette.
* A Daily Paper, by post, frnt any distance within
tne hundred miles, costs the ftibfcribers twelne dollars,
end twelve cents, per annum ; any distance beyond
one hundred miles, it costs thirteen dollars and fixty J
eight cents, per annum, including p'ft age.
The Universal Gazette, by excluding advert fements
will contain all the intelligence of the week, and cofi the
fubferibers by pod, any distance within one hundred
miles, only four dollars and fifly~two cents, per an~
num ; —any distance beyond one hundred miles, it •will
coftortly four dollars andfeventy-eight cents pet 1 annum,
including postage.
Dec. !<)• '
Elegant Brussels & Turkey Carpeting,
For sale by George Dobfon, No. 2J,South Third-street.
December 15. ' dtf
The fact -failing fehooner ORION;
Seventy tons burthen ; fifteen months
» Cr * ram ® w^te
oak : she is a faithful built vessel, haridfomely finiftied off
and well found in every particular ; is ready to receive a
cargo on board, and can be put to fee without any ex
pence on her hull, fails or rigging : she flows fix hundred
barreta; has a kandforae cabin and steerage, and a halt
deck which will flow from feventy-five to eigh. y barrels ;
fete been newly cxulked, graved and painted. For term*
At No. 170, corner of Market ahd Fifth-ftreets,
Or to the Captain on bbard said fcheoncr at Messrs.
Willis and Yardfley's wharf, adjoining Chefnut-ftreet
wharf; where there is for l'ale
Excellent pkkled Salmon in barrels,
thebeft of American Mess Beef, and fome,very excellent
Boston manufactured Chocolate.
December 26 $
jfjifcL For Sligo and Killibeg6,
The American Ship Nanct,
Cuthbert Riggs, matter.
Will fail with all convenient speed. For
freight or passage apply to
William Bell;
Who has for sale,
4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well aflorted
3 Bales Irish Flannels, and z boxes Linens
25 Pipes Brandy
''Madeira Wine ; Indigo. Ru{Fia Matts,
A "few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK,
November 11, 1796, mwftf
7 he ship mart,
hundred tons burthen. Applv to
If the MARY is not fold in a few days, {he will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply as above.
Odlob,er 31. d
For Sale, or Charter,
jg&vX, The Ship DIANA,
Samuel Pile, Master,'
Burthen 205 47*95 tens regifttr, built in
" Philadelphia in the year 1792, of live 01k
and red cedar, and was (heathed 13 nrvmths ago, (he
has just had a compleat out-fit, ami may be sent to lea
at a very trifling expence.
For terms apply to
phiiip Nicklin O 3 Co.
. Who have for sale on beard said vejel,
17 calks of fine fellow paint. _
* boxes and 12 bundles of writing slates.
1 bcrx ink stands and note presses.
14 bales of fail eanvafs.
And on hand,
Imperial ~) „
Hvfon, and, f TEAS.
Souchong )
40,000 pieces Nankeens of the ftrft quality.
19 tubs Quicklilver.
1 chests Bandanno handkerchiefs.
A few chests Manchester goodswell aflorted in Cor
duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dimities,&c.
3 boxes black sewing silk.
180 crates Qneens ware well aflorted.
10 tons (heet lead.
Nails aflorted, flat and {harp points.
London Particular, Madeira Wine in pipes
London Market, r an( j hogsheads.
New-York Market, )
40 pipes and 10 hogsheads Teneriffe wine.
8 tierces Snake Root.
230 logs Mahogarty. „i,*rrf
Nov 7. " hiia
Those Gentlemen who hold any of the undermen
tioned Notes o>" Draughts (whether due or net J are
requested to meet at the City-Tavern on Wedn e'sda y
nixt, at 6 o'clock in the evening ; at which time an
arrangement will be [xopofed which it 16 expefled will
be fatisfaftory to the holders.
Edward Fox's notes in favor of James Greenleaf.
James Grecn'e-i's notes in favor of Edward Fox.
Jimes Greenle*f?s draughts on Edward Fox.
Abraham Dubois's nose to Edward Fox,
Edward Fox;'s note to Abraham Dubois.
Jaraet Greenleaf's draughts on Abraham Dubois.
At the request of a major part of the Gentlemen
Deeember 29. dtw
A P R I N T. ]
MR. SAVAGE begs leave to infbrm the fubferibers
to the Portrait of David Rittenhouse, l. l. d. f. r. s. ,
President of the merican Philosophical Society, that it ,
i 9 ready for delivery,
Subscribers may have their prints put into elegant gilt ;
and burnished frames, finiflied every way in a much ,
better manner than those things afe generally done, at '
nine dollars each, print included.
Third door weft of Tenth-ltreet, in Chefnut-ftreet. ;
December 29. x I 3
A MECHANIC, to ereift Spinning and Weaving
Machines by water, such as are used at my manufac
tory—Apply to JAMES DAVEf. PORI,
No. 401, North Front-llreet.
N. B. None need apply but a complete mechanic,
and a maa of {lability.
Globe Alill, December 29, 1796. $
A large quantity of Double-Refined Sait Petre for
sale at No. 25, South Third-street.
November 5.
If Monficur G N. SoHLt, .
Who left Bordeaux the.2oth June last, and arrived
it Boston ; bout the middle of Augnft, in the fehooner
Jane, is in Philadelphia, he is requested to call on
Joseph Anthony & Co. No. 5, who
will give him Comt i»formation of importapce.
December 24, Jy<)6- }
North-American Land Company.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders that
an election will be held at the company's office, on Sa
turday the 31ft December, agreeably to the articles of
aftbeiatien, far aboard of managers, to eonfift of five
Direflors and a Secretary.
g 3 t-
Fashionable Waistcoating.
Hits received per the Diana, from London,
Clouded and striped Spanish Swanfdown
Clouded Erminats and Molelkms
Striped do. and do.
Figured Manillas
Scarlet figured F.rminets
Printed Florinetts
Do. Callintt6 and CaSimeres
Superfine printed Quiltiugs, newest patterns
Also, per diffVrent arrivals,
A large and general aifortment of Dry
Suitable to the present and approaching season.
Nov«»fnbtrr 5. dtf
Insurance Company of North-America. ]
THF STOCKHOLDERS in this company are desired
to take notice that the second Tuesday in January, (being
the 10th day of the month) is the day fixca by charter for
the election of twenty-five Dire&ors for the enfuingyear.
The ele<stisn will be held at their office, and commence
o'clock, A. M.
The fubjeA .f th« bye-laws of the Corporation wiH be
submitted to their consideration at this meeting.
Dec. 12. tthioj
At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House,
No. 99, North Second Street.
Imperial } THyfon Skin.^
Hyson, v Freih Teas. •< Souchong,
Young Hyson, j QBohea
Dcc. 9. 3taw.^m.
Insurance Company of the State of
THE Stockholders are hereby notified, tha f an ele&isn
for thirteen Dire&ors to serve for one year, will b« held
at the Company*s Office, on Monday the 9th January next,
at II o'clock.—And agreeably to the acl of incorporation
a statement of the affairs of the company, will then be
laid before them.
Philadelphia, December 19, 1796. d t 9th Jan.
Imported from London & Liverpool,
EARTHEN WARE, in crates and hogftietds, well
Wine Bottles in hampers
Window Glass of all fi7es
Two cases of stationary
One chest of yellow Jesuits Bark
Two cases of Roll Arnctta
A small confignraent of Rose Blankets* Flannels,
B. i7es, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plains, &c.
Paints of various colors.
Bafltet fait in hogsheads.
Also on hand,
Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hogfltcads and
quarter calks
Holland gin in pipes, firft quality
Anchors cf different sizes
A few trunks of ladies French shoes aflorted
Silk nan keen, &c.
Likewise an assortment of Dutch goods, consisting of
Ofnaberjrs, ticklenbergs, bed-ticks, stripes, checks.
Morlaix linen, platillas, ravens duck, Britannias, &ci
And for sale by the package only by
Thomas & John Ketland,
Walnut-ftrett Wharf.
Nor. jj.
A few hoglheads of choice N. E. Rum,
and a quantity of LARD, for sale; <
Enquire at No. 71, North Water-flreel. f
December 24 dtw <
Fresh Garden, Grass and Flower-Seeds,
Roots, &c.
Thi9 day landing from the ship Eagle, captain Fofdick,
front London,
Corner of Walnut and Second-streets,
A mojl capital and txteii/i<ve sljfortment of
ROOTS, &c. &c.
Among which are,
Five kinds * Afparagu9 Three kinds CrefTes ]
Four Ecrecolc Twelve Onion
Twenty-five Beans Thirteen Radifti
Six Beets Fifteen Turnip
Eleven Brocoli Fifteaa Pea 9
Twenty-fix Cabbage Six Savoy
Six Carrot l 7 our Parsnip
Three Cauliflower Twenty-three Melon
Five Celery Twenty-one Lettuce
Ten Cucumber
Common and emon Thyme
Curled leaf and sprigged Patfley
JPot Marygold Pot Marjorum
Balm Thyme Mangel V\ r urtzel
Leek Kail Shallots
Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerne
Red and white Clovet Timothy, &c. See.
With a curious collection of the raoft esteemed
Being the mod extensive ever imported into this city.
The above are from a capital Seedsman in Londen, and
are warranted frefh anu gpod.
Printed catalogues may be had by applying as above.
Dec. 17. dtf. t
Just Landing,
At South Jlreet tuharf, from on hoard the ship Scdg- 1
ley, Captain Hedge, from St. Petersburg,
The following Goods :
Ruflid Sail Duck, firft quality.
Do. Sheeting do.
Do. Diaper.
Do. Huckaback.
Do Crash.
Do. Mou T d Candles, 4, 5 'and 6£to thejtb. of the
Engliih size.
Do. WJkite Candle Tallow.
Do* White Soup in small boxes.
Do. Cordage of fine yarn.
Ravens Duck.
lfinglafs, jft and 2nd fort.
Korfe Hair uncurkd.
Ruilia Bar Iron.
Do. , Hoop Iron.
Do. Nail Rods.
10 Tons Oakum and Junk.
St. Peterlburg Clean Hemp.
For Sale by
Philips, Cramond, & C«.
O&ober 11. §
Old London particular Madeira Wine,
Landing from on board the barque .Kagle, Capt. Batet.
aud for sale by ROBERT ANDREWS,
No. 86, South Wharves.
November 29. ■ * eofttf.
Cheap French China.
THE fubferibers finding it impofnble to
{lore with any more China from France, the prices
being too immoderate in the manu'-aiflories, give no
tice that they will fell at prime cost tho remaining
flock on hand, conlifting of
Deflert Setts,
Tea-Table Setts
Separate Cups and Saucers
Groupes anil Figures
Alaballer Vases
Looking GlaETes, in gilt frames,
Besides India Japan'd Toilet Desks, Chairs, Tables
nad Quadrille Boxes. PASQUIER & Co.
Ns. 9.1, South Sceond-llreat.
December sth. tts
For Sale,
An Invoice of Cordage,
Confiding of different sizes, from 11 inch cables down
to rope *f a inches, of .different lengths: Imported in
the Ihip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback.
Sept. 27. dtf
Riding Schobl, Norse Academy iff Infirmary.
Adjoining the Public Square, Market Street.
RETURNS his sincere thanks to those gentlemen by whoifi
he has been employed, during his refideiice m this Cky, and
flatters himfelf that the success of his efforts, in the numerous,
obftinat-c and dangerous difeaftfs in Horfcs, in which he has
been consulted, together with his moderate charges, will fe
ure their future favors and recommendation.
He now begs leave to inform them and the public at large
that Ins (pacious and commodious premises, ere&ed for the
purposes above dr-fcribed are open for the reception of pupils
of either sex, who wish to beinftrufted in the Art of Riding*
and the right method of governing their horses, so as to ride
them with ease, elegance, and (afety—-their horses will be
carefully and expeditiouiiy broke, for every purpose, and
made obedient to the will of the riders ; the natural powers
which are shut upiu them, will ke unfolded by art, calling
forth uniformity of and giving to that noble animal
all those beauties of a&ion which providence has so bounti
fully bestowed on them.
,A!fo,at his hospital, every difor ler to which the horse is
liable will be treated according to the rules of art, confirmed
by long and repealed experience.
The utility of the above inffitution has never beenqneftion
ed, that it has long been wanted in this city, gentleman's
stud willmanifeft, and T. Swann as the firft eftablifher of
the veterenaryart, solicits a*d; .clies upon the fupportofthat
public (which he uever anxious in serving) to enable him to
biingit to pei fe&ion. The idea of a fubfeription for what
purpose has beeu hinted by several gentleman, who wish to
promote the institution—the amount of each fubfeription to
be returned by ferviccs in any of the departments he profeffts,
agreeable to the rate of charges ttated in his hand bill. S«ch
fubfeription is now open, and the fignaturesof many relpcff
able gentlemen already obtained. He therefore injorms his
f'icnds and such Ladies and gentlemen to whom he hw not
, ihe honor of being known, that he lhall in a few days take
the liberty of waiting upon them and folicking their support
and prote&ion.
N B. Hojfes arc. properly prepared .ftr those Ladies an<J
Gentlemen who wish co be ir»h rutted.
Nov. ft
New-England Rum, Salmon, Beef^
Chocolate, Rice, Boston mould and dipt Candles, a
few quarter-calks of Sherry Wine, a few barrels of
Cyder, and a few quintals of excellent T ible COD
FISH—for sale by
Jtzekiel Hall,
No. 4», North Water-ftseet.
, December l/fth, *796.
Just Arrived,
Per fchootur Daphne, Captain Morse, frtm AtOe-
A Cargo of Sugar and Coffee.
dljo, per brig Betsey, Captain White, from the Ifte
of France,
7X Hogflieads, 1 puncheon, and 45 canifteri, «f
Batavia Sugar
45 Hogsheads Pepper of Malabar
65,330 lb. Coffee
*3 eoo Cotton
4,e00 Indigo For Sale by
F. Ceppinger,
No. mi, South Front-street
Deeember 11 §
For Sale,
" By the Subfcribers—ln PENN-STREET,
65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine,
Imported by the Eagle.
Nov. 30 w&f
Bank of Pennsylvania.
AT a Meeting of the Stockholder* of the Bank of
Pennsylvania, at the Bank, December 29th, 1795,
It was unanimously refolvejl, That, from th« informa
tion this day .given by the Board of Directors, and cbe Do
cuments exhibited, the Stockholders do fully approve the
conducft of the Dire&ors; aud that the thanks of th»
meeting be returned to the said Directors for their a<stivi
ty, zeal, and fuecefsful exertions in the discharge of their
dnties in relation to the abuses lately pradtifed upon thit
Resolved, That the foregoing Resolution be[publifhed fa
the Newspapers of this city
Dee. 30. fit
Women's Cloaks.
No. 15, South Thtrd-ftteet,
Has just reecived, per Eagle, Capt. FoMick, via Lon
don, an assortment of
Drab ( Cloaks trimmed with hir and
Purple and ( ermine.
Pearl J
December 15. §
A Gold Watch was Found
A few days ago, in the lower part of Second-street.
The owner, on calling at No. 117 in said street, and
proving it to be his or hers by a description in writing,
miy reeeivo it on paying for this advertilenaent.
December 29 3 -
Clocks and Watches.
No. 79, Market-street, Phiiadeipmj,
HAVE IMPORTED, by the late arrivals from
London, 1 large assortment .f H r Jl R Rvl NT E D
WATCHES, confiding of horizontal, capp'd afld
jewel'd ©old Watches, with fecosds, of fnpmior
workmanship and elegance j also capp'd ar.d jewel'd
and plain Gold Watches ; .capp'd Jc jewell'd, capp'd,
seconds, day of the mouth, and plain Silver Watches;
eight day & chamber Clocks; elegant French Clocks
with marble framos ; eight day and thirty hour, bras*
works, 4cc.
Defemhet 21, T dim
Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76,
Has received by the late arrivals,
A Well Selected Assortment of
Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
Haberdashery Goods,
Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, on the very
lowed terms ;
Amongji uhich are
1 Some elegant 4-4 ind 7-8 Chintaes and Cottons, new
Ditto Furniture ditto
Ditto Dimity
Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslim
Ditto in Gold and Silver
Ditto Neckcloths, very fine
Mantuas of the firft quality
, Silk and Cotton Hosiery
I Umbrellas of the firft quality, aflbrted
( lrfih Linens, very fine, and Table Linens
5 Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes
Rose Blanket/ aflorted—Sec. &c.
06to8kr 26. A
'■ For Sale,
» 7
By George Defchamps, No. 91,
Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels
and half barrels
Ditto Herring and Mackarel.
Smoaked Herring in barrels and kegs
Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or single one
i Dry Codfifh, from one to fifty kentals
Fine anrid coarse Salt
Nova-Scotia and French Plaster of Paris, in the stone -
and ground, for manure and stucco-work
1 December X. §tf
1 fk BWUT t2 miles from this City, situate in Abington
' Townfliip, Montgomery-County ; containing 70
» aeres,anewftonehoufe,two stories high, 2 rooms on s
' floor,fire places in each, a (lone kitchen and stone lprir-g
" houfe,overan excellent spring of water, a barn, ftablt,
Iheds, barracks, &c. A large apple orchard, and a variety
of other fruit, about 12 awes ©f good meadow well vratei
~t ed, and wood fufficieat for fire, and fencing the place.
Pofleffion may be had the ift of April next. Property in,
\ this City will be tak£n in oxchange. Enquire it No. 37,
Aixh-Strcet. ,
Philadelphia, September 13,1796. tfcftf