Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 24, 1796, Image 4

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    FOR SJLEf 7
A BOUT 12 miles from this City, f:triage in Abirtjton
.L+i. Township, MoHtgomery-Coanty ; containing 70
acres, a new ilcne houfe,two ftr>ries high, 2 rooms 011 e
floor, fire places m each, a ft one kitchcn and stone Ipring
haufe, over an" excellent spring of water, a barn, stable, c t
ftct.s, barracks, &c. A large apple Orchard, and a variety c [
of other fruit, a 1 out 1 a acres of good meadow well water- t }-
ed, and wood fufficient for fire, and fencipg the place. t j-
PoUefiion may be hady the ifl of April next. Property in a j
this City wiil be taken in exchange. Enquire At No. 37, f<=
Arch-Street. fv
Philadelphia, September 13,1796. ttftf
A LEAtlßfor/even ytars t frim the 25th March next, in thht
capital and beautiful FARM, called
Situated within one quarter of a mile tfomths Brindywin*?
Mil's, <f»d half a mile from the borough of Wiiir.ingtun. t
THE dwellinj. houfe N is built of stone, two ftorics hig'v,
gentee!y ftniftled, and contain handfoir.e rooms on
a floor, besides an entry, wuhcrpua! garrets, and convenient
cellars. It ra gcncially'.houg»it to command the modi
grcejhlt #ro(ieft of th« Delaware, from the fourcc of that
liver Ift iheCipt s. 'I'hi» profped ia gieatly ci;.b. llifVicd by
1 full view of a vrft bodv of meaciow, through wWch the r
Chrilliane and Brandv*inecreeks are feeo winding in beau-
tifnl meanders. Near the house n/e a Kitchea, a
stone liable and hav loft, a bam, a Carriage hf.ttfe, ml.-
So:, and a well of as uu'e water as any 011 the cos",
nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, □- •
bounding with fruit, and particularly v.uh peach trees, ol
he veiv bed kind, brought from Mary land, and in full bear
?ng. There is. moreover, on the place, a voung, apple
'orchard to bear, and leveral old trees that product
abundantly, 01 Tides cherry and .ther ornamental trees, in ,
gre.-t numbers. The farm conf.fts of near sixty acres of Und,
of good quality, and clear of incumbrances, except
twenty of which arenow in rxceltcr.t clovct and timothy,
and ten more will be ready for sowing next fprmg. V wr
fidericeof nearly « years has convinced the fub:cnber that |
the fiiaition is remarkably health,;, The great nod road
-from Philadelphia to the Southward runs wiinin seventy 1
yard* of the house. In a word, the oca .ties and eonvem
enee of this fttttation eannot be enumerated irr an adverttle
-ment, and when cxainmcd. will probably command the at
tentioo of any person who !fc dt:!irl..o! living at one of the
most elegant country feats on the comiHeot. The ptr.chifer
may.nteror. the premil s nest (prir.g, or peiluos. this fall,
if appttcat'toa be immediately made to D.flor XIC.:IO[, A . S
WAY, i« Philadelphia, to D.iCkor VvH I RiON, ont' a
premiles, or, itt hi* ablenes, to Mr. GEO»GS TRUII 1, in
A quantity of excellent Say, Grain in the ground, some
Stock, occ. may be had by the purc'r.afer at the umc of sale.
Nov. 7 eodtf
James M'Alpin, Taylor,
No. 5, South Fovrthjlreet,
RETURNS h s grateful ac'tnowledgments to his
Friends and the l'ebtic for thtir liberal encouragement,
and begs leaire to folic il; a continaance of their favor*.
He has on hand an extensive affortnlent of the
Mojl Fajhitmable GOODS,
And of the best quality, fuitallc for the fcifon.
At this shop Gentlemen can be furnifhed vyiththe W<b
material", and have them made tip in the neateil and moil
Faftiionable manner, and on the fljortcll notice. He will
thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and
psn&nal attention, to them.
November 10. ws
The Elephant
THE public are rcfpecifully iivforrned, that,
this animal is to be leen every day, from 8
o'clock in the morning tiil fui» down, in Market
■ftreet, No. iss, south fide, between Third and
Admit <1:1 ce. a quarter of a dollar, that every ci
tizen may fee bim.
gy At the reqotll of many persons it will be
exhibited on evenings from ftve to eight o'clock,
at half a dvdar eich.— l'he 100 m will be well j
lighted. November 7.
Treasury of'the United States.
% T OTICE is hereby civen to all persons who are or
j\ may be Creditbrs t'? the United States, for any funis
of tho F.ndc.l Debt, or Sto:!, luring a frefent inkrejl of fix
ter centum per annum.
ift, That pursuant to an Ad of Congreft pasTed on the
48th day of April, 1796, intitled an in additioti to an
a&, intituled 4< An adt making further ppovifiori for ths
support of public credit, and for the redemprfon of the
public debt," the faiddebt or. ftoek will be reimfcurfj.! and
paid in roannfer following, to wit. " Firfl, bf dividends
« to be made en the latl days of March, June and Sejtteni
<c ber for the preffntyear, and from the year onerhoufand
« seven hundred and ninety-seven, to tUt year one thou
• « sand eight hundred in; kifwe.ur the rate of
« one .and one half per centum upon the original capital.
" Secondly, by dividends to be made on the lall day of
" December for the present year, and from the year one
tlioufand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the: year
" one thoqfand eight hundred and f«ventecn incltifive, at
« the rate of three arid,one half per centum upon the ori
t% gihal capital; and by ?. dividehd to be ma "e on thf last
" day of December, in the year one thoftfind eight hun
" dred and eighteen, of fych fwm, as will be then ade
'* quate, according to' the contraA, for the 4t:al redemp
-41 tion ps th laid 'stock."
2d. All between payments on account of
nterefi and Principal being thus abolished by the
ment of the permanent r :le of reimbnrf(jm«iit abov<a <!e
---eribed, it lias become necessary to Vary acc®rding!y the
powers of attorney for receiving dividends; th; public
reditors will therefore observe that the following form
s eftablilhedfor all powers of attorney which may be
granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, vir.
do male, eonjlitvU and appoint
of my true and lawful At
. t6rney,for me ,ondin my name, ie receive the dividends ivhrcb are,
or JbtjH be payable according to lata, <m,the (her* defending the
stock) {landing in my name in the IcJ-s of (1 re defcribmg. the
books of the Treasury or tire Commifljoncr of Loans,
where the flock is credited) from (here nifert the com
mencement and expiration oi time for which the power ol
attorney is to continue) iditb poiuer also an attorney or atht
. jfLs under bim, for pjtrf to rr.uh andfubjliiuie, andt* -do all
liivjul a£ls require Jul ejje&ing the premises, hereby ratifying and
confirming all that my said Attorney fir lis fubjVilule, flailla-wfid
ly do, by virtue hereof,
Li Witness hereof, I lave hereunto set my Hand and Seat tb*
day of in the Year
Sealed and Delivered
in ptifence off.
BE IT KNOIVN, that on the day of
efr: mepetfonally tame
ivitbin na ned aad acknowledged thecalove letter of attorney to be
hit ait and deed.
In tejlin:ony tvhereof / have k+teunt* set n:y Han i end affix
ed Seal tlx day and year lap; afortjaid.
Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen
tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to directions
from the Secretary ofthe Treasury.
Treasurer of tb: United States.
Territory of the United Stales, ,V. W. of the Ohts-
Torneh )
v. . C Foreign attachment. cle
Parker, j hel
Notice is hereby given, o'c
To JOSEPH PARKER, late of Kaikaflcia in the{nrw)
conftty of Randolph, in the Territory aforefaid, Mer
chant, that in purftsance of ttye laws of the Territory in ~
that cafe provided, a foreign a£tachra«nt hath issued out of
the county court, of common pleas of thciaid county,
again**, the lands and tenements, gouds, chattels and ef
feeU, rights and credit, cf the fa Id Joseph Parker, at the
suit of George Turner, Efouire ; and that unless the laid *
J oseph Parlter appear by himfclf, or Attorney, to give tw
ipecial bail to fuc)> ftiit, judgment by default will be en- a
tared against him, at the court to be held in and for the to;
fyid county, next, after the -e«piration of twelve months
i from this date 5 and the estate or cftates so attached, will
be fold for the of all creditors, who (hall ap
pear to be juflly intitled to a demand thereon, and (hatt
r.pply for that purpoft. Dated at Kaika&ia, aforefaid,
this twentyninth of March, 1796.
d JOHN RICE JONES, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Horses taken in,
For the Winter Seafan,
And f#d on clover hay at the Subscribers place, is
rai!e« on the Bristol Road, where £ood tabling is pro
vided, and great «are will be taken oft the oi
William Bell.
Nov. rnwfawmthtf.
Lottery and Broker's Office, ti
No. 64, $&uth Second street.
TICKETS ill the Caxfal Lot&ery, No. 2, for Tale—a n
Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in ,
fehe late lottery. , ,
Check. Books kept for examination and r: : gifterixijr, for
the City of Washington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries,
both of which are now drawing—information where
tickets are to be had, and prises exchanged for undrawn
tickets. A complete lift of all the prices in the late New-
Port Lonj-Wharf, Hotel and Public School*Lo.ttcry, for
The fubferiber solicits the application cf the public
and his friends, who wifti to purcSafT or f 11 Bank Stock,
Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands,
&c. or to obtain money on deposit of property
\* Alft) Tickets in the Schuylkill Bviigc Lottery for -1
sale at Ten Dollcrs each, which will be drawn early in J
the Spring. c
Wtn. Blackburn.
Philadelphia, Augtsfi 18, 1796. mth
Brokers Office, and
No. 63 South Third ilr«jet,oppofite the imional new Bank.
hsv« entered into co-.paTtnerfhip, under the firm of j
I-RaTOCES & VAN REED, in th« business of Brokers j ]
Conveyancers and Commiffton merchants. They buy and j
fell on commission every species of flock, notes of hand, 1
bills of exchange, house* and lands, &c. j "
Money procured on dcpofits, Sec. <scc. ali k:rda c'
1 writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatness and
» dispatch; accviunts and books fettled* in the '
mod correal manner. Constant attendance will be given. | '
They foltcit a share of the public favor ; they arc deter- j
- mined to endeavour to drCerve jt.
N. B. The ufemoil fecrscy sbferved.
t Philad. August 27, m&wtf
City cf Washington..
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
• A magnificent > 20,000 dollars, & J
. 'tdweliing-hotife, j calh 30,000, are ) '°°
il 1 ditto & cad* 55,000 40,000
x ditto 15,000 3c cafli 15,000 30,000
I ditto 10,000 & oifli 10,000 10,000
l ditto 5,000 & caih 5,000 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 & cafr. 5,000 10,000
1 cash prize of 10,000 '
1, do. 5,000 cach, ire • 10,000
rod». I,eoo - - 10,000
e ,10 do. 500 - - 10,000
00 do. 100 - - 10,000
s no do. 50 - - 10,000
c 4CO do. 25 - - 10,00#
d 1,500 do. 20 £ 20,000
| s 15,000 do. lo ™ 150,000
i- ft
d i5>739 Prizes.
1- 33,161 Blanks.
1. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000
if —
>e N. 3. To favour those who may take a quantity of
ir /TickeH,'hf priae of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn
ticket, and the jo,ooothe last but one :
i- And approved notes, securing payment m either money
ft .or prreep, in ten days after drawing, will be received for
1- any number not less than '30 tickets.
i his Lottory v.'Ul afford ah elegant ffteciinen of the pri
-- vate buildings to be ere&ed in the City of Washington—-
Two beautilul designs are already fcWted for the entire
fronts 011 two of the public fquarcs ; from these
itispTopofed to creel two centre and four corner bail dings,
8- as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in
ic the manner defcrlbccl in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery,
m A nett deduolion of five pco" cont. will be made to defray
se the neceflary cxpenfes of printing, the furphis
will be made a part of the fund intended lor the National
at University, to be ejected within the Gity of Washington.
The Prawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
old off.—The money prizes will be payable i:: thirty days
«f»*?r it is finifhed ; and any pr;ze* for which fai tunstc
tiambers are not produced within twelve months after the
drawing is cl6fcd, are to be confidereda? given towards
\e the funi for the University ; it being determined to fettle
s, the whole buftnefs in a year from the ending of the draw
i- ing, and to take up the bonds given as security.
oi l'he real securities given Cor the payment of the Prizes,
r- 3re held by the Prcfident and two Dire&ors of tiy:
ill *oT Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a
■td mount ot the lottery.
y- The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commiflioners afliftcd in the management of the
hi L-iotel-Lottery are requeued to undertake thi* arduous talk
a second time oil bebalf ©f the public ; a fufficient nnm
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National University and the other federal ob
je&s may continue to favor the design. V
By accounts received from the different parts of the
be Continet\t as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the
t- drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and
caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafe disposal of
1- » he tickets, has rendered the foorr suspension indifpeniable.
Tiekets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of
James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Oilman, Boston t
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Rickard Wells*
Cooper's ferry. eo
Bank cf North America.
THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an
cleilion for twelve Direflors for the ensuing year will be
held at the Bank on Monday the 9th of January at ten
Dec. 6. fo'.'T
VVafhmgton Canal Lottery, 1
N°. I. D
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authoHfed
the underwritten, to raifc twenty-fix thousand, a j
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, from th Po
tomacto theEaflern Branch Harbour.
; The following is the SCHEME of No. I. —
I Viz 'i Prhze-of zo>ooo dollars, ao,ooo
I ditto io,ooo io,ooo
: T,£} >*» »*» »
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4,000
10 ditto *>' 100 * 1,000 .
55 ditto 50 I,7J°
5750 ditto 12 69,008
To he raised for th« Csunal, 26,15s °
5850 Prijas, 1-7J,000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
175C0 Tickets, atTcn Dollars, - 175,030
.Jjr* The Commiffioneri h.ivj taken the Securities re *
quired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment ol
the prize.. .
Tljc drawing of this Lottery will commence, within*
delay, a, soon as the Tickets are fold, of which tiiic'v
notice will be given.
Such prizes .is are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is fintJiied, (hall be cpnfidered as relinquished for
the benefit »f We Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
' ( Signed j NOTLEY YOUNG, i
i, City of Walhipgion, Feb. it ■ 5
Paterlon Lottery.
> r raising ftxthoafand fix hundred and sixty-seven
' n JL dollars and fifty cents, by a de<iu6Uon of fifteen per '
cent from the prizes, and-not two blanks to a prize, viz ,
I Prize*of 5000 dollanii dollars 5000
I 1000 1000
i SCO 500 j
j 100 lOCO
40 100 1000
99 jo 4950
. JOO J 000
'J loco 10 10.QC0
5 Lafl drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, 5000
° f
1 2332 Prizes, 4-;>4Jo .
> 4018 Blanks.
c r I 6 ;5o Tickets at Seven Dojlr.rt cach, 44,450
By order of the Directors of the Society for eftablifh
he ing Weful Mtnftfafiuref, the fuperintendants of the Pat
n erfon Lottery have requeftcd the Managers to offer the
n ' m | forcgoiri e Scheme to the public, and have dira&ed them
to-rcioiid the money to thofc pgrfons who have purehafed
in the former Lottery, or exchange the sifkets for tickets
n this Lottery.
Pae lottery has actually commenced drawing, and will
continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
— may be feci: at the office of William Blackburn, Nto. 64
south Second llreet, who will give information where tick
ets may b« procured. 1
Dated tin 17th day of June, 1796.
t y. 2v- cum mm,
' JACOB R. HARDEN3ERG,> Managers!
1 Prize of 5000 ... 5000 |
1 1000 - * * 1000 1
I s®o ... 500 j
5 200 . t - - I«C0 ;
20 100 - « 1003 j
90 50 ... 4500;
165 15 - - - 4i*j I
The five last drawn tickets, 1000, 5000 .
Being all the valuable prizes, besides a full proper- ;
tion of the ro dollars. I
As the Lottery is considerably wore than o«?e third
drawn, the value cf tha undrawn tickets is great
ly increaled, and it is worth the notice of thole
who hold tickets in th.old ilheme, that they cau ex
change t«hcir tickets for thole in the above, if thoy ap
ly soon, and at a moderate advance confidcrin;; the !
now real value of an undrawn ticker.
The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in ,
future will be oftener, -and the Lottery soon finifhed. 1
November sz. _ tows
f By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
nsy ,
Tot Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64,
South Second-jirtet.
P"- _ J
in„ f For raiilig Sixty Thoufaod Dollars, ajreiably to an Afl ot
n l the Legitlature of PennfyKaiia, palled dining the lafl
leflion, for bailduij? a -Stone Uri.igr over the Rivet
•„ Schuylkill, at the Borough of Re»dir.g, in ihc County of
' Be.ks. Dollars.
J' X Pri/C of 20 000 Dollars - a O,OOO
1 do. of 10,000 do. • - 10,000
P 3 do. of 5,000 do. - 15,000
)na 4 do, of 2»oO0 d'X - - 3,0c0
n * 20 do. of 1,000 do. 20,000
are 3Q do, of 560 '10. - . i
' a 7 8 80 do. of 200 Jo. - - i6,0c0
inte aoo do. of 100 do. - 20,000
tho 300 do. of $0 do. - - 15,000
irds 1 do. ok- $00 do. to be paid the poflfef- '
•fctle lor ef. the ftri'i drawn no. £
aw- « do* of 3,000 do. to he paid poflcilors )
of the five iall drawn nos J 1 '
9,400 do. o 15 do. : - 141,000
«mk ——
. a . 10,054 Prizes 300,000
10,046 Hlauks -* ■■■ —
lt » 30,000 Tickcts at Ten Dollar* 300,000
V AH Pr\rr» fli3U be paid fifteen davs >fter the dr«< wing 15
fiuilhcd, upon the demand of a poifeflo* of a fprtu.°..i:e
1 ticket, ftifejfd to a deduift-on of twenty per cenf. The
Drawing will commence as soon as the Ticket* are difpofrd
of, or perhaps fooncr. of wlvich pnblic notice will be given.
Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William IVUman %
v ets Hi Z' hr > !7"mes Dismer, Thomas Dundas*
the James May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel Grarjf,
and SelajUan Miller, Commissioners.
lof Reading, May the 9th, 1796.
ibl«. Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, to be had at the
above office, where the earli«fl information of the draw
; of ing of the Washington No. 2, and Patterfon Lottery's,
ton : are received, and chcck books for examination and regif
ells' teririgare kept.
O <sober 7. aavvtf
I,e Breton,
Pup!! of the celebrated Mr. Dubois, late Dentist to the
King and Royal Family of France, member of the
College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris,
Keeps a complete aflortment of eveiy thing necessary
to be used for the
Preservation of the Mouth and Teeth.
Patent Minora! Teeth, and Human & Ivory Teeth ;
Dentrifice in powder ; Opiate j exeellent Elixir for
fwcctening the momh and preserving the teeth —he
also furnifhes Brnfhes and foft Spinges.
*„* He lives in Chefnut-ftreet, No. 135, abort
November t6. tts
WILLIAM* M'DOUG ALL will open hiufchool on Mon
day the 31ft mil. at ten o'clock in :he morning, at hU
Elegant hew Ball Rooms,
In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Street®.
Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to 1 o'clock
on Mondays, Wedncfday, and Friday mornings; and for
young gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clock on the evenings •
the fame days.
In addition to a number of new cotillioas, he mean# bo
introduce a variety of Scotch Reels.
Note. The firft pra&ifmg ball to be on Tuesday ©-
venin£, the finl of November, and to be continued every
Tuesday, during the season.
For terms, &c,°enquire at his house, N#.134, Market*
OA. If. tthf
A Mannfa&ory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory,, ftluate
in a convenient part of the city ; the work* almost* new,
on an entirely original cotiftru€Hr>n, and built of the best
materials, and may be ftt to work immediately. Peripnt
whowilhto purchase, are rcqucfted to apply at No. 273,
South Second Street. September 13. t t f tfr
Twenty Guineas Reward.
RAN AW AY from the fubferiber on the 23d O&obor,
a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES; 21 yean
old;'about 5 feet 8 inches high; had on a r.ii*tfd grean
coat, with a green velvet cape and oral yellow buttons;
a striped ve:t; a pair of dark Ipotted pantaloons, and
whole boots much worn. It is probable he may change
his name and dress. He has been actuftomed re driving
a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will Se
paid for securing him so that the fubferiber may get him
again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by
Robins CJiambcriaine.
F.ifton, Maryland, Nov. to. I4(jmiawtf
Samuel Richardet
T> ES?ECTFULLY Informs tire Gentler*™
Merchants, that he lias this day opened the CI TV
city of Philadelphia:
The Subfcriprton Room W?H be furniftied with all tfm
daily papers publifbed in Philadelphia, Nsw-Yorfc, Bcf
ton, Baltimore, together with thole of the com
mercial ci:i«s of Europe—They will he r<fg|klarly filed
and none permittsd to be taken away on any account.
. Tea, Coffee, Soup Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
1 of French Liqn'ors; together with the usual refrefhmeuts,
* will at ail times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
| the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mofl
5 approved Malt Liquors lror.iLondon and oth-rr breweries.
* The Larder will be sUpplied with the prime and earing
•produ£iom» cf the Season. /
Large and small Parties, or tingle Gentlemen, may be
accomn-Qdated with BreaHafts, Dinners, er Suppers, at
} fioiirsmoft convenient to thcmfelves—a cold Collation it
' regularly kept for convoniency, th« Fare to be had
at the- bur.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and
5 I the utmoii attention paid to cieanlinefs, and every other
I requisite.
D ' Igj Samuel Riciiardet will behappy to receive, and
3 | vxecute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
j krge; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledge*
5 j himfelf that nothing on his part ihall be Wanting to pre
-5 ' serVe that patronage with which he has been so diftinguiiii*
| ingly honored.
0 ; l*hfladflyvhia, April TO- mwf
1 . Treasury Department,
September *8, 179 6.
e XTOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re-
X N ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury
until the expiration Qf the firft day of March next en
~ \ suing, for the supply of. all rations which may he required
C i Tor the use of the States, from the lirft day of
June, 1797, to the jhirty-firft day of May, 1798, both
days iricjufive, at the places and within the diftrl&s hwre
! - after mentioned, viz. At Qfwego; zt Niagara ; atr
Pjcfque Isle; at Saw'trflcy Lake, and on Samluiky
River; at-Detroit; at Michilimackioac; at Fort ■ "frank*
lm; *t Kttiburgh i ut Cincinnati; at Fovt-HaraikoH fc
at Frv. St. Clair; at Fort-Jsffcrfon; at Grenville; at
Picquc Town and Loramics Store; at Fort Adams; nt
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any piece b«dow Fort
Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort
oteub'-n ; at Fort MaHac ; at any pla«e from Fort Msjffac
to the south boundary of the United States on the river
MitTiftppl; at Fort Knos ; at Ouiatanon.
If ft;j»piies frail be required for any posts ©r places not
Q f mentioned in this notice, all such fuppiies ihall be fur
,{( 1 Jiilhccl at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
er I posts before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on
of between the United States and the Co»tra(ftcr.
s. The rations to be fiipplied are to consist of sol«
>0 lowing articles, viz.
jo One pound two ounces cf bread or flour.
One pound two ounc« of beef, or fourteen ounces o{
pork or bacon.
■° Half a gill of rum, brandy or whilkey.
One quart and half a pint of fait.")
Two quarts of Vincear, ( , , .
£ Two pound, of So»p, ( P er hund " J
Ore pound of Candles, J
:0 Thfrrtti.uif,are to be lurnifhed inf«ch qiwntitiei, as that
(hi»re fliali at nil times during the said term, he fmfieient
)0 for the cosloiaptionof the troops nt Miehilimackinae, Dc
,o troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix month* in
_ idvance, and at eaeh of the other pods, for the term of
so at leall three months in advance, in good and wholedoma
— provisions, if the fame (hail be required. It is to he tm-
Jerflood, that the Contractor is to (he e.fsnce and
:o rifle of ifluirgthe f*pTi!iss to the troops nteach po£l, and
15 that all lofTes sustained by thi depredation* of an enemy,\pr
::c by means of the troops of the United States, (hsil he pak{
for at the pricc of the articks captured or deilioysd, e.-t
r u the depositions of two or naorc persons of creditable civi
racers, and the of a coinmiflioncd oJhcrr, sf-
n > certajning the circumstances of the lot, and the amount
ts. of thiiiiticies for which compensation {hall be claimed
Seoretary of the 1 reafary.
he - '
if' 119 —
[Pricc Fight Dollars psr Annum.]