Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 25, 1796, Image 3

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    (Wfl. method tp prefcrve otn independence *8 a
nation, i« tp refill "pe*!jr, and' with just ,indignat
lion, all atfe'mpls of a ioreign power, io intermed
dle in our domeflic- government, under whatever*
pretexts they are made. Their patriotism will lea f
them to oppose, with firmnefs worthy the Ameri
can chara&er, every unwarrantable effort of the
bind : and thil diplomatic lull will be regarded in
jn its true light, as the last desperate effort, aide -
l>y a faction n»t less desperate, t«jt»akeuhe Usited
States a dependency on France, by acee-piin? for
Prsfideut a man of their choice, though not our
own. Such a Prefiaent',fo chosen, no't, nay,
would not, be considered as «iur Prefidijit.—but the
agent «f the French republic.
Americans, foreign imlueocc : look
to vuutfejves alone for fafety. Rely vvly «>n your
j>wi» (jooJ fen fie arjl yi.tße ; for>n iou of
these depend, at this crisis, your futuia welfare and
' J'- ,'V'.y- Decide between the of th« Pre
fidei)t,*rr3 the Mtniller ; and.if yoti roean-to follow
jiie paternal counfeis of Waflithgton, reje£t and de
test t*e plans of Adet, or rather ps the French
o' -flEory, whose aim it, to draw you fiott) a state
ok peace Ic neutrality, and fever the western from
the Atlantic /latet. Louisiana beisfc t heir's by
t trc3ty with Spain,' Frenchmen will not be'at ease,
rill the ealt fide of the MifGfip[»i- is brought under
""She fame authority. And if they ;£ucceed in nomi
' jiai inl and appointing yoijj chief magistrate, the
rt ft of their work will reqfutc but little skill—they
(Jwrrfe, and cam, 'and manage us they fancy,
and at . AMERICANUS.
, Mr."Fsiw<\
How is it thai the Oazette of the
United States, nfo, seem to (hew the fame at
tentions the fedfera!, as fpme otjier papers do to a
contrary iotSreft f It is «ery rare„that any of the
latter defcriptiou of editors, fuffer any thing to be
•introduced into their ]3lu>&t's refleiting upon the cha
icitdsf mrt cithev uri |
1 yr want of information,-we sometimes fee in y»tir
and other friend® of fedeialifm, especial
ly if thejr live at a-didance, held up as enemies of
the government. Tftefe obfcrjaj.ioits have occurred
feirtsi the editor of the Federal Cazette having fpf
ftred to creep into his ajjai'nft
the character of Mr. Gilpin of iStf state of Msuy
fc'id, one of the Elefiors frtjr Pr-ltd; lit knd Vice•
Prelident of the United States, antici
pating for whom, Mr. Gilpin \v»)L*tir, yon'are
authorized to pronounce, bv a person wall acquaint
ed with him, and his refpeftitble/amity, "that tliey
hold in abhorrence the difirganiting lyftef* ; that
his father fuppoited the elfabliffiment of the -injji
tution under which we live /; that the son entertains
the fenlimentsof the father ; ami that it is rionitu
be presumed that he will vote for men who
counteract the happy order of tilings whish has pro
duced such unexampled prosperity, and which No
thing but the eollufien of internal enemies with ex
• V t'rnal falje friends would interrupt or bring info
• jeopardy, A lever of Gotd Fatfh.
Cecil county, Nov. 12.
— !' , '-"y •■■■»>■ •
LONDON', SrpteirfßeV 24.
DefiruSkn of the Amph'tan Frigate.
• A dreadful event happened on Thursday evening
to the Amphion of JZgur.i, capt. I. Pellew, in
Plymouth harbour. By Come accident not yet known
blew up, and the greater part of the crew
, petifhed.'
Saturday morning thirty of the unfortunate fuf
ferers <>n board llie Amphion frigate were buried in
the Royal Hospital burial-ground at Plymouth, in
ene large grave from East to Weft ; ii was* pite
ous and melancholy fighi 1 The bodies that wetc
owned were buried by their friends.
The Amphion at Plymouth From the
North Sea on Monday fe'nnight, and the day fol
lowing went up Hamoaze to refit. Wednelday she
went along-side the sheer-hulk, snd got out a defedt
jve bowsprit; and on Thursday moroing-a riew one
vas fixed in its (lead ; in this, together with over
hawling the tigging, &c..the officers and crew had
been employed great part of the day, and such wete
tne exei tions uied to get the ship ready for sea, that
it does not appear that moie than 18 of the sailors
were alhore or liberty. Tlvf captaia, hm fi*t lieu
tenant, and capt. Swaffitld, of the Overjifrl, of
64 guns, now in this harbour, had dined together
011 board the Amphion ; and whilst at table, at a
bout 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the captain was a<
larmed by a ludden shock, which his tipprehenfion
led him to fear was occasioned by gun powder, and
that moment communicating hie fears to those at the
tabic, requeued them with much earnestness inflant*
ly to follow him, and he forced himfelf through
the Amphion's quarter gallery to.get wtft she wa
tec, or reach lije hulk, the lieutenant followingclofe
at his heels ; but before they were clear of the ship,
the fore magazine blew up, and they presently found
themselves on the deck of the hulk, but how tbey
gotjtheie, ferns yet to be accounted for. Captain
Swaffield and the others were not so fortunate ; they
hare never been heard of liuofr! It is generally
supposed that they Were drowned, ajxd are now in
the cabitf, as it is expettedt ,tl»a: the after part of
the ilup may be entire, fiori the £re not having
reached tho after magazine,'bef«re the fhia funk.
The explufiotj yeas dreadful trtdeed 5 and flie me
- largely . are ftich as to beg.
1 gar all defcnptif>n. Every part of ihc snip forward,,
togeiVer with mafU, yards, fails, tic. &■:. were
ta a great, height in one
•jc'bnt was on the fote
pay , d/Mfa-dqck-. AW t£« p(?rloi: - fhat were ta
the wreck, alive
wt,e^biowp ( from tfieaftei part of+fie ship, were
tipoti* deck at the time of the explosion ;■ these may
1 amount' to between 20 and yj, uun nnd women.
JVut all thavsyere bebw the deck, went down in the
P>»y, Uefiffei rhe cnw, a great number ef people.
to Dock, such as wives ot'the sailors, wo
/ oftific town, bumbkat people, and
or. j'nnrnjiig the latter deffription, was a veiy
a Mr. Spry, upholftcrer, and
h ' ft>n, bten with h» brother the
■ V
-• £fcfn-.rtcr*f Ole (hi;, ZT:$ were aH bJpw when she
• Munjl*. r 4 I Jjr'C'.'Zf » » -5* '
. Ihe exact nWaber »f lives 101 lon this melancho
' if occafiort cannot yet be afcerisined, but itisfua
t pofee to be from 203 to 25:0 people. The bodies
• of those that were picked up dead, presented a spec-
tacle too (hocking for ddcription ; ihcy were im
" mediately sewn np in hammocks, and conveyed to
*■ • t burying ground. Many were found on board the
d fhec-r hulk in a very mangled (fate ; and„fr> great
r was the force of the explosion, that 4of the twelve
r pomider »W were blown from the Amphion, and
, fell on the hulk's deck. The captain and hetite
e nat>} aie flightiy wounded. It never eanbe known
k by what means the accident as the petfon
I vho was the cause of it, together with all those that
f were near him, were in one inffii'ri? blovn to ato^s.
he irmains of the ship are under water,
the only thing vifiblc Fs rhe 2 mi7-n* mrtft.
rr C ' ,u s hauled off from her, and the ne
celfriiy -preparation i s making to wei>>h the wreck,
as .it lies quite ir> the Channel way, ahreaft of the
■ oc r-"y ard - " » singularity, remarka' le, that
: the fhccr-ihulk 10 which the Amphion was lashed,
1 noi received the fmallrft injury, nor any per
son that vvason board her notwithltanding the guns
> Hid, fpyntersj &c. fell so thick oa board and a*
' bout htf.
[ Philadelphia,
. Married, On the 19th ult. at Wilhamffcurg,, Vir
ginia, Samuel Gatloff, Esq. of this city, to Mist
. Griffin, only daughter of Samuel Griffin, Esq. of
" William fburgh, late Representative in Congretir for
that di^lriit.
' > "» Wednesday evening, by the Rev. Dr.
Andrews, Mr. SAMuet. Bfnn', merchant, of this
e city, to MifsßuTH Dobsl, »f Bristol.
: \* In " The No. yXfl, publiihed
r refttriuv, second paragraph, Jjdjine, for convinced
read concerned., ' (
Extract of a Mter dated Cadiz, Sept. 26, to a
_ merchant mi this city.
t " Yesterday the SrifQ§h flee,t, composed of 18
(hips of ttie lino, 8 frigMes, and 2 corvettes,, left
_ this port. It is believed th««y are boui?d to Cai
thagena, with »n i' tention of forming a juntftion
| with the Toulon ilea*, in their way thither."
' r Extract of a letter dated New York, Nov. 22, to a
gtntkrpan here.
' " A gentleman of to )iij houfc
} here, from Mdaga, dated 12th fliat wai
"had btfen d;ol*red against England, and that the
f &#( on. 7 .fliips, had chafed admiral Mann
into Gibraltar,'suy! had taken two merchant veffcls '
that were his convoy, one loaded with sulphur,
acid the ouier with tick troojis \ from eveiy a'pp'ear
aace I btlieve it true."
' . —
Says a Car'ufpundent,
• iJt 's iy»t uncommon for njhirf t0 be the ,
mg. -It is very proa-bLc thatehp ligfaortlsndt nd
Fayette returns wee kept back til, icAsfcild be a[\
cCMaiaed vvhat-numbct was wanted to tufu the ma
jority—when a yoifcrnor and his secretary' are
I cided friends of a party, and a chkf jujiic, „ one 1
of he candidates—tne other fide could cxpeet no
other conclusion of this fca P bafifiefs than
that which has taken'place.
1 •
■ From a late Preferment of, the Grand Jury of jef
terfoji county. Georgia. •
" Viewing the Stuatton of nations and kins-iloms,
. and contralting with it our oa-n, olir bofonn cm ne
. ver ctafe to glow with grawudc,and thar.kfulnefs to
. tne great Creator and Qovtrnor of worlds lor the
bleffmgs which he has so bountifully .poured aroimd U«.
When we review the pages of fuitcry, tracing the
progreU of governments, we truly feel the meftiraa
• l) e blessing we enjoy in our own; and under that
! biefliug, a reitJy «bedien Ee to tie laws, and a ftrid
. adherence to will mark our ffeps
We trust government will prove univerft tlfat
. there is such a. generous patriotism interwoven in the
mind of man, that liberty may be enjoyed in its fulleft
extent without a fear of licentioufutis ; and it (hall f> t
f cur conflant prayer that liberty's brigl.c f un iu th jj
our western hemisphere may never set. '
, From the address of his excellency the Governor of
| ' Maryland to the Legislature.
! , Annapolis, Nov. 16th, 1706. ,
" Gentlemen, /
t IT is with peculiar fatisMion, that I avail mvfelf
of the opportunity of addressing you at a period wfcn
1 our country fee,;,, d,ll,ngu,(lied from all othw, By
• the bkinngs it enjoys. The condituti.n 01" our 2 cn*-
, ral go/ernmeut, by the tree conlent of the
I people, framed with a fixations attention to the ex
. cellcnaes ani deteas of all the considerable rovern
, merits, ancient and modern, and calculated to fccurt
, equal rights, and provide' for the fafety of all, hath
becoajerbore valued by th fc «amp of experience. At
peace with,d the world-cur.agricultu.e, com mere,
; wealt,, and population, mcrwfc* beyond any former
calculation—The prcduaions cf our foil are abun
; dant, and the laVge portion thereof diftined for ex
. »" rut,on > may even coremar,.! tail lyice •
• w r h ™ all ranks °' ei'-zens mty obtain profitable
and "lefol employment, and enjoy the fruits of their
mduilry in perfol {ecurity.
1 "I have realon, gcntleiv<», most fineerely to con!
• gratulate you on thu fortunate lituation of our affairs]
: n.t in contemplating this pfcafmg piaure, which 1
ha/e the honour to present tov yoni thf mjnd naturi |l ,
1y turrtwwith grati ude to that great whoif
, we indebted forj thi»"i,n S ul»r ftatc 4 '
profperity4-Almoa the only fubje& of regret in oui k
political situation is, a little timt our K re„i
and good Prcfi(ie»t h to retire from that ftatftn, il
which he has so lyng a(9ed w;th the of the
W.'% cna ' whi(:h »" *ood men will lament#-V
---. My we may ronlole ourfrlves with the ple-fi,-,- hop^,
• "thlt the jnftruaions which he has and thai .
line ,of conduct which he sw S lef with lb much
labour, wildom and virtue, for the advantage and
prosperity of the United States, cannot he
but will be tuUy unue-flood, revered and'-W
his iuccelfor. • • r •
" ■ »
I i (
In tire name and by the authority of the common
wealth «f Pennfvlvania.
Governor ef the fald commoniDtalth.
0 WHEREAS it is provided, in and by an aft
e of the general afllmbly, entitled, " An aft direft
t ing the manner, time and places fotvholding elec
e tioiis for the eleftorsof a President and Vice Prefi
1 -dent of the United pafled the fourth day
- of April laß, that the gtoeinor having received the
i returns of the ele&ions fl>m the refpeftive pretho
i notaries of the several comities of this can - mon
t wealth, fliall enumerate and ascertain the number
. of votes for each and every person voted for, as the
, Electors o.f a Prefidrnt and Vice-President of the
. United States, and thereupon ceclare by proela
. mation the names of the persons so duly elected
, and chofcti | and also that he fliall notify the fame
- to the EletfWs on or before the last
t We Inefday in' November inrtant.
, And wheicas it appears by the returns which I
have at ting time actually received, (being all the
returns of the state, exept the return for the
• county of Gieene) that Thomas M'Kean, Jacob *
Morgan, Jamr» Boyd, Peter Muhlenberg, fofeph
• H<ilter, William M'Clay, James Hanna, John
- Whitehil!, William Irvine, Abraham Smith, John
Piper, John Smilie, William fiiown, Robert Cole
man and Samuel Miles, are the fifteen persons for -
wli»m (according to tlw returns received as afore- ]
said) the greatest mrmliei of votes was given at the
said cleftion held on Friday the fourth day of No
- vember inttant. NOW THEREFORE I have
• iflijea this, proclamation, heieby publishing and de
' daring, that the said Thomas M'Keto, Jacob
Morgan, James Boyd, Pet«r Muhlenberg, Joseph
HeMer, William M'Clay, James Hnnna, John J i
■ Whitehill, William Irvine, Abraham Smith, John 1
Piper, John Sfliilie, Wiiiiam Brown, Robert Cole*
, man and Samuel Miles, appear, according to the
I return, received as "as »refaid, to be elected a*id cho-
I fen.Eleftofs of a President and Vice-President of
thjr United States, to ferveat tne election, in that
behalf to be held, at the borough of Harrifburgh, '
in the county of Dauphin, on the firft Wednesday
in Decembar next, agreeably to the said aft of the
general aiTemMy of this commonwealth, and the
aft of conjrefg in such cafe made and provided.
Given nnder my hanj and the great seal of the
flat*, a* Philadelphia, the twenty-fourth day of
November, in the year of our Lord one thousand
leven hundred and ninety fix, and of the Common
wealth the tweniy-fitd.
By .the governor,
A. J; DALLAS, **
becretary of the commonwealth.
1 M i . n
PHILADELPHIA, November ij.
Crfpiain Hnglut, of the fefig Experiment, left
« JaCQiK-mcl, Oa. 36, tUe, following veflel*: *
# Sihr. Angelina, Steward, Philadelphia.
\ / > Eagle, Bamberg,- Baltimore
jL 1 h .mas, l.mvtlier, ditto
f 1 GofTet, ditto
, ' ' Ni.mryd, Pharlin, ditjp
Sloop Polly, Defhonj/, ditto
Lat. 35. 4. I>r g. 19. the snow Diana,
Co»k,' ot Bolton, Iroin St. f Thomas. Mr, E.
Steward, my-rchaot of New-Yurk, who had taken
patTagr, died two days after they kfc the land.
03* The letfer ba<j of the ship Ceres, captain
WieJt*, for London, 'will be taken from tlje Poll.
to morrow the j*jth instant.
* *
BOSTON, November 17.
Yesterday the legislature of this commonwealth
met at the State-hotife in this town. A quorum of
both houses bring formed, a joint committee was
appointed to wait on his exccllcnsy the governor,
and inform him that the legislature was ready to re
ceivc any communication he might think proper to
His excellency appointed this day, at 11 o'clock,
to meet both houses in convention.
■"■■"pwlw—wt— —tmm——mam^
Of St. Andrews Society, *
, t0 att<?nf ' 'heir anniveriary meet : Bff
at Oelfer. s Hotel, on Wednesday next the 30th intt
Dinner to ken the table at a o'clock. The mem
• b«rs wd pleale apply for ticket, of admrffion to eith«r
of the tcl,o«'ing gentlemen, Mefrrs. Thomas
Le.per, Uwk.n, jun. Dr. Andrew Spence,
Robert Hendcrfon, James Henderfon, William h!
| Ul "r 1 Thc of th« locieiv
will please give their attendance ir one o'clock
. By order of the Society,
: Novembe* T7 , J ICHARD LA "> Sec'ry.
Just Arrived,
In the brips Twins and Kambler, % quantity of
Choice 61. Croix SUGAR and RUM, 1
and abo>j»
i 15 0 ' 000 height of Fine Green COFFEE.
i'or Sale ly
\<4„ , Jqmes Tard.
J November 14. j v 1
-** *4 1 n ,
d/For Sale by John JL Parry, i
J*, S. .S ecouJ ~/ar Uxkutftreft,
f exceUenjt GOLD WATCHES, -
: A F . U, 7r i? DoUar.,
\ r var 'o« price*—all warranted.
mn tfiortmcnt of Chains, Seals, Kers and TrinUt
Up ;
GUflTes by. tut grot c.
]r oVfraWi; .
' /
%'• iff
Per the Jhip PenaJyhtarJn, aptain J eri, frcni
28 Pipe Cognac Bra»3y
60 Hoglheads Cl".ret
05a Cases ditto t ,'%
io Ditto Whit# Wine J
430 Ditto Sm p
1 198 Ditto.Rnflta Candles
88 Ditto Sivjiei Oil
Alio, pir the brig Bride front St. Thmat's,
43 Hoglheads Sugar <■'.*
9 Puncheons Rum
8 Bales Cotton
And per the schooner Mellona from dills,
40 Pnnehcons Rum
I Hogshead Sugar
For $a!e by
F. Ccppinger,
No. azi, S. from-ftr«t.
Who has
An Invoice of Irish Linens,
Imported per (hip Glasgow.
November 15.
For Sale,
A Handsome Saddle-Horfe.
Wanted to Hirfe, in a Private Family,
A Servant Man y
Who understands either Cookery or Waiting at TaVitf.
Enquire at No. 18a, Mulberry-itreet, or of the Printer.
November 24. *diw
For New-York, Newport and Provi
The rem#rbly fact failing
Jfhn Earl, jun. mailer. » ,
Will take Ircight low,' and has elegant a"Commc<!»-
tions for passengers. Apply on board at Chdnut-feroot
wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony and Co.
Nov. 15. d 6..
Of the Polacre Independent,
(Captain Cathcarr, from Alicant and Lisbon, landing
at the fubfcribeiV wharf—
58 Pipe 6 of Brandy
18 Baleo of Spanish wool
3 do. of Annifeed
Sept. 13. d
\Vaftiington -Lottery.
The 40th and 41ft days' drawing of the Washington
Lottery, No. t, are received at the office No. 134, Mar
ket-ftrect, where tickets may be examined. -
N. B. Iniormation given where tiokets in all the other
lotteries may be procured.
November 17, 1796. d
This Day Published,
By J. 0 R MR 0 D, No. 41, Uhefnut-flreet
(Prire to celts)
From the Miniftcr of the French Republic to the
Secretary of «s*>''< of the fjnitfd Staler,
; r-WUb i to the firll Notej- -*-•
By the Secretary of State. ' '
Novitnber 13. ,§4
By WILLIAM COBBETT, opuoUta Christ Church, Phi
ladelphia, for publiftung by fubferiptisa,
Defence of the American Constitutions.
I. The work {hall be printed on English page
for page, <%* t lie bed London Kditiofc.j ot course it
will be comprised in three large oflav» volumes.
11. For the three bound in boards, the price to
fubferibers is to keenly four dollar*, and to non-fuWcri
bers, five doUars'and a half.
111. The fubferipeion-(hall remain open for ten days, and
if an encouraging number of fubfci ibers are obtained in
that time, the publrihgr engages to have the work ready
for delivery in fix weeks from the present date.
ijth November,.l796. . 1
N. B. Subscriptions are t£ ken by the principal bookfcl
lurs of Philadelphia aud New York.
1 he ful icribejs to the Hiflory of Jacobinism are rcf
peflfully informed, that it will be .ready for delivery
1 early next week.
Nov. 16.
By Authority.
SchujMjll Bridge Lottery.
! South Saond-Jlreet.
Tor ra'fH'g Sixty Thoiifaod Dollars, agrei ably to an AS of
the Legislature ©f Pennfylvaaia, passed during the last
fcnion, tor bu.ld.og a Stone Bridge over the Rivtr
Berks 41 B<ir " u e h o' Reading, in the County of
1 Prize of 20 000 Dollar, ,
1 do. of 10,004 do. • _
3 do. of 5 ,000 do. . . .
4 do. of a,OOO do. , . I' '
»o do. of 1,900 do. . * .
39 do. of 6 00 do. , .
. tkfc <to. of 200 do. , . 'S' i O3
1»ao do. of 100 do. . *
300 do. of 40 do. * " ao ' oc " x>
» do. 4>l 400 do. to be paid the posses-> Ij,o °' J
a r 1 t " c drawn uo. \
•5 do ' 3i*** do. to be paid polTeirorj >
s „„ d..
S. . 55
at. o • n. ,3°' 000 Tick «s at Ten Dollars «oo
JS'JT— } fifteen day, after the dralinV „
nnilhed, upon the demand of a ooffeflor n r •. r »
uckei; fubjeit to a deduction of twenty per cent' "'"The
3 Z l llZl "J°° n ,he Tlck «« are d.Vpo^d
P^:^7rv ( Wh^ h P Ubllc " oti « wUI be given.
m \ Willitm Witman,
, ; ' J" mes L)iem*r, Thomas Dundas,
James May, John Otto, John, Daniel CraeJ,
&ehajltan Mtlltr, Cpmmissioners.
Reading, May the 9th, » 7 q6.
Fickets in the Canal Lottery No Itn v» l.j 1
r 7. ,