Tor Sale, Three-flory BRJCK'HCUSE and "Lot, in ChefoTit jj _y-~A street, between Front and Second ftruets, in which •MeflVs. Calbraith & Co. have for many yeirs (and do) carried on bulinefs. Pofl'eflien'v. , i!l be"given intme month, or sooner. For terms apply to WILLIAM SELL, or r*c HECTOR CALBRAITH. 13 •A'prfl ai. $ to. For Sale, By Jehu Hollingfieotth, & Co. J <5 hhds. Weft-India" Rum, 3d and 4th proof, 5 Barrels best Indigo, and, A few thousand bushels of TurVs lfland fait 1 . 06 17. <1. J For Sale, v / : By J. WARDER, PARKER Ess Co. £ c . An Invoice of Cordage, ' •Crfhfifliag of diDfereiH Vitfi, "from 11 inch cables dewn "to rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, from Hull, ana entitled to drawback. Sept. 17. dtf _ . LANDING, Out of different vtjfels from England, and for sale '° by the fubjenbers on reafinable terms, Superfine and common cloths, and cafiimers Ribbed and Ariped do. do. Blankets , mottled green and silk rags. Superfine blHe, Claret, and common coatings, Kerfevs, Bear-flcins, plains and Halfthicks, Swanftins,, Serges and Flannels, , Britilh Ingrain Carpeting, ,/ Hatsafforted in cases of i» dor. each. V> Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs. ? scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, ue Varn, Worftcd, and Cottcn holiery, 4i Beavers, Thiekfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, -&c. &c. " lai JJuffand drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality, on 4d. Sd lod lid. acd. nails, and frying pans, or An ifftrtment of Ironmongery, Sutlery and a vtriet) of of India cottcn, and Cik goods. an Thomas Id Jofnua Fifhtr. |p No. s, Dock-fttreet. n . Also by the Dublin, t-8 and 4-4 Irilh Linens affortedin boxes of Jo "pieces, v( do. Brown, Glazed Linnen. OA. 17. dtf. f , JFASHJONABLE WAISTCOATING. cc GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, dl SOUTH THIRD-BTREET, Has rectivtd per the Diana, from London, Clouded and striped Sptnifh Swamdowe Clouded Erminats and Moleikias Striped do. and d«. Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Erminttt , Printed Florinetts Do. Caflinets and Caffimeres Superfine printed Quilting-, ijeweft paCerr.s Also, per different arrivals, g A large and general affortme-nt of Dry a Goods, u Suitable to the preftnt and approaching feafffn. November 5. dtt Just Landing, jtt South jlreet e fchoeaer Lydia & Polly, Oliver Jenkins matter, lying at Wileock's wharf. For terms, enquire on board said schooner. November 15th. (i» ] Gafpard Cenas Will open his Dancing School ' On the ift of November, at 10 .'clock in the morning, at OsHen's Hotel. OA. 17. *mwf4 Wm. Holdernesse, No, 76, HIGH-STREET, _ His received by tne late arrivals, A &ttt SeteSed yfssonMl.vT of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and * Haberdashery Good?, Which he will fell, whclefale ami retail, »n the very toueft terms ; AmongJl wiieb are elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and CoUeas, new pirterr.s Ditto Fnniitnre ditto Ditto Dimity tamboured, Book, and Jaranet Mufiifti Ditto in G®ld and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fiTie Mimoas of the firft tfuality Silk and Cotton Hosiery Umbrella* of the firft quality, assorted Irilh Linen*, very fire, and Table Linens Marfeiites and Cotton Counterpanes ■Jsv lc Blankets affortea—Ac. &c. C -vober 16. a Wafliington Lottery. TICKETS, wscramed undrawn, may be pnrchafed or c oljU g«d fcr prizes, at the Ofr.oe, No. 147, Chcfnut i'-reet. wh«re a corred Numerical Bock is kept for pyblic mfpeclioil. Also CaOal Lottery Tickets for sale or ex for prizes di aw* in the Wa&ington Lottery, of " vV.:h the s*th and 39th days returns ar« received. ■y- yii Business of a Broker carried on aj usual. . . A SHARi iu the NEW THEATRE to be fold on reaTorabli ternaf. Ksvcmtw JJ. . 'Wf The brig Weft-Indian's Cargo Wtibbe Landed on Monday mornings lor " The t. ift inflant, V At SoOth-ttrcet Wharf, V Frtrh the North Jtde rf 1 t»o Hoglhecds and one barrel CbJFm: C 13 of Sugar loj Hogiheadt hijjh proof Rum. * A For Sule by zes, PETER BLIGHT. p November 19. §* 'si patent SHOT. . j THE general consumption of Patent .Shot having been preventad by the high price it has hithsrto been f«l J J " at, the Proprietors tike this method of informing the ■Public that they lb ay in future be fupphed witli that arti- cle at the fame prices-as common Sho", by g • Correfponpents to apply to Walkkss, ftlAi/rlr.A Co. London. Nov 9 ( n FOR SALE, hi About i,679 6 - % • u, 1 N. B. Siibfcriptions are tsken by the principal'aookfci lets of Philadelphia aud New York 0- The l'ut fcribers to the HistOry of are res- , . peftfully informed, that it will be ready for delivery early next week. Nov 16. §*■ — STOP THE THIEVES IT! d LAST Wednesday Evening, October 10, between the J heurs of 7 and loo'clock, thebcdioomof Mr Ricketts in d (VEller's hotel Was entered, either by means of falfe keys, ' l " or at the window, by some villain or villains, who mull have x ie been acquainted with the fitaation of the house (as the door was found locked after they had committed the theft) who d took away from amongst several trunks, ONE which con tained a valuable part 01 Mr. Rickett's but of which he is not yet able to ascertain ihrcontents particularly. Af ter bringing the said trunk away? and emptying it of up wards of a thousand dollars iu cash and bank, notes, the vil lains left k behind the circus, during the time that the per formances ofthe evening were going forward It is earnestly requrfted, that all tavern-keepers on the fta#e [ n roads, and the ferry houses, as well as all civil officers, may a be watchful in securing fufpicloua ptrlons, m»y - fC redundance of cash, \*htch their appearance would by no means bespeak them to be poflefficd of. One Hundred Dollars Reward Will be given for lecuring the thief orthievet, and a far ther reward for securing them with the property. Oit 12- d cc M —— — — T •J Twenty Guineas Reward. RAN AW AY from the fubferiber on the ijd O&obor, or a Dark MULATTO BOY, named MOSES ; 21 years ES , old; about 5 feet 8 inches high ; had on a mixed green A re coat, with a green velvet cape and oval yellow buttons ; vn a striped vest; a pair of dark spotted pantaloons, and K . whole boots much worn. It is probable he may change ; C Of his name and dress. He has been actuftoaied t. driving Jol a carriage, and waiting. The above reward will be te He paid for securing him to that the fubferiber may get him o; : k, again, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by :ol is, Robins Cbamberlaine. Eafton, Maryland, Nov. 10. 14 $ Jtnlawtf ; or j t< in ; i n Tveafury Department, £ ' September 28, 1796. * NOTICE is hereby given, that propofais will be re- eeived at the office of the Secretary of the Treasury *. until the cxpiritloli of the "firft day of March next en• suing. for the supply of all rations xrhidi may he required f#r the nfe of the United States, frona the firft day of June, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, >708, both 1 U, jays incluiive, at the places and within the diftnAs here of afscr racntiofled, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara; at t' ffs, lfie; at Sandnlky Lake, and on Sandufey a (hd Riv.r; at Detroit; at Mtchilimackinac; at Fort-Frank- |, *d, lin; at Pittsburgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Hamilton; at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-Jcffcrfon ;at GrcHville; at ® f Ptcqac Towa and Loramies Store jat Fort Adams; at >od p ort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ;at any place b«low Fort the Defiance on the Miami River to Lake Eric; at Fort en. Stsuben ; at Fort Maffac ; at any place from Tort Maflac :er- to the south boundary of the United States on the river MiStippi ;at Fert Kii.i; at Ouiatanon. If lupplies (hall be required for any poitaor places not mentioned in this notice, ail £uch fhail b« fur nifhed t prices proportioned to those to "be pjid at the polls before recited* er as may be hereafter agreed on between the United States and the Contra"or. The rations to be l'appiied are to coniiit of the fol lowing articles, viz. One pcund two ounces of bread or flour. One pound two ounces of beef, er fourteen ounce. 01 » pork or bacon. ( Half a gill of nim, krar.jy t whi&ey. . One quart and half a pint of Two quarts .f Vinegar, (per hundred rations < ■"S* Two pounds of Soap, C , ser " One pound of Candles, J '""i The ration* are to be furnifhed in such quantities, as that , ikere (hall at all times during the said term, be fufiicieat for the cenfumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, De troit, Niagara, auiOfwego, fer the term of fix months in ■ advance, and at each of the other pods, for the term of ( at leafl three moaths in advance, in good and wholesome provif.ons, if the fame stall be required. It is to be un , . dertload, that the Centra<3or is to be at the eipenc* and j' 5 risk of 1 joirg the ftipplics to the troops at each poil, and n ' that all loiTea fuilained by the depredations of an en«ny, or * ca " by means of the troops ofthe United States, fliall be paid H. e for at the price of the article, captured or destroyed, on 1 hi" the depositions of two or more persons of creditable cha ture racier., and the certificate of a commiffioncd officer, af pro- certaiaing the circumftancu of the less, and the amouat of th* at licks for which compensation fliall be claiiaed OLIVER WOLCOTT, ,2W Secretary of the T rcafnry. ' . Robert Smith & Co. 1 No. 58, South Frtnt-Jlrcct, Hive received by the late arrival* from London, Liver pool, and Hull, and by the Ohio arrived at N. York from Glasgow, A large & general afiortment of Goods, Suitable for the Sea/on, con/fling of Duffle, Point and Rose Checks, in (null packages Blanket! Oznaburgs and Brown Hol- White, Red, and Yellow lands Flannel Brown and white Rufiia. Bocking and other Baizes "heetings Second and coarse Cloths Drilli»gs and Diaaers ' Plain and mixed Cafflmeres Calicoes and Chintzes Plain, twilled, and striped and Book MuQins Coatings Do. do. Tamhoured Plains, Kerleys, and Half- Do. do. Handkerchiefs thicks Printed linen rnd check d». White & fpotud Swanikins Romal and Madraft do. t Lainef and fwanfdown vest Mufiin and Chintz Shawls ftiapes Red Ticks Carpets and Carpeting Table Cloths Calimancocs and Durants Laces and Edgings Moreens and Taboreens Fashionable Ribbons Joans Spinning and Crapes Do Hats and Bonnets Camblets and Wildbores Cotten &. Worftcd Hosiery EombaZeens it Bombazets Gloves aqd Mitts ~ Ratttnets and Shalloons White & coloured Thread* Plain, Genoa and printed Italian Sewing Silks Vclverets £c ThicVcts Ivory and Horn Combs '} 7-8, 4-4, and 11-8 Cotton Tapes, BindingsyjVins, &c. They have on hand a large aHortmcnt of India Muslins and Calicoes, black and coloured Perfiana, Banrianno and pullicat Handkerchiefs, 4c. and a quantity of Nutmegs — and Mace. O&pter 17. m«fim Imported in the late arrivals, jlnd to be Sold by JA'COB PARKE, Wo. 49, North fide of High-flreet, Philadelphia, A Gh NEPAL ASSORTMENT OF Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, &c. amokcjt which aae SMtrHS'Anvils, Vices, and Files; .Saw-mill, Croft j cut, Hand, and other Saws; Carpenters' Planes, Chisels, and other Tools; Catrving ChifeU and Googes; Locki, Hipjev Bolts and Latches; Nails, Sprigs, I'aeks, and Screws; Prying-Pane.; Smoothinir-irnns; Shovels and n Tongs; Coffee Mills; Candlelticks; Snuffers; Warming. Pans; Table Knives asd r criispß>di*g Whips; Bar low Pen, and other Pocket Kniv.s; Razors; Scifiars; Neediest Ivory Md Horn Combs; heft Kirby Fifii Hooks; Dials Cabinet F-jmirore; Waggon Boxes; Sheet Brjafs; plated and un'd Bridle Bits and Stirrups ; ilta r_ Si die Nails;, Girth and Straiiinig Wrbbs ; —with mnft kinds of Ironmongery, Cutlery, aadlcry, Bnit Wares, kc. Sec. OA»ber 14. mwffiw Saies of India Goods* The Cargo »f the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal -1? cutta and Bengal, n CONSISTING OF », /L Large and general assortment of Bengal Mid Madm* e XJL COTTON and SILK GOODS. > r AMONG WHICH ARE * A variety fine worked and plain Muflsns, ■fc Dorea&*, ls\\ Also, (' A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, P" In boxes and bags—a ad BLACK PEPPER^ For Sale by Willi ngs £ff Francis, ' e No. a 1 Pecn Street. 'V June t § i* ■■ 1 . . ... WANTED, As Cook, in a private family, A YOUNG WOMAN who can produce good re» commendations of an unexceptionable cfcara&er. En quire of the Printer. November 17. Jtf Loft Last Evening, en At Ricketts's Amphitheatre, (supposed to be taken by 3 ; some villiin out of a gentleman's pocket) □d A red Morocco-Leather POCKET-BOOK. ge J Containing ibont 185 dollars in banknotes; three note* ng j of hand of Rofs and Simfon, No. *04, JOS and XO6, di he ted iathlaft August, payable 60 days after date, to the ™ order of Paul Siemen, together for 5150 dollars; an order by 1 of Mrs; Ann \ acpherfon, from Paul Siemen, en Laeh lin Mac Neil, Ef I ditto 10,000 lo,cJO crt 7 lafl drawa 7 on Tickets, each f i,oo ° ih 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 * tr 10 ditto 400 4,c00 ao ditto 100 2 poo Mt JJ ditto SO i,TS° ur " 5750 ditto II *9.008 , " e To be raifsd for th« Canal, »6,jjo r j3jo Prizes, 17JP G ® lo *" 11650 Blanks, not two to a prile. 17500 atTen Dollars, - 175,C0S 1 01 The Ceramifioners hav» taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid a& for the paniflual payment of the i-riies. The drawing of this Lottery wHI comm«nce, without ons delay, as loon as thf Tickets are fidd, of which timely notice will be given. Su Ji prizes as arc not demanded ie fit moatll*aFter th« drawing is finiihad, Iball be considered as relinquished for ;eat .bcnerit of the Canal, and appropriated acccrdingly- De " (Stgned) NOTLEY YOUNG, * m s DANIEL CARROLL, of D. ' ot LEWIS DEBLOIS. ame GEORGE WALKER, VVm. M. DUNCANSON, 3 THOMAS LAW, or JAMES BARRY. City of Feb. 11. 5 » on .j; cha- — < as - PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, ouat XT J I*o. I*9 CHISWVT-STHIT. 7. [Price Fight Collars per Antrem.) k