/ ■ t ■* j/.. , ■' ' . _ y*. s~ affe BlUttti &mm, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.' fJuMStR 1359.] MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 179 C. [Pox.£/Af£ X. 1 . . _ ' 1 For bt. 77* Irigantine FAME, 1 Francis Knox, Mailer. at Walnut Street wharf and expsft to Ml in two or three day*. F" P aira S e a P ply to the captain, or, j££^ R^Y WHARTON. §6t. Dec. 6. — For Sale, Tie Ship ADEL AID E, vgj&TwL Of New Tot'k. I Lying at the fubkriben's wharf—-bur "a ind fails fatter than any vessel out of the port of New- Yerk. Apply to WILLIAM BELL. Who ha. received by the feid Ihip from Charleston— tj Tierce, fr.fh Rice, and a few caAcs of Ground Nut.. Dec " 6 " • £jla For sll s° arrd Killibe s s^ fiMu American Sh'tp Nanct, VlSffimT&L Cuthbert R'ggs, master. gggglgwiU fail with all convenient speed. For : William Bell; Who his for ft'e. ? . Trunks Printed Coitus, well aflorted j Bales Irish Flannels, and % boxes Lmens s? Pipe. Brandy _ Madeira Wine ; Indigo. Russia Marts. Alio, A few barrel# Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &c. November n, *79 6 » mwftf *-—<= For Madeira, 7"i>? Jhip Concord, Capt. John Thomson. For freight pailace apply on board, or to Peter Blight ; Who has for fait, a quantity of Brandy, in pipes Whiting and Copperas, in hogsheads Old Hock, in eases Dutch Cream-Checfc, in boxes Window Glass Empty Gin-Cases GUfs Ware, in boxes Painters' Colours, ground in oil Sweet Oil, in cases of a dozen beislet each Hazlenuts, in sack». Nov. ri. dim ■jr** FOR SALE ' THE SHIP MART, sAiwtrei. pa-rkbk, Mimn, hundred toiwhurthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, 3c Co. If the MARY is not fotd in a few da)*s, file will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as abovt. OtSober ji. d For Charter, £•3-, The Ship JOHN BULKEL Y, AyREs Stockliy, Master. I® An excellent live-oak and cedar built 'Ps ■°f a b out 3000 barrel, burthenAp- Jeffe & Robert Wain. Nov. - d. For Sale, or Charter, J&L The Ship DIANA, ffifa■■ Samuel. Pile, Master,' Burthen »o5 47*95 tons register, built in Philadelphia in the year 1791, of live 01k and red cedar, and was sheathed 13 months ago, (be has just had a compleat out-fit, and miy be frtt to sea at a very trifling expence. For terms apply to Philip Nieklm & Cb. Who have for fall oa board said vessel, Vt calks of fine yellow paint'. 9 boxes and it bundles of writing slates. t box ink stands and note presses. 14 hales of fail canvass. And on hand, Imperial ~) Hj>fon, and, >• TEAS. Souchong J *9fDoo pieces Nankeeas of the firft quality. 19 tubs Qnickfilver. 5 chests Bandanno handkerchief.. A few chests MancHester goods well aflorted in Cor duroys, thickfetn, Ginghams, Mufltnets, Dimities, &e. 3. boxes black sewing fUk. IXO cratss Queens ware well afiorted. 10-tpns ftee? lead. Nails ailbrted, flat and slurp point.. Lon lon Particular, Madeira Wine in pipe. London Market, V and hogffltl ds. New-YorV Market, j 40 pipe# and ro hogfteada Tcncriffe wtnf. 8 tierceg Snake Root. 230 fo£s Mahngany. • Nov 7. tfhVfeftf A Manufadory FOR SALE. A taWble SOAP anri CANDLE Manufactory, situate irt a o)t Frefii Tea#. < Sonchong, Young Hyson,' J(_ Bohca • Pec, n. yawjm. Davis's Law Book Stbre, No. 313, HIGH-STREET. GEORGE DAVIS announce, to hi. profellional friends, artd the Sentlem' 1 !! of the L»w, generally, through the Union, that hi. late importation of BOOKS it now arrang ed, and rr»dy for Sale, from a finele volume to an entire li brary, without any advance upon his former excetdiag low priees, which for several yean pail have in so diftingutlhcd * manner recommended them to notice. Printed Catalogues combining the mnft extensive collec tion ef the latest Englilb and Irish Editions ever importrd - into this country, are published, and will be delivered gratis on application. Orders addressed to G. D. in wtitUg from any distance (hallbe pun&oaliy attended to. A number of TRUNKS for Stle, ALSO, TO BE LET, A convenient. LOFT, oear Maiket Street Wharf. N'ov.3- tu&f3»P For Sale, By J. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confifling of Window Glass, < 7 by 9, F 5 Ditto 3 C 8 by 10. a T he above men'kined Goods are all entitled to the drawback, arid will be disposed of by the package on a reasonable Mints. James, Clibborn &,Englifh, No. 6, N. Froqt-ftreet. loth mo. 19th. r dtf — t - Best Boston Sc Nova-Scotia Mackarel, Excellent Halifax Salmun ia bblo. f 47 bbk. prime Coffee, Bed Boston Beef, CodflJh in hds. £ Spermaceti Candles, Spermaceti, and 1 n , r Northern J Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a superior quality. A few excellent brown soap, 6 Bales of Corks. 40 Pipes excellent Liibon Wine. A few iacks of Feathers. A few bales India Muslins. £ FOR SALE BT n JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. Od\6ber 31. d — —- y. ; Fashionable Waistcoatino. GEORGE DOB SON, No. 25, s SOUTH THIRD-STREET, r Hat received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and striped Spanith Swanfdowu Clouded Erminats and Moleskins c Striped do. acd do. Figured Manillas • , Scarlet figured F.rminetJ C Printed Florinett6 ti Do. Caffinets and Caftimeres (1 Superfine printed Q£i!tings, newest patterns h Also, per different arrivals, n A large and general afTortment of Dry t b . Goods, »' Suitable to the present and approaching season. November j. dtf ■ ■ ——— " o Cheap French China. " THE fubferibers finding it itnppffble to fiipply their store with any more China from Prance, the prices t .| being too immoderate in the mtnufaiflancs, give no- f, tice that they will fell at prime coll the remaining y stock on hand, conlifting of " e Deflert Setts, n Tea-Table Setts 11 Separate Cups and Saucers n Groupes and Figures Alabaster Vales " Looking Glafies, in gilt frames, p Besides India Japan'd Toilet Defies, Chairs, Tables v nad Quadrille Box:.. PASQUIEK & Co. No. 91, South Sccond-ftreet. S December jtiu tw WILLIAM SHEAFF, : 163, HIGH ST RE ET. Has rat Saw, Wholesale an» Ritail, madeira wine, of in. quality. Old Sherry, Liibon, and Pore Wines, Cogpee Brindy, Jamiiea S* its, Wine bitters and Claret in cases. Also far sale, A few barrels of excellent Beef. December 7. i• For Sale, By George No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels and half btrrels • Dittn Herring and Macltaref. Smoaked Herring in barreli and kegs Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or single oire Dry Codfi/h, from one to fifty kentals Fine and coarse Salt Nova-Scotia and French PJafter of Paris, in the "one and ground, for manure and stucco-work" DeerrrHer i. 6tf Imported from London £s* Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, ifl crates and hogOieads, well alTorted IVi»e Bottks in hampers Window GUfs of all fi7e* Two cases of ftationarjr One cheftef yellow Jefuhs Bark , Two cases of Roll Arnotta A small consignment of Rose Blankets, Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plaini, &c. Paints of various colors. Ballet ft It in hbgfheads. Alfa on hand, Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hog&cads ar.i quarter calks Holland gin in pipes, firft qualitf Anchors of different fees A few trunks of ladies French Ihoes aflorted Silk nankeen, Bcc. Likewise an aflortraent of Dutch goads, confiftinjTjf OfnsberTS, ticklenbergs, bed-ticks, Itripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platillas, ravens duck, Kritanniu, £ci> And for sale by the package only by Thomas & "John Ketland. Walnut-flreet Wharf. Nev. ij. eotf SALTPETRE. A lirge quantity;of Double-Refined Salt Petre for file it No. 15, South Third-street. November 5. Dancing. MR. FRANCIS of the New-Theatre, in conjtmAion with Mr. BYRN, latx Ballet-mister, and principal dan cer of Covcnt-Garden Theatre, now of the New-Theatrt —urill openan Acadimy stt Mr. OeWers Hotel, on Tues day, December ij, where thsy propofr to teach in the ffioi neiv ant! approved methods, dancing in its various uleful and ornamental brandies. Mr. Byrn's recent attention to the dances of London and Paris will enable him to complete this branch of education in his scholars iu the moll finiflied style. Favsrite Scotch reels will also engage their particular attention. For farther particulars enquire of Mefirs. FransU and Byrn, No. 70, north Eighth-street. * m ? Private tuition as usual. November 30* \ mwScf CONSTITUTIONS. This Day is Published, And to be Sold by W. WOODHOUSE, No. f. South Front-ftrcet. THE Constitutions of the United States, ACCORDING TO The Latest Amendments. To whick are annexed, The Declaration of Independence, AND The Federal Constitution, With the Amendments thireto. This Edition contains the late Constitutions «f New- HampQiire, Kentucky, and Tenneflee, not ia any for mer one. Nov. a 6. Jt* TO BE SOLD, A LEASE forfmtn years, from the Isth March neat, In tltt capital and beautiful FARM % called PROSPEC T-H ILL, Situated within one quarter of a mile from the Brindywine Mills, and halt a mile from the borough of Wilmington. THE dwelling house is built of (lone, two stories high, genteelv fimfhed, and contains four handsome rooms on • floor, besides an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient Celiars. It is generally thought to command the most a grceable profpeft of the Delaware, from the source of that tiv« te the Capes. This profpeft ia greatly embellillied by a full view of a vail body ot meadow, through which the Chrifliana and Brandywine creeks ire fcen winding in beau tiful meanders. Near ihe house are a Kitchen, a spacious Hone liable and hay loft, a barn, a carriage houle, milk hoafe, &c. and a well of as pure water as any on the conti nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, a bounding with fruit, and particularly with peach trees, of the very best kind, brought from Maryland, and in fall bear, ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a young, spple orchard begining to bear, and leveral old trees that produce abundantly, besides cherry and other ornamental trees, in great numbers. The farm confifls of near fixcy acres of land, of good quality, and clear of incumbrances, except taxes, twenty of whish arenow in exoellcnt clover and timothy, and ten more will be ready lor sowing next spring. . A re sidence ot nearly 8 years has convinced the fublcriber that the situation is remarkably healthy. The great post road from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within feventv yards of the house. In a word, the beauties aad conveni ence of this situation cannot bo 1 numerated in au advcrtile m?nt, and when examined, will probably command the at tention of any person who is desirous of living at one of the most elegant country feats on the contiaent. The purehafer may enteton the premilts ne*t spring, or perhaps, this fall, if application be immediately made to Doctor NICHOLAS WAY, ia Philadelphia, to D>tlor WHARTON, on tlc psemifes, or, in his absence, to Mr. GEORGE TRUITT, in Wilmington. A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in Ihe ground, forae Stock, &e. may be had by the purehafer Uthe time of lale. Nov. 7 cod*