Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 13, 1796, Image 3

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    k- taJf«r«a<fcreJ W
hi, general creditor. and h,d petitionedfor -
Bartholomew Saraxeo, praying for relief on
count of loss sustained by the capture of hi p o
peny by an armed vessel of the
rettitution for which he had not beenabk^ obta •
The firft of these petitions was referred to th
J&Z of ™.«« . h
»um last to fcjedt committees of three members e
Mr Jackson, from Virginia, piefenteJ a pennon
for opening a new road i, the vicinity of Morning
to. in Virginia. Rcfcrrtd tv the poll office anu
»o(I committfc. pi
Mr. Bailey prefixed a petition for Rich. Cham
pion »nd Daniel Mattock, of Duchess, for a new a febooner, which bad been
Referred to the committee of commerce and ma
nufaftvtret. y ,
"Mr. William* wovtd that that part of l j ,e report
£t the committee of revifal and unfinished buhne.s
which refpefted refugees from Nova-Seotn and Ca
nada, (hould be referred to a cotnmittee ot the
whole house ; which b,'ing agreed to, and made
J the order of the da-y for Thursday, he prcfented a
petition from Jame« Crawford, of Cambridge, a
fufferer in Nova Scotia during the war, for relief,
which was referred to the fame committee.
Mr. Williams moved that the house (hould pro
eeed to the ele&ion of a chaplain ; which being
agreed to, Mr. Williams, nominated Dr, Green,
and Mr. Jackson (V.) Dr. Priestley.
The ballot was proceeded upon, and being fimfh
ed, Mr. Williams and Mr. Greenup were appoin
ted a committee to count the ballots, which being
done, Mr. Williams teported that the votes were
For Dr. Green, 35
Dr. Priestley, 27
- Mr. Blair, 6
Whereupon Dr. Green wa6 declared duly elec
Mr. Grifwold moved the order of the day on the
bill for amending the ail for a more general pra
mulgatfonof the laws of the Um'cd Stales ; wtlitb
being agreed to, the hoafe resolved itfelf into a
committee of the whole thereon, Mr. Muhlenberg
s iii the chair, and having read the sam«, rose and re
ported the bill without amendment. The house
took it yp, agreed to it. and ordered the bill to be
LengroflVd for a third reading to-morrow.
Mr. Coit moved the order of the <ky on the re
port of the committee of claims or the petition of
Henry Hill. The house formad itfelf into a com
mittee of the whole, and the report was read. As
this cafe is fomewliat complcx, to give the public
as clear cn idea of it as we are able, we give the re
poit of the committee at length. It was in these
words :
•* That on the 15th of February, *1783,aeon
traft was made iftider the authority of the fupeiin
tendantof finance, with John Banks, fotJiipplying
the foßthern army-—and it was ftiplilated, among
ether things, that payment fliould b« made in gold
6r fiJver;" « Philadelphia. Backs'* accounts were •'
fettled jn 1783 and 1784, to the mutual fatisfac- '
tion of him and th* public officers ; excepting so
much as was contained ina charge of 9,768 81 90
dollars, including principal and fatereft, againlt
Banks. This charge >vaa made, and the sum re
tained, on the ground, that 8,612 90 principal,
and 1,156 57-90 interest, was in Mr. Charles Pet
tit'shaflils, which he claimed on account of aclaim
he,a9qoarler-mafter, had against the United States,
and the treafnty officers claimed as monies depo'ljtcd
for John Basks, on account of the above
and that Mr. Pettit held the said ium for Banks