Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 19, 1796, Image 1
of the & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. \ - N&mbsji 1335.] / MONDAY" EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1796. \Vqlvme X. United States, "> Pennsylvania DiftriA. j C IN PURSUANCE of a writ to me dire&ed from the ho noruable Richard Peters, Efqmrt, Judge of the Dif tri& Court of the United State# in and for the Pennsyl vania diftri&, hearing date the l6th inft. will be fold by public au<stieo, at the Merchants' coffee-houfe, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 2lit infU at 12 o'clock at noon : The ship or veflel called the Eagle, with all and Angular her tackla, apparel and furniture : the fame having been condemned in the said Court, for th« paynfieftt of mariners' wages, &c. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marflul. Marfhal's-Office, 17th Dec 1796. d United States, ") - t *Pennsylvania Diftridfc. $ Ct " IN PURSUANCE of a writ to me directed from the ho nourable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of theDif triit Court of the United States in and for the'Pennfyl vania riiftri&, bearing date the 16th inft. will be fold by public au<flion, at the Merchants' coffee-houfe, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 21ft inft. at 12 o'clock at no >n : The schooner or veflel called the San tiago de Cuba, with all and Angular hr tackle, apparel and furniture : the fame having been condemned in the said Court, for the payment of mariners' wages, &c. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal. MarfhalVOffice, 17th Dec. yp6. d For Boston, 7he br 'X NILPT UN E, W?'-* : James Town, Matter, Lying at Wilcocks's wharf, will fail with all convenient fpeed—Fof freight or palfage apply to the mailer on board, or No. 76, North Front Street. Dec. 13. ___ __ For Sale, Jf— The Ship A D ELAI DE, - * Of York. j Lying at thrfubicriber's wharf—bur fc h en 220 tons, |he a stout well built 5 veflel, wa- built by the day for a House in New York,under the infpe&ion of a •lerfon concerned in hiT— has been only one voyage to London and,Charlef ton and fails fatter than any veliel out of the port of New- York.-—Apply to WILLIAM BELL. Who has received by the said /hip from Charleston— Tierces frefti Ricc, and a few calks of Ground Nuts. Dec. 6. $xt. *—1" 1 '"" For Sligo and Killibegs, Mfwl mer ' Can Ship N/iNcr, Cutbbert Riggs, matter. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or phflage apply to William Bell; Who has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well aflorted 3 Bales Irish Flannels, and 2 boxes Linens 15 Pipes Brandy . Madeira Wine ; Indigo . Rliffia Matts, Also, A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November 11, 1796, mwftf FOR SALE, tM)L THE SHIP MARY, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, Jfc-ssiaS f wo hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is notfold in afew days, foe will take freight <or Hamburg, Apply as above. C V-be- - <1 For Charter, Tke Ship JOHN BULK ELY, Ayres Stocklfy, Mailer. IB' 'i tfxce " ent live-oak and cedar built of about 3000 barrels burthen.—Ap feffe £sf Robert Wain. Nov, ' d. For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, ©iSatel Samuel Pile, Master,' Burthen 105 47-95 torn register, built in Si -i r '2y7 Philadelphia in the year 1791, of live oak and red cedar, and was sheathed 13 months ago, file has just had a compleat out-fit, and may be sent to sea at a very trifling expence. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin trf Co. who have for sale on board said vejel, 47 calks of fine yellow paint. q boxes and 12 bundles of writing dates. 1 box ink stands and note prefles. 14 bales of fail canvass. And on hand, Imperial ~) Hyson, and, f TEAS. Souchong J 40.000 pieces Nankeens of the fkft quality. 19 tui>s Quicksilver. % chests Bandanno handkerchiefs. A few chests Mancheftcr goodswell aflorted in Cor duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dinai<i£s, &c. 3 boxes black feeing silk. ifco crates Queens ware well aflorted. 10 tons (heet lead. _ • Nails assorted, flat and scarp points. London Particular, Madeira Wine in pipes London Maj ket, r an( j hoglheads. New-York Market, J 6 40 pipes and 10 hogsheads Tenenffe wine. 8 tierces Snake Root. 43 Nov gS 7 Mah<>g4ny ' tth&ftf For Sale, By "Jehu Hell:ngfworth, & Co. 15 hhds. Rum, 3d and 4tK proof, 5 Barrels'beft Indigo, and, A few thousand bushels of Turk's lfland fait. oa. 17. Old London particular Madeira Wine, J andine from on board the barque Eagle, Capt. Bates, ird for sale by ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86, S«uth Wharves. Novamb«r 29. «odtf BANK NOTES Lofl, in Dock or Second-streets between Pole's au£ion room and rolled in a bill of sales for fur niture. The finder (if will be f© good a3 fend notice to the Printer, or to the person in whofi name the bill is made. d3t Dec. 16. Elegant Brufiels & Turkey Carpeting, For sale by George Dobfon, No. 25, South Third-street. December 15. dtf Women's Cloaks. GEORGE DOB SON, No. is. South Third-Jlreet, Has just received, per Eagle, Capt. Fofdick, via Lon don, an aifortment of Scarlet Drab ( Cloaks trimmed with fur and Purple and ( ermine. Pearl J December 15. § Bank of Pennsylvania, 15th Dec. 1796. The Stockholders are requested to meet At the Bank onThurfday, the twenty-ninth instant, at jo o'clock ih the morniti". By order of the Board, ROBERT RALSTON, Cafiiiar, §t?9 T h Pro teni. i'or Sale, By the Subscribers— In PENN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the Eagle. WILLINGS & FRANCIS. Nov. 30 w&f Imported i/i the late arrifils from Europe and the , Weji-hidies, Holland Gin, in pipes ' Choice St. Croix Sugar and Kum Martinique MolafTss, in hog(head« Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-caflcs London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine, in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-calks Malrafey Madeira Wiß«, in pipes and quarter-calks Tenerifl'e Wine, in pipes Russia & FlemiOi Shteting and Ravens Due-k, in cases Window Glass, J by 10, in boxes Coifee Mills and Straw Knives, in casks Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, irt boxes Also, on hand, A few chtflt of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Aflafos tida and Tapioca; and a few bales of Coflaes, Baftas, Garrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Hantiker chiefs, and a complete aflbrtment of 5-4 and 6-4 Boulting Cloths. For Sale by Pragers & Co. OiSlober jo diwm&thun WILLIAM SHEAFF, ATf1.,,68, HIGH ST REET. ) Has for Sale, Wholesale and >Rktau, Madeira wine-, of ift quality, Old Sherry, Lilbon, and Port Wines, Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Spirits, Wine bitters and Claret m cases. Also fcr sale, A few barrels of excellent Beef. December 7. dx For Sale, By J. WARDER, PARKER Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different sizes, from »z inch cables down to rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in the snip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. 27. dtf Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Hot received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and striped Spanilh Swanfdown Clouded Erminats and Molelkins Striped do. and do. Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Erminets Printed Florinetts Do. Csffincts and Caffimeres Superfine printed Qailtings, neweil patterns Also, per different arrivals, A large 'and general assortment of Dry Goods, Suitable to the present and approaching season. November 5. dtf Cheap French China. THE fubferibers finding it iißpeflible to supply their store with any more China from France, the prices being too immoderate in the manufactories, give no tice that they will fell at prime colt the remaining fleck on hand, consisting of DelTert Setts, Tea-Table Setts Separate Cups and Saucers Groupes and Figures Alabafier Vases Looking Glades, in gilt frames, Besides India Japan'd Toilet Defies, Chairs, Tables nad Quadrille Boxes. PASQUIEU & Co. No. 91, South Second-ftrett. December sth. tts Davis's Law Boo£ Store, No. 313, HIGH-STREET. GJiORGE DAVIS announces to his proteflional friends, and the Gentlemen of the Law, generally, through the Union, that his late importation of BOOKS is now arrang ed, and ready for Sale, from a Tingle volume to an entire li brary, without any advance upon his former exceeding lov\ prices, which forfeveral years pail have in so distinguished a manner recommended them to notice. Printed Catalogues combining the mod exteufive collec tion cf the latest Englifli and Irish Editions ever imported into this country, are pablifhed, and will be delivered gfatis on application. Orders addrcfled to G. D. in writing from any distance (hall be pun&uaUy attended to« A number of TRUNKS for Sale. * ALSO, TO BE LET, A convenient tWT» near Market Street Wharf, cv.B. tu3tf3«r Frejh Garden, Grass and Flswer-Seeds, Rosts, &c. £yc. This day landing from the ship Eagle, captain Fofdick, from London, And FOR SALE by GOLDTHWAIT & MOORE, of Walnut and Second-streets, A moji capital and sxtenfive Ajfartmcnt of GARDEN, GRASS a»d FLOWER-SEEDS, ROOTS, &c. &e. Among which are, Five kinds Asparagus Three kinds Cresses Four Berecole Twelve Onion Twenty-fivt Beans Thirteen Radish Six Beet? Fifteen Turnip Hleveii Brocoli Fifte« Peas I Twenty-fix Cabbage Six Savoy Six Carret Four Parsnip 'iliree Cauliflower Fwenty-three Melon Five Celery Twenty-one L#ttuce Ten Cucumber; Common and lemon Thyme Curled leaf and sprigged Parsley Pot M«rygold Pot Marjorum Balm Thyme Mangel VVurtzel Lick Kail Shallots Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foil? Lucerne Red and white Clover Timothy, &c. &c. f With a curious collection of the most esteemed FLOWER-SEEDS and ROOTS, Being the most extenftve ever imported into this city. The above are from a capital Seedsman in London, and are warranted frefh and good. Printed catalogues may be had by applying as above. Dec. 17. dtf. On Wednesday, the 28th inft. At (3 o'clock in the evening will be fold at Public- Fen di'4l (if not before d'tfpofed of at private sale) at tbe City-Tavern, All that capital mansion-house, (tables, out-hoafe9, See. and three contiguous tra&sef land situate on the Weft-fide of Schuylkill in the of Blockley and county of ' Philadelphia, generally known by the name of Lanfdown, containing 199 acres i®i perches more or lefsand a mefiu age plantation and trs&of land in Blockley townfliip a torefaid adjoining Lanfdown, containing 64 acres one perch. The premises are so well known as to need no particular description. Few feats in America can compare with Lanfdown for convenience and elegance ; it commands a variety of rich beautiful profpe&s and is remarkably heal thy, Terms of sale will be made known by PHILIP NICKLIN, in and C fad to ROBERT E. GRIFFITH, 3 James Greenleaf. Dec. 12. Just Landing, At South flreet wharf, from on board the ship Stdg ley. Captain Hodge, from St. Petirfiurg, The following Goods: Russia Sail Duck, firft quality. Do. Sheeting do. Do. fciapcr. Do. Huckaback. Do. ■ £rafn. Do. Mould Candle?, 4, 5 and 6£to lb. the Englifli size. Do. White Candle Tallow. Do* White Soap in fmaJl boxes. Do. Cordage of fine yarn. Ravens Duck. 1 Jfinglafs, Ift and -2nd fort. Horse Hair tmcurkd. Rullia B'ar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rods. 30 Tons Oakum and JfcnJt. St. Petersburg Clean Hemp. For Sale by Philips, Cramond, & Co. OAober li. § Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGH-STREET, Has received by the late arrivals, A IVell Selected Assortmxnt of Silk Mercery, Linen and Haberdashery Goods, Which be will fell, wholesale and retail, on the very law eft terms ; .1 Iniongfl which are S(»me elegant 4- 4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new patterns Ditto Furniture ditto Ditto Dirrnty Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muflina • Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantbas of the firft quality- Silk and Cotton Hosiery the firft quality,- afTorted lrifli Linens, very fine, and Table Linens Marseilles and Cotton Counterpanes Rose Blankets aflorted—&c. &c. Odlobcr 26. - ____________ A few Calks and Boxes of Excellest Fresh RAISINS, jult received, and for sale by Joseph Anthony & Co. Also a new n 1-2 inch CABLE, 110 fathoms long. December 5. jits Beit Bolton h Nova-ticotia lVlackarcl, Excellent Halifax Salmun in bbls. 47 bbli. prime Coffee, Best Boston B«ef, Codfifli in hds. Spermaceti Candles, Sperrrtaceti, and 1 , T Northtirn j" U 1 Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a superior quality. A few boxes excellent brown soap, 6 Bales of Corks. 40 Pipes excellent Lilbon Wine. A few sacks of Feathers. A few bales India Muslins. FOR SALE BY JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. Oflober 31. d A Genteel House. FOR SALE, a.rrevv, convenient, HOUSE, situate in Fifth, near Spruce-ftrect. Polfeffion may be had ia two riionths, when it will be finifhed in a aeat modern style. For trrms apply at No. 109, Sprute ftreet, or 109, So. December 8. X§ Mrs. Grattan Refpe&fully informs the ladies and Gentlemen of thf City, that the lirft LADIES' CONCERT Will be en Tuesday next, at the Aflembly-Rcom, Act /. Overture, p Kb ) y Song, Mrs. Grattan, « Angels ever bright," Handel. Concerto Piano Forte, Mrs. Grattan, Krumfholtz. Italian Ballad, Harp, Mr«. Grattan, Millet. Miscellaneous Quartette. - yict IF. Mrs. Grattan, Cardan. . c <»i>g, « Ah fe perdo," Mrs. Grattan, Saccbini. Sonato Piano-Forte, Mr. Reinagle, Pleyel. Primrose, balUd, Mrs. Grattan, Webbe. Overture, Abel. *4-* To 'begin precisely at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Grattan begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that the subscription-book is at herhoufe No 39, North Sixth-flreet, for the reception of those names who wish to honor hsr with their commands.— A lubfcription for eight nights 16 dollars, including a Gentleman and Lady's ticket, both Uansferrable— Half subscriptions 8 dollars, including cne ticket.— Single ticket a dollars. Mrs. Gratcan takes the liberty of requeuing the fubferiberj to fend for their tickets Sny day astir Thursday, (the 15th of December, at No. 39, North Sixth-ftrest. December ij. Imported from London & Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, ia crates and hoglheads, wall aflforted Wine Bottles in hampers Window Glass of all sizes Two cases cf Stationary One chelt of yellow Jesuits Bark Two cases of Roll Arnotta A small consignment of Rose Blankets, Flannels, Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plains, &c. Paints of various colors. BaSket fait in hoglheads. A Ife on band, Madeira wine, very aid, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter calks Holland gin in pipes, firft quality Anchors of different sizes A few trunksof ladies French flioes aflbrted Silk nan keen, &c. Likewise an afTortment of Dutch goods, consisting of Ofnaberfs, ticklenbergs, bed-ticks, stripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platillas, ravens duck, Britannia®, &c« And for sale by the package only by Thomas john Ketland. WalnUt-street Wharf. Nov. 15. eotf Mr. F E'NN E L L RefpeHfully submits to the public patronage his inn tention of delivering, _ during the ensuing <winter t A CO Li RS k OF Readings and Recitations,' Moral, Critical, and Entertaining; Consisting chiefly of detachedipieces, feleiled from the ieoU admired authors, in prose and verse:—Ar ranged in fuVh a manner as to exhibit a striking display of the hurpan pafiions, and the gradual influence of vices oti the i.'iind contrasted with that of their oppo site virtues, in affe&ing the happiness of man and the welfare of nations. The readings will be occasionally interfpetfed with observations on the most celebrated authors, And the ART of SPEAKING. The whole lhtended as a combined system of meral, critical, historical, and oratorical inftrudhon, calcula ted to form the patriot and the man, and lay a foun dation for the science of moral and political govern ment. The co®rfe will confifl: of thirty readings. Eaqh reading will be delivered m the morning and evening of the fame day. The dayj of reading will be Tuefdayt & Thursdays. 1 he morning readings will commence at 10 o'clock, and the evening at 7. None but subscribers will be admitted to the morn ing readings. The evening readings will be public, to which also subscriptions will be received. Subscription to the mornings 8 dollars. Subscription to the evening readings 10 dollars. Occasional admission tickets to the evening reading! half a dollar. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Zachariah Poul fon, jun. at the Library, to whom the Ladies and Gentlemen who may be inclined to honor the underta. king with their patronage, are refpeilfully requested to fend their names. Dec, ia d6t. For Sale, A capital stand for bufinels—l'hat well known tavern, the Ewe and Lambs, North Front Street, No. 333, in the Northern Liberties; a brick house containing nine fire pl*ccs, and ten rooms well finilhed ; good ftabies and chair-house, with a frame-houfc on Water street ; the building Hands or. four lots, seventeen feet front each, ma king a front on front-ftreet, thirty four feet, and nearly the fame on Water-street, and is one hundred and forty f<:«t deep from flfeet o street, fubjc6t tOjfß 10s. each lot per annum, ground rent, this property is iiear theh.iy fcales and public docks, easy communication with the Delaware 1 waters and advantageously iituated for bulineft of various kinds The above premises are now rented until December next at per annum.—Enquire ef tne Printer. Dec n. ( §lwiaw6w. For Sale, By George Defchampsj No. 91, NOR J H SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels and half barrels Ditto Herring and Mickarel. Smoaked Herring in barrels and kegs Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or (ingle one Dry Codfilh, from one to'fifty kentals Fine and coarse Salt Nova-Scotia and French Plaster of Paris, in the stone and ground, for manure and stucco-work December i. Jtf WANTED, As Cook, in a private family, A YOUNG WOMAN who can produce gcod rc commendatisns of an unexseption*Me chandler. En quii e of the Printer. November 17. j t (