Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76,' 1 > V NIGH-STMEET, Has received by the late arrivals, lV A IVell Selected Assortment ps \ Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and j Haberdaftiery Goods, Which he will fell/ \\holefale and /etail, an the very ' lowest term; , Amongst Thomas & Joshua Fisher. . No. 5, Doek-fttreet. « Also by the Glasgow from Dublin, J«8 and 4-4 IriflTLinens assorted in boxes of 30 pieces, do. Brown, Glazed Liruira. OA. 17. itt Imported froth London Elf Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in crates and hogfheadi, well assorted Wine Bottles in hamper* Window Glass of all fi*e» Two cafei of ftationaryi t One chest of yellow Jesuits Bark Two cases of Roll Arnotta A small consignment of Rose Blankets, Flsbmls, " n Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plains, &c. Paints of various colon. Basket fait in hogfbeads. m; Also on hand, Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hogsheads and quarter calks Jai Holland gin in pipes, firft quality t»e Anchors of different sizes A few trunk* of ladies French fines assorted Silk nankeen,&c.' Likewise an affertment of Dutch good*, consisting of "Ofaaberf s, tickleabergs, bed-ticks, stripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platillas, ravens duck, Britannias, &c. And for sale by the package only by Thomas tff "John Ketland. Walnut-street Wharf.' lias Nov. M. <*ntf hat Just Imported, In the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Madeira, and to be feld by ELLISTON Ess JOHN PEROT, rcp Best London particular Madeira Wine, Three years old, are In pipes, hogsheads, and quarter calks, fit for im- Bltdiate use.—They have also for sale, A few bags of Juniper Berries. o} Ehaors. " Charles Abercr»mbie, William Barnett, Edward b lelfijir, and James Jackson, Esquires. JEFFERSON. Solomon Wood, Esq. senator. tl] ; e fj Colonel John Cobbs, reprcfentativy:. 0 j Representatives to Congnft. Abraham Baldwin, " ,0. John Milled ye, 01 Thomas P. Carnes, 2Xo j C win,, 2 » George Naylor, t , Elefhrc. t ', 1., Jackson, _ e John Milton, I°* « ees, Thomas Glafcock, j,g Charles Abercrombie, „ >~ Edward Telfair, V T . George Walton, x ~f William Barnett, Benjamin on k John Talbot, 9 l CHATHAM. t George Jones, senator. James Jones Charles Odingfell,, J. B . Waxwell, and James Jackson, representatives. ' Rtprejentativcs ts Congress , Abraham Baldwin and John Milledge. had the Z majority -of votes. EleSors. . ind Charles Abercrombie, William Barnet. lames KS Eiw " d *?*■ £ FRANKLIN. !i!' Larchhn Cleveland, senator. of Thomas P. Carnes, representative. .1 T , „ K'P r *es to Ctnigrefs. icc, Thos. P. Carnes, and Abraham Baldwin, Efqti. i c f EleSors. James Jackson, Thomas Glafcock, Benjamin Ta ha'd IZ'h-"t ft harkt Abe ; cr ° mbic > we'hear Br ...\ ha d tne highest number of rotes WIL K E S rl David Crefwell, Esq. senator. ■ f p a. 1 , If" ' u Baldwin » and John Milledge, E qrs , ! are fa,d to have the highest number of votes. '"s f BOSTONrNov. 21 . t 7 e ' Tuesday last ,h t Mar.ne Society celebrated »eu th: ! f o r- al •' Concert "Hail. After dmne. Tio drank ° W ' nS Pf " ment and patriotic toafls were « '■'> , . feuf and io thr ■ ~T y '. teverhe to charity U°rc and to the principles of our Iffftitution. ' ' 1 3 ThVp r ;<:j 1^ e i IBt ° 'he haven of content, pra*, and faithful qujrj *£' 5 llw?-"-' • to take jhe benefit of the tide liU. CPn, ""' Ue " »**•■ s.' 'inte, furnifh an admiral for the federllfleet"' dUC thfy 6. American commerce—-mav Wfl ru I C,)^IV s , Itfted bvviolenceor treachery Unm ° limc! : .i« pit I™. ».».♦ ; 9 : tu7^T,:s:Lz h , ;js S5 ( ged and. well manned ' >Fy neatl - v rI S" htm, on every dangerous coait. Warnl Ada Our infant navv f l Umti :the protection of our commerce ! u < " qU ' l t0 in,,oc of oar coasts. ■ and the defence mas, Uwy< 5H9 12. A total lufi of the fliijj Tyranny, wiiliout , benefit of falvsgc to the tindciwritert. 13. A leaky (hip, heavy galas, leesfhore, dark ftion, night,and no light-house, to the enemies of freedom mbcrs I Q (lr f orei "g n miniflers and consuls—may they t and f CC ure rcfpeft to our flag and national chara&er. Mon- fi ee p or t S) (hort voyages, and good mat kets. 16. A speedy upon the furface of the great I political oceaH of Europe. i uires, I RICHMOND, November 22. ; EleSnrs of a Prejident and Vice Preftdent jn Virginia < 99 Daniel C. Brent, for the diftrift of Fairfax, &c. a 9 1 Leven Powell, for Loudoun, Sec. I 37 , Jofiah Riddick, for Norfolk, &c. f 9° John Mason, foe Stiffex, Sec. t '4 Robert for Dinwiddie, Sec. a 1 .Gcrge Markhaia for Ch- fterfiekl, See. t Nathaniel Wilkinfon, for Sec. o 43 M. Hunter, for Fiederick,/&c. c 77 John Eyre, for Accomack, See. b 34 Wilson C. Nichiilas, for Albermarle, See. e °9 Benjamin Temple, for King William, Sec. w 4 2 £atefby Jones for No'thumberiand, Sec. c 3 1 David Saunders, for Bedford, See. ~ h °9 William Terry, for Halifax, *c. f( 54 Peter Johnfton, for Prince Edward, &c. si 21 John Taylor, for Caroline, Sec. rr ■4 William Madison (and not Lewis Connor as men- I c tinned in our lad) for Spattfylvania, &c. 01 - The other four diltrifls in this 'Commonwealih t] elen- „ e h ave „ ot f rom , c v,. ni ' ( ;■ 29 From the ConneSicut Cour ant. 74 — C( THE PEOPLE'S ANSWER. 9 l ® Doubtlefcf citizen Adet, as you have made a pub- va >5 lication, by way of an address or appeal to the peo- so >4 pie, yon wish tt» know what effiCt it has, and ex- ha >5 pest an answer. to '• Know then, that we are 33 little flattered as de- ju ceived,%y your opening a correspondence wiih us. ju: Having ordained and dignified our dear beloved Pre- pe ■' on » fident to rtcstive and answer ministerial addrefTes, hi: and whose heart you will find found entmgt., and' wl head long enough* for the trust ; it is insulting us wl ires. t h at Ilot confine yourfelf to him. It is true, ab yon haveadopted the revolutionary mode of doing tic bufi-nefs; but, thank Qod, we have no occasion for res •a revolation just now. ft e you thight, one would thiak, have learned some coi thing of your predecefTdrs. Genet,• the fir ft apolUe cip of the republic to this country, in pursuance ofhis op orders, publicly preached peace, and privately dealt cpi 4 out comroi'hons of war. Wliile devout in afTuran- Ima ces that trance wi/hed us to remain neutral and J del 9 happy, he was rapidly fomenting a war which was wh 0 to be charged to the British ; and all things work- bee 1 ed we'll till, impatient for.the rupture, he threaten- wh ed an appeal to the people, which blasted him in a J cot 9 moment. The cloven toot was cut, aud he could I A 1 do no mort. Ito 8 He of couife was taken away, and Fauchet, who pal 1 undeikood the game ot luhijl better, was put in ja ri 7 his place, with sorrow for what happened and lov- I ticc *• mg aflurances for the future. Fauchet preserved del 4- a fair exterier, and might th«reforcj unfufpeited, j his ? have remained here to this day, had not the down ) sal of his patron Robespierre, tendeied it necessary I to facrifice him too : and yet he was by no means J idle. Hsr took precious ctrf/Jions, dispensed dci I ''' g'atias, of which he found a fen thousand were I sufficient for American patriots ; and prophesied— of to his own court, not to us—of JEFFERSON to neg tne come; whefe way he prepared. dut But you, at afingle dafli, havi overset the whole 1 buunefs. You must needs lug into your address, I hav; tie* the very name of JefFerfon, for no earthly purpose inn- but to discover the real object of it! And now, fati ther# is not an eledior, on this fide the Delaware, that t at would not be sooner fliol, than vote for him. I *uor Unversed in diplomatics, it cannot be expe&ed i that we should meddle with the question, whether a D. nation, three:time. regenerated by Tom Paine, whom Kev, I«• and his disciples exalt above 1 Moses or Jt- pre! ius, is not absolved from tie fuuh of treaties, and why ear V*lTr ""J*? ° f * F,c " ch ''*> b y fi »ding a Hev« •>1 itifh lie to match it—Nor with the question, whe- Ibe e ther the French may not lay aiide the Wof na the, as the law 0 f God, and fnbftitute in fecu he room of both, mptriotu circumjlances, as more He • adapted >0 the energy and principles of a pure rcpub nc-Nor yet vy.th what is Kfs doubtful, whether P°fi: the French, when reversing all other maxims, midii i»du • not reverse th« ancient one, that right of dominion he rr is "Uiided , a grace, and found that right in the any Z W L A' *T ; a 3! ? d T th " W "y make uut their ti- H tie to dnca and plunder us in common with other clerl ed "iw"pT • x Y e pAin,s rffrr y° udu 'y ",\ T ly U ' g for thc P ress at J ultimately W re r° r ,ea^ w 8 1 * f tlme - But one thing we have judg y , \ cords IfZT that baiters arc r.»t she proper rcadi It is not neceflTary, citizen, .hat we should con- who lit elude with the ufunl nMiUa.iou, M vo„ are so fully opini to r i! 1 8° v «"0r Adams's proclamation for that | d thankfjg'iving. THLPEOPLE. tnat p " f " rt ExtraS from a Virginia paper. j .into " Men of modesty submit to the calumny with I "18 ' out attempting ro repel the parts of their a'dvcrfa-1™"" 1 lies. Conicu us of the pinky of their intent' I 6m y TV' ,he J ustice ° r country, aad I bla ®' nt.uH their repuiation to the reason of calmer to bci times and more lmfartia! judircs. I "As total silence, however, is liable to ht con I ftrued into a confctoufnef* of guilt, it berimes a I i a • ,hin £ Bto theunbiaffed mitte, " With these views, gentlemen, I beg leave to chief' c f 1 "t;"" "■ u. TO ns 0 1 f itliout cmUnd relics liberty san c, r fy and A - , patriot ; a ftrenudus advocate Lc the right* I dark country ; a f,,Aful defender of he, „.fn[J ' ■edom lege,, and an undaunted and vigorous oppoS"; 1 they the eacroachme.it. and tyranny of the BmiiK te, liament one who InflueU by Us raa.. vtneed, persuaded and animated byhia L'r who repelled danger by his vigilance an,! ,£ great fruit rated the designs of our eoemies by hi, «Z h ened councils, and defeated their be ft con lc ?"i plan,—one whose superior foul, glow,™ > ardent flame of liberty, coined ■gtma dtfficult.es deemed utfurmou,.table by inferior mini &c. and contemplating the resources of his C( m llt fought with eager expedition iheiffuc of the ; rn pending contefl—one who regarded his wealth V i.™;..d Ifc-hMf.. p ,4„,, ,« and to advance its mterdts, voluntarily hazar' *t" them on the precarious event of Hie unequal one whose generous spirit wa, never fubjeft . 0 ,Z contrwlmg influence of avarice or iclf i, Uc J but whose virtue and dif.ntereftednefs (hone mo't eminently ,n times of trial asd danger, in Tl 'fv uT 1 r wxdeßt ~< IS chtrj o, falfe friends fh-ok the foundation of our hopes and threatened our deftruftion, a»4 w h 01e fortitude inspired our councils with decision and lupportrd the languishing spirits of his countrr men m the darkest season of the revoluiion-a d' nen- legate to the firft continental congress, and a leader on the grand question which gave birth to the liber. allh ty and national exigence of this country An am ballad or to different power, of Eur o p V e; to whole negociations the United State, are indebted tor the acknowledgment of their independence by t | le Hate, general of the United Netherlands, for the completion of , treaty of amity and commerce with that republic on principle, of reciprocal ad. ~ vantaffc. for the procurement of a seasonable loan >eo- for the fuppou ps our crcdit and ral.ef of «ur ex. ex- haulled finances, for the enlargement of our terri- the security of our (liberie,, and in eon de- junction with hi* honorable calleagues, for the ad. us. mflmeht of the articles of the dcfVriimc treaty of re- peace--A man, whose virtue and talent, procured ies, him a gracious reception at foreige courts, and and ' whose embafly was rewarded with Angular success; rus who was courted by men of eminence and refped. ue, ability, and received an honotarv mark of diltini. ing tion liom the citizens of the metropolis in which lie • for refidcd, as a teiiimony of their veneration and e. Ileem A man wlio undertook the defence of the * ne con it it ut ions of his country, in oppoiition to pnn« Ille ciples unfriendly to good gwv-ernmcnti ;»nd to an his opinion at that time entertained of their being in :alt competent to the prefeivation of c! il libertv—a an- man whose uniformity and consistency of character ind dcmonftrale the goodness of his principles, and • vas whose conduit from the beginning #f the war h that it was not Jet forth accuracy am/jhat the ■word within was omitted. Here wa» the charge di'eftly made. If Mr, a D. thought it his duty, as he fay, lie does, to re m lieve the public mind from the effett, of a oiifre f. prcfenrttion relating to any official tranfitfioii, d why did he not immediately do his duty and thtic re. a lieve the public mind, before hi_s long silence cotild j. be tonftrued into an acquiescence in the justice of the charge ? Had he done so he would have bcea n fccure (on that score at least) from anonymous abuse: ■ e He would not then have permitted his fellow-citi >. Zens to be juftifiable, as they now are, in the fup •r polition that anonymousaluse has a greater effect in it inducing him to aifcharge his duty, than any wish n he may have formed to relieve the public miad from £ any misrepresentation whatever. v i. His endeavor to lay the blame on a tranfenbtng ■r clerk will not fail, without any comment, to be 0 duly appreciated. y Mr. D. calling it an indecent supposition that the c judges had given their opinion on the law, without r reading it for themselves, has much mistaken my intention. It. was generally fOppofed by thofs who were willir»gto apologize for the extiaordir.ary y opinion of the judiciary, that they had.formed r that opinion on the mutilated extradf, and l think tCat it really i, the be ft exeufe that can be oijered for them. It was my sole wilh to bring these tranfafit'oas .into the serious confii'.eration at my fellnw citiztr, —that objedt is attained. Let those whose duty^ it is investigate the matter and lee whether (as hi< excellency the govornor himfelf txprefied it) fair play hag been {hewn, and if there has not, let the blame reft on those fhouiders that are bell ei.tuicd to bear it. PENNSYLV ANIENS IS , Fer the Gi'iitti or rat UNirrn STATri. To the Electors of Frejidcnt and Vicc-Prejit!ent- A TRULY important and sacred trull is com mitted to you by your countiy —to you fs delega ted the duty of feledtin-g a proper character lor th* chief magiltracy of the United Stnte,. Igthcdi!-r charge of this duty, it beiiaves you to lay aiiJe party and tool conflderations, all recurrence to the immedfate causes which have procured you this if pointmeßt, and to reflect feriouffy and solely on-t^ critical llation in which you are placed, and the m ture and confeqiiences of the funiftion you areabi.lit to fulfil. Ponder well each of sou, ray fellow ci:i ----1 i ' *?