#a?ette m BttltrtJ States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertlser. C „ n TUESDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 22, 1796. {VOLUMT. X. Number 1312.J —— — «-■ ■> . ■"—- 1 1 . nr» 1 T For Freight or Charter To Europe or the W.lndus, The new Brig FAIR AMERICAN, Galley, Master; burthei%i4J tons; has good accommodations, and is now ready to *t his stone, No. j, Sonth Water-street, A quantity of Cayenne and Trinidad Cotton Spanish Soal Leather And a parcel of Carolina Rice, in whole and halt tlFrces. nth mo. nth. d2w ' barter; p—For Sale, a good strong built ship, bur then 13 jobarreis, nearly new, well found can be put to sea at a small expence. j.iffl'ty? Payment wilL be received iri English or India goods, or if more agrfable to the purchaser, 3, 6, and 9 months credit would given on approved notes, for further particulars enquire at No. 8, South Water-street, or No. J9 North Third-street. November 16. 7* / For Madeira, The ship Concord*, Capt. John fhomfon. For freight or pafTage apply on board, or to Peter Blight; Who has for sale, a quantity of Brandy, in pipes Whiting and Copperas, in hogsheads Old Hock, in cases Dutch Cream-f heefe, in boxet l?n: <7: y- 1- . Glat's Ware, in boxes Painters' Colours, ground in oil Sweet Oil, in cases of a dozen bettles each Hazlenuts, in Jacks. November n. - d im " jr-"- Wanted to Charter, V JSSn. A f a M ailin % Ve J el > (I '.i Th»t will carry jor 600 barrels ; to A fciciafeir load immediately for the Weft-fndies- Apply to feter Blight. Norember is dx r-* FOR LONDON, The capital fK{p CERES, *° on : —For freight or psflage apply to DAVY, ROBERTS ft. Co. or John Vaughan, September 10. Front-street. ' For 6aJe. The Ship CHA RLQ T TE, Vyy A stout vcflel, about 150 tons bar» sea at atmall expeuce. ■ v Apply to Joseph Anthony and Co. Nov. 8. dx. FOR SALE, 1^;/•; 7 HE SHIP MART, SAMUEL PARKER, Ma.ter, * v: " hundred'tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. 1 'If the MARY not fold in a few days, (he will take . freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. October 3 j. d Just arrived, and will this day be lan- ! ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at '1 street wharf. 25 Tons beji Rujjia Clean HEMP. ' $6 Tons old Sable flat IRON, - SyO befl Ruflia COR D\GE, aborted sizes, mjOO Pieces brown Russia SHEETINGS, j ico Bolis RuffU DUCK, 240 Pieces Ravens do- ] co Half-dnwo feather beds, and A lew paecaifloried Kfr.R ~ f&k sm'£ s r ?? Joseph A'nthony and Co._ Thc above mentioned B R J G *^8/ ll ' R 3 few day *' and t ' ltc freight on erate ta ' ms fnr Boston or Salem, for t or palTage apply 0 n board or as above f < Jcffincr 1. , c — ; — . ——!_ j For Charter, ° The Ship JOHN B ULKEL T, gffl,. Ayres StocKlsy, Mafter'. , excellent live-oak and cedar built ft'P> of about 3000 barrels burthen,—Ap - 7# Robert M aln. Wov - ' d._ 1 For Londoh, M T 'M' am Penn, J oriah ' mailer. Will fail with all h ( - speed. for freight or paffaee 0 apply to the Captain on board, or to 01 Jefie and Robert Wain. J.X°y ember 10, 1796. j * For Liverpool, he TttrrSty noAfJKICK TERRr, " J A( 06 Master. hi '}??V Has a part of her carf'xagagett— so: For fr "g ht or paSape apply to the inaf ter on board, at the whar. of tho fiib- r0 Itribers, cr, Jefe & Robert Wain. ™ Nov - 7- .1 For Lisbon, th( KjfTjST TheDanidi barque Benetentura,' Samuel Stub, Master, A SCodveffel of about two hundred tons burthen. For freight or pafTaie T . apply to "* x ■ JeJfe Sjf Robert Wain. . Mov- > . d. r PROPOSALS, By WILLIAM COB3ETT, oppoCtc Christ Church, Phi ladclpbia, for publifliing by fubfeription, *' s , ADAMS'S : a Defence of. the American Confutations. irf CONDITIONS: I. The work feall be printed on English wove-paper, page for page, fr»m tke best Lond®* Edition ; of coarse it ith >v ; ! lie t<«njpri*ed in thiw large odavo vlurric. 11. For the three Vflliace?, .jound m bo».cU, th: pi .ee to fubferibers U to be only four dollar*; and to nen-fubferi bers, five dollars and a half. alf 111. The lubfcripeinn lh?.U remain epen for ten days, and if an encouraging number of fubferibers are obtained in that time, the publilher engages to have the w«rk ready for diiivcy in fix weeks from tjis present date, 15th N«veftiber, 1796. lir - N. B. Subscriptions are tiken by the principal booksel lers of Philadelphia and New York. ce » £y~ The fubferibers to " Hiliory of Jacobinism are ref or petSfully informed, 1* at it will be ready for delivery 3, early next week. -eel Nov 16. i x - Davis's Law Book Store, _ No. 313, HIGH-STREET, GEORGE DAVIS announces to his protcfllonal friends, and the Gentlemen of the Law generally thro' th« Unioi), that his lateimportation of BOOKS is now arraag* ed, and ready for Sale, from a single volume to an entire li -1 t brary, without any advance upon his former exceeding low » prices, which forftveral years pail have in so diftinguiOied a manner recommended them to notice. Printed Catalogues combining the mofl extensive collec tion the Jateft English and Irilh Editions ever imported into this country, arepabliftied, and will be delivered giatib on application. Orders add re fed to G. D» in writing from any (hall be punctually attended to* A wiraber of TRUN'KS for Sale. ' "ALSO, TO Hfi LET,- lf ? r- 1 ; 1 ' Maikct Street Nov. 8. tu&f3wi The brig Weft-Indian's Cargo JVi/l be Landed on Monday morning, The 3. iji infiant, 1 At South-street Wharf, From the h'ort/f fide of Jamaica. 1 so BcgiheEds and one barrel Cofttc 13 Hogsheads of Sugar to 105 Hogsheads high proof Rum. es- / For Sale by PETER BLIGHT. November 19. * - " FOR SALE, A of choice Neiv-England RUM, A numter ol "barrels of BEEF, and PORK, And a few kegs of LARD, of a superior quality. > Enquire at No. yi, north Water-llreet. November 8, 1796 dtf _ For Sale, By Jehu Hdimghvorth, & Co. , 4J hhds. Weft-India Runi, 3d and 4th proof, us. # Barrcis best Indigo, and, rv A few buftie'.t of Turk's liland fajt. i o hogsheads St. Crojx Rum, 5 Pipes Vinegar, _ For Sale, by Ezekiel Hall, No. io, Penn Street. Nov. 7. to This Day will be Landed, From on board the brig Dispatch, Captain P. JSrum, ce from Malaga, at Morris s wharf, "just above the Drawbridge, FRESH FRUITS, viz. in k&gs, boxes and bafiets I- Figs in kegs ut prunes in boxes Grapes in jars Olives in ditto, , 1 Lemons in chests f Anchovies in kegs Almonds, foft (helled, in sacks Alio, Brandy in butts Sw.eet Mountain Wine in quarter-cafks—&e. For Sale by ( Peter Kuhn. ! November 17. $6 >n THE PartHerfhip of JONATHAN HARVEY & Co. 1 t Sefng this day Dissolved by mutua! consent, thofeindebt 'e ed to said firm are requtlltd to makl* speedy payment to _ Jonathan Harvey, who is authorized to receive the sams and tbofe who any demands will please to bring in' ' their accoants to him for fettlemcnt. _ ( > The Bujinefs will be Continued 1 By Jonathan Harvey, I AT HIS STORK NO. 106, 5. FRONT-STREET; Where he has for Sale, ' '' A general assortment of Dry Goods. ) - November 14, 1796. . $ rm STOP THE THIEVES TTT 1 ' LAST Wednesday Evening, Oftobcr t 9 , between the I hours of 7 and iooelock, the bed room of Mr Ricketts in e O'EUer's was entered, cither by means of falfe kevs or at the window, b> lome vdlams, who must have Been acquainted wi h the fnuaiion of ihe house (ai the door was found locked after they had committed the theft) who took away from amongst fevrrjl trunks, ONE which con tained a valuable part of Mr. Rickett't property, but of which he is not yet able to af«ertain the coutents par.icularlv. M s. ter Jiiogirsg the said trunk away, and emptying it of ud wards of a thousand dollars in cash and bank notes, the vil lains left, it behind the circus, during the time that the per . formances of the evenfng were going forward' ' J!'' u ted r' th>t ail on the stage roads, and the scry houses, as well as all c j vl | officers, mfv ™ be watchfu! in fecunng suspicious persons, who m, v have a mea U dT°, f [h " r 'Ppearince w.uld by m ~ means belpeak them to ai poffelfed of. ' One Hundred Dollars Reward be P' ven / or f « u ™g tfc e thief or thieves, and a fur ' OaT, Securing them with the property. l o be Sold, fh, The Time of a smart, active Negro Lad wh Who has Eleven years to serve ' 0 6 Bales of Corks. : 40 Pipes excellent Lisbon Wine. A few {acks of Feathers. A few bales India Muslins. FOR S/iLE tip JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. Oilober 31. d The C,argt> of the Polacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— a 8 Pipes of Brandy 18 Bales of Spaniih wool 3 do. of Annifeed 7000 Bushels of best Lisbon Sa.lt So Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the Ihip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, from Kingftou. Se Pt- 13- . . _"■( ; ] 5 ' d lrifh Linens, 6cc. Imported per the /hips Glajgoni, from Dublin, Liber tyfrom Cork, and brig Mentor, from Be/fq/l, 4-4 and 7.8 Wide IRISH LINENS, In whole and half boxes, Assorted from ud. to "4s. sterling—Also 5- t, wide Sheetings, and low priced yarn and wurftcd Hole. On - 7"8 «iieXawnn. Diapers and Table-Cloths A few boxisTickens and Chatfcs A few bales Flannels Cork and Belfaft Sail Clcth, Not. I and 5 ' V Er,ICS ' C6by 8, 10 Ditto > Window Glass, 7 by "o, ■5 J d 2 by 10. Ihe above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the drawback, and will be disposed of by the package on reasonable terms. 1 James, Clibborn & Englilh, No. 6, N. Front-street. loth mo. xpth. j t f # The Elephant IS RETURNED FROM' BALTIMORE. THE public are refpe&fully informed, that this animal is to be ieen every day, from 8 o'clock in the morning till fun down, in Markfct ftrcet, No. 1 e6, south between Third 1 and Fourth-flteets. _ Admittance a quarter of a dollar, that every ci- fee him. OC> At the request of many perfens it wi}l be \ exhibited on evenings from five to eight o'clock, 1 at half a dollar eaeh The room will be well lighted. November 7. d 1 Imported in the late arrh>ils from Europe and the _ mjl-Indies, ' Holland Gin, in pipes Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum Martinique Molaflis, in hoglheads Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-calks London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-c.lks Malm fey Madeira Wine, in pipes and quarter-calks renerine Wine, in pipes Ri'ffia & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Duc-k, m cases J v\ inddw Glass, 8 by io, in boxes Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, n calks Mill Saws and Crols-cut Saws, in boxes b Also, on hand, ! t] A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Aflafcß tida and Tapioca ; and a Few bales of Collies, ~ Uattas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Harrdker- ! and a complete aflbrtment of c-ii and 6-4 E Boulting Cloths. For Sale by Pragers & Co. 0aob " *° dawm&tham SALTPETRE. t A large quantity of Double-Refined Salt Petre for rale at No. 45, Sou* Third-flreet. * November Washington Lottery. TICKETS, warranted undrawn, may be purchased or cxchang«d for prizes, at the Office, No. ,4, Chefnut whore a corred Numerical Book is kept for pubift Lnfpeaion. Also Canal Lottery Tickets for sale lex -hanged for prizes diawa in the Waffiint> ton 1 orterv n f L K T sharp - u Carried on as us ual. m » ™ SATRE U* • November 17. ttjtf To be Let, A Lirgi Cellir in Walnut--ftreet, just above Fourth ftreet, that H floored with two inch plank, and will hold upward! of 100 pipes of wine- » Also * Stable and Coach-House, that will hold four horfej and two carriages; and several Stores in Fourth-street. Apply to „ George Meade* : Why has for sale 45 Boies Caflile S®ap RfH Liflwm Wir' ' A lew pipe .11 r;u of Wine A-few barrels Irifli Mess Beef 7 -£ And a few barrels Ship Bread. Nov. 4. I'td Jujl Landing, ; id And for Sale, a q unity of BOURDEAUX BRANDY, FROM on board the fchoonT Lyd.ia &. Polly, Oliver Jenkins master, lying .at Wilcock's whart. For _ terms, enquire on board faidfehooner. November 15th.- Jlw 1 — 1 — ~ For Sale, AThree-ftory BRICK HO' T SE and Lot, m Chei-iUt street, between Front ajid Second ftroets, n which Messrs. James Calbraith &Co have for rr.any years (and now do) carried on business. Pcifeflion will be given io one r;orit.!i, or oqner. For terms apply to V.TLLIAM BEI.L, or HEC'I'OR CAJ f ' ITH. jr April 11. €_ Just and in g, At jSouth Jlreet wharf from on board the. [hit Sedg ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Pt' % The following Goods : Raffia Sail Dack, firlt quality. Do. Sheeting do. Co. Diaper. Do. Huckaback. — — Do. Crash. t 1 Do. Mou'd Candles, 4, $ to the lb. of the • English size. Do. White Candle Tallow. Do- White Soap in small boxes. Do. Cordage of fine yarn. Ravens Duck. Isinglass, ill and |snd fort. Horse Hair uncurled. Ruflia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rods. v S, 10 Tons Oakum and Junk. rt', St. Peteriburg Clean Hemp; For Sale by _ • Philips, Cramond, k Go. Oflober U. 5 r . Fashionable Waistcoating. i, GEORGE DOB SON, No. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Has received per the Diana, from (London, Clouded and striped Spanilh .Swanlilowa CJauilcu lv-mi oats and,McJelkias Striped do. and do^ Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Ermfnets Printed Florinetts Do. CaflinetJ and Caflimeres Superfine .printed Qui (tings, newest patterns Alio, per different arrivals^ * A large and general aflfortment of Dry Goods, Suitable to the present and approaching season. t . November 5. LANDING, Out of different veffcls from England, and for fait by the fubjvribsrs on reasonable terms, it Superfine and common cloths, and caffimers 8 Ribbed and llriped do. do. _ Blankets , mottled green and silk rugs. , Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings, Kerseys, Bear-fcin's, plains and Halfthicks . Swanlkms, Serges and Flannels, l- British Ingrain Carpeting, Hats assorted in cases of 11 doz. each. c c ?) in " es ' P rinted Callicoes and Handkerchiefs. Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, » Yarn, Worflcd, and Cotton hofierv. ®"I ers ' TWckfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &c. M *7r t !" 0a ? ords 0f a Superior quality. .. d I»d. 20d. nails, and frying pans, - AoafTortaicnt of Ironmongerry, Sutfery and a variety of liHia cotton, .tod silk goads. " ' Thomas JoJhua Vifher. Also by the Glasgow frOm Dublin, r l-S and 4-4 Irilh Linens assorted in boxes of 50 pieces s do. Brown, Glazed Linnrn. peces, °«ft. 17. ' dtf< i'or bfii'o, " "~ ,% J- WARDER, PARKER Co. An Invoice of Cordage Confiding of different sizes,' from .1 inch cables down to rope of a mches, of difeent lengths: ta'wtedh | the Ihip bwift, !ro:n Hull, and entitled to drawback - dt y An elegant Bay Horse for sale Enquire -at G ,r g , ft . ,n' S Stables, i„ Pine-Leet between fo-rth and Fifth-ttreets Nov. 18, — : — JUw Washington Lottery. T<"e 38th and 39th cays* driwing < f rhe Lottery, No. a, arc received at thefifice No ket-ftreet where ticket, may be examined ' 34 ' ' ' ■ Inlol , matlon S' ven where tickets in all the other lotteries may be procured. otner November 17,' 1796. j Sheridan's Dictionary, TBS SIXTH FDITION, Is this Day Published, . LAWbUAGE, both with regard t ) found anrl • one main object of which is t«> rn 1 leaning, o«, t „ '■