Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 23, 1796, Image 4
I FOR SJLE, A PLANTATION, A B <WI r» miles from this City, situate in Abington iownftip, Montgomery-Cosr-ty ; containing 70 seres,anew stone houfe,tw o ftoricß high, % roonib wi v ■ oor, fire places in each, a ftonekitchtn and {lone lpring J!*, • ° v ? r an fccellent spring of water, a baru, stable, , e s,baffacks, &c. A Targe apple orchard, and a vaiiety ( 0 ot, ' tr f ru it, about 11 acres ot good n>cadow well water- , ® irlr vvoo( * for fire, aud fencing the place. , Follcffion may be had the ill of April next. Property in this City will be taken in exchange. Enquire at No. 17, Arch-Street. Philadelphia, September 13,1796. ttftf ' . r O BE SOLD, A LEASE for seven ye,irt,fram the '2.5/ i March next, in that tapital tiqd beautiful FARM, called P R O S P E C T-H I L L, Situated within one quarter of a mile from ihe Braiidywisc | Mills, and Haifa mile ftom the borough ol Wilmington. , 1 dwelling house u Luik of Hone, two fturies high, geiitecly finifned, and contains four handfomc rooms on a floor, betides an entry, with capital garrets, znicunvenieiit cellars It is geneiaity thought to com/liana the mofla gri<eab!i profr>e& of the Delaware, from the fou'ee of that nvtr to the Capes. This profpet"; ia greatly einbtllifhed by a full view of a vast body df meadow, through which the fhrifiiana and Brandywine creeks are fern winding in beao- ' tiful meanders. Near ihc house are a Kitchen, a spacious 1 flone liable and hay loft, a barn, a carriage house, milK houfe,&c. and a weli oif as puie water as any on the conti nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, a boundine with fru«, ? nd particularly wi:ri peach trees, of t he very bed kind, brought from Maryland, and in full bear ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a young, apple orchard begining to bear, and leveral old trees that produce abundantly, besides cherry and other ornamental trees, ,u jreat numbers. The farm confifls r.f nrar sixty acrcs ol land, of good quality, and clear of ineurnbunctf, exccpt taxes, twenty of which arenow in excellent clover and timothy, 1 and ten more will be ready for sowing next spring. A ie fidericeot lieatly 8 yean iias convinced the fublctiber that t the lunation is remarkably healthy. The great poll load fc "from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within seventy t yards of the house. In a woid, the bea.itits and conveni-. t •tlce of this situation e»itnot be enumerated in an advertise- I •ment,and wheo examined, will piobably command the at- e lention of any person who is of living at ofie of the Oioft elegant country feats on the continent. The pure hafer a tnav enter on the premifi s nest spring, or perhaps, this fall, , if application be immediately made to DoHor NICHOLAS o "WAY, in Philadelphia, to Doftjr WH ' R I OAI, on t! e premises, or, in his abfencc, to Mr. GEO.xGli TRUI IT, its r Wilmington. f: A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, some '' Stock, &c. may be had by the purchaser at the time of sale. Nov. 7 eodtf " —1 . . N James M'Alpin, Taylor, No. 3, South Fourth-Jfreet, RETURNS h;s grateful acknowledgments to his Friends and the Public for thwir liberal encouragement, and begs leave to foliclt a continuance of their favors. *■ He has on hand an extensive aiiortment of rhe l ; Mojl Fashionable GOODS, c And of the best quality, suitable for th» season. fe At this shop Gentlemen can be furnifhed withthe best bi material*, and h»ve them made up in the neatest and'molt Fashionable manner, and on the shortest iiatice. He will w thankfully receive any orders, and pay a .prompt and d punctual attention! to them. w November ro. . w , r ■" " m The Elephant IS RETURN-ED FROM BALTIMORE. THE public are rtfpectfully informed, that thi6 animal is to be'leeri every day, from 8 ~ o'clock in the morfiing till fun down, in Market ftreet, No. 106. foutfl fide, between Tliird and Fourth-ftieets. * , Admittance a quarter of tt dollar, that every ci tizen may fee him. Cfr" At the reqoeft of many persons it will be -exhibited on evenings from five to eight o'clock, jt at half a dollar -each—The room will be well lighted. . November 7. Treasury of the United States. Vl OTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or i\ may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums ©f the F •nded Debt t or Stock, bearing a present mtercji tif Jix | ter eentvm per •annum. lft, That purluantto an Aft of Congrtfs parted on the aßth day of April, I796,intitlcdan aft in addition to an aft, intituled " An aft making further provision for the support of public crtdit, and for the redenintion of xhe public debt," the said Jebt or ilockwill be reimVirfedand paid injnanner foHowing,to wit. " First, by dividends 1 " to be made on the lall days of March, June an J Septan- — "* ber for the prefout year, and from the year one tiioufaiui I " seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou-> j " faild eight hundred & eighteen inclufrve, at the rate of " one and one half per centum upon the original capital. j " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the lafl day of " Detember for the present year, ind from the year one **' thouland seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year Xi " one thousand eight hupdred and seventeen inchifive, at yj " the rate ps three and one half per eSntiifn lipoh (%c ori ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ipa eon the lafl' 9r " das of December, in the year one thousand eight hun- an *' dred and eighteen, of filch s um, as will be ffien a le " quare, according to 'the conrraft, for the final redemp- V ai " tion of the said stock." j- v sd. All difliinftion between payments on account of f ro m'm/t and Principal being thus abolished by the eflabjiihj -jt; menr of the permanent rule of reimbursement abovo de yrjbed, it has become ncciHa'ry to vary accurdingly the the jiijwen of attorney for receiving dividends; t!u public the reditors therefore obi'erve that the following form A s eftablifhedior all powers of attorney which may be the granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, viz. w j KNOIV ALL MEN ST THESE PRESENTS, that Us •I of Jo male, Ttnfitutc and appoint ol< */ . my true andtawful At- afti t»rney,for me ,ani!in-ny name,.to reeeh: tie divila-Js \ are, iftn or Jtall be payable according to lazv, on the (hers describing the dra ftock)landing in my name in the booti of {here defcriPiMig. the the looks of the Tx-eafurr or the Commiflioncr of hoans, the where the flock is credited) from (here insert the com- jug Biencement and expiration of thnc for which the power of ' attorney is to coßtintie) tvith pmver also an attorney or attcr* are ■mies under him, fc,r that purpose to mate endfubjlhute, audio do all of . lawful aft' >H"if'tefor effeSting thepremifri, hereby ratifying and m» confirming all that my said Attorney or hitfubjiitute ,fball U-wful. 1 ly do, by virtue hereof E J IC //» Witness hereof, I have hereunto fit rpy Hand and Seal ibl Hoi ■**y intbevear a ft Sealed and Velivertd " er in presence of, \ f r ; el ME IT KNOWN,that on the day ef jest afire me perfinally came ' £ •within named and actmruledged the abrve tetter of attorney to he Col Us aft and died. I av In teflimony whereof I have hereunto fit my Han land affix- dra ad Seal the day and year la[t caul •Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen- ths 1 tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to directions from the Secretary «f the Treasury SAKIUEI. MEREDITH, Jam 'Ireafurer of the United Statu. of J July*}. tlj I Coo ' k i■' . ■ ■ Territory of the I trite.{ S tts, X. IV. of tht Olio. TdrSier p »ton v - /• Foreign attachment. '70 Paxker. 3 , <*} >■' Notice is hereby given, To JOSEPH PARKh.R, late of Kalkafk.a in 1 } ' c » couaty of Randolph, in the llcwitory aforefnid, M«r ietT client, that in pursuance of the laws of the rerritory in tcr " that cafe provided, foreign wttachmwnt h«.th ifTued out of ace. t ] ie county court of common picas of the said : coouty, r 111 againfc the lands and teijeir ents, poods, cfeattcU 37» fetli, rights and credits of the said Jofepli Parker, at the luit o George Turner, Efq are ; and tnatjjnlefs thefaid Parker appear by lviinfclf, or Attorney, to eive lpecial bail so fucli suit, judgment by default will be en t red agaihu'h,im, at the court to be held in and for the that county, nest, ??fter the expiration of twelvemonths from this tlatie ; and the estate or estates so attached, wr!! beftld for the farisfa of all -creditors, who ftiall ap- 1 ■pear to be jußly intitled to a domind thereon, and shaH vt«c appjy for th?c purpnle. l>.ite l :it Kiikafkia, aforefaid, "• this twenty-mnt'li of f'larch, 17^6. JOcIW RrjE JONES, Attorney for Plaintiff ajLV Horses taken in, tl > ,t For the Winter Seafvtu, t'e 011 c ' ovcr h »X at Subicrilierj plice, u caa- n on Bristol Rtyd, where good {tabling is pro iouj and great care will b» taken of them lU - ' William B?!l. n, _' Nov. mWfawmtlnf. ) a- ■—'*««»'n 1 - — — . ■ . — ear Lottery and Broker's Office, No. 64, South SsCCXD STKF.KT. nd, r T r ICKETS in <&e Canal Lottery, No. 2, for fale—>ti 1 ices, -**■ Ch-ck Book for examination —and prixes paid iii the late lottery. ( rc . Check Books i k ept for examination and r »i{h;ring, for 1 hat the City ot VValhiiigton, NO. 2, and Pattefon l-otteries, 01H both of which are now drawing—'i'nfor;iiation where nty tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn :ni-. tickets. A cr.mptece lift df all the prizes in rhe late New i(e- Port Lpng-Wharf, Hotel and Public Schcot Lottery, for at- fcxaminatioV. The fubferiber solicits the application of the public * ,. r and lus friends, who wiP.i tA purcljaf'e er fell Bank Stock, a "' Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Honfot, Lands, t" e C ' or to lolu T on deposit of property. j rk A!fb 1 ickets iri the Schuylkill Lottery for n 1 sale at Ten JDoUers eadi, which will be drewn early hi J me the Spring. y c • Wm. Blackburn. Phrladelphia, Augu/l »8, 1796. mth Brokers Office, and his COMMISSION STORE. tit No ' South Third street. opposite the national new Batik. Q AM-OEL M ERAUNtfiS and JOHN VAN REED, j 2 O into co-partnership, under the firm of j I'RAUNCES & VAN RKED, in t'he business of Brokers, ! Ctinvey*ncers;>ndComiiiiflion merchants. They buy and 1 fell on-commiffion every fpecics of stock, notes of Ivmd, 4 billi of exchange, houses and lands, &o. oft MoxtypriScured on dspofits, &c. See. all kinds t< 6 nil writings in the conveyancing line, done with neMnefs and nd dispatch ; accounts adjuffsd, -and fettled, in the 11 1110 ft correct manner. Conllant attendance wHI be grven. Cl Th«y solicit a'fhau. of the public favor ; they are deter- ' c " mined to endeavour to deserve it. tc N. B. The utmost secrecy observed. S UIUEL M, rRAUNCES, n JOHN VAN REED, at fhilad. A-ugufl 17, 1796. m&wtf . «< : g ~ ' m :t- City cf Walliington. ( ° SCIIEME cf LOTTKRY, No. 11, :i- FOR THE IMPROVEMENT 0 I THE FEDERAL CITY. e A magnHicent )at 5,000 dollirs, & 7 "•> (dweliing-houfe, J cash 30,000, are 5 900 -11 I ditto 15,000 & calk 25,0150 40,000 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 - I ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,0e0 & cafli 5,000 10,000 ns 1 cash prize of 10,000 r tx ~ ado. 5,000 carfi, are • 10,000 -lo do. 1,000 - - 10,000 le 10 do. 5«o - - in,two tu in 00 t^o, 100 * * 10.000 . , s t-yo do. 50 - - 10,000 le 4CO do. 15 - - 10.000 y id 1,000 do. ao » 20,000 js 15,000 do. >Io - rj«!,ooo . td 16,739 Prizes. ,nc Hoite R!ank«. of fu '• 50,000 Tickcts, at Eight Dollars, _ of ____ lc N. B. Tofavour those who niay t?.\e a quantity of !r Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars.will be (he x/. fa drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but oKr.i 1- And appro'ted rotes, fecuriiig payment in either n»n«y ft »r prize*, in ten days alter drawing, will be received foi C„ 1- any number not less than 30 tickets. i" This Lottery NvHlafford an elajjar.t fpeciracn of thepri p- vate buildings to be ere&ed in the Cily of Wcifliingttm Two beautiul deligne are already fcf'aed for the entire ' fronts on two of the public ftj-aares j from tl.cle prtwiugj Fo 13 itispropofedtnerecitwo centre and fopr comer hnildings, e- as soon as pofllble after this lottery 'is fold, and-to convey ! >• them, wheu complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in ! K the mannerdefcribed in flie fcl.eme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of lifepw cent, will be made to defray >e the necessary expeufcs of printmg, rile fcrpltt* wjll be made a part of the fund intended for the National ot Univeifity, to be eiocled wititin the city of Wafsiin. g ton. The Drawing will commence a? soon as the tickets are old off.—The money prizes will brpayable in thirty days t- after it is finifhed; and any prize# for which' fortunate e, iftnnbers aie nut produced within twelve moi.tlnafter ths ie drawing "is closed, are to be coiifidsrcd as given towards e the fund for the Univeifity ; it being determined to fettle s, the whole business in a year from\the erldiiig of the dxaw - J u g> an< l to tijee up the bonds given as fccurity. if The real fecurit I*% given for Sie payment of the Prizes, 9,4 are held by the Prcfident and two XJireaors of the Bank It of Columbia, and are valued at more than hrif the a d mount ot the lattery. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commissioners aflifled in the management of the .» Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thu arduous talk ! a second time 011 behalf of the public ; a fafßcient num ber bf thefc kindly accepted, it ishwped-that the " cl friends to a National Uiiivcrfity and the other federal ob je-fts may continue to favor the design. ' By accounts received from tiie .diflerent parts of the t Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets 7°. have been f.nt for sale, the public ape afTurcd that the - drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and bel caution unavoidably necellary to insure a fa'fe disposal of j - th« tickets, has rendered the foort suspension indlfpenlabU. s SAMUEL BLODGET. ' A bc •§. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of i ng James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Oilman, Boston : are of John Hopkins, Richnvmi ; and ef Richard Wells' teii Cooper's ferry. C 8 ( Bank of X'orth America. 9 THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified that an <ele£Hon for twelve Diieilor's lor the ensuing year will be held at the J3ank on Mojiday the 9th 6f January at ten o'clock. v) RICHARD WELLS, Cafcien «r- Dec- J. in — 1 * " ~~ of Washington Canal Lottery, I' NO. r. he "TTrHER.EA9 the State of Maryland has authorised id VX the underwritten, to rail: twenty-fix thmufand, vc two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting n- a Canal through the City of Washington, fro>n til Co he toinac to the liailern Branch Hatvour. hs The following is the SCHEME of No. I. ill Viz -1 Prize ot 20,000 dollars, 40,000 p- I ditto 10,000 in,OOO ( iH 7 last drawn 7 • . d, Tickets, each J S ' 35, 6 ditto 1,060 6,000 to ditto 400 4,000 20 ditto 100 " 1,000 jj ditto JO 4,750 5750 ditto 12 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 26,25® ' 3- 5850 Priz«s, 175,000 1 irfjo Blanks, not two to a prize. _____ i I7JCO Tickets, atTcn Dollars, - 175,000 The Conimiffioners havu taken the Securities re 1 quired by the afore'faid aisl for the pandlaai payment o! the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delay, as so.m as tlv Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. [ h Such prizes as arc not demanded in fixmonths after thf drawing is finifhed, fnall be considered as relinquiftled for )r the beueat'»f the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. 3 (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, i e DANIELCARRQLL, tfD. c n' LEWIS DEBLOIS, r G£OKGE WALKER, ir Wm. M.DUNQANSON, * THOMAS LAW, •c t JAMES BAIiKY. City of Wathtegftou, Feb. 11. $ s, " : a Paterion Lottery. « r railing fix thousand fix hundred and 'sixty-seven c a 1 and fifty cents, by a deducliou of fifteen jier a cent from the prizes, yd not two blanks to a prize. *iz J" I Trize ef 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 * 1000 1000 a i 500 / 500 I 5 500 40C0 20 10Q HOOP 99 50 i?9s° 100 2J 5000 ' [ 4000 IO 10,000 f j J Last drawn numberi ef -1000 dollars each, 5000 | J 433» Prizes. 44.4J0 , 4018 Blanks. > , ci 1 <350 TlckMs at Seven Dollars each, 44,450 . j By order of the Directors of the Society for cfKMiftr . ing UfefulManulaftures, the luperintendauts of the Pat crfon Lottery hare reqUested the Managers to offer the . foregoing Scheme to the'public, and have directed them 81 to refund the mon«y to thofc persons who liave purchased , in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets C ft this Lottery. w I'he lottery has'acftually commenced drawing, and witl . continue until Enifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be fetal at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 63 south Second street, who willgiveinformationMhcrr tfiS ,ets may he Y'f' nmrrA. — - * Z73te!rtlTih 17til day of June, 1796. y. n- gumming, •) ? c JACOB R. HARDENS ERG, > Manors. , :JONATHAN RHEA, ) STATE OF THE WHEEL. 'I Prize of 5000 , - - - 5000 & I 1000 ... 11000 rfi I 500 - - , JUO S SOO 1000 f x 20 ICO - . 2000 90 JO 4500 r t6 S 4j . . 4IIJ [=' 'I he five hft drawn tickets, iotso e<.ch, ' joco Jeing all the valuable prizes, besides a full proper- — tion of the 10 dollars. As the Lottery is considerably more than oire third dwwn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great ly increased, and it is worth the noticc of tfeofe ' "N who hold tickets in theold fcl)eme, that they can ex change iJic-ir tickers for thole in the above, if they ap- ! un . ly soon, and .at a moderate advance coivftdering the u ' now real value of an undrawn ticket. "" sot The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in J" future will be oftener, and the Lottery soon finiflied. ?' November 12- mw* p" By Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. ' Pu Fo Sold ly WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, South Scctmd-flrcct.. SCHEME of a LOTTERY, R Foriaifuig Sixty Thousand Dollars, agietably to an Aftol me the Leg'fliture of Pcn*lylvjKia, pali'ed during the !»!) liifi lemon, tor building a Stone Bridge over the River pol Schuylkill, at the Borough of Reading, in the County of bet n 11 ■ Of ■f „ U«U»r». 1 Prue of «0.000 Dollar. . 20)00a , » do. of .0,000 do. . . 10i0oo 3 do. of do. - . . ISiOCo 4 do. of 2,000 do. . y «do. Of ~ooodo. - . . P«« 39 do. of 500 do. - . lo , oa 1 80 do. of 200 do. . . . ,! >OOO < too do. of too do. . e » ooc 300 °[ 5° <\°. . , iio3o : I CO, ot 500 no. to be paid the poflef- > 1 for«f tiie firil drawn no. J 00 5 do. of 3,000 do. to be paid pofTcffors > of the 6ve Wt drawn tios V I s> ooo for 9,400 do. o 1 S do. : . 141,000 troi — adv 10.054 Pri/.rs 300,000 at 1 Hianks J 5 pro ah i> • n 3°' ooo Ticket* at Ten Dollars 506,000 All Fuzes (hall be paid fifteen days after (he dra wing „ thal fuufhed, upon the demand of a pofleflor of a fortunate bv nckei, lubjtxt to a dcdu£lion of twenty per cent. The r Drawing v. ill commerce as soon as the Ticket, are difpofr. ? r ot, or perhaps f.ooer, 6f which pnblic notice will be given. „ Phijip Milhf, Peter Kerjuaer, William Wit man, Joseph Htejhr, James Diemer, Thomas Dundas, oft] Janet May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel CraeJ, Sebajhan Miller, Commissioners. Reading, May thegtb,' i;g6. ■ Ttcket. in the Canal Lottery, No. 4, to be had at the ~ above office where the information of the draw- r, B ing of the Washington No. a, and,. Patterfon l.otterv's are received, and cjieci books for examination and rciif' termg are kept. ® ° aobtr ,awtf 4 I T ' Le Breton, 1 b" SURGEON-DENTIST, ten Pu P'' of th , e c D e!cl ";»' ed Mr. Dubois, !«e Dentist to ,] , K,pg and Roy,! Family of France, member of,, . College and Academy of Surgeons at Paris v * Keeps a complete afTortment of every thing „' ca •.' to be used for the " • Preservation of the Mouth and Tect!. P atcilt Minora! Teeth, and Human 5c Ivory T ■ Dentrtfice ia powder; Opiate; rxcetlent F'i. - , sweetening the mouth and prefervins the ,- i ' lnd ' *Ub furniChes Brufhe* and foft SpoS Ptf t *** lives Chefutit-ftreet, No. x>- 10 Fourth-ilreet. iS ' * bt!V * . November 26. — Jts. DANCING SCHOOL. WILLIAM M'DOUGALL wiilopen hisfchoo day the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning Elegant hew Ball Rooms, In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut S Hours of tuition for young ladies, from ro to i on Mondavi, Wednesday, and Friday morning - ir young gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clock on the evenis the fame days. , In addition to a number of new eotillio*s, he is - a , introduce a variety of Scotch Reds. Note. The firft pra<ftifiug ball to be on TWcUy e re veiling, the firft of November, and to be contihusd everr 0 j Tucfday, during the /eafaii. ' For terms, &c, enquire at his house, N0.134, Mark l N rat reet ri* OA - * 7 ' tthf^ :h« A Manufactory FOR SALE. For f- A Valuable SO VP and CANDLE Manufaflorv, fiju-t ---ln a convenient part of the city ; the works afeio«*Ww D. $n an entirely original conftruftio*, and builiofihe bdi materials, and may be set to work immediately. Perlm.j who Willi to purcba(e, are wtjuefted to apply « Ji} o 2 -. South Sccond Street. -September 13. tt < if'°' Twenty Guineas Reward RANAVVAY froai-the fubferiber 011 the lid OAoYv -i a MULATTO BOY, named MOSES- 2, yZi old; about J feet 8-nichesiiigh; had on a g ,ecn ' m coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow butto: • Kr A griped veil ; a pair of-daric ported a;\ whole boots much worn. 5t is probable hf may chaiw 00 his nanle and rfrcft ' bec " **™ftomed t« ' oq a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will fee . paid for securing him so that the fubferiber may set hnn * 0 again, and if brought home all renTonable eharjes^paidf 00 -Robins Ch amber lei ne. JO F.a(Von, Maryland, Tlov. 10. 14"^ wnjawtf j 0 ' 1 - ' — Samuel Richardet D EKPECTFULLY informs the Gentler-^ Merchants, that he "has this day opened the C : i f TAVERN and MERCHANTS OOFKEEHOUSE ,' ;hi city of Philadelphia: The Subscription Room will be furni'fhcd with all the daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-York, c t°n. Baltimore, together with thofeof the principal con - mercial citi«s of Europe—They will be rtgftlarly fiieJ ' and none permitted to be taken away on any account. d Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety ts cf . Prcnc!l Liq» or s; together with the usual ttiteOsikoslv, will at all times be procured at the bar. ill Gentlemen may dep'Jtid on being accommodated with the choiccft of Wines, Spirituous l.iquors, and the r:cl"l . approved Malt Liquors lrontLondort aud other breweries. £■ befupplied with the prime and aarhell produiftions ol the Sotfon. «nd finall-Parties, or fittgle Gentlemen, may be accommodated v.-ith Breatfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, ,t 6 . ho,,r , s n l oi l convenient to themselves—a cold Oollation is forc( """ ft> * w «y» «ht »iUof fare to be had The Togging Rooms will he completely ftirnifhed, ar.J 0 the utmost attention paid to clearnlinefi, and every o'ti cr 0 re.quifite. o \musl Richardet will behappy to receive and D execute the commands of -his Friends, and the Public at 0 ' 4 . r «'i, iU ! d with . for their favours, he pk.l, ■, Q that nothing «i his part fiialibe wanting to r»« - fcrvethat patronage with which he has been so diiliniruifc-• J tngly Honored. I ° IJ| ~'il*-l< Iphia. April IQ. mw f 1 -®j j Treasury Department, September 28, 1796. e M° T > CE ishcreb y that proposals will be ro - . tcivod at the office of the Secretary <jf this XrcafurT _ I until the expiration of the firft day of March next cn c | luing, for thc supply of all rations which may he rotjuirctl j for the use of the States, from the firfl day of 1 June, 1797, to the thirty-firll day of May, 1798, both days inciufive, at the places acd within the diflri&s hew after Mentioned, vit. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at I jefoue lfie; at Sandufty Lake, and on Sanduiky River; at Detroit; at Michilipiackinac; fit Fort-Frank- 1 Mn; it Pittsburgh; at Cincinnati at Fort-Hahailtoß; at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-jsfferfon; at "Crcnville; at Picque lown and l.orajaics Stottj; at Adamn; at ' Fort \Vayl4e; at Fort Defiance ; at any place below Fort Deftance ob tkc Miami lUvcr toJEriex_at I'wit ' Steuben,; at FortMalTac ; at any-place ftomFort to the south boundary of the United States on the civer MilTifippi ; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon. If fuj»plies (liail be required lor any posts or places not I mentioned in thi%,noria , all such fajiplies ihall be fur- - f } niihod at prices proportioned to those to be paid at tf.e r pofis before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed yn f between the United States and the Contractor. I he rations to be Tupplied arc to confifl ©f the fcl > lowing articles, via. ' One pound two ounces of Iwead or flour. 1 One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of * pork or bacon. ' Half a gill of rum, bran4y or whiskey* One quart and half a pint of fait.-) Two quarts of Vinegar, ( , , . Two pounds of Soap, per hundred fattens One pound of Candles, J The rations to be furfcifhed inl'uch quantities, ast' At rfiere ihall at all times during the said term, be fuflight for the conlbmptioßof the troops ut Michiiimackinac, l)u ---troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix month • p advance, and at each of the other polls, for the tqi'Hi of at least three months in advance, in and wliolef' n-- provisions, ii shall be required. It is to br. 1. derOood, that t lie is to beat the ar-d rtflc of-ilßiirg the fupplws to the troops at arch poli, 1 that all losses sustained by the depredations of an ens-.v-v " by means of the troops oi the United State*, fr ill fcf! - or price oi tte articles captured or —, < ] tKc depofttioHs of two or mote perfotis«f rrcibta'>K : - ; V racers, and the certificate of a commifuoncd oliii. r, • ctrtaining the circumstances of tbe lxrfs, and the in.t....: of the ai ticks for which compenfatioa lhall beclaiiiKxl OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treafi ry- ? . • . —-M | . . . M PRINTED BY JOHN FE N I i • —No. 119 — CHESStIT.JTStIt. [Priec Fight j)olki» ptr' Abo am.