Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 09, 1796, Image 4

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    V -**s»
vjity cf Wafliington. i
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
FEDERAL CITY. ' houfeo)
jif o-> I Delawa
A magnificent ? *0,000 dol.ats, & / 5 0,0t>0 1 a ciuan
dweliing-h'oufe, 5 cash 30,000, are ) I \Unrl;ii
i ditto 15,000 & calk 15,000 40,000 j jj or f cs
'1 ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 30,000 J '
1 ditto 10,000 & caih iojooo »0,000 I
1 ditto 5,000 &. cash 5,000 10,000 j »
1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 10,000 6-
>t caftprivof I°.° oo CaU-es'
,do. 5,000 each, are ■ 10,000
10 do. 1,000 - - JO.OO" Gne s
•»o do. 5 00 " * ' Uye in
C 0 d °- ,U ° ' . * . \oZ°o A qua,
300 do. 5° ' I Indiai
4C °f It ' loZl The,a
ijooo do. 1 dancewi
15,000 do. ro - - W°° I ITown b
— N. B.
16,739 Prizes. J yeir3
Blanks. { ~N T ov.
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollar., 400,000 |
N. B. To favour thafe who may take a quantity oi . 7 cast '
Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawn Coppe
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but onf. : I >
And approved notes, securing payment in either money Sheet
•r prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for Engl.f
any number not less than 30 tickets. . .1 ~
This Lottery will afford an elegant fpe amen thepri- GoW
vate buildings to be ereSed in the City of Wafh.ngton- TaUttt
Two beautiful defiens are already feleftcd [err the entire j
fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawings-l
it is proposed to ered two centre and four comer buildings, j
as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey j
them, when complete, to the fortunate advenmrtrs, in
the manner described in the fchemc for the Hotel Lottery.
A nettdeduflion of fiiwper cent, will be made to defruy j
the necessary expenses of printing, Second the iurplus
will be made a part of the fund intended for the National
University, to be creaed within the city of Waflungton. Sgl j .
The Drawing will commence ?s soon as the tickets art I
fold off.—The laoney prizes will be payable in thirty days 1
after it is finifked ; and any prtfei for which fortunate j <
numbers arc not produced within twelve months after the I
drawing isdofed, are to be considered as given towards | ror ra ,(j
the fund for thd University ;it being determined I to/fettle ihe L
the whole business in a year from the elding of the draw- I feffio.
ing, and to take up the bonds given as fecunty. Schu>
The real given for the payment of the Pnzes, Berk,
are held by the President and two Dirtf&ors of the Bank 1 .
of Columbia, and ate valued at more than halt the a
mount of the lottery. , f ,
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of 4
the late Commilßoners aflilled in the management ol the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake tbisardu oust aft: g D
a l'econd time on behalf of the public ; a iufficieiit num teo
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National University and the other federal ob- ,
lefts mar continue to favor the design.
By accounts received from tJhe different parts of the {
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tlckets
have been sent for sale, the public are affared that tli« g<<>o
drawing will speedily commence, and that the cart alld
caution unavoidably necessary to'infure a fafe difpoiall ol
th« tickets, has rendered the iter: -suspension indilpenlabU.
Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of
Tames Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Feter ;
if John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells fin.Jhc
Cooper's Ferry. °° , Driswi
Lottery , oi 'p\
FOR raising fixthonftnd fix hundred and sixty-seven Jofep
dollars and fifty cents, by a deducftioti of fifteen per \y am
cent from the prizes, arid not two blanks to a pnrs. viz ,
r Prire of 5000 dollars is dol.ars 5000 J
J 1000 1000 Kea
1 500 i°°
. too *°co Tit
JL 103 aooo above
* 50 49i0 «go:
108 25 ' s°°° arer<
iC oo 10 » 0 ' 000 te " D i
5 Last dfiwn numbers of 1000 dollars each, 5000
4331 Prizes. 44<4J0
4018 Blanks. " "
A n
/350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,45°
By order of the Direflors of the Society for eftabhlh- p
jngUfefulManufadures, the fuperintendants of the Pat- *
erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to o'ffer the
foregoing Scheme to the pubKc, and have dire&ed them
to refund the money to th»fe petfons who have purchased
i D the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
in this Lottery. ... ,
The lottery has a&nally cotnmcncefl drawing, and will
continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes -5
may be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 64 '
south Second treet, whs will give information where tick-
«ts may be procured.
Dated this 17th day of. June, 1796.
"AGOB li. HARDENMRG,' ( Managers.
dtf eo q» 1
UNFtED states; I 7
NOTICE i& hereby given, that puifuant to a writ to me
diiefted, from tl>c Hon. Richard Peterfc, Esq. Jtidqe of w '
ftife Difir>a Court of the United States, in and for the Pcniv
i'ylvaniadiftrift, will be cXpoied to sale, on Thursday the 10th
mft. at 11 A. Ml
1 Boat,
1 Ktdgc Anchor, j
t New MainfaiJ, j
1 Half worn do.
1 Foresail,
3 Jib,
x Elying do.
j "fopfail, ai.d
1 Squirefatl with a bonnet, together with sundry ftahdifcgl
•ru\ running ringing, and rubles.
•J'he iwne having beer ifbdlcd against, and condemned for
the payroept of iaivage, &c.
Marshal's Office, Bth Nov. 1796. __
Just Imported,
In the fchcouer Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Madeira, -t
and ta he fold by
Best London particular Madeira Wrne,
'j frte years old,
In pipes, hogsheads, and quarter calks, fit for im
mediate ufc. —Tlit;y have alio tar lale,
A few bags of Juniper Berries. "
O6loberaß. W&S4W p
By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chtfnut-ftreet,
(Price 12 1-2 Cents)
The President's Address
Tu the People of the United States,
Announcing liis intention of retiring from public life
v at the expiration of the prefcut constitutional tcrfii of
40, d
. To be Sold w
On Monday, the fourteenth day of November, at the A
'{ house of the late Widow Kille, on the banks of the
Delaware, near Racoon lower bridge.
j A quantity ofHoufehold and Kitchen furniture.
I -Working oxen. A Cale
Horses, A com
J Milch cows. and Jud:c
Fat cattle. A Lift
Hogs. Poft-O
J Sheep. clofmg th
Calves. y The V"
Two light riding waggOnt, witii harness. Tin^s
One Sleigh. Courts.
1 Rye in the; ground, and in thebuihc.. A tahli
A quantity of hay. . A lift c
Indian corn, and all kinds of farming of . :n a» •
The sale to begin at ten o'clock on said ,4av- -V ' f 4tes hit.-
1 dance will be given, and the conditions of lale mads. ncv t ,
known by RfCHARD TITTERMAR\ . tUfefi-l
N. B. Said farm to he let on a lease tor one or more p encej
I years A regi
| T\ov. t. -■—^— Peuhfylv
i For Sale. And^
oil 7 cafescoarfehats . tK >"- 1:1
vn I Copper bottoms and Iheets graved t;
Shot, all lizes, patent and comflion handfptni
ay I Sheet and barr lead
for I English Ihoes and boots f cases
Tin plates
ri- 1 Gold watches
j TaUitton ale in calks.
ire Apply to By JO I
,gc,.| St Til on Walker, voium
■gs, j 124, So. Fourth Street. dollar!
No%B. iliL.
r ' D By Authority.
fy | ; By tl
ray I _ 1 ,
,lu3 l Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
1121 I J
| Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN* No. 64,
a y S J South btfondjlreet* tylade
'rds j far ra i& H g Sixty Thouland Dollars, ag'enblv K> »**«<> But f:
ttlc j ihe Lefiiflaturc of Peonlylvama, patted durmg. lt,e •*' Stam
aw-| feflion, for fiuilding a Stone Bridge over the River m
I Schuylkill, at ihe Boiough of Keadiog, in
zes, Berks. tt Tf a
; ank .PrUeof.ooooM.ars -
:a " ' 3 t efT=o° o d 0 0. -* - "r- Fdlo-,
lto{ 4 do. of *,oo; do. , - ' oo ° I f" Unl
so do. of 1 ,coo do» - - - «,oco these r a
rZ ■JO do. <if 500 do. - • 10.i 0 " j a few c<
80 do. of 200 do. - - - 16,00 c d'elign 1
»eo do. 6f ieo do. - - a®, ooo the fori
v 300 do. of 40 do. - 151 000 theroor
' 1 do. of jCO do to be paid the poflef- J 0Q jo betia
for of the firll drawn 110. 5 5 and mai
r the c do. of g.oco do. to be paid polfeffors > cxecut ; c
:kets of the laa drawn uos-S J periodu
do. of 1 5 do. ! * 141,000 e ji p ra ;
if of ,o,o 5t frizes 300,000 mote vi
"abl<«. 10,046 Blanks
t . 30,000 Tickcti at Ten Dollars 300,000
fton : All Prises (hall be paid fifteen days after the drawing 13 Cor)
Veils finifhed, upon the demand of a polleflor ot a fortunate Mils V
ticket, fabjeft to a dedu£ion ot twenty per cent. The W«ek
Drawing will commence as soon as the Ticket* arc difpokd mcn?
of, or perhaps fobner. of which public notice will be given.
Philip Miller, Peter Kerjhner, William IV-ilmM, l>y Po
fevep Jo/rph Hiejler, James Diemcr, Tbotn.u Bundat, plates.
1 P er 'jamct May, John Otto, John Kcim, Daniel Craetf, Psalm
Sebqftian Miller, Commissioners.
iooo Reading, May the gth, 1796. J^ai
'OCO Tickets in the Canal Lottery. No. i, to be had at the
,000 above olfice, where the carlitft inlormation of the draw- ley 01
, gSO ing of the Washington No. a, and Patterfon Lottery s, Collei
1000 are received, and check books for examination and regif- miltr;
10,000 tering are kept. }
Jcoo oaober 7. aawtf
4 - 450 FOR SALE, Chin.
A f«;w of choice RUM, na^ T 5
A number of barrels of BEEF, and PORK,
And a few kejrs of LARD, of a superior quality.
e Pat" v Enquire at No. 71, north Water-street.
er the November 8, 1796 Itnpo
them t- oi 'J
rchafed For Sale,
tickets /Jy Jehtt Ss* Co*
nd will 15 hh'ds. Well-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, A 1
5 Barrels best Indigo, and, Sheet
w t A few thousand bufhcls'ol Turk's lfland fait.
No - 64 d.
re tick- ° a - 17 ' 7"
Wm. Holdeßnesse, No. 76,
nagers. Has received by the latt arrivals,
A Well Selected Assotimint of
—— Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and
Haberdashery Goods, dr^
j" r "Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, »n the very rcJ {
he renrv terci, ;
the 10th Among]? which are
Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new
Ditto Far nit ure ditto
Ditto Dimity
Tamboured, Bock, and Jaconet Muslins At
Ditto in Gold and Silver
Ditto Neckcloths, very fine
Mantuas of the firft Quality
„ Silk and Cotton Hosiery 1
y Umbrellas of the firft quality, assorted ■
, f lrifh Linens, very fine, and Table Linent
cm e or Marfeillcs and Cotton Counterpanes
Rose Blankets afforted—Sc. &c.
16. d
To be Sold,
Madeira, j me Q f a smart, active Negro Lad,
f)er Who has Eleven years to firrve.
' Enquire at No. 58, South Trent street.
WlP.e, Oflober iS. §
it for im-
To be Let,
A large cellar, in Walnut-street just above Fourth-Street, that
ICS. fiooied with two inch plank, and will hold upwards of ioo
pipes of w:ne.
w&S4\fr Alio, a Stable and Coach-house, that will hold four horj
fesand twa carriages; and fcveral store» in Fourth Street —
t-ftreet, Apply to
George Meade.
DRESS Who has for sale,
. 25 boxes of Call He soap
' Red Lisbon Wine »
public life A few pipes of bill of exchange wiftt 1
nal tcr&i ol A few barrels ol Irifli mess beef
And a few barrek of Ibip bread.
Nov. 4. •*. St.5 t.
Bv Benjamin Daviss,
A"o. 68, Have so
The American Repository of uieiul
information, for 1797* . Ironm
A Calendar for the .year
A roim.lcte K?glller of the Executive, Legislative, And 3 q
and Judiciary Officers of the General Gnvernmeut,
A Lift of die Military Forces 01 the United States.
Port-Office Eftab!i(hir.ent—timei of receiving and A Imall
clofrng the Mails at Philadelphia. Ofiob,
The poll roads and towns, and tlitfr diltances
Times of holding the Supreme, Circuit and Ui.tndt
Courts. . , 1 ,
A table ps "Import duties, alphabetical!/ arranged. former!)
A lift of the cuttom-houfe officers and their tees. year I7<
Rules for reducing the currencies of the ieveral c ), a fed I
fiates into one another, and all of them into the mo- pounds I
c nev of the United States. re l u = fte
THefiii tables of the value of pounds, (hillings and the v-ity
c pence, in dollars and cents. f "
A retrii'ter of "the officers of the civil 3 <Jvernment of Cot, to.
y\ .. y • iliyiirOj
- Pemifyivania. . f '.n-
A gardi.ief's calendar for Pennsylvania.
And a great variety of other articles of ufeful informa- - - t ,'
tion. KmMlifhed with twelve elegant vignettes, an en- pay «vt
graved title-page and frontispiece,—making together, a tn E
handfpme, as well as very ufeful, little pocket companion, go the <
oaoberao. _ _ tcy w'
Celebrated Nezv Work. hi. if th
some th
This Day 'is PublHhcd,
By JOHN ORMKOD, No. -1, in Chefnut Street, (four coan)tf)
Tolumes in two, "neatly bound and lettered, price 2 v-c
---dollars an-i 50 cents,) q ox t0
By theßiv. SIMON OLIVE-BRANCH, A. M. ? r t .
Ore teres modicO Palhnfa radtre Mores
Bd&at, tt ingenm dtfgere luio* V
AUU. PER 3. '
My buErtefs in this State ,
Made rfte a Looker-on here in Vieir.a ; 'I'feil;
Where J have seen corruption boil and Bubble,
"fill it o 3 er inn the flew ; laws for »11 Taults ;
of But faults so counteflfete'd, that the llrcng lUtUteS » w
i 4" Stand like the forfeits in a barber's fiiop, arc 6a.
VC f As much in mSck as mark. Wedns
, r ° s Mcofure for Measure. .: n 6'rde
>co "It appctus from the dedication, that the editor of this an iAi
,00 publication, is the 11 ev. William Roberts,'A. M. F. R. S. i 4r> j c
jco Fellow of Corpus Chrifli College, Oxford; and from the l 0 >he
joo ' lajl Humbcr, that the labor, and coafequtrutly the merit of ,s ol - a r
joo theft pipers, have rested with the editor, excepting otily K fid in
;oc j a f evv contributions pcrticalarly mentioned. Ihe editor •> j, oun d
joo S dfclign ha« bers, as he'himfelf reprd'entfl itj Mto fubllitute Bai'toc
500 ! the forfalten topics of morality, l,ife, nature, and taste, ill vcr y c
50C the room of (hallow politus and news-paper philosophy, and t
coo to betray rtifxi, under tfi ' mask of airinlcment. into serious
and manly thoughts. This ctelign was laudable, and tht
00 execution was meritorious. As literary productions, tinie
periodical papers arc entitled to dillin&ioii; but their high- -
coc eft praifc is, that they are throughout calculated to pro- /f.
rer mote virtue and good manners." sre re
Analytical Review. 14th it
>000 'Lately Publijhed. by J. Ormrod,
gis Condorcet on the progress of the fiuiman mind. t/B , fciig, c
nate Miss Williams' Letters from France, 4/8; Visit tor a
The Week,' j/7 1-2 ; Brown on the r.stural equality of
°f<d men , A J% ; Life of God in the Soul of Man, 3/9 ;
iveo. Aikih's Letters to his Son. yf\ I-i ; Homer s Iliad
nan, i,y Pope, 7/6; I layby's Triumphs of Temper, with
das, plates, {ft; M*fr«-erron tlirTyp<.j, i/y i-x, ScUcV -»'»
Psalms and Hymns for \outh, 1/4 i-a; Burkes Cc- J—. —
lebrated Letter to the Duke of Bedford, i/so i-i. \
Wharton's Atifwer to Prieflly, 1/10 X-Z ; Watson s
Anfwffr to Paine, a/9 1-2 ; Watson's Answer to Gib
. the bon: 1/10 i-i i Cullen's PraiSice, 2 vols, 30/; Bay- And
taw- ley on the Dock Fever of New-York, 7/6 ; Webftei s .
ery's Colleaion on the Yellow Fever, 7/6 Cbaptal's Che- r
regif- miftry, 3vels.ini, 22/6; President's Address, nd;
. Poem 011 do. 1-2; Britifti, Algerine and Spani9i
wtf Treaties, ratified, 2/4 1-st; Travels of Cyrus, French Beid
j and English, % vols. 15/; Win erbotham's History of
I China, a vols. 15/; \\ interbothamS History of Chi-
JM, naj 2 vols, 22_/s—&c. &c. • A
I N»v. 3. eoot
ality Iri-fh Linens, See.
I Imported per the Jbips Glafgoau, from Dublin, Liber
ty, from Cork, and brig Mentor, from Belfajt,
4-4 and 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENS,
In whole and half boxes, a)
Assorted from lid. to 4s. sterling—Also 5-4 wide
j Sheetings, and low priced yarn ihd w'orftcd Hose.
On I/uad,
——— 7-g Widt Lawns.
c I ibiapersand TaMe-CHothi A
* > j A i'*w boxes Tickens and Checks
I A few bajss Flannels J
I Cork and Belfaft Sail Cloth, No«. I and 6 Co[
25 Boxes ■) C 6 t>y 8, of
, 10 Ditto }■ Window Glass, «j 7by 9, ted
and j 5 Ditto J C 8 by 1°- or( j
I The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to the
I drawback, and rvi)l be disposed of by the package on
ie very reasonable terms. _ gj,
James, Clibborn & Englim, tor
No. 6, N. qae
ncw j jojh nio. 19th, | aD
I . —— FC
1 Just Landing, • on
j At South Jtreet'tbharf, from on hoard the flip Sedg
ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Pelerjlurg,
The following Goods :
I Ruflia Sail Duck, firft quality. hf
Do. - Sheeting do. q
| Do. Diaper. OI
j D«. Hockaback. tbl
1 IDo. Omfli. wi
d i Do. Mou'd Candles, 4, j and 6, to the lb. of the (r
J English sue.
I Do. White Candle Tallow. b
_ ,1 Do- White Soap in small bones. ti
) Lad, j jj 0 . Cordage of fine yam. v
| Ravens Duck. <•
J lfinglaft, jft and |snd fort. f
J j Horse Hair uncurled.
1 Ruflia Bar iron. J
1 Do. Hoop Jron. . '
.ha, I Co. Nail Rods. 1
itreet, tn2l 1 , , _ , <
rdsofioo 10 Tons Oakum and Junk.
St. Peterfourg Clean Htmp.
four hor; For Sale by
street— Philips, CramQjid, &
, Oflober ti. §
uide. — 1 —
Washington Lottery.
The 34th and 35th days" drawing of the Washington
Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office No. 234, Mar
ket-ttreet, where tickets may be examined.
N. B. Information given where ticket* in the other
lotteries may be procured.
dijt. November J, 1796. d
John Grekn & Co.
Have for Sale, on low terms, for Caih *r the
A General Afforlmct of
• Ironmongery, Cutlery, Brass and Ja
panned Wares,
And /> quantity of Ground White Lead, and Spauifa
Brown in Oil -nd Powdtr.
A small invoice of Hats, of different qualities
October z6.
The Creditors of Scott and M\MicUid,
formerly merchants of this city, and who fiiled '» <h«
year 176?, or 1764, (and from whom theiubfer. ,ct.par
chafed bills of exchange to amount of fcvtral hundred
■ rounds sterling, which have hm' of him ever fiiice,
requested, eveki man or tukm that is living, t»meet*
1 the City-Tavern on Twttfy, fie 15 th of Novem >•* nett,
at 6 o'clock in the evening, xn order to oblige*
: Coi, formerly of this city, now of New-Jersey, and John
Bayard, formerl) of said city, ami Ipeaker of the Houltf
of AlTambly of said Sails, now ol lir„nfwick. New-juicy,
. affiraees offaid Scott & WMiehad, to come iorwara aad
. pay°over the monies-they hive h\d in their hands
n tntr to the creditors these 31 or 33 years. Some years a
{ro the creditors were called together ; Mr Compear
ed in behalf of himfelf and Mr. Bayard, anJ altered that
they were apprehensive they might b<S brought into trou
ble if they parted with the money (which Upprf icnd :»
10me thoufar.ds,) as his Britannic Majeßy had a debt du;
him for government bills: it was however agreed by the
creditors met, thit the .".fitgnues fhoul l take tl.e PP'»non of
I couni J ; they did so, and it was that they would be Ut*
in dividing the money among tile creditors. I ur-rt Mr.
Cox to bring the bulinafs to a filial close ; lus anjwcr mas,
it-would be but a trifling turn ; my reply was, 11 ever lo
•iriilinjr, 1 woaldhaye my proportion of it. It has how-
lain over. f A
I therefore hope the creditors will now come torwara
and oblige the affigheet to divide whatever they have, and x
ilicv oneht to pay iutcrtft. too.
George Meade.
'Philadelphia, 2d November, 1796. dtljN-
The Creditors of Far. Vleck and Barton,
and William Barton, & Co. (who failed in the year
are sarneftlj requested to m<« at the City-J avci n, on
Wednesday the 9th November, at 6 o'clock in the evening
" in order to oblige the far-wing assignees, Stephen Aufcm,
*« and Andrew Hodge to cloi'e these afTaus. John C hand
s' ler, deceased, who was one of the aflignces, once ' nered
1= to the I'ubfcfibefn_/5 in the pound for his debt, which is
o f for a returned bill of Bcoo guilders, with colts damage*
'y Kfid intereit, and the aflignees have never paid hut j/in the
4 pound, though they advertifeu goods belonging to \> illiam
te Barton & Co. in the year or 17*5. all<i allowed e- '
in very creditor the lil erty of buying to the amount of ioj nt
"1 of their debts.
us George Meade.
f c Philadelphia, Nsvemberld, 1796- dtgN.
o- The Creditors of Clement BidJlc 6c Co,
are rcquefted to meet at the City-Tavern on Monday th»
14th inft.—in order to oblige thetifligntes to a fettlemmt
•f then affairs, Which have lain over thelc twelve ycais:
the fuhferiber's.demand is lor a returned bill o: i,c061. ller
-1 -line, damages -20 per cent, and lutereft.
ra George Meade.
Philadelphia, 3d November, 1796- dtr+N.
The foregiiig advtrtifements are ft goad Jpecimen of
let oiignns'. I could give c: further one it it «ug£ tuc.j.irf-,
Cc- ■ 1
„> s This Day is Publiflved,
ih- Fir the Author, (price X 5 cents)
ay- And Sold by B. DAVIES, No. 68,
jv's , and by th® other BooTcfeUeTs in ine Cuy>
Or, A Purge for a Pill.
nch Beidg an answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, latcjy pttb
/of lifted, entitled, 44 A Vill tor Porcupine.
}hi- To which is added,
A' Poetical Rhapsody on the 1 im^s 5
Describing the Dijajicrs of on bini^rui^
■«* To hear an open Gander ii a curfc,
44 But not to find an answer is a vjorf;."
41 This you get, Booby
her- " Because you wonNl chatter:
, " Since you're for fli»jji>ig d in.
to We'll try who best can fpitter."
5 Paddy Whack'.
November 4.
""" \ ' ' ' '*■ - .
Loft Last Evening,
At Riclteus's Amphitheatr«>, (supposed tj be taken by
frrme tllWll om tif a i;TtrT.i;m*a pock*tj
A red Morocco-Leather POCKE 1-D-OOK7
Containing about lßj dollars in bank notes; three n«te»-
of hand ofßols and bimfon, No. 304, 305 artd 306, ai
ted 12th 1 aft August, payable 60 dafs after date, to the
. order of Paul Siemen, together for j 150 doiler*; anordur
5 of Mrs. Ann lWcpherfon, from Paul Siemen, on 1-™"
? c on j;,; Mac Neal, Esq. at Port-au-Princc,for 100 dollars , b<-
fidts several letters and papers of no use hut to the prflpric
1, tor The notes of hand and order are without endorfe
ftreet. meot. EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD >s oflered to
anv nerfon who will dilcover and secure the thief, and
FORTY DOLLARS for only bringing the -bove menti.
oned notes and papers at No. 129. 1
Se J s . Mulberry streets. d _ _____
LAST Wednesday tvwung, October the
hsursot 7 and loo'clock, the bed loom of Mr Rit keUs in
O'SUei's hotel was entered, cither bv incans of filfe keys,
.or at the window, by some villain or villains, wht» umft have
' been acqusinied wi h the fuuiiioo of the houft (ss the door
, . was found locked after they had committed the theft) who
t " c took away from amongst leveral truuks, ONE which con
tained a valuable part ot Mr. R.ckett's property, but of wnxk
he is not yet abie to afccrtaui the contents particularly.
ter brii.ging the said trunk away, and emptying it o. up
wards of a thousand dollars in caih and bank ngtes, <hc vl1 "
laios left it behind the circus, during the time that the per
formances of tlic evening were going lorward- J
It is carncftly requclted, that all tavern-keepers o»ithe g
roads, and the ferry houses, as well as all civil officers, y
be w«tchft4 in lecuiing suspicious pdrfons, who mjy hav
reduadanee ot Cdth, which their appearance wuuli by
means bespeak them to be poflttfed of.
One Hundred Dollars Reward
Will be given los fccuring the thief or thieves, Mid a ur
k G®, ther reward for fecuf ing thein with the property.
oa »i-
i4,Mar - —No. 119—
the other cHtsiiiiT-srstlT.
4 [Price Kight Do'iars per Acavm.)