Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 09, 1796, Image 3

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    M_- " 1 ' T1
' BERMUDA, altat 7. ot
Somim'S It lands. J ""
hi. excellency JAMES CRAUFURD, Esq. fo<
captain general, governor, commander in chief, ws
and vice-admiral of these iflandt.
WHEREAS by my proclamation, bearing date K°
the 23d day of July iaft, licence was granted for
the importation of provisions and sundry ether ar- rn:
ticles therein particularly fpecified, into certain 9'
ports in these islands, in neutral vessels, for a limit on
ted time ; and whereas the said proclamation is now
expired ; and whereat the present circumstances of P°
this eelony render it.neceflary that such licence
ftiould be renewed a<>d prolonged. Ido therefore, nrl
by and with the advice and consent of his majesty's ln l
council, hereby declare tha" it (hall and may be law- \ r '
fill import into rhe ports of St. Gwgt and Ha- *»
milwn, in these islands, (out no other) in foreign ..
ieffelt, belonging to the fubjeds or citizens of any
ration or state i* friendfhip with Great-Britain,
floor, rice, pcafe, potatoes, bread, Indian corn, live
flock, fait beef, fait pork, and evety other fort of
provifiont ; soap and candles ; pitch, tar, turpen
tine and resin, matte, spars, yards, and lumber of all
kinds, from and after the date.hereof, tmtil the twen
tieth day of January, 1797 : And I do father- y
more declare, that all such foreign vessels, impur- J c
ting the several articlet above mentioned, or any of an
them, within thetermabove limitted, into the said
ports of St. George and Hamilton, or either of
them, (hall have liberty to purchase and carry away
Weft-India and other produce (fubjeft nevertheless
to such duties at the fame are or may be by law fub
je& to) to the full amount of their refpe&ivc car- c ' ;
goea. And I do also hereby pnblifti and make
known, that no foreign vessels of the above defcrip- *-
tion, which may load at the aforefaid port of Ha
milton, (hall bt obliged to come to the town of St.
George for the purpose of obtaining a clearance at n "
the enftom-houfe there, but that the personal atten. th
dance of the master of every such vessel at the said P {
custom-house, in St. George's, (hall be fiU£. ieiit to 10
entitle Htm eirftomary clearaa«v*>f
which the officers of the customs for these islands,
and all others whom it doth, (hall or may concern,
»re hereby required to take notice, and govern them
felvet accordingly. - d<
Given coder my hand and the great seal of these pi
iflinds thia *7th dayot Oft. 1796, andin the cl
37th y»ar of his majesty's reign. fe
By his excellency's command, r.t
HENRY TUCKER, Secretary. C
GOD save the KING I ti<
OAober 29. el
On Thursday the 27th inft. hi» majefty't eoun tt
*il met, and presented to his Excellency the Go- if
vernor the following address, to wit: el
•v To>his Excellency james craufurd, Esq. Cap- tc
taifl-General, Governor,. Commander in Chief, cr
and Virt-Admiral of these islands, and Ordinary ft;
in the fame— tt
The Address of his Majesty's Council. T
May it please yout Excellency, tl
We his majesty's most dutiful and loyaj fubjefts, tc
the council of Bermuda, beg leave before your ex- C c
cellencj't departure, to exprefc the sincere regret
we feel for your excellency's removal frem the go- 0 I
vernment of these islands. The immediate causes «•
ef that removal we arc but little acquainted with, r<
and we wish not, nor would it indeed become u», C i
to take the liberty of enquiring very particularly c «
into them ; but we nevertheless cannot refrain upon
the present oecafion, from rr plating the folcmn de- tc
elaratiens we have already made to your excelien. si,
ey, that tne Jacobinical principles imputed to you, hi
and thfdifaffeflion y»u are fatd to havie been ac
» tufed of entertaining towards our admirable confti
t lit ion, are charges, in our opinion, so totally
greundlefs, that they could only have been dictated tl'
by the most inveterate and rancorous enmity. We /
flatter ourselves, however, and it is our earned
prayer, that the clouds which now hang over your
excellency, may soon be dispersed, and that they
may be faccecded by better and brighter profpefls, £
-—persuaded as we ate that your excellency hat
conscientiously discharged the trust icpofed ia
you by our most gracious sovereign, and that you f v
have made his majesty's ferrice and the prosperity t(
of this country the sole rules of jour admioiftra- f (
tion, we have every reason to hope, and believe,
that (his mß!t be the cafe. n
Permit us t« return our warmest thanks to your i 0
excellency for the polite attention you have honor- : ai
ed us with ; to assure you, fir, of our unfeigned t ]
esteem and regard, and to add cur most ardent
wi(hes for your excellency's future prosperity and p
bappinefs. | n
By order of the board, 1 r ,
HENRY TUCKER, PieGdent. \ y
©Sober 27, 1796. n
To which his Excellency returned the following an
swer. 2
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Coijncil, j|
I beg yon will accept my sincere thanks for the ■ a
▼fry kind address you have done me the honour to a
present to me oa my departure. The regret you
exprefson that occasion, will be to any perfont ac
qnainted with your charaEteis, a sure proof, that I f
have been afhiated in my whole condnft in this K ov -J /
eminent, ! zeal for the king's service, and an eat nelly
desire to promote the prosperity cf thrfe islands.//
In whatever light fomc wicked perfbn may con
tri?e to repreftnt my conduct to his m»jefty's mi
nisters, yet I rely with confidence for redress on t
the benign virtues of the Wing, on the integrity
and love of j'jftice which lam persuaded govern j
thcselion» of his misifters, although they appear j
in my cafe to have the misfortuae to have been de
ceived and led into error. L
'•» I shall always remember »he council of Bermuda h
with fentimentt of unfeigned esteem and regard,
and (hall, wherever I may be, feel a warm imereft
in wha'ever concerns the welfare of the inhabitants
of these islands.
C./uncil chamber, Oct. 27, 1796.
1 Hurfday a council was held at the Government
houfe, when his enc'elleney James Craufurd, esq.
gave up, h s cosomiffion as govtruor of these islands.
1 »
The of c . urf e Mei t0
•f the council (the honorable Hen.y Tucker, esq.)
until the arrival „f Willi,* Campbell, esq. who is
soon expeaed here in the Asia man of war, which E
If winT" * tbc 9th inft,nl ' in 8 « ale r<
His excellency embarked this day on board the a,
government (loop for P„„ Royal, ,„d is to take el
his passage ,n the schooner Louisa, John Tucker,
matter, for New York, which fail, j, a day or two. t<
On his departure, he was saluted by ?he artillery "
on the parade.
We hear, that a new governor (Fcrbes) is ap- ci
pointed for New-Providence, in the room of lord • n
Dunntore, who is ordered home. Wh«t with an 1
arbitrary governor, and an obstinate and overhear C
•ng set of aflVmblymen, that colony has been dif-' «
trafteJ for mmy years, and government cheated of' si
>t» rights, revenues, | b
~ v
We learn that the Electors of Prefrtent and Vice ' v
President ofthe United States forthe State of New. 1
Jersey, have given their voles far John Adams, v
and Thomas Pincknet. | _
Yeftetday the Hnufe of Representatives of this ! „
state chose Peter Bay nton, Esq. for their clerk. t
At twelve o'clock this day the addref. a
fed both Houses of the LegiQature, in the Senate f
— ' !
Extract of a letter from Camden, to a gentleman
in Charlcfton, (S. C.) • tl
" We have most nbnidant crops, new com is e
n»w felling here at one (hiliing and fix pence, and
the freight being but ten pence, you may soon ex- t
pedt a rapid fall in price, which must be glad tidings r
to many of your industrious chizeas." t
[Chjrljlon paprr. ] t
The Demos speak with, bitter contempt of the
do&rineof checks and balances. When the peo j r
pie choose their officers, what need is there of [
checks ? It is folly for the people to check them- '
selves ! Not less than JOO columns of this frothy '
r.otifenfe have been dr'awn up in b?.ttle array in the
Chronicle aad Aurora against our batjneed confiitu
tion. Instead ot arguments, it may nnfwer for
once, to quote against these ce
elaimers — One governor claims a didretion against
the letter'of a law so extensive, as to become aJmoil 1
if not quite the arbiter and absolute disposer of rhe e
election of a President ; and he piaftifes according
to hit claim. Anuthei governor steps into the fe r
crcfary't office, where the a£ls and laws of the J
(late are depoii ed in their fupp >feti inviolable f*ne- a
tuary, and detaces a law by feiatrhing out his name. '
The legislature of a southern ftata go beyond even *
thitj they actually taakt a tlieirlaws and .
iccprdt, and join with a mob lu huzza over the '
*: do these faSi conßin the f<m>eth opiniu:- !
ef the Demos that offic crs chosen by the pcOjlh' j '
wilj do right wiihost checks in the fyftcrn of go- 1
vernment ? Or are not Come further guardt and fe- '
curities over and above firr.ple popular cle&ion oe
ceffary to prevent such outrages ? '
Not a bene. Tbe Democrats united their fuffrages
to make this fcratcbing governor an Elector of Pre. '
fident aqd Vi~e President. His. conduct evincet '
his fit'nefs. for the trust. i
Mr. Fenno,
Yeu are requested to puhlifn the following, with 1
the note fuhioined. '• 1
■ St
» J>ram the Aurora.
* British guineas.
• How many were deposited at Shipprnjbargh to j
mtke ihetPinfourgh mail retrograde to Pittffiurgh? j
How many were given for the'fuppieffing of one »f j
' the Allegheny c»unty returnt ? many were
1 distributed in two adjoining counties to produce
1 such an extraordinary poll } How many have fallen
to fh« lot of a lean hungry figure,* wht» is famCis
for his falfehoods and fcurnlities in a certain gazttte?
' How many were diltributed upon instruments to
menace the governor into a premature proclamati
r ' on ? How many have fallen to the lot of writers of
i anonymous letters ? How roany to the bearert of
' them, and for thrusting them under the governor's
£ door ? How many were scattered ahroad for the
' propagation of iies'againft Mr. JgrFiRSON ? How
i many have bten employed upou the whole, to car
; ry tfe electoral eleflion ?—Anfwer these qneftiont,
Iye pretended " friends order and good govern
■! menl."
* If thitabufi/e attack is intended for the'refpeft
able but highly refpri» r ible'janthor of the ' Ftderal
j ill,' it Is, coufidering the quarter whence it comes,
: i a new proof as the bafenefsof the Jacobin faiftion ;
5 and oaght to be a caution to that unfortunate wight
1 qevpr te pot any confidence*in them again.
Wednesday, December 7.
This day precisely at 12 o'clock the President of
1 , the United Statet met both Houses of Congress
V in the Hall of the Reprefentatrvet, when he ad
-1 dreffea them in a speech (for which fee Wednef
r day's gazette.)
*. / The President was accompanied by hit Secreta
ry, the Secretaries of State, tbe Treasury and
a War tbe Attorney-General, &c.
' The hall wat tilled at an early hour with the largest
* assemblage of citisest, ladies and gentlemen, ever
' collected on a similar occasion. The Englifti, Spa
r.ifh and Portuguese ministers had featt assigned
them, and were present.
The President and Senate having retired, the
Speech was read in the houfc, committed to a com
[. rniltee of the whole houfc for to morrow. Interim
!. jffdered to be printed. Adjourned.
IP -
Thursday, December 8. « G
Mr. Scwall, from MafTachttfetts fin place of
Mr. Goodhue elected a Senator) and Mr. George
Ege from Pennsylvania (in place of Mr. Heifler
resigned) appeared and took their feats. Mr. Scl
D.ivenporl and Mr. Craik, who took th»ir sea's
an Monday, were in the placet of Mr. Hillhoufe,
elected a Senator. and of Mr. Crabb resigned.
Mr. Grifwold, from the committee appointed
to bting in a bill to amend the aft for the morege-\ Sic
neral promulgation of the laws of the United I
States, reported a bill, which was twice rend, and J
committed to a committee of the whole House to- '
morrow. ' , C
Mr. W. Smith presented a petition from Thomas!
I Carpenter, praying encouragement to the work I Sh
; which he has adrertifed of a report of tbecongref.
to be puhlilhed iu weekly num.
j bers. This petition was referred ro the committee
so which Thomas Lloyd's, on the fains fubieft, B*
was referred.
Mr. Dwight Foster presented a petition from
William Clark, for a penlion, and another fiom
the executrix of Joseph White for the payment of Sc
a reward which had been advertised for the appre
henfion of a perfwn who had committed a forgery,
whom the said White hacj apprehended.
| Mr. Foster did not know that these petitioners
■ were entitled to any relief, but would mow that the!
positions (hould be referred to the committee off i n f
claims. The Speaker informed that no such com-f
mittee at present ekifted, he moved that a commit
tee of claims (hould be appointed, which was done
accordingly. The above petition! were then re
feired to'it.
Mr. Williams mowed a refolutio* to the follow-l Sc
ing effect, which was. agreed to : ( Sli
" Resolved, that two chaplains of different de-|
nominations (hall be appointed for each House, toj
exchange weekly." if
Mr. W. Smith moved the order of the day ol
the President's addreft. The House accortfinglyl ■
resolved itfclf into a coormittee of the whole o:ll Sh
that fubjeft, Mr. Muhlenberg in the chair, w!ien,l Sc
the fptech having been read by'tfcc'clerk,
Mr. Dwight Foster moved the following refolu-J
tion: *7
" Resolved, r l|\at it is the opinion of this cora l
mittee, that a refpefttul address qttght to be pre-J
fsrited by the House of Representatives, to tlx St
President of the United States, in answer to hii
fprech *o both Houses of Ccmgrefs, at the com Sc
mencemenx of tliis feflion, containing alfurances SI
that this House will take into cocfideration, the .
various and important matters recommended tol
their attention.''
This resolution was agreed to, & Messrs. Ames,! J
Maditon, Sitgreavci, Baldwin and W. Smith, weisr
appointed acommitteeto prepare the address. J
Mr. W. Smith presented a petition worn the pott 1
mafler of Charleston, praying an actional com
pecifation to his present allowanced It was read r
and or.lercd to lie upon the a Handing
committee (hould be appointed j/r business of this
k.ic'l. p
Mr. Thatcher moved a resolution to the follow\
ing effect : " 1 n >
«• Resolved, Thre a committee be pppointed toj
• ;tci i-e if an*-and what nheiaiioiu arej>eceflary inl
the aft for Wtablifhing Jfcß-ofi-es and poll-roads'
wit!\in the United States, and to report by bill orßt
otherwise." J •
The resolution wai agreed to, and a commitieel /'
of mite 'membeis was appointed. J
Mr. W Snoith said, the romrpittee of claimsl
made a repoit op ;Ue of Henry K2I too late inl
the lalHfeflion.'to b? taken up. He wished that re-I
port might now be referred to a committee of thclj
whole house. be
Mr. Macon had already observed, that acommitAj w
j tee of revifal and urffinifhed bwfjnefit had been ap I k
pointed, and ]ie thought it would be more regular!
to wait for theitreport, .whieh would of course iaJ _ i(
elude this business. S
Mi. W. Smith di#ne* fe«the »ecefl»ty of wait- ar
J ing for this report. He nderftood that it was the T
. business of the committei of revifal and unfinifhed
' bufipefs, to take cogmfan -eof, and to make report
r 00, such fubjefts as raigh othcrwife elcape the at- ct
: tention of the house, and not to prtelude member*
1 from bringing.forward *ny business on motion.— q
' He believed this had beer the praftiee of the house.
Mr. Macon allowed tl at it had been the p raft ice b;
'of the house to bring forward business of this fdR on It
' motion ; but that a cotimittce of revifal and un- ~
( fini(hed business had beer appointed in order to do
away thepraftice.
8 The Speaker said,' tha the present, with ail o
e ther unfini(hed business, vas sent, or would be feat,
" to the committee already appointed. The house
might however take up tht present report fcparatcly,
but h« did not think it #ould be so regular a* to _
wait for the report of the\ committee.
Mi. W. Smith thoughnthat it would be putting
too much power in the ha ids of such a committee
always to wait their report before an unfini(hed sub-
jest could be taken up. It would be in their power
' greatly to piotraft neeeffai y business. e<
r Mr. Baldwin was of opinion, that if the present
business was not of a parti i-ular urgent nature, it
would be most regular to Ivait the report of the
committee. It Isould m«rt soon, and the report
would doubtless be made fcrarly ; ?nd when it wu
made, the house would of tourfe take up such ob
jects a* were mod piefiing. I
Mr. Williams said, on Anraining the journals, f
i he found that this made a*
» early report, and that ther* Jthere
'• incenveaience fuffered in
• A MrJfc-Saiith his' 9ioti«n,.and th«
house adjourned. *' J/
i- . *
? A RICHMOND, Nov. 30.
[I On Friday lafr the General Aflembly of this ,
•r commonwealth, elected PATRICK HENRY*
1- Efq ; governor, in the room of his excellency Ro
d bert Brooke, Efq : who"h«h accepted of the of
fice of Attorney-General, vice James lanes, Efq [ j
e refined. , . «
» 'SON, Efq { was re-ekfted Senator from- ijbis Rate*
in the Congress of the United Sta;
/ r - Hi ?— »
PHILADELPHIA', December 9. '
Scht. Delight, Orofs, Bolon 18
Minerva, Eikinl, ' Richmond 10
Ouon,. Rhodea, Boston 23
Carolinr, Bush, Norfolk 5
i Good liifcnt, Feffet, Virginia 5
\ Sloop Silly, Potter, Norfolk 6
I Experiment, Pottl, Virgioia 5
Sally, Dickey, Richmond 5
' Sally, Cole, Virginia 5
Friend/hip, Cote, Norfolk 6
1 Ship William Penn, Jofiah, London
Fame, Wilton, Cette (France)
Dominbk Terry, Dchart, Liverpool
S*. PoUcre Independent, Robertfon, Algijra
Brig Sally, Hayes, Antigua
Lady Walhingtotf; Gerrilh, Charleftoo
Sea Nymph, Halite, St; Crait
Columbia, Clark, • Boston
Schr. Morning Star, Art, Trinidad
Enterprise, Xnderfon, ' Norfolk
Dolly, Vanfife, C. Fr»ncoi»
Dick, Brown, Trinidad
I Ruby, Slocum, Nova Scotia
:J The fehaaner Metomkin, Capt. Allen, -belong
j ing tin New-London, was cast away on fhoaU
| near the Hook on Sunday—vcflel and cargo loft.
1 Bermuda, November 12.
Brig Lawfon, New-Yorfc
Diana, Fairchild, t do.
Schr. Ranging Polly, Bunbpry, Virginia
Sloop Perfeveraoce, Whit*, N. Btunfwick 4
I jane, Wainwright, Newfoundland
Mentor, B. Wells, Ne**Bfcui>fwiclt
Swift Jc Easy, Burrows, Caicdes'i
NorfoH, Navrmler 28. .
Shrp Virginia Packet, Wills, Li»erpo<»l
Schr. Ranger, Brown, St. Martin's
Amazon, Chapman, Jamaica
Dove, C r ocker, St. Bartholomews
Three JoCephs, Stambls, Martinique
New-Tori, Decemier 6.
Ship Ann, Caitwrigbt, St. Übes 70
Commerce, Delanos Liverpool 40
Schr. St. Patrick, Gardner, Bermuda 19
Sloop Hergulcs, Colrer, Norfolk 5
>1 For Equestrian and Stage Performances
T Corner of Chefnut and Sixth-street*.
I' Days of Performance, for the remainder of
thc&aibn, to be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
1 TO-MORROW EVENING, Saturday, D«e. Ip,
> Will be displayed,
Pleasing and Novel Entertainment?,
Both on the Stage aid in the Equestrian Depart
> The whole to caudurle (so- the third time) wi^
1 The Grand Serioui Ptmtomim*
!j> Oscar and Malvina,
I;■ Or, The Hall of Fingal.
4 f Under 'be dire fl ion of Mejfrs. Sullji and SpinaevtaJ
J (Taken from the foams 01 Oflian.)
A The music felefled by Shield, principally from
■ David, Rezzio, ind several Scotch Bards.
' 1 With new DrtfTes and Decorations.
"J The new Scenery painted by Mr. Snyder.
c /j From the great in which this piece ha#
/ j heen htld by the public, (having been performed up
\| wards of ijfo nights at Covent-Garden theatre, in
J London, ykewife at Mr. Hickett's Royal Circus,
I Edinburgh) he flatters himfelf that, having spared n»
expence, it will meet the approbation of a generous
'i public.
A Defctiption of the Pantomime, with the Songs
and Cboruflts, to be had at the Pantheon and at the
e Ticket Office.
d —
t IT3~ Doors to be open at 6 o'clock; performance to
.. commence at 7.
' Box, 7s. 6d.—Pit, 3s. 9d.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Ford, at the ticket office in
~ Chefnut-ftreet, from ten to three o'clock each d»y.
gj* Silver Tickets, to admit for the season, to be had
e by applying to Mr. P icketts at the Pantheon, or at Oei.
n lcrs's Hotel.
At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House,
Jie. 99, North Second Street.
'» Imperial, ") fHyfon Skin.
f« Hyson, ' f FreOi Teas. < Souchong,
r, Young Hyson, j C Bohea.
; 0 Dec. 9 . _
For Sl Croix,
The Ir'tgtniint F A M £,
*" Francis Knox, Matter.
er Lying at Walnut Street wharf and exp»<s.
Ed to &il in twe or three days. For passage oaly apply
;; Dei. >. sfh.
n Horses taken in,
" For the WinUr Season,
And fed on clover hay at the Subscribers place, tt
miles on the Bristol Road, where good stabling is pro
vided, and great «acc will b« ukea of them
William Bell.
MJa v. ' mwfawmtfatf.
Genteel Boarding and Lodging,
/ For Two Gcatlertien, may be had at No. 63, south
Tkird-ftreet, opposite the New Bank—Where a few
Gentlemen may be aceommodate* in the Weft man
ner,with Boarding only. —
Y, .-. Ten Dollars Reward.
)T LdST, lall evening, a small packet of F**ncis Pa.
p**s, among others, an account due to the Citizen
' Maktihat, and a pewdr of attorney to the Citixea
Whoever has found ths fame, and w;H
ve is with the Printer, t>r with Cit zen Thibeault, No.
I. South Seiond-ftreet, fcajl hayt the above reward.
De%ember 7.