> of the HtHttttS States, &. Philadelphia Dally Advertiser. ' • ' A HUMBU* *?* 6 -3 THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1796. [Volume X. • —— 1 1 ' 1 - . . - For Sale, j The Ship A D EL A ID E, • JwjMvf- 0/ A r fw Tori. g I *Nv Lying at the fubfcr jber's whlrf—bur -4 210 tons, (he is a stout well built f vefT.l, was built by the day for a Honfe m New York,under the infpeflion of a oerfon concerned _ in her—has been or.ly one wpee to London and Char It f ,,in and fails fatter than any vessel out of the port o . New- bel York. Apply to WILLIAM BELL. j« .... V„ ...pivedbv the hid fI»P fr° m Charleft >n - -as; P ,* Dec. 6. ' ' FOR CHARTER, The fine Philadelphia, cedar and live y] - ship favorite, a John Thompson, Matter " , , .n , ,t,r-e hundred and ten tons,about one Earthen by regtfter thr.e hunar . ye r old, completely P£ q{ In ready to receive a cargo an P , „ ,- j vj , •world. She is afaft failing, vfffel, and (lands A. N. a. Lloyds. A)foj the fi n e Philadelphia, cedar and live oak built Ship AMIABLE, w Dan. C. Tillinghajl, Mafer. pi. Burthen by regifler two hundred and fifty-three tons? jflf graved. She is fonr year, old, and, - of the port of ; J No . I2> NorthThird-ftreet. , eo»w c Noremb#r 29. — — ( ( "?£ For Sli s° and Killihegs, The American Ship Nancy, Cuthbert Riggs, matter. Will fail with all convenient speed. lor ( J w y]i am Bell i , Who lias for sale, . Trunks Printed Cottons, well affortftl 3 Bales Irifti Flannels, 2nd i box«.s Lmeii# Madeira Winel Indigo ■ Kiiffia Matts. I, A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, Sec. _c fnwftr *- November it, I79°> 1 — C h—=* For Madeira, l The ship Concord, * §.g- Capt. John Ihomfon. For freight pafiage apply on board, or to P Peter Blight; J Who has for sale, a quantity of ft Branny, in pipes Whi'ing and Copperas, in hcgflieads Old Hoek, in cases I>«tch Cream-Cheese, in boxci Window Glass Eranfy Gin-Cases x Giaft Ware, in boxes Painters' Colours, ground m oil Sweet Oil, in cafc« of a dozen bottles eaeh Hailenuts, in sacks. Nov. 11. rim FOR SALE, THE SHI. 1 ' MART, ■IffiiWqiWt SAMUi'L PARKER, Mastfk, I Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. Tf the MARY is not fold in a few days, flie will take freight for Hamburg. Applv as above. October ,1. ' «' ._i : — - For Charter, The ship JO H N ]' UL KELT, Ayr ft Stocklky, Mailer. exce " ent live-oak and cedar built (hip, of about 3000 barrels burthen, Ap ' > J £ JF< Robert Wain. _K«. _ ' d " - for Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIJNA, Samuel Pile, Master,' Burthen 105 47*95 tons register, Jitiilt in . Philadelphia in the year 1792, of livs OiK and red cedar, and was sheathed J3 months ago, (he has just had a corrrplent out-fit, and rryiy be sent to sea Bt* verv trifling expt-in r. For terms 'pplv to phi lip Nicklin -J Co. 1 irbo have for fait on board said wjel, 17 calks of fine yelk iv p3-it. ■i) boxes and il bundles of Uatea. 1 box ink stands and note presses. 14 bales of fail canvass. And on handy .Imperial and, f TEAS. Souchong ) „ . ~ 40,000 pieces Mankeenfl of the f.rft t h-tween Eottrth aad Fif.h-ftrects. Also a CO.XI -I T SE nnd STABLE, with St ills for five horiel. N. P. CtVocls Stored by the month. XT 1 mvrfu I November 30. For Sale, By the Subfcribers—ln PF.NN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the Edg!e. . . WILLINGS & FRANdS. [ Nov. <0 w&f THE Parmedhip of JONATHAN HARVEY & Co. W being this day Difiolved hy mutual consent, thi>fe in lebt ed to-said firm arc requested to make speedy payment to Jaciathan I-|arVk*y, who i» autio 'i;' i to receive the Uim • ; those dcrhnnds wilTpleafe til yi pj •accwipr'" hi lor fetiJ'.t.c'h'c < TkJ[ Bu/trifft will be Continued By Jonathan Harvey, c AT KfS STORK _Y(>. 106, 5 FRONT-STREET; . . Where he has for S.ile, A general aOTortment of Dry Goods. ! November 14, 1796. Jim I Just Arrived, e the (hip C preventev.l the hig;h price it has hitherto been fold at, the Proprietors take this method of informing the Public that they may in futurertnirnt «•' 5-4 »ud 6-4 Bjulting Cloth*. Por Sale by Pragers Ss 5 Co. m Oflobcr 10 d»wm&tham Just Landing, At South freet wharf, from on Bodid the fh'P Sttlg ley, Captain Hodge, from St. P-Jtrflurg, ' The following" Goods : Raffia Sail Deck, firit qualify. Do. SUcuiug tic. l,ke Do. Diaper. Do. Huckaback. Do Crash. Do. Mould Candles, 4, 5 ar.J 6, to the lb. of the English fiztf. Do. V/hite Cand'te Tallow. ' Do- White Sosp in finair boxes. Do. of fine y^fu. II 1 feaverw Duck. lCuglafs, Ift and aad fort. Horse Hair uncurlcd. Ruflia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. —~ Do. Nail Rods. 10 Tons Oakum and y Clean Hetnp. For tfale by Philips, Crainond, & Go. in - Oflobrr 12. 5 (he For Sale, C 1 By Jehu HofLngPioorth, & Co. »5 hlids. Wed-India Run., 3d aad 4th proof, 5 liarrels best Indigo, and, 1 A few thousand bu(h«ls of Turk s lfland fait. oa 17. Samuel Richardet Respectfully informs ihe Gentlemen > Merchants, that he ha 6 this day opened the CI i Y TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE ill the city of Philadeh hia. The iubferiprion Room vrill be furnifhed with all the daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together Avith thole of the principal com mercial cmt< of Europe—They will be rugularly filed and none prruii' ted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, 3cupts, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety 0 f french Liqnors; together with the usual refreihtnents, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of W uies, Spirituous Liquors, and the most approved Malt Liquors knmLondon and other breweries. The Larder will with the prime and carlicft productions of the Season. Large and small Parties, or fingleGentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakftifts, Dinners, or Suppers, at hours moil conv. nie"nt to themselves—a cold Coliation is regularly ktpt for conveniency, tht Billof Fare to be had at tha bar. . The I.odging Rooms will be completely furrnfhed, and — the utmost attention paidto cleanliness, and every other requifitc. ■rr Richardet wilfbchappy to receive, anrt execute the commands of hia Friends, and the Public at nut lar<*c; and with gratitude for their favours, he piedgts ;H- himfelf that nothing on his part (hallbe wanting topre- I'crvc that patronage with whioli he hat been so dillinguilh | [pjrly honored. 4 j Philadelphia, April 19. Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, HIGH-STK EET, A f ( Has received by the late arrivals,' A ifcll SeleSed AisoaTMKNT of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and ah Haberdashery Good's S Which be wili fell, wholesale and retail, on the very lowed tersns ; % jfmortgft which are Sf«rnf degant4-4 and ;-8 Chintzes and CottoES, new pattern* ' •' No Ditto rufiiitnre ditto Ditto Dimity Tamboyred, Book, and Ja ©net Mullins «j, n( Ditto, in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine r\ Mantua* of tht firft qualitypj n nt' t 1 Silk and Cotton HoJlery ps the firft quality, assorted lrifli Linens, very fine, and Table Linens Marfeillds and Cotton Counterpanes Rofc Blankets afTorted—Sec. Sec. 06toHer 26. d 1 Irish Linens, &c. tic* Imported per the Jhips Glafgo-J.>, frim Dublin, Liber tj, frstu Cork, and bug Men. or, from Betfajt, ] 4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS, ; In whole and half boxes, Assorted from xjd tp 4«. sterling—A Ho 5-4 wide ' Sheetings, and low pljced vara and Worfied Hole. ' 1 On Hand, • 7'B Wide Lawns. Dupers and Table-C'.«ths nill A tew botes Tickens and Checks r A few bales Flannels Cork and 3elfa(l Sail Cloth, Nos. I and 6 25 Botes r 6 by 8, 10 Ditto > Window GlaftJ -j 7 by 9, 5 Ditto J C S by 10. The above inenfioned Goods are all entitled to tbtf drawback, ai d Vi ill be disposed of by the package 011 ' reafof-j^j^terms. ST, James, Clibborn & English, p Hoyb, N. Froat-ftreet. 10th mo. 19th. dtf Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackarel, e F.xccllent Halifa* Salmon in bbls. ' 47 bbls. prime Coffee, Best Boftcn Beef, . Codfish in hds. Siiermnceti Candle*, s Spermaceti, and ? qj j H' , Northern j " . m Mould atv3 dipt, tallow candies, of a superior — qualiiy. A few bnxes excellent brown soap, • v • s 6 Bales of Corks. 40 Pipes excellent Ltfbn-i Witft. A few fatks of Feathers. A few bales Jndia Miiflini. FOR SALE BT JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. o; r- Oilober 31. d (j Fashionable W» istcoating. GEORGE DjIsON, No. 2& SOUTH Till RD-STREET, H.is reebved per the Diana, from I,or,dot, Clouded and firiped S :itii(h Swanldown >" Clouded Erminats .au ! MoU&ins Striped do. asd dm Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Enninets - 1 Printed Florinetts Do. and Caffmeres . Superfine printed Quilfings, newest pattern! Also, per i'.iff rent arrivals, he A large a °d general assortment of Dry Goods, SukaWe to the present and approaching season. F November 5. dtf a — SALT PETRI A large quantity of Dnutile-Refined Salt Petre for j sale at No. 15, South Third-llreet. < November j. ' .' 5 Old London particidar Madeira Wine, \ Landing from on board the barque Eagle, Capt. Bates, and for sale by ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86, Seuth Wharves. ■ November 19. eodtf Imported from London & Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in crates and hog(head», well aCorted ' wine Bottles in hampers j Window Glass of all iires Two eases of stationary en One cheil of yellow Jesuits Bark Two cases of Roll Arnctta A small confignrn.ent of Rose Blankets, Flanneli, liaises, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plain*, &c. Paints of various colors. I oI " Baikct fait in hoglheads. Also on hand, Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hoglhcads and I ;ty quarter cases I its, Holland gin in pipes, firft quality Anchors of cliffci ent sizes • : ith A few trunk« of ladies French fhoei assorted oft Silk nan keen, tcc. es - Likewile an afiortment of Dutch goods, consisting of . Gfhaber; s, ticklenbergs,bed-tiekf, il: ipe s, checks. Morlaix linen, platihas, ra?en»dink, Britanaias, &c* be And for sale by the package only by i " Thomas & John Ketland. U( 1 Vv'aliiUt-flreet Wharf. No*. 15. * ot^ iCd — ; ' k " Washington Lottery. at The 4ld and 43d days' dr?wing of the Wa{hino+on gts Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office No. 134, irUr ire- where tickets may be examined. iih- N. B. Intormation given where titkstiki all the other rtteri«s may be procured. December 1, 1796. j RAISINS. A few an'! Bores of Excellent Frerti RAISINS, just received, and for sale by Joseph A nth my Sc Co. Also a new u l-a inch CABLE, 120 fathams long. December 5. jtf For Sale, By George Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotta Prime Salmon, in -barrels and half barrels Ditto Herring a«.l MackareW^ Vnoaked Herring in barrels and kepi Ditto Salmon, by the dozxn or (ingle ot»e Dry Codfifh, from one to fifty kfentarts Fine aHd coarse Silt Nova-Scotia and ,French Platter of Paris, in the stone and ground, for manure and ftucco-woik December I. {tf Cheap French China. THE fubferibers finding it impossible to supply their store with any mare China from France, the price* being too immoderate in the manufactories, give no tice that thej' will fell at prime toll the remaining {tack on hand, consisting of DefTert Setts, ( Tea-Table Setts Separate Cups and Saucers 1 Groupcs and Figures Alabaster Vases Lonking Glades, in gilt framesj Besides India Japan'd Toilet Defkis Chairs, Tables nad Quadrille Boxes. PASQUIEU &. Co. No. 91, South Second-ftieet. December sth. tts CONSTITUTIONS. This D(iy is Pubtifhed, i And to be Sold by W. WOODHOUSE, No. 6, South Front-street. rat Conflitutions of the United States, ACCORDING TO The L itejl Amendments. To which are annexed, The Declaration of Independence, AND The Federal Constitution, With the Amendments thereto. This Edition contains the late Constitutions of New- H'amplhire, Kentucky, and Tennefiee, not in anv for mer one. Nov. 26. A ROBBERY. v 0 — Three Hundred Dollars Reward. WHEREAS the Stores as the fubferibers, situate near Walnut-ilreet wharf, were, in the night of Saturday 'he 26th infl. broke open, and robbed of n variety of arti cles, contained in two chests, (which were also forced open) and of which the following ascertained, viz. No. 17 One piece London printed muflinet, 38 1-2 yd* .1 One ditto ditto 27 3-4 a One ditto fine M-irfeillss Quilting 15 3 Three ditto ditto French Sftch do. 42 J-t 4 Fivfc ditto ditto MaiTeilles Quihing 77 3-4 6 Two »io. ManchefW print Quilting 25 3.4 8 One ditto ditto Dimities 23 1-1 9 Two dittt) ditto MuAinet 46 1-4 10 Four ditto ditto ditto ICO 13 One ditto clouded (Iripe fine Q-Tilling 23 15 One ditto Corded Dimity - 26 lb Four ditto ditto ditto 102 1-2 One ditto white Jeanett H , Wo. s One ditto half ell clouded Nankeen 23 4 One ditto ditto Fancy ditto sa 11 One ditto half-yard olive 1 hickfett sj ix Two ditto ditto olive ditto 47 13 'i'%o ditto ditto mud ditto 46 14 One ditto ditto olive ditto a 4 ry 16 Two ditvo ditto bottle ditto 44 A reward of one hundred and fifty dollars will lie paid for theretu n bf the goods, and in proportion for any part of them ; and the further sum of one hun- dreJ and fifty dollars to any person or persons wli® lhall prosecute to convi&ion the perpetrators of the robbery. An iron crow bar, with which the door was forced, for pointed at one end, and marked witb the letters P- F. on the other end, was left in the (lore, by the villain* committing the robbery ; who are supposed to have gone off by water as a boat was taken tbe fame night from a neighbouring wharf, and was left fattened to * » lhaliop at Almond street wharf. *•- ' PHILIP NICKLIN y Co. Nov. _ _ _____ || 6. Baltimore Office of Discount and Deposit, 2 November, 1796. 300 Dollars Reward, l ' e " FOR apprehending and securing m jail PETER NOUCHET, a hand'ome-faced French Weft-Indian, for Counterfeiting a Check on this Office. He is not more than 20 years of age, upwards of fix feet high, flout limbed, round (houldered, black hair, dark com plexioned, with large black eyes and eye-brows j he has but little beard, and that chiefly on his upper lip ; > his teeth have been lately filed, and particularly one oif his eye teeth has been half filed ess; he speaks Englifli but badly and with some appeiranee of fluttering**— he is supposed to be yet concealed in this town or its vicinity, but as he may escape, the different printers in ind the United States are requested to pubiifh this adver tifenient. DAVID HARRIS, Cashier. N. B. All matters of sea vetl'cls or packets are at their peril to conceal of take him away. \ of Dancing. MR. FRANCIS of the New-Theatre, in conjunction &c» with Mr. BYKN, late Baliet-mafter, and principal dan cer of C6vent-Garden Theatre, now of the New-Theatrc —will open an Acad.-my at Mr. Oellers Hotel, on Tucf d»y, December 13, where th«y propose to teach in the moll new and approved methods, dancing in its various ufeful and ornamental branches. " Mr. Byrn's recent attention to the dances of London and Paris will enable him to complete this branch of education in his scholars in the most finifhed style. on favorite Scotch reels will alio engage their particular lax- attention. For farther particulars enquire of Meflrs. Frall.i* th er and Byrn, No. 70, north Eighth-flreet. * Private tuition as usual. I November 30* mw&f