Le Bretbn, SURGEON'-DENTIST, Pupil of the celebrated Mr. IXybcis, late Dehtlft tothe King and Royal Family ofJfYance, member of the College and Academy of Surgeons at !'aris, Keeps a. complete aflb'-tmcnt oi every thing necefTary to be nfed for the Preservation of the Mouth anil I eeth. Patent Minoral Teeth, andrjluman & Ivory ! eeth ; Dentrifice in powder; Opiate; exoellent Elixir fir sweetening the mouth and the teeth he alio furnithes Brulhes and foft, Sp 'nges. %* He lives in Chefnut-Wt, No. IJS. above Fourth-flreet. November »6. 118 DANCING SCHOOL. WILLIAM M'DOtJGALL will ripen hislehool on' Mo nday the 31ft inft. at ten o'clock in .he morning, »t hi» Elegant hew Ball R&ms, In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets. Hours of tuition for young lidies, from 10 to 1 o c.oek |bd Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings ;"aind lor 'oung gentlemen from 6 to 9 o'clock on the 'evenings o a fame days. \i ' 1 " -