Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 27, 1796, Image 3

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' —= —= f r
~ > '
rot*- » j 1 v 1 lit u,
roK : - < J <•' a.
. ano ■* - 1 -. ;> - ,J * ,£• -3 s-4 m
1 -■ s «
6~] " t'' 4 6 f 1
Massachusetts, 16,1.3 - ' 1 1
Rhode-Island, 4 4 ot
Connecticut, 94 J at
Vermont, 4 4 o
Jjew-York, .nit
New-Jffey, - •- 7 7 „ 5
Pennfylvinij., . ™
D«laware, 3" 3 j | 01
uMarylaiid, 7j 4, 4I 3 2
1 'iMtJIj „ 1 ar
Kentucky, „ d<
Tmneflee, -
North-Carolina, I 111 6 1
South-Carolina, S 8 )"
Georgia, u
Total, 7i 59J?a3'i5 * 5 : 3jt 211
In North-Carolina, one rot* was given for Charles ,r
•Pinckney, and three for Judge Iredell. a]
Extract of a letter from Alexandria (Virginia) g
23d instant. ol
«' We were under cvnfiderable alarm here lad ti
night from a fire which broke out in a frame build- u
ing nearly in the centre of the town, which was tl
happily extinguiihed with the lofi of that building
only. At one period it threatened deftru&ion to tl
a cenfider&ble portion of the weahhieit part of this b
place." ts
— a
The following instance of savage brutality equals
the ilioft atrocious a<3s of cruelty, which ever Rained ft
the annals of history. The prodigeouseoDccrn which n
rtbe Frenchiliipla.y_icir the lives of their
fellow eitiaens, exhibited in this inftaric*, & by v
parte in threatning the total deltruAipn -of Pavia if ! <
one Frenchman was killed, Ihews that thele tender ' e
hearted people to monopolize to themftlves the ri
pleasure of deflroying each other. Americans will ei
learn, by these fraternizing arts, what they are to ex- j t
ped\, if the French troops Ihould ever get footing uu- a
<jer any pretence in this Country. r
The borough of Sauerfctiwabenheiru, iu the Paliti
nate, 011 the 18th ult. a most dreadful ''
fate. The French office* who commanded at Obe- g
ingeiheim, after-the fcirisifh which took place on the ai
37th in the vicinity of MuiU, ordered tour inhabi. t<
of that place to be b ouglit before him. He ac- t |
e'uled them of having fired oft the French, which was
Ijot true, condemned two of them to be (hot 911 the f '
ijiot, ordered the borough to b» given Up to pillagefor '*
ioutf and afterwards to be fct fire to in every
quift-er. A ftrpng detachment of his troops formed rr
a lane round the pla'e to prevent tbe infiabitants from tl
ieiVing it, and in a Oiort time th« borough was con-
Verted into a heap of ashes. Thefate of the NUnfor-- [.
tunatc inhabitants is not yet known, but k null be „
highly calamitous.
.. . > d
Mr. Ff-NMO,
In a few ffiort p.rigriphs, cniMrti; Tnformatio>{?*~ "
printed in this evening's paper, three things appear : p
MisRiPRtscNTATioN and "Calumny., c
IcvoraiiPj; as will appear the bad Grammar in C
the fentenccs. MisaaexEssNTATiON ,
ended perverlion of a clault in the Conftitu-
United Statet.
. : v<Vj as the author of "Informationwho
••ntly levelled his fliafts at fcveral of the
■• kit. - of Philadelphia and who has published
■i . .c is to te I d.fig>ung ai.d mterejiiri
juiii ..iji! Truth.
1 - • • 1796- v
DRICKSBURG, ( Vir.) t)ec. t O .
T" e i.swing Address to the President ol the tJni
was, on Saturday the loth inft. agreed up
■ar. ■ oufe of Delegates of this state, nem. con
ORGE VVashin6tom PreflJent of the
United States.
ive in an affe<9ionate address to the "People
e"d States, declined a re-election to the chief
of the nation, to which you wouid hare
:Ci' c illed by the public voice 1 the General Af
irginia wculd be unfaithful to the feelings
iftituents, and regardless of their own, if
y beheld an event long deprecated by y«iur .
-ens While they deplore the refblution,
wticn . deprive the nation of its firft hope, they are '
unable to ieprefs those sensations of gratitude and ef- c
teem arifmg from the profpeft of her beloved citizen's t
return into the bosom of his native* state, and c
which services, precious as your's, excite in every ,
brenft. On a review of the whole tenor of your life,
fq strongly marked bv wisdom, valor and putriotifm,
they te.-l themselves' ftiinulateti to bestow upon you the
belt rev<ard that freemen can give, and the most grate
ful a mi'd like your's, can receive. And ihcy have a
plejfmg 3d firm atTurance, that therr posterity to the
most rem „• generations, and the friends ol ti-ue and
.genuine I <:rty and of the rights of man throughout ■
the worla, and in all succeeding age*, will unite in the
acclamation y, hile with one voice they dcclare, that
you lvave deserved well of your country. I
_ " To this permit tham to add their fervent fupplica- (
tions te Heaven, that you may long rontinue to |
thole blessings whish you have been lo inftru mental in 1
procuring to yor country,and in that repose which |
yuu have always facrificed iu obedicswe to the v;ill 1
of your nation, that you may poftefs that heart felt
fat'ufaflion of beholding its happipefs and prosperity
Jncreafe under the. tufpiccs of that liberty, and of tlfat
government, whici your valour and wisdom have so
efTentially contributed lo cllablilh and maintain."
The speech of Govetmor Vanderhorjt to the le- 1
giflatu'e of South-Carolina, containing much poli
tical wisdom and man ' truly federal and patriotic
fentimenti, we hare plenfure-in giving some «xtra£li
tlierefrom. It is much to be regretted hy the ■
friends of our union that such a chief magiflfate
ftiould be about to retire from his office.
" The iconftitutional r'ght of Congress lay
and collet taxes and duties, import* and excifee,
to pay the debts and provide for the common de
fence and wcltarc, has been hitherto very moderate,
ly exercised, and has extend d littfc further than
commercial imports and duties on imported articles.
But it eaunot fee afcertaiued hew soon future exi
gencies and necefiiiies may call T>r other tefources
and l»ad to more dirtdl taxation, in spite of all
that fltift economy *nd prudent management which
k&ve pervadtd t»cr)r departmem of gorernaient.
We (liould, therefore, endeavor to anticipate that
pen'od, place ourfelves,-by a timely diminution S
t.t our state dci>t f in a fi-.uatioo to answer and de- tc
fray' with suitable alacrity nnd ability, our pr»j»or-
Honor taxes to the general governrncßt, and not ft
pcirait the pressure of- tßeoi, coojjerdting with a In
heavy ft.te debt, to be th"e Usrce «f difaffeftion si
and difcontcnt towards that "utu'on from which so si
, ma*y prosperous coufecjuences hare already result- is
ed, ajid on whi. hive mull continue to depend for ra
every political bleifing and fecutity, "
Ihe events of the-preleot war, raging among ft
other nations, have evinced JU f what high import- g
ance to the peace and ptoiperity of the American
plates, and tq averting frqm th(;m war, the c<
f fcourgeiof the human eftablifti- w
ment and lupport *f an irovern- a
ment. - 'i- g-■
While nations have Wren mvolyed in thefiferceft
and bloodicfl contests that have e*er aifiiae4 and
desolated the world, of whom we had
treaties of amity and commerce [ with'others wete
in the habits of i»mmeicial intercourse;
it was extremely difficult to avoid being ilravvn into f.
a participation of their warfare.. „
'• Ihe maintenance of freedom from all foreign e,
, influence, wisdom to difce»n, and Srmacfs to resist lc
all the arts and cabals of drfigHtog emiiTaries; a n
sacred regard to the piighfed faith of treaties, a ri- v
gid adherence to the laws of nations, and Ready
observation of the ri-ht» and obligations of n«u- p
trality, were elTentiallv requilite, to avoid giving y
umbrage to the belligerent powen, and exciting *
their resentment and enmify. 'h
" This wife conduift and jitft policy have hi-'
therto not only saved us from all-the horrors of war,
but have enabled lis to reap abundantly the advan
tage* which may result to commercial liatioas from
a state of neutrality. \ >
; " While violent commotions and rudeftorms have
I furionfly assailed, and shook to cefitje, and a
menaced the subversion of old and flvuridiuig - em- t
wut i'»»anliDc liiiitjL-luiKe been grammar fol.idi- c
ply and liability, and have rapidly progrelTed to opu* z
. lence and grandeur. Could that conduct, and those
: ruie 3 and regulations of the executive of the Ui>it
i ed .states, atchievmg such great and salutary ob
• je6ts, have been so unifoimly and firmly adopted
and executed by the separate governments of the 0
United States ? S
" This happy expetience ought to impress inde- '
[ hfcly oa us alj, the expediency of uaiou a 'id of a
■ general efficient government, ard how impolitic "
t and it would be for any individual Sate
■ to enter iiiui any measures, that may interfere with f
; the ftnenl-fyftem, or prevent that cordiil and fti-e- c
[ nuous conceit and co-operatiwn, which mult give 1
to u due a&ion and energy. v i
" The general government of the United States,
i mud be to that of particular Hates, as the fun to
I the planets, the centre of their attra&lon and mo
tiuu, around whice, although within their own or- 1
hit*, they mult iticefTantly revolve, receiving, re-
flcitirig, and dtfiu&ng warmth, energy, and fplen
" " The ihland navigation and pnbHa roads claim,
*'.d «iv tuiiLlto-ro; youf i».K m.iniiimi anil warm
: patronage. The gieat piogreli mads towards the
. completion of the canal belwecn the Santcc and
> Cooler rivcis, and which, fii all probability, will
• be fiiiithed in the course of the en'lViing jear, with
its other extenfivc benefits, promises vail advantages
, to ,the agriculture and commerce of the wettern
B parts of the Hate, and n#t only evinces the pra£li
i cability of fmiihr ones, "but points out the expedi
<i ency and utility of making navigable the rivers and
impioviiig the loads leading thcicto.
*' In the difculion of-thefc aud all other matters
which may be the fuWjctU of your deliberation and
debates, I trult that yout seal will tie tempered by
candor, and that your minde will continue free of
the fpuit of party, or any improper jealousies.
c 1 need not more than remind you, that in thf
abrogating o> altering of old. systems or law*, great
e care and are r;qnifite j and that as
■f in I.ovations aie Ireqnently full of danger, and fel
e dom to be produced witlwut disorder, they ought
- not to be rashly attempted, or upon flight grounds,
• without neceftity, or very important reafons^
r " I also heg leave to bring to yout frequcut rceol
ledion and ebfervation, many of the important po
e Heal truths and salutary maxims contained in the »d
--- drcf*, which our great and good President publifh
s ed to hi* fellow-citizens, in declining to become a.
d candidate foi the Ptefideutial chair, announcing his
y tefolution to retire into the walks as private life."
?» N . .
1, — .
NORFOLK, December 17.
Extraift of a letter from Portsmouth, ( ingland) dat
e ed o<ft. a, to a gentlcrrran in this town,
it " A small America# flopp having made feverai trips
to and si em this port; her trequent faili.ig, and so I
soon returning, excitrt-d fom-; fu'ipicion, that (be might
y be the conveyancer of improper inteligence from hence
n to France i and one of their crew'having made a depo
h fition of their frequent trips from hence t» France, and
II that a perion as daily expeeled.on board who always
It went aud returned with the velfel, a proper o|scer was
y appointed to watch her motions, and ob'ferve who
it went oft board her ; a genteel drcfleii man was this
so mornmg seen to go on board h*r, and the tefl'el im
mediately got under WeigM ; and th* man making his
repbrt oblerved,the cuftora-houfe offi
e- Cir took, bgats, and boarded the sloop, juit as Ihc was
i. cleatiug the mouth of the harbour ; and going infrr
; c the»cabin," found perion who had jujt gone on
bofcrd, and wbo, from his appearance,- ftemed to be
jult come from a joarney, in it, with, a small trunk by
)e -liim f. which, on opening, was found full of papers ;
' theft it is said, frora those which "have been opened, i
are of a very important nature, aud that there is no
ly doubt o? his being a lpy to the French ; as the sloop
:f tfasbeen to and from this pjrt no less than fifteen times
c . in the course of about three months, with only an in
terval of about fix diys rich time. It is said on his
being he attempted to tear some pipers
1D Iving by him, but was prevented ; he wis bro't on
:t * (hore about iz o'olock, aud immediately sent off for
;i- London, with the two officers who apprehended him.
e* —
■11 NEW-YORK, Deccmb-r 26.
:h A late Charleston Paptr fays, " There is 1 letter
it. in town from Georgia, which fay* that it u con-
I \ £■<. -
• *
Sdently asserted, in the Florida*, that the JCiiig of 1
i Spain hat ceded thole Provinces, and. 1 t iH ifiana,
to the republic of France. '
It is an undoubted fact, that fire was fen to a j
ftsfile in Courtlandt ftrett on Friday nij rhit, and (
1 had made fume progress before ft was dii'civered.
1 An attempt was also made the fame nig); t to set '
' fiie to a frame building in William street. TheVe |
is iiq reason to doubt, it is said, the eyri Iflace of \
malicious intention. The citizens have occ tSan sos I
double vigilance, at this time, when high winds, *
I severe cold and dry weather, would render the pro
grefi of fire irrefiftable.
i A young {rgHtleman hy the name »f Wh ifce, has
commenced a dramatic career on the Bolit iti stage I
• with great eclat (fee Button head.) If t fee ac
■ count of his firft performance is not too flat teriug, *
he must prove, in time; a second Garrick. ,
I ■' - I •
1 BOSTON, Dfctember 17. ' > t
• On AVqlnefday evening the tragedy of Dt ittglas. J
; Mr. White; '* yqteg gentleman of a refpi -S&able j
> family in this town, -tirte but in the cha rafter | ;
of Young Norval. The extreme youth, g« Bnieel I*
' ►tftication, e*tchfi.v»eorine£tioii*, and promifin ijf ta- *
t lcata or the new performer, had drawn togetl *cr a *
i more general audience of critics, than h\4 be Me-l
- vcr col!cf?cd at an\ firit appearAnce. ' f
' Ps Mr. White, as an actor, we (hall not t> at S
• present, hazajd au opinion' ,4 but considered frs a
f yo»Rg anSatiur, whp, '• from tht free cottrfe 0) £
> iffViated dy a j«3ieious and elegant t «fle £
has eniiftedfrfimfelf under'the banners of Thefpis,* B
"J- 1 —; —Ti». wonder ful, G
t " That aH invifiUe itiftinft fliould frame him K
"To eloquence unlearn'd ; judgment untanght; A.
/ " Genius, K
' / '• That wildly grows in him, but yields a crop,
K As if ithad been fow'd." E
e The applause he received was alnoft inceflant; 5
I and of the pafl'ages, in which he amply deserved it,
• the citatiou woufd be letigthy. One, however,\ »c
- omit ; aus} J&e peculiar animation, energy J, B
• and expreffio*, with which he pronounced B
e " Did I not star te freeze thy (hallow vaUr, E
" Acd make thee fiuk too soon beneath my sward„ K
" I'd tell thee—what thou art—l know thee well,,*'
Were received by the audience by repeated roun*! Ik N
, of enthulialtic approbation.- Mr. White, .in. hi is 1J
general conception of the character, was eriticall y. ,
chatte. His voice is firm, clear, and fonororss ; id
a his peifon youthful and genteel. PofTeffed of f® p
c many stage requisites, he is, at present, irr the £
e flower of promise ; and ii requires no aid frot n
prophctic keti, to predict that a few years experi
ence will render him an honor to his profjfion, and j"
tl»e pride ot the American g
; ———e
oj NOTICE. '
The Creditors of Mr. James Green leaf are requefte i '
to meet at the City Tavern on Wefltwfday evening th ; ;
18th. inftast at 9 o'clock, to receive the report ot the- 5
Committee appointed a; the lafl.uieeting.faf th« pvr
iiofr of obtaining a of tha*"6«litieifi4k's ,
1, Philip Nicklin
if ' . Pratt > Committee.
Ie 1 hot. W. Francis j
Dry. ifi , ?
d — C
d '' iV A N T E D, ' S
h A M U SiCI AN,
rS WVo is canaUle of conipofing .Iccoißpanimuuts ti» .
II Song: for an Orcheflra. He must have no other en- ,
i- jagcnient as a compefer, Enquire at the Office at' this
i- Paper..
,d December zt. . 3 £
Vv'afliingtori tottery. 1
J [" — i
ty TICKETS, wai'ranted undrawn, may be purchased or J
jf **chaalg«d for prizes, at th* Office, No. ,47, Qhcfnut- .
freet, where a cojrcA Wumc'rieal Book iiAcpt foe publi: ]
infpaAion. Alio Canal Lottery Tickew for sale ta ex
•hanged for prizes di awn iu the Wathington Lottery, Of
yvhich tlic 48th and days return* arc receiveda
Th» Bafinefs of a Broker on as uiul.
*,» A SHARK in the NEW THEATRE to be fold (
" K on r«tfonal>K- terms. December u ttstf
8, —
New Books. *
!l - — n 1
°[ Robert Campbell & Co. "
j,_ No. 40, South SecondJlrttl, . d
a Are just opening a large and extensive afibrtment of
. ' the latest and bell Loodon editions, among which r
are the fallowing new, valuable and fcai-ce Books.
Colle&ion of State Paper#! relative ta the present wars
between Eqglaad and France, containing authentic copie
of all the treaties, proclanaationsi Ac. made
by the different powers, 3 *ols. % va.
Stedman's History of the American Revolution, a vols*
4to, with elegant maps, pktes, &c.
I Fergufon'j history of ths Roman republic, 3 vol 4 to.
H- ; Britilh Poets, 75 Vols, with the lives by Dr. Johnson.
i Same bbok, 44 vols.
| King of Prussia's works 20 Vols, tvo French.
P s ; Megnot's futvey vt the Ottoman Empire, by Hawkins, i
| 4 vols. t
ht Mirabeatf's fpeeches-in the National allembly, tt unfitted
ce by White, 1 vols*
10- Douglafs't travelling anetdotes.
nd Secrt t hillory of Charles 11. a volt.
ys Britilh Plutarch, 8 vols. 12 mo.
as Courtreau's ©onfeffions. 2 volt. .
ho Venya's history of Califrruia, a vols, Svo.
lis Andcrfon's account of China, i vo.
(1 . Beaumont and Fletcher's works, 10 vols. Bvo. ■
,| 3 Ell's journey thro' 1 sandert, Brabant and Germany to
Switzerland, Svo.
A3 Wycdhams's travels thro' Europe, 4 vals. Svo.
[(n Smyrnove's fumy as the Ruffian Empire
Forfler's northern voyages, 8 vo.
, Varieties of literature, 2 vol. 8 vo.
Groiier't uefcription of China j
y Wefton's Universal Botanist, 4 vols. 8 vo.
8 ' Elegant extraifts in Natural History, t vols. Bvo
: "> Guthrie's history of the world, 12 vols
no D'Anville's compendium of ancient geography, 2 vols. 1
°P With maps, &c. '
les Blackftone't cwmmentaries on the laws of England, by 1
in- Christian, 4 vols.
his John Hall Stephenfon's works, 3 vols, "Svo.
ers Langhora's Plutarch, 6 vols, 12 mo.
on Beauties of the Drama, 4 vols.
for Muller's lllulltation ot the Sexual fyttems, I volt. Svo.
im. with plates >
Priestley's leAures on hiftarjr, a vols. Bvo.
- Chambert'sDiikionary of arts aui feleaces, by Dr. Rees,
5 vols, folia. t
tcr Beawe's history' civil, caramarcial, pohticaland Htersry
on- of Spain and Pcrtagal, s volt, it 01.e, folio,
> W
3* * Xif * /
: M*nflein'» rarme/rt of Russia, from 1717 to 1744, iritlk
, mi P"> plans, &c. 4to.
Farrett's voyage to New Guinea, with plates, 4to.
Wright's travels thro' France, 1 vols, tvn
' Douglafs «d the antiquity of the earth, 4to
1 Clavigero'shiftory ef Mexico, translated by Cullea, i vob
• 4to* plates.
■ Condorcet's life ofTurgot
. Maretti's travels thro' Cyprtjs, Syria, Jtc 2 vol*,
i Lavater's cflays on Physiognomy, 3 vols. &\
WnrW DifplavM, 20 vols. bound in 10.
Memoirs d* Dumouricz.
, Foundling hofpifal for wit, a colle&ioa of fugitive picces,
10 vols. !2mo.
Letters from Paris in 1791 and '91, With a reprefsntatiea
of the capture of Louis XVI. at Varennes, % vols*
1 8 yo. .
Moore's view of Society and manner* ia Italy, France,
Switzerland and Germany, 4 vol*. Bvo.
Ruffel's modern Europe, j vols.
Gibber » Roman Empire, a vols, abridged.
Andrew's hiftn.yo? the war with America, France, Spaia
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Ribeaut's history of the Frentfh Revolution.
to South America
Burke on.the
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j Mortimer's complete dictionary of trade and commerce
' foli®.
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Kadcliffe's journey t ' u ' o ' Holland, 4to.
Pennant's history of Qiiadrijpeds, with elegant etitraving*,
' i. a vols. 410. ,
Philosophical Dictionary, 4 vol. Wh mo.
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Children's friend,-in Italian, 4 vol. Svo.
Home's element'* ps criticism, 1 voj. Bvoj
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. Buchan's life oßPiet&icr and Thornton, Bvo.
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Keqneay on' Gardening, 4 vol. Bvo,
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Remarkable instances in ancient and n.oJern ex
emplified by biographical fkctchcs.
Biographical Dictionary, containing tha lives #f the moSt.
eminent p»funs, Bvo.'
Comparative display of different optaions on the French,
revolution, 4 vol.
Complete art of Buok-keeping. .
Biographkaianeodotesof W. Hogafth the Painter.
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Elegant extracts, prose, verse.epistle and sermon* 4VOI Bvo
Martiniere, le Grend D.Ctionairc Geographique et Cri
tique, 13 vol. folio.
New system of Natural History, 3 vol. Svo. with plates-
Plans for the government of Britilh India, publifliej un
der the aulpiccs of Mr. Dundas as Secretary, 4to.
Lord llawkelbury on the conduit of Great-Britain, to
Neutral rations.
Hoyle's Dictionary, or treasury of !vo.
Hifiory of France, from the firft cftab ilhmcnt of that
monarchy, to, and including a narration of the late
revolution, 3 vol. Svo.
History of Spain, 3 vol.
Goldl'mith's experimental pliilofiophy, a voli. Ivo.
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Portlock's atad Dixon's Voyage*.
Family Brewer.
Travels of Anaicharli*.
rhompfen't Stirioris, elegant edition
T'ayne's Extraftj
3ijL e Si ''I 4 vol. from the 6erman o£
Williams's letters from the 48th of July to th« ofcti -
1 blilhment of the cenftitution of '95
Freud's Algebra
Chalinrr>'*c»lle<ftion o{ treaties, a vol.
t xOO the conftruition and use of thermom:ur«
Ned Evans, 4 vol.
I Clareujjne, 3 vol. '
Sullivan's view of nature, 6 vol.
Hsloe's t-ranflation of Htrajlotui, 4 vol.
Piijdar's woiks, with a new volume
King of Pruffia'* work, »o vol. in French
Marflial's rural ornaments, a vol.
Hoole's tranflition of Arioflo, 4 vol. *
The kiiTes of Johannes Setund**
Belllham'* memoirs of the reign of George 111.
Letter* r>f an Hindoo Raja'h, a vol.
('.ward'* history of the Weft-InJie*, » vol.
Bells Britilh theatre, 15 vol. elegant
Jones'* do. 10 vol. do.
Ouvre* de Voltaiw, 70 torn, do.-
Work* of the king of Prussia, 13 vol. (KngtilViJ do»
Abbe de Calonne'* vix w of the political Hate of Europe.
Swift's works, 47 vol.
Letter* from Scandinavia, 2'vol.
Gibbon's miscellaneous works, 3 voL
Gibkon'6 Roman Empire, 6 vol.
1 ColleAion of Farces, 6 vol.
R. C. & Co. have received an Imrtifnte cslleftionof
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' ment of L4W-BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, &c.
all 111 the neateil and some of them in the molt fplenj
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" Public and private Libraries supplied on the most
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December 44 01*3*
; A few hogflieads of choice N. E. Rum»
and a Quantity of LARD, for sale;
Enquire at No. fx, North Water-ljreet.
December 24 dtw
APLANTAIGN, ia the town of Woodbttry, coun
ty of Glouceiler, and {late of New-Jetfey, eontam
i, ing about one hundred and hfty aares; a Cuitable propor
tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A
J great part of the arable laad is in a high state of cultiva
tion, and very natural to the production of Red .Clover.
On said plantation there i* a genteel two-story brick house,
with four rooms on a floor, and a gebd dry cellar uader
the whole; together with a barn, corn-crib«and carriage
houfe. l'he garden is large, and contains a good collec;
. tion of the be ft kind* of grafted *nd inoculated fniit tr«e* 5
the orchardeonGftsof about three hnndred grafted app e
trees. Aay per fori inclined to purchase laid premises, may
» be mforaied of the terms by applying to
July 19 F
' ■ - • - • - - - * - -
Any Person
Who it well acquainted with the Jlivcr
And will give Direilions for failing into the fame,
that can be depended on, Ihall be genaroufly reward*
ed for hi* information, provided he will leave the
y directions with Mr. John Fenno, printer, PhiLufcipbia,
or EAmuad M. Blunt, Newburyport.
Mbvemjier 3. iaw2m
Yesterday afternoon, ia Second, between Arch and
s, A small sura of money j whoever ha* loft the fame,
may have it by proving their property, anil paying far
ry this advertifeasent.—Apply to the Printer.
Dec. 43. *3*-