Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 29, 1796, Image 4
FOR SALE, A PLANTATION, I vAjT T3 miles from this City, fttuate' in Aldington i J*. Yownfhip, Montgomery-County ; containing 7° rcres, anew ftoce houfe,two flories high, 2 rooms on v , floor, fire placcs in each, a done kitchen and stone Jpri:g lmufe, over an excellent spring of water, a barn, ft able, , iheds, barracks, &c. A large apple orchard, and a variety j of other fruit, about 12 acres of good meadow well water ed, and wood fufficietft for fire, and fencing the place. Possession may he had the ift of April next. Property in this C ity will be taken in exchange. Enquire it No, 37, Arch-§treet. Philadelphia, September 13,1796. ttftf TO BE SOLD, A LEASE for seven years, from the 2sth March next, in that capital and beautiful FARcalled. P R O S P E C T-H ILL, Situated within one quarter of a mile from the Brandy win® Mills, and half a mile from the borough of Wilmington. dwelling house is built of stone, two stories high, genteclv finished, and contain sfotir handsome rooms on a floor, besides an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient cellars It is generally thought to command the most a greeable profpeft of the Delaware, from the fouice of that livtf to the Capes. This profpeft ia greatly embellished by a full view of a vast body ot meadow, through which the Christiana and Brandvwine creeks are (een winding in beau tiful meanders. Near ihc house are a Kitenen, a spacious stone ftajile and hayloft, a barn, a tarriage house, miU houfe, &c. and a well of as puie water as.any on the cOnti nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, a bounding with fruit, and pariicularly with peach trees, of the very best kind, brought from Maryland, and in full bear ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a young, apple orchard beginiftir to bear, and leveral old trees that produce abundantly, besides cherry and other ornamental trees, in great numbers. The farm consists of near sixty acres of land, of jjood quality, and clear of incumbrances, except taxes, -twenty of which are now in excellent clover and timothy, and ten more will be ready tor lowing next spring. \ re sidence of nearly 8 years has convinced the fubferiber that the situation is remarkably healthy, The great post road from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within seventy yards of the house. In a word, the beauties and conveni ence of this situation cannot be enumerated in an advertise- Enent, and when examined, will probably command the at tention of any person who isdefirous of living at ojae of the most elegant country feats on the continent, lhepurehafer may enter on the premiss next spring, or perhaps, this fall, if application be immediately made to Doctor NICHOLAS WAY, i« Philadelphia, to Do&or WH RION, on the premifei, or, iu his ablence, to Mr GEOhGE TRUi a T, in Wilmingion. A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, some 3toek, &c. may be had by,the purchaser at the time of sale. Nov. 7 codtf James M'Alpin, Taylor, No. 3, South FourthJlreet, RETURNS h « grateful acknowledgments to his Friends and the Public'for their liberal encouragement, and begs leave te solicit a continuance ol their favori. He has on hand an extensive aflortment of the Mojl Fajhionable GOODS, And of the best quality, fuitahle for the season. At tills Ihop Gentlemen can be furnifhed withthe best materials, and have thcai made up in the neatest and most manner, and on the Ihorteft notice. He will thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and pmn&ual attention to them. November 10. The Elephant IS RETURNED FROM BALTIMORE. THE public arc refpeftfully informed, that this animal i> to be leen every day, from 8 o'clock in the morning till fun down, in Market ftreet, No. 106, south fide, between Third and Fourth-lbeets. '/ Adtfitiance a quarter of a dollar, that every ci tizen may fee him. At the request of many persons it will be exiiibited on evenings from five to eight o'clock, ct half a dollar each.—The room will be well lighted. November 7. Treasury of the United States. OTICE is hereby given to all persons whb are or jL\ may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums of the Funded Debt, or Stocky bearing a pr<fent interejl of ftx ber eentvm per annum. i ft, That pursuant to an A <51 of Congress pafled on tke aßth day of April, 1796, intitledan a& in addition to an a£, intituled " An a& making further provision for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt," the faiddebt or stock will be reimbursed and paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends " to be made on the last days of March, June and Septeni «« ber for the present year, and from the year one thousand «• seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou •« frnd eight hundred & eighteen inclufive,at. the rate of ■ " one and one half per centum upon the origiual capital. " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last. day of " December for the prefect year, and frpm the year one 4 4 thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year " one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, at * the rat;e of three and one half per centum the ori " ginal capital i and by a dividend to be ma e on the last «• day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade •* quate, according to the con trad, for the final redemp tion of th said flock." ad. All diftin&ion between payments on account of xtcrefl and Principal being thus abolished by the establish-; ment of the / permanent rule of reimbursement above de cribed, it has become necefiary to vary accordingly the powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public reditors will therefore ofeferve that the following form seftablifhed for all powers of attorney which may be granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, viz. KNOIV ALL MMN'BT THESE PRESENTS) that 1 of . do makty eonflituie and appoint of my true and laivful At tcrncy t for ff*e, cxdin my nxvp, to receive'the dividends which are y or (hall be payable according to laxv y on the (here deferibing the stock) (landing in my name in the books of (here deferibuig. the books of the Treasury or the CommifEoncr of Loans, where the dock is credited) from (here insert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power of attorney is to continue) ivithJioiver also jm attorney or attor flics under him, for that purpose to make andfubflitute, and to do all lawful afls requifrtefor effecting thepremifes, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney or hisfubjiitute } shall lawful ly do, by virtue hereof. , In iVitnefs hereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal tljf day of in the year Sealed and Delivered in prefenee of, '' BE IT KNOWN,that on the day of efore me personally came within naintd and acknowledged the abeve letter of attorney to be hit ail and dged. In tejlimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hani *nd affixr ed Seal the day and year loft afotcjaid. Given und*r my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to dire&ions from the Secretary of the Treasury. SAMUEL MEREDITH, Treasurer of the United States. Jt4y 2J. w tij Lottery and Broker's Office, 64, South StcOND srmsT. TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a < Check Book for examination—and prizes paid, in the late lottery. Check Books kept for examination and rrf iftering, for the City of Waihington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries, both of which are now drawing—information where tickets are tq be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for examination. The subscriber solicits the application of the public and his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock, ' Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Hcufe6, Lands, &c. or to Attain money on deposit of property. ' %* Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for sale at Ttn Dollers each, whiah will be drawn early in the Spring. Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Auyuft 18, 1796- brokers Office, and COMMISSION STORE. No. 63 South Third ftr«et, opposite the national new Bank. Samuel m fr >un?:ks andjonw van reed, have entered into co-partnerftiip, under the firm of FR OUNCES & VAN REED, in the business of Brokers, | Conveyancers and Comnufiion merchants. They buy ?.nd fell on commission every fpecie® of itock, notes of hand, bills of exchange, and lands, &c. Money procured on depots, kinds cf writings in tkc conveyancing line, done with nea6ncfsand dispatch; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the most corre A manner. Constant attendance will be given. They solicit a fliare of the public favor ; they are deter mined to endeavour to d«ferve it. N. B. The utmdli secrecy observed. S AMUEL M. PRAUNCES, JOHN VAN REED. Philad. Augufl Z7, 1796. m&wtf Horses taken in, For the Winter Sea/on, And fed on clover hay at the Subfcvibeia place, it it lies on the Bristol Road, where good stabling is pro vided, and great care will b« taken of them William Bell. ( Nov. 23. mwfiwmtfctf. FOR SALE,, A very Valuable Eltate, CALLED TWITTENHAM, lituate in the townlhip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, 7 t-l miles from Phiiad lphia, and half a mile from the new Western road: containing 230 aires of excellent land, 45 of which are good waured meadow, 90 of prime wood land, and the reft arable of she firft quality. There are on the preroifes a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms ' on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-weH of excellent water in front; a large frame bain, llablcs, I and other convenient buildings; a smoke-house and Itone, spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately j under tillage, and are so laid out at to have the advantage : of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con- | venient for grazing. | The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high I eultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and th» | vicinity to the city, it is very fuilabk for a gentleman's : country feat. The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman deceased. and offered for sale by Mordecai Lewis, OA - 11. law Surviving Executor 1 ' .City ol Waihington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOB THE IMPROVEMENT 0 t THS FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent } to,ooo dollars, & J .dwelling-house, 5 cash 30,000, are 5 ' I ditto 15,000 & cafii 15,000 40,000 1 ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & csfli 10,000 ao,ooo I ditto' 5,000 & calh 5,000 10,00b 1 ditto 5,000 & cafli 5,000 10,000 I cash prize of 10,000 a do. 5,000 each, are • 10,000 ro do. ijQoo - » 10,000 20 do. 500 • • lO'jGOO 00 do. 100 • - 10,000 aoo do. 50 10,000 400 do. 45 • - 10,000 1,000 do. 10 - ao,ooo 15,000 do. 10 • 150,000 16,739 Prizes. 33*261 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickcts,ihe prize of 40,000 dollars will he the la it drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the lat but one : And approved notes, securing payment in either money or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received foi any number not less than 30 tickets. This Lottery wfll afford an elegant specimen of tke pri vate buildings to be erected in the City of Wiafhington—- Two beautiful designs are already feletfled for the entire i fronts 011 two of thcpublic squares; from these prawings 1 ! it ispropofed toered two centre and four corner buildings, ! as soon as pofiible after this lottery is fold, and to convey j , them, when complete,the fortunate adventurers, in ' the manner dcfcribed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett of five par cent, will be made to defray the neceiTary expenses of printing, the furplu? will be made a part of the fund intended for the National ' Univeriity, t© be er£&ed within the city of Washington. ! The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are , old off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days , after it is finilhed ; and any prize, for which fortunate j , numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed, are to be confideredas given towards the fund for the University ; it being determined to fettle the whole business in a yoar from the ending of the draw ing, and to take up the bonds given as fecyrity. The real securities given for the payjnent of the Prizes, ! are held by the Prcfident and two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and are v-lued at more than half the ? mouat ot the lottery. The twenty tour gentlemen who by appointment o{ the late CothmiflTioncrs aflifted in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requeued to undertake this arduous talk a second time on behalf ©f the public ; a fufficient num ber of these having kindly accented, it .is hoped that the friends to a National University and the other federal ob jc&s may continue to favor the deiign. By accounts received from the different parts of the ■ Continent as well a 6 from Europe/ where the tickets have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the drawing will speedily commen®e,.and that the care and caution unavoidably necefiary to insure a fafe disposal of the tickets, has gendered the snort fiifpenGon indispensable. SAMUEL BLODG£T. Tiekcts may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilman, Boston 1 of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells' Cooper's Fcrr*y. e« Bank of North America. THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an ele&ion for twelve Dire&ors 'qr the ensuing year will be held at the Bank on Monday the 9th of January at ten •o'clock. RICHARD WELLS, Cashier. Dec. (%. K ' Waihington Canal Lottery, N°. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thou.llid, two hundred, and fifty for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Washington, frow th Po tomaefco theEaftern Brand* Harbour. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz -1 Prize of ao,ooo dollars, 20,000 I ditto 10,000 SO,OOO T<r} 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 ao ditto 100 zpoo 55 ditto 50 »,75° 5750 ditto II 69^08 To be raised for th« Canal, 16,250 5850 Prizes, 175^)00 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 P". The Cpmraiffioners hav» taken the Securities »e I quired by the aforefaid aA for the punctual payment ol the prizes. The drawing .f this Lottery will conim.nce, without delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, /)f which timely notice will be given. Such prize, as are not demanded in fix months after the drawing is finiftied, (hall be considered as relinquished for the benefit .f the Canal, and appropriated aecordingly. (SignedJ NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, qf D. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Feb. 11. ■ f Paterion Lottery. FOR railing fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents, by a dedu&ion of fifteen per cent from the priaes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz 1 Prize of 5000 dollars it dollars 5000 1 1000 1000 L 5 o» 500 5 203 tOCO 20 100 aooo 99 50 495° I zo» IS 5 00 ® 20CO I® 40,000 5 Lift drawn numbers of toeo dollars each, 5000 »33» Prizes. 44.45° 4018 Blanks. I ■ ! 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,45° By order of the Directors of the Society for eftabliih- I ing Ufef»l Manufactures, the fuperuitendants of the Pat | erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the foregoing Scheme to the public, and have directed thei« to refund the money to those persons who have purehafed in the former Lottery, or eichanje the tickets for tickets ft this Lottery. The lottery has a&ually commencsd drawing, and will continue until finilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, Ne. 64 fo\ith Second street, who will giveinformation where tick ets may be procured. Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. J. N- CVMMING, ~) JACOB R. HARDENBERG, > Managers. JONATHAN RHEA, } STATE OF THE WHEEL. i Prize of 5090 ... 5000 z 1000 ... 1000 1 500 ... 500 5 aoo . look 20 ico - - • aooo 00 50 45°0 165 »5 " 4i»5 The five last drawn tickets, io»o, 5000 Being all the valuable prizes, besides a full propor tion of the 10 dollars. As the Lottery is considerably more than one third drawn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great ly increafeil, and it is worth; the notice of those who hold tickets in the old scheme, that they can ex change t-heir tickets for thole in the above, if they ap ly soon, and at a moderate advancc oonfiderinjj the now real value of an undrawn ticket. The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in future will be ofterter, and the Lottery soon finilhed. November ia. mws By Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, South SecondJlreet. SCHEME of 7 LOTTERY, , For raifiag Sixty Thousand Dollars, agrei ably to an Aft of the Leg' flature of Pcnnfylvasia, p»ff;d during the last feflion, for building a Stone Bridge over the stiver Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of Berks. Dollars. 1 Piiite of 30,000 Dollaos - 20,000 1 do. of 10,000 do. - 10,000 3 do. of 5,000, do. • • 15,000 4 do. of a,OOO do. - - 8,000 20 do. of 1,000 do. ... so,ooo 39 do. of 500 do. . - 19,500 So do. of aoo do. ... 16,000 aoo do. of 100 do. ... 20.00 c 1 300 do. of 50 do. - - 15,000 1 1 do. of 500 do. to be paid the posses- } ■ : for of the firft drawn no.) 3 's do/ »f 3,000 do. to bs paid polTefTors ( DO of the five last drawn nos J ' , g,t#o do. o 15 do. : - 141,090 10,054 Prizes 300,000 10,046 Blanks 30,000 Tickets st Ttn Dollars goo,ooo ' All Prices ftiall be paid fifteen davs after the drawing is " finilhed, upon the demand of a podeflor of a fortunate ticket, fubjeft to a deduction of twenly per cent. The '■ Drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets arc disposed " ot, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be given. Philip Miller, Peter Kcrjhner, William IVitman, s Jofepb Hie/ler, James Diemer, Thomas Dundas, 2 Jamet May, John Otto, John Keim, Danitl CraeJ> 1 Sehajlian Miller, Commissioners. f Reading, Maythegth, 1795. Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. a, to be had at the above office, where the earlisft information of the draw t ,ing of the Waihington No. a, and Patterfon Lottery's, ;. are received, and alieck books for examination and regif ' terir.g are kept. October 7. lawtf DANCING SCHOOL. WILLIAM M'DOOGALL will open his school as Man day the 3 1 ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at hit El.egant hew Ball Rooms, In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Street*. H»urs of tuition for young ladie6, from 10 to 1 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and foe young from 6 to 9 o'clock on the evening! • the fame days. In addition to a number of new cotillions, he means to introduce • variety of Scotch Reels. Note. The firft pra<&ifiag ball to be on Tuesday e vening, the firft of November, and to be continued ever/ Tuesday, during the season. For terms, &c, enquire at his house, Ne.134, Market, flreet. / ( oa. 17. tthf A Manufadtory FOR. SALE. A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Mtnufa&ory, in a convenient part of the city ; the works almost new, on an entirely original conftru&ion, and built of the best materials, and may be set to work immediately* Perfont whowifhto purchase, are requested to apply at No 273, South Second Street. September 13, t t f rf Twenty Guineas Reward. RAN AWAY from the fubferiber An the 23d October, a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES ; 21 y®art old; about 5 feet 8 inches high; had on a mksd greea coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow button?; a striped vest ; a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and whole boots much worn. It is probable he may change his name and dress. He has been accustomed to driving a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be paid for lc curing him so that the fubferiber may get hua again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid bf Robins Chamberlaine. Eafton, Maryland, 1 Nov. 10. 14 fcjnuawtf Le Breton, SURGEON-DENTIST, Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the King and Royal Family of France, member of the College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris, Keeps a complete aflortment of every thing necefiary to'be used for*!he Preset vation of the Mouth and Teeth; Patent Mineral Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth ; Derrtrifice in powder; Opiate; excellent Elixir for fw«et«ning the mouth and preserving the teeth—he alio furniihes Brulhes and fort Sponges. *„* He lives in Chefnut-ftreet, No. 135, above Fourth-street. November t6. tts Samuel Richardet RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTB OOFFEE HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia; The Subscription Roo|n will be ftirnifhed with all the daily papers publifted in Philadelphia, New-York, Bo£» ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal copn mereial cities of Europe-—They will be regelarly filed and none permitted to be taken away on 3ny account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety of Frcnch Liquors; together with the usual refreihmeute, wiH at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated witb thechuiceftof Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the moil approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweru*. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earjieft productions of the Season. Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breekfafts, Dinners, or Suppers,'at hours molt convenient to themselves—a cold Collation ia regularly k«pt for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had at the bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifted. and the utmost attention paid to cleanlinef6, and every other requisite. Samuel Richardet will be happy to reeeive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledge* himfelf that nothing on his part fballbe wanting to prc ferve.that patronage with which he has been so distinguish* iagly Honored. Philadelphia, April 19. mwf Treasury Department, September 28, 1796. NOTICE is hereby given, that proposals wHI he re ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Trcafury until the expiration of the firft day of March next en* suing, for the supply of rations which may he required for ths use of the United States, from the firft day of June, 1797» to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both days inclufivc, at the places and within the diftri<sts htre after Mentioned, via. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at Pjcfque lfte ; at Sandu&y Lake, and on Sanduflcy River ; at Dc.Voit; at Michiiimackinac; at Fort-Frank lin; at Pittfhurgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton j. at Fort St. Clcir; at Fort-Jefferfon ; at Grenville; at Picque Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place below Fort Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort Steuben ; at FortMaffac ; at any place from Fort Ma£Tac to the south bo tndary of the United States on the liver Miffiflppi; at F'ort Knox ; at Ouiatanon. If supplies (h all be required for any posts or places net mentioned in tfe s notice, all fiich supplies iha.ll be fur nifjlied at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the post« before recited, or as maybe hereafter agreed or between the Unoted States and the Contra&qr. The rations t» be supplied are to consist of the sol* lowing articles, viz. Ope pound t\jro ounces of bread or flour. One pound t*»vo ounces of beef, er fourteen o«nce» «f pork or bacon. Half a gill o.f rum, brandy or One quart and half a pint of fait."} Two quarts of Vinegar, ( . ... Two pounds .f Soap, > per hundred raUW. One pound of Candles, J Tke rations aire to be furnilhed in fsch quantities, as that these lhall at ail timts during the said term, be fufiieient for the confumptionof the troops at Michiiimackinac, De troit, Niagara, and Ofwegp, far the term of fix month, m advance, and at each of the other polls, for the term of at least three months in advance, in good and wholesome provisions, if thefamc stall be required. It is to be un derload, that the Contractor is to be at the expence an<t rifle of iffuirgtlie supplies to til* troops at each poll, and that all lofies fu.'tained by the depredations of an enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, fttail be pai4 for at the price of the articKs*«aptur«d or destroyed, oa the depositions of two or mere jferfons of creditable cha racters, and the certificate of a eommifljoncd ofSccr, as certaining the circumstances of the loss, and the amount of the ai tides for which eompenk ition shall be claimed OLIVER. WQLCOTT, Seer etary of the Treafur jr. PRINTED BY JOHN FEN NQ, —No. 119 — CH ESNUT-STRItET. [Price Fight Dollira ptx' Annunvj