Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 25, 1796, Image 4

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    A Sho"t Delay
In the Drawing cj the Canal Lottery,
|Ib Walhington city, has been unavoidably occafioHed
by the unforeseen intervention of Mr. Blodgct's Lottery
—but as the major part *f the tickets are now disposed
of, this is to inform the public that the drawing of the Ca
nal Lottery will certainly commence without fail, on the
firft Monday in January J797, and those holding tickcts,
ue hereby requefled to fend a statement of those fold, and
those on bane. 2
DANIEL C AP.ROLL, of Duddington,
The Printers who gave our adyertifements a place in
their newspapers, are rcquefted to give this notice admis
sion, as the remaining tickets are expe&ed to be loon above
par, and we wifii adventurers to be timely' iclotmed
Nov. iz. j§|6w.
A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun
ty of Gloucester, and ftateof New-Jersey, contain
ing about one hundred and fifty aeres ; a Suitable propor
tion of which is woodland an 4 improved meadow. A
great part of the arable Und is in a high state of cultiva
tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover.
On said plantation there isa-genteel two-story brick house,
wrth four rooms on a floor, and a good dry ccllaj under
the whole ; together with a bam, corn-cribs and carriage
houfe I'he garden is large, and cotitains a good collec
tion of the bed kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees;
the orchard confift»of about three hundred grafted apple
trees. Any person iaclined to purchal'e said premiles, may
be informed ef the terms by applying to
July..*9 F
Philadelphia, November 18, 1796.
Wm. Holdernesse, No. 76,
fll-GH-STREET, ,
Has received ,by the late arrivals,
A Well Sdefied Assout ME NT of
Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
Haberdashery Goods,
Which he will fell, w'holefale and retail, on the very
low eft trrms ;
Amongjl <wbich are
Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottoas, new
Ditto Furniture ditto
Ditto Dimity
Tambouted, Book, and Jaconet Muflini
Ditt# in Gold and Silver
Ditto Neckcloths, very fine
Mantuas of the fir ft: quality
Silk and Cotton Hosiery
Umbrella*, of the firft quality, aflorted
Irish Linens, very fine, add Table LinAis
Marfeillet and Cotton Counterpanes
Rose Blankets alTorted—&c. &C.
I Oitobei* 26. d
A Manufactory FOR SALE.
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, situate
in a convenient part of the city ; the works almost new,
en an entirely original confttuttion, and built of the best
materials, acid may be set to work immediately. Persona
whowilhto pure ha fe, are requested to apply at No 273,
South Second Street. September 13. t t f tt
To be Sold, j
The Time of a smart, aSive Negro Lad,
Who has Eleven years to frtve.
Inquire at No. 58, South Front street.
Oflober 18. §
James Mufgrave,
Ne. 42, south Second-flreet,
HAS just received an affertment of Plated Ware
and Jewellery, Plated Tea and Coffee Urns, Coffee
Pots, Tea ditto, Castors from j to 8 bottles, Sugar and
Cream Basons, Bottle Stands, Balkets, high Candleftics,
Brackets and Chamber ditto, Branches, Sconces, a varietv
of Silver and Plated Shoe La'chets, Spars, lS"c. life, war
ranted of the best plate; Ladies and Genilemens Gold
Watch Chains, Seal? and Keys ; Necklaces, Neck Chains,
Eear Rings, Finger Rings, Lockcts, Brcaft Pins, Stone
Knse-Buckles, with ninny other a, tides in the above
He has likewise received an extensive iflcrtmentof
japann d tea and'coffee Urns, perfun, blue, brown,
black and gold.
All kinds of work inthe gold and Giver line; minia
tures set, and hair work executed as usual.
November 9. tu th & f
The Elephant
THE public are refpeflfully informed, that
this animal is tp be leeii every day, from 8
o'clock in the morning till fun down, Market
ftreet, No. ie6, south fide, between Third and
Admit tance a quarter of a dollar, that every ci
tizen may fee him.
(C)- At the request of many perfens it will be
exhibited on evenings from five to eight o'clock,
at half a dollar each.—The room will be well
light? 4
November 7. <J
Twenty Guineas Reward.
RAN AW AY fr/»m the fubferiber on the 23d October,
a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES ; 11 years
•Id } about J feet 8 inches high ; had on a mixed green
coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttons;
a striped v«(l; a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and
-whole boots mach Worn. It is probable he may change
hi* tiame and drtfi. He has'beeu accustomed to driving
a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be
for fccuring Kim so that the fubferiter may get him
again, and if -brought home ail reasonable charges paid by
Robins Chamberlaine.
Barton, Maryland, Nov. ro. 14 < Jmiawtf
Just Imported,
the fchoouer Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Madeira,
and to be fold by
Best London particular Madeira Wine,
Three years old,
In pipes, hogiheads, and quarter cafkt, fit for im
mediate ufew—They have alio for sale,
A few of Juniper Berries.
O&ober 28. wjUlw
■ ——Z
Horses taken in,
For the Winter Sfafon,
, And fed on clfiver hay at the Subscribers place, i»
ciilcs on the Bristol Road, where good Cabling is pro
vided, and great cue will be taken of them
William Bell.
N«r. aj. mwfawmthtf.
"Juji Imported from London U Liverpool,
ttiRTHtN VVari, in crates and bogfheaiit, well '
Wine Bottles in hampers '
Window Glass of all lizei
Two cases of stationary
One chelt of yellow Jesuits Bark
Two cases of Roll Arnctta
A finall consignment of Rose Blankets, Flannels, Bai
zes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plain*, &c.
Paints of various colors
Basket silt in hogiheads.
Alf 6 on hand,
Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hogiheads and
quarter calks
Holland gin in pipes, firft quality
Anchors of different sizes
A few trunks of ladies French shoes aflorted
Silk nankeen, &c.
Likewise an assortment of Dutch goods, eonfiftinjj ot
tickieabergs, bed-tick, stripes, checks
Morlaix linen, plattilas, ravens duck, Britannias, &c*
And for sale by the package only, by
Thomas Ss 5 yshn Ketland,
Waluut-flrret wharf.
Nov. 15. eodtf
v - 1 ~ 1
Samuel Richardet
n ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CHTY •
city of Philadelphia; ]
The Subscription Room will be furnifhed with all the 1
j daily pipers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- 1
ton„Biltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial cities of Europe—They will be r«gularly filed 1
and none permitted to be taken away on any account. 1
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety 1
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments,
will it all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choicefl of Wines, Spirituou# Liquors, and the most
approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries.
The Larder will be supplied with the prime and aarlieft
produ&ions of the Season.
Large and small parties, or single Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hours most convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is
tegulafly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare t* be had
at the bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and
the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other
Samuel Richabdzt will behappy to receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favqurs, he'pledges
himfqlf that nothing on his part shall be wanting to pre
"erv- that patronage with which he has been so diftinguilh
ingly fionored.
Philadelphia, April 19. mwf
A LEASE for years, from the 2 $tb Mareb next, in that
capital and beautiful FARM* called
Situated within one quarter of t niife from the Brandy wine
s Mills, and halt a mile from the borough of Wilmington. |
, ""THE dwelling house is, built of done, two stories high,
1 genteely fimfhed, and contains four handsome rooms on
I a floor, besides an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient
, cellars It is generally thougkt to command the most »- *
greeable profpeft of the Delaware, from the fouice of that
rivet to the Capes. This profped ia greatly etnbcllilhed by,
a full view of a va(l body of meadow, through which the*
Christiana and Brandy wine creeks are ieen winding in beau
i titul meanders. Near the house are a Kitchen, a spacious
(lone liable and hayloft, a barn, a carriage house, rnilk
houfe, &c. and a well of as pure water as any on the conti- I
ncnt. The garden contains an acre and quarter al land, •- f
bounding with fruit, and particularly with peach trees, of t
the very best kind, brought from Maryland, and in full bear- a
ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a young, „
orchard beginipg to bear, and teveral old trees that produce ,
abundantly, be fid ts cherry and other ornamental treejJ ill ;
! great numbers. The farm consists of near sixty acres of land, r
of gbod quality, and clear of incumbrances, except taxes;
I twenty of which are now in excellent clover and timothy, ,
, and ten more will be ready for lowing r.exl spring. A re- !
fidence ot uearly 8 years has convinced the fubferiber that
the situation is remarkably healthy. The great post road c
[ from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within feveoty 1
J yards of the house. In a word, the beauties and eonveni- c
ence of this situation cannot be enumerated in au advertise- c
ment, and when examiued. will probably command the at
tention of any person who isdefirous of living at one of the
most elegant country feats on the continent. The purehefer
may enter on the premifts next spring, or peihaps, this fall,
if application be immediately made to Dottor NICHOLAS i
WAY, in Philadelphia, to Doctor WHARTON, on the
prenufes, or, in his absence, to Mr, CEORGE TRUITT, in
A quantity.of excellent Hay, Grain in the ground some
Stock, &c. may be had by the purchaser at the time of (ale.
Nov. 7 , eodtf J
James M'Alpin, Taylor,
No. 3, South FourthJirtetj
RETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to his 1
' Friends and the Public for th«ir liberal encouragement, 1
and begs leave to solicit a continuance of th«ir favors. 8
He has on hand an extensive assortment of the *
Most Fajhicnable GOODS, \
• And of the best quality, fnitable for the season.
( At this lhop Gentlemen can be furnifhed withthe best
| materials, and have them made up in the neatest and most ,
Fashionable manner, and on the shortest notice. He will
thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and
punctual attention, to them.
November 10. ws
A few Pipes of WINE,
5 Imported in the brig FAME, from Madeira, to be fold
Who has also to Wifpoie of on reasonable terms, (
IKISHLLvENS, well aflorted I
| Ober tj. tawim
Davis's Law Book Store, ,
GNo. 313, HIGH-STREET, 1
EORGE DAVIS aonouuccs to his protelTional friend t,, a
and the Gentlemen of the Law generally thro* the
- Union, that his late importation of BOOKS is now arrang
ed, and ready for Sale, from a ftngle volume to an entire li
brary, without any advance upon his former exceeding low
priefs, which for fcveral years past have in Jo diftinguiftjed a
manner recommended them to notice. '
Printed Caiaiogues combining the most extensive colfcc
tion cf the latest Englilh and Irirta Editions ever imported <
into this country, are publifccd, and will be delivered giatis <
on application.
1 Orders addressed to G. D. in writing from any diftacce
- (hali be pun&ually attended to*
A number of IRUNKS for Sale. 1
A convenient LOFT, near Market Street Wbarf.
Nov. 8. tu&fjn
THE general confuniptiow of Patent Shot having been
prevented by the high price it has hitherto been fold
at, the Proprietors take this method ot informing the
Public that they may in future be supplied with that arti
cle at the fame prices as common Shot, by ordering their
Correfponpents to apply to Walkers, Maltbt & Co.
1-ondon. Nov. 9 wfni4\v
About i,600 acres of Land,
WELL situated, laying 011 and between Marlh
and Beech Creeks, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in
four feparatc Patents. For terms ol sale apply to
Wm. Blackburn,
No. 64, South
Oflober 31. mwftf
t About the tft of Oitober last, from the plantation of
Mr. Thoacas F. Brooke, (in Prince Seorge's county) to
whom he was hired, a NEGRO MAN, named C.SSSAR;
33 years of age ; about 5 feet Bor 9 inches high; well
made ;of a yellowilh complexion; a little pockmarked:
has, when spoken to, rather a down lock, and submissive
tone of voice: the clothes he had before he abfeonded
„ were of plain, such as labouring Nc<roes ufuaily wear,
but these he may probably exchauge for others : he will
doubtless endeavour to pass for a freeman, having, as I
) have been informed, aflumed the name of Cutler : I have
' rrufon to believe that he went to Baltimore, from whence
; he is said to have gone to some part of the Sufqu,ehannah,
probably with a view of gttting to Pennsylvania. A
; reward of Thirty Dollars will be given to the person who
. may take him and so secure him in fomei jail that I may
. get him again, if taken in this state, and Fifty dollars if
1 taken out of the state, an dif brought home or fecu red in
the jail of Prince George's county all reasonable charge*
r will be paid by ALEXR. COVINGTON.
> Maryland, Prince George's County, ")
2nd November, 1796. j I Ith*t&f4W
Treasury Department,
September 28, 1796.
" TOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re
1N ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Trcafury
: until the expiration of the firft day of next en
suing, for the supply of all rations which may he required
J for the use of ihe United States, from the Uril day of
June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both
days inclusive, at the place 6 and within the diftricls here
after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at
Paefque Me; at Sandulky Lake, and on Sandulky
River ; at Detroit; at Michilimackinac; at Fort-Franfc
| lin; at Pictfburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton ;
■ at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jefferfon; at Grenville; at
5 Picque Town and Loramics Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place balow Fort
Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Foyt
Steuben ; at Fort Maflac ; at any place from Fort Maffac
to the south boundary of the United States on the river
Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ouiatanon!
If supplies lhall be required lor any poftsor places not
t mentioned in this notice, all such supplies shall be fur
nilhed at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
polls before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on
between the United States and the Contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to consist of the fol
lowing articles, viz.
1 One pound two ounces of bread or flour.
1 One pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounces of
pork or bacon.
Half a gill of rum, brandy or whilkey.
| One quart and half a pint of falt.~\
Two quarts of Vinegar, ( , . ,
Two pounds of So»|, (P" tuadred " t,on>
, One pound of Candles, J
Tte rations are to be furnifhed in such quantities, as that
there shall at all times during the said term, be fufficienH
for the consumption oi the croup* at Michilimackinac,~D£*
troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix months in
advance, and at each of the other polls, for the term of
; at lead three months in advance, is good aad wholesome
provilions,if the fame Hull be required. It is to be un
' derllood, that the Contradlor is to be at the exjente and
; rifle of iffuirg the supplies to the troops at each poll, and
' that all lofTes sustained by the depredations of as enemy, or
[ by means of the troops of the United States, lhall be paid
for at the price of the articles captured or dellroyed, on
I the depofitiof\s of two or more persons of creditable cha
, rafters, and the certificate of a commiffioncd officer, as
. certaining the circumllances of the loss, and the amount
of the aiticles for which compensation lhall be claimed
Secretary of the Treasury.
Loft Last Evening,
, At Ricketts's Amphitheatre-, (supposed to be taken by
r some villain out of a gentleman's pocket)
1 A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK,
Containing about 185 dollars in banknotes; three notes
of hand of Rofs and Simfon, No. 30-1, 305 and 306, da
ted nth I all Augull, payable 60 dafs after date, to the
order of Paul Siemea, together for 5150 dollars; an ordar
of Mrs. Ann iVacpherion, from Paul Siemen, on Lach
lin Mac Neal, Esq. at Port-au-Prince, for 100 dollars; be-
Gde» several letters and papers of no ule but to the proprie
, tor. The notes of hand and ordtr are without endorfe
> n»ant_. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD is offered to
any person who will diicuvcr and secure the thief, and
FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti
oned notes and papers at No. 119, cornet of Front and
Mulberry llreets. d OS. jr.
An elegant Bay Horse for sale,
j Enquire at George Green's Stables, in Pine-flreet,
between Fourth and Fil'th-ftreets.
Nov. 18. j iw
Of the Bank of the United States
Are hereby informed,
THAT, according to the Statute of incorporation, a
General Ele&ion for Twenty-Five Directors will be
held at the Bank of the United States, in the City of
Philadelphia, on Monday the second day oi January
next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon.
And, pursuant to the eleventh feftien of the Bye Laws,
the Stockholders of the said Bank are herehy notified to
assemble a General Meeting, at the fame place, on Tues
day the third day of January next, at fivs o'clock in the
By order of the Board of Directors.
G. SIMPSON, Cafluer.
and Fundamental Article.
Not more than three fourths of the DireSors in office
exclusive of the President, Iball be eligible for the next
succeeding year, but the Director who shall be President
>' at the time of an eleAion may always be re-ele&ed.
; ; eftel.
| (0f the New Theatre) .
TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his
scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends,
1 on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca
> dhny for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He
flatters bimfelf that his attention to his pupili bi
: therto renders any promises of oondufliiig his luture
Ichemes on the molt liberal and firiifiefi tenris, of pro
priety, totally unneceflary.
A". B. Private tuition as uiVal.
• June 3 x*
Paterfon Lottery.
n raising fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven
& -L dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen * ,
centfrom the prizes, and not two blanks toa prize, viz
I friacof 5000 dollars is dollars r~~ O
' r 1 1000 loco
' S°° joo
5 ao ° loco
*? lo ° ICOD
99 jo 4WO
403 jo'oo
j> 2CC ° „ , 10 40,CC0
n 5 Lalt drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, jo do
13 3 1 Prizes. 4 ~
4018 Blanks.
$35° Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,'t0
By ordsr of the Dircdors of the Society for eftab'ii'ij
ing Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperintendants of the ?lt.
if erfon Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer the
0 foregoing Ssheme to the public, and have dire&ed them
; to refund the money to thufe persons who have piireh..i:d
11 in the former Lottery,- of exchange the tickets for ticLts
: n this Lottery.
e The lottery has dually commenced drawing, and will
d continue until finifhe J. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
•, may be seen at the office ol William Blaelfburn, No. 64
11 south Second ftraet, who will give information where tick
-1 ets may bl procured'/
e Dated this 17th day t>f June, 1796.
e J. N- GUMMING, ~)
t 1 Prize of 5000 - - . JOOO
Li I 1000 - - - 1000
* 1 5C o ... 500
5 200 - - - loco
20 ICO - - - - 2000
9° JO 45 00
I °S 2J - - 4U 5
The five last drawn tickets 1000 e-ch, 5090
Being all the valuable prizes, besides a full propor
. tion of the 10 dollars.
y As the Lottery is coafiderably more than one third
- drawn, the value of the undrawn tickets is great
-1 ly increased, and it is worth the notice of those
f who hold tickets in thaold A heme, that they can ex
change their tickets for those in the above,"if they ap
ly loon, and at a moderate advance considering the
now real value of an undrawn ticket.
The tickets being nearly all fold, the drawing in
future will be ofteiwr, and the Lottery soon finished.
November i». mws
Imported in the late arrivals, s
And to be Sold by
No. 49, North fide of High-ftrect, Philadelphia,
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, &c.
, SMITHS' Anvils, Vices, and Files; Saw-mill, Cross
cut, Hand, and other Saws; Carpenters' l'lanes, Chisels,
. and other Tools; Carving Chisels and Otnigcs; Locks,
Hinges, Bolts and Latches; Nails, Sprigs, lacks, and
Screws; Frying-Pacs; Smoothing-irons; Shovels and
f Tongs; Coffee Mills; Candleftifks; Snuffers; Warming-
Pans ; Table Knives and Forks; Riding Whips; Bar
low Pan, and other Pocket Knives; Rrzors: :sciffar*;
Needles; Ivory and Horn Combs; lieil Kirby Fifti
Hooks; br&fs Cabinet Furniture; Waggon Boxes ;'' Shcit
* Brdafs; pfeted and tin'd Bridle Bits and Stirrups; it to
Sa die Nails; Girth and Straining Webus ; —witft moil
. kinds of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, Brass Wares,
. &c. &c.
t —-OSlobu .44'. "Tnvrtßw
1 ' "
[ Sales of India Goods.
. The Cargo of thefhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Ca>
| cutta and Bengal,
A Large and genera! assortment of Bengal and Madras
■ A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins,
Doreas, t3V. A Iso,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, j
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Willings fcf £ranpis,
. No. 11 Penn Street.
June 2 §
! As Cook, in a private family,
1 A YOUNG WOMAN who can produce good re
commendations of an unexceptionable character. En
• quire of the Printer.
November 17.
; Walhington Canal Lottery,
i N°. i
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifei
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, froxi th Po
tomac to the Eastern Bnu'ch Haruour.
, The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Vis -I Prize of 10,000 dollars, 10,000
1 ditto J 0,000 ic.cco
7 last drawn 7
Tickets, each J s '°°° 35f?0
6 ditto 1,000 6.
10 ditto 400 4,003
ao ditto Ico -
JJ ditto 50
. 5750 ditto 11 60,008
p To be ralfed for the Canal, 16,150
| ■ 1
5850 Prizes, 175,000
( 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
1 —
17 joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175000
& The Commiflioners hava taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid a<ft for the punctual payment of
tne prizes. r ' -
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, withe at
delay, as soon as the Tickets are foid, of which timely
, notice will be given. r
: Such prize, ss are not demanded in fixmonths after th.
1 fi , n '^ be ""fibred as relinouilhedM
the benefit of the Canal, 2n d appropriated
» City of Wafhirgtoß, Feb. n.
115 —
[Price Fight Dollars per