NEW THEATRE. , - n FRIDAY EVE N-IN G, December 30, Will be printed, A COMEDY, called The Wheel of Fortune. ••Written by Richard Cumberland, Esq. author of the Jew, Weft-ladian, See. and performing at the Theatre Drury L»ne, London, with unbounded ap^'.aufe. Sir David Daw, Mr. Francis Tempest, Mr. Hartvood Penruddock, Mr. Cooper - Woodville, . Mr. IVwren Sydenham, Mr. Henry Woodville, Mr. Moreton Weazle, Mr. Blifett Woodville'i Servant, Mr. Mitchell /Officer, Mr. M'arrel! Jenkins, Mr. Darley, jun. James, Mr. Worrell, jun. ■Richard, : Mr. A. organ Harry, Mr. M' Do mid Thomas, Matter Harrell Mrs. Woodville, Mrs. Mirris Emily Temped,. Mrs. Merry Dame Dunckley, Mrs. DoSor Maid, Miss Milbourne After which will be performed by the French Com pany, a celebrated OPERA, in one a Drab (Cloaks trimmed with lur and P Purple and ( ermin*. . Pearl J December 1 J. § For Sale, By the Subfcribers—ln BENN-STREET, , 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, / Imported by the Eairle. v WILLI NGS & FRANCIS. Nov. 30 - . w&f Elegant Brussels & Turkey Carpeting, For sale by' George Dobfon, JNo. 15, South Third-street. December Xs. dtf N sa I t pet re. A large quantity of Double-Refined Salt Pctre for sale at No. %'s, South Third-street. v < November, j. . Waflnngton Lottery. * TICfaSTS, warranted undrawn, may be purchased or . exchanged /or prizes* at the Office, No. 147, Chrfnut f.reet r where a correct Numerical Hook is k the authority to receive do nations only which was wanted, the state of Mary land couU grant that , but he did not believe the peo ple of the United States would wish to negledt all the schools in the Union, to encourage the National Uni versity. He believed he had as liberal notions with refpetl to education as other gentlemen ; buthctho't fmallltademies more ufeful than large national efhb - lilhmef ts \tfhich were not within the reach of the peo-, . pie at large—a few only could partake of the benefits o such an eliablifhment; and he believed, if thev looked only amongst our own countrymen, it would be found that these academies had produced many emi nent charaifters. He supposed it would -be neceflary to have some place of education within that diftrifl ; butbe hoped no plan would ever be adopted, which (hould draw from remote parts of the Union, which could not derive any benefit from tie itlftitu tion. Mr. Dayton ( the Speaker) said, if it should ever be the polity of the United States to establish a Na tional University, he was of opinion this was an impro per time for making the decision. He did not be lieve the committee who made tha report meant to do more that had been ftatedj but the elfedt he said, would be, what had been predicted ; this measure would be looked upon as an entering wedge, and the; (houldhereafter be tpld they must i»o through with it. If gentlemen were prepared to fandtion an iuftttutioii of (ills kim?, ther would of :ou.-'e doit: he -wis nnj prepared to vote tor ihe ineai'urc, but ihuuld give i t his negative. £To be continued.] PARIS, (3 VINDEMAIRE,) Sept. 29. LIBEL yigainfi the French Government. In yeßerday's fitting of the council of five hna dred, a pamphlet was denounced written by the ci-devant count de Carruel Beauvert, which coa taint aparall'l between the new and ancient regimen, and the a&ual expence of the diredlory, and that of (he ancient court. It leads to th's ncfeffn y conclufioa, that the royal despotism was infinitely better than that of the republic. A motion ws» nude to prosecute the author «f this pamphlet, which wa» adopted. This fu je& bronchi on a dif. cuffion, in the course of which, Bom d >n de I'Oif* complained of the licetitioufnefs with whith certain reprefentativet ef the people, in their periodial publications, vomited forth iln nwft infamous ca- Ismnies against their colleagues. Several *oice*ex» claimed, "It is Louvet ! It is Poultier." Bout don proposed that no deputiei should be allawcd t» published Journals. Rouhier likewise spoke with much warmth against those atrocious Ttrrorifts who noW'ithftanding their crimes, are still proteiled and therefore rcfume all their, former audaciousness and over-run the fuburlis, preach, ing up the decemviral code of 1793. They demand reveng? far the death,of the Brigands of Grenelle, They repeat the a&sof acculation drawn up l>y Louvet. against the new third. BY ,T]tflS DAY's MAILS. CHARLESTON, December ia. Extract of a letter from Columbia, dated the Bth imlam, in the i veiling. ' " This day the following elections took placc fa the legislature— " Governor—Charles Pinckney, Esq. " Lieutenant governor—>Rrbert Anderfon, Esq. " Senator of the' United States—John Hunter, Esq. " Powder-receiver—Mr. John Loveday. " Ordinary for Georgetown diltriiS—Comeliu* Dupre, Esq. " On Wsdnefday a motion waa made that a committee be appointed to bring in a bill to pievwt the importation of negroes into this state. Ayes, | 67. Nays, 36. I " Mr. liard waa not a candidate forrfhe govern ! ment. " Henrv Laurens, Esq. had 53 votes for gover nor ; and John Chefuut, Esq. 66 votes for senator to Congress. Sixty-nir.e was a m«joritv of the | honfes. " The Appian business somes on to-m irrow.** NORFOLK, December 19. This morning arrived the sloop Prefirlent, Capt Whitfield, who inform' that the brig Pence, Capt. Salter, of Philadelphia, 11 jveeks from the,bay as Honduras, loaded with mahogany and logwood, was driven ashore at the mouth of Chin?otigue ri» ver at eight o'clock on Friday eveuing last {the 17th inft.) at which place Capt. Whi held left him ; after flood tide the following day captain Whitfield fnrnifhed him wiih water and other ne cefTaries. Capt. Salter was in foundings fifteen days ago, but was driven out to sea, where lie perienced many heavy squalls, which occaTioned the brig to make so much water thai the pump* were kept constantly going. There wns lix nnd a half feet watei in the hold when Capt. Whitfield got under way, and no profpe£t of getting her off. Commodore Barney, with twro frigates, an chored in Hampton Roads yeilerdav. T he SpaNish fquajron at Trinidad are expe&ed at Gnadalonpc. The Leogane privateers, it is said, have left off ciuizirg, as the adminillration took the cargoes of the prizes, and pocketed the money. Dirturbancjs continued at Port de-Paix O&o ---bcr 22. NEW-YORK, December 2j. 1. ■ A It is a ciicurtiflance we mention with extreme regret, that there is ground to believe the bold and audacious villainy now prafiifed in this and other cities, has been encouraged by the relaxation di criminal law. It is nbferved by the judges,, that culprits formerly tried for their lives, never appear ed at the bar to receive sentence without trembling, and every nerve agi ated. The cafe is now altered. Criminals whose punishment is imprison ment,- when called to the bar to hear their sentence, approach with levity and even gaiety. This was so obvious at the late court, that it was hardly pos sible far a judge to assume a felemn countenance when he pronounced sentence. This is a iWbjeft of a feriou3 nature } and tho we arc decided friends of lenity, it appears doubtful whether in the pre sent Bate of society, the abolition of death for certain crimes, will not produce alarming conse quences. At the close of every war, the prices of proper ty, of all kinds, never fail to fall. This cirtum. (tance alone would always produce much embartafv ment to men in commerce, manufa&urrs and sgii rulturc. But the fpeculatioi sin land, in the Urn", ted States, are among the umft fruitful foiiices of embarrassment. They have given rife to a fyftern of credit, which involves inextricable diffi ulties and misfortunes. The multitude of basks in this country, destined originally to aid thr merchant; solely, have contributed much to augment the pre sent calamities of bufinefs-they have been'too raudi used to support speculating projefls, by eras ting enormous credits. Tothefe foufces »f emharrafiment, m«ft be adi ded the enormous defalcations from tlie capital of our merchants, by the seizure and detention of their property, by th» English and French. An exact eaimateof the amount of American pioper. ty thus fetzed, or detained unpaid for, cannot be known, but the fallowing will be fotmd not hi girt,, than the truth. * ,