% of the States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. . _ SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24, 1796. {Volume X. IyUMBEA 1 34" 0, J — - —— For Siigo and Killibegs, F The American Ship TSancy, Cuthbert Riggs, matter. Will fail with all convenient fpeei. For freight or paflage apply to William Bell ; cio Who has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well aflorteJ p tr ' 3 Bales It ifh P.annels, and 2 boxes Linens 35 Pipes Brandy U Madeira Wine ; Indigo. Rufiia Matts, Also, A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, &u s OATMEAL, &c. November 11, 1796) mwftf A . FOR SALE, 5 j he snip m art, — SAMUEL PARKER,. Master, In hundred tons burthen. Apply to ■ JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY h not fold in a few days, fee will take £h? freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. Oaoher 31. atj For Charter, M j-T-, The Ship JOHN BULKELT, Ayrks STOCKLty, Matter. An excellent live-oak and cedar built of about 3000 barrets burthen. —Ap- Pr Je/Te & Robert W aln. „ J M d. be Nov. ' H For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, Samusu Pile, Matter,' 405 47-95 tars f c S ifter > , b ' u ' llt Philadelphia in the year 1V; J > of " ve oak & cedar, and was sheathed 13 months ago,Jie has jull had a compleat out-fit, and m«y be lent to iea at a very trifiins expence. For terms apply to Philip Nick/in & Co. Who have for sale on board said vrfel, %1 calks of fine yellow paint. 9 boxes and 12 bundles of writing fUttS. I box ink stands and note prefix. 14 bales of failrfanvafs. And on handy Imperial - ~ Hyson, and, TEAS. { Souchong J 40,000 pieces Nankeens of the ftrft qnahty. 19 tubs Qtiickfilvtrr. » chelts Bandanno handkerchiefs. 11 A few chafts Manchetter goodswell aflorteJ in Cor- a iuroys, thicksets, Muflinets, Dimiiue, &c. = 3 bo.*:es black fewingfilk. tBo crates Qneens ware well ailortol. 10 tors sheet lead. Nai'.s assorted, flat and ftarp points. London Particular, ) Madeira. Wine hi pipes , London Market, r Jjogfheads. New-York Market, J , 40 pipes and 10 hogfheacU Ttnenffc wi߀« g tierces Snake Root. 13 NoT 7 RTah ° gany ' tth&f.f i FOR SALE, ~ At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House, No. 99, No-rtb Second Street. HZf I Fresh Tea,. jK" Young Hyson, 5 l»*~ Dec. Imported from London & Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in crates and hpglheads, well assorted ■ytf-'ine Bottles in hampers Window Glass of all tizei Two cases of stationary ■One chettof yellow Jesuits Bark Two cases of Roll Arnctta A fmatl eonfignment of Rose flUskets, Flannels, Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, i'toit.s> &c. Paints of various colors. ' Jaiict fait in hogsheads. ( Also on band, .Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hogsheads and tiuarter cases t7*Ttaod gin in p!pe'> quality A few trunkfof ladies French shoes assorted Utr fe k r£n,ent of Dutch r\r tirk-'^riberKS,bed-ticks, uripes, cnecKs. And for Tale by the b V Thomas John Kctland. Walnut-ttreet Wharf. e-otf i * i , — " Bank of Ptrmfylvania, \s'h Dec. 1 796. The Stockholders are requeued to meeL At the Bank •nThurlday, the twenty-ninth inttant, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Bv order ok the Board, . ROBERT RALSTON, Cathie*, Protein. -§r*9tn — Women's Cloaks. I 1 ' ' (^orge"dobson, w O . Ac, South Third-street— Ha, just received, per Eagle, Cap,. FoSick, via I.on idon, an assortment of Drab" ? Cloak, trimmed with iur and purple and f ermine. Pearl J r Deeember 15. ——— ~ Elesrant Brussels & Turkey Carpeting, For sale by George Dobfon, No. »J,South Third-ftreet. , December 15. For Sale, Bv the Snbfcribers— In I ' EN!^" S . TRI^' 6c Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the Eagle. _ Trx . c WILLING 6 & FRANCIS. Yl&f Kov, 30 Fashionable Waistcoating. I s Choc GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, £*< SOUTH THIRD-STREET, FISK Has received per the Diana, from Londin, Clouded and firiped Spanilh Swanfdown Clouded Er'minatt and Moleflcms D< Striped do. and do. ~ Figured Manillas l'fe j Scarlet figured Eriminets Printed Florinetts Do. Caffinets and CaiTimeres Superfine printed Qniltings, newest patterns Also, per different afrivali, A large and general assortment *of Dry Goods, Suitable to the prefenc and approaching season. November 5. Infuranee Company of North-America. THF STOCKHOLDERS in this company are desired, Five to take notice that the second Tuesday in January, (being Foui the 10th day of the month) is the day fixed by charter for Twe the eleaion of twenty-five Direaors for the enfaing year. Six The ekaif the bye-laws of the Corporation will be Sue submitted to their consideration *t t'lis meeting. Thr EBENKZER HAZARD, Sec'xy Five D«c. .1. tAI °J Ten To be Rented, A Large Vault ar.d Cellar, That will contain ico pipes, fittiaM in Walnut between Fourth and Fifth-ftreet6. Also a COACH- p HOUSE and STABLE, with Stalls for five horl'.-s. N. B. Goods Stored by the month. Enquire of Benjamin W. Morris. November 30. mwfiq j FOR SALE, Th " About 1,600 acres of Land, i k a WELL situated, laying on and between Marsh 1 and Beech Crocks, Mifflin comity, Pennsylvania, in a four faparate Patents. For trrms ot sale apply lo Win. Blackburn, sit No. 64, South Second-ftrset. O&ober 3*. mwftf ~ " SALTPETRE. A larpe quantity of Double-Refined Salt Pttre for sale at No. 25, South Third^Ureet, November Insurance Company of the State of Feonfylvania. THE Stockholders are hereby notified, tha L an ele&ion for thirteen DireAors to (or one year, wist be held r- at the Company's Office, yn Monday tlwjth January next, c. at II -o'clock.—And p-'re-ibiy tr quarter-cases of Sherry Wine, it few barrels of Cyder, and a few quintals of excellent Tible COD- FlSH—for sale by EzekiH Hall, No. 4i, North Water-ttreet. December 14th, Ditti Frejh Garden, Grass and Flower-Seeds, j?.'T T~> es co *me Roots, ofC. <&C. Nov; This day landing from the ship B)agle, captain Fofdiek, from Lortdoa, D> And FOR SALE by — GOLDTHWAIT & MOORE, A Corner of Walnut and Second-streets, t j le j A moji capita! and txtenjive Assortment of Ndrt GARDEN, GRASS and FLOWER-SEEDS, P Ucc ROOTS, &c. Air.ong which arc, build Fire kinds /.fparagus Three kinds CrelTes Four Berecole Twelve Oniou Twenty-five Bean, Thirteen Radish . . Six Beets fifteen Tttrsip : Eleven Brocoli Fifteen I'eas Twenty-fa Cabbage Six Savoy y , 1 Six Carret Four Parfnin -j. Three Cauliflower Twenty-three Melon gn( Five Celery Twer.fy-one Lettnce Tea Cucumber Common and lemon Thyme • Curled leaf and sprigged Parsley Pot Marygoid tot Marjoruai Balm Thyme Mangel Wurtzel _ Leek Kail Shallots Rape Seei Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerne Red and white Clover' Timothy, &c. &c. Oil With a curious collection of the'moft eftecmed I'LOWER-SEEDS and ROOFS, «• Being she mod exter.Cve ever imported into this city. The above are from a capital Seedsman ill Londen, and are warranted freih and good. / r Printed jatalogues may be had by applying m above. •' 1, Dec. <7. r ' tf - pS j ° Just Landings \ At South flreel wkatf, from ctt hard tie ship Sredg- j leyy Captain Hedge, from St. Petersburg, The following Goods: ! Ru3Sa Sail Deck, firft quality. i Do. .Sheeting da. ] Do, Diaper. or Do. Huckaback. Do. Craih. Do. Mould Candles, 4. 5 *nd &,!> of the _ F.nglilh fije r Do. White handle Tallow. Do- Wliite So„t> in small boxes. 1 Do. Cordage of fine yarn. >n Ravens Duck. di: Id iGnglaf*. i-l and and fort. p t tt, Horse Hair uncurkd. . tr . an Ruflia Bar Iron. be Do. Kooplrun. P. 0., ft-ods. ■ is Tons QiVum and Junk. ' CUso »»! I I For iiait by _ c Philips, Cramond, & Ce. n "Afr T 7 ? d ; of A Short Delay A be In the Drawing of the Canal Lottery, a ! in. I n V' Afhington city, has been unavoidably occafion«d „ by the unUirefeen intervention of Mr. Ulodgst's I ottfiy e | —but the major rait of the tickets are now difpofrd j-. 'of, this i: to inform the ppblic the drawing ()T the Ca- .j nr.! Lottery will certainly commence without fail, on the ~ firll Monday in January tj§7, and those hojding tickets, hereby requeued to lend a featcnaent of those fold, anc those on ibnd. NOTLY VOUKO, ; DANfpX C \RROI-L, of Duddington, 1 GEORGE WAXKtR, . THOMAS LAW, :fi:s JAMES BARRY, «'> W. M. DUNCANSON. pin Printers who gave our advertisements a place in 9 their newspapers, are requested to give this notice aiimif- Eon.as the remaning tickets are expcifted to be soon above afes , ar , an J vc wiSi adventurers to be timely informed jM»v, x%. . 6w - Davis's Law Book Store, No. 313, HIGH-STREET. so»- GEORGE DAVIS announces to his prolcfiior.al friends, ' • acSl and the Gentlemen of the Law, generally, through the f u-. ! Union, that hii late importation of BOOKS is now arrang- | . " j cd, and ready tor Sale, from a single volume to an entire h brary, without any advance upon his former exceeding low prices, which for ieveral years past have in so diltinguifhed a manner recommended them to noticc. Printed Catalogues combining the mod exteßlive collcc. tion cf the latettEnglilh and lrilb Editions ever imported into this country, are publithed, and will be delivered giam on application. Orders addressed to G. D. in writing from any distance 5 (hall be punctually attendrd to. A number of TRTJNKS for Sale. \ ALSO, TO BE LET, in ' * A convenient LOFT, near Market Street Wbfrf. II - be ov g tu&fsw y 0 f : —* —* ' For Sale, By J. WARDER, PARKER Ssf Co. -,' 1 ll An Invoice of Cordage, 1 "he ConGfting of different sizes, from 12 ir.ch cables down to rope «f 1 frichcfi, of different lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. er . Sept. ly. office 0/J London particular Madeira Wine, nfYt Landinc from on board the barque Eagle, Capt. E^ttes, Rdent 'ttd for iale by ROBERT ANDREWS, 1 No. 36, S®uth Wharve®. November 19. cocks Cheap French China. coun- THE fubferibers finding it impoflibleto fnpply their ntam " store with any more China from Prance, the prices °1 °T being too immoderate in the manufactories, give no- Htiva- tice that the y will fcll at F' M ' e cost 11115 Kr " jinia S lover" fteck on hand ' ««tfiaing of honfe? D'lfert Setts, under Tea-Table Setts ria K e- Separate Cups and Saucers :ollec Groupes and Figures trees; Alabaster Vases app e- Looking GlafTes, in gilt frames, _ 6, may Befidts India Japan'd Toilet Desks, Chairs, Tables nad Quadrille Qoxeii. PASQUJF.R & Co. R. ' Ne. 91, South Seeond-ftrett. December jth. " s For Sale, By George Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels and half barrels Ditto Herring and Mackarel. Smoaked Herring in barrels acd kegs Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or Tingle one Dry CedfiOi, from oae 10 fifty kentals Fine and eoarfe Salt Nova-Scotia and French Plaster of Paris, in the (ton© and ground, for manure and ftucco-woik December i. _ For Sale, A capital Hand for buffnefs— I'hat well known tavern, the Ewe and Lambs, North Front Street, No. 333, in the Northern Libertiss; a brick houfc containing nine firo 1 places, and ten rooms well fintfhed ; good stables and chair-houfc, with a lxamc-houfe oh W.ater street ; the building (lands on four lots, teaKnteen feet front ench, ma king a front on front-ftreet, thirty four feet, and nearly ' the fame on Water-street, and is one hundred and forty 1 f«t deep from flreet to ftrcct, fubjsd to £». 10s. each I lot per annum, ground rent, this property h near the hay ' scales, and public ri»cks, easy communication with the 5 Delaware waters and advantageously situated for bufmefs of various kinds. n The above prtmifes are now rented until December II neit at £.l'S p£r annum.—Enquire of tae Printer. e Dee it. , §iw2.aw6w. _ Wm. Holdeßnesse, No. 76, HIGH-STREET, Has received-by the late arrivals, A IVell Stleded Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and HaberdaChery Goods, Which he will fell, wholefate and retail, an the verjr I{l lowest terms ; Amongji ivbich are .Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new patterns — Ditto Fnrniture ditto Ditto Dimity Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslin* ?" Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Nockcloths, very fine Mantuas of -the f.rft quality Silk and Cotton Hosiery Umbrellas of the firft quality, aHorted lrifii I.inens, very fine, awl Table Linens Marfcilles and" Cotton Couttterpines Rose Blankets alforte*—&c. &c. October a 6. :he ' ■ CAUTION. WHEREAS very Urge and heavy deli to are juftty due and owing front rnvfirs. Blair M'Clenaehnn atfd Patrick Moo/\\ of the city of Philadelphia, merchants, trading under the firm of Blair M'Gleriarkan and I'. Moore, and from Blair M'Clntueban in his separate capacity ; to whieli, by the laws of the land, a-»* the joint »3 well as separate property of the laid Gen'le men, is, and ought to be, litble. And whereia it is clearly and- fattsfU&orily ascertained, that mr. Blair APClentuban, of the fiiid firm, Has conveyed . away to snr. Jcbn Ji. Hujlon, his fon-inlaw, ttt his L_ daughter, iaif« M'Clmackan, and to his foil, George M'Clenachan, fevcral large and valuable real estates, as veil as coufidcrable personal property, in the city * and county of Philadelphia-, in the county of Laucaf l,td ter, in the county of New-Castle on Delaware, and «»y elsewhere, with a'view, as it is apprehended, to de lf,d feat the Greditons in the reccveny of their jtift debts.—» Ca " This is, therefore, to forewarn all perform whamfo ,hc -ever, against the purehafe from the f«id grsnt-ees, or either of them, of-any portion of the said real orper *nc fonal property, as tlie most vigorous measures will without delay be taken te render the fame liable to the just demands of the Creditors. By order ef the Creditors. 7*koma: Pitvflmwr, "J » Philip Ntckllx, I I/aac Vharton, r Committee. fin William M'Murtrie, \ mis- Samuel IV. Fi/her, jove Philadelphia, December 17th, l?§6. icth.J f TO THE PUBLIC. THE caution introduced into the public prints, rnds, warnirrg all persons agaisft purchasing from the 1 the grantees ?f Blair M'Clenachan, any portion of the ™V?' l sr g f ■ real snd P ei f° nal estates he conveyed away to r U his fon-in law and t» hi» children was the result of tied a a deliberation had upon the fubjedt by a general and numerous meeting of the creditors as well of Blair ortei M'Clenachan and P. Moore a* of Blair M'Clena g'atit chan individually. It was no more than an execu tion of that trust confided in the fubferibers by ftjnct those creditors: a step which it would bave been a s breach of duty and honor in them to have omitted. The very ftatcment of the fa& therefore mud dis pel the imputation that it was eithfcr " precipitate . or viadidlive." It eriginated in a desire to secure the property of the debtor as a fund for the p*y r ment of his just debts. It was fanflioned by the advice ot council as a measure ntcejary to the fafety of the creditors. If the advertilement has been down injurious to Mr. M'Clenachan he owes that injury ed in j 0 y s own unjuftiliable conduct, not to the iub« If' fctibers who have merely publi(h«d the trutli in terms as mild as the fadt would admit, and whe ine y mean to investigate in a'high court of justice the Eittes. validity of thole purchases ef whieh Mt. M'Cle nachan so confidently fpeakl. '• The fubferibers therefore are bound by a sense of doty to the creditors in general to repeat their caution against purahafing of those grantees or either of them, and to extend the terms of it to a ' their purchase from any other persons (if such there be) pnCeS . to whom Mr. M'Clenachan may have made fimtlar " nmg rSES T. FITZSIMONS, 1 S P. NICKLIN, ISAAC WHARTON, WILLIAM M'MURTRIE, SAMUEL W. FISHER. Philad. Dec. ai, 1796. Oj*'" 53" Those printers who have been reqnefted to ;ett! v publifb the firft Caution, are defred to publifb thi» tts alfa-