Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 19, 1796, Image 1

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    #a?ette §the Amtell^fatW, & Philadelphia Daily Advert;::,: ..
NeMSMJt 10] ' SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 19, *79 6 - _^2l—
'■■ - ■ i'ii ' " Z_ .. " IT" 1 rr>n cat 1? I "Vu/l Landing.
For Sale,
At Poblic Aufiion, on Saturday, November 19th inft. at
at the Merchants Coffee House, 6 o'clock m the even
xMfc. the brig FLY,
Virginia built, of the best materials'
sheathed on the ftoeks tp light wa
ter mark, is years old, burthen eighteen hundred
barrels, or there abouts it well found in every refpetft, and
fails remarkable f a ct—is re*dy to receive a' cvrpo immedi
ately. Inventory to be seen at Footman &Co Auction
Toom, on board at South Street wharf, or at No, 5, South
Fourth Street, by - applying to the fubfciiber,
George, Blight.
Terms of payment —approved indorsed notes at 2,. 4,
and 6 months.
Nov. n. $ lw -
FOf' Freight Or Charter
T» Europe or the W.lndies,
Richard Galley, Master ; burthen 145 ton »» has
good accommodations, and is now ready to receivc a
cargo:- —apply to the Captain on board, firfl whaif
above the Still-House, Seuthwark, or to
Isaac Harvey, jun.
Who has now for faie, at his store, No. 5, South
A quantity 6( Cayenne and Trinidad Cotton
Spanifli Seal Leather
And a parcel «f Carolina Rice, in whole and half
tierces. nth mo. nth. dlw
For Madeira,
The Jhip Concord
Cast. John Thomson. For freight
JEljiivSS iii?or pafcige apply on board, or to
Peter Blight;
Who has for faie, a quantity of
Brandy, in pipes
Whiting and Copperas, in hogfteads
Old Hock, in cases
Dutch Cream-Cheese, in boxes
Window Glass
Empty Gin-Cases '
Glass Ware, in boxes
Painters' Colours, ground in oil
Sweet Oil, in cases of a dozen bottles each
Hazlenuts, in sacks.
Tiovember 11. dim
Wanted to Charter,
1 jiltSv a f a ft~f aiiin & ve i ei ->
That will carry.; or 600 barrels ; to
ajoi6/fer load immediately for the Weft-Indies-
Apply to
Peter Blight.'
November To. tlx
For Sale. -
ft° u t vcflel, about 150 tons bttr
|gr then, wdl found and may be sent to
—sea at a small expence.
Apply to
JoJeph Arithcny and Co.
Nov. 8. dx.
Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to
If the MART is not fold in ifew days, (he will take
freight for Hamburg. Apply as above.
OtSober)!. d
Just arrived, and will this day be lan
ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Che&iut
Areet -wharf.
25 Tons bejl Rtt/Jia Clean HEMP,
Tons old Sable flat IRON,
*00 Coils best Ruflia CORD AGE, aflWrted fizicj,
400 Pieces brown Ruflia SHEETINGS,
Bolts Ruflia DUCK,
940 Pieces Ravens do.
20 Half-down feather beds, and
A few piecesafforred DI.4PER.
Joseph Anthony and Co.
T ' le a '" sw mentioned BRIG
''' ' B a ewr <kv«. and take freight on
"'"derate terms for Boston or Salem, for
•jHSsHsSßiwK.which or palTage, apply on board or as above
Ofloher 31, r
For Charter,
Avri« &TOCKL)TY, Master.
. excc^ent Jive-oak and cedar built
of about 3000 barrels burthen.—Ap-
JeJfe & Robert Wain.
Nov. / ~
*'* IT '* " ■' v "' 1
For London,
The Jhip William Ptnn,
J»f'ah, master. Will fail with all
31 - J "=^ MS H fc ceiivei»esit speed. For freight or baffage
*pply to the Captain on board, or to
Jeffe and Robert Wain. j
November 10, j
For Liverpool, ,
Jacob Deh art, Master.
Has a part of her eargo engaged.— I
For freight or pafFage apply to the tnaf
,er Bn board, at the whar. of the fub
ftribere, or, 1
Jeffe £ff Robert Wain. 1
N "T; .?. ..... . d
For Lisbon,
The Da
nifh barque Bekevevtura,
SamuEL Srus > Master,
A good ve/Tel of about two hundred
*o»s burthen. For freight or paflaee
apply to
JeJJe & Robert Wain.
Nov- 7. d.
For Sale by Public Au£tion,
w On Saturday Evening next, the 19th
at 7 o'clock, if not previously
«f at private faie,
The Brigantine Fame,
Laying at Mr. Samuel Bower's wharf, apd now
>■ ready forfea; aft rang and u*!l built vefTel, aiid calcu
lated either for the European or Weft-India trade, as
i Ihe will carry nearly aOOO barrels—She has been just
i hove down, and may be sent to sea at a small txpence.
- For further particulars, apply to Capt, Knox on board,
1 t6 Samuel Smith, Ship Broker, or
* JOHN CONNELLY, Auflione-r.
November 17. 3*
For Sale, a good flrong built snip, bur
then i3jobarrels, nearly new, well found
can be put to sea as a small expence.
Pjirw».nt will be received in Engiilh or
India good*, or if more agreeable to the*purchafer, 3,
6, and 9 months credit would be given on approved
' notes, for further particulars enquire at No. 8, Soyth
s Water-street, or No. 29 North Tliird-ftreet.
f November 16. . 47*
The capital (hip CERES,
1 09n : —^ or freight or paflage
to DAVY, ROBERTS St Co. »r
'John Vaughan,
f September 10. Frar.t-ftrcct. /. .
This Day will be Landed,
From on board the bi;ig Difpard), Captain P. Bnrm,
from Malaga, at Morris a %i harf, just above the
Raifir.s, in kegs, boxes and baiksti
Figs in kegs
Prunes in boxes
Grapes in jars
Olives in ditto
Lemons in chefls
Anchovies in kegs
Almonds, foft (helled, in frcks
Brandy in butts
Sweet Mountain Wine in quarter-cafks—&c.
For Sale by
Peter Kuhn.
November 17. §6
THE P artnerfljip of JONATHAN HARVEY & Co,
being this day Diflblved hy mutual consent, tbofeindebt
ed to Otid firm arc requested to make fpeeoly payment to
0 Jonathan Harv«y, who is authorized to receive the fame,
.. and those who have any demands will please to bring in
their accounts to him for settlement
The Bujinejs will be Continued
By Jonathan Harvey,
Where he has for Sale,
A general afiortment of Dry Goods.
3 vea:l k er Ui 1796. {tm
An elegant Bay Horse for faie,
Enquire at George Green's Stables, in Pine-street,
between Fourth and Fifthrttreets.
. No». 18. }|iw
To he I*et,
A large cellar, in Walnut-ftreet'jlvft above Fourth-Street, tbat
i& floored with two inch plaok., and will hold upwards of 100
pipes of wme.
) Also, aSlable and Coach-house, that will hold four hor
ses and i-too carriages; and several ilorei .in Fourth Street' —
; Apply to
George Mead-e.
Who has Jor Ja:le y
25 boxes of CafUle soap
Red Lisbon Wine
t A few pipes of bill of exchange wine
A few barrels ot'trifh mess beef
And a few barrels of (hip bread.
Nyv 4 : dist.
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo of the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingay, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
consisting or
A Large and general aflortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fne -worked and plain Mujlins,
n Doreas, t3*f. Also,
r A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
e In boxes aad bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Willings If Francis,
No. ai Penn Street.
June S §
' In the Press,
And will be pnblifhed in a few days by MATHEW
CAREY, at No. ng, Market-street,
To the Electors oj the Preft dent of the
United States,
First published in the Gaaette of the United States, in
1 a series ef papers adder the signature of
Containing fonae ftriflures on Mr. Adams's De-
Unce of the American Conftiturions, and on the
EfTays of since published without that
bgnature, in a pamphlet entitled " The pretensions of
Thomas Jelkrlon to the Prefldeney examined, and
the charges against John Adams refuted."
' .NOV. 18. ||
Walhington Lottery.
The 38th and 3Qth days' drawing of the Wafliington
Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office No. j )4 , Mw
ket-ftrcct, where tickets may be examined.
N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other
lotteries may be procured.
November 17, 1796. j
A'«. 73, South Front Street,
Has for Sale,
30 Hogfhcads tobacc# of Richmond infpeflion.
< *°* do. of Petersburg da.
25 do. do. of Fpederickflmrg do.
So do. 3o« of Alexandria.
NOV ' IS * mwj,f,t.
A few hogsheads of choice RUM,
A number of barrels of BEEF, -and PORK,
And a few kegs of EARD, of a superior quality.
Enquire at No. 71, north Water-street.
November 8, 1796.
For Sale.
7 cafcs coarse hats
Copper bottom* and sheets
Shot, all flies, patent and common
Sheet and barr Lead
F.nglilh ihoes and boots in cases
Tin plates ►
Gold watches
Taunton ale in cask«.
Apply to
Simon Walker ,<
124, So. Fourth Street.
Nov. 8. d'4t-
London Particular Madeira Wine,
In pipes,' hog(heads and quarter-cafits,
Landing this day at Chefnut-llreet Wharf, and
for falc by
Jofepb Anthmy & Co.
Nov. I.
Best Boston & Nova Scotia Mackarel,
Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbls.
47 bbls. prime Coffee,
Best Boston Beef,
Codfifh in hds.
Spermaceti Candles,
Spermaceti, and 1 OIL
Northern - j
Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a superior
A few boxes excellent brown soap,
6 Bales of Corks.
40 Pipes excellent Lilbnn Wine.
A few sacks of leathers.
A few bales India Muslins.
Odlober 31. d
The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPTAIN CATIICART, from Alicant and Lis
bon, landing at the fubfciibers wharf—
28 Pipes of Brandy
x 8 Bales of Spanish wool
3 do. of Annifeed
70110 BuOiels of heft Lisbon Salt
80 Boxes of Lemons
Seventy Hog-fheadt of prime JAMAICA SUGARS,
-cceiverl by the (hip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart,
Prom Kingston.
Sept. 13. d
: — — r ■
Irilh Linens, &c.
Imported ptr the Jhipt Glajgou, from Dublin, Liter
tj, from Cori, and biig MMtdr, from Be fcjl,
4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS,
In whole and half Ixjxcs, 1
Assorted "from I id. to 4s. fterlipg —Also J- t, wide i
Sheetings, and low priced yarn md worftcd.Hofe.
On Hand,
7-8 Wide Lawns.
IDupers and Table-Cloths
A few'boxcsTickens and Checks
A few bales Flannels
Cork and Belfaft Sail Cloth, Nos. 1 and 6
15 Boxes } r 6by 8,
10 Ditto s Window Glass, s 7 by 9,
S Ditto 3 ( 8 by 10 .
The above mentioned Goods arc all entitled to the
drawback, and will be disposed of by the package ®n
reasonable terms.
James, Clibborn & English,
No. 6, N. front-ftreet.
loth mo. 19th. dtf
A Manufactory FOR SALE.
, Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, (ituate
in a convenient part of the city ; the works almoU new,
on an entirely original couflruaion, and built of the bed
materials, and may be set to work immediately. Persons
who with to purchase, arc requested to apply at No. 270,
South Second Street. September 13. ttf tt
1 -
Imported in the iate drrii< tit from Europe end the
(Vejl- Indies,
Holland Gin, in pipes
Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum
Martinique Molaff.s, h, hogsheads
( hoice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-caflts
London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine,
ID h a 'f-p'pes and quarter-caCts
Ma!mf»y Madeira Wine, in pipes and quarter-caflca
1 enerine Wine, in pipes
Russia & Flctnifh Sheeting and Ravens Du ( -k, in eases
Window Glass, 3 by io, in bo-xes
Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in calks
Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes
Also, on hand,
A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jcfuits Bark ; Aflafos
tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of Collies,
Battas, G urrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Ilaudker
chiefs, and a complete afiortment of 5-4 and 6-4
Boulting Cloths. *
For Sale by
Pragers & Co.
oa ° h " 10 dawm&tbim
T he Elephant
THE public are refneflfully informed, that
> t^l * animal is to be leen every day, from 8
o'clock i» the morning till fun down, in Market-
Ttreet, No. ie6, south fide, between Third and
Admit:ancz a quarter cf a dollar, that every ci
tizen may fee him.
! (^e feqweft of many persons it will be
exhibited on evenings from five to eight o'clock.
« half a dollar—The ,00m will be well
November 7.
Jufl Landing,
And for Sale, a quantity of
FROM Oil board the fchooaer Lyffia & Polly, Oliver
Jenkln< matter, lying at Wilcock's wharf. Fsr
terms, inquire on board said schooner.
Nftvrmber T rrh. y rw
For Sa}e by John J. Parry,
A r o. 38, S. Second vrtr Cbtfrmi-ftrtrt,
A few excellent GOLD WATCHES,
From Forty to One Hundred Dollars,
Of various prices—all warranted.
An iflortment of Chains, Seals, Keys, and Trinlcrts,
Eight Day Clocks supplied. and Clocks & Watchos
repaired with dispatch and great care.
Best Watch Glafles 'by the groee.
November 11. tgf&ss^r
About 1,600 acres of Land,
WELL situated, laying on and between Marftt
and Beech Creeks, Mioin county, Pennsylvania, in
four fcparate Patents. For terms ot sale apply to
Wm. Blackbtirn,
No. £4, Sauth S'cond-ftreet.
October 31. mwftf
Just Landing,
At South flreet wharf, from cn board the /hip Sctfy f
ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Peterfiurg,
The following Goods:
Russia Sail Duck, firft qu»Uty-
Do. Sheeting do.
; Do. Diaper.
Do. Huckaback.
Do, Crash.
Do. Mou'd Candles, 4, 5 and 6, »o the lb. of the
English file.
Do. "White Candle Tallow.
Do- White Soap in small boxes.
Do. Cordage of Gac yarn.
Ravens Duck.
IfingUf., ill and fprt.
Horse Hair uncurlcd.
Ruflia Bar Iron.
Do. Hoop Iron.
Do. Nail Kods.
10 Tons Oakum and Junk.
St. f eterfhurg Clean Hemp;
For Sale by
Philips, Crainorkl, & Gs.
-Ofl»ber i». -J
Fashionable W/hstcoating.
Has received per thr D'mnn, from London,
Clouded and flripcd Spatiiih Swanfdown
Clouded Erminits and Moleikins
Striped do. and da.
Figured Manillas
. Scarlet figured Erihintts
Printed Florinetts
Do. Caflinets and Cafiimeres
Superfine printed Quiltings, neweTl patterns
Also, pier different arrivals, , - '
A large and general assortment of Dry
' Goods,
Suitable to the prrfent and approving feaforj.
November 5. djf
Out of different -vejfelt from England, and for fate
by the fubjeribers on reasonable terms,
Superfine and common cloths, and caiTimers
Ribbed anj ftrip'ed do. do.
: Blankets , mottled green and silk rugs.
Superfine blue, Claret, and c»mmon coatings,
Kerseys, Bear-skins, plains and Halfthicks,
■ Swanlkins, Serges and Flannels,
1 Britilh Ingrain Carpeting,
Hats allotted in cases of 12 doz. each.
Chocolate chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs.
< Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail,
Yarn, Worded, and Cotton hosiery,
. Beavers, Thickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &c.
Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality.
6d. Bd. iod. lad. ood. nails, and frying pans,
C of Ironmongery, Gutlery and a variety
♦ of India cotton, and silk g*<jds.
, Thomas fcsf JoJhita Fijher.
.„ , , , No - S, Dock-fttreet.
Alio by the Glasgow from Dublin,
t-8 and 4-4 Irilh Linens assorted in boxes of 30 pieces.
do. Brown, Glaxed Linnen.
f 0A • 17- dtf.
For Sale,
A Three-story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
XX ilreet, between Front and Second Ilreets, in which
3 f- J am es Calbraith & Co. have for matiy years (and
flow do J carried on business.
' Poffeilion will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
, A P nl lu §
For Sale,
By Jehu Hollinghoorth, & Co.
#5 hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof
5 Barrels best Indigo, and,
A few thousand bulhels of Turk's Island fait
oa._i7. "•
For Sale,
An Invoice of Cordage,
Confiding of different sizes, from 12 inch cables down
to rope of a inches, of diffeiwt lengths i Imported ia
the ihip Swift, ,'rom Hull, and entitled to drawback
Scpt - dtf'
Benjamin and Jacob Johnson,
No. 147, Market-street,
Have received by the fc aß Liverpool and
«r »r Wr7 , qffortment'cf DRT GOODS,
Well fmted to the approaching season, which they will
fell on the lsweft terms by the piece or packare
O<ftobrri4. ® *
■ ' ta\V4w
City Dancing Aflembly.
The firft AlTembly will be held on Tfcnrlday next
! 7 th November, at Oellers's Hotel. X the
Nov 14 ®y order of the Managers.