f> • y : * » s •-? j ' iK " •:\ ?? .'■•***■'+' . ' ■■' 1 :•' .. " j 'v *'• . X- " *w #a?ettt ifn* b-Philadelphia tidily Advertiser. , s wriipjr FVENIIsX;. NOVEMBER 11,1796- [Tows X. W««. .3°4-] I ,„r 1 ' , lO HN MIL! IK, Jun. & Co. For Freight or Charter •>V To Europe or the W.lndies, Th» new Brig FAIR AMERICAN, Calley, Master ; burthen 14J t has rood :aiodationH and is now ready to receive, a C»rg„ ;— Apply te the Captain on board, firft whuf above tirf Still-House, S.uthwark, or to Jfaac Harvey, jun. \Vh; for sale, at his itore, No. 5, South YVater-ftreet, of Cayenne Cotton Soal Leather And a parcel of Carolina Rice, in whole ™d ha» tierces. nth mo. nth. " 2 " r " For Madeira, The Jhip Concord, Capt. John Thomfan. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Peter Blight; Who has for sale, 1 quantity o£ Brandy, in pipes Whiting and Cnpperat, in hojftieadt Old Hock, in cases Dutch Cream-Cheese', in boxes Window Glass Empty Gin-Cases Glass Ware, in boxes Painters' Colours, ground in oil Sweet Oil, ii» cases of a dozen battles each Hazlenuts, in sacks. November 11. d 1 ™ • ' Wanted to Charter, /Jwll A fajl-failing Vessel, B That will rarry 5 or 600 barrels ; t° -SiOsisfc:. load immediately for the Weft-Indies- Ajply ro Peter Blight. November 10. - '' dx For sale, freight or charter, Stephen Smith, Master. AN entire {few vessel, ninety-three tons burthen, com plettlf rotjnd, and may lie sent to sea without any npenfe. Fdr terms, apply oh board, at Clifford's wharf, •r to JOSEPH ANTHONY & CO. NOV. 9 6§ For Sale. -jeag"- The Ship CHARLOTTE, A flout veflel, about >jo tons bur "" wc " f° un d may be sent to JStwrTi k* at i f" 13 " expence.' Apply to Joseph Anthony Arid Co. ... Nor. 8. dx." FOR SALfe, 7 HE SHIP M ART, SAMUR i- PARKER, MA«tbr, Two hundred tons burthen. Acrlv to — A f\ 1 .VUjM f , litfi. If the MARY is hot fold in a few days, she will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. Oflober 31. d r-£">-v For Nfew-York, I The Schooner Mary, SSftSfl Tnfiah Douglafs. matler ; will fail in a few days, and take freight very low. Apply to 'Joseph Anthony & C&, Nov. 3. 6 Just arrived, and will this day be lan ded from on board the brig FAVORITE at Chefnut llreet wharf* 25 Tons befi Rujfia Clean HEMP, 56 Tens old Sable flat IRON', sbo Coils best Rultia CORD AGE, affortcd fire% 400 Pieces brown Ruflia SHEfcTINfCS, 100 Bolts Ruflia DUCK, 240 Pieces Ravens do. no ftalf-down feather htds, and A few rfecet assorted FOR SALE ST Joseph Anthony and Co. Th* above mentioned B R I 6 few days, and tak: freight on tfrrns for BoOon or Salem, (or o passage, apply oft boafd or as abovt October 31. d 1 * ' + , For London, Th ship William Perth, , master. Will fail with »U *" :S - K?J " 3f: «= iSS cenveicnt fpertance to themselves; _it_js t " refoi# cXfcflcd even' ene will attend. If GEORGE LATIMER, } WILLIAM BELL, > Assignees. PETER HLIGHT, 3 Philadelphia, loth Nov. 1796. d Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackarcl, Jt Excellent Halifa* Salmun in bbs«. 47 hbls. prime Coffee, Best Boston Beef, , Codfilh in hds. Sperraaccti Candles, Spermaceti, and ? OIL Northern J Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a superior quality. A few boxes extellent brown soap, 6 Bales of Corks. 40 Pipes excellent Lisbon Wine. A few sacks of Feathers. A few bales India Muslins. FOR SALE BT JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. Oflober 31. d t Q — — *• Printed Calicoes. John Miller, jun. & co. Have received per the William Penn, in addition to their own afforment, A of twenty, trunks of Calicoes, ele gant London patterns; alfoafew cases of handsome Buttons —Which* will be fold at a (hort credit, on very rcifonahle terms, by the package only. oa. 14. dtf "y Irish. Linens, &c. Imported per the Jhips Glnfeoiv, from Dublin, Liber ty, from C.or.'t, and 61 ir; Mentor, from Belfa/i, " 4-4 and 7-8 Wide" IRISH LINENS, In whole and half boxes, r _ Assorted from I Id. to 48. sterling—Also 5-4 wide , Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worsted Hose. Oti Hand, 7-g Wide Lawn*. ( Diapers and Table-Cloths A few boxes Tickens and Checks _ A few bales flannels Cork and Belfafl Sail Cloth, Nos. x and 6 1$ Bo*»i r 6 by 8, 10 Ditto > Window Glass, < 7by 9, » ; Ditto J C 8 bf 10. . The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the o drawback, and will be difnafed of by the packaac_on— riSlMiauie tuiii^.—^ « James, Clibborn «EngnTh, No. 6, N. Front-street. loth nio. T9th. dtf 10 hogsheads St. Croix Rum, S Pipes Vinegar, For Sale, by Erekiel Hall, lio. ao, Penn Street. Nov, 7- - Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, H:ts received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and striped Spanilh Swanfdowa Clouded Ermiuats and Molerttins Striped do. and de. Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Erminets Printed FlorinettS j t)o. Caftinets and Cafiimeres Superfine pvirftcd Quiltings, newest patterns Also, per different arrivals, A large and general assortment of Dry , Goods, Suitable to the present and approaching season. _ November j. dtf Just Landing, At South-Jlreet wharf, from on board the /lip Sedg . ley. Captain Hodge, from St. Peterfourg, ;e The following Goods : Reffia Sail Dock, firft quality. I Do. Sheeting do. > Do. Diaper. Do. Huckaback. Do. Crash. ( Do. Would Candles, 4, 5 and 6, to the lb. of the Enghlh size. , * Do. White Candle Tallow. j IX" White Socp in small boxes. - Do. Cordage of fine yarn. ; Ravens Duck. lfinglafs, jft and [2nd fort. Horse Hair uncurlcd. t Ruflia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. ( Do. Nail Rods. 10 Tons Oakum and Junk. > St. Petersburg Clsan Hemp. j > For Sale by j Philips, Cramond, & 6e. (> P n. Sheridan's Dictionary, 1/IS SIXTH FDITIOW, Is this Day Publiflied, BY IV. TOUNG, MILLS 3 SO N, ( orncr of Second and Chefnut streets, In one large ovo. •volume, price 7 dollars. I,ANr^r P F LF i 11 l D : C " noNARY of the F.NGLHH ~ , LANGUASE both w,th >egard to found and meaning, one mam objed of whith to cflablilh a plain and per manem Standard of Pronunciation. Te which is prefixed 1 % rroloaial Grammar. BT THOMAS WKMD/IN, /». M. 0*ob« n, tt&3 For Sale, By Jehu Hollingfworth, Iff Co. 35 hhds. Well-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, e j Barrels best Indigo, and*, .•* r A few thoufuid bvftiels of Turk's lHand fait. oa. n. d - OLD • London Particular Madeira Wine, r In pipe?, hoglheadj and qtiarter-rafks, ' Landing thi* dav at Chefnut llreet Wharf, acd 1 » for f-lc by Joseph Antheny & Co. Nev. I. : d 1 For Sale, By J. WARDER, PARKER b 5 Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confiding of different sizes, from 1 a ir.ch cables down to rope of 1 inches, of different lengths: Imported in the ship Swift, frort) Hull, and entitled to drawback. J Stpt. S7. ~ TO BE SOLD, A LOT of GROUND, 164 feet 7 inches front on South f Water-street, and bounding on the Delaware about the fame width, with a wharf thereon in good repair. On the fide adjoining I'un alley, is a urge and well built dwelling house, and counting hotife, communicating with each other, 47 feet Wide, a spacious kitchen, and other well planned accommodations, and below ihefe r. stack of stores, 61 feet in front, by 93 feet in lfcngth, built a few years ago; on the remainder of the lot on V.'ater-ftreet, there are two ancient brick dwellings, a Gosper's shop, & a frame ftofe, now occupied by Mr. Alexander Tqd, and bounds adjoining the ftore»of the heirs of the late Joseph _ Wharton. It will be better dcfcribeVl by drafts and pans of the ground, and buildings, to be-feen at JOHN WIL- . COCKij's compting house, on the premises, ;.ri4&f vrflSm purticnlan as The Cargo «f the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTiNC OF ALtrge and general assortment of Bengal and Madras CO FTON and SILK. GOODS. AMOMO WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Muslins. Dorcas, ttfe. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boiet and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Salt by Willings & Francis, i_ , >-» XX Penn Stici:— JTBTT« 8 - The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, CAP IAIN CAT HCART, from Alicant and Lis bon, landing at tht l'abfcriliers wharf— ■a.B I'ipes of Brandy 18 Bales of 9pani& woo! 3 do. of Arrnifred 7030, Hulhels of best Lisbon Salt 89 Boxea of litmbut ' . For file by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hogflieads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the ship Dominicjt Jerry, Capt. De Han, , from Kin^fton. Sept. 13. > ' — —— * A CApItAL ASSORTMENT OF ' DRY GOODS. John Miller, jun & Co. F.xclufive of their own Importation now opening ; Have received by the William Penn, Caroline and D.'ana 1 CONSIGNMENTS, < Which coftiprize a capital assortment to open a ' Dry Goods Store, 1 r —Amongst them are— Commoji, fup«r and fuperfine Cloths, Plain, twill'd and ftrip'd Coatings, Baizet and Flannels, Point, rose and u'uffil Blankets, J > ■ Plain and puntea Caffimeres, 1 Swanfdowns, . , Printed Calicoes, t Scotch Threads, Hoiiery. They will be fold either in whole, or in part, by the . package, on terms wh,ch render them an objefl worthy of ' attention to purahafers. dtf 21 L AND I N G, " Out of different vessels from England, and for sale by the fuljertbers on renfonahle terms, Superfine and common clotht, and caflimers P.ibbed and striped do. do. Blankets, mottled green and silk rugs. - h Superfine bine, Claret, and common coatings, Kerseys, Bear-skins, plains and Halfthicks, Swanikms, Serges and Flannels, Writifh Ingrain Carpeting, Hatsafforted in of 12 doz. each Chocolate dilntles, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs, scarlet Cardinal, and Starlet Snail, Virn, and Cotton hosiery, Velvets, Cordutoys, &c. See. Bi. and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality. 0 A and f'Ting pans, fl of hidfa r» m « nt ° c ;[ imongcrry ' tutle ry and a variety I 0! India cotton, and fiJk go^fds. Thomas Joshua Fijher. t ; A if. l , 5, Dock-fttfect, Alio by she Glasgow from Dublin, '".io" nr' 4 Llrl , ens ® (r ° rte d in bones of 30 pieces, 6 do. Brown, Glazed Linnen. a oa - I? ; dtf. li To be Sold, ~ ' The Time of a smart, adive Lad Who has Eleven years to frrve Enquire it No. j«, Sovth Front street. f 3 Oolober it. 13 JOHN MILLER, Jun. & Co. No. .S, CHESNUT STI\EET, Have Imported In the late veiTefs from Europe, &c. AND HAVE 1 OR SALE, A general affortnsent of GOODS, fuitabif to the feafos— Amongst which are, BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, Flain and twill'd COATINGS, Rofeftriped and i>oint BLANKETS, FLANNEJ-S and*BMSES, HATS allotted in cases, IRISH LINENS, INDIA GOODS, fcneraJW t A Coafifpfed Invoice 6i Comprifinjr n capital aJTortmemto npeii aflorf—inclu ding Thirty Casts of NAIL 4 *. This iitvoite wiii be fold entire on very advantageous terms. September 20. d Wm. Holdernksse, No. 76, HIGH-STREET, Has received by the late arrivals, ~A Well Selected Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, an the very lowed terms ; Amongji which ore , * Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cot(oni,-new patterns , _ Ditto'Fnrniture ditto Ditto Dimity . , „ Tamboured, Boot, and Jaconet MuCipt,- , Ditto in Gold and Si'vor Ditto very fihe , Mantuats of the crft quality Silk ard Cotton Hoficrjl^' Umbrellas of the aborted Jritfi I.iiiaM.-t! r rvl::ic. and TriGfe Liiicrff and Cotton Counterpanes Rose Blankets alTorted—tec. ice. Oisob«r 2 . meat. EIGHTY DOLLARS is offt.e4 te any person who will discover S4?d ftcuVe th'e thief, asd/ FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the a\ove oneu notes and papers at No. 119, corriff tff Front I*artd1*artd Mulberry Greets. d Oct. 11. ' The Creditors of Scott and M'Michtfel, formerly merchants of this city, arid who failed in the year 1763, or 1764, (and frOm Whom the jpur chafed bills of exchange to amount of several hundred pounds tterUng, which have lain r>y him ever finefc,) *fe rcqueftfcd, evirt man ot th*m that is lining, to meet at the City-Tavern on Tucfday, the ijth'oTNovembtr re*t, at 6 o'clock in the evening, in order to oblige Churlas Coi, formerly of this oity, now of New-Jersey, and John Bayard, formerly of said city, and fyeaier of the House * r.a ..iifwicki^fcw-Jerfey, assignees ot said Scott 8t M'Michapl, to con\c forward aad pay over the monies they have had in their hands belong tng to the creditors thele ji or 33 years. Some years a go the creditors were called together ; Mr. Cox appear ed in behalf of himfelf and Mr. Bayard, arid alfegcil tV.t they were apprehensive they might be brought into tro'ii ble*if they parted with the. money (wh?ch I apprehend is some thousands,) as his Britannic Majefly had a debt dtie him sot government bills: it was however agreed by the creditor! met, tli it the afiignee*. feoul 1 take the opinion of couniel; they did so, and it was that they would be fafe in dividing the money among the creditors. I m-gtd Mr. Co* td bring thebufmefs to a finklclnfe ; his ac,fwer w as, it would be but a trifling sum ; my reply was, if ever so , :rifiing, I would have my proportion of it. It has how ever lain over. - I therefore h®pe the creditors -will now corae forward and oblige the a£sghses tojdividt whatever thtyhave, and they onght to pay intersfl too, George Meade. Philadelphia, ad November, 1796. df 1 jtT* The Creditors of Clement Biddle & Co. are reqttefted to meet at the City-Tavern op MondayJhe 14th inft.—ia order to oblige tiicf assignees to a fcttlcpi«nt of thc.it affairs, which have lain these twelve years: the fsbferiber's demand is for a returned bill of i,oool. ficr ling, damages ao per cent, and interest. j , . George Meade. Philadelphia, 3d November, 1796. N. B Charles Biddle'* name byo miflafec as an aflignee. It appeari he is only aa agent apftoiutod by them. The foregoing advertisements are a good assignees. I could give a further one if it nuas necejfary Wine. 30 Pipes of the best quality, and fit for immediate use, just imported i* the schooner I.ucy from Madeira and for &le by "John Craig, . No. 12, Dock-street.. • "ho has for Sale, Teneriffe Wine, in pipes, Jwjg&eads, and qr. ca&». Window Gkifs. S«gars, &c. Sec. X'wo trunks of the best Cotton an(J Silk Hofierv. mwftf The Elephant TIS jRETUIbfSD FROM BALTtMORF HE public are re/peQfully informed, thai this animal is to be leen every day, ftora g o'clock tn tho motnmg till fun down, in Market ,®6 ' folrth fide ' Third and Fourth-ft*eet». ,h "" ,cry d - C 5" At thi request of many otfrfong it vvjll be excited oa evening* from t0 eirht o'clocJc, h a each.— room will be well November 7. . • SALT PETRE. ~ A large quantity of Double-Refiued Sartre fen' sale at No. ay, South Third-street. c Novirmber .5, ' ~