FOR SJLE, A PLANTATION-, a ABOUT i» milc« fromthisCity, situate in Abirgton sale Townlhip, Montgomery-County ; containing 7° I s acres, a new stone houfe,two stories high, » rooms on e — fioor,fire places in each, a ftonekitchcn and stone fpn.g house, over an excellent spring ef water, a barn, (table, lheds, barracks, &c. A large apple orchard, and a variety o! other fruit, about 12 acres of goodmeadow well water ed, and wood fuffieient for fire, and fencing the place. ani ] Foffeffion may be had the lft of April next. Property in s O , this City will be taken in exchange. Enquire it No. 37, Arch-Street. Philadelphia, September 13,1796- ttftt ( TO BE SOLD, - ~~ A LEASE for from yean,from the 25th March next, in that capital and beautiful FARM, called , P R O S P E C T-H ILL, bel Situated within one quarter of a mile from the Brandy wine H< Mills, and half a mile from the borough of Wilmington. THE dwelling -house is built of (lone, two stories ilign, genteelv finifhed, and contains four handlome rooms on a floor, besides an entrv, with capital garrets, and convenient _ cellars. It is geneially thought to command the moit a greeable profpeft of the Delaware, from the source of that rivet to the Capes. This profpeft 1a greatly ernbellifhed by a full view of a vast body of meadow, through which the Chn'ftiana and Brandy wine ereeks are seen winding in beau- I tiful meanders. Near the house are a Kitchen, a spacious J stone liable and hay left, a barn, a carnage/house, milk- ,h house, See. and a well of as pure water as any on the conti nent. The garden contains an aere and ot land, a- t J, bounding with fruit, and particularly with peach trees, of j, Q the very best kind, brought from Maryland, and m full bear- ti( ing. There i», moreover, on the place, a young, apple t - ( orchard begining t. bear, and several old trees that produce p( abundantly, besides cherry and other ornamental trees, in great numbers. The farm cenfifts of near sixty acres of land, of good quality, and clear of incumbrances, except taxes, twenty of wineh are now in excellent clover and timothy, ani ten more will he ready tor lowing next fprins- A ~ fidence of nearly 8 years has convinced the fublcriber that o>. the filuation is remarkably healthy. The great pod load from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within seventy fa yards of the house. In a word, the beauties and convent- tfo «nce of this situation cannot be enumerated in an advertise ment, and when Examined, will probably command the at tention of any per (on who is desirous of living at one of the Oloft elegant country feats on the continent. The purchaser may enter on the premiOs next spring, or prthapj, this fall, if application be immediately made to Dactor NICHOLAS WAY, in Philadelphia, to Doflor WHARTON, on t « piemiles, or, in his ablence, to Mr. GEOttGE TRUII T, in >, Wilmington. ... . , A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, some k Stock, &c. may be had by the purchaser at the time of sale. p Nov. 7 eodtf C f, James M'Alpin* Taylor, b No. 3, South Fourlh-fireet, s RETURNS his-grateful acknowledging s to his Triends and the Public for,their liberal encouragement, p and begs leate to solicit a continuance of their favors. , ( He has on hand an extensive assortment of the Mojl Fajhionable GOODS, And of the best quality, suitable fcafon. At this Ihop Gentlemen can be furntftied withthe best materials, and have the*i made up in the neatest and most Talhionable manner, and on the shortest notice. He will thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and pmnftual attention., to them. November 10. we —. ■ i The Elephant is RETURNED FROM BALTIMORE. THE public are refpcftiully informed, that this animal is to be ieen every day, from 8 o'clock in the morning till fan down, in Market ftreet, No. i®6, south fide, between Third and Fourth-ltieets. Admittance a quarter ef a dollar, that every ci tizen may fee him. C) - At the reqaeft of many perfans it will be exhibited on evenings (rom five to tight o'clock, *t half a dollar each.—The room will be well lighted. November 7- Treasury of the United States. OTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or IN may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums of the I tided Debt, or Stock, bearing a present uiterrjl of f,x %ir centum per annum. 1 ift, That pursuant to an Ad of Congress parted on the aßth day of April, 1796, intitledan aft in addition to an *a, intituled " An aft making fuither provision for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt," the faiddebt or stock will be reimburfedand paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends " to be made on the last days of March, June aud Septem " ber for the present year, and from the year one thousand •' seven hundred and ninety-feven< to the year one thou " sand eight hundred & eighteen inclusive, at the rate of " one and one. half per centum upon the. original capital. '• Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of 11 December for the present year, add from the year one 11 thoufar.d seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year " one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, at " the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori '• ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma le on the last «■ day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun « dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade " quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp ii tion of the said stock." id. All diftinftion between payments on account of ntereff and Principal being thus abolilhed by th« eftablifhj ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement above dc cribed, it has become necefiriry to vary accordingly the powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public reditors will therefore observe.that the following form s eftablilhed for all powers of attorney which may be granted after the due promulgation of riiis notice, viz. KNOW ALL MEN Br THESE PRESENTS, that 1 of Jo male, tonjiitute and appoint of my true and latvful At tornty,fjr me,and in my name, tb receive th'e dividends ivhich are, or Jhall he payable actording to lazv, on the (her* defcribillg the stock) Jlanding in my name in the booh of (here delcribingi the books of the Treasury or the Commiflioncr of Loans, ■where the stock is credited) from (here mfert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power of attorney is to continue) •with power also an attorney or attor~ nies under bim,for thai purpose to make andfubjlitute, and to do all lawful afis requifrtefor ejfeSting tbepremifes, betrhy ratifying and anfirming all that my said Attorney or bis fubjlitute,jhall lawful ly do, by virtue hereof. In Witness hereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal tbo day of in the year Sealed and Delivered in prefenet of, BE IT KNOWN, that on tie day of $ efvre meperfonally came witbin named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney id be his afi and deed. In tefiimony whereof I have hereunto set my Han / tnd affix td Seal the day aadyearlajt afor.Jaid. Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to directions from the Secretary of the Treasury. SAMUEL MEREDITH, Treasurer ef the United .States. July IJ. in &r nj SALT PETRE. A large quantity of Doftblt-Refined Salt Pet-re foi 1 sale at No. 25, South Third-street. el&ft November j. h f'f >- — - o tlf FOR SALE, n About i,6qo acres of Land, — WELL situated, laving on and between Marsh \ and Beech Creeks, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, 111 fo»r fepirate Patents. For terms oi sale apply to Wm. Blackburn, \r\ No. 64, South S'cond-ftreet. two Oaober 31. mwftf a C ' To be Rented, A Large Vault and Cellar, That will contain aco pipes, situate in 'Walnut between Fourth and Fifth-ftreet- Also a COACH ! HOUSE and STABLE, with Stalls for five horfcs. N. I}. Goods Stored by the month. ' Enquire of Benjamin W. Morris. [ November 30. irmm Lottery and Broker's Office, - I No. 64, South Second street. E ~" - TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a I 1 Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in - the late lottery. / . Check Books kept for examination and regiftenng, for , " the City of Walhington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries, . '' both of which are now drawing—information where tickets are to be had, ttnd prizes exchanged for undrawn e tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- e Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for nQ I examination. , The fubferiber solicits the application of the public _ , !' and his friends, who wish topurchafe or fell Sank Stock, ,1 Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, it &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property, d %* Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for y sale at Ten Dollars each, which will be drawn early in i- the Spring. e- Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Augufl 18, 179^* " s ' Brokers Office, and COMMISSION STORE. t in No. 63 South Third ftreet,oppofite the national new Bank, j- QAMUEL M FR 'UNCES and JOHN VAN REED, ce ,e O have entered into co-partnership, under the firm of FR MINCES & VAN REED, in the business of Brokers, Conveyancers and Commifiion merchants. They buy and fell on commission every species of stock, notes of hand, bills of exchange, houses and lands, See. Money procured on deposits, &c. &c. all kinds o^ writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatness and , " S dispatch; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the j lt; ' most correct manner. Coaltant attendance will begiven. ' They solicit a share of the public favor j they are deter- _ mined to endeavour to deftrve it. 2 N. B. The utnurfl secrecy observed. : SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, 4 eft 1 JOHN VAN REED, oft Philad. August 27, 1796-. m&wtf Horses taken in, ir For the Winter Sea/en, £ And fed on clover hay at the Subscribers place, li tI - ailes on the Bristol Road, where good (tabling is pro- ir vided, and great care will b« taken of them n William Bell. iat Nov. 13. mwfzwmthtf. ef- Citji of Waihington. c n& SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, ci- FOR THE IMPROVEMENT 0 I THE FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ) 20,000 dollars, & ? 000 : ' c > 5 ea(h 30,000, are 5 ' ' rell 1 ditto 15,000 & calk 25,000 40,000 I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 x ditto 10,000 & cajh 10,000 20,000 I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 1 cash prize of 10,000 '"? s j do. '5,000 each, are • 10,000 J lx do. 1,000- - - 10,000 ( t jj e 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 , ar , 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 ( t1,,. aoo do. 50 10,000 the 400 do. 45 - - 10,000 and 1,000 do. 20 20,000 ( nds 15,600 do. 10 " 150,000 em- and 16,>39 Prizes. IOU - Blanks. • ' 1 of ■ ital. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 r of ' one N. B. Tofivour those who may take a quantity of rear Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn . at ticket, and the 30,000 the LA6T but one : ori- And approved notes, securing payment in either money last or prizes in ten days alter drawing, will be received for lun- any number not less than 30 tickets. atle- This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri mp- vate buildings to be ereiled in the City of Washington— Two beautiful designs are already fele.fled for the entire t of fronts on two of the public squares ; from these prawings lifHg jt iapropofed to erett two centre and four corner buildings, dc- as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey the them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in ibljc the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery, orm A nett deduction of five par cent, will be made to defray ' be the necessary expenfis of printing, the surplus iz. w i]l be.made a part /of the fund intended for the National that Univerlity, to be erecled within the city of Washington. The Drawing will commence as soon jls the tickets are old off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days At- after it is finifhed j and any prize* for which fortunate i are, numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the ■r the' drawing is closed, are to be confidercd as given towards r, the the fund for the Unive'rfity ; it being determined to fettle >ans, the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw :om- ing, and to take up the bonds given as security. er of I'he real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, ittor- are held by the President and two Direflors of the Bank Jo all of Columbia, and jre valued at more than half the a r and mount ot the lottery. wful- , The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commissioners afiifted in the management of the al tb» Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk a second time on bAals ef the public ; a fuffieient num ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends'to a National University and the other federal ob jeiSs may continue to favor the design. By accounts received from the different parts of the ti be Continent as well as Xrom Europe, where the tickets have been sent for sale, the public are assured that the affix- drawing will speedily commenae, and that the carc aud caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafe disposal of wen- the tickets, has rendered the fftort fufpeofion indifpenlable. lions SAMUEL BLODGET. 4 §, Tiekets may be had at the Bank of Colsmbia ;of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Oilman, Boston ; !es. of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells* ij , Cooper's Ferry. e» Bank of Nortlt America* THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an election for twelve Direitors for the enfuir.g year win i>e \vn held at the Bank on Monday the 9th of January at ten d; o'clpck. RICHARD WELLS, Cafmer. D"c. 6. gtpj. In ■ — —— X Walhington Canal Lottery, N0 . I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised . !l the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, int *" two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Walhington, fro«i th Po- n | tomac to the Eastern Branch Hifi'uour. < The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz *1 Prize of 20,000 dollars, ao,eoo ilre I ditto 10,000 10,000 tSSSS) 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 4°o 4,000 / 20 ditto . 10® a,OOO in a 55 ditto 5o 3.750 on 5750 ditto 11 69,008 mai To be raised for th# Canal, 26,15s wtv _____ Sou 5850 Prizes, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 a I ;£V The Commissioners have taken the Securities fe old quired by the aforefaid a£t lor the punctual payment of cos the prizes. a ® The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without wh delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely his notice will be given, a 1 Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the pai drawing is finished, shall be considered as relinqu-ifhfjd for ag; the benefit »f the Canal, ar.d appropriated accordingly. (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, ?/"D. — LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, WM. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, Pl JAMES BA&RY. City of, Feb. 11. $ Paterlon Lottery. FOR railing fix thoafand fix hundred and fnty-feven P dollars and fifty cents,, by a dedudion of fifteen por ' cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a priz*. viz £) I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 f v ■ j 1000 1000 1 i 500 s®° , joo ioco p 20 roo - 10°° 99 50 , 495° - 1 200 a-5 5000 e 1 2000 10 20,000 5 Last drawn numbers of rooo dollars each, 5000 I 2332 Prizes. 44,45° T 4018 Blanks. c ' 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,45° d By order of the Directors of the Society for eftabliffi ing Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperintendauts of the Pat- it erfon Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer the a foregoing Scheme to the public, and have diredled thom 4 to refund the money to those persons who have purchased o in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets v n thisLoftery. I>e lottery haia&ually commenced drawing, and will t continue until finiffied. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes a may be seen at the office ol William Blackburn, 64 south Second street, who will giveinformation wheretick- I ets may b.'procured. Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. [ J. N- CUMMING, 7 1 ' JACOB R. HARDENBERG,\ Managers, t JONATHAN QHEA, ) s STATE OF THE WHEEL. t 1 Prize of 5000 ... 5000 , I 1000 - 1000 I 5«o 7 s°° < j 200 • I®co ] 20 100 - - 2000' I 90 50 4500 I 165 25 " " " " ' The five last drawn tickets, iooo.eich, 5000 Being ill the valuable prizes,' besides a full propar tion of the 10 dollars. As the Lottery is considerably more than one third drawn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great ly inereafed, and it it worth the notice of those who hold tickets in the old scheme, that they can ex change their tickets for thoie in the above, if th&y ap • ly soon, and at a moderate advance considering the j now real value of an undrawn ticket. - j The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in ' future will be oftener, and the Lottery soon fiuifced. x . mw * By Authority. of Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. iey for Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Wo. 64, South Secand-Jlrtet. >ri- ;r; SCHEME of a LOTTERY, rijr S For railing Sixty Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an Aft o( the Legislature of Pennfylvasua, paired during the lalt JL' feflion, for building a Stont? Bridge over the River • y Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of , m Berks. Dollars. i Prize of ao 00® Dollar - 20,00© r ' i y x (io. of 10,000 do. • - 10, Coo U5 3 dp. of 5,000 do. - *s>°°P na * do. of 2,000 do. - - 8,000 n. %o do. of 1,000 do. - 20,000 are 3g of 500 do. - - *9'59° ays go do. of 200 do. - - - 16,000 late 200 do. of 100 do. - 20,00 c the 300 do. of jo do. - - 151 1000 . to be paid potTeflbrs > 000 of the live last drawn nos J zes, 9,400 do. o 15 do. : - 141,000 an J* 10,054 Priirs 300,000 10,046 Blanks ' ———— ' 30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000 'yf All Prizes Uiall be paid fifteen days after the drawing is C finilhed, upon the demand of a polMor of a fortunate ""i 1 ticket, fubjea to a dedu&ion of twenty per c«nt. The l " e Dtawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are difpoftd ob " of, or perhaps sooner. of wliich public notice will be.given. Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William Witman, kets Hiefler, James Diemer, Thomas Dundas, the James May, John Otto, John Keim, Danitl Craejf, and ISebaJiian Miller, Commissioners. 1 of Reading, May the gth, 17g6. ible. Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, to be had at the abave office, where the earliest information of tUe4raw ; of ing of the Waffiington No. a, and Pjtterfon Lottery's, ton ; are received, and check books, for examination and regif 'ells' tering are kept. OAobcr 7. " aawdf DANCING SCHOOL. WILLIAM M'DOUGALL will open hisfchool on Mon day the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at his Elegant Aew Ball Rooms, In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Street'*. Hours ps tuition for young ladies, from 10 to 1 o'cloek on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday morrmigs; and so? young gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clock on the evening the fame days. In addition to a number of paw he mean* W introduce a variety of Scotch Reels. Note. The fir ft pri&ifcng ball to be on Tilefday e vening, the firft of November, and to be continued every Tuesday, during the season. For terms, &c, enquire at his house, No. 134, Market ftreet. Oft. 17. tthf A Manufactory FOR SALE. A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE M*nufa£lory, fftuaw in a convenient part of the city ; the almost new, on an entirely original conftruftion, and built of the best materials, and may be set to work immediately. Perf >n» who wilh to purchase, are requested to apply »al No 273, South Second Street. September 1,3. t t.( t'l Twenty Guineas Reward. RAN AW AY from the fubferiber on the 2sd O&'ober, a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES ; 21 years old ; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mi*ed green coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttons; a striped veil: a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and whoie boots much worn. It is probable he may change his name and dress. He has been aceuftomed to driving a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be paid for fccuring him so that the fubferiber may get him again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by Robins Chamberlaine. Eafton, Maryland, Nov. 10. 14 f-imaawtf Le' Breton, SURGEON-DENTIST, Pupil of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the Kftig and Royal Family of France, member of the College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris, Keeps a complete aflortment of every thing neceflary to be used fot^fhe Preservation of the Mouth and Teetbs /Patent Mineral Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth ; Detitrifice in powder ; Opiate ; excellent Elixir fer 1 sweetening the mouth and preserving the twth —he ' alio furnifhes Bruihes and foft Sponges. ' * # * H4 lives in Chefmit-ftreet, No. 135, abeve ' Fourth-street. * November 16. tts > u I Samuel Richardet 1 T> ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen - Merchants, that he has this day opened the'CiTY 3 TAVERN and MERCHANTS OOFFEE HOUSE in the city.of Philadelphia; The Subscription Room will be furnifhed with all the 3 daily p»pers ptlblilhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos - ton/Baltimore, together with thol'e of the principal com - Mercial citi«s of Europe—They will be rag>larly filed e and none permitted to be taken away on any account. I Tea, Coffee, Soupet, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety d «f French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, is will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with II the choicest of Wines, Spi;ituous Liquors, and the moil :s approved Malt Liquors fromDondon and other breweries. 4 I'he Larder will befupplied with the prime and eariieft produdlions of the Scafon. Large and fntall Parties, or {ingle Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Sappers, at hqurs mo ft convtnient to themfetves —a cold Collation h 6. regularly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had at the bar. The Lodging Rooms will be eempietely furnifhjd, and the utmost attention paid £0 clcanlinafs, and every other 10 requisite. 10 £3" SiMDEL Richardet will behappy to receive, and 'b execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at >0 large; and with gratitude for their favours', he pledge* lO'l himfelf that nothing on his part shall be wanting h; pre >o serve that patronage with which he has been so 15 ingly iionored. 1 ;o Philadelphia, April 19. mwf r- . ■ Treasury Department, . September 28, 1796. "X TOTIOE is hereby given, that proposals will be ro- C IN ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury *" until the expiration of the firft day of March next en- P" j ruing, for the supply of -all rations which may he required j for The use of the United States, from the firft day of i June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both m days inciufive, at the places and within she diftrl&s htre d - after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at _ Pjeftjue lfle; at Sandufky Lake, and on Rivar; at Detroit ;at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Frank lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ; at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jefferfon ;at Grenville; at PicqucTown and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place below Fort Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort 4» Steuben ; at FortMaffac ; at any place from Fort Maffac to the south boundary of 1 the United States en the river MifliGppi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon. If supplies shall be required for any posts or places not D ( mentioned in this notice, all such supplies shall be fur lall liiflied at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the vc posts before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on (if between the United States and the Cop traitor, srs. The rations to be fupplicd are to consist of the fol >oe lowing articles, viz. 300 One pound two ounces of bread or flour, joo one pound two ounc»6 of beef, or fourteen ounces of 3°° pork or bacon. 50u Half a gHI of rum, brandy or whiskey. s°° One quart and half a pint of fait. 111 I wo quar " of (per hundred ration. Iwo pounds of Soap, ( 4 so ° One pound of Candles, J joo The rations are to be furnifhed-in fach quantities, as that there shall at all times during the said term, be fuflitient 300 fofthe ceufumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De ,oo troit, NiagaTa, and Ofwego, fer the term of fix month* in advance, and at each of the other posts, for the term of oeo at least three months in advance, in good and wfiolel'iome provisions, if the fame shall be required. It is to be ur.- Jer flood, that the CorytraAor is to beat the expenee ar.l 000 risk of issuing the supplies to the troops at each post, an I g is that all loffcs sustained by the depredations of aa enemy, or nate by means of the troops of the United States, shall be pawl The for at the price of the articles captured or destroyed, on >f f d t h e dcpofitioßs of two or more persons of creditable clr-. ven ' ra&srs, and the ccrtifisatc of a commiflioncd ofliecr, ;.f ---ian, certain the circumstances of the loss, and the amount ■las, of ths aitides for which ooinpenfation shall be claimed ff OLIVER WOLCOTT, J*' Secretary of the Treasury. the ' PA iNTED-BY JOHN FENNO, Jf — No - "9~ CHESNUT-STSEtT. if [Price Fight Dollars per Annum,]