x * v* A ManuFa&orv FOR SALE. A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Mimifa&ory, fnuate fa a convenient part of the city ; the works almoll new, on an entirely original conftruftioß, and builcof the bed n materials, and may be set to work immediately. Persons '' wfyowifhto purchase, are requcfted to apply at No 273* —but Sou l. Sccond Street. September 13. ttf tf or, th Wm, Holdernesse, No. 76, m j HIGH-STREET, Has received by the iafe arrivals, A Will ISeleded Assortment of Silk Merccry, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, on the vcrj low eft terms ; H Anions]} Ditto Furniture ditto ■N' Ditto Dimity \ October 16. d Je - f Samuel Richardet £ Respectfully informs the Gentlemen B Merchant!, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the A city of Philadelphia: The Subscription Room will be furaiihed with all the V daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- A ton, Baltimore, together with thole of the principal com mercial citias of Europe—They will be regularly tiled 5 and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Lik Tea, Coffee, S6upe9, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety f of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choictft of Wines, Spirit'Joua Liqnors, and the mpft approved Malt Liquors from London and orher breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest * produflions of the Season. Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at [j I hoursmoft convenient to thtmfelves—a cold Collation is regularly kept for conveniency, the Billof Fare to be had ,at the bar. „ The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and 15t the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and evary other requisite. ] Samuel RicHARnEt will bchappyto receive, and me , execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfell that nothing on his part lhallbe wanting to pre- serve that patronage with which he has been fa diftinguiili ingly honored. > Philadelphia, April rg. mwf A 1 Treasury of the United States. OTICE is hereby given to all peifons who are or , . X\ may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums of the E.ndrd Debt, or Stoch, faring a frafent interejt of fix r- j 4tr ttni&rl per annum. X ift, That pursuant to an Act of Congress pasTed on the ag, »Bth day of April, 1796, intitled an ail in addition to an c aft, intituled " An aft making fuithcr provision tor the gr( . support of public credit, and lor the redemption of the ,i V( public debt," the said debt or ftoik will be reimbursed and as, paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends Ch " to be made on the last days of March, June and Septem- tifu " ber for theprefer.t year, and from the year one thousand ftoi " seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou- hoc « sand eight hundred & eighteen inrlufive, at the rate of ner " one and one half per centum upon the original capital. bci " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of " December for the present year, and from the year one ln 6 " thoufaud seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year *' one thousand eight hundred and leventeen inclusive, at ' " the rate of three ami one half per centum upon the ori «• ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma eon the last tw «< day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun- Jm '« dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade- f lt ) •• quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp- thi " tion of th said stock." fro ad. All for that purpose to make andfubjiit-jte y andts do all W tsujul (i&s requifttefor ejfcdling theprerr.ifes, hereby ratifying and hi confirming all thai my said Attorney or hisfibjlitutc,fball lawful- a Jy do, by virtue hereof. p< In JViinefs hereof 1 have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the aj day of in the \ear Sealed and Delivered in presence of % jj£ rt KNOWthat on the Jay of e/ore me pcrjonally came ' vithin named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to be his afi and deed. N Jn Ujlimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my Han i *md>qffuc- £ id Seal the day and year lap ufortjuid. k Given. my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen- F tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to dire&ions C from the Secretary of the Treasury. f< SAMUEL MKKEDITH, b Ireafurer of the United States. JulyZH* w tS** tiy v To be Sold, r The Time of a smart, aQive Negro ] Who has Eleven years to f'«t ve. Inquire at "No. jB, South Front flrf et. Qflober rB. ,1 • , * The JtLlephant /S RETURNED FROM BALTIMORE. THE public are refpeftfully informed, that this animal is to be ken every day, from 8 o'clock in the morning till fun down, in Market . street, No. ie6, south fide, between Third and Fourth-ftitets. Admittance a quarter of a dollar, that every ci tizen may fee him. (j3* At the requelt of many persons it will be exhibited on evenings from five to tight o'clock, at half a dollar each.—The room will be well lighted. November 7. d 1 A Short Delay ! In Ibe Drawing of the Canal L.6tlery r j { In WafhiPgton city, har. keen unavoidably nccalit'ieil j t> t s by the nnforefcen intervention of Mr. Blodg«t s Lottery l'obi —but as the major pait M the tickets are now difpofid cle a of, this is to inform the-public that the drawing of the Ca- Co rr " nal Lottery will certainly commence without i ail, on the |,oni firfl Monday in January 1797, al 'd tliofe holding —— aje hereby requested to fend a statement ot thofc told, anti thole or hand. NOTLY YOUNG, ~ DANIEL CARROLL, of Duddmgton, v d CEORGE WALKER, ? na THOMAS LAW, four JAMES BARRY, y W. M. DUNCANSON. The Printers who gave our advertiftmenti a place in q their pewfpapers, are reqHelle ( d to give this notice adrnii * - w fion, as the rcmamift£tickets aie expected to be fourl above our, and we wish adventurers to be tiaiely informed. Jill.- Hav Jufl Imported from London b 5 Liverpool, t< Sarthen tt'AKt, in crates and liogffceadi, we i . . aflorted A J Wine Bottles in hampers Window Glass of all (i7es n Two cases of stationary One clieft of yellow Jesuits Bark w Two cases of Roll Arnctta . .01 A small confignmen't of Rose Blanket*, Flannels, Ba;- oc _, zt't Broad cloths, Coatings, Plains &e. ' Paints of various colors pj'j en Baftet fait in hoglheads. •y Also on baud, Plai: ;he Madeira wine, very eld, in pipts, hogsheads and quarter casks Whi :he Holland gin in pipes, firft quality Lair of- Anchors of different sizes tr- A few trunks of ladies French fliocs r.fforted Cnrj ' Silk nankeen, &c. Likewise an aflbrtment of Dutch goods, consisting ot MOl !t V OfnaberrJ, ticlcleubergs, bed-tick, stripes, checks .I^"' lt6 ' Morlaix linen, plattilas, ravens duck, Britannias, &c . , And for lale by the pa> k?.ge only, by J o '' 3 fhomas C5 5 John Ketland, ies. Walnut-llr'ret wharf. ieft Nov. if. to^t! 7-S, be Just Imported, and al lu the fchoouer Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Madeira* Pull 1 is and to be fold by an^ iad ELLISTON & JOHN PE/.OT, « md Best Londos particular Madeira Wine, her Three year* old, In pipes, hogflieads, and quarter casks, fit for im- mediate ufe.—'l'hey have also for fate, _ , A few bags of Juniper Berries. nu j Otf ober 28. w&'4W > h«, ifll r O B E SOLD, wer f A LEASE for fen*n years yfrqm the lstb Marth next } i* that knt x capital and beautiful FAR Ad, called 1011 PROSPEC T-H ILL, Cituitcd within one quarter ot a inile from the Brandywint )j e ; ,r^' 8 Mills, and hall a rtlile from the borough oi Wilmington. p ro ] f' x THE dwelling house is built of llonc. two ft ones I'.jjh, rew * genterW finiTufci, and containsfour handsome rooms en t " e a floor, belides an entry, garrets, and convenient 'an cellars It is gcneislly thought 10 command the, moH a thu profpeft of the Delaware, from ihe source of that j* ' the liver to the Capts. 1 his profpeft ia greatly einbt lliflied by and a full view of avail bodv ot meadow, through whith the :ndS Chfilliaiw and Brandywine creeks are feeo winding i ; beau em- tifui meanders. Near the iioufe are a Kitchen, a (jjScioaa and stone liable and hayloft a barn, a carriage house, milk !qu- house, o . le ing There is, moreover, on thi plare, a young, apple - 1 - orchard beginine to bear, and fcveral old trees that produce unt Y elT abundantly, btfidcs cherry and oihei ornamental trees, in fuii ' . great numbers. The farm conlifts of near sixty acres of land, for ° r '" of good quality, and clear of incumbrancfs, except taxis, Jur twenty of which arenow in excellent clover and timothy, da) lun " and ten more will be ready tor lowing next (pring. A re- afti (idcrice ot nearly 8 years has convinced the fubferiber that p J( m P" the filiation is remarkably healthy. The great post road Rj. from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within fevenly t of yards of the house. In a word, the hearties and eonveni- ence o! ihis fituati'on cannol be enumerated in an advertise- pj ( de- ment, and when examined, will probably command the at the tention of any person who isdeliroys of living at one of the ~ iblic mod elegant country scats nn the continent. The piirehifer orm may enter 011 the premiss licit fpnng, or peihaos, tfiis fall, ' 6 ,u c it application be immediately mafic to Dotlnr NICHOL AS' • W Y, in Philadelphia, to Di ftor WHARTON, on tie ™ ' premi'es, or, in his absence, to Mr. GEO. N. B. The utmofl secrecy obfervtd. S Mi fftAUNCES, ? - -•jomrvjw'ntj®. - ( Philad. August 27, 1796. m&wtf f , that James M'Alpin, Taylor, < rom 8 3' South Fourthflreet, arket- RETURNS h;s grateful acknowledgments to his 1 , Friends and the Public for their liberal encouragement,' ana and begs leave ts solicit a continuance of their favors. He has on hand an extensive assortment of the ry c >- Miofl Fajhionable GOODS, And of the j. ,k quality, suitable for the i'eafor. nil be At this shop Gentlemen can be farnifced withthe best 'clock, material", and have them made up in the neatcft and most e well F**h' ona M« manner, and on the Ihorteft notice. He will 1 thankfully receive any orders, and pay a prompt and punctual attention, to ihcm. November 10, lti P AT E N T S II O T. THE general confumptio* of Patent Shot hiring been Tj" prevented by the high price it has hitherto been fold X ' st, the Proprietors take this method of informing the ce n Public that tVy may in future be supplied with that arti cle at the fame prices a 9 eomrtion Shot, by ordering their Correfß'.nipanU to apply to Walkers, Maltbt <& Co. London, Nov \vfm4w | FOR SALE, | About 1,600 acres of Land, z< WELL situated, hying on and between Marsh *<* and Beech Crocks, Mifflin county, Pennfylvama, in four separate Patents. For term# ot sale apply to Win. Blackburn, No. 64, Ssuth S<*cond-flr«et. _ Oaober 31. mwftf 631 - Robert Smith & Co. IR^ No. 58, South Front-street, I C '- > Have received by the late arrival; f?om London, Liver- tor pool, and Hull, and by the Ohio arrived at N. York to 1 ' from Glasgow, ' n 1 A large & general afiortment of Goods, 111 Suitable for tbe Sea/on, eon/ifting ef cor Duffle, Point and Rose Checks, in irnall packages ma Blankets Oscaburjs and Brown Hoi- (ou White, Red, and Yellow lands etl Flannel Brown and white Roma _ BocWng and ether Baizes , L firetings Second and coarse Cloths Drillings and Diapers Plain and mixed Caffimeres Calicoes and Chintzes Plain, twilled, and ilrlped Jaconet and Book Muflijtt Coatings Do. do. Tamboured Plains, Kerfiays, and Half- Do. do. Handkerchiefs 1 thicks Printed linen *nd check do White & spotted Swan&ins Romal and M„drafs .)o. Lainet and fwanfdown vest Mufiin and Chintz Shawl* stapes Bed X icks Carpets and Carpeting Table Cloths Calimaneocs and Durantj I,aces mil Edgings { Moreens and Taboreens Fafhionabl? Ribbons Joans Spinning and Crapes Do. Hats and Bonnets . Cablets and Wildbores Cotten & Worsted Hosiery Bombazeens & Bombazets Gloves a: i Mitt# Rattinets and Shalloons White & coloured Threads ' Plain, Genoa and printed Italian Sewing Silks Velverets & Thicksets Ivory and Horn Comb* 'Y 7-8, 4-4, and 11-8 Cotton Tapes, &e. wl They have on hand a large assortment of India Muftins eh; and Calicoes, black and coloured Persians, Bandmne and If l, l'ullicat Handkerchiefs, &c. and a quantity of Nutmegs no and Macc. Oaober 17. mwfim ful RA N AW AT, ' About the ift of O&ober last, from the plantation of Mr. Thomas F. Brooke, (in Prince George's county) to 1 whom he was hired, a NEGBO MAN, tamed C./ESAR; 33 years of age; about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high; well made ; of a yellowish complexion; a little pockmarked: has, when spoken to, rath:r a down look, and submissive " tone of voice: the clothes he had before he abfeonded » were of plain, such as labouring N<= roes ufijally wear, 1* ,t ' but these he may probably exchange for ethers : be will doubtlcfs endeavour to pass for a freeman, having, as 1 have been informed, afluined the name of Butler : I hive cu reason to believe that he went to Baltimore, from whence an " he is said to have gone to fume part of the Sufquehar.nah, Hi probably with a view of getting to Pennfylvanii. A Sc '» reward ef Thirty Dollars will be given to the person who Tt n may take him and so secure him in some jail that 1 may Pa i get him again, if taken in this state, and Fifty dollars if lc j taken out of the state, and if brought home or secured ia N< \ the jail of Prince George's county all reasonable charges H * w>U be paid by ALEXR. COVINGTON. Br Maryland, Prince George's County, 7 Sa i 5 — — inA November. 1 >96. yitth*t&f4W til .. ——— — ■" " ' — an i- Treasury Department, 3 " September 28, 1796. r "IS TOTICE is hereby given, that proposals will be re- IN ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury ce until the expiration of the firft day of March next en m suing, for the supply of all ration* which may he required d, for the use of the United States, from the firft day of :r\ June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both J ly, days inclusive, at the places and within the diftridts hire re- after mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at 'at Pjcfque lQe j at Sandufky Lake, and on Sanduflcy A ad River; at Detroit; at Michilimackinae; at Fort-Frank "y l'ia; at Pittlburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton; ru " at Fort St. Clair j at Fort-Jefferfon; at Grenville; at ' e " Picquc Town and Lofamies Store; at Fort Adams; at Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place below Fort f" Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at-Fort j" Steuben ; at Fort Maflac ; at any place from Fort MalTae to the south boundary of the United States on the river t l e Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ;at Ouiatanou. _ 1,, If fupplics (ball be required lor any posts or places not mentioned in thit notice, all such supplies ihall be fur me niihed at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the ! posts befqre recited, or as may be hereafter agreed on ! f between the United States and the Contra&or. |ee The rations to be fuppliod are to confdl of the sol- j (Jl lowing articles, viz. ,sr i One pound two ounces of bread or flour. - :ar! Otic pound two ounces of beef, or fourteen ounce* of ten pork or bacon. 13 5 Half a gill »f rum, brandy cr whiikey. !n d One quart and half a pint of falt."\ Two quarts of Vinegar, f . , , ■ ' ' B K Two pounds of Soap, > per hundred ration, M One pound of Candles, j a lun The rations are to be furntlbed ia such quantities, as that tc 'by there lhall at all times during the said term, be fullicient fortbeconfumptionofthe troops at Michilimackinac, Dt f troit, Niagara, and Ofwego, for the term of fix months in —advance, and at cachofthe other posts, for the term of at least three months in advance, in good and wholesome pravifions.ifthefame stall be required. It is to be un- Jerftood, that the Contractor is to be at the ex/ence artd ink. rifle of ifTuirg the supplies to the troops at each pflU, and , that all iolfe* fuftaiued by the depredations of an enemy, or i of by means of the troops of the United States, fhail lie paid ers, f or a t the price of the articl s captured or deilroyed, on and the depofitioiw of two or more persons of creditable cha- J nd, raiiers, and the certificate of a commiifioncd officer, as certaining the circumftancas of the loss, and the atroount *c' of tht aiticlcs for which compensation Iball be claimed an JO 4500 165 ij - . . 412J The five Jaft drawn tickets, xooo euch, JOGO Being all the valuable prizes, beside* a full propor tion of the 10 dollars. As the Lottery is considerably more than one third drawn, the value Tongs; Coffee M(Us; Candlesticks; Snuffers; Warning. ' Pans; Table Knives and Forks; Riding Whips; Ear s' low Pen, and other Pocket Kniws; Raznrs ; SciiTarsf 1 Needles; Ivory and Horn Combs; belt ICirby Fifli » Hooks; brass Cabinet Furniture; Waggon Boxes; Sheft Br^als; plated and tin'd Bridie Bits and Stirrups; itto, Sa die Nails; Girth and Straining Webbs; —with molt kinds of Jror.motgcry, Cut Jury, Sadlery, Brafi War<*» O&ober 24. mwf6w Sales of India Goods. [ The Cargo of theftiip Gmga«,.capt. Tingey, from ( CA j cutta and Bengal, f CONSISTING 0£ , A Large and general afl'ortment of Bengal and Madras I~\. COTTON and SILK GOODS. ( iIJONG WHICH ARE f A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, Doreas, tjfe. Also, * A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bogs-#nd BLACK PEI'PIiR, t For Sale by t Willings Francis, c No. 21 Pern Street. r June t S 1 WANTED, * As Cook, in a private family, a 1 A YOUNG WOMAN who can prndu.-e good re commendations of an unexceptionable character. En - j cflitre of the Printer. Nrtvember 17. >$tT v « * VV alhington Canal LottGry, NO. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has aatlwriwd the underwritten, to raise twenty-fa thnufand, " two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of catting a Car.at through the City of Washington, froii th P»; it tomacto the F.aftern Branch Harbour. it The following is »he SCHEME of No. I. c- Viz -I Prize of 10,000 dollars, »0,03® in I ditto 10,000 10,000 »f 7 lad drawn 1 le Tickets, each J t 6 ditto l,oco 6,1x0 * J id 10 ditto 4 00 4>oo® id ditto 100 2jOC© or • 5J ditto JO 2,7.5® id 5 7JO ditto II 69,008 To be railed for tit* Canal, i6,ajo if. 5850 Prizes, *7S&°& nt 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17 roo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 The Commiflionrre have tskert the Securities re ~ quired by the aforefaid ang is firfilhed, conftitK'J m Rliiwil>f.gJ-laf he the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. i« (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, :h DANIEL CARKOLL, i/D 1 ' *e- LEWIS DEBLOIS, ie- GEORGE WALKER, fe- Wm. M.DUNCANSON, 5 to THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Wa(hingtOß, Feb. 11. 5 Uld , - Z3 PRINTED BY JOHN FENNft :et> —No. 1 ig— CH ESK¥T-STREET. [Pric-c FigJ't Dollars per Annum.} jfe