Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 05, 1796, Image 1
of the <& Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. '%> Vvmi* i 3 23-3 MONDAr EVENING, DECEMBER 5, , 79 5. mLalts x ~~ " FOR charter, I , ~ 7~~ — — FOR CHARTER, Tl| C fine Philadelphia, cedar and live, Ship FAVORITE, John Thdm?sow, Master. Kr retrider three hundred and ten tons, about one old completely fitted and just coppered, i. now j rareo and proce«d to any part of the Tofld"' shTu afaftlumg velfel, and stand, A. N. at Also, the fine Philaflelphia, cedar and ** li*e 01k tmilc Ship. AMIABLE, kIT' 5 1 Dan. C. Tillinghafi, Majler. Burthen by refciftei two hundred and fifty-three tons, just graved. She is four 7 «r. <*». and *Tho*fWprl«dlemed equal to any out of the port of ~ . «,;£ kelp,, fitted in the best manner, and corn ed br «pericnccd, sober, steady men. For term, manded by exper.e M[ 4Ji W ARDER , apply to J Ko. Ij, North Third-street. Hovembtr »0. e -21Z For Sligo and Killibegs, WmL. The American Ship Nancy, 1} Cuthbert Riggs, master. Will fail with all convenient speed. For William Bell; Who has for fr.le, , Trunks Printed Cottons, well assorted 3 Bales Irish Flannels, and 2 boxes Linens Madeira Russia MatU, Alio, A few birrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, 1 OATMEAL, Ac. November U, Vf** mwW >—«• For Madeira, The ship Concord, Capt. John Thomson. For freight paffaee apply on board, or to Peter Blight; Who has for sale, a quantity of Brandy, in pipes Whiting and Copperas, in hogshead. Old Hock, in cases Dutch Cream-Cheese, in boxes Window Glaft Empty Gin-Cases Glal's Ware, in boxes Painters' Colours, ground in oil Sweet Oil, in cases of a dozen buttles each v Haz'.enuts, in sacks. Nov. 11. dim pt FOR SALE, Jijy- 7 HE SHIP MART, ca§ ■ SAMUEL PARKER, Masl^R, Ssracsrs* Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold ifl a few days, (he will take freight for HamEurg. TTppty it above. f — « Ofl.ibcr 31. ' d just arrived, and will this day be lan ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chcfnut street wharf. 25 Tons bejl Russia Clean HEMP, 56 Tons old Sable flat IRON, 200 Coils bell Ruflia CORDAGE, assorted fires, $co Pieces brown RufTia SHEETINGS, 100 Bolis Russia DUCK, 240 Pieces Ravens do c. 20 Half-down feather beds, and few pieces aflorted DIAPER. FOR SALE BY Joseph Anthony and Co. I*- Jv~" The above mentioned BRIG i» a few days, and tak~ freight on moderate terms for Boston or Salem, for .which or paflTage, apply on board or as above O&ober ii. d For Charter, |l-t The Ship JO HN BUL KEL Y, Ayres Stockley, Master. u' »5b "^ n exce " en ' live-oak and cedar built of about 3000 barrels burthen .-?-Ap ply to feffe & Robert Tf a In. Nov. d. For Sale, By y. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different fixes, from 1 z cables down to rope of a inches, of different lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. 17. dtf Just Arrived, In the brigs Twins and Rambler, a quantity of Choice St. Croix SUGAR and RUM, and about 150,000 Weight of Fine Green COFFEE. For Sale by fames Tard. November 24. dx Just Arrived, I* the ibip Dispatch, Captain Morton, from Havre de-Grace, and for sale by Isaac Snowden, jun. No. 141, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, An invoice of Gloves of various kinds, Men's "White, Silk Hose, Black and White Laces, and a few • Itces of Black Silk. Uecenjber J. Jxv. S ALT Pi T K E- A larqe quantity of Doubie-Uefined Silt Petre for sale at No. Z5, South Third-flrcet. November 5. PA T E NTS II 0 T. THE general confuraption of P.vt<nt Shot having bern prevented by the high price it ha» hitherto bt-en fold at, the Proprietors take this method of informing the Vublic that they may in fututc be supplied with that arti cle at the fame prices as common vhot, ky ordering their Corrcfponpjntt to apply to WaLß.sk J, Malt a 1 U Co. J.ondon. mct. 9 w/m^w !A&9HHHii^H^BHiHI^^H^HB^B9^E m Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOB SON, No. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Hat received per the Diana, from London, C. ouded and flriped Spanish Swanfdown t-louded Erminats and Mole&ini Stnped do. aß d do. * Figured Manilla? * Scarlet- %«red Frminets t Printed Floiinetts D®. Caffmcta and Caflirrreret Superfine printed Quiltings, newest patterns Atfo, per different arrivals, A large and general afiortment of Dry Goods, Suitable to tile present and approaching season. November 5. dtf For Sale, > By the Subfcribers—ln PENN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the Eagle. WILLI NGS & FRANCIS. Noy - 30 w&f To be Rented, r A Large Vault and Cellar, d That will contain 2co pipes, situate in Walnut ® between Fourth and Fifth-ftreets. Also a COACH- r HOUSE and STABLE, with Stalls for five horse*. N. B. Goods Stored by the mouth. J November 30. m wfi2 c Old London particular Madeira Wing, t Landing from cn board the barque F.aglc, Capt. Bates t and for sale by . ROBERT ANDREWS, 1 No. B<s, iSoutß Wharves. NovcmKcr 29. « o dtf Irish Linens, &c. Imported per the Jbips Clafgow, from Dublin, Liber tj, fnm Cork, and brig Mentor, from Belfajl, 4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS, 1 In whole and half boxes, { AfforteJ from lid. to 4 s. sterling—Also 5-4 wide t, Sheetings, and k>w priced yarn and worfled Hose. f On Hand, 7-g Wile Lawns. ]. Diapers and Table-Cloths A few boxes Ticktns and Checks A few baks Flannels j, Cork and Beffaft Sail Cloth, Nos. 1 and 6 IS Boies } r 6 by 8, 10 Ditto > Window Glass, 7 by 9, S Ditto 3 L t by 10. The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the drawback, and will be disposed. of by the package on reasonable terms. a James, Clibborn & English, No. (>, N. front-ftxeet. roth mo. 19th. dtf 10 hogsheads St. Crcix Rum, 5 Pipe* Viuegfir, For Sale, by Ezckiel Hal!, ( No. 20, Pemi Street. Nov. 7. To be Rented, A complete Coac/.'-Hcufe, With tlabling frr four horl'es; lituated near tie Univerfitj, with a passage iKto Market-street—apply, ior terms, at No. 49, South Front-street. Nov 11. < Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76, 1 HIGH-STREET, [ Has received by the late arrivals, A Weil Selected As so 7Mr i\ T of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and ' Haberdashery Gooc^«, Which hs will fell, wholefalc and retail, en the very s lowest terms ; Amor.gfi which are ' Some elegant 4-4 artii 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new patterns a Ditto Furniture <Jitto c < Duo Dimity I Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslim Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Maiituas of the firft quality I SJilk and Cotton Hosiery Dmhfellax of the firft quality, assorted lrifti Linens, very fine, and Table Linens Marfeillts and Cotton Counterpanes t Role Blaukcts aflorted—See. Sec. i Oflober 26 d < Imported from London Liverpool, EAKTHCN WARE : , In crates aad hoglheads, well < ' afibrltd 1 Wine Bottles in hampers 1 Window Olafs of all sizes Two cases of llationary ( One cheli of yellow Jesuits Bark Two cases nf Uoll Amctta , A small consignment of Rose Blankets, Flannels, 1 Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Piaim, &c. Paints of various colors. Balketfalt in hogiheads. Alfe on hand, Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks Holland in pipes, firft quality ( Anchors of different sizes A-few trunks of ladie» French ftioes assorted Silk nan keen, &c. Like wife an assortment of Dutch goods, consisting of Ofnaberos, tkklanbrergs, bed'tickt, stripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platillas, ravens duck, Hritanniai, &c. And fur sale by the package only by Thomas & John Ketland. Walnut-llrett Wharf. Nov. 15. wtf Walhington Lottery. The and 43d days' drawing of the Walhington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office No. 234, Mar ket-flreet, where tickets may be examined. N. B. ltolormation given wher« tickets in all the other lotteries,be procured. Dectwber I, d ; A ROBBERY. Three Hundred Dollars Reward. WHEREAS the Stores of the fublcribers, situate near Walnut.street wharf, Veie, in the night of Saturday the 26th inft. broke open, and robbed of a variety of arti cles, contained in two chests, (which y-re alftj forccd open) and of which the following are afijertained, viz. No. .17 One piece London printed muflinct, 38 1-2 yds* I One ditto ditto >7 3.4 a ©ne ditto fine Ma'rfeiltes Quilting IJ 3 Three ditto ditto Trench Stiteh dt>. 42 I-* 4 Five ditto ditto Mirfciilei Qutiring pj 3-4 6 Two do. Mancheftrr print Quilting 25 3-4 5 One ditto ditto Dimities , 23 1-2 f 9 Two ditto ditto Muflinet 46 1-4 lo Four ditto ditto ditto 7c# 13 One*ditto clouded stripe fine Quilting S3 t j One ditto Corded Dimity a 6 16 Four ditto ditfo ditto 101 t-a One ditto wkite Jeanett No. a One ditto half-ell clouded Nankeen 23 4 One ditto ditto Fancy ditto 2a s» Oae diit» half-yard olive Ihickfett 83 s2 Two ditto ditto olive ditto 47 13 Two ditto ditto mud ditto 4S 14 One ditto ditto olive ditto >b Two ditto ditto bottle ditto 44 A reward of one hundred and fifty doilcrs will be paid for the return of the goods* and in proportion for any part of them ; and the farther sum of one hun dred and fifty dollar* to any person or perfone who it shall prosecute to conviction the perpetrators of the [. robbery. An iron crow bar, with which the door was forced, pointed at one end, and maafced with the letters P- F. on the other end, was left in the (tore, by ;be villain* _ committing the robbery ; who are fiippofed to have gone off by water as a boat was taken the fame night ' from a neighbouring wharf, ~»d was left fattened to a liuliop at Almond ilrect wharf. PHILIP NICKLIN S3* Co. Nov. 29. Baltimore Office if Discount and Deposit, 2J/h November, 1796, 300 Dollars Reward, FOR apprehending aod securing m jail PETER , NOUCHET, a handt'omc-fjced French VVtft-Indian,' for Counterfeiting a Check on this Office. He ,» not e more than 20 years of age, upwards of fix feet high, flout limbed, round shouldered, black hair, dark coihv pk*ioned, with large black eyes and eye-brows j has but little beard, and that chiefly on nis upper lip ; his teeth have been lately filed, aud particularly one of his eye teeth has been half filed off; he fpfcaks English' but badly and with some of fluttering; — he r» fuppofffdto be yet concealed in thb town or iti vicinity, but as he may escape, the different printers in the United States are requested to pubijfti thjs adver tisement. DAVID HAkRJS, Cafliier. N. B. All mafleri of fei vdfeli «r packets are fort id at their peril to conceal or take him away. constitutions: This Day is Published, And to, te Sold by W. WOODHOUSE, No. 6, South Front-flreet. THE Constitutions of the United States^ jiCeOKDtNG TO The Latefi Amendments. To which are annexed, The Declaration of Independence, e AtfD •. The Federal Constitution, N IVith the Amendments thtreto. This Edition contains the late Conflitutions of N«w» Harnplhire, Kentucky, aud Tennessee, not in ahy for* mer one. Nov. 26. TO BE SOLD, J A LEASE for /even years, from the 2s*b March next, in tbmt capital and beautiful FARM\ calltd » PROSPEC T-H I L L, y Situated within one quarter of a mile from the Brandywine v Mills, and hilt a mile from ihe borough of Wilmington. THE dwelling house is built of (lone, two stories high* gentefly finifhed, and contains four bandfpnne rooms on a floor, besides an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient cellars It is generally thought to command the mod a grccable profoe<l of the Delaware, from the source of that livtr to thcClapcs* This prolpeft ia greatly einbJlilhed by a full view ot avail body ol meadow, through which the Christiana and Brandy wine creeks are leen winding in beau tiful mtfarfclers. Near the house are a KitChea, spacious stone ftab!e and hayloft, a barn, a carriage house, milk* house, &c. and a well of as puie water as a»iy on the conti nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of hind,- a bounding with fruit, and particularly prach '.redfc of the veiy best kind, brought f'om Maryland, and in full bear ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a ,-otutg, apple orchard to bear, and leveral old trftsthat pr >ciuce abundantly, bendes cherrv and oiher ornan*cn»l. in great numbers. The farm confifls of near sixty icrrs of Itfnd» of good quality, and clear ot incumb'anc s, cxcrpc axe« t twenty of which are now in excellent cloveif and nmothyj and tcD more will be ready lor Towing next »'p 'ng. A re ot nearly 8 year has convinced the fubicriber that khe si liation is remarkab.v health* . The great poll road from Philadelphia to .h<-' Southward runs wnitm seventy verds of the house. In avv rd, tlie bea.«tivS and conveni* ence of thi< canncSt be enumerated in "an ?iirertife» ment, and when examined, will probably commana the at* tcntion ot any person who isdefirous of living at on- ot ;he molt elegant country feais on the continent. The purehafer may enter oil the premiss next spring, or perhaps, tfii» frfflj if application be immediately made to Dottoi MICHOLAS WAY, in Philadelphia, to Dottor WHARTON, on the id premiles, or, in hu ablcnce, to Mr. GEOXGE rRUi IT, in Wilmington. A quantity of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground, some Stock, «scc. may be had by the purehafer at the time of sale* Nov. 7 eoiict (f Dancing. MR. FRANCIS of the New-Theatre, in conjun<stlon Cl with Mr. B'iRN, late Ballet-master, and principal dan cer of CoVent-Garden Theatre, now of the New-Theatre — will open an Acad, my at Mr Oellers Hotel, on Tues day, December 13, where th#y propolir to teach in the most new ind approved methods, dancing in its various ujelul and ornamental branches. Mr. Byrn's recent attention to the dances o London and Paris will endble him to complete this branch of education in his scholars in the most finifhed (fyle. in Favorite Scotch reels will also engage their pail.cular r . attention. For farther particulars enquire of Mefirs. Francis er andMyrn, No. 70, north Eighth-greet. Private tuition as uXual. [ . Noveaaber ja* mwScf