SWANK'S, Riding School, Horfc Academy & Infirmary. I Adjoining the Pablic Square, Mai ket Street. T. SWANN No RETURNS bis sincere thanks to those gentlemen by whom he ha* bten employed, during his refidcnce in this City, an flatienhimfelf that the faccefs of his cfFotis, in the numerous, obstinate and dangerous diseases in Horses, in which ne as « been consulted, togethe#-with his mdderate charges, will le- Ditt cure (heirfutuiefavors and recommendation. Dr^i He now begs leave to inform them and the public at large pj n( that his fpaeious and commodious pcemifes, erected for the jjurpofes above described are open for the reception of pup* s of either sex, who wish to beinlirufted in the Art of Riding, tnd the light method of governing their horfcs, so as to ride _ tkum with ease, elegance, and fafety—their horses will be carefully and expeditioufly broke, for every parpote, and tqade obedient to the will df the riders ; the natural powers which are shut up vn them, will be unfolded by art, calling J forth uniiorrnity of motion, and giviog 'o that noble animal m -j all those beauties of action which providcnce has so bounti fully bestowed on them. . Also, at his hofpiral, every difor'er to which the horse is liable will be Heated according to the julcs of art, connrmca J by long and repeated experience. The utility of the above infttrution has never been qneflton •d, that it has long been wanted in this citv, every gentleman's stud will manifeft, aud T. Swank as me toifl eitahliihcr ofr the velerenary art, solicits and relies upon the fuppoit of iha public (which he wevcr anxious in serving) to enable him to Tttiflgit to perfc£lion. The idea of a fub(cription for that purpose has beeu hinted by feveial gentleman, who wifli to ( promote the institution—the amount of each fubferip-ion to be returned by ferviccs in any of the departments he profeffes, agreeable to the rate of charges Rated in his hand bill. S«ea WI fubfeription is now open, and the signatures of many tefpeft- be is said to have gone to some part of the Sufquehannah, 1 probably '"Uth a view of* getting to Pennsylvania. A sirs reward of Thirty Dollars will be given to the person who aje -Kay take him and sb secure him in some jail that I may 'bo get him again, if taken in this 11 ate, and Fifty dollars if taken out of the state, and if brought home or secured in die jail of Prince George's county all reasonable charges will be paid by ALEXR. COVINGTON. Maryland, Prince George's County, 7 and November, 1796. J Ilth*t&f4w Lottery and Broker's Office, fb. No. 64, South Second stkket. TCKET6 in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for sale—a Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in the late lottery. Check Books kept for examination and registering, for the City of Washington, No. 4, and Pattefon Lotteries, both of which are now drawing—information wkere co] tickets are to be had, and prizes cxchangel for undrawn _ u tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public Sohoo! Lottery, for — examination. The fubferiber solicits the application of the public and his friends, who wish to purchase of fell Bank Stock, o( Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property %* Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for sale at Ten Dollars each, which will be drawn early in the Spring. "Jd Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, j4u%iift 18, 1796. mth Treasury of the United States. OTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or i > may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums if tfce F.*dcd Debt, or Stock, tearing a present intercjl of Jtx 4tr eentamper annum. ift, That pursuant to an Ad of Congress pasTed on the lßth day of April, 1796, intitled an a& in addition to an aft, intituled " An a& making further provision for th's support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt," the said debt or flock will be reimbursed and paid in manner following, to wit. " Firfl, by dividends " to be made on the lail days of March, June and Septem- — " berfor the present year, and from the year one thousand ] » seven hundred and nincty-feven, to the year one thou- • M sand eight hundred & eighteen inclusive, at the rate of ! " one and one half per centum upon the original capital. " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of " December (or the present year, aAi from the year one " thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year -p; " one thousand eight hundred and fevehteen inclusive, at t ; ( " the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be matron the last 0I " day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun- a . •' drcd and eighteen, of such i'ttm, as will be then ade " qoate, according to the contrail, for the filial redemp *' tton of th said flock." -j. 2d.' AU diftinilion between payments on account o{ f r Jatereli and Principal being thus aholiihed by the eftabtifhj j t roent oi the permanent rule of reimbursement aHov« dc- JS cribed, it has become necessary to vary aco«rdingly the ■powers iof attorney for receiving dividends; th - public t j creditors will therefore observe that the 'following form s eftablilhed for all powers of attorhey which may be , granted after the due promulgation olthis notice, viz. v JCNOIV ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that € J •/ do male, confitulc and appoint 0 .'/ . my true and lawful At~ a; tcrtcy,forme , and in my name, to receive tie which are, I) erf Jail he payable according to law, on the (Hera 'defending d ftocklJlanding in my name in the booh of (here defc-ril)Jßg»th« tl books of the Trealury or the Commifiioner of Loans, tl where the Hock U credited) from (here rnTert the com- ii Sjenceineat and expiration ot time for which the power of attorney is to contim£) nrlb power aifo an attorney or attor- a mice under him, for that.purpose to make and fubpt„te, and to do all o lawjul alii requiftefor eflcaing thepremfei, hereby reUAiog a.id r nnfrming all that my said Attorney or tisfubflitvtc.fiall lawful ly do, by virtue hereof. '( ■ In IVitnefs hertof, I lave hereunto set my Hand and Seal th? t day of mfie year 3 Sealed and Delivered j in presence of, c EE JT KNO tVN, that on the day rf rfir erne frrfintrUy came ■within named and acinnultdeii the above letter of attorney to be ( kit e&i amdditjut *• IT 1 y 3 -&-1. ■ 1 In (ejli.nony whereof I have here* ito set my Han land affn- ( tJ ticaf the day anlycdr lafr aforjaid. " , Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, thistwen- 1 ticth daycf july 1796, pursuant to dire&ions from the Sscrttary of the Treafory BAKIUKL MEREDITH, . Tteafttrer of the Ur ited Siateet a Jfe tlf * '-\j' . ' h *'"V* -ii si' For Sale, By George Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels j-[ and half barrels Pot! , Ditto Herring and Mackarel. Crea I Smoaked Herring in barrels and kegs Brae — Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or single ope of S Dry Codfilh, from one to fifty kentaU ranti c Fine ind cearfe Salt .in, a? c Nova-Scotia and French Plaster of Paris, 111 the stone Hear s and ground, for manure and stucco-work f December I. . ? c Horses taken in, japa d , For the Winter Sea/on, bl " g And fed on clover-hay at the Subscribers place, 1* ■' miles on the Bristol Road, where good (lahhng is pro- vidtd, and great care will bs taken of them ls William Bell. dollars, & ? sdwelling-houfe. ycilh Jojooo, are J ' o °° 1 & calk 25,000 40,000 r~l I 3WT 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 — t ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 no,ooo o > c I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 „ or I ditto 5,000 & oaflv 5,000 10,000 ?, r ' m 5 1 cash prize of 10,000 Fo k. » do. 5,000 each,are • 10,000 10 do. l,#oo - - 10,000 titi he ao do. 500 - - 10,000 , an 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 ex | is lixi do. 50 jo, 000 at he 400 do. is • 10,000 .. nd 1,000 do. xo - 10,000 8 ids 15,000 do. 10 • 150,000 m- nd 16,739 Prize*. >u- 33,161 Klanks. of . X ;al : 50,000 Ticket*, at Eight Dollar*, 400,000 -L of unt >ne N. B. Tofavosr those who may take a quantity of esr Tickets, Ihe prize of 40,000 dollars will be the La >T drawn or at ticket, and the 30,000 the last but onx V J®' j ri " And approved notes, feeuring payment in either money ,a ' l or prizes, in ten days alter drawinj, will be received for un " any number not less than 30 tickets. p -|' e " This Lottery will afford an elegant fpeclmen of the pri- B P" vate buildings to be ereiled in the City of Washington ' in Two beautiful designs are already feleifted for the entire at . .®; fronts on two of the public fqaares; from tjiefe prawings Pil 'J 1 * it is proposed to eretf two centre and four corner buildings, Fo as soon as poflible after this lottety ie fold, and to convey them", when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in Stl bllc the mannerdefcribed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. eo >r "? A nett defiuflion of five per cent, will be made to defray the necessary exp*nfes of printing, &c,K«nd the surplus z ' will be made a part of the fund intended for the National "I 1 that Univerlity, to be erecled within th* city of Waihington. ®' ; The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are P° old off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days At- after it is finiihed ; and any prize* for which fortunate are f numbers ate not produced within twelve months after the drawing iiidofed, are to be conSdarcd as given toward* ') >tht the fund for the University ; it being determined to fettle ans, the whole business in a year from the e iding of the draw- P c om- ing, and to take up the bonds given a* security. ■ r of The real fccurities given for the payment oi the Prize*, ttor- ne held by the Prufident and two Direflors of the Bank' 0 all of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a ond mount ei the lottery. oful- The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Conuniflioaers afEfted in the management of the \l tb> Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thisarduous talk a focond time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num " ber of these having kindlyacceptjd.it it hoped that the »' friends to a National University and the other federal ob- al jeSs may continue to favor the design. p By accounts received from the dißerent part* of the d to he Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets r have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the t! drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and b caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of fl iven- th« tickets,has rendered the fhor- suspension indifpeniabW. t! tlon, , , , SAMUEL BLODGET. * , leket* may be had at the Bank of Columliia :of c ~, f m rnt H ®* I ' imore : Pet£r Oilman, Boftco ; « 4 J1 h " o P kia, • i and .f Richard WriU^ / a Fefrj-. * Tames Mufgrave, Goldsmith iff jsh^eller. No. 41, fonth Second-street, HAS iuft received an aflortment of Plated Ware and Jewellery, Plated Tea and Coffee Urns, Coffee io, Pots, Tea ditto, Castors from 5 to 8 bottles, Sugar and Cream Batons, Bottle Stands, Balkets, high Candlefhcs, Brackets and Chamber ditto, Branches, Sconces, a variety of Silver and Plated Shoe La'chere, Spurt, fsV. (SV. war ranted of the bed plate; I,adies and Oentlemens Gold *° Watch Chains, Seals and Keys ; Necklaces, Neck Chains, ( Ecar Rirgs, Finger Rings, Lockets, Brcaft Stone , Knee-Buckles, with many other aiticles in the above | branches. _ c He has likewise received an cxtertfive assortment ot japanned tea and coffee Urns, persian, blue, brown, black and gold. ' . . All kinds of work inthc gold and nlver line; miDia tnres set, and hair w®rk executed as uftlal. November 9. tu th & f James M'Alpin, Taylor, No. 3, South FourthJreet, RETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to his Friends and the P«blic for their liberal encouragement, and begs leave to solicit a continuance of their favor*. W He has on hand an extensive aflortment of the Mojl Fajhionabte GOODS, And of the belt quality, suitable for th« frifon. At this shop Gentlemen ean be furnifiied withthe best materials, and have them made up in the neateil and molt ; Fashionable rjanaer, and on the Ihorteft notice. He will thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and punfiual attention, to them. November IP. ' Brokers Office, and 7 C COMMISSION STORE. N«. 63 South Third ftrtet.oppoflte the national new Bank. , SAMUEL M FRAUNCES and JOHN VAN REED, have entered into co-partnership, under the Irm of , FRAUNCES & VAN REED, in the bufincfs of Brokers, ■ Conveyancers and Commiflion merchants. They buy and ar = fell on commission every species of flock, notes cf hand, tef bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c. , Money procured on deposits, &c. &c. all kinds cf writings in the conveyancing line, dor>e with neatnefsand dispatch; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the mod correA manner. Constant attendance will be given. T7 They solicit a (hare of the public favor ; they are deter- IJ mined to endaavour to deserve it. cer N. B. The utmost fccrecy observed. SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, JOHN VAN REED. Philad. APguft «7, 1790- ni&wtf Any Person ; Who is well acquainted with the River * MISSIS I PP I, And will give Directions for failing into the fame, — that can be depended on, lhall be gen»roufly reward- 13 ed for hit information, provided he will leave the 40 directions with Mr. John Fenno, printer, Philadelphia, — ' or Edmund M. Blunt, Newburyport. 63. [ November 3. lawjm , ins Twenty Guineas Reward. RAN AWAY from the fubferiber on the 43d O&obar, t0 a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES; 11 years old j about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mixed green n , coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttons ; a striped vest ; a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and co] whole boots much worn. It is probable he may change ma his name and dress. He has been accuftomtd to driving . a carriage, and waiting. The abowe reward will ct , paid for fccuring him so that the fubferiber may get him again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by , Robins Cbamberlaine. Eafton, Maryland, Nov. 10. 14 §lm»awtf The Elephant IS RETURNED FROM BALTIMORE. THE public are refpeftfully informed, that this animal is to be seen every day, from 8 o'clock in the morning till fun down, in Market ftreet, No. ic6, south fi 1 nlr'i Two quarts of Vintgar, ( , , . . nK „ ' 1 re' > per hundred rations J j. Two pounds 01 Soup, f One pound of Candles, J 0 f Therationsare to be furnilhed in such quantities, asthat the shere shall at all times during the said term, be fufficient aflc for the consumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, Dc- t im troit, Niagara, andOfwego, for the term of fix months in the advance, and at each of the other posts, fpr the term of 0 b- at leal't three months 111 advance, in good and wholesome provilions, ifthefame feall be required. It is to be un thc derfload, that the ContraSor is to be at the exjter.w and [ets risk of ilfuing the fuppliss to the troops attach poit, and that all losses sustained by the depredations of an enemy, or an( j by means of the troops of the United States, ftit.ll be paid ;0f for at the pricc of the articles captured or destroyed, on the dcpofitions of two or more persons of creditable cha ra&ers, and the certificate of a commiiSoncd officer, as . of certaining the circutnflances of the lots, and the amount ' . of ths ajtitles for which compcniation ftiall be claimed OLIVER WOLCOTT, Sa«ret»ry of the Treasury. » By Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. t Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Ar„ « South Second-Jlreet. ' SCHEME of a LOTTERY i For L raifln g Sixty Thousand Doilars, agrctably t0 4A H LegfUtureof Pennfylvama, ptfed during .* e tefTion, tor building a Stone Bricfge over the » 6 Berks' 1 "' 1 ' Borou S h of Reading, iu the County"" c i Priue of 20,000 Dollar! . U °Hars, 1 do. * of ie,ooo do. • . ,o >000 » 3 do. of 3,000 do. . J°'°oo 4 do. of s,ooo do. . . J' 00 " to do. of 1,000 do. - l00(> 39 do. of 500 do. . . ,0 ,000 Bo Co. of 200 do. - aoo do. of 100 do. - . lb £ca 300 do. of 5 o do. - i0 ' 0o ° 1 do, of 500 do. to be paid the pofl?f-) °° for of the firfl drawn no. I 500 $ 5 do. of 3,000 do. to be paid polfeffors ) * of the five lafl drawn uns t '4>°° 4 * >£ d °- : " >.aoo 10,046 Blanks ' I ,„ . „ 3°, 000 Ticket, at Ten Dollari »0 1000 \ All Frizes shall be paid fifteen days after the drawing i, II finifhed, upon the demand of a polfeflor of a lortunite A ticket, fubjrS to a deduction of twenty per cent. Tb e Drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are di'fpofed of, or perhaps sooner. of which public notice will be given Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William IVitman, Joseph Hi»Jler, Jamet Diemer, Thomas Dunda,, Janus May, John Otto, John Keim, Daniel CracA Sebajlian. Miller, Commissioners. " Reading, Maythegth, 1796. ' Tickets in the Canal Lottery, No. a, to be had at the ' pbove office, where the eariieft intormation of the draw '■ ingof tf* Washington No. a, and Patterfon Lottery's, [ are received, and check bsoks for examination and rqjjf ' tering are kept. f O(Sober 7. jawtf e Pater lon Lottery. '• "C'OR railing fix thousand fix hundred and futy-feveo - A dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen par cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a pries, viz X Prize of k JOOO dollars is dollars joo» I 1000 1000 t J 00 J CO 5 aoo locf ao j 00 ifiop 9* JO 4950 r TOO tj >' J 000 • aooo 10 »0,000 5 Lift drawn numbers of rooo dollars each, 5000 • — . - 1331 Prizes. 44,45.0 e 4018 Blanks. 1 ' 6359 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450 By order of the Directors of the Society for establish . ing Utfeful Manufa&ures, the of the Pat- , erfoo Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the foregoing Ssheme to the public, and have directed th«n "> to refund the money to chafe persons who have purehafed "* in the former Lottery, or exchaoge the tickets for tickcts n n this Lottery. » The lottery has a&ually commenced dfawing, and will continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prize's e may be seen at the office of William BlacfcSurn, No. 64 S Couth Second flreet, who will giveinformation where lick 'e ct» may b« prwurerl. — ' - " Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. X J. N• GUMMING, ~) JACOB R. HARDENB&RG) f Managers. JONATHAN RHEA, ) STATE OF THE WHEEL. l Prize of 5000 ... 5900 x 1000 ... ICOO it I JOO - - • 500 g 5 100 - - V MOO ao ico - " »000 '"90 JO - • - 4500 a 16J 45 - - - - 4115 The five last drawn tickets, 1000 e<.ch, 5000 i- Being all the valuable prizes, besides a full propor tion of the 10 dollars. , e As the Lottery is coafiderahly more than one third drawn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great ,j ly increased, and it is worth the notice of thofc who hold tickets in tha old scheme, that the)' can ex change their tickets for thole in the above, if they ap ly soon, and at*a moderate advance considering the now real value of an UDdrawn ticket. The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in future will be oftenet, and the Lottery soon finilhed. c * November ia- mw * r y — — ~~ a Washington Canal Lottery, of N0 . I. th -«TrHEREAS the State of Maryland has authonfii e " W the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, a£ two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Washington, from th Fo tomac to the Eastern Branch Haruour. 1 • The following is tbe SCHEME of No. I. al vig -I Prize of ao.ooo dollars, ao,ooo at x ditt* 1 ro.ooo 7 lad drawn 7 J 000 iSfi co Tickets, each J ac 6 ditto I.oco 6,003 cr 10 ditto 400 4,00 a ao ditto 100 I >°°° 01 55 ditto 50 7S o ' r " 57 c0 ditto I* , 69,00^ he Tofceraifed for the Canal, a6,»s» 5850 Prizes, . i7J»o°° 0 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17 coo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,00° of Thc Commifiioners have taken the Security's re quKd by the aforefaid aft for the punSual parent of The "rawing as this Lottery will commence, without ins delay, as soon as tfe- Tickets are fold, of which timely ,0 Is are not demanded in fix months after ths drawing is finifhed, shall be eonfid=r :d as relinquished fc' s?wimtist*. ,in DANIEL CARROLL, o/D. of LEWIS DEBLOIS, me GEORGE WALKER, Wm. m.duncanson, nd THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. laid City of Washington, Feb. 11. 5 on ;^ t PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO. —No. 119 — CHESNVTT-STREET. f. [Price Fi-ht Dollar» per Anaitm.;