Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 20, 1796, Image 2
New Theatre. On WEDNESDAY EVENING, December tt, Wil be presented, * A COMEDY, called - The Road to Ruin. Dornton, Mr. Warren Harry Dornton, Mr. Cooper. Sulky,. Mr. L' Efrange •Silky, Mr. Francis Goldfinch*. » Mr. Harwtod Milford, Mr. Fox Smith, Mr. Harley, jun. Tradesmen, Mitchell, Morgan, &c. Sheriff's Officer, Mr. Warrcli •fccob, Mr. Eliffett Marker, Mr. Wurrell, jun. Pcftillion, Master Wan-ell Mrs. Warren, firft time, Mrs. Oldmixon Sophia, Mrs. Merry Jenny, Mrs. Francis Mrs. Ledger, Mrs. Dodor To which will be added, A FARCE, called The Irishman in London. Captain Seymour, Mr. Fox Mr. Frost, Mr. Francis. Mr. Callooney, Mr. Darley, jun. MurtoehDelany, with tfongMr. Warren Edward, Mr. Hariuood Cymon, Mr. Eliffett Louisa, Mrs. Harvey Caroline, Miss L'Ejirange Cubba, Mrs. Francis ON FRIDAY, The Tragedy of The Orphan ; Or, The Unhappy Marriage. With a New Ballet, compoi-d by Mr. Byrn, called THE B O U QJJ E T : In which will be -introduced, the favorite TABOURINE DANCE. The French company of Comedians, having been honored with considerable applause on their firft appear ance, will perform again on Saturday next, and every Sa turday, until farther notice. Particulars qgll be exprefi cd in future Bills.^ Box, One Dollar twenty-five cents. Pit one Dollar. And Gallery, half a dollar. £3T Tickets to be had at H. & P. Rice's Book-store, No. 5® High-street, and at the Office adjoining the Theatre. The Doors Theatre will open at j, and the Curtain rife precisely at 6 o'clock. Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Office in the front of the theatre, from 10 till » o'clock, and from 10 till 4 on the days of performance. No money or tickets to be returned, nor any person, on any account whatsoever, admitted behind the fumes. FIPAT RESfUBL ICA ! Mrs. Grattan Refpe&fully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of the City, that the firft • LADIES' CONCERT Will be THIS EVENING at the AfTembly-Room. Act I. Overture, p-,M. Song, Mrs. Grattan, " Angels ever bright," Handel. Concerto Piano-Forte, Mw. Grattan, Krumpholtx. Italian Ballad, Harp, Mrs. Grattan, Milico. Miscellaneous Quartette. Acr 11. Harp Ltflbn, Mrs. Grattan, , Cordon. Song, "Ah fe perdo," Mrs. Grattan, Sacchini. Sonato Piano-Forte, Mr. Reinagle, P ley el. Primrose, ballad, Mrs. Grattan, Wcbbe- Overture, *4-* To begin precisely at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Grattan begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, thst the fubferiptiou-boak is at herhoufe No 39, North Sixth-street, for the reception of those names who wife to honor her with their commands.— A fubferiprton for eight nights 16 dollars, including a Gentleman and Lady's ticket, both taansferrable— Half-fubferiptions 8 dollars, including one ticket.— Single ticket » dollars. Mrs. Grattan takes the liberty of requesting the fubferibers to fend for their tickets any day after Thursday, the 15th of December, at No. 39, North Sixth-ftrest. Single tickets to be had at the Bar of Oellers's Hotel. December 10 For Sale, Seven elegant Scites for Buildings, Opposite the State-House Garden and Congress- Hall; each Lot being 25 feet front on Sixth-street, and no teet deep to a 14 eet Court, agreeable to a plan which may be seen at the CofTec-Houfe or at the office of Abraham Shoemaker, No. nx> So. Fourth ftreet, where she terms will be made known. December 16 00 3 Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. THE Stockholders are hereby notified, that an election for thirteen Direflors to serve for one year, will be held at the Company's Office, on Monday the 9th January »ext, at 11 o clock.—And agreeably to the aci of incorporation a ilatement of the affairs of the company, will then be laid before them. SAMUEL VV. FISHER, Sec'y. I hiladelphia, December 1796. d t 9th Jan. TO-MORROW MORNING will be Published, Porcupines POLITICAL CENSOR, For NOVEMBER, 1796. CONTAINING OBSERVATIONS On the Insolent and Seditious Notes, (Attacking the sovereignty and independence of the I United States J Communicated to the People, by the late Frcneh minister, ADET. December 10. . * JW Just Arrived, In the ship Djfpatch, Captain Morton, from Havre de-Grace, and for sale by Isaac Snowden, jun. No. 141 . SOUTH SECOND STREET, _..A" ' n y oic e of Gloves of various kinds, Men's White bilk Hose, Black and White Laccs, and a few pieces of Black Silk. December». fOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. Mr. Fen no, THAT contemptible and drunken vagabond Tom Paine, who is notoriously destitute of every honed principle, religious, moral or poiiticral, has crowned his career of impudence and falfhood with a letter addrefled in all the affe&ed familiarity of democraticfamiliarity, Thomas Paine to George Washington. Heavens! what a contralt.— Exccflive vanity, dauntless impudence and extrava gant falfhood are the prevailing ingredients in this democratic dose. The poor, filly fat has been railing at all the world unheeded and despised, and expects now to call attention by the magnitude of his object and the ridiculous extravagance of his defamation—and what has set the madman roaiing ? His dear friends have bee» so ungrateful I suppose he effefled their revolulion as >vel| as ours) as to have given him a fraternal embrace ISI the arms of a prifor>; and the PrefiHent o"f the United States mod " unfeelingly" find in the ranknefs of his ingratirude, neglected to arm the American na tion in his behalf, and liberate this French citixen, this member of the National Convention from his imprisonment among the friendsof liberty and equali ty. If he gave himfclf to the French, as certainly he did, they had a just authority to dispose of him as proper, and it would have been an impertinent interference in t he internal affairs of a great and magnanimous nation to have attempted any controul in their treatment of him. If he en tered into their fervuse and betrayed them, as he did the committee of foreign affairs of the United States, they had as fair a rigltt to imprifim him for his offence, as congress had to dismiss him from offiee. 1 his creature of avaricious poverty and deranged ambition, who is the ready and devoted tool of every faflion that will pay his pricc,—who would set the world on fire if he could find (ix prnce by the light—a"d advocate the climate and govern ment of hell to be popular there, afiumes to him felf a high rank in the American revolution. His pen, it is true, was ufeful, whilil the head and heart that dirt&ed it were deteftahle. The man ner and means by which his talents in inflammatory composition were engaged in favor of American li berty, like evrry other known adl of his life, {hew him to be aw unprincipled, mercenary wretch. Dare he pretend that » Common Sense" was the vo luntary effufion of his enthusiastic love of liberty ? Did he come forward a willing and sincere advocate of our eaufe, dire&ed by an honrft, patriotic prin ciple, and acting with the zeal of freedom and si delity ? On the contrary, is it not known, that he was, ttt the commencement of our revolutionary troubles, a decided friend cf the meafurea of Great- Britain i And was he not fought out and employed to -write on the American fide ? When thus fal tered, persuaded, and, if I mistake not, paid, how easily did he forfake his firft impreflions, for prin ciples he has none, and violently oppose his former friends and condu&. When peace crowned the success of our arras, Paine emigrated to Enrope— The land of peace afforded no theatre for the ex hibition of his factious and malignant talents. He has no faerifices for her temple. Intrigue, faction, war and desolation ire his divinities—To them his days and nights are confecrated—ln their fei vice he disregards every tie that unites man with his God, his country and himfelf—.His firft attack was upon the tranquillity of Oreat-Britain—But here he was difgracefully defeated, and had well nigh left his ears as the trophies of that defeat, and the security of his good behavior. At this critical timi with him, France presented a glorious scene for the ex ercise as his talents —"1 hither he went, and for a little while imposed on his new employers. He was hailed on his artiv'l as the child and defender of liberty, but was foen discovered to be a hypo critical bastard of discord and faction, ahd driven from all confidence and refpeft. He terminated his expjoits in France as he did those in America in difgraee and contempt.—The rigorous policy of that country confined him in a gaol, while the more lenient raeafurts of this were content with discharg ing hina from all offiee and trust. Are the ravings of this disappointed madman to be attended to? While I regret there was found any man in the United States so base and hostile to the peace and honor of his country as to publish this letter of in famy, I comfort myfelf with believing that there is but one man so loft, and that he is now so well known that he can neither add to nor the reputation of my country. DETECTOR. Philadelphia, Dec. 19, 1796. COMMUNICATIONS. Men of reading and reflettion long ago conclu ded that Democrats were no republicans. It was lately conceded in one of the Jacobin papers that this was true. Its being true renders its rather the more strange that it should be acknowledged. It is so however, and Democrats take the name and are welcome to it. It has worn badly enough, and now their French pay-mailers have-cast it off (for they now reprobate democracy in Paris) our imita tive gentry seem to claim it as if like running foot men they had a clear right to the second-hand suit of those whom they serve. The name fits them admirably, as it means that anarchy which rul»s the confirmed authorities or survives their definition. The use that lias been made of the name, to deceive •firft, and, then to plunder, suits the hypocrisy, the licentiousness, or the need of the different feds that form the democratic party. The credulous dupes may be left out as a diftinft fefl, for the fa£l is, the) do not keep together in a body, but are scattered among the others, according to the chara&cr of the leader they happen to enlifl under. In the lage of despair, an attempt has been made to difgraee the chara&er of federal-republican. De finitions have been quoted from books, implying that it is the power of a few which is meant by re pablicanifm, &c- But these are proofs of that fort of pedantry and indocility which is not made mo dest by confciout ignorance, nor wife by reading. Let the party be ftiled demosrats, far two rea ions. First, it describes the fort of politics they would introduce—and secondly, it is ft name alrea dy difgrjeed aud fits the wearers. Paragraph from the .furora. " When Mr. Parker asked wii«t had become of Mr. Ames's patriotism during the revolution, he arose, and laid nothing on that fubjeft." The y'.nfiuer. Mr. Ames was then a boy. It is a point yield ed to Mi. Baehe that patriotism may be sometimes a saleable virtue. It is denied that it is a boyish one. THE DEMONIAC—No. 11. From the Aurora ofTrJltrday. What ! is not 15,000 dollars a year, drawn out by anticipation, a compensation fufficient for the official duties of the President; ard is he h'mfelf to declare his count: y still in his debt, by boaftingofhis dilinter eltednefs ? Ths law fays that 35,000 dollars .1 year fhali be a compensation tor his, an.t real'on fays it is quire enough. It has been said, that ingratitude is the crying fia of republics I hold a contrary dodtrine, that gratitude te individuals is their greatest crime, and oftener leads to slavery than any other cause. When a citizen is called by the voice "this country to an important station, he is honoured, his best exertions,on!y can repay the debt of gratitude he owes his country. While he is in thefervice of his country he receives a eompenfation, in full for his time and trouble, and when he retiies after having done his duty, h - has but done his duty. If a balance remains, it is of gratitude due the people by the individual, for the honor conferred on him. A contrary deilrine will make slaves of us all. The malice of Jacobin hearts is well known ; — but there seems fometjiing inexplicably wrong in the make and operation of their brain The President is denied, in the Aurora, all claim to gratitude, because, if he has done well—(mind the impudence of that if) —he has done 00 more thin his duty, which he is paid by his salary for doing. Grßtitude, when it goes beyond that, would endanger the liberty of a republic. This is lather a new doctrine. When the Au rora gives details of French victories, the eSitor is never tired, though his readers are, of the praises due to the French toldiers, because, they did their duty in the battle. Why praise Frenchmen for do ing their duty ! They have bread, and meat, and wages. If the President were a Frenchman, would he be entitled to praise and thanks ? Put a plainer cafe. Is not the Aurora deserving of praise, for its hardy zeal in the cause, beyond the ordinary reward of the fubfeription money ? Surely it is worth more than money to exult at the prjfpedt of otir being involved in disputes with France, our trade preyed Hp»n, and our nation snubbed and spit upon, as if it was St. Domingo, or a party-coloured rabble of Victor Hughes's men. To exult in this cafe, to juitify the aggreflors, and to join in condemning America, is merit—it is more than duty—and justly claims fomeother reward than money. RICHMOND t (Virginia,) Dec. 10, 1796. AN ANECDOTE. At the late ele&ioo of a Prelident and Vice Pre sident, a gentleman of the name of Leven Powell, had wisdom and firmnefs enough to rote for George Washington and John Adams, notwithllanding the inlidious arts of the elettor from Caroline, to in duce a belief that it was edeatial far America to conciliate with the French dire&ory, by voting for Thomas Jefferfon. At th« play en the lall even ing, a certain Ifliam Randolph, supposing himfelf surrounded by birds of a feather, undertook to call upon the Orchestra, for " God save the king, for Leven Powell !"—the intended wit created a demo cratic grin for the moment, but a young gentleman by the name of Cheller, demanded of Randolph what he meant ? Nothing fir, cried the Poltroon' very well, if you meant nothing, it may be easily fettled—there fits Mr. Powell, tell him you meant nothing, and ale his pardon. He did so, and sa ved himfelf from the chaftifcment he deserved. CONGRESS OF -the UNITED STATES. IIOUSI OF REPRESENTATIVES. % ' Wednesday, December 14. Continuation of the debate on the address in answer to the President's speech. Mr. Swanwick did not know that any gentleman had objected to that part of the paragraph in question which spoke of our grateful sense of the kindness of providence, for the benefits we enjoyed ; but it was the impropriety of contraliing our situation with that of other nations which was principally objeifted to. And was it right, he asked, to tell Providence that ws were more enlightened than nations ? certainly not, rather let us rejoice that it is so, but not offend others by making our bonds of it. Mr. Swanwick again noticed the losses sustained in our commerce, from the Britilh, French and Alfcerincs. The only remedy for which he believed was a naval force. Was this, he aikcdacaufe for exultation : He thought not. He feared the revenues of this country would certainly fuffcr from the present stagnation of commerce. He had himfelf experienced confirfcrable leffes ; but the evil was not a partial but a general one ; and, as he did not feel the prosperous situation in which this courtfry was painted, he could not confcnt to violate his feelings by expressions contrary to them. The pentleman from Mafiachufetts ( Mr. Ames) in the .last leffion spoke at great length, on the horrors of war; which he looked upon as inevitable, if the Britilh treaty then under difcuflion, was not carried into effect. But now, when a profpefl of war, appears from another quar ter, its miferie* seem to be forgotten, and he almost calls his country to the conflict. He left the gentle man to account for such inconsistency.—The fame gentleman had made a companion of a fliipwreck, which he thought totally inapplicable. Were the na tions to which this country were compared in a state of shipwreck ? If we consult their own account of themlclves, as he had before they called them felres the molt free and enlightened. Mr. Swanwick concluded by laying that he neither discarded Provi dence, nor was willing to think too lowly of our prosperity, but he did not wish to make our boast, as to rifle the offending of other nations. On a call for the committee to rife ( it being past three o'clock.) A motion was put o that effedi, and loft 43 to 31. Mr. Giles hoped the committee would have risen, that he might to-morrow have had an opportunity of replying to feme obfervatiors which h2d fallen from different gentlemen; for though he thought he had exprefied himfelf so as nor to be misunderstood, it seems he was KiilUkea. It was net wonderful, he said, that : tlie pnpu'arity of the President .".ould lie drtHVn inft this debate. It had heen too common to do this; J>ut he truited the weight which was wished to be given to arguments from that circumfiance would not le very great ; andjas to the committee who prepared the address before them having been unanimous in agree ing to it, that would have little effeit upon him. TTe cared not for the unanimity of that committee tho' it appeared strange that the fail !h uld hav» been as sla ted. It had been complained that if the Prefideut not to be complimented upon his wifd -m and firmneis in his administration, there would be 110 room left ior compliment. He was of a difi'e. ent opinion. At an/ rate he was unwilling to allow his adminiflration had been wife and firm. Gentlemen had called upon hi.ft to produce instances of his want of wisdom and firm-' , ness. He laid he would not seek for more than one, I which was in the cale of the Britith treaty, the coale quence of which he believed w as the preleut m funder fiandnlg with the French government ; for though many *>ffe nee were mentioned in the Fit ; '1 minifler'a note which had taken place prior to the Bri ; tifh treaty, yet as these grievances had never before beer, spoken of, it was evident that the British treaty had called them forth. *nd gentlemen might lay what they pleased about the law of nations, no neutral nation ought to grant that to one belligerent which fh'juld prove an injury to its rival. Lojfc at Europe, said he, and fee what joy was (hewn hy Bri tain on the aecomplifhment of the late treaty, and with what contrary feelings it was received by France. The gentleman from Mafßuhufetts ( Mr. Ames) when the British Treaty was the fuhjeCt was over eomi by the pr-ofpeft of war, but now he feemid willing to embrace all those horrors, and was Inud in his calls of support of the exacutive. Hefpr' e of foreign influence, and called upon the world to judge between them. He supposed us upon the eve of war with France. If so he wou'.i 'imind the house tliat such an event would be a difaflrous one to this country, as 110 nation had thepmvei of injuring tis mote than the Frenth, and none that we had it in our power less to annoy. Yet that gentleman exclaimed, Now is the time ro come forth to support the govcri mem ! The War-hoop and Hatchet, of which the gentleman spoke la It session so feelingly had now loft all their horror. If this fitu.fcijn was produced by the improper con dud of the exe&ti**, it was enough to prevent him from giving his vote in favour of the Prefi. dent's wife and firm admi'iiflration. But the oen tlemao fiom S. Carolina (Mr. Smith) said there was an atrepipt to divide the Prifident from the other branches of the government. Mr. Giles said the President had no advice in this bufii'tfs hut that of the Senate. He would ask that house, he would ask all America, whether, if that iijjti uitent-hsd been laid upon the table of that house, before it had received the fandlion of the Executive, ii t would have been approved there ? He wag certain it would not. It was his opinion, i: was the opi nion of hisconftituents, that it was a rui.i'ous mea sure, and this would, ere long, be the opinio# of America. The gentleman from Pcnnfylvania (Mr. Sk greaves) had compared our notice of the calamitous fitaation of Europe to a man cautioning his family against the fellies of his neighbours: but, said Mr. Giles, suppose that neighbour was present ? They were carrying on a convention about (he French nation, which would be published. He believsd indeed, that an organ of a foreign nation had been present during the debate. How then would the comparison of the gentleman bear ? Gentlemen had been charged with a desire of striking out the expressions of our grateful sense of the Jcindnefs of Providence ; but was it not knowrV, that the motion to strike out, was with a view tf introducing something more tiflrxceptioriabla when recommitted ? He thought there was scope enough to compliment the Prelident, without pipnino gen* tleuien down to write Scoundrel on their own fore heads, by expressing approbation of measures* which they had always opposed i he hoped there fore, the motion would prevail, and the anfiver would be recommitted. Mr. Williams said, although he vras convinced that the neceflary attention would not *be paid to any obfqvations made at that late hour, yet he would not be fatisfied by giving a silent vote on luchan important occauon. He wou'rd, therefore beg the indulgence of the hou'fe for a few moments) while he went over some objedlioiis which had been dated by Mr. Giles. Mr. Williams said, it was no new thing to be told by that gentleman, chat the President's popularity would influence the house, or, that he (Mr. Giles) would , fay he would speak his own opinion. Mr. Williams hoped he fcould be credited in not only speaking his own o pinion, but that of his cenHiiucnts, when he said the address to the President was founded on truth) and this afiertion, said Mt. Williams, is confirmed by the proceedings not only of the legi(l«ture of the (late he had the honour te represent, but ?.lfo that of the gentleman's own Hate, together with all the different legislatures in tlw union, which had been in session since the Prefix wit's farewel address. But, said Mr Williams, the gentleman (Mr. Giles) appears to have summed up his »bj«aions to the wildom and fitmnefsof the President in two points. The one was, refpefting the- British treaty, and the other, that of his having his name in the journal? of this house, in opposition to the adminiltratton t ,x,fr eCUt ' V f- Wlth ref P t,S t0 the fi't. Mr. Williams, this nation had a right to enter into a treaty with Great-Britain," or it could not he said we were an independent peopje ; and he trust. Ed we (hould be juftified in so doing by France Did not the ambnfTador of France, in 1778 d . , liver , paper to the British court, declaring,' that the French nation had entered into a treaty with the United States, and at the fsr.e time, 'stated that great attention had been paid by the contrac ting parties, not to iiipulate any exclulive advantage to the French nation, and that theie w?s reserved, on the part of the United States, the liber'y of treating with every other nation whatfover, upon the fame footing of equality and reciprocity. But, fays the gentleman (Mr. Giles) no advantage ought to pe given to an eliemy. Mr. Williams ohferved, that be was convinced that no advantage was rive 1 to Britain ; but, ort the contrary, the article com plained of, mull, in. its operation be beneficial to I'rance; as it is an encouragement for American vefiels to go to their ports. It ensures them aoaM j loss, if they happe 1 to be interrupted in their v • age.