Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 17, 1796, Image 1
#a?ette of the &ntteu States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser? NumbsK 1334-] SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17, 1796. [Volume X. For Boston, . the brig NEPTUNE, James TOWN, M a^er » xS. ' Lying at Wilcocks's wharf, will fail with all con veo ieAt speed—For freighter passage apply to the matter on hoard, or No. 76, North Front Street. Dec. .3- For Sale by Public Au&ion, Sfl the Doffee-Houfe. on Saturday the \fth wjl. at 6 o'clock, in the evening, The SNOW WILLIAM, t- SAMUEL RINKER, Master. • v3"-r Lying at Bethell and Coopers J wharf —burthen one hiandred and eighty ton*, or thereabouts, it fup pnfed to carry 3000 barrels : She is a flrong good vessel, and may be sent to sea at a small expence, having been completely fitted last voyage. Inven tory maybe seen, by applying to Captain Rtnker on board, or at the counting hoofe of the fubfcri bcrs. FOOTMAN & Co. Auctioneers. TVreniVr I 2 ___ —J" ■ For Sale, The Ship ADELAIDE, Of New Tor It • 1 J.ying at the fubleriher's wharf—bur- J , 220 tons, (he is a stout well built J , c- vessel, was built by the day for a House in New' York, under the infpeftion of a crfon concerted in her- ha been only one voyipp t« London and Charles ton and fails fatter than any vessel out ol the port of New- York.—Apply to VV WILLIAM BELL. Who has received byefu- fiid (hip from Charleften— sy ri-rcet frefli Rice, ani a few calks of Ground Nuts. Dec. 6. fr*l - For Siigo and Killibegs, The American Ship Nanct, Cuthbert Kiggs, master. Will fai) with all convenient speed. F«r freight or passage apply to William Bell j Who "has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well assorted 3 Bales Irish Flannels, ami 2 boxes Linens S5 Pipes Brandy Madeira Wine ; Indigo . Huffu Matts. Alfoi A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November 11, 1796, mwftf FOR SALE, 1 HE SHIP MART, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, £..■ Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, 3t Co. If the MARY is not Fold in a few days, Ihe will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. ' Ifljiher 11. d For Charter, r-p,-. The Ship JO HN BUL KEL T, Ayr is Stockley, Master. An excellent live-oak and cedar built kSg*jtjji<4ihip, of about 3000 barrels burthen —Ap- J e JF e Robert Wain. Nov. For Sale, or Charter, j£3gl The Ship DIANA, fSfeiira Samukl Piue, Master,' Burthen 205 47*95 tons register, built in 3gSf3Philadelphia in the year 1792, of live oak and red eidar,' and was sheathed 13 months ago, Ihe has just had a compleat out-fit, and may be sent to sea at a very trifling expence. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin & Co. IVho have f>r sale on board said vtjfel, #7 casks of fine yellow paint. 9 boxes and 12 bundles of writing dates. % , I box ink-Hands and note presses. 14 bales of fail fanvafs. And. on hand\ Imperial , Hyson, and, > TEAS. Souchong J f 40,000 pieces Nankeens of the firft quality. *9 tubs Quicksilver. t thefts Bandanno handkerchiefs. _ A few chufts Manchester goodswell assorted in Cor duroys, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dimities, &c. 3 boxes black sewing ftlk. 180 cratcs Queens ware well assorted. jo tons flieet lead. Nails assorted, flat and (harp points. ' • London Particular, Madeira Wine in pipes London Market, > and hoefhiads. New-York Market, y j 40 pip?s ar.d 10 hogftieads Teneriflfe wine. 8 tierces Snake Root. 130 logs Mahogany. Nov- r jth&ftf For Sale, By Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co. 15 hhds. Weft-India Hum, 3d and 4th proof, 5 Barrels best Indigo, and, A few thousand bulheli of Turk's lfland fait. oa Ij. 1 d. Bank of North America. THE STOCKHOLDERS aie hereby notified that an ele&ion for twelve DireSocs lor the ensuing year will -be helti at the Bank on Mouday the yth of January at ten o'clock. RICHARD WELLS, Calhier. Dee. 6. §t»J. Juit Arrived, I» the ship Difpatch 4 Captain Morton, from Havre de-Grace, and for Tale by Isaac Snowden, jun. No. 141, SOUTH SECOND STREET, An invoice of Gloves of various kinds, Men's White Silk HMe, Black and White Laces, and a few pieces of Silk. December 2. Jxr- A Genteel House. FOR SALE, a new, convenient, three-story HOUSE, f'tuate in Fifth, near Sprmee-ftreet. Poffeftion may be had ifl two months, when it will be finiihed in a neat modern style. For terms apply at No. 109, Spruce ftreet, or 109, So. Watec-ftreet. December 8. Elegant Bruflels & Turkey Carpeting, For sale by George Dobfon, No. »j,South Thix4-ftreet. December 15. j t f Women's Cloaks. GE Q. RJ2 E D O BSO N, No. 25, South Third-street, Has just reeeived, per%agle, Capt. Fofiick, via Lon don, an assortment of Scarlet Drab t Cloaks trimmed with tur and Pnrple and ( ermine. Pearl J December 15. 5 Bant of Pennfylyania, lstb Dec. 1796. The Stockholders are requested to meet At the Bank onTh»rfday, the twenty-ninth.instant, at 10 <rclock ih thf morning. By or.itr ol the Board, ROBERT RALSTON, Cathie*-, $"9 f h Pr» tem . oy the Subfcribers—ln PENN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the Eagle. WILLI NGS & FRANCIS. Nov.. 30 ; w&f Imported, in the late arrith from Europe and the H'ejt- Iriaieiy Holland Gin, ir." pipes Choice St. Croix Sugar and Kum Martinique Molasses, in hoglheads Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipas and quarter-casks Lortlon Particular it London Market Madeira Wine, pipes, half-pipes and quarter-casks Malmfev Madeira Winr, in pipes and Giurter-cafks Tenferiffe Wine, in pipes Ruflia & Flemifti Sheeting and Raven* Duck, in cases Window Glass, 8 by io, in boxes Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in calks Mill Saws and Crois-cut Saws, in bax« Also, on hand, A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Affafo#- tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of CotTaes, Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Handker chiefs, and a complete assortment of j-4 a»d 6-4 B Jul ting Cloths. Fer Sale by Praters & Co. Oflober ao d2wm&th2m WILLIAM SHEAFF, No. 168, HIGH-STREET. Has ro* Sali, WnoLtsAis and Retail, MADEIRA WINE, of ift quality, Old Sherry, Lilbon, and Port Wii^s, " Cognac Brand/, - ■■_ Jamaica Spirits, Wine bitters and Claret in cases. Also for sale, A few barrels of excellent Beef. December 7. da For Sale, By J. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different lizes, from 12 inch cables down to rope of a inches, of different lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. 27. dtf Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, NO. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Hot received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and striped Spanilh Swanfdown / Clouded Erminats and Molelkins Striped do. and do. Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Ernainets Printed Florinetts Do. Caffinets and Cadimeres Superfine printed Qtjiltings, newest patterns Also, per different "arrivals, A large and general afl'ortment of Dry Goods, Suitable to the present and approaching season. November 5. dtf Cheap French China. THE fubferibers finding it impossible to supply their store with any more China from Frande, the prices being too immoderate in the manufactories, give no tice that they will 1V at prime coil the remaining flack on hand, confiiting of Dessert Setts, Tea-Table Setts Separate Cups and Saucers Groupos and Figures Alabaster Vases Looking Glasses, in gilt frames, Besides India Japan'd Toilet Defies, Chairs, Tables nad Quadrille Boxe?. PASQBIER & Co. No. 91, South Second-street. December sth. tts Davis's Law Book Store, No. 313, HIGH-STREET. GEORGE DAVIS announces to his pro(effion»l friends, and the Gentlemen of the Law, generally, through the Union, that bis late imputation of BOOKS is now arrang ed, and rrtdy for Saie, from a fingte volume to ao entire li brary, without any advance upon his former exceeding low prices, which foi several yeais pail have in lo dithnguilhed a manner recommended thera to notice. Printed Catalogues combining the moil exiesfive collec tion cf the latest Englilh and Irilh Editions ever imported into this country, are pnblithed, and will be delivered gratis | on application. Orders addressed to G. D. in writing from any distance fhallDe punctually attended to. A number of T RUNKS for Sale, ALSO, TO BE LET, A convenient LOFT, near Maiket Street Wharf. ov.B. tu&r»n» 1 LOST, , On Wednesday afternoon, somewhere in Market - J flreet, ; A Red Morocco POCKET-BOOK, Containing, amongst other papers, a drift of M. M. Hayes on Joseph Anthony St. Co. at twenty days, for - 400 dollars. Whoever has found the fame, and will deliver if at No. 5, Chefaut-ftreet, fhi!l receive FIVE . DOLLARS reward. December 16 a 1 , , i On Wednesday, the 2sth inft. At 4 0 clock irl the evening -Will be fold at Public-Fen- ■ due, (if not .before disposed of at private sale) at < the CityTa-vern, All that capital mansion-house, (tables, out-heufes, &c. 1 and three contiguoa* «f land situate on the Weft-fide ( of Schuylkill is the township of Blockley and county of Philadelphia, grmraHy known by the name of Lanfdown, containing 199 acres lei pefrches more or kfs and a messu age plantation and trdft of laud In Blockley township a- 1 • forefaid adjoining Lanfdown, ctontaining 64 acres ones ' perch. > > Tie premises are so well known as to need no particular ' description. Few feats in America can compare with 1 * Lanfdown for convenience and elegance; it commands a ' variety of rich beautiful profpe&s and is remarkably heal- ■ thy. Terms of sale will be made known by PHILIP NICKLIN, } Attoraies m 1 ; and C faS to ROBERT £. GRIFFITH, } James Greenleaf. ! D"- "• §ta> FOR SALE, At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House, 1 No. 99, North Second Street. ■ Imperial ") THyfon Skin. Hyfen, > Frelh Teas. < Souchong, . , ' Voung Hyson, ) (. Bohea Dec 9- 3tawjm. J Just Landing, sit South flreet viharf, from cn board tlii /hip Sidg- ' 5 Ity, (iaptain Hodge, from St. Ptter/burg, > The following Goods : Russia Sail Duck, firft quality. Do. Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. ' Do. Huckaback. 1 Do. Craih. Do. Mould Candles, 4, 5 "and t,' to the lb. of the ' Engliih fizc. v " Do. White Candle Tallow. Do- White Soap in small boxes. ' t Do. Cordage of fine yarn. 1 Ravens Duck. IGnglifs, ill and and fort. Horse Hair uncurltd- Russia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rods. IO Tons Oakum and Junk. S{. Petersburg Clean Hemp. For Sale by Philips, Cramond, & Co. O&oberu. 5 Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGH-STXEET x , Ha 3 received by the late arrivals, Si Well Selected /I s sOk-tmknt of c Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdafliery Goods, Which he will fell, wfcolefale and retail, on the very loyeft term* ; Amongfl which are Some elegant 4-4 ai.u 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new patterns Ditto Furniture ditto n Ditto Dimity n Tamboured, Book, and Ja:onet Muslins Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantuas of the firft quality Silk and Cotton Hosiery Umbrellas of the firft quality, aOorted lriih Linens, very fine, and Table Linens MarfcilUs and Cotton Counterpanes Role Blankets afTorted—&c. &c. Oilobcr 26. d RAISINS. A few Calks and Bcxes of Excellent Frelh RAISINS, just received, and for sale by Joseph Anthony & Co. Also a new 11 l-a inch CABLE, 130 fathoms long. December $tf Belt Bolton & Nova-Scotia Mackarel, f Excellent Halifax Salmwn in bblt. 47 hbls. prime Coffee, Bell Boftuii Beef, Codfiih in hds. Spermaceti Candles, Spermaceti, and 1 nt r r Northern J U 1 s Mould and dipt, talluw caudles, of a superior - quality. > A few boxes excellent brown soap, 6 Bales of Corks. 40 Pipes excellent Liibon Wine. A few sacks of Feathers. A few bales India Muslins. FOR SALE BY JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. > CWlober 31. . d Delaware and Schuylkill Canal. The Stockholders are hereby notified, that the an nual Election for Officers for the ensuing year, will be held at the Company's office, near the Bank of the United States, on the firft Monday in January next, at lo o'clock, A. M. By the Board of Managers. WM. MOORM SMITH, Sec'ry. Philadelphia, Dec. I, 1796. foeStlD Washington JLottery. TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purchased or exchanged for prizes, at the Office, No. 147, Chefhut- Ibreet, where a correct Numerical Book is kept for public infpeition. Also Canal Lottery Tickets for sale or ex changed for prizes di awn in the Washington Lottery, of which the 46th and 47th days returns are received. £5" The Bufincfc of a Broker curried oil as usual. v A SHARE is the NEW THEATRE to be fold on rtafonable terns. Dccsmtsr Ij. ttstX Mks. Grattan Refpe&fully informs the Ladies arid Gentlemen of the City, that the lirft LADIES' CONCERT r Will he en Tutffday next, at t!ie Aflembl y-Room. II Act I. I Overture, - PiehL Song, Mr»yP/attm, " Angels evar bright," Handel. Concerto Piano-Forte, Mrs. Grattan, Krumpboltz. . Italian Ballad, Harp, Mri. Grattan, Milico. Mifeallaneous Quart«ttt. Act 11. * Harp Leflon, Mr». Grattan, Carden, Song, «< Ah fe perdo," Mrs. Grattan, Saccbini. Sonato Piano-Forte, Mr. Reinagle, PJrul. i. Primrose, ballad, Mrs. Grattan, Webbt, e Oyerture, f *4.* To begin precifelv at 7 o'clock. * r> rS ' ® rittan b-gs leave to inform the Ladies and * ® tnt ' emen > that the fubfeription-book is at herhoufe No 39, North Sixth street, for the reception of th6fe names who wish to honor her with their commands.—■ t A fußfcription for eight nights 16 dollars, including a II Lady's ticket, both' Hansferrable— a Half fubferiptions 8 dollar*, including one ticket.— Single ticket 2 dollars. Mrs. Gratian takes the liberty of requesting the fubferibers to fend for their tickets any day after Thursday, the 15th of December, at No. 39, North Sixth-street. December 1 Imported from London & Liverpool, EAR"I HEN WARE, in crates and hogfbeads, well assorted s Wine Bottles in hampers Window Glass of all fires Two cases ef stationary One chest of yellow Jesuit* Bark Two cases of Roll Arnctta A small consignment of Rose Blankets, Flannels, _ Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plains, &e. Paints of various colors. Baiket fait is hogflieads. Al/o on hand, Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hogOicads and quarter calks Holland gin in pipes, firft quality Anchors of different sizes e A few trunks of ladies French ihoes aflorted Silk nan keen, &c. Likewise an aflbrtment of Dutch goods, consisting of Ofnaberf s, tickienbergs, bed-ticks,' flripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platilhs, ravens duck, Britannias, &c» And for sale by the package only by Thomas £3° John Ketland. Walnut-street Wharf. Nor. 15. eotf Mr. FENNELL Refpeßftdly Jubmits to the public patronage bis in tention of delivering, during the enfuir.g winter, A CoUKSt OF Readings and Recitations, Moral, Critical, and Entertaining; ConGfting chiefly of detached pieces, fele&ed from the naofi admired authors, in prose and vet£ei. —Ar- ranged in such a manner as to exhibit; 1 striking display of the human passions, and the gradual influence of J vices on the mind tontrafted with that of their oppo site virtues, in afftiling the happiness of man and the welfare of nations. The readings will be occasionally v interspersed with observations on the most celebrated authors, And the ART of SPEAKING. v The whole intended as a eombined system of moral, critical, historical, and oratorical inftruflion, calcula ted to form the patriot and the man, 4L>d l»y a foun dation for the science of moral and political govern ment. The course will consist of thirty readings. Each reading will be delivered in the moruins and evening of the fame day. The day« of reading will be Tuesdays Sc Thursdays. The morning readings will commence at 10 o'clock, and the evening at 7. None but fubferibers will be admitted to the morn ing readings. The evening readings will be public, to which also fubferiptions will be received. Subscription to the mornings 8 dollars. Subfcriptioa to the evening readings 10 dollars. 5 » Occasional admilfion tickets to the evening readings half a dollar. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Zachariah Poul g. son, jun. at the Library, to whom the Ladies and Gentlemen who may be inclined to honor the underta. — king with thrir patronage, ire refpe&fully requeued to 1 fend their names. Dec. 12 d6t. For Sale, A capital (land for bufinels—l hat well known tavern, the Ewe and Lambs, North Front Street, No. 333,111 the Northern Liberties; a brick house containing nine fire places, and ten rooms well fmilhed ; good (tables and chair-house, with a trame-houfe on Water street ; the building ft and 3 on four lots, leventeen feet front each, ma ,r king a front on front-ftreet, thirty four feet, and nearly the fame on Water-street, and is one hundred and forty feet deep from ilrect o street,. fubj-ift 10 £8. 10s. each lot per annum, ground rent thisp portjr is near the hay fcales, and public docks, easy cnrrununication with the Delaware waters and advantageously situated for bufineis of various kinds The above premises are now rented until December next at £.IJS P ir annum.—Enquire cf tae Printer. Dec 12. - §1 w 2aw6\v. For Sale, By Georgtf Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, .1 Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels e and half barrels '» Ditto Herring and Mackarel. Smoaked Herring in barrels and kegs Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or fmgle one Dry Codlilh, from one to fifty kehtals _ Fine and coarse Salt Nova-Scptia and French Plaster of Paris, in the stone and ground, for manure and stucco-work r December I. Stf t- 1 '« WANTED, £ As Cook, in ?. private family, A YOUNG WOMAN who cat, produce good re commendations of an unexceptionable charatfter. Etv id <}uirc of the Printer. N«? ember 17. Jt£