Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 24, 1796, Image 4

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    V.'m. Holder nesse, No. 76,
Has received by tte lite arrivili,
A Well SeltaeJ AtsotrtsßKT of t
*- Siik Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
\\ Haberdashery Goods,
' , Whicli be will fell, wboieCile and retail, on tlie very
_ lowest terms ;
Amaagji v.b'ub are
Some eltgaat 4-4 ioc 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new
fatter cs
E:tto Farnitore ditto q
D- ; tto Dimity
"1 amhonred, Book, and Jaconet MttCins
Ditto in Cold and Silrer
Ditto Neckcloths, very fin* l H
yjntaa# of the firft quality a Di
Sill and Cotton Hosiery o!d;
Umbrdbi of the firft qcaTity. affnrted coat
leilh Liners, very first, and Table Linens a fl r
* larieiile* and Cotton Counterpanes who
■ *ofe Blanket, aiTortcd—&c. See. hi; 1
OfloUr l(.' d 1 n
A Manufactory FOR SALE.
A ViluVk SOAP i»l CANDLE Uuubfion, fcaate
ia a cootcuieu part of the chy ; the works aimoft new,
on ao entirely original confituAioa, aad built erf the best
materials, and may be (tt to work immediately. Prrfona
-»Ho»iflito purchase, are reqoefled to apply at No 273>
Sooh Second Street. Srptembe- 13. t t I tt
To be Sold,
The Time of a fraart, a dive Negro Lad, Sol>
Who hat Eleven years to frrve.
Enquire at No. 58, South Front street.
18. $
The Elephant o
THE public are refpe&ftlßy Informed, thit
this animal is be {ten every day, from 8
o'clock io the morning till fun down, in Market- j
street, No. ic6, south s<k, between ThiriJ and
Admittance a quarter cf a dollar, that every ci
tixen may tee bin:.
Cy- At the reqnetl of many persona it will be *
txbiLited on evening* from five to eight •'dock, ®
at ba'f a doilar each.—The 1001 a will be well
Ntrcrnbtr 7. d
i ■ 9 4
City cf Waihingtoa.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A magnificent } jo,ooo dollars, k > n r .
d* efling-houfe, 3 cafii 30,000, are ) ,00 ° c:>
I ditto 15,000 &. ca!b 15,000 40,000
I ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 30,000 <j k
l ditto 10,000 & ca£b tc,ooo 10,oo* y
I ditto JjOOO & cilh 5/50 3 10,000 - C .
I ditto 5,000 St cilh 5,000 10,000
I cafe prize of 10,000
s do. 5,000 each, are * 10,000
ro do. 1,000 - *- 10,000
jo do. 500 - • 10,000
00 da. 100 • - 10,000
. are
*00 do. 50 10,000
4rc do. *5 - 10,000 \
T,ooc do. 10 - io,ooo r —
15,000 do. Io • »50^>oaT
" y;
*6,739 Prize*
J3,i6i Bbsks. ,
sc,cc3 Tickets, at Eight Dallas, 400,000 In
N. B. To favour thofie who may take a quantity of on
Tickets,the prise of 40,000 dollar* will be the ia»t dratm yo
ticket, ire the jc,occ the last but out: tin
v\ And approved nous, securing payment in either money
er prizes in ten days alter drawing, will be received foi im
any number not lelf thin 3c tickets.
This Lottery will afford an elagmt fpeeimen of the pri- ve
v\ vate baildicgs to be crefled im the City of Wafisington— TI
Two beautiful defigrw are already felled for the entire
\ ironts on-two of tte psblie fquarea; from thefc pmrinjs llr
ititpropofed toereti two centre asd four coraer baildingt,
as toon as poflible alter this lottery is ibid, and XM convey
\ them, when complete, to the fortunate advestursrs, in
the manner described in the izkemc for the Hotel Lottery.
A nettde&dicn of 6ve per cent will be made to defray
the osceuary expense« of printing, the fnrplos
will he made a part of the fund intended for the National
XJ«iverfity, to be eredea within the city of Wafliington.
The Drawing will comme:.ce as foe.-, as the tickets are
•Id off.—The Siocey prizes wSH Be payaSl&m tJnrty Jays
after it h finifeed ; ied any pr ae» in which fortunate f;
sstnbtr j ate not produced within twelve months aft=r the
diawing i> dosed, are to be coLSdercd ar given toss-ards
the the UciverSry : it being detetmictd to fettle tfl
th£ whole huiinefs in a year from the siding of the draw.
jig, anduoiake np the bones given a* feenrity.
» tfcc real fecurh«s given for the payment of the Prizes,
ire Veid by the Trefident and two Director* of the Bask tk
of Columbia, and are valued at more than the a- c .
mount of the lottery. ir
The twenty four gentlemen who by afpointnun: of »
the bfe Commiffidners afUfted in the management of the so
Bctd Lottery are rer uefted to endtrtake tiu» arduous talk al
c fecon3 time on qfhalf rf the public ; a fufSciect r.tuti '■
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hop;d that the
friends to a National CciverEty and the other federal otv
jadsmayecntuurto favor the dtCgz..
Sy accounts received from the dißerent parts of the
Ctoirtiit. as well as frcm Ec—'pr, whrre the tickets
have been sent far tale, the public are aflkred that the t
4rt-*ing wdl fpfeedily cewati!*, and that the ears, and
dMtffcn unaroidabiy nccciTary iv infuie a fafe difpoial of 5
rrrJrrrA thr ftrvr.
.§, Tickets may be had at the Bunk of CniunliU ; of
James Weft & Co. Baltirsere ;of Peter Gilrrtan, Boston : '
«f John Hopkins, Rkhmacd ; and of Richard Wells '
Cooper's Ferry. cm a
•- Davis's Law Book Store, «
Ko 313. HICH-StßttT, 1
GEORGE DAVIS 10 tris proleEiooal friends.
2r.d the Str'.ltmtn of tbe Lav,- thro' the 1 *
Vaioa, that bis tie importation of BOOKS is now irrane
ed, and rrady for Sale. ftOm a tejie volime to aa entire h
bmy, wiiboot any adv;.ite '-poo k's former ntceedin; tow
'•ices, «rtieh for ftrm I years p«4 have ia to diSingtrSied a
masnet recommended thtm to notice.
~ Prmted Catalogoet combining tbe mod exienfr»e collec
tion ef the Isicfi X**gU(h and Ir.S> e»er imported '
:„,o tk ; s eoontry, aie pobiifiied, and wij be dctiroed giaui
aa appliciiion.
O'drrs addr<iSrd to G. D. in wntin; from any diAaixe
ftail be pModua 'V at:eod<dt»-
« A nam ber of I Rl'NKs for Sale.
\ convenient LOiT, ttar kla ktt Sueet Woart
No.t. luifin
- " T*
A few of WINF,,
l.ttported in the bri» FA.ViE, Mad::ra, tn b* -I
frtc has aife to »ifpo£s of on reasonable terms," Wbi
IKISH LINENS, well alTorted dtx
CftlNA and
Ober 17. Uvrm
Twenjy Guineas Reward. 0
RAN AWAV 'rom the fnbfcriber ta the 13d OAcbsr,
a Dark MULr-ITO BOY, r.ur-d MOSES; »i years
o!d; about yft g inches high ; hai on a mizsd green
coat, with a green velvet cape and ovsl yelKw Vittona ;
a Sriped Tii ; a pair o{ dark (pottei: pzntaloont, =ud iT
whole boots amtii ware. It isptobable be may chiagt: V?
hi* e-.UK and dress. He his 1 cu accnftomed ttdfi -'B.g
a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be A 1
paid for fccttrirg him Co that the fubt-riher may get him
again, and si crovgh: hame aQ re«f»nablc chargc, paid by jj
e Hobins Cbomber!uin£.
2 Eaflon, Maryland, Nov. 10. 14 Umsawtf Wbi
" Bv Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. jpti
Statb SctonJJlruf.
for raificg SiKiy Thoo f znd D«'l»n, »^'«iably t# an iftof
ihc Lfg of Pennlvlvasu, tiiTru dutiog tbe i»<! Czl*
feficrt. for buiidiog a bioac Bridge •»»« River
t SchuyikiU, at Jk Borough of Coonry of r .
8 DoUa..
»,P'izeof »c aoo D - jj on
t- t 1 00. of to oco do. . - i«x«o j,
;d 3 do. of j/>OC do. - - 15 OCO
1 do. of 2,00 c do. - • 6,0c0
>0 do. or 5,002 da. - iDjGOo _
I- 39 co. of 500 do. - -
8o do. of iao do. ... »6,0c0 J
■ t too ao. of 100 do. V 10,00:
300 do. of 50 do. - ij.oce '
J 1 do. of *00 do to be paid tbe pc&T-)
: •' for of tbe firrt dr*» n bo. J " _C
} do. of j,OCO do. to he paio poieffars /
ol the five lafiCra»-snoss '
g \~a do. cf 14 do. j - 141,000 r
lcr.c,4 Priirs joo,c«o whi
■0,046 "ianks 33
r met
' 30.000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,900 his,
Al! Prizes {hall tie paid fifteen cays after the dravisg is torn
fiuilhed. upon ihe demand of a poffrCot of a fottßnaic we!
licaet, to a dedu&ion of t»ewy per cen:. Tbe he:
Placing wii! commerce as.tooaai toe Ttckeia • t uifpo' c, OL
c:, or perhaps iooaer. of wtucn p-fci:c notice will be given. i, ? v
PbiSf Miller, Peter K:rjkntr y tVii£sa •'» sum, res,
Jofifh Hieficr, Junes D.cmtr, Thomas DunJuj, he i
Jcmet Maj, Jtba Otto, John Ktim, Dtniei Qr*tJ[, F rc
iekaJHan Milltr, Commissions*). Itv
Readmg, May the 91b, 1796.
Tickets in the Canal Lottery, Ne. », to he ind at the ' .^ c
above office, where the carliefl inlormatica cf the draw.
ing of the \V«2mt gton No. a, and Paturien Lotterj's, j
are reccived. ind checkbooks 'as czaminauoo and regif
teriagar: kept. —
Oatobcr j. tawtf
WILLIAM w»U open his fehool cn Men- A
day the jli inft. at ten o'clock in the mornmg, it his
Elegant hew Ball Rooms,
In Fourth, betwren Cbefnnt and Walnut Street#. [ m
Honrs ef tuition for young ladies, from 10 to s o'clock ]m
of on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for 4a*
vm yotm » gentlemen from 6to 9 o'clock 00 the eveniags o aft
the fame days. ! Pii
ity In addiuon ft> a camber of new ostilliMs, he meat =to Ri
foi introduce a variety of Scotch Reels lir.
Note. The Sril prawning ball to be on Tsefday e- at
iri- venicg, the sirs: of November, and to be continued every Pit
1 — Tuesday, during the icifoc. Fo
ire For terms, &«, enquire at his houfc, No.lJ4,Market- D:
rtjs llreet. . St<
>%i, OA. iy. ttfcf to
ry " Ridiag SeixxJ, I'crft AeaJemr & Injirmmrj.
"■ Adioinioc the Public Souarr, Market Street.
r. SWANN £
B- RETI'RNS his finrere thank»tof-ofefittknta bv «hoa
are he k&* tern caiployed, dutmg his rtiywtsx to ilui Cilv, acc J<r
si- trihiaifelf thai tbe foccefii of hi* rt?or:s, :o ific numerot>a,
iate hlAmnl 3od xiingeroiu d«fcafei io H.Tffrt, ir he Kai
the CJwiUiipd, itu *iu xnoilcraa wiil fe-
j. cue :hri> fn;yefirjri and "
u He oow be«« lrave xo inform :b«m aac the J •Übjic ,t large !
that bis 'psootis and eon s»«i!<t, *nfl:4 tor ihe
iW " abort dcfcnctd are osta for ibe rtcepiion of pupils
of ei-.Ter fcx, wilh to beiDdretttd ia ike Art of Riding,
i". „^jj t nieibod of tbetr borfin. <0 asto tide
ank theai «ub cafe, f.e.wur. a"nd jaiety—tbeir oe-fes will be
:a- carrfui'v >ad r*pra«ifud\ L:okc, cve-y puroofr, ni.a *
midr oaediett 10 •* wiJ! of tbe rider. ; the ra-ura! powers
it of wbicti are Out apt.-, .rvem, waH be uot'olded b. air, ea liag jtr
the foiib of mo \wx, ana Jivio; 10 tbat ooble aaims! jat
ta& al! ibo'e be amies of aetigo wbseh providence bat (o h-moi.- ia:
n-i faily be#owed mi them. ;
the Aifo, bis bofp'tal. CVTTV difor erto which the horse is c
ot> . liable will be tre»i«l according to ikrao of art, eoiirmed r ;
by long and repeated evpener«.
■ The ati'!tty of ttK above inllitut ioc bas oarer been qwfl ion
. Ed, that it ius long oeea K-acted in this city, e»«r\ jcot^man's
.p. witli»d T. Sw i» as the fi»R e4aHK3>er of ' .. art, foiieitt ana relies upon :he 't'ppo-toftHa j
ana public (which he is ever aaaicui in (< rruicj to erjble him to i r
I]l ot biiog it to peTfe&tm. • The ioea of a 'ub criptinn f cr ,h»i jc'
purpofc bas been hinted by fcva.l jentieman, who wi!h to i 0
ptomoie iHe in't.uiuoo—tbe a-rount ef each faWcnp t-v: to j
; ef be returned by Cervices :n any of tic Jepirnets he pro esses, >
ton t agreeable to the rate of chaiges (Hied in K.. band bill. '
,'flls r.bicript.oai is'new open, aad the fignatstes of raioy re'ptS- j
aiile g. tubmen a. tatty obtained. He tberetere iniorms hi*! ■
fnr- ds aoc fu.h Lscta aad ffflilimrs to wtiom be has rot j
ht honor of being iuowa, that be thai: re a ; tw at\t take i
■, i»e libertr of waiting upoo than and lolicUin; their t'upport > <
and protect:ir.
tods. N3 " Hotfcsare properfyprepafej for tho«t Ladiaszad '
• ,u, who wife to be infituited.
fane • ; ° v - * tth&f. '
"'± PbHadrlpiia, 6tb Nruetxbtr, j T o6. '
* ALL prrfor.s ddlroaa to to furnjjh far the Ar- '
J ay of the United State*, the .Vowing irticies.or any for- 1
.. tioa of them, are rcqaefted to fend in their ptouofait ftaU '
cd on or befotethe 15th December next to *
S'atis Tencb Francis, Purveyor.
151 Pa:r of leather breeches, •*
iaoce i s a Pair cf boo«», •h: pa-teans pwyp*
1041 A;uUer> hau, >< Stmuc.
SIOB Infantry ha 1, .doci'i, T'tf public liore
4 6c0 Pair of (hoes, No. t: lbe S " whM f »^ e
Cos: Pair of fr.oes, Ko. 1. -Vch4b««.
f '» !»ovember 8. tn di ftDs
. THI Seneral amtamfUas of Patflttfluit taring tea
I prevented by the high price it ha* hitherto i
at, the Proprietor* take thr« method of informing tr.e ccat
Public that tr»r may in future be supplied with tint an- j
cl* at thi forte price* m coamon sta«# ky oiderice t^ ir 1
Correfponpacu to apply to Wuu»h MAI.T»r & Co. ,
Epodpg. NOT 9 WIJ4W J
" " "FOR SALE, *
About i,600 acres of Land, »«
WELL situated, living on and between Marfc ***
and E-ech Cr*ek*, M'fii* county, PrttfyNania, ia
four feparatc Patent*. For term* ot £s!e apply to
Win. Blackburn,
No. <4, South Stond-firaet.
oaoW 31. rtwftf 6351
£ Robert Smith & Co. ®
58, Sch/A Frent'Jircet, cm
| Hire received by the late arrival* fram London, Lrrer- fore
wool, and Hv 1, and by the Ohio arrived « N. York to ri
from Glasgow, ,n V
* A Urge & general assortment of Goods, -l r
" Sulfate for tbe Sff/on, nwjijting of tmu
1 Daffir, Point and Rcfe Ch.-cts, in fmaU package*
Blankets Ozaaburp and Brow* Hoi-
White, Red, and Yellow laai* ..."
Brown and white RbEj j-
Booking apd other Baires Ehcetine*
Sccofid and coarse Cloths Drilling ar.4 Diapers
Phtin end mixed Caffimeres Calicos and Chintzes
Plain, twilled, ana striped Jaoonci anl Book Mriflin
Coatings So. do. Tamboarrd
, Plains, Kerfeyi, and Half- Do. do. Handiardpef*
thick, Printed listen *1 ti„ck do
White Jc fpolted SvranCcics and ?.'.»dr»f .jo-
Lainet ui iwanfdown veil Mu£:~ and Cfcintx Sfcaw**
Dupes Bed Tick*
of -riA Tai.: C.oths
«i Dnrantj Laeei and Edgicga j
CT Moreens ar.d Taboreens Faft.n'jab:e Ru'oon*
Joans Spinning arid Crape* Do Hats an J . Ewa"i T
Cunbleis and Wiidbore* Gotten & Vurfied Kofiery 1
" c Bombaieen* ft Bombazets Gurvcs and Mitts
°° Kituact* and ihslloon* White &. coloured Threads *
f Pi in. Genoa and printed Italian Sewing Silka
Vdreret* A Thicksets Ivory and H-rn Combs ')'
™ 7-8, 4-4, and ir-8 Cotton Tapes, Biiidij:ei,|PLns, S:c. wh
The* have on hand a large affortmer.: of India Muslins cha
P- and Calicoes, black and coloured Perfiaas, Uandanno aad If
jc Paliicat Handkerchiefs, See. and a quantity of MatWp mo-,
end Mace.
* OSctcr ij. m-afim faO
x Ahoat the ift of Odooer lift, from the plantation of
Mr. Tl-osna* F. Brooke, (in Prince George's county) to
oo whom he wa*hired, a NEGRO MAN, i.ametl CiESAR;
!33 rear* of age; about $ feet Bor 9 inches high; well
trade ; of a ycilswiih complexion j a link pociunari :d : ]
00 his, when spoken to, rather a down look, a=d fnbmiEvc
is tone of Toice; th« dothe» he had heiore he ib&ocded y
ne were of plain, fnch as lab on ring N: roe* aTaally wear,; IT I
he tu; t aeie he may probably excfi'-tige for othrrs : he Trill '
c> aouhtlefs endearor.r to piss for a treeman, has inp, as i ■ i
al - kave been informed, jffum. d the name of Butler : I ha»e est
La 1 reason to be lit v* that he *« to Baltimore, from whenet | an;
u, he h said to have gone to some part of the Sufq*6):aanah, i H»i
,J~ probably with a view of gitting to Pecnfyl\ani». A Sa
" ' reward of Tlarty Dollar* will be gi»en to '-he pcrim To
may take him and so secure hiia ia fora: jail that I may Pa
get hifn again, if taken in this frate, an<s Fifty dollar* if
t>ken out Sate, acd if brought home or feeired i? Nt
the jail of Prince George'* coontr all reasonable chargts He
7* will be paid bp ALEXR. COVINGTON. 'Br
r' ! » iviaryknd. Prince Georgt's County, "> ' Sa
:nd November, 1796. J Ilth'tltf+w , Kir
L Treasury Department,
Stpianler 23, 1795.
ATOriCE i*hereby given, that prtpofal? vriil be re
, IN ceived nth: of the Secretary of Use Treafßr;-
until the eapiratica of the firft day of March Beat ea, for thcfapply of all ration* which may he roqnirec
t». far the use of the United Staus fr®m the firft <Jay of .
:ek Jnne, IJ9?, — the thirty-firft day of May, 175!, l>oth t
for daps indnSve, at the piaecs and within the diftria*-fcare- j
s c after ractuoced, xia. At Ofwogo; u Niagara ;a: .
! Pacfqtie Ifie; at Sandcfty Lake, aid on itainicf A
sto Rivar, at Detroit; at Mtchitanackinac | at Fort-Frank- :
lie, at Pirtfburgh ;at Cincinnati; at Fert-Harailton j !
■ e- •: Fort St. Chir; at Fort-jrfcrfca; at Orenville; at ;
try Picqae Taw* and Loramie* Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayue; at Fort DeSance; at any place oHow Fort '
set- Defiance oa the Miami River to Like Eric; at Fart
Strsfeec ; at For: Maffac ; at any place from Tort Mafiae
S to the focth boundary of the United State* on the river
Miffifippi; at Fort Kjmx ;at Ociatanon. _
U fapplie* shail be repaired icr any po&s or places not
mentioned in thi* notice, all f&ch fepplie.* iaail be far-
Ci&rd at pfeces propor»i«ned to tW>fc to be paid at the
po&i before recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on
Wtwcac the United Sutes aud the Contractor eo
bom The rations to be foppiicd arc to coa&ft of the f»l- jqv
•od iswiag articles, vi*.
One pound two rnnce* of bread or ficor. i —
' ul Oae pound two ennce* of tees, or fourteen ounces of
' T p*rh er bacon.
{ Half a gill of ram, brandy or whiflcey.
■"5® Ocs aaert and kalf a pint of X
' Two quart* ef Vinegar, ( , . , }
; C,U Two pound* .f Soap, ( f" rlUon * i tv
Otic pour.d of Candle*. J a
j Thera>-kio»are to be funrflied m fath <juantit>e«. asthat to
d-.cra Ciall at all times during the said term, be futiicient
ver* '"or the confnmption of the troop* at Michiliroaciir • De
ling ! troit, Niagara- and Ofwego, for the term of fix rapijth* in
iaij! ; advance, acd at each of the other posts, for the t-rm of
aoii- '1 at lea!> three month* ill advance, in good and whoJefoa*
i proriHocs, if the fame ikall be repaired. It is to be ua
*e is derfioad, that the isto be at the ri. _ate and
"tned ritk of i/fairgthe fsppiits to the troop* at each pcß, and
that all lofics faiiained by tie depredations of a» meny, or
' 10B * i»y means of the troop* of the Inic.' States, lhali be paid
nan's ; or al (he price of the atricle* captured or destroyed, 00
j the drpofitioas of two or more perions of credit -da rha
' rafiars, the ceraScaie of a comsiilEencd officer, at
: circnnutancas of the ief;, and the jiocat
- o: th- aititles fci whuh ccmytufaiion iball be ckiincj
i ?ccretarv oi the Trea^ry.
. S^ ; Loft Lait Evening, I "■
4 iAt Rieietts'j (lußpofed to be taken by
„ roI j (bme villain out of a gentleman's packet) j
stake' A Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK, u
pport ' Conraiaiag aboat 18c doliar* in bark note*; th-ec nores
■of hand ofßofsand bimfon. No. ,;ca, TOS and >06, da- 4
Hand te-i li'h la'i Aujafi, payable 6odafi-after data, to the t
order of Paul SiKiei, tegfther doliars; an order
of Mrs. Ann h acphetfon, fr em PaulSiemen, ca Lach
lin Mac Nea!, EXq at Port-au-Princc, for ico dollar* j be
ti,. Cdcr fereral letters and papers of no afe bst to the propria
." r tor. The notes of band aad order are without endcrfc
, mer.t. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD it offered tc
any perfoc who will dllcover aad frcure the thief, and
FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the above menti-
r * oted note* and paper* at No. 119, comer of Front and
o ,yfc t Mulberry Street*. d Ofi.. n.
c ao»c An elegant Bay Horse for iale,
Enquire at G«orge Green'* Stables, .a Pinc-irett,
between Fourth and Fifth-ftrcrt*.
tDv Nov. iS. Jiw
Patesfoa Lottery.
FOR raiSrg £*tfccafind fit kindred and Sxty-fevi*
dollar* fifty cents, by a dedecboe-of p a
cent from tie prizes, uo not two biaalutoa t jiic. via
I Prise of jooo dollars is dollars 3000
« »000 loao
( i l ® J 00
5 aac ioco
30 *0® V 2Crv>
9? Nfe,. JO
»oo a£ jooj
1 2000 xo *0,000
j 5 Laftdrawn Bumien of leco dslian each, 7:30
i —-
ijji Prizes.
4018 Blinks.
6jjo Ticketsai Seven Dollars each, 44*45?
By orcirr of the Directors of the Society /or eSab.-i
---;ng LKefui the roperietendaatt rf the Pit.
crum Lottery haver recatiled the Mioijcn to rmsur the
- foregoing Sahetne e» the pcrtc, and have dircAed ihm
t to rerjnJ the money to tfcjfe persons ho bare
is the former Lottery, or tie tacaotr for ticket*
a this Lottery.
' rhe lottery his a&aally «OTr.aietieed drawing, 3rd will
continue aatil fbiQwai. A lift of the Blank. »nd Prizes
' may be seen at the office oi William BiKiumrn, No. C 4
sooth Seccad street, who will give tcforaaatiaa where ties
ets may be procured.
Dated tfei* 17th day of Jaae, 1796.
J. A*- CUM WING. •)
1 Prize of jooe - - - 500 c
I ICOO - Jotm
I .500 - . . JOO
i SCO . . lie*
*0 ICO - « - loco
9' J° • 4jO«
I6J %y - • - 4uj
The €»e lift drawn ccketa, 1000 e-ch, joeo
f Being ill thevsluable prirrs, betides a fall propor
tion of the 19 dollars.
A* the Lottery it cocSderabK- more than oae third
drawn, the value of the undrawn ticksu is great.
Iy increased, and it is ucrti tie no;ice cf thc.'e
wto boidf ticket* in t'i«old f heme, that they caa ex
it change tl|eir tickrti for thole in the above, if they ap
d If fooa, and at a moderate advance confidence the '
s mow real valce of an 11 redrawn ticket.
The ticket* being nearly ait ibid, tbe drawiae i*
future will be ofoenat, ud the Lottery fijon fiaibed.
November it. nrai
Imported in the late arrivals,
A.J to bt Sa.'J by
• : Ko. 49, North fide of High-street, Philadelphia,
| Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, See.
St ' Alt
I j SMirKS* Anvils, Vita, and Files; S:w-sniU, Crofs
k eat, Hand, and other Saws; Carpenters* Planes. Chii"r!«,
ts : and other Tocis; Carricj Chifeb and Gouges; Le>et»,
b, 'Hi age., Suits aod Latches; Nails, Sfrigs, Tacts, aat /
A ;crewi; iryiag-Pan»; SnDcrathinst-troi;; Shovels aad
to Cofce Mills; Candk-ticki; SauSTcr-; Waia:_' -.
>y Pad; Table Kciva» and -crlu; 3js
if Pea, and other Pocket Knrwjj Razors ; Pciff.ri;
Ktedle*; Ivory and Hora Com'.n; hrft KtH>y rife
ts Hooks; btala Cabinet Furniture; YTiggc.a Ccx^s; S>:tt
(Kt>U ; plated ir.a tia'd Brinle Bits wirnits ; I|o
' Sa die Nails; Girth and Straining Vrchfrt;—-wi'h
t kirds of 11 •omoagcry, fauay. Sadlijy, Erafs War s,
fce. tK.
Odober 14. «wfsw
Sales of India Gooits.
a '_ Tbe Cargo »f the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, hem Ci'-
c-jtta and Bengal,
0 J COMSt3TtNC ur
o, A Lirge and generala&rtmect of Bengal and
ry A variety Jtr.s worked, and plain Muslins,
k- j Dorcas, {sV. Also,
1; | A Quantity of Exce f lent Sugar.
In boicf ar.d b:gs-#Kd BLACK PEPPER,
; 7"Ot Sale by
« j Wiilings 1$ Francis,
ic ■ No. 11 Peon Street.
Jane > 5
fc* i As Cook, in a private family,
C 3 ' A YOUNG WOMAN vho can predict e~nd -c
covnmenditicns of :n unexceptionable cbarifeer. Ea
st- . quire of the Printer.
i Nojeanber 17. flf
rf VVaihington Canal Lottery,
N c . I.
•\T7"HFRXAS the State of Maryhnd has atdierifad
V v the trader.Tittea, to raise twenty-fix thoaiand,
two hundred, aad fifty dollars, for the pwrpoie of cutting
a Canal through the City of froxj th P»:
fiat touacto theEailcrn Branch Karuoar.
rat The follotviap i« the SCKKME &f No. I.
3e- Via -i Prirtof »o/»o dollars, tcfice
> in 1 ditto 10/soa 10,000
of 7 laft drawn 1 JJsOOO
me Tickcts, each f
ao- 6 ditto I,©DO 6,00©
i!id jo ditto 4«> 4»^s©
in2o ditto 100 ><000
,or 55 ditto p
57JQ dkto - H - 1*
o> To be raised for dM Canal, 16,150
as i«jo Pnro. «7J£*
est 1 i6<o Stacks, not two to a prize.
ITSOO Ticket*, atTenDoQarx. -
r. The Commissioners hart taken the Securities re
'" q-jittd by the afopefaid a& for the pjvßiest of
;he prixes.
1 The crawiag®f this Lottery witl (onmiccc, wttheot
delsy, » soon as the Tickets are fcid, of whisk tunely
• nctiae be given.
ores Sach prize* « arc not denandedic faaronthsafter ti«
da- drawing is lbailbe confiderTdasrrtJscjßi&eiiof
the the beneatof the L'iaal, and apprcorkred aceordtngly.
rdar /irce- J NOTLEY YOUNG,
"fc- Wm. M. DDNCANSOX,
Crty of Walhiagtoe, Peh. 11. S
rett, No. ll9—
V?rkc DoIUn per Aa&umJj