I ■: , . * Another loan on notes, bearing 5 per eent. inter est isotdeied to be levied on the Hereditary ftatcs, wa ' for the military services of the year 1797. The th< Imoerial LetUrs Patent, issued for that purpose, he conuin the following introduction : ■< Whereas notwithftandmg all our cares and all tat ©ur efforts, we still find ourselves under the mod difagrceable neixffity of oppofiirg very nnraerou. at armies to the avowed designs of the enemy, whose maintenance and other incidental and vatt expences, cannot be Mely defrayed out of the ordinary re venues of the state, See-" The Court cf London has sent three millions no sterling, which have already been drawn from several C u banking houses. et j election for twelve Directors for the ciifuir.g year will be I 1 held at the Bank on Monday the 9th of January at ten t /' o'clock. 2 ; 3 - RICHARD WELLS, Cashier. 1 Oft SATURDAY EVENING, the 10th Dectniber, at iat 6 o'clock, a s the Merchant's Goffee-Houfe, will be II fold, the following nt iHoufes, Lots, and Meadow Ground : lie f TWO neat w«U finiftedthree story brick bdufes, 16 i-» on Jj feet frout, with convenient kitchens, north fide market lillfi between Seventh and Eighth-llrcets Each house Jias the ' J r ■ privilege of an alley. The lots are 150 feet in depth. ] W Otie two story brick h»if& in Zane Street, commonly ' called Sugar-alley ; the hoiife is 16 1-1 feet front on said J alley, -with a goo» kitchen. The lot is 9c feet in depth. 5 te J Oae vacaut lot adjoining the said houic in Zane-flreet, of,* 16 1-1 feet front and 90 sett deep, at the emi of 90 feet ] er the feid lol{ widens to 33 feet and runs back to the Market street lots 111 feet. e " One two story brick house ahd kitch n in Zane-ftreet, 16 1-1 feet front, The lot 45 feet in l epth. ■ ys, One other lot fituatrd at the diftance 1 at 9a feet from the of east fide of Eighth street, containing ml: ngth east and weft 1 40 feet, and in breadth north aniiiouth »0 feet, fubj«£t to a yearly ground rent of 40S. 0r I? I-2 acres (according to the original deed) of ehoice f nicadow ground, with, a wharf on :hi river Delaware, Paflyunk township, late the estate of the widow Parker, rm Three acres and 6 perches of meadov/ ground, itVjPal ,Lo fyunk tewrfhip. < „ '■ Any, ptrfotr inclinable to treat sot the above property at I 3 private sale is requeued to enquire cf George Cooper, corner of market and Fourth streets, foutb ilUe. by Nov. «9. dtf. ' In the Press, And will bf published on Friday next, by J. Crmeod, No. 41, Chcfnut Street, and HkNky Schweitziii, 85, Race-Street, (printed elegantly on American wove paper, in a very neat and small size for the pocktt,) Price, neatly bound, 3-Bths of a dollar, Columbia's Legacy ; OR, WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS TO THE PEO PLE OF THE UNITED STATES. * T» whiw* 13 added, His fpcech to Congre.s at their present Scffion. An ofiavo edition of the President's fpeeeh, wdl also be publilbcd immediately, By J. O RM R O D. December 7. at For Sale at this 'jffttf,- Twenty-fix Letters, upon into retting fuhjedls, Rcfpefting the Revolution of Avierica ; Written in Holland in the Year 1780, By bis Excellency JOHN AD -IMS, While he was so e Minifler Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, for negociating a Peace, and a Treaty of Commerce, with Great-Britain.— A few copies of the above pamphlet are yet on hand, and may be had at the office of the Gazette of the United , States, No. 119, Chefnut-ftreet. Dee. 5. 56 WANT E D~ - As Cook, in a private frjjiily, A YOUNG WOMAN who can produce good re -1 commendations of an unexceptionable cbaratSer. En -1 quire of the Printer. November 17. $tf ! FOR SALE, A valuable Plantation, 1 IN Frederick County, Virginia, bounding nearly , miles on the river Shenandoah, between Afhby s Gap and Snicker's Ferry ; 66 miles from Alexandria, and the 1 like distance from the Federal City. It contains 1076 acres, 6co of which are cleared, the reftdue finely lim bered ; the whole Limoftoneor River Bottom ; abounding in fine streams and springs ; above So acres on the bank of the river may be watered at pieafure. Ir is capable of being divided into Lots of 100 acres, with water in each, which renders it peculiarly convenient for grazing or culture. Its situation for Health or elegant improve ment is not to be surpassed in any inland country, and if deemed too large for one Farm, may be divided into two or three smaller ones, uniting in common advantages.— There is now eredted on the Estate a good Mcrchant- Mili, with two pair of stones (on a large limeltone spring) that rents for 466 dollars per ann. and on another never sailing-spring a good Saw Mill, with a flatter wheel ; there is plenty of pine timbpr in the neighboring moun e tain, and a stream fufficient for another Mill with four pair of stones—these are adjacent to or immediately on the banks of the river, the navigation whereof is about being opened into the Potomak and for more than 100 miles above the mills. The other improvements on the .Estate are a new commodious Barn, the loft o» which is capable of containing 1500 bulhels; the tSrcfhtfig-floor is 4a fedt square, welJ planked : angther (double) Log Sarn, with iheds all around : a Distillery, with tsree 1* large Stills, and a Granary above that will cbntain 500 bufliels, well covered with Ciingles, and a stream of vva ie ter, conduded by troughs, running thro' it; at a small t distance is a large Cow-HouTe and Stab e, with stalls for a a cows, paved with stone in the European manner, with room for above 40 waggon loads of hay : a little further k a strong ftoue-walled Spring-House, completely iitted for a* Dairy. The whole of thefc Miils and Buikiings are at a prftper diftnhce from other, and from he Dwelling, which consists of threp commodious i tam- Buildings, with the neceiTary conveniencies. A well en closed Garden of the fineft foil, with a ilream of water running thro* it 5 two large Apple Orchards; fcvcral jC good parries for tuilding and limestone ; a nuit.her of Out-Houijes for Managers, Blacksmith, Cooper, aad lodg c" ings for Men of Colour ; —add greatly to the convenien cies and value of this Eftite. The Pur chafer, on paying dne haJf the price ag.eed for, may be accommodated with a conliderable en ii ox the remainder, and with the Cattle, Korfes Wagons, Farming Utensils, and Furniture, at a reasonable v;:lua :h tion. For particulars, application may be? mdde to s. the fubferiber on the Eftartf, to Thomas FitzfimoVis in P , Philadelphia, or Matthias Slough, LancaPier. in J. Holker. Srringibnry. igth Prober, 176. la , I O BE t> O L U, A LEASE for ftven years, from the 2 $th March Next, in that capital and beautiful FARxvl % lalird * - PROSPEC T-H I L I>, Situated within one quarter of a mile from.thc Brandywins " e Mills, and hall a mile from the borougn ot \\ i Itningixn. w ' dwelling house is built of (lone, two stones i h, e A genterly 6nilhed, and conuirnfour hands wit rwir.s on " s a floor, besides an entry, with capital garrets, and c-i: ment '3' cellars It is generally thought to command trie tno!l a greeable profpett of the Delaware, frcAn the loutcc ot that i ivsr to the Caprs. This profpeS rag eatly etnb I ilbcd by afullvicwof avail bodv o! meadow, through whi the Chrifliana and Brand* wine creeks are I'een winding i.ibeau* tilul meanders. Near the house are a Kite cu, a spacious llone flable and hayloft a barn, a catriag. hnule, mtU s.n house, &c. and a well of aspuie water as -un on tnr i .„n» j n nent. ihe garden contains an acre and quarter of Und, a boundiug with fruit, and particularly with peach irees, of the very belt kind, brought nom Maryiarid, and in full bear ing There is, moreover, nn the place, a voung. apple orchard begining to bear, and fcveral old trees thai produce V. abundantly, besides chetrv a< d other ornamentaj irees, in an great numbers. I lie farm coi:iifts t near sixty acre >f lirid, be loi good quality, and clrar of incumbrances, exc ixes, :en twenty of which arenow in excellent clover and .tmoiby, and ten more will be ready tor lowing next taring. re sidence ot nearly 8 yearj has convinced the fubferiber that the situation is r«maikablv hcai.lt ' The great poftroad L from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within teventy at yards of the house. In a word, the beauties and cunveni be ence of thi« situation cannot be enumerated man adve. tife ment, and when examined, will piobably CQmir.ana the at | . tention of any peife.n who is desirous of living atone ot the molt elegant crjintry feits on the continent. The pure hafer triay enter on the premil s nent Ipring, or perhaps, tnis fall, ket if application be immediatelv made to Doctor NICHOLAS :he WAY, in Philadelphia, to Dodtoi '.>H J HION, oo ll e premifcs, or, in his absence, to Mr. GEORGE TRUI . T, in ily Wilmington. iid A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, some i Stock, &c. may be had by the purchaser at the time.ot sale. et, Nov. 7 eodtf ict Davis's Law Book Store, No. 313, HIGH-STREET. :et, GEORGE DAVIS announces to his proteffior.al friend*, and the Gentlemen of the Law, generally, through th [he Union, that his late importation of BOGIES is now arrang 'cft rf ady for Sale, from a tingle volume to an emire li to brary, without any advance upon' his former exceeding low prices, which forfeveral years pail have i» so diftmguifhed a manner recommendt j them to notice. ,ICC Printed Catalogues combining the most cxtenfivc collcc irC ' tion cf the laieft Englifti and Irish Edirions ever imported f r : into this country, are publilbcd, and will be delivered gtaus >a *" on application. ' Orders add to G. D. in writiog from any dicta ,cc fat fhailbe punctually attended to. >e: *> A number ot > RUNKS io» Sale. ALSO, TO BE LET, f. A convenient. LOFT, near Mai ket Street Wbarf.